THE BIBLE SOCIETY MEETS ADDRESSES "BY REV. PHILP AND PROF. PIKE. The Kingston Branch Behind In The Work--Reporits Received-- A Plea For The Freer Use Of The Bible in School And Church. The annual meeting of the bible so ciety was hild in Queen street Me thodlist church Jast evening. The edi fice was well Glled by a cosmopolitan congregation. G. M. Macdonnell, pre sient of the society, presided. I meeting opened with the singing of a hymn and o seriprure reading and prayer wy the pastor, Rev. Dr. 4 Bute 1, Miss Lola Reynor sang solo,. "0, Where Is Heaven? " Her splendid rendition of the lines was listened to with pleasure. The president returned thanks for the bonor of having been placed at the head of the local branch. of the British aed foreign bible society. He had looked . up the statistics and found that the revenue was no greater to day than it was thifly years ago. Kingston's contribution to the .go ciety last year exceeded $50; Brant fords, over $700, and other places in proportion. The speaker closed by »aying a tribute to the late Rev. Mr. Johbs, a /worker in the bible society here. George DR. Pe ¥ Linoleums. Portier Curtains, Lace Curtains and Draperies in exclusive styles and not to be found el-erhere in the city. We arc 'carrviag at this season of the year avery complete stock at prices which appeal to the closest buyer. Mis. ROC etary, ) read the an nual report which covered the ground very exhaustively. He referred to the death of queen Victoria, and her love and reveregee for the bible. Rev. Mr Dobbs, who passed away during the year, was the first preside nt of the focal branch of the society, The xe teipte, though larger than last year showed that the citizens were not doing as much as they. could. Sixty towns contributed more to the civty than did the city of Kingston. The total circulation during the late queen's reign, amounted to 169471, 844 copies. The Upper Canada hible society bas distributed 1,536,169 copies of the bible, ahd last year it raised £6,093 to carry onthe good work. Yreamurer 'R, 8. Dobbs' annual state ment was read, A little over $31 had heen collected during the past year. A legacy of 8800 was drawing interest at four. per cenit , thus farnishing the cloty with 832 a year. From the sal: of "hibles and testaments $20.36 had been realized; 8150 had been sent' tc the headquarters at Toronto, and there remained $10 to carried over. to next year. The chief speakers of were Rev. Dr. Philp, of Sydenham stro t Methodist chmeh, and Prof Pike, the new professor of Latin in Queen's college. The former advoea ted an increased barnestness touching tke great work of this society. There wos much stimulation in the very ex co kmt reports. New enthusiasm was stieved within = the heart, and thei faces turned with more hope toward the future. Agents and collectors were sometimes desressed and « iscouraged but at such annual: meetings their view was broadened, they saw what other agonts: were accomplishing and their faith wes incre Thus were the annual gatherings of much impor tance. The speaker did not wonder that God had made Great Britain the queen of the nations : She had given the bible to the world. Over 200,000, 0) gupies of Ye scriptures, in noarly 50 language or dialects had heen sent into forvign lands. Why has this Teen done? For the world's great The society voices no erced; hat In Linoleums we show the largest line to be found 'and at prices that mean a genuine money-saving to $0 R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. re sen pbb 80 he ORDERED gs WORK . Repairing, Upholstoring old Furniture, Reni ovating Mattresses, ete, ete, All thin class of work will be done cheaper during January wrk Februnry thou at say other time, We koop our full stafl of Upholsterers and me echiaiics employed 12 the fn the Cory Corners md Window Seats are jalty bere. We will fit any corner or as you wan, at prices to suit. Mattressed dons over ot short notice, CARPETS <All Lending Axminsters] Wiltons, Velvots, Tapestrive, CURTAINS Silk, Tapestry, yete. « Window Shades med Poles, Linoleom nod Ot Cloth; all widths romero UNDERTAKING. P HONES Ris! CALLE, 91-92 BRIGHT or FIRE mos year) on wpec wpace the Brussels, eo Law, Chenille, ele ed. is the symbol of the universal church. The motto of the society was 'On- ward onward until. the precions book was given to all nations apd all n.en., Prof. Pike, in rising, paid a tribute to the eloquent words of Dr. Philp. "The Future of the Bible in Christen dom" was his subject. The workings of Proyidence © were so 'pesuliar that noone can tell what the religious status will he a century hence. It may be that rationalism will sweep away all spiritualism, or that men like Wycliffe