5 opal i A r in AAA TE A i WA THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY fii > -_ 3 : COMMENCED TO-DAY Armstrong' SALE 20% Off Everything, Rubbers excepted, FOR WEEK ONLY. Terms cash and no approba- tion during this sale, Everything marked in plair figures ARMSTRONGS,.. 4 Princess Street. ANNUAL Cutters ! Cutters ! At Your Own Price. Selli- g off balance of stock at greatly reduced prices. New and second-hand . Cutters and Gladstones, Come and see and get a bargain. Bound to sell. James Laturney, _ 390 PRINCESS STREET. YOU'LL BE PROTECTED. No danger at all if you deal with us. With us you will find reliability of goods and fair deal- ing. You will like our plan of handling what you want, and we know we can save you cash and worry. J. R. Johnston, Tailor aad Draper. BAKING ww. POWDER li Rl 12 LIGHTEST SWEETEST AND most DELICIOUS FOOD ingen Business College - KINGSTON. ~ FORSALE 4, 7, and 12 Horsepower, deylinder mol ot sthooth rupiing an! reliable, can be seen me after. the 10th fast, at Dovie & Salting ; - Bon Agente. _ STUDENTS OF QUEEN'S! ; Dav's forget that oR G LEE| Conn ItnE wrilu--o8th YEAK. Editions st PALLY BRITISH oy at 30% 816 Kiig Sires ie 80 and 4 BS per year. WEEKLY BIITISH WHIG, 13 pages, published every ursday moreing st $1 r yeu Attached iv one of the Lest Job Print- ing Ofces iu Canada; rapid. stylish and cheap work ne huproved precoes Faw, % B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. oaliat. THE DAILY WHIG. *Opiter per Orbess Dicor.' A PRINCE IN HEART. Mr. Macdonald, the millionaire to: bacco manufacturer, of Montreal, has put the people of Canadas under an- other debt of gratitude to him. In ad- dition" to the million dollars he has invested in manual traiving, largely in Ontario and Manitoba; in addition to the $125,000 he has donated for the erection and equipment of a do mestie science hall in Guelph; in ad dition to the handsome sums he has given to McGill college, Montreal, for scientific educatioh, he makes now a In the interest of do- mestic to be taught in the public schools, and as a corollary to manual training, he contributes $125, 000, the money to be diktributed ac cording to the wisdom of the Outario "This large sum will en new departure. science, government. able the government some of its most cherished plans, and plans that have been delayed for lack of funds. How gratified Mr. Mae donald must be to see his wealth put to so good a use whil® be is living and in a position to appreciates the favours it confers. Better he should do this than leave it to his executors to carry out his schemes and fail because they do not understand his heart. Best of all Mr. Macdonald's gifts are without strings by which they may be held or pulled back. There is no thing of the Carnegie about him. to go on with "WHO'S BEST FOR KINGSTON, It is said that there will be no spe- ¢i J advantage in sending a liberal to a as the representative from Kingston, that Mr. Harty will, in any case, get his orders for lgcome- tives, and that with dhat exception anyone can do as well as he. And supposing the locomotive works should not remain in Kingston? It is very well known that overtures have been made for their removal, that one city - in the east offernd a bonus of $200,000 for their iveation in it, and that this offer was nos ac cepted. There is another place, which is offering bonuses for the loca tion in it of manufactories, which is more convenient for locomotive hail ing, which is a great distributing poiat, and which affords business faci- likin that are not to be had else whe ¢. Only Mr Harty's loyalty _ to the city puts that question at rest for the time being, and it is impor tant that Kis attachment should be promoted by his election to the com: mond; What does that mean? More than anyone can estimate. The contin uance of Mr. Harty's interests here will be to the good of every man who has employment in connection thens, It means that Kingston will have, as its member, one who in the exerci-e of his commanding influence, will secure for it every favour irom the government which legitimately be longs to it. The records of the conservative and liberal candidates are before the peo ple, and by these records will they be Judged. THE CITY AND ITS INDUSTRIES. It i a matter of moré than passing interest that Kingston "has in its midst industries which are thriving and which have cost the city, nothing in the way of direct aid. The evidence 4 which * the late municipal elections { presented is of special