THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, J eR RA HR et ANUARY 4. D BOOP CIOO0 : Vegeutlc Qils--and . coarse animal fats-- e used in making BY'S OWN SOAP" , Fragrant, (bleansing, ; ; Doctors recommend it Nursery and Toilet we are of Fiatinne Yellet Sep, Mis. Nentreal OOOO Portier Curtains, Lace * exclusive styles and not to 'be found el:ewhere in the city. ~~ We are carrying at thi: Season Of the year a very complete stock at prices at prices that mean a uine foney-saving Curtains. Our Furniture and Carpet delivery rigs arm going 6 tuys every week, constant Julivering Furniture and Ss Cus. GTR aod oF ie rigs axe filling the vaghpcies as soon as made, oo abat our stocl ever Just © Bed Suites, Tables, etc, which soon will go wa, of o good bargains. ey usual ahd are in his wock Tu Pod gods, well ie, = f. Harrison . Co., Kiadertakers, etc, 8} PA Calle 01 and 92. IS NEARING COMPLETION. GRAND OPERA HOUSE IS BE- 'ING RUSHED AHEAD. Just as Soon as The Main Floor is Laid The Seats, on Hand, Will be Placed in Position--A House That People Will Ad-| mire, Work on the grand opera house is being rushed ghoad just as rapidly as it is possible to have it. The interior can. fairly be seen "to grow towards perfection under the skilful hands of the workmen. Contractor McLeod has pledged himself to have the house ready for the 13th inst, and he sel dom says anything that he does not mean, In thiz instance the rapid pro- gross being made with the" liniehing would tend to carry out this belief Electric lights were long ago placed in the building, permitting the work- men to carry on their labors with fa- eility. The plastering has been Tom pleted, tne' galleries made ready for inunediate occupation, and nothing of any account remains to make the house habitable hut the laying of the main floor and placing the seats in position. The seats are on hand and just as soon as the laying of the floor is at an end, they will be placed in position in short order. One of the three curtains has al: ready arrived, Fo also has a great deal of the scenery. An expert is at* work constructing the "gidiron"' ahove the stage for the working of the scenery. The stage of the new hotise seems to be almost as large as was the whole of the old house. It will take some time for the timid ones who occupy "the gods" to be come agustomed to the height to which 'thdy will find themselves ele vated. Fifty steps lead from the ground floor to the top gallery. The stage can be seen to admirable ad vantage from this lookout. Workmen who have been employed on the building sav it 'is one of the most substantial in every particular upon which they have labored, No expense, care or attention have been saved in" making the entire building first class in every particular. Half the - first gallery will be fitted with chairs; the other half will have bench- es. much after the style of church pews. The top gallery is similarly sup plied, Entrance to the galleries cured from the main, corridor, from the main entrance leading into the lower part of the house. Alto gether the. house will he complete in every detail, one of the prettiest in Canada and a credit to Kiggston. en terprise. is se away "Nick" Timmerman's First: Vote. Police constable "Nick" Timmerman is a funny Dutchman Yesterday he was in a registration booth, and told an interested few about the first time he voted in Kingston, after coming | to this country. He recited the cir] cumstance somewhat like this "Ven I gott mine name upon ze the maun sais to me: 'Now al vays 'you vote for preenceepil, preen coopil; 'nefer you forget dot." So ven | roes into ze plais to vote, z¢ maun sais to me 'Who for you vant to vote # 'I want to vote for preencee pil,' sais 1. 'For preenceepil I" sais he, 'vy there's no pree epil run ning." 