Pembroke & Casadis: . | Pacific Railways. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON. wl I Oi Somos ad . Boston, Torest Deover, the, vy, Bacit Ste. Mark 5 Pool, Winnipes, Vancouver, See* and San Francisco. 5:00 pam--Looal for Sharbot Lake, eof secting with CPR. east and west. $05 a.m. Mondays, Wedvesdays and Fel days for Renfrew and intermediate polis. Taving Kineton at 1160 am 4 ha oe? at Borg ny 60 am; Ss ober is. 11 50 am Tn a et Soe Street. P. CONWAY, ¥. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. Pass Agt Cem, Supr THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY {MEW SHORT LIE FOR Deseronto asd all lose! Toaves City Hall Depot % 4 Ty OLR Tin ot ARTE ich Time Table 3 & © rains will leave City Depot, Foot of Johnston street. § GOING EAST. 2.30 A.M 1 Mm. 1.25 P.M. ais awss i irs 2 OB PRE GOING WEST, "" 1 y Nos. 1, except NM, ' 9 4nd 4 rou daily. No: 6 daily, . Nos. 6, 7, 11, 12 and 19, Pullman : Ascommoda tion, all other apply to ifortad tion, a a DOMINION LINE. Mall Steamships, Liverpool Service, T. FROM PORTLAND, » Noll vas or Dec. 28th, «we Jam. Ath. wad wn. Mth, Jan. 18th. Dam. rg ss Jan. 25th. ; TP . Febe lat. teamers marked * do not carry passen ATES OF Fagot Saloon, $50 and mers. RA : Single, $80 roturn; Second Saloon, $35; Third Class, $25 NEW SERVICE "30, Vasa. ol Gibenltat, Naples, Genos, Alexandria. Wh, Jan, 4th, Feb. 12 wi ES TBERMUDA .. NOW FARVANED | BERMUDAS, WITH | com wsquable "win temperature of scenery and 100 mi GHEE | ow ¥ Special per 8S. Madians, 6th Feoruar: 1908, For doucriptive vamphiets apply to ¥ AE C0, Acerts, 39 Proud: - New York: J, P. HANLEY or J. P. %. Kingsion, Ont. ARTHUR 'A , Quien. Allan Line orm. oe Royal Mail Steamers, From St. Joba, From Halifax. Jonlan, Soturday. dan, 11, Moaday, Jan. 13. Pretorian, Sat. Jan. 18, Mon 20; Corinthian, Sat. Jan. 23, Mon, Parisian, Sat. Feb 1, Mon RATES OF PASSAGE. Cabi 0 and upwards; return, e Cabin, $35.00 to Fob. Third Derry, 5 If You Could Look sa the | | : Till reliel at once--and that naturally would be through 'Shiloh's i Consumption Cafe ™ SHILOH cures Cos in a dayl 26 cents. Guaranteed. + os oo et Write to 8. C. Weis & Co,, Toronto, Can., for free trial bottle. "Karl's Clover Root Tes purifies the Blood ito the foture 20d condition, to & 3 Paine's Celery Compound The Great Medicine To Which Thousands Owe Lie and' Happiness. A Sure Bani her 'ot Disease and Giver of Good Heahb. Vigorous youth and robust mans hood and woman hood are blessings that eome to those whose neryes are strong, whose bodily organs a healthy end active, and whose bloc is pure and rich with nourishment. Paine's Celery Compound is the ove medicine for the banishment of tis ease. It braces the nerves, makes pve blood and gives streng to every hm portant organ of the body. Tv hip given a new lease of life to thousahls whose cases were considered critical 14 powers and virtues will, withont jail, give you the pew bealth and strength you so earnestly look ior. Mrs. A. Perry, Pors Maitland, N/ §., writes thus: "For two years 'my system was all run down, and I sal fored more than 1 can describe, from nervous prostration and insomnia: At times I almost lost my reason [eojn pain at base of the brain. husband advised me to try Paige's Celery Compound, whick 1° did, and: the effects were wonderful, 1 soon began to sles' well; and the pain leit my head; 'my whole system Wag strongthened, und I now enjoy very good health.' d savere My IO. BE LET. 3000: FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR withow? board, 10% Queen street. Tob all modus ous, wiry on niversity Avenue. : TERRACE, room in ex the Whig 191 dOUSE IN VAUGHN kitchen and bath Aktien: No: 8, or at AE HANDSOME STORE LATELY Fount ety Comer" phi 18 fod ¥ ly EDW. J. B. PENSE. y 29% QUEEN STREET, 8 ROOMS, MODERN; shaw, Prong avd Bigk: cidiso other dwell fre, stoves whd offices: - Apply to J. 8. H. MoCann, 342 Kisg-Sirect WO LARGE OFFICE ROOMS, FIREPROOF vault, Frehange ws. Apply | ww GEORGE CLIFF, real ma insurance and mining broker, 118 Brook streeti HP WITH PLATE GLASS FRONT, den Prigcess Ing works: uive of Ep & KIRKPATRICK, Clatente M FIRST OF MAY, 1901, houses, iv Sy St. 