Lp Allan nan 0 ¥ #1 y , Pembroke & Canadian Railways. $r y TE i i o SAIS, ho S0 sacislsl = Mapas = i ; Wednesdays aod Fri intermediate points. ving Kington; ns 11:80 om. *. 50 Lm Rog «Rd am. : tne QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE F a p, Desetomto . all Joon! Eo CERES LN SYSTEM ohnston street. Traine will leave City Depot, Foot of He : GOING EAS : an dally. No. 8 daily, 5, LIL 12 ld 19, all Steamiships. Liverpool Service. in FROM PORTLAND. 28 - wen Ween wie he Ra TES oF PASSAG! y Single, $90 retum; i Third Class, $25 . the oR edltorraneas. an tun, Feb: 30h. Spl. oie (ators apiaiigel I 28th i Spasious Lire mM of at EB, 1 in effec The Tidings From Various Points Iu Essters Ontario--What Peo- ple Are Doing and What They Are Saying. ------ 3 Joyceville Jottings. Joyeeviile; Dee. 31, --Miss Lena Don aldion has rettried after spendiag tle summer at Lethbridge, NW x Ye. nnd Mrs, CG. Thofapson Bave - re turned + to Portsmouth afro Jwit {:ionda here. A baby boy bas ami at of. Grey's. Visitors: Mrs. J. Pell mnd Mise Florence Donaldson, Routh Lake, at P. Blake's; I. Stack, at W. Franklin's; Mes and Miss Boutty, Hartington, at J. Creve Al bert Donaldson spent Christmas | at home. Cole Lake Loeals. 'Cole , Jan. }.~The patily at J. was 8 success. Mr. and Mes, Dennison haye retarped to Min- nesota after visiting friends here, Shooting watch at G. W. Killin's on Christmas day was 8 success, Mrs. G. W. Killin's is ill with tonsilitis. The boys. all' returned to the shanties after spending Christmas at bowe. Visitors : Mrs, J. McMahon, with her jarents, Mr. and Mrs. G Kitlind a G mn and Mise Bugterill, at J. E. Campbell's, nod Me dod Mrs. J. Shillington and J. Lennon, at T, Coulter's. a a Back From Manitoba, Flinton, Dee, 30.-The Christmas tree "at the Methodist church at Flin ton on the 24ta wis a great success. Proceeds, 352. "The Christmas tree at the town hall. on the 26h. gottén up By the ladies of the English ¢hurch, was the most sucesssful ever held in conne tion with that" ¢hurch. The programme was first-class. Peoceeds, £34. Robert Hornich is visiting his parents near Fliutor] afier an absence of six years in Manitoba and western Ontario. John Andrews is visiting Lis folks near Flinton. after an absence of four years spent in Manitoba. a--_ Bolingbrook Breezes. Bs aghrook, Dec." 81.-~The party at W. Norris' on Christmas night wes a succes. 'The shooting, usateh at 8. Jowdall's wah Well _attedied. Mrs. MeMumm and Mrs. Fowler are conval vient. Miss Annie MeKsen wae uni: ted in marfiage to Me. Plercin, Tich- borne, on Tuesdpy. Mr. and Mrs, W. Neil, Swith's Falls, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Watson. Mrs. J Fowler, Perth, called on friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie Eiited at Ped ford, 'Mr. and Mrs, J. Norris, Perth, Deagon's: George Coxhili, Smith's Falls, at 7. Norris'. \ et sp Star Corner's Twinklings. Wa: Corners, Dec. 28. ~The annual school meeting was held: on Thursday. William Lake returned last Tuesday from Canandaigua, where he has been pmploved for the past few months, The Christmas tree ir the Methodist church, Murvale, on Monday evening. wa a decided Miiccess. © A Jarge. nom: ber of our citikens attended the Odes When The Bowels Are Constipated y: Hes .h Cannot be Good--Digestion and (Other ~Bedily Functions Cannot Le Properly Performed ~Pr. Chase's -Kidney-Liver Pills. The haractér of food, sedentary halyits; and neglecting the calls of na- ture may be set down es the usual onatex of constipation. The acoowm. panying derangements arc indigestion, dyspepsia, stomach troubles, liver and kidney diseases, and an endless am- ount of pain and saffering. Poisonous imporities, when lef? in the blood, are: bound to find lodginent in some wok spot of the system, and the ro: sult fs disease of the moat deadly na: ture. {6 i4 'a 'serious matter to negleey