'Vell, there must be," 1 sais, for a maven told me so." And ""Niek" wouldn't was thoroughly convinced that no such eandidate was in the race, and that there was 'an English word call ed 'principle.' ------------------ Two Medical Boards. Two medical boards of enquiry sat to-day at Tete de Pont barracks to enquire into the physical condition of drivers Willette and Beauchamp. The board on the first named was com posed of surgeon-major Duff and sur geon- Lieut. Williamson. On the last named the board consisted of surgeon- major. Abbott and surgeon-Lieut Muncell. © The reports of the tw boards will be sent to Ottawa for confirmation of the ' findings of the snrgeons, loest, vote until he ¢ -------- - Instructed In Their Use. The deputy returning officers for the muni ipal elections: assembled in the city council chamber last evening, and for an hour the inventor, P. Macdon ald, M.A, Winnipeg, instructed them in the use of the new voting ma chines, The deputies were delighted with the boxes, and confidently ex- pect that they will fill a long-jelt want. The oflicers are now fully con versant with the working of the ma chines. i Nt ---------- Ackzdwledgements. The directors of the home for friend Joss women and- infants acknowledge gratefully the donations of 85 from the county council, and #25 from mayor Kent. jus Muir and the members of the flower mission return thanks to mer chants and citizens who so generously contributed gifts towards the Christ mas tree event, given in the general hospital for the benefit of the ward patients. Home From Their Tour. Nr. PERSONAL MENTION, Zovements Of The People -- What They Are Saying Asd Doing. Miss Sears, Kingston, is & guess of Mr. and 3Slrs. i. Sherwood, Na pance i Mrs. R spending a Gandnogue. Miss Minnie Grange is spending the hofidays in Kingston with her sister, Mrs. Robertson. George Etherington, operator at Almonte, friends in Ringaton, George Ruttun [Bt yegterday i 4 Winnipeg, after a short visit wit friends in the city. C. Wesley Walker returned to Tor onto' yesterday to resume his theolo- gical studies at Victoria university. Miss Nestitt, dfughter of police con- stable Nesbitt, been engaged to weach Dulierin jpublic school during 1902, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sissons, visit ing relatives here during the past two weeks, returned to-day to their home at London, Ont. Delbert Guess, of Harrowsmith, late clePk in Starr & Sutclifie"s dry goods store, has left for New York to ac cept a similar position. Mrs. © M. Carscalien, . Forest Mills, and sister, Mrs. Tobey Sexsmith and daughter, Portage La Praivit, are visiting friends in Kingston. The Misses Walsh, 245 Alired street were "At Home" to their friends yes- terday afternoon, Refreshments were served, and a pleasant time spent. Driver Palamountaine, "A" field battery, injured some wecks ago by a kick from a horse, left to-day for his home in Montreal on a furlough of twenty-onéd days. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wickett, spend ing 'the past couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Jenkins; University avenue, returned yesterday to their home in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Varley, spending the holiday season with her parents, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Philp, Wil liam street, returned to-day to their home in St. Catharines, Ont. D. Baker, Princess street, few days with friends in CPR. day is visiting who have been CANUCKS VICTORIOUS. Y.M.C.A. Basketball Team Defeats Potsdam, N.Y., Team. "Ringmioh, 36; Potsdam, 6, was sare piled up against" the visit mat the basket ball match in Y.M.C.A. gymnas ium last night, and it was a fair representation of the play. The United States team showed a lack of practice throughout. Iey were by far the heavier team, but their opponents outclassed them in every respect. "I'he visitor , many of who are well-known in the city, cemiod to play in hard luck last sight. They made many fouls that counted against them, but it is due thems to say that the fouls were thoughtlessly made. Physical director itews, for the home 'bunch, put up a lever game. He is strong, clear-head Ladd and remarkably quick in his move ments, and his check-mate ever got his hands on the ball. Mer cer made many successful shots on goal for the Kingston aggregation, The teanis lined up as follows : Potsdaam--Duquette, centre and cap- tain; Tilton, Cota, Moore and