'Boer Joseph ly with all tone venlontes. Row o0oW fs dase Spnte Jost 1 ARCHITECTS. i} | mms Loan opposite ----------------------------------. Liverpool, London and Glebe bo Lterddy i bas the ide is now considered safe. The LAS We Can ahd | resort, vo | HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS | o JEWS FRON OUR NEKEBORS WHAT OUR CORRESPONDONTS HAVE TO TELL US, ala---- The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern OntariosWhat Peo- | ple Are Doing and What They , Are Saying. ---------- Increased Her Salary. Ernestiown Station, Jan. S~Miss | Shaw has been re engaged to teach at! an. increase oi salary. | The Misses Hattie and Ada Miller and Gladys Cliie spout their Christmas holidays with their aunts, the Misses Fraser, alse Willet Smith and family, Mor ven. Mr.. and Mrs. FE. Amey . and daughter and Mr, and. Mrs. RB. Bens jamin spent Christraas week at B. Amey's, Cobourg, Mrs, Elmore Amey presented ber husband with a fine young won, Friday. Mr., and Mrs, Nicholas. Amey: were "At Home" to fiends New : Year's eye. Mus. Cath arine Wemp and family spent Thurs day last 'at George Forward's. ---- . Old Pioneer Dead. Lansdowne, Jan. 8. Municipal elec tion: ecamlidates © Reeve, Cross and McConnell; eomneillors, Pempster, Moore, Quinn, Webster, Cole, and Lan dom. Cross (liberal) elected reeve; ma- jority thirty. Councillors, first four named above, all conservatives. Wil liam Buck, aged seventy-eight, 'one of the old pioneers of this section, pass' of Away at his Fome onthe main road. last Friday. Deceased conduct a blacksmith shop for muny years. and was highly respected. The funeral srvice in the Methodist church Sune day was largely attended. The RBonth African war is no doubt creating a keener interest in military afigirs. Two of ony voung men, Sergt WwW. Ww Frew, and Pe Donald Jack, lofy Mouilay for Toronto to take a. course in the Roval séhool of infantry. Miss Blanche Stone" has returned to Kings ton. =A. Brodley 'has retirned to To- ronte to college. Marysville Matiers. Marysville, Twendinaga, «Jan. 6. The funeral of the late Miss Florence Cunningham passed through hese yes the remains were placed in St Mary's vault. Miss Florence O'Connor has «returned to - Kingston after! spending her vacation with: her wuole, dean (V'Connor: Mise Josephine Ryan in | spending a fdw days mn Belleville: Mr. and Mrs Bugh Car roll, Enterprise, spent Christmas and New Year's with John: Drummey. The many (vend of Thomas Meagher re- gret to bear of his departurd to' Bul falo. - A number of our young people rove out. to a: party at James Blew- eit's last Friday night; and report a good time. Mrs! Joseph: MoGurn is i. Mrs: Joha €.-Meagher and dough tor, and Miss Hannah Sheehan speut a jew days of last . week the guests of the Misses Sheehan, Westbrook. Miss [ibbie Williams had returned to hen home in Albers, after spending 'a few days of last week, the guest of "her aunt, Mes. Jo Corrigan, 'The wohool of school section. No. 7 was re-opened Ly Miss Jennie Baker on the 6th. Amberst Island Notes. Stella; Jan. 8.~Mre. and Mes, Joseph Saunders have returned from | their honeymoon in New York city. The bride' was Josie, thy eldest davghter of J. Henderson, jr. She is a charming young lady, and very much respected. he groom is alse very popular. Miss Maud | Cooper, Chatham, ' is visiting friends here. W. Chopor is also here. Mr.| Goottbersy, visiting at Mrs Stkain's a few days, leit Béve on Mon- day. T. Gervin has' gone to Kings: ton to attend Queens college. A. Wol: lad His abott to start "age rumning, Méthodist "church 'concert and Christ Was tree wast Wy Successful The Proshyteriai= ¢oncert - was also excel Qe Now Year's eve the English AsaCure For Piles. Dr. Chase's Ointment Never Dis- appoints--It Has Won World- Wide Fame on Account of Its Magical Control Over the Jfost Severe Cases of Itching, Bleed- ing and Protrudiag Piles. Eat : Doctors may. tell you that nothing short of a surgical' operation will cure piles, In this they are mistaken, ve. in a host of case: where Dr, C 's Ointment has Leen used. It is not infrequent that peo- sie tell us that ne Chase's Qingintnt cute after wa, is too som, too Hy hund ment. vow Almost at once. It will thoroughly cure ybuw in fare pot capsing a8 much # "HE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY. JANUARY ©, rr 4 tas autios oes Nr church had 'a grand intertainment and i Brsssssssacsansnreenel tree; Victoria hall was filled to the door. The CF. conducted a dance New Year's night. Supper was pro: vided by the ladies. Mrs. D. Wemp, dangerously ill, is improving. Denbigh Doings. Denbigh, - Jan. T.