constipation. You may do so for 4 time, only to find that your health has been undermined hy boldily = de rangements of the most fatal kind. You should have a movement of the, bowels every Joy. To accomplish this, avoid donteatiated foods, use vegita- bles and, fruits Trtely, "and take ove of Dr Chase's Kiduey-Liver Fills be joke. retiving, two or three times a weak, or ofteper if Wn "DE. hes Rigo iver Pils. are cathartic, They have a shined action on the ki liver, and bowels, and con sequently cure constipation, and he accompanying derangements, thor- | onghly and. well, by. etmoving the cases, For the i faistion ose who ure mot yee familiar wi pe Tor . Chase's Kidney: Liver Pills, we might add that they are pyrely 4 and 1 not an ordinary Be sil i och @ the Bn ~~ ui ven in cases of are per with weak et, chronic liver ws t68 on' Christmas night. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Boves and daughter, Syd enham, spent Christian day 81 BW. Loke's. Miss Sarah lake is renewing i acquaintances in Sydenham. -------- A New Year's Gift. Sydenham, Jan. 1.~The Chriftmas] night * entertaiiigent, given by the Sabbath #chool of 'the Methodist churdh, netted $64. Rev. "W. Brown, Sharbot Lake, octupied the pulpit of his father on Sebbath last and weadhed to the edification of his carers. Rev, C8. Shorey wes pred wanted on Christmas day, with "Mor ris easy chair, the gift of the mem! here of the aul society. Dr, and Mes, Tovell were presented with a New Year's git in the-form of an infant son, Bath Nominations. Bath, Jan, 2~Our nomivations passed off very quietly, br. 5. 8. Northmere was elected, reeves by ac clamation. The following are nomin- ated - for eouncitlors : . Jobn Forrester, Silas: Burley, George A. Wartman, Robert Mott, BR. RB. Finkle and Lo. A. Aylesworth. . For trusiees George A. Wartmwan, Jobn Forrester, H. 8. Northmore and Rev. F. T. Dibb. John Irish, fireman on - G.T.R., was badly burned on Friday last by scalding oil, but ia better. Misses Grace and Hattie Rowse. attended the bachelor's ball at Napanes this week. Two Marriages Noted. Sharbiot Lake, Dee, 31:--~The Christ filas entertainment in the Methodiss church was & Success. The children were woll trained and the drills wire fine, Prizes were gl n to each sho Jar. F. 8. Bradford and H. Hafan, Moscow, gaye friends a call last week Miss Mabel Kilborn is spending the holidays with her pavents. = William Hawley and Maggie Thomiiason wore married at the parsonage on Christ mas duy, Miss Edna Pratt, Zealand, spent a few days with 'rieas here, Charles Morris, of this place, and Mise Shortt, Smith's Falls, were rawrried on Toeadad. We are glad to have Felgar Finn incor mdse again. Presented With A Purse. Mountain Grove, Jan, 1.~The Christmas entertainment was well: at- tended and a handsome sum realized. A purse was presenfed to Rev. Mr. (lark. Mrs. F. G, Flyon is slowly re covering. The nomination passed off very quietly, the reeve and. councillors being pe in by acclamation. Mx, and Mrs. J. A. Coulter are yisiting . at Sterling. Rev. and Mrs, Clark' are spending holidays at Rismount. Am ong recent visitors "were F. Trous dale and Mr. and Mes, Henry Coul ter, New York, at William Coulter's: Mr. and Miss Estes at S. Abbott's; J. Morley andl Miss Morley, West brook , ab _ C. Fox's; Mrs Wilson Campbell - and Mrs. G. Ritson, God frey, at A. Thompson's. Willi Move Westward, Vennacher, Bec. 31.-Jobn Gilmour arrived me from British Columbia, hale and hearty an. Christinas. eve. He is reatly taken up with that nr. To sought a, place' and in tepds moving there in March, The dn nual school meeting was beld on the 20th... Mr. Piipm was .me-elected tous wee. (1. M. Behee, ~Jusias Sweetham and Samuel Buflam ace . the trustees again fof next year. Mr, TR engaged as ther again. F. 8: Wart man will hold a political meating here on the 2rd inst, We are to see Mr. Barrett around again alter his illness. ts. G. W. Sweetnam is convalescent. Miss Mchellan, Mata watchan, was the gust of Mrs, W. Conner. ym A Christmas Present. Newboro, Dee. 30.