may arise and help to evangelize the world. The future of the bible depends much upon its pre sent use, While everybody had a right | to study the scriptures and draw their own conclusions, yet this result el in a variety and complexity 'of de nominations and 'sects that alaost compelled mew, like the Athenians of old, to erect an altar to some un known saint, The spedker pointed out that it was fallacy for people to try. to obey all the isolated and obsolete passages in the bible. The Holy Ghost should take first place; the bible second place. The sphere of the bible cannot be too wide. The stagnation of the society is due to the fact that the bible is not made more use of in the church, Biblical int struction in the Sunday school should be extended to the adult. members of the church. The time. will come, said Prof. Pike, when the members of a chitich will consider it their duty to meet together to stody the bible. With delicacy amd care the speaker approached the yuestion of the bibles Hulieim tis feb clay wehool: soak of Ontario schools, 'but ix Fogland the study of the bible in the day schools did more harm thaw good, The pupils soon measure the teacher and discover just how much he knows of the bible: then they are apt to teke their iden of the depth' sind svope of the bible from what the teacher gives them. Let the best and most spiritual tdachers be placed id "charge. The loarned professor considered it & mis- Jake that students: were allowed to take up an aM our without [Sm "the Hike in bible. is as far above or: speak ghouid through it, st Why young men dr christianity ? Docaise he bible made sufficient use "Let's have aoe of dhe bie bea Tn clothe SL e---------- * Aows 158. ow _ The Best Value For The Least Money He could | THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9. ie THE ANKUAL MEETING. Kingston Horticultural. Society Elects New Officers.' The amiBal meeting of the Kingston horticultural - soviety was held last evening in the city buildings. The attendance was not ne large as was expected, but some new faces were scen. fhe report of the auditors showed re wipts from all sources to have been nearly $5002 and alter all expenses had been met a balance of 5108.40 re mains to the credit of the society in the bank. The number of entries in the horticultural department at the annual (age Jast September was the largest dR* record, going considerably over 1,000, The election of offi resulted : Honorary presidents, Dr. C. K. Clarke, Dr. Platt, Edw. J. B. Pense; president, #. H. Maciwe; first vice-president, H. I. * Wilkinson ; second vice presi lent, James Daly; third vice presi lent, 8. N. Watts; directors, R. Bai- fen, M. Flanagan, T. Eoctaid, g Friendship, CG. Nicol, R. J. Bushell, Purdy, Al dwick, bob Shaw; auditors, @. V, Bartells, J. E. Cunningham, At a subsequent tore, E. C. Dean was re-elected secre thry-treasurer. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered the auditors for the work they performwd during the vear. meeting of direc a le pido PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. Charleville died James Mosher, on January lst, aged seventy-eight years. Ie was father of Mrs. Babeock, King on. . Hon. D. C. Fraser called last even- ng upon principal Grant, who was an id friend of his in Nova Scotia, from shich provinee both hailed. Daniel McDonald, (Long Dan), Wolie sland, died on Tuesday night aged eventy-one yoars. He was an highly witeemed islander, J. J. Hacpell, of Queen's, left for 'olleville, this afternoon to attend the sanquet of the Canadian club to Gil wrt Packer, MP. Mrs. Carr-Harris,' - succeeds Mrs, Prof.) Shortt as president of the ¥ t.C.A. Mrs. Shortt has retired be ause of regrettable ill-health. On Monday last William Healey, an mployee of the Whig press room, slip od on a smooth r.¥ on a sidewalk and fell, breaking one of his legs in hree places. Miss I. E. Fortescue, one of the five Janadian nuises recommended by sur won-general Neilson fer serviee in 3outh Africa, is a daughter of the late x-alderman Joseph Fortescue, of this ? DISMISSED THE SUMMONS. comb Sergt, Newnham Sustained In His Contention. The case of A. Abernethy vs. fhomas Newnhamn was heard in the livision court. This was the matter over which a dispute arose as to whe: ther an aceount could be collected from a soldier. Newnham, it seems, paid the full amount of the plaintifi's weount, but there were lawyer's fees pegides, and these he would not pay. The case came ap in the form of a judgment summons commanding the defendant to appear to be examined. Mr. Melntyre, K.C., objected to be examined on the ground that being a soldier, and under the'operation of the imperial army act, he was not liable to be