THE DAILY BRITISH ---- YEAR. NO. 3. KINGSTON, ONTARIO. SATURDAY. JANUARY 4, 1908, -- | WHIG, Usilon Men ! TAKE NO NOTICE. so POR ALDERMANIO HON- hy te Kingston Trades snd Ward ...A, E. Elmer. wc Wm. Quinn. . Hy. Angrove. . Jos. Hipson, Ward, out ~ Reb. Wright. At Your Own Price. Sellir, it. greatly reduced prices. 'and secondshan Gladstones. and see and get a ns Bound to sell. Janse Laturney, PRINCESS STREET. "SHOP. TALK. Hbvg 'you aver noticed she difference in the Boms suits aod some aw though thoy hed a clothes' wringer. Ceuse why? They wire not" built right, Just suite bere? Bulle on clothes Worn by your iriends ? look ail - bets bin' throw together, A) Howor, 3. R; JOHNSTON. Kirkpatrick's ART STORE Was Never More Attrac- - tive Than at Present. We have now the Most Extensive atook 'of BEAUTIFUL PICTURES FLERE MUSIC METHOD. s Mise dts Se Fo OLASSES FE OPEN or particulars Bx No. MANO WANTED. A + off balance of stock Th NOTICE. 'A MEBTING WILL BE HELD AT RE. ot wight Coles. Lion Block, WAM fur workers snd irionds < [ie A 10 W TE WINTER, t uprigbt Plans, wotld be wiv Toa of care, . Apply through LOCAL MEMORANDA, 3 : a. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. No ows van rive whi, slighte bis work. General hospital goververs meet, 4 p.m. Monday Plata facts plainly stated make the advertisemmy 8. The sun rises Sunday at 7:34 am, rete wt 43% pm. Municipal elections Momlay; 9 am, whil 5 pm Annual meeting, Bush Rosd cvmpnny, day at 1] am. No Jusivess is so A tut that sdvertis- ing will 'nmke it betier. Hope is all right when mixed with so equal amount of "bustle. Most things grow dmaller as they sre com tracted, except debris Dom's try to be funny with peoples who are wnable to appresiate wit Classes in the Hoysd military college amd public schools will be resumed om Morsay Why is the fireplace like Wystminiiar Ab- bey 7 Because it containe 1bé ashes of the gate (great) Miss Martin's kindergarten snd primary claimed reopen Monday, January Bib, corner William sod Barris streets This day in the world's Rintory ~~Rritish, uhder Gen. French, repel Boer atiack, 1899; West liddies discoversd, 1492; Germens bom: fard Paris, 1871; treaty of pence betwen Spain amd United Slates transmitved to United States @pnate, 1899; Emma Abbott died, 1891: Sir Isane Newton born, 164%; Suffuld regiment loses heavily mm engagement at Héneshurg, 1899; troaty between Fug lene sand United States sighed, 1784; battle of Toronto, 1838; Bir Jossph Hickson, of Gras Trunk RH, ded, 1897; woven unis ters of Bowell ministry resign, 1896, best and polling from Mon Eclipsed at Lass, The old Puases i new your enol the et, the day of new things We Are In The Lead For the newest ard the bat. om Inspieasion to offer better things then ever. We are sclipsing daily all onr past of ROBERTSON BROS. BROS. CAND J CONCERT |, Tuesday Evening, Jan, 7th, A an Quartette Of A.i.lsts. Harold Jarvis, Detroit, Tenor - Robusto, Owen A. Smiley, Eniertainer, Frank E. Blachiged, Solo Vieliniet. Spencer Jones, Accompanist, Tickets 28¢., 35¢. dd 80c., at Uglow's book-store. Plan open to 3 D. a RAE; Manager. n ww GASOLINE ENGINES FOR SALE. 4, « ad 12 Hors power, $4 ors, smooth runing sad reli rosming after the 10th inst, st Davis & Sons, Selling Agents. NOTICE. TRADES AND LABOR (COUNCIL SPECIAL mevting is called for, SATURDAY EVENING, Jannary 4th, at eight Slack. All embers are requested to be presen J AMES O'Reilly, tary PERSONAL. YOUNG WOMAN, AGED 21, JUST COME into possession of $14,000, would corre spomd with respectable man, who would date good wile. MH. R, Box 2508, Turonte, Can. 3 » Hr Bios hem. ae + POOKS BY MAIL, 35¢ HOW TO HYPNO- tise, David's Dream Book Portage Tole Fortune Teller. House, Ried Poul, inn pO YOU Rov YOUR FUTURE? IF NOT Ne Hill Sablon, a. Bupa Ret and ribdate, popiy, ves information in Sisk wondertul o Sire, FOR SALE. A CHOICE NEW MILCIH COW AND CALF. at rs. Frank Brooks', From Rowe. Pittibmrg ed ee ---- FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY A FIRST Fass for $26.50 cash. When King Edward's Coronation Takes Place, vermont intends to participate in Se corona coronation of king Fdward in a manner befitiing the dignity and im- of a great nation. There is be a naval bop play at Cowes dur: ing coronation week and the adminis tration thet the Ame rican navy yap be ¢ Bat in Ri more warships are to the 3 thy LE Admiral nshiclds will reels in the § in the grand i hers edend to te ed piney wend a special EEE STR arIREIIESS HT al | dam near Washington, Jan. 4.