significance. For instance Hamilton voted to take $25,000 worth of stock in an electric railway. Collingwood, by vols of the people, loans $20,000 to one manufac: 4 ing concern, and $8,000 to another | Galt gives a free site to a beet sugur factory. Kincardine bonuses and ex- emption from taxation two furni- the busy whirl and of machinery, is ineonccivabile to been obmervant of One wepned © to want, to plave of today, with is ham one who has not the changes. The workingmen know their friends, They can recall their long period of enforced idleness. They will remember how blue the outlook was, and bow some of them had to leave the city for = ocenpation. They can revive the fact that pleasant grostings and sooth ing words did not relieve their want And they will ex and provide comfort. not forget the satisfaction they perienced as they learned that a well- known citizen, to wit the Hon, Wil liam Harty, invested his money in Loomotive building and 'laid the plans for the most successiul service To become oblivious to all this now woukt indicate that the workingmen are ungrateful). and they have in the of past shown their appreciation worth and will do it again, EDITORIAL VIEWS, Mr. Mclean, of Toronto, said the people liked a man they could cheer. He thought he was such a man, and he was mistaken. There are others. The Mclean, of the World, has un: sheathed his snickersuee, and proposes to muke holes in the great corpora tions. ~ There are murderous times shead. -- The O.H.A. is accused by the Brant ford Expositor of switching ballots at a recent election. that there is kicking against its de cisions ? ---- Workingmen, a cheery good morning is very pleasant. Every one likes re- cognition. But a nod or a shake the hand is not as good as a jag of work, is it? of -- Hockey, like so many other exhilirat- ing amusements, runs great danger of collapse at the hands of the profes sionals. Is there any game which they cannot corrupt ? -- Kipling. when he took a hot shot at the cricketers and athletes the army, says he did not. refer to the men at the front. He in his wind the men at 'ome. Pretty thin ex- cuse, isn't it? of had -- Gilbert Parker thinks Kipling has made a mistake in attacking the army in his last" poem. Suppose he has. He will be for, iven it sooner than some army officers will be forgiven their mistakes. a-- Mr. Bergeron went to St. James' division - of Montreal, to run in be: tween two grit candidates for the commons, and found himseli up against only. one, Mr. Brunet. His seconil condition will be worse than the first. -- The man who makes two bladés of grass grow where only one grew be- fore is called a benetactor of his peo- ple. 'What about the man who cm ploys bundreds of men where none were employed when he appeared upon the scene ? -- The man who is not in the manu- facturipg business, and is not an em- ployee, eam quite safely sympathize with labour, wish it higher wages and shorter hours. And there appears to be a good many people in this easy state of mind now that an election is on. iin. 4 The Witnese quotes this for the bene- it of the aldermen of Montreal : "If ve bave not heen faithful in the un- righteousness mammon, who "will commit to your trust the-true riches " Has this a local application? Does it fit any of the members of our coun- cil T, p ------ The great defect of the voting ma- chine is that the ball ballots are somewhat subject to manipulation. The apertures for them, lvading to the slot apd registration ally, should be such that a" ball once in cannot be takon out and cannot fail to talley. 'A tore expensive machine would, of 'sotirse, work more satisfaciorily. Goldwin Smith, who writes well om any subject, is out in "the Canadian Magazine - in favour of voluntary schools. He thinks the parent and the teaches should co-operate in the the children, But the body who will take the work off wm. So that we need not look for volpin- editor of the Win has , in bright, pgent and spicy in its contents! With ls original articles, its illustrations, Is it any wonder: THE RANBLERS DEFEATED * NAPANEE TRIMS THEM IN * GREAT STYLE. * A Young Couple Spending Their Honeymoon In Napanee -- Home From British Columbia --Many News Notes. Napanee, Jon, 1. The firkt match of the svason for the possession of the Quinte district hockey . league trophy was played on the skating rink last evening between the nome team and the Ramblers, Kingston. The evening being fair a large number of specta tors witnessed the game. Jt was wost interesting