Your Faith © ltt eng wom if yon Shiloh's | Co ion Cure and ours is so strong we guar. antee a cure or refund money a8 we vend you fee trial butte if you write for it. SHILOH'S cout 25 cedits, and will cure Con- , sumption, Pnewmonia, Bronchitis and all Lung Troubles. Will cure a Cough or Cold in a day, and thus prevent serious results, Xt Bas been doing these things for so years. i eb 8 S Wns & C0,, Toroms, Can. + SPECIAL TO BRITISH WHIG READERS. Wishing to Introduce MIRACLE PILLS fo every part of the country we will make the following offer! We will nil for lOc, in mamps, a full 60c bos sol our pills shag are gusganteed to oem Dyspepsia and Nervous Diseas ov, woe ot the some ime we will Sake You a propositieh hy which you cdg olitein. nn Free Watch or 8 Berline Geatmophone. Weite to-day ahd address to, R. COTE & CIE, Bic, Rimouski Co. P.Q. merves of watery blood, such as Palpita- Sion, Skip Beats, Throbbing, Bmothering, Dizziness, Weak or Bains Spams, Abaatsin, Sleaplessn Brain Fag, General Debility and Tack 6 of Vitality. are a true heart tonle, nerve food aad enricher, building up and renewing all the worn out and wasted tissues of the body and restoring perfect health, Price 50¢. » box; or 8 for $1.25, stall druggive A Subject for Thought. 'A wabject that demands considera tion, and seriovs thought is the selea im of im reliable and eomgetent drug Lit to whom vou can go at all times wits the ass rasee thot joer srintiore will be horesily and faith fully. lol ¥ you have net yot terpmiiod who shall 611 your orders for the futuir, we ask you tor tie us a trial f Our drugs and medicizes are the purist, and ovr prices the low ests : ~ MAKER SICK PEOPLE WELL. Peice's . Ciloey Compound, the "world's great ont fies t tamily moti cine niakes poop le we'l. The thou sands of ie worninls from the best Canadian people' prove that ho other miodicing ean so surely banish diseare. Paice s Celery _Componnd permanently cyives theumations, pearalgia, liver and Ridnew tronbl «and removes all im 4 puri from the blood. Our stock of Petes Cology Compan is al ways foesh; your supplies from a au W. Mahood, Druggist, Kin gston, Ontario. your ick THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4 IN THE RELCOLS WORLD. A TITHE FROM T EACH WOULD MAKE BIG SUM. Liberality Not a Marked Feature Among Christians--The Jubi- lee of The Pope--The Loneliest of Them All. A Methodist social formed in Loodon. Several new christian #ndeavor so cinties 'have been formed in Brazil. 'There are twenty-three pastors German churches in Great Britain. Three Methodist Episcopal churches in. New York city have vested choirs. An effort is being made to promote the circulation of the bible in Alas ka. Cardinal Martinelli will receive his reck-hat atthe consistory held at Eas wer. Catholics from all parts of the world are invited to visit the tomb of the apostles in April, 1902. Rev, W. R. Harvey, Sheffield, N.B., has accepted the call to Point St Lnarks Copgregational church. The late Horace Hutchins, Kemptyille, left nearly $1,600 to mission fund of Methodist church. R. McNabb, who cece re signed his charge of Meachhurg and Westineath, has taken up his cesulonce ia Pembroke. Another Church of Scotland minis ter, the Rev. John Charlson, . of Thornlebank, has gone over to the Roman church. Rev. 'A. DD. McRae, Ph.D., has been called to Greenwood, B.C., Preshy terian church: He is offered a salary of $1,200 per year. Before leaving Aylmer for Berlin, Rev. J. W. J. Andrew was predented with a clock by his eofigregation ol Trinity Bpiscapal church. Rev. John Wesley Beach, LL.D., io merly pe saident of Wosleyan Jniversi ty, is dead, in New Yogk, after a long illness, due. partly to old age. Rev. Robert Frew, who temporarily retired from the pastorate of the Nel son Presbyterian church, has announe ed that he will not yeturn te Canada but will reside in Scotland, Rey. A. B. Prentice has resigned as pastor of * the Seventh 'Day Baptist church at Adams Centre, N.