~The American |. 70 EET A DEMANDS Toe Actual Amoust Of The Gift Upstated. WILL BENEFIT CHIEFLY THE MIDDLE CLASSES. Sir Ernest Cassel, Now in Egypt, Will Visit England Soon--A Working Alliance With Ger- many Suggested to Check United St ' Advance In Bouth America. Londen, Jan. 4.--~The adv iB mittee which is to supervise th® ap- plication of the gift of one million dollars for the better tréatment = of tuberculosis refuses to confirm or deny any of the reports regarding: the iden- tity of the donor. This is in deference to the king's express wish for secrecy. A member of the conguitiee states : "The scheme is intended to benefit chiefly the lower middle class, clorks and shop assistants, while there will be twelve beds, for more wealthy peo- ple, who may prefer an institution un- der royal patronage to .a private sanitarium, and who at the sae time would. be benefiting the resources of the institution." . This comihitteeman = said that the figure of a millisn dollars, which had been published, was uhauthorized and Ms Powers To Intervene. Paris, Jan, 4.~The Cour- jer Du Soir publishes an- other report to the effect that the United States is preparing the way fer inter- vention by the powers in South Africa. SPP HPPON and refused to amount beyond the purely hypothetical divulge the actual stating that it was sufficient for object sought to be obteined. Sir Ernest Cassel, * the millionaire financier, widely mentioned as the donor, is now. in E om. and will visit India before Eo to England. The Saturday Rev Ee to-day, prints a remarkably free-spoken editorial in which it strongly advices "Great Brit- ain to form a working alliance with Germany in order to check the com- tinued, and apparently inevitable, ad- vance of the United States into South America.' itt LOST IN THE BLIZZARD. Young Glengarrian Was Badly Frozen. ay ts Jan. 4.--The New matred in Keoyon by | op sixth concession. A merry party of some twenty young mien, living in the fifth and sixth concessions, were visit ing on New Year's night from house to house und enjoyed the hospitality of the neighbors. About twelve o'clock they all left the house of Mrs. Kennedy excepting a youl man pamed Hugh Springficld Macdoenell. After the party leit he decided to fol- low, and left the house for the. pur pose of going home. When about two acres from the house he was overcome by weakness and fell in his tracks. A perfect blizzard was raging and when found three hours afterwards his hands were both frozen to the wrists, as well as his feet and his nose. "He was found by a young French boy and con- veyed to the home of Mrs. Kennedy, and Dr. McLennan, of Alexandria, sent for. The doctor did all he could for the poor fellow, who remains in a very precarious condition. His father is a very estimable gentleman, Allan Springfield Macdonell, who at one time "studied law in the office of the late John Sandfield Macdonald. A RUDE. SURPRISE. Cuts Hole in Ice And Man's Head Pops Up. Halifax, Jan. 4.--William McKenzie, a miner, twenty-six years old, disap- peared from his home at Glace Bay on December 15th. Yesterday after- noon Thomas Mclean, a lourteen- year-old boy, was skating above the the town, and he cut a hole in the ice to get a drink. As he did so the head of a man came up through the opening, and the boy ran terror-stricken to his home. When the body was taken from the water ii was identified as that of McKenzies. Lots Of Wreckage Seen. Victoria, B.C., Jan. 4.~The steamer Queen City, which arrived last night from a long run up the west coast of Vancouver island, brings a report of a great amount of wreckage, strewn along the coast from Carmangh point to cape Scott. The principal have been dome o- to the straits and {sistant at the Times' Jat) fon cc dent "Which happened in the. These latter were virtual owner, the bank of Montreal. BLOWITZ LEAVES TIMES. 4 Correspondent. Resigns His Post On London Paper. M. DE BLOWITZ. London, Jan. 4.--The Candid Friend says that M. de Blowitz has resigned the Paris correspondence of the n- don Times, retires to private life, and is sucoveded by' Arthur' Fullerton, an Aweriean. Henri de Blowitz, an Austrian by birth, heeame a naturalized French citizen at the time of the 'Franco-Ger- man war, and entered the service of the London Times in 1871. He is now sixty-nine years of age. - For the last thirty years he has been the chief mie- dium through which the London Times has drawn its information on French affairs, owing to persohal acquaint ance with the chief political person- ages of 'the time. Arthur Fullerton, referred to as the IN IMPORTANT On Postal Telegraph Service B Seca And Land, BY SIR SANDFORD FLESH. ADVOCATES STATE-OWNED CA- AND TELEGRAPHS. Canada The Only British Country in Whickk These Are Not Held By The State--An Able State ment to The Postmaster-Gen- eral. . Ottawa, Jan. 3.