Cheney, forwards, Kingston--Pews, tain; Mercer, J. Coyle, forwards At the conclusion. of the interest same, three cheers Were given gonial visitors The Y.M.C.A. orchesira,. at half time, favored the large audience with first-class music. A. E. Shannon gave a pleasing exhibition of illuminated tub swinging. ing the searcely and Moxley centre Birch, capr and ng the A Kingston Boy Weds. "Porwoodlea," the handsome resi dence of Mr. and Mri. Harry Parker, Gananoque, - preseated a brilliant soené on Wednesday evening, January 1st, when their youngest daughter, Georgina Gorham, was married to Allan BE. Stewart, M.D., Chicago. L. J. Day. Kingston, was gropmsman Among the many guests were Mrs Stewart and Master Percy Stewart, Dr. and Mrs. Anglin, Miss Franklin and Mr. Connolly, Kingston, The young couple left for their home in Chicago. Dr. Stewart is a Kingston boy, & graduate of Queen's and his many friends here extend con gratulations. Principal Grant's Address. Principal Grant's health is daily im proving and his strength slowly re- turning. His family, as he looks on the students of Queen =, will_ return next week and he will make his first public address since his illpess, in Convocation hall, on Monday night I€ 9% 16 be 'one of thanksgiving and a retrospect of his life. He has had a share in Canada's history making and This imperialistic desires will Le ex pressed. His utterances at this time will be regarded with intercst, We Meet And Beat. Any prices on underwear, To-day we are welling, fleece lined under shirts, first quality, 50c., value for Ie. each. There may be some loft for to-night Bibby's one price house. Twenty-Five. $10 Raglaneites, $8. £12 Rosebery's, $9. $15 Grosvenors, $11.50. 25 pe. dis count, at the Gand Union. ---------- Overconts, overcosts. can find "Grosvenor" overcoats ike ours in the city w bi make . you Josent Make no alan. mn of Phone coats is not to. be found elsewhere. and as good value vow, rhage" $10 ad $12. 50 I yom pow THE SCHEDULES ARRANGED FOR THE INTERMEDIATE AND JUNIOR MATCHES Among The Kingston O.H.A. Teams--R.M:C. Will Ask. For! Reinstatement --- Frontenacs And Queen's Will Support Ap- plication. : The dates for the intermediate and junior 0 M.A, matches between King ston teams were arranged yesterday afternoon by representatives irom Froutenacs and, Queens. J. T. Su therland was convenor. These are the fixtures : Intermediate. Fromtenaes ve. Queen's. Queen's vs. Frontemacs, 13. 20. Jan. Jan. Junior. Frontenac-Beechgroves vs Jan, 15. Queen 8. Jan Beechgroves. leferees dppointed were Dr. Clarke, BF. 8. Elliott and J. W. Merrill. >. Queen's ve. Frontenac General Topics Of Sport. Wellingtons and St, George Toronto, meet to-night in ges enior match of the O.H.A. series. Six teams were yesterday tied. first place in the six-day: bicycle at Boston. The race concludes night. Erne; of Buffalo, N.Y., will do a bit of pid § in England, and is billed to meet Daley; the lightweight chem pion of that ancient lanl. It seems that Capt. Diggs put in a strong appeal on behalf, of the Royal militnry college hockeyists, but the 0.H.A. exceutive's hearts were hard ened. "HMmmy" Michael, will retire permanently ing in February. HH: wheels, his racing his journcy to France to of first for race to the Welshman, from evele rac will give suits and be a away will ome joe- key According to London interviews between Sporting Life, recent Sir Thomas Lipton and Capt. Sycamore ei Sir Thomas to pared for the construction rock TiI. Napanee has shecker club These officers wy president, nt, U. J tr. Simpson; IN. Percy. On the 10th the O.R.F.U. will meet in Toronto to wrang the charges of professionalism against Kingston, Ottawa and Hamilton play The varivus ¢lubs have been nots to send remesentatives to defend charges. fce vachtsmen were busily engaged to-uay in . preparing their flyers «for There is beautiful clear sheet fronting the wvacht club house, and allowed to remain will pro vide much genuine sport for the vachtsmen The vear just closed eventiul of thes history bred racing in America, over a perfod of 125 years. It wus a year of lavish expenditure on the part of both