¥Y., after thirty-four years service. He has ac cepted a call from North Loup, Ne braska, Rev. Bigar Gardner re. lB rector of St. John's Epis copal church, Montgomery, Ala, in order to accept. the position of exe entive secretary of the southern edu cational board, -Leo XII. will before long begin the 25th vear of his pontificate, and a committee has already been formed in Rome, under the presidency of the cardinal Vicar, to make preparations for the event, There is to be a grand pilgrimage. The Wesleyan nvssionaries in the Fi ji islands are considering the derira bility of withdrawing in the main from work in the islands and leaving the native christians to themselves to ork out their own forse of govern pent "and doctrine At the last meeting of the Bagek vite _ presbytery it was decided to take steps to rearrange some of the eongregations « adjoining Brockville and - Glengarry © presbyteries. The change will effect the comgregations oi Chesterville, Dunbar | and E tquhoun in the presbytery of Brockville. The building fund for. the proposed w Roman Catholiz church in North ily has been given a fresh impetus The pastor; Rev. Fr. Seollard, who ie a noted financier, has device! a plan hy which the $10,000 required by ep iscopal 'direction to le in hand before starting the work, shall be raised, The. Advance, U hic ago, while it be lives that the Congregationalists, with the exception of the Moravians are the largest givers in the Unita States, finds that they fall far short of contributing the tithe. If the . 25,000,000 church members. in the United States should give a. tithe of income, the grand total would be 750,000,000, By a special colle "tion taken up last Sunday, which is said to have vealiz edd £6,500, and by promises from oth or quarters, the British Wesleyan Me thodists the collection of the Wesleyan Metho dist twentieth century fund of a wil lion guineas, which was started three years ago. This fund was collected for evangelistic - education + and philén thropic work, The loneliest misciopary in all the world--issaid--to bhe-Rev. dO Sprin- ger, wiose station is on the Herschel island, near the mouth & 'the Mac Konzie river, well within the Arctic girclé. The latest letter recedved from this. most solitary man is dated Oc tober 22nd, 190. No ship has been at she idand for two winters, and the missionaries nearest white neighbors ae at a Peel river, 250 miles away The bishop of Uganda, Dr. Tucker, writing recently to an old Oxford 'friend, made an important declara- tion on the subjeot of temperance. "I am now," he said, "in the twelith year of my African experience. and am more than ever convinced of the value and § may say the necessity of tem: perance ifn such a Hie as I'have to Kve in Central Africa. | have now tramped more than 15.000 miles in tropical Africa, and jt has all been doe on total abstinence principles. Had 1 not been & total abstaiver | do not think" F could have through all that has za through, during all union may be of of the Murphey has War to s6 years in have practically completed gone. NAPANEE NEWS. Had to Quit Work--Death of AB. Vanalstine. 3. --F, 0 3 will be Napumee, Jan 8. photographer few weeks recuperating after the rush at the holiday He overwork- ed himseli and a threatened attack of « prostration was pending. His phyiician ordered a cemplete ces sation from labor, and hi many friends hope a season of pest will bring him back a well man. (in New Year's day the home of A Vanslstine was thrqwn into deep mourning through the death of husband and father. The ceceased son of John Vanalstine, and years conducted a bakery in A couple years ago an attack of brain fever leit him in a low state of health, from which he never rallied. A widow and five small children are bereft of the care and proteciion of a loving father The funeral took place yesterday afternoon to the Eastern cemetery vault. The deceased was 'thirty-six years of age. Miss Alice Neilson from Aylmer, Ont, yesterday to spend the holidays with her parents, | Mr. and Mrs: W. R. Gordanier, John | rect. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Pringle | left on Thursday for Rochester, N.Y, 10 vigit their son. Auvbrey, who, with | his troupe, wiil play in Rochester this week. WIA. Richardson, ailment for a s¢ason nervous B ext the was a Jor some Newburgh. of arrived home Rockwell was the recipient of a fine oak rocker _ and a beautiful | piece of silver from the members of | hiz choir on New Year's day. Mr. and Mrs. W. DD. Pennell, of Gananoque, spent New Year's with Mr. ana' Mrs James Birrell, Salem. W. W. Cliff, ! editor Central Canadian, Carleton Mace, spent Year's the guest of his brother, George A: ClLifi. A. Walk er, Carman; arrived in town a week wo on a visit to friends Rich mond and Camden. after an absence of twelve vears. William Vine, Winnipeg, 'is visiting his former home at Gosport, New of Re Mineral Lands. A mining investor, who has been making enquiries into the miner al 'prospects and shows in the coun try north of Kingston, says he has no doubt: there are many good mineral properties among hundreds of no value; but he thinks that no im portant development' will es be made because seems to have any idea of what is a fair price for a property where the buyer takes all the risk. The usual proposition is of thie sort: 'Here is a sawlog worth 810. Ii you will manufacture it fine cabinet ware worth #50, and give me in advance the money you will get for the manufactured production, you may have the saw-log!" recently er no one Entertained Friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Bolton and family, of Marysville, Wolie Island, were given a very pleasant surprise on Friday evening, January 3rd, when about fifty fends from Allen, St Lawrence, Marysville and Kingston, asseinbled at their home, where games during | ft af everling served party in. Refreshments were the evening. The ter spending a yery e Heres joyvahle their. genial host and. hostess. Discouraged Stomachs. Could vou wonder at the delicats organs of digestion refusing to Ix belped and comforted when day after day they are literally "drowned out' by strong tonics, bitters and hurtin nogtrums. Common sense came into Medical - Science when it evolved the busty tablet dose and discovered ao Godsend to humanity in br Stan's pineapple. tablets formula. 35 cote, Sold by KE. €. Mitchell. --144 Swith's White Liniaent is the most peretrating linhment. knawn, and a positive cure for sprains, swellings, inflammation, weuralgia, rheumatism, 2nd lnmbago. In. bottles, at Wade's; tiruy #tore Saturday at the gaing in ovérvoats, Housekeeper's Backache. Many women lift and strain, over-work and over-tax their strength. Theii back gives out. Their kidneys becomeaffected. They have = painful or sore feeling in. the small of th back that takes all the life and ambition mt of them. They feel dull, depressed, lifeless. Listen! The hard work you've been doing has thrown extra work a Grand Union, bar away by her mother, | wore a gown of black cloth, into ! and. other amusements wore indulged | and expressing their hearty thanks to | Von | 3 3IIEEE IS IVVLEE HEE IIVEEE | OVER THE TEA CUPS. A short poregrailh in "Over The! Teacups" last Saturday, announced | the marriage of Miss Louise Briggs, { the news having 'been received ¥y cable. Letters have since arrived con, taining fuller particulars and the bride's Canadian fends. wall be in: terested in the account. On the December, at Christ church, High lon, Eng.. by the Rev. W. se, assisted by the Rev. E. Law- rence, Mr. David Holding Hield, was married 10 Miss Louise Eleda Briggs, of Kingston, Ont. The bride wore a travelling costume of eveam cloth with pan applique let in both bodice and skirt The bodice was trimmed with point d'esprit and old rose point lace, a gift from her mother. Her hat was trimmed with sable and lace to match ber gown. The bridesmaid, Miss Isobel Howden, of Edinburgh, -was also gowned in cream cloth and carried g muff of sable and lace with violets. The groom's gift 1o the bridesmaid was a hand pearl brooch. The gr msman was Mr. Page. The bride looked very charming and happy as she entered the church with Mr. Carr, who led her to the raltar, where