Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1902, p. 1

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a THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15. -- _-- _-- § Only Vegetable Oils--and no coarse animal fats-- are used in making "BABY'S OWN 0 0 SOAP" Pure, Fragrant, Cleansing. Doctors recommend it for Nursesy and Toilet use Bruare of Imitatirus. ~ Carpets, Rugs, ~ Linoleums. 8 TEL HY 4 "Portier Curtains, Lace Curtains and Draperies ir exclusive styles and not to be found el.-eshere in the city. We are carryiny at this season of the year a very complete stock at price: which appeal to the closest buyer. In Liooltums we"show the largest line to be found and at prices that mean & genuine money-saving you. R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. ORDERED WORK. Tepuiring, Upholylering old Furniture, Ren. ovating Matiressos, ot8y ete, All this clase of work will be dois ehdaper during January and Febtuary than at any other time. We keep out full stall of Upholsterers and me: chanios employed 12 mouths in the year. Cosy Coroers snd Window Seats are a spec jay bere. We will ft any corner or space as you want, at prices to suit. Mattresses done pver at short notice. CARPETS--All the Leading Awxminsters, Wiltons, Velvets, Brussels, Tapestries, ete. CURTAINS--Lace, Chenille, Silk, Tapestry, ete. Window Shades swd Poles, ete, Linoleum and Oil, Cloth, 'ali widths. Sebi T. F. HARRISON C0, "PHONES XG J-- os, 91.92 LULU GLASER SCORED GREA HIT ON HER VISIT. Company Well Received--Julian Edwards' Comic Opera is Bright and Interesting--Good Songs and Music. The "standing-room' lv hung out st the opening event in the uvpera house last night. The zens were quite theditre-hungry, having been denied the pleasures of an up to-date house for some years, and when the new play-house was said to be ready for opening, and a fite com: pany had been engaged for the initi- al performance, thue was a rush for tickets." The atterfjance was quite a record breaker and : gladdened the heart of the genial lessee, A. J. Small, Toronto. The house, though not quite finish- wl, was much admired. Its appoint ments are far ahead of the previous one, which served the citizens so well for about twenty years. The stage is ample and was set with charming of- fort, The drop curtain was a study. 'the whole building was finely lighted. The ushers were expert in seating the people. It was a handsome and fashi- onable audience that watched the cur- tain go up at 8.20 o'clock, Dainty 'Dolly Varden" was a cap tivating operetta; the star Miss Lulu Glaser speedily won favor, in fact, nearly all the leading singers vere excellent and had to respond to gen- erous encores. 14 can be well said of the opera that it is a dainty, well donstructed entertainment, elaborately costumed, animated and melodious. In the choral climaxes the opera is dis- tinetly stperior. To be sure it is Miss Glaser who makes the play. It is pos silile to conceive a dull Dolly and then everything would fall flat, but Miss Glaker read her part so clever: ly that, it 'seemed one of the most in teresting and natural comedied in the warld. She added a charm to the lines and made ita really clever character study. The "Tale of the_Cannibal Maid," 'had to be repeated. Her tran- sition from the country girl to the gity belle gave her scope of which full 'advantage was taken. Van Rensselaer Wheeler was a success as Dolly's lov- er, Capt. * Richard Belleville, Albert Parr, in the role of Capt. Horace Hareourt is good. His tenor was heard to good advantage in several num bers, Estelle Wentworth as Letitia Fairfax, Tom Daniel, Dolly's guardian and Mark Smith, the society wit, gave strong support in these leading parts, Daniel's song of the sword with spec tacular effects hy the male chorus, ranking high. The costumes were certainly rich, the eapecially looking fine in their gay trappings; they fairly outshone the tadies as spectacles. The stage settings for the opera were an in: structive feature and showed what advance; both in expense, acting and outfitting, had been made in recent vears. The opera last night went off with a swing from start to finish, and every member of the chorus appeared to be thoroughly enjoying herself, ani- mated, of 'course, by the occasion, the opening of Kingston's theatre. Every performer was quite delighted with the étage, its green room and acces rovies. Manager Small is complimented on his good selection for the opening. If he keep up this standard he need not fear that he will merit good support. He is in touch with the Lest tour ing companies and his circuit is such that Kingston will share in all the good things offered to the large Ca: nadian cities, Kingston's tastes will apon be gauged and it is expected that the citizens will be delighted with the season's programme. It is quite likely that every week will have two or more attractions to command attention and interest. To one who is observant the ad vance in theatrical and operatic de tails during the past twenty years is marked, Whea the first opera house waa openosck-and the writer attended that night--plays were the rage; oper- as were heavy and confined to large choruses; operetias were in their in: fancy. The staging was somewhat crude, the scenery scant