racing associations and individuals The Kingston try and vachis have de plans pre of Sham have and dek Honor MP; ident, Ww organized a chess to meet twice a were elected Uriah Wilson, Flach; vice pre secretary-treasurer, esi executive rle over, ors. fed the 158, a ice if was the most of thorough- which extends should Je yachtemen Toronto owners of to bring their jee "'waggons down (his winter for a friendly spin, inst to show tham what fast vachts are like ana how ice-yacht should: he A meeting of teo of the ice induce rac conduct the oxeeutive ecmmit Quinte district hockey ecague will be held at Napance to night. to discuss the question, of the admis ion of the Quinte club, of Belleville, and the adoption of schedule. Matches will begin next week. There Kingston promivent ganists) will be ing a is enough evidence held in to professionalize several Toronto ' players (not or hut for the present nothing said. The evidence against one in -partientir iw his own-admis- ston. There is abother "gent," re cently picked up by a Toronto ag gation; who will Le watched. For the benefit of the Toronto Old Woman, the MeGill team, which Queen's defeated to retain the inter collegiate hockey championship of America, was composed of 0 best players from Montreal, Vietoria® and Shamrovk teams. It was the fastest vigiting team ever on Kingston ice and Queen's had to fight hard to win. No Toronto team has Vet exist oc that could have beatin the MeGill Biindh. . The Royal! military college hoekey club will likely apply for reinstate ment in the O.H.A. A meeting will be held next week, when the cadets re torn from their holidays. Permission will be asked to play the winners of she intermedi - Kingston roiind. In this. application, the ca- | dets will be supported by the Fron tenance, amd 'no doubt, alse, by! Queen's, both of which teams have uo dedre to see the military teaip unfaic ly turced down. " a WHERE TO VOTE. Places Where Electors May Exer- cise Their Franchise. On Monday wmunitipal elections take place in the diferent wards the return of mayor and al ell wards eieot aldermen excel eakh The polling booths ure ed here give together with names of the deputy returning ers who will therein preside : © am Sydenham Ward. No. 1.--Miss Sullivan's house Gore and Wellington streets. MeCormauk. No = lan street. 0 Charles 9% Wii house, Palmer I'he, Miller 1 bomas Ontario Ward. No hall. A hon. No. 4.--Timothy Downey's corner Bagot and Johnston Jobs H. Johnston. St. Lawrence Ward. No Wellington Thomas H. Bibby. No. 6.--A, Mellqubam's fice, Princess street. A. E. 3.~Ontario C, McMa shop, streets No. 5 182 street livery of- Herod. - > ~ Cataraqui Ward. No. 7.--Thomus = Bennett's shop, corner Wellington and Queen streets James Barry. No. 8. Mrs. 229 Wellington Brickwood. No, Yo--Mrs Annie Maddigan's house, 43 Lower Bagot street. Francis I'racy. No. 10.--Murs. 170 Bagot street. son, C. Gallagher's bho street. James H. Ww McCluskey's house, James A. Donald Frontenac Ward. No: 11.-Dr. McGill's street. John Anderson No. 12.--Gilbert _Auchinvol corner Clergy and Colborne William Dean. No. 13.--E. McFadden"s house, street William. Purtell No Robert Cowie's house, street, Ahcarn office, 's shop, streets, John 14 John Joseph Rideau Ward. No. 15.--Mrs vision street, No, 16.--~Mrs Division and Cartney KE. W. Mullin's shop, corner and Johnston streets,/ "Fd Suddard -T Nicholson's house, 46 University avenue. Robert davidson No. 19.~No 621 Princess strect John 1. Patterson. Pugh's house, 282 Di- George Young Kennedy shop, Brock streets. corn: er Alex- ander 17 Division ward S. No. 18 No. Victoria Ward. James © Henderson's Barrie and West Clergy Smythe. 