she was given | As the bride's warty proceeded up the aisle the or- gan pealed forth Mendelssohn's wed ding march, and the full choral service vas beautifully rendered Mrs. Briggs handsome ly trimmed with applique, and pearl or- naments, After the i » » of "ome ceremony a reception was held at the residence of Mr. Carr and later in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Hield left for a trip "to the Italian lakes. The large party wedding gu showered rice and leaves after the bride and groom as they left the house amid much merriment. The wedding presents were very beautiful . . of 8 rose Another Kingstonian was married on the same day'in London, Eng. Miss Maggic Minnes has-a host of Cana dian fricods who will be interested to hear of her wedding. On December Sth, at Clapham Junction Presby terian church, London, S.W., the Re J. Adamson, M.A., of Cambridge House, Widcombe Hill, Bath, was mar ried to Miss Margaret G. Minnes, third daughter of the late William P. Minnes, of Kingston, Ont. The ceremony was performed by the "bridegroom's brother-in-law, the Rev. A. Matheson, of Pelgrave, London, S. W., assisted by the Rev. P. Peace, of Blythe, Eng. The bride wore of navy blue a travelling costume broadcloth with black i velvet hat, and was given away by i Dr., Matheson, The bridesmaids were { Miss Marion. Matheson and Miss Ver way, nieces of the groom. The grooms man was Mr. Ault There were no guests the relatives of the the eeremony the party grave Manse, the home groom's brother-in-law, where there was an informal dejeuner after which Mr. and Mrs. Adame=on leit for Widecombe Hill, Bath. where Mr Adamson of Cambridge House, a ors except groom. After returned to Be of the | | {| The Archdeacon of Ontario and Mrs | Clare. Worrell celvbrated their silver { wedding yesterday -aftermoon, and Phir momd wat crowded with guests who congratulated them upon {the ammiversary. Receiving with the Archdeacon © and Mrs. Worrell we , their sex daughter, Miss Grace Worrell, a tall fair debutante, { upon this occasion made her first pearance in the social world house detornted 'with everg and smilax. In the tea room the ol was pink; tabl pretty with candela oft pink shades. Pink car profusion their t amd a conspienous fea ture on the table was the large wed ding cake. Mm. Carey and Miss Ro gers poured tea and coffee, Mis Etta Ivirkpatrick served dee cream and the girls who posted refreshments were Miss Mildred McMorine, Miss Muriel King, Miss Kathir nn Kirkpatrick, Mi Worrell, Mi Powér, Miss Alex Kearns and Miss Alice AT Mr, Frank Worrell did honors in the tea yoom and was a host in himself Little, Miss Charlotte Worrell and it tle Miss Millie Henderson met the guests on the staircase and escorted them to the dressing rooms A table in the study was laden with handsome silver. gifts, expressing the good wishés of many friends of the family. Along with the sityor was» handsome fur lined coat. a tangible expression of the good will of Mark's congregation for-their pastor ond who ap The reens vas or sehr s and the { was very silver and ns hra | nati orative effec in added de also = The diving club retained to tea at Mrs Drury's, after the drive Thursday afternoon." Next Thursday the club will be Mrs. Norman Leslie's guests at tes at the mess, Tete Pont Barracks, . on te A party of seven arrived this after acon from Deseronto for the Badin tan tournament at the armouries. The tornmment will consist of mixed Jou. TRth YT lungs. sumption. have to be most careful of the You may neglect a cold, Take it in time with Ozone; feed the blood with oxygen, and you will have none of the illsso common and so fatal at thisseason. The next time you have a cold take Ozone two or three times in hot water before retiring; You can prevent or cure bronchitis, pneumonia, lung trouble and consumption by its use. 500.8 $1 at all Druggists. The Ozone Co., of Toronto, Limited, Toronto & Chicago it will cure your » el iy Indicates a congestion of -membranes-- not only of he LAY head, throat and lungs, but @ the body. If there's a weak