Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jan 1902, p. 1

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THE DAI YEAR. NO. 6. - KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 8, 1902. _ At Your Own Price. Selli £ off balznce of stock at ed prices. Re and secoml-hand Cutters and Gladstones. Come and see and get a : bargain. Bound to sell James Laturnsy, 390 PRINCESS STREET, ------------------ J giving selections from Garrick, Bio. Miss Mr A Craig i ots B60: dt Uglow's. CHANGE OF TIME > 5 NUTICE STAGES FOR y ¥ pi fous Brock St. . ' yy (oscept Sunday) RICT PAIR ASSO ing in the Jem 4 len, 10CAL MEMORANDA. -------- The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Truth is movey ont ot interest, Be a whole met to one thing st a time. Roval Arcanum mets Lo-@orTow night. Mesting Portsmouth separate sobool board, 8 pm 3 Find a way or make ous; portunity, ¥ The sun rises Thersday at 783 am, and wie Bt 442 pm. Most people lack coneentration. This one thing I do." Annual meeting, Hortieulturel society, police court vhmmber, 8 pm. The poker player who receives cards off the top of the deck gots the upper band. Machinist awsembly in City Hall 'vo-night, Invitations must be prisented at the door. What is that in & square form that may te mid to be always row PA circular. Hockey match, Frontenass vw. Bicycle Club, Wadoewday, January Sth. Admission, 150. 3 " Brior-odon't " is the fates mgmatronity in of advertised artistes. \ It is a de vice FF prgventing snoring. To advertige is to give business apeech. " The poor fool who slows liv 'mouth never winoeih & dollar," runs a Pypsy proveh. This duy in the work's Bistory: British cavalry soter Orange Free State, 1908; Gal bora, 1010; Beitish ve pulsed ot New Orlenss, 1815; ied River ti- surreetion begun, WE70; " British, voder Lord Roberts, swier Candabur, 1879; Bir Macken- sie Bowell teasers Fosigniation as premier to governor general, who refuses to accept ib, 1896. wither in op Paul ol new oa ht We Are In The Lead For the newest and the best. 'offer . i For Cy egg than daily all our pas. ROBERTSON BROS. J. E. MILLOY Will be in Kingston for a few days; . * Any orders kindly tele- e or leave a. the ritish American Hotel. Elections Of The House of Com: mons of Canada for the Elec- toral District of Kingston, anuary Sth and 15th, 1902. . {eities special buildings ONTARIO _ LEGISLATURE The Opeaisg OF The Last Scs- sion. PLEASED WITH THE OUTLOOK OF THE YEAR. ness. Desire to Have a Perpetual Source of Income From the Forests of the Provinee--Provision For an Afflicted Class--New Moas- ures to be Introduced. Jan. 8.-At the opening, the Ontario legislature the address from the throu Torgpto, to-day, of following was read : Mr. speaker and gentlemen of the le gislgtive assembly ; I take great pleasure in again meet tatives of the jature we have visit from their royal highnesses, th duke and dwshess of Cornwall York. 1 was greatly pleased to no- tice the hearty reception given to their royal highnesees, in every part of Ontario, which the limited time at their, disposal permitted them to «is- it. The gracious manner in which they received the expressions of loy- alty which their presence evoked and the interest they maniiested in everf matter pertaining to the prosperity of the province will, I trust, strength- on our attachment to the empire, which they so .worthily represented, and in which we, as a province, are so deeply interested. 1 congratulate you on the continued prosperity of the lumbering industry which gives employment to so many of our people and from which such a large part of our revenue is derived. The permanent crown forest re- serves amounting to over a million and a hali acres, have been carefully protected during the past season, and no loss of any conséquence from fires or other cpuses has occurred. Steps are being taken to further increase these reserves in order if possible to establish a perpetual source of in- come from the forests of the province. The mining industry of Ontario is making steady and satisfactory pro- gress. More capital and labor are now being employed in mining operations than at any previous time, and the output o the chief mineral | products of the province is rapidly and steadily increasing in both quan- tity and value. The work of settling the agricultur- al lands of the crown has been suc cessfully prosecuted dmring the year. ' SA] Se es es "fagtbry to know that those who leave the older settlements of the province to obtain homesteads or employment in newer fiolds now realize that they van find unexeelled opportunitiel within our own boundaries. The adequate care and maintenance of the insane of our population still engages the