GOOD HOUSEKEEPING {i x -- - - Ai Malt Breakfast Food Adds fo the Comforts of Home Life, -- Good housekeeping is only success fal and brought to the point of true iness when the individual mem bers of the family are properly and healthfully nourished by food prepar- ed from day to day. y Good 'housekeeping demands that morning meal should' be colamienc: ed with Malt Breakfast Pod, shutie} ous, appetizing and strengthening, ho other grain food can so well furnish energy and vigor for the Jay's work. Young and old love Malt Breakfast Food. Ju is partially predigested dur- ing its manufacture; it contains no insoluble starch, therefore it is easily digested and quickly assimilated, and perfectly with werkest stomach. alt Breakfast Food is the only grain Pood that truly builds up flesh, bone and muscle; it keeps the young and old vigorous aud strong. Ask your grocer, for it. TRAVELLING. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON _ poe he EERE re. a sos ~Mondays, and Fe TC RA 11:60 aan Boston, so Se sain 116 MRL AE wo 0 x Brest, ¥. CONWAY, ¥. A. POLOER, JR. Gen Paes Agt Gen. Bups. ¥ OF QUINTE RAILWA Trains will leave City Depot, Foot y of Johnston street. GOING EAST. 2.30 8 OF PASSAGE-Saloon, and $Y0 return; Second Saloon, Thied , $28. NEW SERVICE A sours, | 0 To Succeed Rev. Dr. Robertson Boston Has Many Protestant Churches--Roman Catholic Pa- per Concedes the Advance of Protestantism. A young people's soriety has been formed in connection with the, Church of England at Paris. A new brick church with & seating fammeity of 300 is to be erected ' BL: Berlin by the Mennonites. Rev. Dr. Bayne has completed his fourteenth year as pastor of Calvin Presbyterian chareh, Pembroke. Rev. ©. W. Hedley reporis that the depression. at: Rossland, jresens new Anglican church being built there, Plans have just been drawn for a gow church in Glasgow, Scotland, in which all the services are to be in Gaelic, Rev. R. Whillans, Presbyterian min- ister at Campbell's Bay and Bryson, has resigned, owing to an affection of the throat. . Rev: W. T. Morrison, Bordeaux, Que., will receive a call from. the con- gregation of St. John's Presbytedian church, St. John, N.B. is in Japan a scripture union, members of which now number 0,000, who agree to read 'a specified porticn of the bible every day in the year Rev. C, G. Rollit, assistant minis ter at the church of St. James the Apostle, has been invited to the ree torship of Trinity church, Montreal. Rev. R. L. lantyne, St. An- drews, Que., was tod. . by hi Sunghugation with a purse of money and Mra. Ballantyne with a fur coat, Rev. P. T. Ryan, Renfrew, was pre sented with a magnificent pair of musk ox robes, a coon coat and oth- er articles, amount in all to ab out $179, by his ioners, Rev: James Lawson, Addison, has returned from his trip to land and Ireland, and restored to his usual health, Mr. Lawson was accorded a most hearty welcome in his native England. Rev. Dr. Roland D. Grant, pastor of the First Baptist church of Vancouv- er has been approached to accept the pastorate of Tremont Temple, of Bos- ton. The membership is 2,000. Dr. Grant js not inclined to leave Vun- couver, Bishop Thoburn, of India, makes this striking statement, in discussing methods and principles of evangelistic work in heathen lands : "I have not ranchud against idolatry, so far as I now, for twenty years. I have not the ma, to do so. 1 am there to Cl A ' "Probably, says the Canadian Bap- tint, there is no other city of the size of Boston that is so well supplied with Protestant places of worship. It is said that if all the Protestants of Boston were at church on any Sun- day there would still be as many as 21,625 empty seats, Congregationalists are puzzled over the situation in their theological seminaries. "A fow years ago they were crowded with studeats; now, it is stated, by the Advance that in the nine theological seminaries there are » 8. -of 'pulpits to-morrow Rev. Dr. Philp; St. An- drew's, Rev.¥r. Antliff; Cooke's, Rev. T. Brown; Zion, Rev. E. Crummy; Sydeuhaiy Rev. D, Laing; street, wv, Dr. n; Brock street, Rev. M. MoGilliveay; Princess steeot, Rev. T, tie First Cone ational church, . John Mac ie; Calvary, a supply - from Queen's; First Baptist church, T. C. Brown, 8. In Preshyterian church circles oon- siderable interest in attached to the appointment of a successor to the late Rev. Dr. Robertson, as superin- tendeat of 'missions in Manitoba and the north-west. It js almost certain that the position will to a western man, and Rev. Dr. E. B. Maclaren, of Vancouver, B.C., a most aggressive man, seems to be the favorite at the present moment. Dr. Maclaren is a product of Queen's, The Via Catholique, a prominent or- gan of 'the Roman church, concedes that Protestantism has far outstrip ped ite own church in missionary zeal. It states that Catholic missions of all christendom have received an annual income for the last seventy- five