~A young sou ar rived ai. the home of J. C. Stanton on Christmas day. The various Sup day school ersacies are ail over and wergAmilliapt) afiais. At a re vent. v ing of . Court Isthmus, No. , LOE, the followiag oflicers were C.D.H.CR., xT P. Tetts P. R., JJ, ££. Green; C.R., Thomas, Bier; V.C.R., AuF. Biyden, treasurer, JJ. E. Dier; recqnung secretary, George S. Dincas; financial secretary, RO. Leggett; orator, Rev, J. Ww. ipsha: organist, J. H. Singleton: S.W., Wil liam Canning; J.W., Jd. H. Lyons; S. B., R. avlors J.B, D. Moriarty. Mise Helen' Dargaval, Elgin, is visite ing with Mis. Rev.) Grout. A young son was 'recontly horn tw Mr. and Mrs. 8. Wright, Leech's Corners. 'After Thirty-five Yéars. Cedar Valley, . Dees A number from here attended. the Christinas tree in Toledo, J. C. Howley, Afigona, I< the guest of her sister, Mey, Thomas Rogers, aiter an absence of thirty-five years. Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson, Premeott, are nding holidays - Ne ee. R. Wi Miss ester Haut is spending 'a jew days with her ant, Mrs. Yellow. W. Rabin wd J. Gal 0 1 ig spent Christmas ands: r. hd Ne Aide rs' ape visiting bir TH Pelow Kine pes dl oe place on 20th Aday bre. "Stewart Walker, ie! owner' of the saw mill propesty, "from W. J. Kewton. Visitors Ivy and R"Hatgar Porter Rr. Swit Sgn; J. ton, Lowell, Mass. Jigs fi iin - [McCoy and Tamily, Jhiting friends this locality, = are being tained | ceturning to the city: on aecount their two _ youn stricken down wit Mrs. George Lucas, friends on Chrisunas day. were also entertained 1t ihe homes of Mr snd Mee. A. MN. Boyder. Mr. andy Mre. J. H. Lucas spent a poriion of | their holidays with friends at Mos vow. Mr. and Mrs. = Miles Snyder spent a few days with friends in Port: land township. Migs Buphema Snyder, visting frends in the vieinity of 'Wil ton, has returned howe. William Hartman is visiting his sister, Mes A. NM. Snyger Inverary Items. ) Inverary, Dec. 31.-R. Clark asd fannly have moved into the village. ro Bustin, Kingston, has moved in to the toll pate house, while the fir- wer tenant, J. Sears and family, have moved into their nose "en Church street. 8 Tarhwell parce was tendered J. Darling at his father's. He intends to return 'to Copper ChE, where heshas been engaged ingaining. A horse "belonging to J. Asselstine was Kied in the moving of a barn belonging to J. Sears. LL. Tolls Jost a quantity of oats, stolen from his barn. A washer from other places attended the Holiness convention held bere on Uhristmas day. R. Patterson and Miss M. Connors are at Mrs. R. Patterson's. Mrs: J. Moote (fomterly Frankie Ferguson) is ab her father's. Miss L. Clark at Dr. Freeman's; Miss Elmer at 7. Thompson's; Mrs. 8. Arthurs and daughter ut J.-N. Hol- mes' meneles. Sunbury Signals. Sunbury, Dec. 31. Thomas Spooner, for many years a resident in the vil lage, snd who Ras for a limited time resided in Chicago, is for a few duys in this locality visiting Jriends, Gor- don Waldron will shortly move to the city, to permanently reside. Bride has done a large fur trade in this Jocality the past month. Sun buty cheese factory closed a few days ago for the season, and will shortly fave its final neeting. Our new whool will be opened for pupils the coming veaf, and is a credit to the commupity. Mr. and Mes, Charles Smith, Chicago, are spending a few days with his father, near the village. A. & G. Garrett are doing a good butchering trade. The Christmas kree gathering conducted by the army LOS cors, on Monday evening, was largely attended. A fine programme was giv en. Alfred Garrett is now a licensed 'auctioneer, Mo- Her Worle Appreciated. Brewer's Mills, Deg. . 