attention of the govern ment. Additional acconunodation for 150 patients has been furnished by the completion of new asylum buildings at Cobourg. This will relieve, for She time being, the existing congestion of the asylums of the province, but fear you will be again called upon at no distant period, to consider the ad- visability of making further provision for the accommodation of the increas. ing number of this afflicted class. I am glad to learn that very satis inctory progress has been my in the promotion 'of teéthnical education and "that in several of our towns and and suitable equipment for the purposes generously provided, and also that the system of travelling HK jes for the newer is of the i provision was made a year ago, met with general approval. ~The, compilation of the imperial sta- tutes in force in the provines of On- tario under the provisions of chapter fIl, R.8S.0., has been completed and embodied in what will constitute vol wme TH of the revised statutes, This pilation with necessary legisla tion will be & itted for your con: sideration, and | have no doubt will be with great favor by the profession and the public. year just closed has been ove of the construction of a railway from North Bay to lake Temiscamingue, in i sentation for the vorih: svince, the ss ies and extra: creaser ern districts of the sesoment Inws, the provincial corporations. The report of the roval appointed to revise the laws of the province and of the several departments Ji¢ service will be laid before you in due course. The ¢stimates for the current year, with as great to economy as is consistent with effi- cient service and the growing wants of the province, will ise wybmitted for consideration at an early date. ---------- SEVEN REBELS SENTENCED. . -- Lord Kitchener Commuted The Death Sentences. Cape Town, Jan. 7.~The 'sentences of seven rebels were Fromuigated at Oudishoorn, to-day. Thtee were sen tenced to be h by the military court, but Gen. itchener commuted the death peoalty to imprisonment for life. Thice wede sentenced to two years' penal servitude, with hard la- bor, and one to three years' penal servibide, : The chairman of the gold law com- miseion stated, to-day, that, although it. wae impossible' to tell as yet what altoretion in -the present. law. would he recommended, rights acquired wn: der the old law will remain undistur- bed. . The summary of weekly official re- ports, from the end of last June io the end of December, shows 1,162 Boers were killed, 876. wounded, 7. 593 captured, and 1,912 surrendered. The Story Denied. ' London, Jan. 8.~The war office, on the suthority of lord Kitéhener, de- ied the report telegraphed from Pre- toria, January Ist, that two officers of the intelligence department, sent to parley - with - Boers, who desired to sutrender, near Warm Baths, were treacherously shot by concealed Boers. The Capture Of Erasmus. London, Jan. 8.--A correspondent of the Times, with Gen. Bruce Hamil: ton, wiring from Davidedale, south- east Transvaal, gives details of a night march and the surpricing of a Boer party on Friday morning. In- formation having been obtained that the Boers were near Amsterdam, Simpson's and Rawlinson's columns started early Thursday evening. The evidence of Kaffirs whom the troo, met en route was conflicting, but the enemy's trail was found at three o'clock in the morning, and after it had heen followed along a long wind ing valley the at dawn. A fow Forty surrendered, including com- mandant Erasmus and the remainder of Pretorius' commando. Two other Boers were subsequently caught with 300 catile. The same evening another group of Boers was nearer r the British camp and twenty were captured, with Wee Waggohs. -- Truly Imperial. Durban, Jan. 7--~With the consent of lord Roberts and the approval of Jord Kitchener, it has been decided to increase the imperial light horse brig- ade, making it truly imperial hy the addition of a squadron from Great Britain, Canada and, Australis. Comparison "Of Losses. London; Jan. 8.--~A published review of' operations in Sout Alsica during the past year, based upon official re ports, giv an interesting compari: son of or and British losses. ~~ The total reduction of the Boer forces, in killed, wounded, taken prisoners, and surrendered, amounts to 18,320 men. Out of this total only 7,993 rifles were secured. The captures of Boer ammu- nition amount to 2,300,000. cartridges. British columns are supposed to have secured all the Boer artillery, amount ing to twenty-seven guns, exclusive the two captured by Gen. Dewet st Zoefontein. The captures of Boer stock have been enormous, including 2 .8%2 horses and 366,521 head of sheep 'taken. The British actual fighting, were killed. a------ CONVICTED BY PHONOGRAPH. Reproduces Threats Made By Dis- carded Lover. : Paris, Jan. B--Mile. Brun, an artist séontly met a young men with whom he fo iu. Jove, but later the, couple a quarrel. took an - ment from a manufacturer of ars 4 graphic placques to sing songs into_a While 'engaged at the ius her i al appara presented himseli { ports, in 1901, HS SEAT IN PRISON QUEEN WILL BE WITH KING AT THE OPENING OF THE IM- . PERIAL PARLIAMENT. The Prince Of Wales Goes To Ber- lin on January 26th--Decrease In the Imports And Exports-- The Protocel Has Been Signed. London, Dee. 8.