-8ir Sandford Fleming has written a losg letter to Hon. William Muloek, pestmaster eral, regarding "The Postal fete. graph Service by 'Sea and Land," which would practically hring into near néighberhood all the king's sub jec ts in beth kemispheres. 'It appears to me.'" hé sayd, 'thas it would be advisable to lay the new enable across the Atlantic on a route dintinet from and to the worth of the zone in which the existing tfans-At- lantic cables. are laid, but whatever route may be selected, it may be fo garded as reasonably certain that the undertaking would cost about $2,000, 000, and that the charges for intersst and sinkihg fund to replace capital, together with the cost of operat ard "the cst _ of maintgnee, weulc reach $166,000 per annuni. "The state'owned Atlantic with a twenty word per minute vice, woula be capable of = cable, ser- transmit successor of M. de Blowitz as correspondent of the London Times, is William Morton 'Fullerton, a Boston ian, who has been 'M. de Blowitz's as- Paris bureau for teii years. THE LIBERAL WILL WIN. Victoria, B.C., Will Réturn a Sup- porter of Government. Ottawa, Jan. 4.--<The speaker of the house of commons has been waiting patiently since the early part of ldst month for the report of the judge who tried the Victoria, B.C., election case, but still it is not to hand, and the government cannot ise She writ until it has been receivpd. Drury is the liberal candidate, -- will be elected 'no; matter whether there is a contest or not, Aylication will be made to the parliament of the dominion of Canada at its next session for an act to in corporate the Canadian manufacturers association. with all necessary rights and powers. Application will also be made for an act to incorporate the Eswex terminal railway company, wn- der the provisions of the railway act, to construct, maintain and operate a railway from some nt in the town of Wa havville through the townships Sendwich Fast and Sandwich West yo the city. of Windsor to some point in the town of Sandwich, Prof. B. Btone Wiggins anhounces that be is going to take action to upset signor Mareoni's patents on his wireless telegraphy. The professor says Meréoni stole his ideas and should not be allowed to enjoy the benefits of another's pioneering. -.MOME WITH A FORTUNE: After Being Youd as Dead by Family. New York, Jan. 4.~J. W. Rees, who, up to 1897 was salesman for a New York woollen house, has return- ed home after being mourned a4 dead, says a special to the Press, from Lockport, N.Y. He is back from the Klondyke a rich man. He left Juneau on December 6th, hoping to get home in time to give bis relatives and friends a pleasant Christiias surprise, but was delayed by storms. He left New York in Au gust, 1807, for Seattle, and was one of the pioneers who cut the trail through to Dawson City, occupying four months in going forty miles of the Skaguay. He exchanged his sur- plus food for rich claims. Rees brought back $10,000 in gold, and owns valuable mining interests near Atlan, British Columbia, which he will work on his return there next spring. Has Corralled Output. Vancouver, B.C., Jan. 4.--Mr. Wey- hauser, the white pine lumber king, of St. Paul, has secured control of the practically entire output of the Pa- cific coast. . It was be,' it appears, who. purchased the Moodyville mills, the sale of which was announced.. He has also bought out thé Hastings mill company and has purchased the Che- manius mills on Vancolver Island, the largest on the Canadian Pacific coast. soc. red from their Beautiful Pictures Cheap. 