years only about $500,000, while at the present time Protestants are giving annually for the evan ization of the world as much as , while in the last hundred tant converts on mission lds have increased from 70,000 to 4,000,000. ors and of The ex is : Chal Sunday Services. Sydenham street Methodist church, jan. Hg 11 His i ps ing, irst tist ; 7 pom, Rev Tir Philp, tor: Wednesday, 8 m., prayer a praise service, un ie, Moraing, ation, Brain 1 Ie ir y anthem, ""Adoste Fideles," duets, "The Land of Peace," Miss Pérley and Ar thur Craig. Methodist church, Jan, Richardson Quenn street 12th, 1002. --Rev. A. W. lo M:D.; pastor, of the First Congrega- FT WHAT IS IT? ; "77" is a small bottle of pleasant pellets that fits the vest pocket, handy to carry. ; WHAT IS IT FOR ? "T7" is for Queen | English Rink i Haugh X -THE DAILY tional church, will preach at 11 am. and Bev. J. Cooper Amthifl, DI, at 7 p.m. The Sabbath school will meet at 2:45 p.m. Mid-week service on Wednes- day st & pam. All welcome. Music on Sunday : Morning, anthem, 'The Holy City," (Shelley); solo, Miss Reyuer. Evening, anthem, "Son of My Soul" ; solo. "Bethichem," Mrs. Evans. ALL KINDS' OF SPORT. Queen's Play a Draw Match At Pittsburg, Pa. a There is talk in Bugland of bringing over Jefivies and Fitzsimmons to fight a battle. Napanee curling club has asked King ston to arrange dates with Rockwood for the Quinte districy matches. Senjor hockey matches to-night : "Varsity vs. Wellingtons in Toronto; Shamrocks vs. Ottawas, in Montreal. No less than 47,000 persons attended a football match in England recently, which surpasses the record, but as the price of admission was small, the sum of $6,000 only was realized. Queen's hockey team played the Bankers, the leading team in the Wes tern Pennsylvania league, at Pitts burg, Pa. Friday night. The score The first match tor the Ontario curl ing tankard takes plage between Kihg- ston and Bowmanville at Cobourg next Thursday. Col. Drury and . B. Dalton will be the Kingston skips. Waterloo fancies that its team can hold its own with the O.H.A. cham pions, and 'if the Wellingtons would consent to a match the W.0.H.A. team mises to make it interesting for the ron Dukes. The umbrella and cane, donated by J. P. Forest and Fred. Hanley, res pectively, to the winners in the late pool contest at the bicycle club rooms, were won by Chas. Seaton and John Derry, in the order named. Brockville curlers want the use of the Kingston rink next Friday night to play a Belleville team. The rink is being used on that night by the King- ston club which will give the visitors gither Thursday or Saturday night. Ballast Island, a little patch of land in Put-in-Bay, lake 'irie, has been selected as a summer camp by the western. division of the American ca: noe association. The rendezvous this year will take place in the latter part of July. Queen's hockey team would have given the Pittsburg athletic team a worse trimming than 2 to 1, had Mer ril been in the game. But the clever cover-point was unable to play, bav- ing sustained an injury on the ice the night before, The Toronto Telegram intimates that "Varsity will have something to say about the intercollegiate championship of America which Queen's holds, A long time ago, Queen's sent the Toron to university hoekey team away back to sit down, and it has been unheard ince. Let the Telegram watch the all:Montreal' combination MeGill will bring to Kingston. The second game of the Quinte ue was played in Napanee last night between the team of that place and the Ramblers, the Napaneeans winning out with. a score of seven to three. The Ramblers were badly ctippled being without their captain and point, bus put up a gamey fight throughout, doing all their scoring in ok Ne panee w. the visiting team and placed the puck at the start. James Sutherland refereed the game, giving entire satisfaction. There are at the present time four ish towns which own their race courses, but the one that can give points and a beating to all the other three combined is Doncaster. The ac tual profits from the course, which go to relieve the rates, average over £10,000 a year. Ever since 1703 Don oaster"s races have been famous. But the Sneing Supital of England is un questionably Newmarket. On the wide, expansive heath there are no fewer than ten difierent courses, the longest of ahich is four miles and a quarter round.' Newmarket was racing inl605, before Epsom was even heard of. More than half Newmurket's male popula- tion are trainers, jockeys, or stable men and boys, and no stranger could ever mistake the place for anything else but a racing centre, ; These are the places where glove fighting is now permitted : 'San Fran cisco (twenty rounds), Detroit {fiftesn rounds), St. Lowis (fifteen rounds), Chicago (six rounds in private clubs), Louisville (twenty-five rounds), Oma ha (fifteen rounds), Kansas City (twenty rounds), Hartford and Water , Conn, (twenty rounds), Denver, Col. (ten rounds), Oshkosh and Apple ton; Wis. (eight rounds), Memphis (no limit), Milwaukee (six rounds), Bui- falod Fors Erie, Ont., twenty rounds), Savannah, Ga., (twenty rounds), To- ronto, Ont. (twenty rounds), Cincin- nati (ten rounds), Tremton, N..J. (twenty rounds), Philadelphia (six rounds, no decisions), Hot Springs, Ark. (twenty rounds), Wheeling, w Va. (twenty rounds), Baltimore, Md. (twenty rounds), Lowell, Mass, (fifteen rounds). Curling Matches. The outcome of yesterday afternoon's resulted. thus : : No. 1~Capt. Leslie, Dr. ALisuts-Cul. Ogilvie, Col. Drury, ink No. 1.