31. ~Many "of the pupils regret the departure of their teacher, Miss McCallum, after having taught thém for the last six years. They present r with a handsome manicure set. Miss 8. Anglin will be teacher for the coming year. Mid night masd™ was celebrated in St. Bacnaby's church on Christmas eve, the church being tastefully decorated. The choir sang beautifully, after be ing carefully sanght by Mrs. Connel ly, Perth, who presided ai the organ, assisted by vielin music. rendered by A. Keys. During the mass Mr. Con- pelly, who possesses 'a beautiful" tenor voice, Sang. "0. Holy Night" and "Adeste Fideles," with touching effect. The children also sang: very beautiful: ly on Christmas morming. On. Mon day evening. the members of 8t. Barn aby's choir presented Mrs. Connelly with a magoificent parlor lamp, ss a token of ir appreciation for her kindness «during - her visit, One Of The Early Settlers. Matawatchan, Dec, 26.----The shoot ing match at 'W. Strong's on Christ mas for turkeys was well attended. A Targe number of turkeys were, taken. J. Hutter succeeded in carrying off gleven. Walter Barcy died in the hos pital 8% Renfrew on December 5th. His remains; were taken for burial to White Lake, where he was 'brought up, and where his friends still live, i wad among the early Settlers who came to Matawatchan to take up fapd, THic place was then a bound loss foresi, 'the only way of gétting in and oud being by way of the river Madawaska, there peing no roads. The nearest store and grist mill were forty miles away: J. Gilmour passe here on the Bed on 'his way to 'his home in Vennachar looking hale and hearty, after a' year spent in the It bering districts of the Rocky moun: tatas, Visitors © Med, KX. "Avery, Bole over, 'at her father's, J. Wilson; Miss Fila Ball, Vennachar, at H. Huntér's, ¢ Verana Views. Verona, Jan. 2.~The boll and oys fer supper at the Union hotel, last night was of its usual festclasy char: facies. About 'thicty couple were pre cent, including sevecal irom hingston. Dancing was Kept. up until an. ecafly hous this morning. Randall & Grant's ore a supplied excellant apsic. H. B. Wartelsky enjoying such a heavy teade during' the holidays. has' found it necessary to 'increase hi: staf of dorks. Wargy Wemp, Rath, spent Sun the ori Was returned after an absence in pouto ex OVER wit Years, et Tienes. Toke, aaa - Briggs Lake, ~'speat Christmas at her mothers; Mrs. IL. Stotms, of Ure ax Oo and w in {heir parents. A load of young yeo- fr plo from Cataraqui ana a oad Lom ol Gleayale -drove i daughters . being Wiles, on Friday 3 Mr. and [a good time. le sr. entertained Oeorge Kiel and famly; A number moving to Eiginburg on the Srst of wus Randsomely ducornted and the \ rin rego uy Bopvoi _-- rs ip ds Re remarke ok edening, and report are sofry to lose they vod the wear. Kathleen Orsef and Howard Kiel, on the sick list, are impros ing. Sold The Cheese Factory. Bongard's Corners, Bec. 3i ~The Waupooss cheese and buttér company have sold their factory to H. Carter, cheesequaker. Miss Clara, Hill, Gion ofa, is our wew school teacher for 1902. A good many from here atieod el the sehool® entertainment ia For eaters' Hall on Chrisumas eve, and ve wort a geod time, Mr.'and Mes. T. Ja eptertained a few friends on Friday evening. The Misses Briscoe, with their brother, attended a party al Mr. Hopkia's, Glesora, on New Year's night. R. M. Stanton bas re turned. after . an absence of several fnonths. Visitors: J, C. Boogaard, Se, and Mrs. T. Bongard and Mrs, H. { Cameron, at H. Kingsley's, Green bush, on Christmas day: Mr. and Mes, J. H. Harcson at FE. A. Wil liams'; Miss Sarah. Bradley in Tren ton: Lena Ackerman, at J, Bradley's: Nina Bongard, Picton, at XR. Bon part's: W. J, McCormack and sister, and Miss Emily Hathers, of oJ. Mil ler's, Black Creck; Harel Kingsley and Fdna Wav, Picton, at Thomas Bon gard"s: Arthur Minaker, with Fred. Cameron: Mrs. Johu J. Williams, Pic ton, at 8. A. Toby's . Mississippi Musings. Mississippi, Doe. 31 .