and upsuit- able. Last night saw a complete change. An extravaganza was put on by a comparatively small, but higzh- ly efficient, company, with a chorus equal in volume and effects to ull de- sires. The 'staging was effective "and scenery admirable. The whole énsemble shows elevation in public taste, for modesty and good deportment ranrked overy feature of the comic pr~luction, The 'orchestra was well balance] and with a few "meetings will sau hoswne the equal of any inthe province, I'eo- ple would enjoy a return apjesrance of the graceful, winsome and clover Lula. The next performance is "The Dairy Farm," on Thursday night. sign was ear eit. men To-Morrow Evening. "The Dairy Farm," a most succtess- ful domestic play and the work of Miss Eleanor Merron, an actress of ability, will be presented at the opera house on ay evening, by a large and well selected cast of artists, in- cluding many of the originals. James H. Wallack is managing the tour. The ately staged with hare ae a po t ve it so 'ahd almost a household phrase over the and breadth of the conti vent: No play ever written and prc duced in" ica can show the same record ad "The Dairy Farm," that of three century runs in the three cities in this country, New York, 109 | Bhage, 135, Philadelphia 137, and THE OPENING OF THE GRAND PERSONAL MENTION, Movements Of The Pepple -- What They Are Saying And Doing. Lady Cartwright will be the hostess at & skating party at the Rideau rink, Ottawa, on January Zith. James A. Cuttle, manager of the Montreal transportation company, has jeft on a trip to the West Indies. Harty Skelsey, night clerk in the seitish- American hotel, has' given up his position and removed fo Toronto, James Spence, clerk ol Hotel lm- perinl, left last evening for Wilming ton, Del. He will be married there to-IoIrow. Miss Florence Cameron, one of the Canadian nurses who goes to South Africa for active servicg, is a daugh- ter of John Cameron, of the London Advertiser, \ Mrs. James Halpin to-day received from the C.M.B.A. a cheque for §2,- 000, being the insurance on the life of her husband, drowned in the Marine (ity disaster on Lake Huron. . Archdeacon Worrell and family en tertained the congregation of St. Mark's, Barriefield, at their residence; Queen strect, in honor of the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Worrell, ALDERMAN TAIT EXPLAINS. Sars He Did Not Promise To Support W. Robinson. Alderman Joseph Tait is emphatic in his denial of William Robinson's statements that he promised to vote for the war horse of Cataraqui ward for a position on the court of revis- jon. 1 believe Mr. Robinson voted for' me," said alderman Joe, 'but' be- yond that 1 cannot say that he did enything. He was not by any means responsible for my election, as failed to sec him working at any of the polling sub-divisions of Frontenac ward on election day. I will admit that he spoke to me concerning his being a candidate for a position "on the court of revision, but he did not ask me directly to support him, nor did 1 promise him to do so. I did, as a matter of fact, vote for him and plead for him in caucus, but when he did not earry a majority vote there, I was in duty bound to support the slate framed there, and this I did, as you well know. 1 have the greatest respect for Mr. Robinson; I consider him one of my nearest and dearest friends, but 1 desire to put myself right before the ratepayers with re- gord to his_ktatement about me." Death Of Samuel Lambert, Sr. The death took place early on Wed nesday morning of Samuel Lambert, sr., at his residence, 42 Hickson ave nue, outer G.T.R. depot. He had just reached the limit of the 'three score vears and ten which the psalm ist mentions as the span of human tite, The deceased was horn in the parish of St. Nicholas, Que., but has resided pearly all his life in Kings ton. @#or over forty vears he held the respolisible position of bridge inspeet- ar on the G.T.R. For several weeks he had been in ailing health. Surviv- ing him are his wife dnd the follow ing children . The Misses Mary, An gela and Margaret at home; Mrs. M *. McGuire, of Roslyn, Pa; three sons, Samuel, Michael and Lewis, The deceased was an attendant at St. Mary's cathedral, where thé funeral service, not vet arranged, will be held. A Good Thing. German Syrup is the special prescrip- tion of Dr. A. Boschee, a celebrated German physician, and is acknowledg- ed to Be one of the most fortumate dis- coveries in medicine. It quickly cures coughs, colds and all lung troubles of the severest nature, removing, as it does, the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy - condition. It is not an ex perimental medicine, but has stood the test of years, giving satisfaction in every sase, which its rapidly increas ing sale every" season confirms. Two million bottles sold annually. Bos chee"s German Syrup was introduced in the United States in 1868, and is now sold in every town and village in the civilised world. Three doses will relieve amy ordinary cough: Price 5c. ------ The Penalty For Submission. A Kingstonian, who is a member of the South African constabulary, writes home the pleasant assurance - that all the Kingston boys are well. This force is mainly employed 'in garrison- ing the long lines of blockhouses, and in doing