1 our stock of sew framed pigtures o closed out at big discounts dir- Christmas sale. R. Ug: The steasie' depariment and the fire t show the service of Ald. Toye. Give him a trial in the mayoralty. ; At Camden Point, Mo.. four robbers entered the town and blew the vault of the bank of Camilen Aysamite. The explosion aroused citizens and a pitched battle with the robbers Poiat with the ensued. After severe fighting Paris | ting 'a maximum of {ing words per annum. This volume of | traffic, reckoned at the exceedingly lsmall rate for transmission of two {cents per ~word, would give a grass return of $200,000; a sum in ¢xcess of the total annual charges (estimated at $166,000) for estaklishing, main- taining and operating the line. Thus it appears that an Atlantie state Owned cable fully employed up to its maximum limit, woula be' geli-aup- porting, if no higher rate per word levied than two cents, or ene twelfth the rate now charged by the existing: cable lines. The sources of business for the new cable, Sir Sandford points out, would he three-fold, Australasian, Canadian and Unitea States. From these sources he is satisfied that a state owned cable across the Atlantic would find abundant employment. Sir Sandford Fleming says he can see no reason why the standard rate, chargeable for transmission by the state cable should not at gnee bo made five cents per word for ordinary messages and twenty-five cents for ur gent messages. This low tanff would prove a boon to the people who are now debarred from cabling on busi- ness or social matters on account of the cost: The reduction to one-fifth of the présent charge would change ail that; it would revolutionize trans At lantic correspondence, greatly tend to promote and augment business; and exercise a powerful influence in bring: ing about closer union. 'anada, says Sir Sandford, is the only country in the British pmpire in which land ~ telegraph lines /are not state-owned ane administered by the post office. No one, he argues, can question the wisdom of the policy fol- lowed by European nations in taking over the telegraph serviee apd adopt ing low uniform charges far all ain. ? I in comparatively small countries, 'he policy has proved em. inently successful, who will deny, that, in view of the geographical con: ditions of the dominion, there is ne country on the face of the globe where the remarkable peculiarities of the electric telegraph can be turned to better account than here, in Canada ? The lowest telegraph charges, he states, are now twentyv:five cents for "day messages" of ten - ords, and the same sum for "night sges" of twenty-five words. Wood not the adoption of these rates for all dis tances, as far as the telegraph lines extend, be in the general interest? Would not a uniform' tariffi place our people in every province precisely on the same footing. We have lon, copted the principle ern charges in the Fn Ra fa office department. A two-cent postage «stamp affixed to a' lettor secures iis conveyance to any place near or re mote, and yet it will be recognized that the carriage of a letter 1,000 miles' costs more than its carriage ong mile. If the principle be acceptable in the postal servic, is net & uhi- form char, for all distances, far mare, justi able in the tel vice 'of the domipion ? rah mr The minister of wilitia announces the following prometions and ap pointments to the 9nd Canadian mounted rifles : To be major, Capt. G. W. Cameron; to be captain, Lieut. P. E. Thacker. to be lisutenants, R. H. Ryan, Kings Canadian, Hussars, Canning, N.8,; P. D. Simpson, 6th Hussars, Mantreak WW. T Victoria rifles, Montreal; R. H. Moir, Ottawa, (late customs rte, Strathtuns am om the war office rb Ss the pay and conditions of service far the fisld hospital somipany will be the same as for the ive ranks of the mounted hy oi ing for the ospital eompany and ten million pay- tances ? The Boer General eral Erasmus 1s In British Hands. London, Jan. t--Lord Kitchener re ports 10 the war office, ander date of Johannesburg, Jan. 3rd, as follows "Bruce Hamilton. operating to the stward of - Ermelo, "since Decembe: h, has eaptured. 100 prisoners, in: clung Gen. Erasmus." Thy war office is considering the ad visabiity of supplying false teet reciiits as a final endeavor to the army in South Airica r cent. of the rejected volun vg heen caused by defective The dental hospitalsof, Lon informed the war secretary will fix up the deficiency in Jbave quoted a price for molars. don have that the) recruits the jobs Lord Roberts bas issued an official contradiction of the stories, circylated on the continent Of the violation of Boer women by the British troops in South Africa and the employment of Boer female refugees for immoral pur poses. Gen. Hamilton's Capture. Jan. 4.-Gen. Dewet. has ordered the Boer commandoes to re tard, st any cost, the work of ex tending the British blockhouses. Fur ther fighting may consequently be ex: pected. * Gen. Bruce Hamilton has captured anpther Boer laager and twenty-two prisoners on the Swaziland border. termes CONVICTED OF FRAUD. Pretoria, In Police Court. Toronto, Jan. 4.