-A 'number en joyed an old time sleigh ride, accom panied. by the masic. of cow-bells, din ner bells, fog horns and. good lusty cheering and singing. The closing ex ercises of the public school Were well attended, The children aequitted themselves very creditably. The trus (ees, Isaac Allan and Peter White, favored. all hy two appropriate ad dresses. The teacher, Mr. Storms was the recipient of many beautiful presents from the scholars. testifving their esteem and love for him. At the close a treat was distributed among the children. Charles Warner and fam- ily removed to Folger last week to keep a boarding house. Their many friends, while . regretting their depar ture, wish theni every success in their new home. My Warner was an acuve member in both LOOF. and the R. oF. of T. and will be greatly missed. Miss Nellie Steele, Canvlen, N.Y., is visiting her parents. She will be ac companied by her sister, Gertie, on her voturn to New York next week Mre. Lyons; teacher at Snow Road, is moving into the house lately vacated hy Charles Warper, Miss A. MeKin pon is visiting her, parents for a couple of weeks. John Bussell, working at Sudbury for a fow months, is visiting kis home Mrs. T. J. Hampton, Lil lie' Mii, spent New Year's with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Clark. Two Christmas Concerts. Wilton, Jan. 2---The 'At Home'- 'given to the Presbyterian Sunday school, Tuesday evening, in' lien of a Chuistmas tree was well attended, the church being full. Music was provided by Mys. William Mills' gramaphone, and by the choir; solos and duets by Mrs. Bernard Mills, and Mrs, Chas, Neilson, Rev. W. Cramm oc cupied the chair very ably, supplying a suitable reading. The pleasant en tertainment was closed by a short, pithy speech by Rev. D. C. Day, which was much appreciated. Coffer, to. W, Clack's, | {| CARPENTERS' andwichés apd dike were abundantly served. The collection in aid of the Sunday-school amounted to nearly $10. The remains of Herbert Redden, son of Nelson Redden, Muarvale, were interred in the vault here on Tuesday. Deceased had been -ill for about thres veats. Mrs, Rose, who died st the home of her sgter, Mrs. George Pet ers, Thorpe, war placed in the vault vosterday. The concert on Chrisunas evening in aid of of the Methodist Sunday-school was well attended, the procesds amounting to over $21. The programme oonsisted of choruses, re citations, and tableaux by the school, the singing by the children deserving #pe-ial mention. Soloe were given hv Mes. CC. Neilson and Miss Florence Lake, Murvale, and a duet was sung by the former and Mes. D. C. Day The chair was well occupied hy Rev. D. C. Day, and Blake Switzer api ear ed as Santa Claus, --_------ A Fine School Concert. Ballantyne's Station, Dee. 31 enjoyable entertainment was held in the fourth concession school-house, hy the pupils onthe evening of Friday Ath. Iv reflected great gradit on thelr teacher, Miss Hyssop, as mack time 'and energy must have been expended in their training. A ppréciative ag divoge wos in atte pe, while the children repdeiod a pleasing pro gramme, consisting of songs, recite tions; . diills atid dialogues. ~ Little Frank Edgar delivered an address bi welcome in a bright and happy man ner. The singing, which combined Christmas and patriotic compositions was charmingly rendered. The dia: lognes were umigue and attractive, es pecially one, "The Rainbow," per formed by seven girls, dressed in the ppresontative colors, viz, Rose Ed gor, Enmna Cutis, Ethel Curtie, Fd. ith MeMaster," May Michell, Edin Ed gar and Lirrie Wilson: ead one "Reading A Leia," by fas bows; viz, Willie Ballantyne, James Mit chel, Fred. Curtis and Thomas and Joseph = MeMuster: The "school roca > ~ An Christmas tree a glittering spattacle of beanty. Alter divpeosing. with the some presents given to all ' ty gifts wae