scouting work. Recently one of the members (not a Kingstonian) was eaptured by the Boers, who con- fiscated his horse, stripped him of am- munition; rifle, uniform, ete., and sent him back to camp. Besides suffering this indignity, the trooper was fined £M. According to the regulations a trooper, beforé he yields, must shoot his horse, break his rifle and destroy Kis ammunition. He is not even sup- to return to camp. So far, however, few of the men have obeyed the regulations. ¥ Lost Their Votes. A student of Queen's said last even- ing that the reformers were watchful and had all the reform students re- gistered, but the conservatives male no attempt to secure registration fo the conservative students, and in con: sequence about 100 college conserva tive voles were missed. ¥ There are one or two street motor men who evidently make no attempt to stop at the street crossings. Yes terday several ladies were obliged to | alight in deep snow and walk about ton feet back to the crossings. . sale of - neckwear, flowi and puffs 50c. for 25e. Pick them our window. Bibby's. _ YOUR HOTEL | Grape-Nuts | namely, { performances, Philadelphia, 127 perfor: Tt + $3,510.07; expendi are, $2938.85 ° The net surplus the Eo to bringing the membership GEAERAL TOPS OF SPOT. BASEBALL LEAGUE FOR NEXT " SEASON. | Dehaney Signed For The King- ston Semi-Professional Team-- Morrison to Play Goal For The Sellingtons The Hamilton gun, club { is in progress, The Boston six-day bicycle grinders | are now suing for their prize money Parr, the English wrestler, is to meet Atherton in Buffalo, "N.Y., on Wednesday night. He threw five men in ten iy, Morrison, now of Galt, will play goal for his -old team, the Welling tons, in the Stanley cup matches. He is the best goal defender of western Ontario. William Dehaney has been signed by alderman Carson to play second base for the new semi-professional baseball team being formed to represent Kings- ton next season. Peterboro Colts met at Belleville, whose junior, hockey team knocked them flying out of the first round of the O.H.A., by the score of 16 to 4. / The National rifle association of the United States will send a team to Canada during the year to try to re gain the Palma trophy, won by Ca nadians at Sea Girt, N.J., last Sep tember, The personnel of the senior Fronte nace 'and Queen's hockey teams for Friday night's match is not vet known. Dr. Harty is heing prevailed upon to play centre with Frontenacs, but has not yet given a definite ans- wer, (alt gives umpices. a very poor 16 ception, though a warm one. A. H. Coombs, of who refereed there last week, besiaes being hooted and hissed and snowballed, had his hand cut with a knife by one of the more aggressive hoodlums in the erowd. An Fnglish comment states that there is no denying the fact that the two-year-old form of Nasturtium eom pares more than favorably with that of the very best two-year-olds there were in England in 190], not except ing the high priesd Duke of Westmin ster, in spite of his "unbeaten ecerti ficate,"" provided always that, as certain, it was really a good season for two-year-olds in America. The hockey team that the Welling tons will send to Winnipeg will be without the services of Darling and Warden, those players finding that they will be unable to get awav. Chadwick has intimated that be also may be unable to. go. If this proves to be the casé it is likely that the Wellingtons will ask for a postpone ment of the aup games, us without Chadwick the team would be short of a great deal of its strength. With Chadwick included, the team will line up: Goal, Morrison; point, Smart; cover-point, Ardagh; left wing, Hill; centre, Chadwick; rover, McKay; right wing, Worta. Baseball talk has been revived in the city. says the Ogdensburg News, by an offer made by a Rochester man ager, who has been for years prominent in National and Eastern leagues, to manage the Ogdensburg nine during the coming season. He had great faith in thy prospects of the game in this vicinity and knows that Ogdensburg lovers of the game will support a properly managed nine. There ie also a movement on foot to form a league to consist of Kingston, Ottawa," Watertown, Brockville and Ogdensburg. Those back of the scheme feel certain that if the project goes through, the interest excited by contest will. great enough to bring hundreds of people from the. dif- ferent towns to attend the various games, ournament their Majuba Simcoe, seems several be WERE WEDDED TO-DAY. Capt. Thomas Donnelly Married To Miss Florence Chapman. A quiet wedding took place Wednes- day morning at the residence of Mrs. R. L. Chapman, 228 Johnston street, in the presence of relatives, when Miss Florence May, daughter of Mrs. R. L. Chapman, was married to Capt. Thomas Dounelly, chief inspector of Llcyds. Rev. Prof. McComb, D.D., Queen's university, officiated, assisted by Rev. J hn Mackie, A. of Bf Andrew's church. The bride was given away by her cousin, W, J. Chapman, Perth. Edwin Mooers assisted the bridegroom and the Misses Pearl Clogg and Ruby Donnelly were the brides maids. The bride's wedding dross was of white brocaded silk, trimmed with chiffon and duchess lace; ornaments, pearls. Miss Clogg was dressed in pink organdie over pink silk, and Miss Donnelly was costumed