-~"Dr."" Glassoo, 'the radiant health apa tle," snd bis "amanvensis, Mrs. Jane Loveday, were convicted of fraud in the police court yesterday. Thee people conducted a series of success and health "circles," and drew 81 a month from several people. The liter ature issued in connection with these "ices" was of a very florid charac ter. and gave the impression that Glassco was to be regarded as a sp: pernatural being. A new company, with a capital of $150,000, has been organi ed by some local capitalists, to Le calied the lm- periél Bag Co., Limited, to nianufac- ture jute and cotton bags and sacks. The capacity of the establishment wiil be about 000,000 sacks per annum. This enterprise will employ about 100 hands and fully $75,000 will be spetit in land," plant and and buildings. GOVERNOR IS 1S HEARING IT. Ezra Being Investigated. Albany, N.Y., Jan. 4.~Some tithe since Rev. 0. I". Gifford, of Bufialo, charged sherifi Samnel Caldwell, of Erie county, with alleged poolroom out:ide of the city, The minister's charge was founded up on affidavits, be said, in the investi gation before governor Odell. The sheriff visited the place, he said but found no evidence of business be: ing done there and the grand jury failed to edict. the club, which wns cal.ed the lllinois club. rn ---------- OVERCOME BY GAS, Dominion Steel Works. Halifax, Jan. 4.--Walter Briggs, New York, nephew of H. Dimock, and iren company, Byaney, dead yesterday near furnace. It is believed come by the gas hours. Bryan On Roosevelt. Neb., Jan. 4.--~Mr. Bryan his belief that president Lincoln, declures Roosevelt is playiag for denomination | at the hands of corporstions in ap- pointing Payne and Shaw to cabinet positions. He save 4 not only surprising when we remem "eivie virtue," but it is proof posi tive that the president is shaping his administration to secure a nomination convention. Death Of A Lady. Sarnia, Ont., Jan. 4.--Mrs. Morelia Buchanan, relict of David Buchanan, collestor of customs, mother of 1). W Buchanan, Commercial, dead here, in ber cightieth year. She was a daughter of the late Thomas Porter, a noted UU. KE. loyalist %nd western Ontario pioneer, ---------------- Must Have New Election. Galt, Ont., Jan. 4.--Retursing off cet MoCartoey has decided, on the ad: vive of J. M. Glenn, K.C., that the gleztion of the three candidates for | the council who resigned and then withdrew their resignotions, is illegal | and a new election will be held -to &ll | the vatanci:s "The fire department and the fire rat fog are sat slactory, thanks to Ald. Toye's good offices. Ele# Fin to the | .mayoralty. not miss the opportunites of h of hear ing Jarvis, Smiley and Tuesdayyevening. A New : Blackford, 10 us, we will give a Brand "Dr. Glassco And His Amanuensis Minister's Charge Against Sheriff failing to close an | of | one | of the directors of the Dominion steel | was found | the door of the | he was over- | The bedy had been | lying unnoticed where found for ive | wanun tn Collive Bay, 4 ol, Payne's selection | at the hands of the next republican, publisher of - the Winnipeg | wd decianiily_ wtf! or oe" moderating and wu 4 Monday 5 Tailor-made Ulsters, Walking, Street Reception Dresses, Dress Skirts and Dinner and Ball G Opera Cloaks and' Evening Wrabs: able Prices. Our Magrificent Silk and Dress Goods Stock working conjointly: on 00 ders of such description. Illustrations, Materials and Estimates furnished on application. HE LEAMING uN RTAR) T. ¥. HARRISON CO. Undertakers, 233-288 Princess B8, Quality snd hip 4 the beet. Prices the Walter Briggs Meets His Death at| BORN, Broekviile,. on Jom ¥ Willium Canning, » January and, the wile CANNING Mr ter CARSON of R ond Mre On Friday Ward pelict of the late saved vighty two years Service at het Inte Juouary Sib, at two PERRYMAN In Kingston, ¥ ww Edna, cident vanae, agesd © ning ir Funeral irom her father's revichinon, corer and Albert wireels, #1 two # day afternoon. Friends and are repeetiully invited to attend BAKING Nad) MAKES THE NEY A AY pA most DELICIOUS FC yweirs ber the preqidents reiterations about | SCHOOL OF ART. Classes will be resumed after » cation on 1902, | SATURDAY, JAN. 4th, Other classes usual hours. ks CHAS. E. WRENSHALL, Principal. I The electric light deal requires an | independent person in the me! Ald. Toye is the man for the | tion. WR 1; FACILITIES Are unsurpassed for sup plving. your JEWELERY WANTS. With our assortment of goods competent staff. { ry CHESS 2000 Fd Fo