21. --Vatrick Derry's house, Harry E Rogers' King streets No corner A. E No Union street. No. 22,--Mrs O'Kill and man. 20 house, streets 3 lates house, HW corner New Ask For A. Change. The guards aud keepers of the King ton penitentiary do not cease Lo com plain of the clothi They are compelled to turn in their old uni forms," boots, ete. These a patched and reissued, If tr jes to be frayed at the #lice is cut ofl and a vew The are Sometimes the color, or text old, the contrast The treatment applies who Jon te also are It is only introduced, 7 sywion then hap bottom on added meers pives new same and is not at sane suit mtehed this system was satisfied that if knew the the svs t I ro ¥ {10e nut complain, missal if they penitentiary likelv be Aestigation te with is about will threatened talk to outsiders The end ing an 1 tte being affairs a petition for the clothes ma into "Yop, ! the of police constable as he concealed " doop toned Ar at once the answered volte San' sat on two chairs tand them 'he M.C.A. gymnasitun last watched the basket bal I'm going to take a = physical tr here mondy and my beliove it's " And he was right; In other cities we fored piel; th) in ning nA Tg got on card thing ita the members required to The hig, ge good low training. of - the take Lic exercise. mal | his comrades io hia dvident by ar has sot I example r policeman aterm looki i that will rgd of hugdired pe Sam' is kind of training weight a couple some bis ands Married At Ogdensburg N.Y. At Ogdensburg, N.Y., on New Year's day, Miss Lena Lenora, youngest daughter of Capt. T. W. Laidlaw, for merly of the steamer Unique, and piece of 4. R. Laidlaw, Kingston, was umt ed in mariage to Corliss Wheater. The ceremony was perform George Curling Matches. These curling matches took pigee at the Kingston rink on Friday "after Leslie, Col. Capt. Capt. Laflorty, Drury, | =F. Conway, W. Henderson, W. B. Dalton, Capt. Rink, N F Webster, 1. ok No. 2-W. Morris, H. Youlden, T. Slater: W. 8S. Ellis, skip--10. Rink No. 2-J. A. Minnes, W, Dalby, E. Lyon, A. Strachan, skip-- ------------ Old Saws Sawed Over. Ori State Journal. To err is human ; 3 forgive is un usual. Uneasy Jics the bead w} ich wear no hair in fiytime. It is mors blessed to give thas - éeive--sounterfdit money A crowing hen and a ad shiscling sain make worse music than an astamasic ed undyr a floral bell in the Presby terian church by Rev. W. L. Roberts The newly married couple will reside at Phoenix, Arizona. ' Tree Split Open. Recently a large shade tree standing West strect, near Wellington street, showed a slight split at the fork, about ten feet above ground. Into this small crack water found iis way during the recent thaw, and, sewre frost following, the tree was burst in twain by the pressure of the ice thus formed, in i ks x * F. R. Conklin City Hall, Jan. 10th Assisted by Miss Evans and Messrs, A. Craig, Low, Crawignd, b uncles the auspaces of sity athletic committee 8 mniver- a approval st she Kisigeton joun- excmpiion by daw is vespeetfully solicited, The frm do. it nak for total exemption, but that the sseess- ment remaic as it hes been at 80, Princess | good INCIDENTS OF TBE DAY. PARAGRAPHS FICKED UP BY | OUR BUSY BEPORTERS, The Spice of Every Day What the About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. tor Winn rs on all overcoats, the ¢. discount Union. is tl br sk the publi Harum's b Jan its can Get Grand i his Boch ana \ for weather for elections will look Tove New York, man who ifhds, Ald inp tw Itth only flow brains about after the David y from good brains the council board Big Must After the wer comes the this New Year it. Bibby « are far reason for electio trade sO be some municipal ns week of prayer. C. GG, Popper is making a hot alder manic campaign in an Uttawa ward I'he public schools and the wiate will reopen Monday colle institute morning All mares in op at barguin prices, Princess stveet, Miller's Headache | in five m1 and 25¢., at Wad drug store, Every elector should select with uch care as he on the market the candidates on Monday Ihe nominatic the ercoats and every om grand Uniog, 132 'owders cure head ache In boxes Ite « as oes a turkey he will vote for ws for ihe of commons will take hall, as the noxt Wedne has y vacancy in place hall is house Ontario iy engaged for inv No appointinent to fill Capt. Gaskin's position as out ide manager of the M. 1 and thers may not be until spri The Y.M.C.A. board of directors, to have held their annual meeting last night, postponed it until next Monday evening, owing te other engagen which the president and