--The municipal clections for Denbigh, . Aljinger and Ashby are again a thing of the past. The only mewber who served in last sear's council was the weevesleact, Jobs S. Lane, who recived a mar ity of twenty five voles Gwer his = op- ponent, ¥. Marquardt, who has ser rel as councillor for sixteen years The | eonncillors ae: Rubert Conner, Wallace Mailory, James Richmond and Kamil Warlide. The approaching hye elections for, the house" of conunons stir und interest as a general election would produce. Messrs Wartman and Ayles worth held a meting on bebali of F. S. Wertman at Denbigh on the even ing of the Ind inst. and at Venna- chat on the dvd inst, Charles Stein bas Been very serjously ill, and for a ¢omple of 'days, his recovery at his advanced age {vighty'three years) was considered doubtful. According ' to last reporls he is improv ing. Ow school has opened again with ED Shangraw as principal. Rev. Paul Beaig has gone to Philadelphia to see Mrs. Besig, who i tilF confined in the German hospital there. slowly re covering from a corfous illness. bt THE OLD POLICY. - ------ J. H. Metcalfe a Follower of The 01d Conservative Party. Herewith are given, in part, the concluding portions of the addresses deliverad. at they powination meeting in Ontario hall yesteraay afternoon. The meeting did not close until long aiter four o'clock, too late to get the {atter parts of the speeches in Wed nesday's paper. Yesterday's report portion of Mr Fraser's ad In the concluding part he said You have certain interests in Kings: ton of which the government has not heen unmindful, said-Mr. Fraser, But these facts are mot alone sufficient for vou to support Mr Harty, ahd | would be sofry it'1 had no other facts to lay before you. I would. be sortw 3 I could not' appeal to your Yeason instead of vonr potkets You hould 'not change the present govera ment until it bas heen' proved a bad government.' 1 call 'upon Mr. Miteali to show that the present government s a bad on I say that when it is shown that the government that not immindful of Your intérests iT a good 'one, vou should pot go back on il I was pleased to hear Mr Met valfe vay that when he was ill, Mr Harty was one of the" best friends he had: welt, if he thinks that 'opposing My. Harty now is an expression of sratitude to his best friend, I consid or it 'a | strange manner in which to manifest dt. 1 was, 1 Say, pleased to hepr Mr. Metcalfe say that Mr. Har ty was his best friend, as it will re lieve wou of voting against Mr. Met calic's best friend, You should ne nore support Mr. Metcalfe because he ie a poor man, then Mr. Harty . be cause" he 'is a rich one, as he is said to 'be. Both 'men must stand before con on their individual ' merits; you are ihe jury and 1 am merely address ing you in behalf of my client, the de jendant, Mr. Harty.' If you are wise to 'your best interests you will decide the issue according to your best in tolligence, The responsibility rests as much on you a& on thé candidate. See that hone dre drawn, aside from their. duty by petty affairs, but let cdoh one vote'ad hix sense of duty to the best "interests of his country tenches Him. r M#. Prager resuined hig land cheers and' applause. Mr. Metcalfe was heartily received a® he ardse to reply. The speaker re ferred to Me. Fraser's able speech; all were delighted at hearing the honor able gentleman. The speaker was present to speak in bekali of a leader far Ereater and more glogions © than Kir Wilfrid Lourier, one whom the honorable speaker had tried hard to defesit. and one whom Mr. Harty had tried to defeat. He 'referréd to the jate 'Rt. Hon. Sir