--J. A. Miones, W. H. Dalby, E. Lyons, A. Strachan, skip.-- Rink No. 2~F. Conway, W. F. Web- ster, L. L. Henderson, w B. Dalton, was a tie, each team scoring one goal. | curling matches at the Kingston rink | lbs coin WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY the 95¢., T ' new you. 4 well made and ample sizes. Beautifully trimmed. $2 75. At 15¢., 20c., 25¢, 35C, 45¢., 50c., 65¢., 75¢., 85¢. 2000s. bz seen. We said at the beginning of this sale that we were going to lift January trade out of the usual rug, {and we. are doing-it. Did you ever see or hear of as many claims being put before you for patronage as are be- ing done these days? Who started it? We did, and we lead in value-giving just as we lead in originating >< DEAR you remedies 10 L118 is mot an oppor- RTE, tunity to put off and Tn Ty AT CPE TY ia. eady for Monday. BARGAI Worth Hustling Out Early For. - We have just purchased from a White Wear Manufacturer his Spring Samples of White Goods, such as Gowns, Corset Covers, Bkirts, Drawers, Aprons, etc. Only one or two articles of a kinds The saving to you will be about 2 5 Per Cent. Off. 25 Per Cent. Off And you get the choice of a big maker's whole range of goods. About 400 pieces in lot, all high-class garments. No cheap common goods amongst them. All garments 7 \ DRAWERS - At 25c, 30c, 35C, 50c, 65c, 75¢, 85¢, 95€. t, $1 25. GOWNS At 75c., 95¢c., $1, $1.25, $1.50. $1.75, $2, $2.50 SKIRTS At 75¢, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.50 2.75, $3. : CORSET COVERS | 1s | fs $1, $1.25. " BUY EARLY MONDAY and secure high class goods at a saving of twenty-five to thirty per cent. on regular prices HIS JANUARY CLEARING SALE Is a bonanza to buyers who are ready to take advantage of reduced prices on strictly reliable Every day we're offering many special lines. It's worth your while to look about and see what's to ideas for others to fall in line with. Patronize the originators. Give us credit for bringing lower prices to TARR ADAM } Send us your name and address on the below request, and we will take pleasure : in sending you free of any charge this SOLID ARIZONA SILVER SUGAR SHELL. fead what {hose WM You don't have to buy anything. The gift is unconditional. It is a bid for your ever- have answered his 1asting friendship and good will, and if you do not read this advertisement through advertisement $3). o;d answer it at once, it will be a loss to yourself and a disappointment to us. MONTREAL, Que. Gentlemen, 1 have recei- wed your premiums sad | handrome SUTCLIEF This Sugar Shell is an Gi eh ae gut 3) ODN TEI ral a TEAS TREY Chhdthod JL BA Ar Trey n A f this advertisement. ve red With the Sugar Shell we will send you 0 packages of Standard Electine Remedies, oe or 1 which we wish you to sell, if you ean, at 25 cents each. Then return our money, and we Far he het dens a will give you absolulely free a Butter Kaile and Pickle Fork, same pattern as your So, abe for thee wemedies. Sugar Shell, and also a Set of 6 Full-Size Solid Arizona Silver Teaspoons. If yon fail yopuimiy. to sell our Medicines, return them to us and retain the Sugar Shell as a gift, it being -- " free in any event. Our Solid Arizona Silver Premitus are {1st superseding Sterling ons Si riven your Silver for Tableware. They always look as well, and wear better; they are the same Se ~iwu beautiful metalall the way through and are guaranteed for 50 years, There isnothing else Siiate oa hour wn 1 om Jike them except Sterling Silver, and nothing "just as goed." Now; please don't throw this paper down and say to yourself, "I'll write to those Electine people to-morrow." wel, silverware and sending Way PO. He ot he Sach ta REQUEST FOR SUGAR SHELL AND MEDICINES. Electine Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. . a Pod + to mak: an caroest ead Medi- aod. Feats. on. forget. Just sign and ie pe. Teturn the attached re- ve to do, ; oti erwems. Sgrar- Shell and Medi a cines on Hen be ie promptly mailed, post- a Ho you fail to sell | Mum Goods, you atleast have very ena. an Elegant Sugar Shell "worth 75 cents, for sim- AT ply mang: the eforts. cines, you the fr the that I am to segeive lor ame as also Sir ee Si eae Bl Saal i 1 welll retuen 1 15 you wikia 301 i, aad resi the Sagar Shell a # gil from new * a dan (Write Mame Viainty, Mee" of Miss")