throughout. At half-time the game stood live tw three in ia vor of Napanee, and the final saw the wore seven to these in favor of N& pance [. J. Carson and bride, Killaraey, Man, sivived last evening on a vial to his parents, Mr Mrs. Jdohn Carson, They were marcied lust Mon day in Killarney, and the vewly wed ded couple took the N00 pm, tron for the east, coming hy was of Chi cago. The bride (Miss King) is «ne of Killarney's fairest daughters, and an estimable young lady. "The groom's wany Napanee friends extend ocongra- tulations. The couple will spend a month's honeymoon with friends in town before returning to their home in the west. Another of our enterprising young townsmen has joined the army of benedi. ts. D. P. Henwood, eldest son of D. Henwood, John street, was mairied on the Sth inst., at Syracuse, to Miss Annie Mae Taylor, of that city. George Towns "and wife; Ninga, Man., arrived in town last week to spend a couple of months with irionddg and relatives in and around Napanee, George speaks in glowing terms of the future of the prai ie province. Mrs. W. N. Hosey, Dundas street, is recovering from a serious illness of some weeks duration. Jack Neilson leaves to-day for Port Elgin, where he has secured a position. Lendrick Saul, in British Columbia for the past three years, arrived home on Friday to spend a season with his family. Miss Edith Hardy. left this week to attend the Presbyterian lad jes' college, Toronto. The Napanee Star has this week is sued its Mast number and sold out to the Napanee Express. The propricior, Charles Stevens, finds that he has more than he can well attend to, and decided to ease down. Mrs. Arthur Downey, Fort Steele, B.C, is home on a visit with her father, Robert Smith, South Napance. Thomas H. Whalen left Friday for Marmora where he will take charge of a mine in that neighborhood for the Gold Fields mining company. W. T. Doockrill, travelling passenger agent of the C.P.R., H. F. Carter, of the Union Pacific, and Burton H, liennett, of the Chicago & Northwest ern railway, were in town this week and paid the down town agencies of the C.P.R. and G.T.R..a visit, r. and Mrs. George H. Crabbe expect to leave on Tuesday for St. Louis, Mo, Mr. Crabbe expects to start work shortly on the exposition buildings. hag Hot been so well "ee lis could wish, the past few days. W. A. Shaw (formerly Bertie range) is reported to be quite ill of typhoid fever in Toronto. Her sister, Miss Grange, left this week to be with her, Miss Liwie MeKenty, Centreville, Jeaves to-day for Winnipeg, where she will, after spending a fow weeks with her brother, Donald, who came #ast to visit his mother this week, enter a Winnipeg hospital as a murse-in train ing. Fair Wages Must Be Paid. D. J. O'Donoghue, the fair-wages officer of the domimion bureau of la bor, is in the city on bukiness con: nected with the new gymnasium to be built ob the Royal military college grounds. Mr. O'Donoghue will ascer tain the local current rates of wages for all labor to be employed in the construction of the building, which will cost $25,000 or $30,000, _He will advise the government as to the re sult of his investigations, and when tenaers are asked for, contractors will be adviced of the wages that must be paid, so that they will have a basis, in this respect, to work on in making out their tenders. » Remembered His Birthday. Perth Courier. On Friday last the students of the date was the forty-fourth this the that the | birthday of G. G. Publow, of town, and chéese instructor at | dairy school, waited on him, and pre sented him with a handsome gold locket, accompanied by an address, ex- pressing the hope that he would be "spartd"' another forty-four years to spread the 'dairy gospel" among them in the capacity of cheese instructor ior eastern Ontano. ---- -- The United Irish league bas spreal so rapidly that the executive vaunot control fit. BUILT A MONUMENT. The Best Sort In The World. "A monument built by and from Postum,"" is the way J. G. Casey, of Avers, lll, describes himself. =" 1 was a cofiee drinker 1 became a terrible sui- ferer from ip, Constipation, headaches and indigestion, and was a ioal wreck. 3 : different kinds of medicines I tried did not cure me, but finally some one told me I must leave off coffee and take up Postum Food Coffee. 1 was fortanate in having the new coffee or until at last John A. Shibley, we regret to say, friends.