examined, and neo order gould be made against him. Mr. Mcintyre argued this point at some length, cit. ing the vgrious sections of the army act, the king's regulation' and the do- minion militia act. Mr. Webster ap: pared for the plaintifi. = His honor gave effect to the defendant's conten: tion he was not lable to be brought up under a judgment. sumigons, or have any order made against him, and he dismi sed Lhe summons. Sergt. ne n---- FELL FROM A LADDER. Two smiths, William Wawiiton, tinsmith, em ployed by Elliott Bros, while at work wm Queen's vew arts building yestor- day wt with an accident. He another young man named Anderson were ascending a high Iadder aud when about fifteen fect from the ground the ladder bfoke, throwing them to the 'ground. Anderson es- caped with a fow slight bruises, but Hamilton was badly shaken up snd will be forced to remain in his room for some time. He was conveyed to the general hospital; it was found that though bones had not been brok: en, his. nervous systesn had received a sovere shock. He has not long re covered from the efiects of a fall, sus tained some months ago: The ladder which broke yesterday was a now one, jist purchased; the accident was due to the fact that the ladder was plac ed at too great an angle against the wall, in such a manner that it would not sustain the weight it was called upon to bear. Accident To Young -Tin- Lieut. Miller Resigns. Lidut. Miller, of "A" (ald battery, yesterday dendered his resignation, Evidently military life in Kingston is not popular. This young officer has made many friends in the city, and kis retirement: from the battery is much, wgrettod. He came to King: ston from Hamilton; "where he = was formerly, an officer in the 4th field battery. A Beautiful Complexion. 'As a substitute for a beautiful com: resort LH. Reynolds will have antl | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. PARAGRAPHS PICKED UF BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. ¥ The Spice of Every Day Life--; What the People are Talking About---Nothing Escapes At- tention. Strictly tgiloranade overcoats, £10. Bibby 's. Yhres applications of Picks Corn Salve will cure hard or soft corns. in big boxes, Wade's drug store, Last year the ferry steamer ceased its trips the island on January 19th, twelve days later "tnan this year. I'he to collegiate institule has now four typewriters, the one lately in the board rooms having been trans ferred there. I'he finance committee of the board of education met last night and pass ed a number of accounts. A quorum was pot present, . The number of chattel mortgages registered with the county | court clerk in 1900, was 364, the total con sideration being $164,318, Great long ulst .., large storm col lars, $6.50, 89, #5. High class ulsters, at Bibby"s. The H. B. Smith advertising agen ey, St. John's, P.Q., have issed ou handsome calendar, one of the bright. est and best of the season. Oak Hall overcoats. The finest goods manufactured. Sold only at Bibby's. And now the conservatives will say to the grils "go way back and = sit down," when civic appointments and chairman~mps are being handed out. Yesterday's 'political meeting in On- tario hall was one of the most order Iv aml decorous of the Kind ever' held in Kingston, so old campaigmers say. The teats in the balcony of the new opeca. house weve . placed in position tod " main floor is being rapidly lai The scenery ' has heen arranged. ! Only a few rigs took up a position the market square this morning t was about the only eommodity ed for sala, and the demand ior that was limited. Those unhappy who suffer from nervousness and dyspepsia should Carter's Little Nerve Pills, which made expressly for sleepless, ner vous, dyspeptic sufferers. Price 25c, The retiring colle institute trus tees this year are Messrs. Dr. Moeri on and J. G. Elliott. The corancil makes the new appointments and rot a few names are mentioned for the position. The semi-monthly dances at' the bievele elub robms will be resumed to-morrow nicht to continve through out the season. Duncan' Campbell is chairman of the committee, and has made arrangements 'for a pleasant time, There touch with your tailors at Quarterly held in the Free rona, January 10th and 12th. charge: The Montreal Herald and Torouto Star shouldn't growl about the high price of potatoes in their respective cities. If the editors lived in Kings ton they would have some reason to kick. "The man with' the hoe," who had any kind of a crop, made money this yqar. There is no one article in the line of medicines that gives so large a return for the money as a good porous strengthening plaster, such as Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters. At