--Col. Arthur Lynch, recently electod to the commons to re sresent Galway, will be prevented yom teking the seat. As soon as he sets foot on English soil be will. be arrested, charged with treason. Lynch does not deny that he aided the Boers, but says he will tdke the seat unless prevented by force, _ The Worla says that queen. Alexan- dra will probably accompany the king to Westminster, on the opening of parliament, on Janusty 16th. The state coach in which their majesties will ride is a very gaudy 'afimiv, ocon- sisting. almost entirely of plate glass, with gilding and other ornaments: tion, and a crown on top. The cush- jons are of crimson: velvet. The route will be through St. James ark to the Horse Guards, to White hail, and shence to Westminster, The prince of Wales, it is anpounced, will start for Berlin on Janugry 26th. Emperor William will visit England th attend the ceremonies on the anni versary of queen Vietoria's death, and he will also attend the corona: tion of king Edward. The repoyt of - Great Britain's im- ports and exports show that the im- amounted to £523. DAS 086, a decrease, compared with 1900, of £836,177. The exports were of the value of £280,498.889, a de crease from the preceding = year of £10,693,107. Baring brothers, London, have re ceived a cablegram from Buenos Ayres which states that the difference between Chili and Argentine have been settled, and that the latter coun- try has agreed to sign the protocol to-day. WOULD GOUGE OUT EYES, Would Like To Catch Bishop And Dr. Rainsford Alone. Poughkeepsie, N.X., Jan. 8.~William M. Smith, the famous cough drop manufacturer, once probibition candi date for gosernor of New York, in speaking ore #n indignation meet: ing of the Poughkeepsie temperance society, last night, said : *1 would like to put bishop Potter and Ihe Rev. Dr. Rainsford in a room together, "tial: my fingers: jn vhefe] faces and go their eves 5 1d take this method of bringing them back to common sense and to the Lord." Smith is an aggressive temperance worker and the remark was a result of bishop Potter's recent statument that prohibition ix a failure and a fraud and Dr, Rainsiord's declaration that the W.C.T.U. is doing the devil's 4 work. : a---------------- GRABS JAPAN'S TRADE. Increase In Lumber Importation To The Orient. Victoria. BC. Jan. 8~F. GQ. Nosse, consul-general for Japan, at Montreal, kas arrived here from Yoko- hama. 1a an interview he said : _""Prade between Japan and Canada ju growing fast, especially in the im- sorts of salt salmon by Japanese from British Columbia. Japanese will aldo import much lumber from Can: ada, the market for timbers of this country being large. The finances of Japan are agsin in a stable condi: tion, Money is plentiful, but, in com- mon with other nations, Japan was a heavy loser as a result of troubles in North China. "Japan is making gigantic preps: rations for the monsier exposition to be held in Osaka in 1903." TOD SLOAN TO STAY. Will Ride The Horses of Cincinna- ti's Mayor. New York, Jan, 8.--Tod Sloan, ac cording information which has will this seawon ide the speedy horses of mayor Fleischman, of Cin- ati. . Sloan, it ie stated will be reinstat od by the English jockey club on the condition that he yin not acoépt any GIFT FOE MISSIONS. English Lady Donates Sum i ' Church Of E Ottawa, Jan. 8-4. vers Lewis, chancellor of Ottawa. {(Anglican)) gio cose, has received a gift of £900 fron an English lady, who was interested in the mission work of the late Rev. Mr. Low, of Teanveon, who died we cently. The many is to be used es an endowment for Mr. Low's district. At a meeting of the patiotic fand association, day, wt was desided that the fund should apply to mem: bers of the 3rd contingent just ihe same as it did 10 the other conting ent, with the exception of married men. The wives and children of those who join the contingent will not get any benefit because married men are not supposed to go with the foree. Petitions were put in circulation in Hull, to-day, asking the minister of justice to commute the death gentonce of Stanislaus Lacrvix, the