§ Mrs. | hat sh dairy" school, having learned | PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. Thomas Ward, foreman of the M.C R. shops, St. Thomas, dropped dead. Daniel Frank; Watertown, N.Y. the oddest undertaker in that section of the state, ix dead, aged eighty years A despatch from hil to the Daily Mail states © that the kaiser yacht Hohensoliern is being Utted out jor a ten wenks Her destination is a secret The second Canadian mounted rifles paraded at Halifax yesterday after noon. The men were all mounted and equipped, ana their general appear ance was most favorably commented upon. ® The French minister at Pekin re fuses to present his credentials until China fulfills certain demands of the French government A repetition pi the Turkish incident is considered pos sible It in stated that minister public works strongly the ws tabdishment of a Marconi station for trans oceann Bs A govern ment work rather than a private en terprise, The trades and labor council of St. Thomas, having protested the alder manic election on the ground of many electors having voted too often. All the aldermen will probably disclaim their seats. Thirty-four fresh cases of smallpox were reported te the London authori ties on Friday, making a total of B78 cases in the capital. The foreign consuls are now making the strictest investigation before giving a clean bill of health to the outward-bound vessels, A Cairo correspondent of the Lon- don Daily Mail cables that he learns that the - sultan of Tarkey vainly sought to enlist French aid to pre vent the ltalian ocoupation of Tri poli. As a result Tripoli will be for tified and equipped . with the most modern weapons. Hon. David Mills can have the su preme court judgeship if hé wants it. C. G. Whitley, assistant commission- er of agricultwre, will leave for Africa within the next couple of weeks on one ofthe transports, and he will remain in Africa for a period of at' least #ix months, He will go to Cape Town to look after the Canadi an goods being sent there, . The revenue of the French govern ment, from direct taxation, in 190}, fell short of the budget estimates by 111,000 0060 francs The decrease in enetoms, in the liquor tax receipts, and the outlay in exemptions from the sugar tax brought the deficit up to 13%,000,000 francs. Otherwise the national revenue showed an increase. crs the of favors messages LIBERALS SMOKED UP. Enjoyable Concert in the Whig Hall--A Large Attendance. The large attendance and enthusi asm _ndnifested at the "smoker' en by the young liberals in the Whig Hall last evening, augur well for the success of Mr. Harty at the polls on Wednesday next. The large hall would not have been overly spacious' had it been of double the size. The pom was packed to its fullest capacity and "-- fog tance. All 'present were supplied with pipes, cigars, tobaceo, cigarettes, ete. and 'smoked up" during the rendi tion of a pleasing programme con sisting of songs by Joseph Graham, George Killeen, Thomas James, Jo seph Brennan, J. Johnston, E. Sum merby and FE. Koen; Charles Hay: stead made his debut as a monolog wt, and acquitted himself with dis tinction. Short addresses weve duliv- erid by Messrs. John MoKelvey, J. M. Farrell, Clyde Caldwell and E. J. B. Pense. A pie eating contest evoked much amusement. It was won by W Sands. Routley's orchestra furnished musié of a high standard. W. C. Mac donald made a capital chairman. av. . Not Well Attended. Not a very large audience grected the efforts of the Queen's college ath letie association to provide a concert in the city hall last night, that the members fondly hoped would add some funds to their depleted treasury Provident Wallace explained that the association was conmderably in debt and it was unfortunate that the first eoncert did not turn out as success ful in numbers, at least, as they had wished. The programme was a lengthy one, not finishing until after eleven o'clock. Frank R. Conklin, a impersonator from the United Stuies, ave most of the entertainment. The balance was filled in with songs by Messrs. Crawford, J. L. A. Labr sso and A. Craig and a violin solo by Miss Evans. clever Good Advice. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from dyspep- sia and liver complaint. More than seventy-five per cent. of the people in the tinited States are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects; such as sour stomach, sick headache, habitual costiveneds, palpitation of the heart, heart burn, waterbrash, gnaw ing and burning pains at the pit of the stomach, yellow skin, coated ton gue and ~ disagreeable taste in the mouth, coming up of food after eat ing, low™ spirits, ete. "tio to.