the annual meeting of the bible society last night, president G. M. Macdonnell told how, forty years ago, those who attended the meetings would pack , the city? hall to the doors. He regretted that no. such in terest wis being taken in the work to-day. A political meeting yester day packed the hall; a cheap concert would to-morrow night, offer persons use are ie nothing in Kingston our $10 overcoats $18 can "compare it Bibby's meeting services will be Methodist church, Ve Rev. W. Completed Her Course. Miss Hamaguchi, the Japanese nurse who has spent two years in training in-the Kingston general hospital, has completed her courre, and passed her final examinations Yesterday she bade her comrades good-bye, "The young Japanese lady is at present the guest of Miss Rogers, Barrie street. Entertained Her Friends. Last might, - Miss Pearl Mooney en- tertained a number of her vouag friends at her home, Division street, Light refreshinents were eerved ab 11:30 pan. The pleasint gathering broke up at widaight, all present vot ing Mise Mooney a charming young haste s. i To Continue The great discount Locket shoe store is to continue an other week. Special announcements frome day to day. sale at. the THIN AND THICK. Good Food Will Do Wonders. A (est was made to seo how much a thin person oould gain Ly using Grape-Nuts Proakfast Food. A Tady in Warren, O., says :- "Some months ago | was so thin and poorly nour ished I thought 1 would seq what ef feet Grape Nuts wowll have bn me, so I began taking the food regularly for breakfust and began 'to grestly im- prove at once. F kept track of my weight and {found | gaindd neardy ten pounds in about six weeks, and | have nover felt better in my life. Have no more sour stomach, and you may depend 1 think the food a great sdecows. My son noticed he could wamorise more readily a he be Dogan using Grape Nuts. Please don't publish wy name." (Name can be given Ly Pos tum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.) The system will build out the body 4h its natural sive and he the ¢ CITY AND VICINITY. -- First Across The Ice. honor of being the first that forms the winter between Wolie Island and the city, bas agnin fallen to William Card, the well-known damier. He made the firs trip with a hore and rig 'on Wednes day afternoon, Crossing with safety. For a good many vears he has been the first to make the trip 4 The the ide, across bridge \ x Elected Directors. ing of the shar & Montreal Twsday af frank wil rruthers ensuing the af presented At the 'annual holders of the Kingsto forwarding company, ternoon, in Mon Hes, KF. W.© Ross, J. Btewart and EK. Ca were elected directors for the vear. A satisfactory report of fairs of the company w nee on Ross, .. liam People. known in medical treatment to-day so efiective and cer tain of a cme and so magical in its building up power as South American Neorvine, because it strikes at the root of all nervous ailments, the digestive organs," makes rich red blood, drives Away "emaeviation, puts on flesh and makes over physical wrecks generally. For sale by E. C. Mitrhell.--148, For "Run Down' There's nothing Christmas Tree Entertainment. Last Christmas conducted in Paul's church, Sunday evening a most tree entoertal ent the school wn of for the benefit of the school pupils. From a well fnden tree Santa Clyus' representa i Rorgt. Maj. Lon tributed giits to th did programme we which lit is due Hodwen and M. He rch. { Carey acted a chi airman. "Doing" The Conductors. conductors number of ladies successiu was Rt ve, Street that a der them a $10 bill for fave cannot make change, woman gets a ride well-known who ¢ thi ' rides this conductor the railway complain always ten The con the ductors £0 one has an goods, st on five different ox chenie. At last, how stopped his car office and got wie n greatly showed 1t in every abundarice free by one went to the cha disappointed, of her cured company's The and face was featur Water Troughs On Railway. the rumored im on the Grand construction of along 1s can re decreas some of 8 to be made Trunk railway, is ihe track water troughs by whieh passenger rines their supply without running speed. It is under Great Western will They will be scoop lowered up 6,000 Among prove: lines, eng plenish ing the stood the construct 1,600 feet long apd a by the fireman will gather gallons of water if necessary. In win steam will be interjected into the troughs at certain points to keep the water from freezing Chicago them at once ter jets Does Not Purpose Resigning. A rumor has heen current street that Prof. Dyde, council's representative the board of education, intended wing his seat, owing tO his proposed ab SEHCR in Europe in the summer and that