spo it attacks there--just as a prize fighter goes for the solar plexus of his adversary. A bad cold caused an affection of Matthew Clarks' lungs. He tells how Powley's Liquified Ozone cured him and relieved the chest pains: | «[ had a severe cold in my head and pain in my for which I tried several remedies, but could get no 1 was at your warehouse delivering goods, and complained of my condition, 1 procured a bottle of Ozone from you, and | am pleased to state I am now entirely free from both pain in the chest and col d in the head. "A number of my friends are using Qzoné, and they think it is the bes remedy they ever tried, (Signed) dM aTTHEW 'CLARK, 148 Peter St, Toronto" This cold like magic. a is the time of year when you affections of the throat and and t will develop into con- nake the tissues healthy, Toronto, who is lot Kent, of guest, Captain and Mrs tertained at dinner night Norman Leslie en on New Year's . There was a very jolly nes ete de Pont har day night. Covers we vy four, and the party onel Montizambert, Difury, bicut.-Colosel and ter-Ogilvie, Lieut. Colonel and Mrs Reade, Cap iin and Mrs. Eaton, Cap tain and Mr Leslis Captain © an Mrs, Du Plessis, Dr. and Mrs. Massi Mr. and Mrs. Grant, Major Pane Captoin Lafferty, Mr. Miller, Mi March, Miss Clements, Miss Arlee nald Miss Bermingham . * dinner at the acks, an Thurs y laid for twen included Col Colonel and Mrs Mrs. Hu: M a and . Mrs are Mowat and th Upper Wo My Brigg 6 Cambri Mrs drips, Misses Mowat at 17 burn Place, London, Eng next week for Dover. leaves Terrace, . » . out for an Knight's on in honor of are A..P ternoon of pext week Hechiert Spencer, whi is visit with her parents There wes a we at Mrs. -Britton's i Arthur Britton's friends Miss Gober has returned fe lanta, Georgia, where she spen Chrigtmase holidays wt her father Miss Zita Kemp, of Tor « guest of the Misses Callaghan Mra. Ward, of Hawkhurst hopes Ge. , and. Mrs, Whitohe Montreal are' guests of prt Mrs. Worrell The Lor Mra 1 \ Stanley, Montreal Miss Alice Shaughnessy, Mdntroat is the guest of Miss Ethel Matthews Toronto 3 Hegin Calvin will usital wt 131 honw people's ju night for Ont ari 8fre week, M A H #iay ning rext rs FIVE OF Wein King Fr street Fastern Balm is now the staple re medy for coughs and colds vou get the genuine article ~Eastorn Haim Nobody ean afford fo wivé the open ing of the Grand opera he by 14th P.W:0.R. band A LITTLE THING. Changes The Home Feeling. ~Colice Idots out the sunshine from blue, ladies" Joubles, and men's dou- bles. The Kingston players who are taking part this afternoon are : Cal onel Drury and Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, Captain Symons and Mrs. Reach, Mrs. Faton and Mis Clements, Mrs. Los fie and Mise Gilderslesve, Mr. Mackin rie and Lieut.-Colonel Ogilvie. Tne Deseronto players are : Mr. and Mpa, E. Walter Rathbun, Mrs. Bingham Al lin, Mr. Marbon Rathbun, Miss Con- way-Gordon. (England), and Mics Pansy Rathbun. Mr. Biagham Allan companied the party, i . Lieut. Colonel 'and Mra. Hamer Ogilvie entertained "at lunch at the Covers were laid fur ts being thos toursament this euchre club will meet at Mis 's, on Monday. evens - bold; many a home By making the mother ' other member of the house pervous and erable where umleniable OF BOW dyspeptic, There are thousands the proof is absolutely Herve ia ome. . Mew. . K. Largelére, Aptigo, Wis, says, "1 was taught to drink eofive at an carly age, anc also © at sn early nage | became a victim to headaches, and as | grew to woemnanhaooo' thes heacaches becgane & part of me, as | wax scarcely ever free from one. Aboot five yemrs age a friend urged me to try | Pastu Food Coffée. 1 sede the (fal ey the seamit was wo satisfactory that we have used .it ever since, ; little daughter of cases My husband dnd wire subjert to they have both heen * entirely free from (hem since we began using Poe tum inntesd of cofiee. 