Montebello murderer, who is to be executed in March. The petition sets forth that there has never been a legal hangings in Hull, that the petitioners believe the evidence of insanity, given at the trial, was sufficiently strong to raise a doubt in the prisoner's favor. Robert MoGregor, a local baru der, was committed for trial, to-day. on a charge of common assault, al | leged. to have been committed iu Ot tawa, 'the victhm bemg a Young French girl from 8t. Levi, Nuehre. The girl came to the city with her sistor and put up st an hotel. They had a room and ordered gin which they drank. Oue of the girls said that it had an unnatural taste and that her sister, after lying upon ths bed became unconscious. Then the other gistor fell asleep and when she awak! enod two men were in their rom. The evidence given by the wister who aw- akenod first waa the basis of the charge. The victim was unconseions for an hour after the men left the room, MoGregor will be tried this w To eek. C. M. Woodworth, a lawyer from Pawson City, is here to ask the au thorities to mitigate the putishment of George St. Cyr, who is undergoing a life sentence at the police barracks, Dawson, for shooting and killing James Davis, some miles below Hoota- linqua, on November 17th, 1900. Mr Pottinger, general managor of the 1. C. R., says that a supsrannun tion system in connection with the road is under consideration, Winter traffic on the line is very good, much better than last winter. a---------------- + FUSS FUNGLE "' MIXTURE. Drink Peculiar To '""Bowery™ Dis- trict Of McKeesport, Pa. MoKeesport, Pa., Jan, 8.Nifwe the pabfioasian of the story about mayer lack of thie city, persuading s:veral drunkards to swear off numerous in quirics have been made as to the na grat vol #fune fungle," a beverage mentibned in connection with' that sary. "Bowery fuss fungle,'" is a drink found nowhere else in the world, perhaps, than the "Bowery" districi of McKeesport. It was introduced by the Slav residents of that section aud bas since come to be the ¥tandard drink of the "Bowery." Its composi tion to an unskilled rectifier of spir its is a litle difficult. The componunt parts are alcohol, burned brown sn ar, water ahd New Orleans molasses. Properly mixed this stuff will start » ight in church. A ------ BELMONT DEFEATED. Lessler Won Fight For Congres- sional Seat. New York, 'Jam S-~Montagut Less ler, republican, was clected in the sev- enth congressional district 10 suoceod Nicholas Muller, democrat. He beat Perry Belmont, the regular democratic candidate, by 393 votes, the count showing : Lessler, 7.677; Belmont, 7. Think They Found a Swindle. Buffalo, Jan. 8.~What is regarded by the federal authorities as a well de- veloped lotiery swindle was brought to light by the arrest of Andrew Giff. a Senoen street barber, Gifford i» charged with using the mails for fran dulent purposes and it is also stated by the federal officers that no draw ings were held by the "lottery." pur chasers of tickets never having» chance to win Hasn't Been Asked. Princeton, N.J., Jaw B---Forner president Grover Cleveland seid to-day that he has not recvived an invitation to yepresent the United States at the coronation of king Edward. Mr. Cleve land declined to say whether he wo all accept if such an invitetion is wedder od. a ---------------- United States' Population. Washington, "Jan. #.-The census bureau has issued a report announcing the lation of the entire United Siates, including ll outlying sions, which was 54,233,060 in the cen | WERATRER PROBASE { Jercato: Out. Jus. 8 01 am {with fight swow falls; statiasry ursday. higher temperntare. TH y To-Morrow, Thursday, Will be Bargain Day in Colored Drass Goods At Steaey's. ston to choose from, 106-108-110 Princess dtreet. -------------- I ---- JAMES REID, "Ee ADING E] © Ti LE UND TAKES Pe T. ¥. HARRISON CO., Undertakers, 233-235 Princess 88. Quality and oficiency the best. Prices the lowest. Phones--Warerooms, 90. t oat $a J BAnisoN, $l, Calls, Is Info Real Estate. ~~ We cin "pul you seft" Ww a number of in valse, and easily aidetoubll by any see who is is sermest. Look over our let D. A. CAYS. 346 King Street. All Likely Perished. Ishpeming, Mich., Jan. KoFiftesn move pen were en by 0 the Negaunes nine, last and it is feared sll will perish. y work Tl rescue was Begin without de lay, but wp to a ta-hour only Of of the entombed avn bad beep DrOWERE to the surface. : -------- The Alles line steamer MN fv (apron, for New York, Fire Toland, st 3:10 pan. on 20! Per Cent. off ak Our well-known low prices, and the hnest stock in Kings - a cavein i STEACY & STEABY good plese, sll 'ooriain tu ieorsa saplily X

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