-your] druggist and get a bottle of Angust Flower for T5¢. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. Canadians Are Rovers. Hamilton Hera --- That eminent Canadian, Gilbert Par: ker, ME: Jewves my home in England 10 visit lke e goes to Chicago to ses his brother Li ol he ~~ St. Paul, Ninn., to see his Harry; be goes to New York to wee his brother F. W.--all born in C Two Minor Accidents. The incoming train on the K. & P. | fine was delayed sear, Sharh Lmke yesterday afternoon by the eracking of a eylinder head of the locomotive. After an hour's delay the journey wae resumed. evening a shouting en- } SURGICAL OPERATIONS Many of Them Unnecessary. Mrs.. Pinkham's "Advice and Medicine Have Saved Many Women From the Surgeon's Knife. Hospitals in our great cities are sad places to visit, Three-fourths of the patients lying on those snow-white beds are women and girls. Why should this be the case ? Because they have neglected themselves. Every one of these patients in the hospital beds had plenty of warning in that bearing-down feeling, pain at the left or right of the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in the sinall of the back, All these things are indications of an unhealthy condition of the ovaries or womb. What a terrifying thought ! these poor souls are lying there on those hospital beds awaiting a fearful operation. Do not drag along at hope or in your place of employment until you are obliged to go to the hospital and submit to an examination and possible operation. Build up the female system, cure the derangements which have signified themselves by danger signals, and remember that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound bas saved thousands of women from the hospital. Head the letter here published with the full consent of the writer, and see how she escaped the knife by a faithful reliance on Mrs. Pinkham's advice and treatment by her medicines. If in doubt write to Mrs: Pinkham at Lynn, Mass, for free advice; her experience covers twenty years. . " Here is Proof, Undeniable Proof, That Many Operations May Be Avoided. ! "DPEar Mis. Pixgnay:-- As I am a great sufferer of female trouble I thought I would write to you to see if you thought there was any positive help for me. I am very sore throngh my bowels, especially over the womb, on the left side low down | will be taken with a dull sore pain, and in an hour will be so sore that I cannot move myself, and will have to be poulticed, and will be unable to walk for two or three weeks. I have a bad discharge at times. The doctor says [ will have to go through an operation and have the left ovary removed. If you can help me let me hear from you soon." -- Mas. M. G. Siuvery, Upson. Wis. 33. : } Mb WE Wien t hind you last fail 10PEERva 15 my health, death would have been a welcome visitor to me, but I followed your advice and am now well. | had tried everything I could hear of, went to every dootor far and near, spent a great deal of money and received no benefit. At the time I wrote you | was saving up money to to Chicago to have an operation upon the womb and ovaries which the doctor said unless | had I would die, but thanks to your remedies, I. avoided this, 1 have taken eight bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, two of your Blood Purifier, and used four packages of Sanative, and am a well woman, I advise every woman suffering as I did to take Lydia E. Pinkham's reme- dies." -- Mrs. M. 6. Smivery, Upson, Wis, (Mareh 80, 1001 0 BEWARD, -- We have deposited with the National City Bank of Lynn, $5000, which will be paid to any person who ean fod thai the above tstimonial letters Are not genuive, Or were Lublishad before obtatning the writer's special per mission. ydis KE. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. THERE'S A REASON FOR THE GREAT Discount Sale ~--AT THE-- THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE a "Our stock is five thousand larger thin at this tinye last year. Our purchases for spring wiil be the heaviest in the history of the business. We haven't the space to carry so much stock. We wou'd rather Hoose a little money than try to do it. ' That's why prices are now so low and our sale such a great success. ' ALL NEXT WEEK: we shall. offer special 1u- ducements from day to day besides choice of our wh stock, except Slater Boots, at ' )() Per Cent. Reduction, Trunks, Valises and Satchels at the same Discount. ~ We will make next week an interesting one for -