John'A. Macdon aM, statédman. upholder of the old flag and the old policy. The reform party 'are milking more on the floor than a the government pail. Our friend asks me, "where is the cabinet you have ready ¥' 1 ask him' to' pull it out of his packet. A'strong oppo- gition 'Tn parliament is just as essen tial as a strong governmem. Sir Wil f¥id Laurier is to-day building ~opon the structure erected 'by the brains of Sir Jobe Macdonald. Thank God Can ada is benefiting to-day by the pol jey evolved bv the late 8ir John A. Macdonald. The reform party has taken held of the national structure reared hy Sir Jobn A. Macdonald. and fire now seated therein enjoying lux uty, from the government leaders down to the man fry who milk the cow. The speaker referred to the two' protests through which he passed in 1883 and 1890 ax proof of the state ment that his elections had been pro perly conducted. ~ He thought Cana- Jdians should be thankful to the liber al pafty for having so faithfully ear ried out the policy of the former con = seat amid short tine. . £ ro Ont. states: | i " servative government. He felt assur éd that those who profited by the ¢ | full dinner pail would give him a fpli {ballot bax on the 15th inst. 'WH Mr. Harty should be returned, the speaker would be the fest to grasp his hend and bid him. success, telling him to v the best he could for Kingston. The "speaker prophesied his return on he 15th, #nd pointed out that all "Mr. Harty needed to restore him to perfect A p health was a long rest, aga the spesker promised to give him thay hoon on election day. Ne promised ii sent to-parliament, to use his best ciorts' to advance' the tnterests of the solomy that is wo Joval to the Briush empire The weting was closed by cheers Rp '¢ {Little Miss saves Caryl} ov Chicago Record. "Of courte I. koew all about it Hadn't 1 tended Mr. Rodney in lang vlothes an' lived in the family until he was a strappin', broad shouldered man. side by swale! with his father in all the responsibility and work' of that ig jerm? Why, I was nurse, any cook, an' sewin' girl, an' every: thing you tan think of in that fae iy 2 ' 2 "An don't 1 remember the very day Miss Carvl come there first ? You sve, it was right after she'd lost her mo ther. an' she. haan't a soul in the vorld that belonged to her, anyways se. an Mrs. Whitcomb was only an ola friend herself, but there ! It was just her way to go an' ask Miss Caryl to come ana live with them. "Such a little stip of a browh eyed, curly-headed thing she was, with mo; tions for all the world just like a bird ! | ean see this minute how sh jooked when she walked in at the door an' 'Mire. Whitcomb took hier in her arms. An' Mr. Whitcomb, toe, come ap an' gave her a kiss, an' said she must be his little daughter now; an', with that, Master Sydney, who was only a year younger than Miss Caryl himself--he was sixteen--come bounein' wp an' daid if she 'was his sister he was goin' to have a kiss, too." So then Mr. Rodney kissed her, but in a bash! kind of a way, an'--well, 1 knew what bad happened to him that very might "An' it-all come along as natural as you please! Weil, 1 was glad for Mr. Rodney when it was all settled, though 1 knew, of course, she didn't hali know how 40 loye him, just al first. How could « she. anyway little voung thing ! Folks expect miracles, seems to me. : "1 don't forget one aay at dinner, when 1 was clearin' away the plates, an' she an' Master Syd got into soni discussion an' left it to Mr. Rodney to decide, wn' she looked up at hin laughin', an' says: 'Now, Rodney, don t vou go back on me!" Well, sir, be just lookea at her. Such a look! An" she stopped laughin: all of a «adden. an' looked 'down, an' 1 says to myseli, 'She's beginfing to under stand a little. "She was, afterward "Well, by and by Mr think about gettin' course; 'an' his rich. wncle made 'him an offer of a fine business position out west, an' almost liefore we knew it, he was gone. 1 cried myself, see in' how hrave he tried to be, leavin' Miss Carvl--Patiy' he used to call ker. She didn't hall realize it until he'd starten, an' then wasn't she a lonesome little thing for a