it wa suggested that George -Y Chown should suceced him. A reporter asked Prof. Dyde about the matter. He be had thought "of resigning, but had since changed his mind and would re main a member of the board of educa tion, but ddsiring a minor, pl on the committees sosthat his absence would the Board's the ona of the on % on resig said ee not affect work. Kingston Township Society. The annual meeting of the Kin township agricultural society was held at Cataragqoi We afternoon with a large attendance of member The report the auditors showed a balance on hand of $06 These officers were President, Thomas Sproule; 1st vie president, William Shannon; 2nd vice-president, H. Simp directors; R. *« Jushell, ¥ ht, W. Blacklock, F. Truedell, G Dows W. Pillar, A The directors will hotel on the 15th ting a se aston dnesday of elected : 20m ; Konig Nicol, R. kin, J. Martin, meet at the Windsor inst. for the purpose retary-treasurer Ran of ek A Helpless Man. A man is certainly in a helpless con dition" when he has to sit with his leg on a chair for weeks, unable to move William © Grimshaw, Wolfe Island, Frontenac county, Ont.' was in this plight. Doctors could do nothing for him and the pain remained in his legs for six months. - Three bottles of Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure and three boxes of Climax Iron Tonic Pills routed the Land restored th., He now Teenve recommends it to all sufferers, This great blood purifier is put up in bottles containing ten « days' treatment. Price 3c., at Wade's drug store. Good Advice : The mest miserable beings in the world are those suffering from dyspep sia and liver complaint. More than seventy-five per cent. of the people in the United States are afflicted with thuse two diseases and their effects; such as sour.stomach, sik headache, habitual costiveness, palpitation of the heart, boart burn, waterbrash, ghaw ing and burning pains at the pit of the stomach, yellow skin, coated ton gue 'and disagrecable taste in the mouth, coming up of food after eat ing, low apinite, - ete Go Lo your druggist and get a bottle of August Viewer Tor 106, Two doses will relieve you. Try it -------- Division Court Concluded. Division court did not conclude till three o'clock yesterfiay afternoon. Jt was the Joagiet sitting of that court held in Kingston for years. These judgments were given : Robert Allison vs. A P. Vanluven-- Account' #09. Judgment for plaintifl £3. Philip HeCary manufacturing com: pany vs. J. . Boys--Ascount $14.92, A, Abramson va. Ww, J J geobs Tyson £09. Judgment for W. Beith ot al. him "to perfect HOCKEY MATCH LAST NIGHT. FRONTENACS DEFEATED THE BICYCLE CLUB TEAM. It is Said That The R. M. C, Hockey Team Was Not Sus- Jpended--Winnipeggers Axe Con- 'ident of Defeating Welling- tohs. There the lan from Winnipeg to Sh rock team Winnipegs the cosners tor T'rikey, return of Scan she Montreal n 18 talk of hockey satisfied all than against aro nw Victon the Sta > Facrell, Tansey and Wall, sour hockey veterans will again join vhe' ranks of the Montreal Shamrocks and bring the team to thy op. On the soup-plate rink at Peter: bore, the Cc of that town harely to deféat Belleville juniors Belleville will wo win und White, for with as cu managed 6 doubt outfielder, I'oronto in 1597, and lust season, has accepted Toronto's terms for next year. He will take Brown's place in right field, Toronto Wellington's team: to meet the Winnipeg Victotias finally been chosen as follows: Bilton; point, Smart; cover point, Darling; conires, McKay and Chadwick; wings, Ardagh and Hill. There is a strong probability _that the intercollegiate cable chess match this year will for the first time be played in Boston. The details have vet to he arranged" TRE Doston ath lotic association stands ready to 'en tertain' the players provide for the match, @itawa rughy elub send affida vite the O.R.F.U. executive on he half of Powers, Muephy and Hamilton who were suspended It will de clared that these men received no money for playing rugby last fall. As to Hamilton, it will be stated that he went to Ottawa unsolicited, and se cured a ther After a week's discus have come to The. Roval not suspended a mn the who" played was with Syracuse has Goal, and will to be position the Tor this conclu ion, 0 sheets milita for ile, or sition club, was for a vear, er particular yediod of time lared the r ion at all finding, buat it wm all the same wis de with wusper elub's membership feited, in accordance there Ihat's ¢ and was no ertainly.a wis amounts to a sugpensi The Frontenacs Won, At the Kingston rink last night, an exhibitiqn hockey mateR was played between a Frofitenac team and the Bicyele club The former won by f goals one, At hali the tie