vender { | { ! { § Loucks SPECIAL TO BRITISH WHIG READERS. Wishing to Introduce a i In every part of the cotniry wm wil) make she folleviog wifer We will mail for 106, in stamps, a fail Be tex of our. pills ss ere Kunratend "0 ohire Dyspepsin and Navows Dios ee. Buti 81 the same tame we will make you a prppesition by which you can obtain a Free Walsh or a Berliner Gramophone Write today and addres to, 2 COTE & CIE, Bie, Rimouski Co. P.Q. x a emmretomtrereetoee SECOND-HAND GOODS Bought and Sold. frighest oush price paid for secolid ham dothing, boots sind shoes, furniture, stoves, all kindy of bowsshold goods, Drop a post al card and wo will spit on you. 1. ZACKS, 271 and 273 Princess Street, Swond door below Corbett's establishment A targe stock of mew clothing, gent's lor aishings, jewellery, and musical Hwiroments st close prices undertaking Seasonable, Delicicus and Healthy, the MAGI CALE- DONIA WATERS suit ev- ery occasion. Sold by best hotels, clubs and gro- cers everywhere. onto nt PER CENT, REDUCTION OFF TOOLS. Ask Por Trading Stamps. STRACHAN'S HARDWARE. STRAIGHT BUSINESS W. Murray, Jr. Auctioneer and Commissicp Merchant. Market Saimre, the summons was quite sudden, The remains were interred in the evmetery hers on the following Sunday, Rey. R. Tewin, Anglican ufinister, officiat oi, Skating is good again and phe voung © people are enjoying thew selves, Joseph Guest ia pow stasbyr in Picton. with his brother John. The swhool exhibition in the school. house on the evening of the Zrd, wis fn success. The school" house well filled ud Ue programe pro nounced good. Andrew James, Green hush, and Miss Mary Reid, this place, united in matrimony ot the residence wf the laticr's brother's Athol, on th inst, by The happy couple thea lait Hamilton. At the mecting on Thursday of the sharsholder Mack River checse company, F. Brighton, kired for EeReON, Gioodinan i WHE wWhs of were fev, canoi for man, Was ing My dor was 68 mills por pound of ches and furnish otorvibing required. Ther were Mr. Goods tien seven applicants, highly recom Taxt forllo &8 3 Rovul fe ut atpeet in this Miss Nellie ningait and Willinm sud Mins Picton, at R. A Dusen, Picton, at Miss B. Palen, Hibbs Foates Hulse wi aR ven §, Hubb'ss John Van his parental hon Picton, at J { and Mra: Geshiam fats doneph Hughes Anite "a Mr. and and children Wellington Warblings. Wellington, Jan, 2.-=Frel and Hilton Reynolds hnve from Dwifalo w Mary Williams, only daaghier of and Mes. C.J Williams, was mermed to ton, Owen Beand, atl December 30th. She © recipient of many wseful pre efits After the serppiony the compady sat down toa Pamptaous repast. ihe and geoom left con Tuesday for thet hone. Mise Howard, Montreal, who has, with Hev, AFend Brov be gaged in rival work at Bloomfield iit dor her howe on Seturday. Their saecoss is. worth mentioning, thers! ing cightv-iwo eg Brown's timely ofl A #1 Blsself to his sowgrerdtion #1 neih Pech god Nise MacStonbe, have 'commenced their sghood dati My. and Miz, Juwes Symer, their son Chatles and Thomas Chrisgguas with friends here. Mr. and Ts ae Powers, whe arrived Dakote last weik, will remain visit fay Iridmds for shout three foontha. The hawenl of the late 8. F Thursday last woe largely aitended. Rev. canon Loucks officiated. Mrs. T A. Kawkin has been roufined 5 the botss through Hhbealch. 1 Vo Jae obs and andson, Norman Mordos kaw Insley returned uf Henry Nor her home, or wie hich noon ODE wie K Seinson spent from Niles on secccessscsacseess - dhs Splendid | New Year's Gifts A Cheerful Christmas sentioent tion ebout cheerful - celebrat rie hel You only faye unless you Scranton Coal oom so much desired . C i: y ant i [HE RATHBU Genuine Carter's OUR 'TOPROUND" me cannot be beater no wonder, for. mever has money and qua'ity so foudly as in. these, : cannot afford to miss thei if you wish to save moneys and see : he Little Liver Pills.