a had. AKL. Toye ba every public office he hs kim to the mayor ity. Chief Eliner, of t will present his fire and light Tha chief says most complies partment Farmers this morning say that never better than at presont are not any drifts or pitch holes; vd oth ping is at Colored tions about I have 6" said night act | heen saade company wnt member hes department, to the week he \ de e fire annual report next 1 oom tee the report tary wi one to the sn the ninsbet gleighing wa There the 5 ip who we ¢ are hard ov i and its he and ite shirts. Redue r cent. Bibby' 2 to! lon av bootmaker, heard of th I'wice there has ugh for the i knowledge, heen Willian and 1 read never » reading bart oecur red Winit londay, fractions The Trusts and Guarantee Company, TIE dae rweet, wants to, has been appol i wrdian of the infant children oi aT, woph Gordon, who township wh Barton, in it pever, to my nose, at for th ith. band e January | 3th. Special the the rth chil ied In oun in I Aare on of an insurance their father taxation of the city is Keep it swn by electing Vote for to the poli on the The gh cOpOISt Toye On yi an Ald as mn) & Du give at Ty will Iuesday uight ne I ootrc Rockwood the an's minstr upe forn he at WL ollowing bene patier Ompany with Adebimgton in any fat oh prompt it wl canch goneral support propio SONSOE ingle n The Cost Per Pupil. school pupil in the, ave sal the &oxt Prag alary BOs0 vr papi ie-- $37 BOB New York 1.13, the nnati £20 943 Philadel 825 in £21.43, Ss HCISEO Wash pT he oronto ary 8579; w £31.95 the average 'cost per £19 Bo and a ORL TE is and ray ton per pu pil as in Buffalo and average salary the cost papil i= ¥5 avera salary X1 006 he aver cost Jor avera ral phia, the Pittaburg in Chicago £30.04, in Bt ngton $25.19 per ari in pu ary SNS cost per pup S$ AX, in Cageland $31.41. in Fan Fr Louls $21.04, in It Fills The Bill of advefvising rapidly People find that it ix cas better The ingreasing wr and far ments through the Aare uses to make ann newspapers than by word of mouth or by letiér Thus the great Boston Jibzary has profited largely hy npewspapér advertising. In stead of personal appeals 10 a fow persons for rare collections of books snd prints the libvary managers have exproswed their desires in regular "ads," and have been wwrprised by valuable gifte from upexpected sources The DEW Spaper reaches virtoally y avery body. Gree A A man who. makes. a suocess of ik Fo business wilh A success of Vote. fer Tpye om Lite~ | People are oat ' Does Not t Disappoint. i The New Discovery very for Oster h Seems to Possess Remarkable Marit, taveh cure haw appeared fa SL a tasted has rvmarkat forms catarr A which costal in ouging oll Ww he | esther in the head, throat, bronchial Laden in stomach aml liver mody is ja table form, ph vake and BO speuial wo what I eontans clontifie combine un ond simtiar wt maant an pe ihe of A ' J 3 valuable ironies ntiagpties " wi wfivetive catarrh cure the nose, the catarrh 1a looted in tubes, with equ scien, oad or . ae te act stofiy Fabiog Ad aad pos mucous motbin of "throat aad caturehnl seer Gone, which cause hawking und. gaging sufferer ulceration fu be coughing, ¢ to every catared arch generally leads to to wach an heoat and br stomach cats rh to 'the troatmont am in the safest of a rend ren and Sivort's peos, even wher lar as to dost He mye! "1 n st every day b ults fre Stuart's Catered remarkable how offsetually vo seerethom and bri Jitioar ol the mecons me throat and stomach All " tx sell complete tr Tablets at 50 cents and a litle ha svmpoms and esuges of rina of ewfareh iH be oy " prised alm remove . at a. Muithy thy mibrsoen atment of t) hook giv will ¥. A. Speart Co CHEER we ¥ * ® WN = -- \ HEH * FEE + EERE A, EE Alb Good Coal Qught to be. Just as Chen : oal. d As Bad | JAMES SWIFT & 0 'Phone 135. SERERIS + ¥ S--_ Smear - ARPT Leek WE WANT T0 SUPPLY YOU WITH YOUR WINTER STOCK OF "COAL. A warm hoon, 8 fidde dire, and are the resulta « from we. And you pay would for poor coal. pa ashms, cond, Foot of Quesn St. Phones 9. Your Neighbor Says WALSH'S SCRANTON COAL Is All Right. Have you tried ic? Shall we send you 2 ton ?