each Harty . Two hundred wore atten 7 Frontenacs--Coal, phy cover-pomnt Walsh: wings, Swiit, club-<Goal, J cover-point, and Laird; wings, Van Neale, icemen to tim Dr specta one Mills; Chown Mur contres, Wil Waddell Devlin; point Bvans; oe point, Yams, Bieyel Donnelly Ashl and nires Horne Queéen's Met Defeat. Pittsburg, Jan 9.The famous Queen sn university hockey team «from Kingston, Ont.) met its first defeat in the United States last night at Du quesne one of the fastest and cleangst games here for a long time. The allstars of Pittshurg were responsible for the visitors The score was two to made in the second hal Garden, in downfall one A SUCCESSFUL ASSEMBLY. Large Attendance And A Beauti- fully Decosated Hall. One of the most successful, lw ducted and thet which ternational held in the men of Leon pleasing ties was the | of the In machinists The msiderabls trouble in decorating hall, stream draped from » ceiling and THe platform was of flags in tically draped i evens iron' went to ¢ crs being aaron wall veri bower beant plenty being artis available spot Flags were oi tieres a prominent plagform yes a od of with every ised as | over the place 'on huge replica of wiation, iHawinated Ace the front so suspended a line The decorations reflected nstaking the ass oir i lights was al golored lights wire beautiful and eredit upon the pal tee Croshy & plied musi the dancers greatly of the st: inuch commit Thornton's orchestra sup of -& high order, which canvassed floor midnight supper ion hotel char of the one rf on At Cirand Up aniayéd wl at the o vampiitiee in the third tho association, was cor ' of W O'Brien, chatéman Marks, Porter, J. W : « Ka. A P Mone: ri f, "Me Dona £8 Was Was sor Th ns rmbt; hy Lemmon, The at the and beau Bed retary large and rich usa we of the ladies Is Running The Church. In a local Sunday ing au school teachers for take the purchase of childemn, wroug ito the 3 of, without wt eonsultiing He gave the to understand 08 running the church ~ achoiat and did not went fered th. sehood last the ring ven Sunday under for Nunday him that he Sunday miter niger see 10 prevents and to Iw Miller's Headache Powders eure head oche in five smimntes, In hoxes 1c. and 250, at' Wade's drug store, White and - colored shirts, big dactions at Bibby's. Cold Damp Weather Joe i et. Cle Cop re runners of the dread 8 'Surprising Kesults. {A Simple Internal Remedy Males Rewarkebla Cures of Catarth, inhalers, and Bave sprays, Larrh, sho People wane lves aod ed how sre, will ollowing in tablet fof, drggaia over that Sweats s Caley tablets seth at OU wits or Jul med bo ix the. sates, west uffsctive wid pops all catarch remwhios all cheap gh jemnges * connie up give a WnBpOrasy Jahdren by wenly iat they as eof Nearly whireat andiouws hth wat cheap eopriuity "RE LUT ses rebel thew with a irritation in is temporarily re whe oaewe but By fouling the irriwwtion is sill ter rein nerves "of ugh is aad will promptly Souaet x Cgtareh Tablets is the best remedy corarrhal seeretion, whether iu throat or wnavh because they sol of Wholesome aur beprios ke sm, Bload Root, « when you ues those jatusts yom kaow what you arm pat wy into your sy wim awd wot akg rats i gouniig, opiates or simtar. pod foud in catarrh eres awed toeshiobnos . Taviscet], amenting on" eatarel ya v recon they oon. ngerous drug eatarrh sures BE of long sual catarrh of #he ad 8 throat oom ctely cored BY. the daily uso of these tab sin for several weeks. Une case iu particular, wittoh | oonki nod reach with inbinler or B pray dis where the used daily eadaches and & nod uw boss of hearing entirely ured by his harmless but of tive remedy,' Dr. Wakowright way i wo proscevhe Stuart's. Catarch Tablets for snrrchat Iewdnchos viarvhal deafness we 1 know o wo porfecldy sale r faid or axdelt WANE. re markable cures r regular wily nee; becasise wed od in drug stores awy wxl phiywiels ve 0 Hod . 5 a eh br ave known catare wever hesitate mbling from heir they gr timed is ne why Cra wr h vue wherever Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are wointly sabia for eatarrhal children they are pleasant 10 he taste y be used frecly to bre up severe seed croup nt the very ing All druggists retody we for full sized po fittle hook on ud cur ie by addins t ¥ A , Mich ve colds i a and . olds at fry a tarrh Stuart ii ---- 0000000000000 oal All Good Coal Ought to be. Just as Cheap As Bad Coal. IIs & : 1 SWIFT & CO. 'Phone 135. 9000000000009 WE WANT 10 SUPPLY YOU WITH YOUR WINTER STOCK OF COAL. A ween bome, s smal ashes, litte @r, col, are the rewult from. we. Apd you pay would fof peor conl. Todt of Quess sm 3 Your Neighbor 53 WALSH' SCRANTO COAL is All Right. Have you tried ic ? Shall we send you a ton