1 po longer have any beadaches ana my health i perfect. Houme of thems nervous, tine, irr table women would only leave off coi! fee abeobutely and try Postem Fowl Coli ther, ould Slo oh > change ther + would then be a mansdeine and be | with oP her Archdeacon and re nei lor t 2 Lx Be sure" {will T On Monday be was taken to Kingston billions astacks, but' BY ACCLAMATION. Township Of Olden M Lanark Township illor Henry Mather John Hogg, Hugh Ste Grimsthorpe Tohn vart Elzevir And Town- Township ir; Huager!vrd. 4 tobert she M Sayers wion, A Township Ree A. } Of Sophiashu Mcelir rgn North Kinney ny Township Of Beeve-«Rabert Marysburgh. Couneiflors--1s n He Hinms Township Of Hallowell fi He ight Canmfl waship ot Ath Welbank H. Clarks Richards TT: ol. H vd M Township Of Ty I. MeAlpin endinaga i I Mess I Hanley, : and Willis A Gentle Eint. of of ite! nin In our sudden wind in a sir with re climate, tempera ine olien intermingled day--it is no wonder that , friends snd relatives are frequently 1aken from us by lectend colds, Balf the denths result sin this cause. A bottle German Syrup kept we for immediate © knees, a large rhinps death, by! doses, For | style ~< our chil so directly fre about ¥ oe prevent Borin Bi doctor's bill, and pe the use of threes or four curing consumption hemorrhages, preumonia, severe coughs, eroup, or any disoase of the thront or lungs, its sucokss is simply wonderful, ss your druggist will tell you Regular size, T8e. For sale at Wade's drug stars ¢ 'Evil Eye " To De Time World Japs Balinis, the "Exil Pe ice mw Inst The Lobemry nly knows Kye," wes brought be sgietrate Lumbile when be pisnded o ta | ith oheroes of theft from in} the Methodist ohiusch ri ing He was sentenced Lo two sears aml threg months an the Ringston penitentiary lo ie better -out of the reach of evil Conn hx x i re on "iy a shed [8 by. governor" Srelgrove. where he woe | recognized wn a former imnaie of five soars. ago. Great Sale Of Clothipg ros lg Gg rr boys' resiers for hos" over | conte for $5.50, men's overcoats £5, men's all wool rn | This is gen ine snap and grest var | i iuty. to choos from. Cur "Shpacial Blend" is put »p on | the premmce. Knowing the quaiiiy of | she tear blended, we cab depory you | that Bb thiriy- five vente the posnd it Cie the best valve in the city, James Redden & Co. gists handle, way ey to » { P vous trombls | convinesd. W. H. Medley, er ---- A Happy Daliveran3s From The Agonizs of Rho Rho umatism. ~ PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND ~ Effects a Cure After Fallures Piaysiciaas, Patont Medicines and Medi cinal Springs. The Wonderful V Disease Vouc Our Promli tctery Over 8 Terrible hed For By One Of sent Draggists. bn vou are nanny of inflam the Celery wcular ured olf a whrma thousands fe whe f v The EO phi Bowing Virden, nan a the aft ou ¢ i at, Banfi ndence of treatment ks that 4 Higgins ked about it and 1 ay nd Best the awa a farmer, wk a sufferer Compound nn the tham, from ts atory glorious or sciatic, be truth that will work nent and happy ouve. of letters seoutvad have thrown off their prove thaclosive Ta Com peeidie for awful eter from J. Man. and in Hig gainbotham, drug: town, should con- that the immediate Celery. Cotnpoond is Mr. Levenington says yvenr I wan sul agonizing pains of er trying all thet Id devise, and using patent and other i to ry the Het under the superiv whical man, i too roughly and oareful- and came bome st racked with ' ty three pounds hen "he pe had pr wil of d suited to me my draggist, of this place, and He recommended i a boule. | moon ww, and after taking I was a cured nan wy crutches, hava amd sin as able now as ever 1 a ove | wan. ime ot "What We We Want ei We rial the the Bas pris wavy 8 in goods in foctor s to please in Fou 8 perm that or the Presses tions you and whih vou will be il of hax ing a venviving first class filling of © your (or endeavors the aisiastary aremt Ccusionier, one hd iy WE CALL: YOUR ATTENTION our Push omponnd, of fhe arial from PH Canada sre sufficient rive earslgin, Blom riot, hidney di itik of Prive' the most popular § day. Thousands the best pe a for ihe cure of | dirname, liver som eaves ro Try a bottles snd. y terrible forms a und iw Paite'® Colery a