while ¥ An' didn't she watch for the letters an' write letters, too? "After a month or two of that Mr. Huntington came for a visit. He was Mr. Roduey's next brother, you know. He'd never liked the farm, an' had gone to 'the city 'as soon as he was old enough: to werk. An' it hap peed that he badu's been home any to stay since Miss Caryl come here to live. Well, you ought to have seen how sweet he was to his litte sister, takin' her to drive, an' to everything going' on in thd little town, six miles off, an' all that. Just to keep her irom getting too homesick for Mr. Rodney, you know, Oh, dear! '1 don't know as you could blame him much, or her, either, but it was dreadinl to see it comm', day by day; to sce her forget to write so often, an' to feel how uneasy Mr. and Mrs. Whitcomb was geitin' to be! An' the whole thing: only took four weeks ! "It was one night, just as 1 had brought in the lamp, an' set it on the parior table. Mr. Huntington and Miss Caryl come in from the garden to gether, an', all of a sudden he caught her in his arms and says. 'Father! Mother ! ~~ This is my little girl, an I'm goin' to have her !' "I stopped stock still, I had no business to, but 1 didn't know what 1 was doin'. 'She's Mr. Rodney's I says, just like that. But the next breath she rushed upstairs, an' I come to my senses afi' went out an' shut the door before anybody spoke. "1 mover knew just what they only 1 know Miss Caryl cried all night, an' told Mr. Huntington it was all a fearful mistake, an' rent hin back to the city the first thing'in the moming: An' I know the folks promised to forgive her and love hep just the same. Then, after that she sat down an' wrote Ms. Rodney all about it. There was pages and pages of _it--tellin' how kind Mr. Runiing ton had been, an' how, just for one crazy' hour, she come to think she'd be prouder to walk down the church aisle as Mrs. Huntington Whitcomb than with dear old Mr. Rodney. But she told him it was all over and past, an' begged him to forgive her an' all that. Poor little thing! ~ No body could help but pity her before the answer came: An' when it 'did come what do you think it was? Just her own letter sent back, without word. "Now do you know that's the only thing Mr. Rodney could have done to make me sorrier for her than I was for him? She wrote again-- just a pitiful "liatle: beggin' note<an'that sumahach unopened. After a while she eves' tried' again, but be sent it back just the same. "Now did 1 know? 'Well, not" "by red in' othey folks' letters, anyway. The poor little thing had to talk to somebody, 'sn' I wasn't exactly Mr. Roduey's 'folks, an' «tilt I Joved him, you see. There was a terrible time af ter shat. Not (hat she made a digo but loud, but Ber stillness wan worse, By and by 1 got up courage to wrige 40 Mr. Rodoey myself, an' be too. 1 knew "it better Rodney began to married, of yes, said, a 'wad kinder to nie than he was to her! 'That hurt 'me, joo He wrote back : J save J you can't under stand; It 'can't Be. an' is no we: our worryin'. Don't think any more chout it.' . " "Aw 4 ¥ oould not help it--with the ed "Well, the months went along. Mr Rodeey wrote to his mother, but pe par liste girl paferin' right in pi | ( ( ( SLY GENUINT From W. Vesalive, wedicine so efficacious with the result.' "Yar] Russell despatch from Her been raging fearfully, CHLORODYNE. See sy had been sworn tc Sold in bottle of 1 without the words ment Stamp. Overwha SOLE MANUFACT Moamehury, [sndon, pital, Londen--"1 bave no hes sumption, Asthma, Diarrh Does Howe Teast' hlorodyne (hlorodyne hlorodyne hlorodyne Chlorodyne Chiorodyne Pettigrew, M.D, OeR, and that the only Lancet, CAUTION-BEWARE OF CAUTION--Vice Chancellor Sir Ww. BROWNE was undoubtedly the inventor story of she defendant Freeman was 5 --See Tiows, Julv 13th, od, 4s. 6d., Collis Browne's es timony accompanies ench DAVENPORT, 33 Great de ei lid, 3 "wr. JL honing Medial T 'URER-- J. T. Eng, Reve jtation in stating as 'an Anti-spasmodicand 8 and other diseases; and 1 am icated to the College «f Physicians communi ! Majesty's. Council at Manila Page Wood stated that liberately yntrue, which DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. . THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, is admitted by the: Hessbon to be the eaiortal and valuable. reed ever discovered. in the best remedy known for Couyha, Conswnption, Bronchitis, Asthma. eficetmally cheoks and often fatal ~diseancs : Croup, Agee. acts like a charm the only specific in Cholera and tery. effectually cuts short all attacks of Epil. epay, Hysteria, Palpitation and Spasms. arrests those too Diphtheria, Fever, in Diarrhoen and is Dysen~ s the only pellistive in Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Usnow, Fonuhaae Meningitis, ete. formerly Lecturer at St. George's Howe that | have never met with any Sedative | have usd i+ in con perfectly satisfied that he received a that Cholera has the effect h shrvion Wes REMEDY of aay ist December, 1864. PIRACY AND IMITATIONS. pr. J. coLlis that the whole be regretted ta 1864, and 11a. each: None Is lorodyne'® on the ER -- ---- of CHLORODYNE; A Quick Baker. Economical on fuel - large sheet steel oven--will bake with from 25 to 50 per cent. less fuel than ordinary cast iron ovens. Elegant design, durable, convenient and always ready for duty. ELLIOTT BROS. Telephone 35. Residence 55. gach a stalk That wasn't of course, but him, tall an full brown beard--th ney ! "Master Svd walk kissed Miss Caryl 3 did, an' Mi the door to speak te says quictly sidir 'Haven't you Caryl ? "Little over her backward in a minut another room, to her heart's « pever to d t a Miss Caryl face an oO 'Oh, Mar I was th into ory Rodney tayea Oh when does he mean ? a Marcia," ry An what irred we Wi § I don's knew For 1 was all Well to act spe het much him When in Syd's wank the tab! omething Mr then all . she natural But Whiteom Mrs. Whit an' ther Mis Caryl was loft "1 had just off the wablocloth w an' 1 heart HOW Or I rst an self, too, swept walked nt pie, all ranged vu But what sv) that pantry stood an' Liter mm my hie "ft seemed § a sound. The pervos sort strange Lo £¢ Hoy.' I was #6 disap ar Xi i aied. It soumded so pext mimnte came M shakin' like a he 1H ahave it "That up to my the pantry aid wos ine go shut I don't there in the Whitdomb % me. "Why Marcia, wh save she. 'When th 'Why, Caryl, us in' wa' the pext min kn dark, w opened BOON BR " "Here," says Mr I can comfort Matcia he came, too, an p ound us both. Mr. Rodoey was tox mach in love 1 "This is the hast {urn for me," and | Keew chance dark, truer than you know ney.' For wha of 1 endragh 16 rush right wing to the prevaleme of the French settlements the wt- of the hali-baved romunission' pox in called this week in " boen cancelied. sunburned, Rodney, i talked to wrong abot the intod 1 could ae bet by aa" by Marcia, dear "Mins Caryl wae oryin', hoped sof Ms ing her bus says [to myeel, "thet's n awful surg mught 34 aid as M in ere pd right ust as he always at up and alter vme, Tollows hi for me; hand, to, yout Kr [ put both hands amented a! to go i, Ana helped her where whe could ontent. And My 0 a thing but his 1 her Miss Caryl, "what My dear he say er avs ourselves, | he does mean ! ul tell vou | tried cart to n't eat miort Master y lenve eve' Was » that was called away omb excused ber Mr. Rodney apd all alor the crumbs hes it happened, : panty my with aor. It's 1 © i, Hod 2 I have COMM Pat the R Oh, "e ¢ glo Mra agninst at's the matter? i be door woe BAe ¥iw cry wes in the e pie? SAYS he heard me te she pantry with fier arms around me Rodney, '1 guess J oaoed with that st hi arms ar too, wnd » bappy an Wo him whisper Marcia ever did he meant he thete in th «too, Mr. Rod bad been stupid in with that pis when they weve alose tugether 77 sual) Silver Gifts that do not convey a hint of how little you pay for them are illustrated in abundance in our catalogue, which we will send uporiapplication. You will wonder how such pretty tokens 'of friendship could be purchased for the prices we ask, Each article will be initialed without extra charge and ep~ closed in a dainty box to make the giving so much prettier. DIAMOND HALL, Established 1834, .Ryrie Bros., Yonge und Adelaide Ste. TORONTO. BRITISH Winnipeg, bave |