in blue grenadine over white silk. The groom's present to. the bride was a ring of diamonds and sapphires and his presents to the bridesmaids were sunbursts of pearls. The travelling dieses of the bride was brown hroad- cloth with hat to match: After the wedding hreakiast the happy couple left on the train for Detroit and Chi- cago. The namerons presents testi fied in no smnall degree to the appre- ciation "in which the bride is held by her friends, The diroctors of the Odd- fellows' relief association font a case of flat silver, amd preséntd were re ceived from many friends hoth within and outside the city. Miss ra Booth presided at the piano. ---------- *~ The Next- Attraction. Eleanor Merron's delightful domes: tig play "The Dairy Farm," will be tho attraction at the new Grand op- era house, on Thursday evening. This by all odds is the most successful of all the domestic plays thet have been produced in the last few seasons. This fart in proved conclusively by the long runs that it has enjoyed in three of the largesig cities on this continent; York, 9 copsecntive mances, and in Chicago, 133. The Financial Statement. the year ' was shown that the a oa: {every { wends his way to the baths, [7 SCOTT & BOWNE, '. WHY THEY JOINED. Reasons Some Men Have of Join- ing The YM.C.A. The membership of the YMCA contains the names of individuals in every walk of life. For instance there are Chinese laundrymen, whose names appear on the same page with those of college professors and city clergymen One case is peculiar in itself. A ¢Oal shoveller--binck with dirt and dast, brawny amd well-built, beneath whose rough exterior there beats a noble heart joined tie ago, just for the sake of having a bath Saturday wight. When the week's work has been completed, he and en joys a dip. He pays only a few dol lars a year. and considers that he gets many times the worth of his mone On the other hand is a local cl man who became a wember that might reedive physical benefit from gymnastic work. With the dumb bells and clubs, on the parallel bars and at the chest expanders he is a faithful worker. If he misses a day, hé puts in double the time next day to make up for it He shows, the benefits of such training. His is a strong, muscular frame, and his voice is deep-toned and powerful, Regular exercise in the gvmnasiom is his hob by. Several 'members have joined solely for the benefit of the reading room. Here they &¥ 10. be 'seen each 'even ing poring over the daily press or the magazines. «The poor light furnishes them, mot infrequently, with a good cause for growling. They wonder why the directors do not increase the il laminating power, and well may they wonder. one soa be 100, * PRESENTATIONS MADE. Given To Messrs Miller And Routley. Last night, Cataraqui lo , No, 10, LOO.F.,, at its regular meeting, pre sented veterans' jewels to Capt. A. H. Miller and W. K." Routley, who have passed the twenty-fifth anniversary of their with the order. The jewel only one's iaentifi cation with the order, but his con tinuous membership and advoeacy its principles. Both well blessed with the dee in Jewels connection marks, not of recipients were ration, which conducted noble grand Prown, assisted by past grands Dennison and J. R. Don they made suitable and was F.M R. Meek, J. aldson, ana inspiring replies The of the metal. one and a half inches ter, with an wreath this there a six-armed, enamelled star of Maltese pattern; resting on thig six-pointed white enamelled star, the points of the resting the red arms. In gentre of tke white star, there a blue isk three-eighths of an inch in diame having in "the centre, twenty-five, in gold figures. On the reverse, the ingeription, "Veteran 1LOOF." name of jurisdiction, and nnmber of jewel are stamped. The jewel is suspended from a pin of three links. acuing of in diame On red base medal is vellow Ve border, base is a star on raised Fires During Last Night. half-past o'clock the firemen had to a York «street, occupied hy George Dean.® The partition, through sh a stove pipe ran, was afire. The At evening, house on seven last a call w damage was slight Shortly after five o'clock this morn ing, the brigade was called to "Rose lawn," the Union street of Lieut. Grant. The fire place casing in a bedroom had ignited, and the blaze extended to the mantel. The firemen had to tear much of the we work away and alsd rip up a of the surrounding floor residence portion Detective Murray Here. Provincial detective Murray arrived in the city this morning at the guest of the board of directors of the St. Mary's cemetery company, to work upon the casé"of the recont rob bery of three bodies from the vault of the cemetery. The directors were pri vately -informed that if proceedings were dropped the Medies would be re turned. Hope was expressed by one of the directors this morning that the affair would be closed before the day ended, : Heart Disease It Works Like w Magic. "For vears my greatest enemy was organic Hemit Diease From uneasi ness and palpitation it develiped into abnormal action, thumping, fluttering and choking sensations. Jr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gave instant re lief, and the bad symptoms have en tirely disappeared. It is a wonderful worker," --Rev, L. 8. Dana, Vitts burz, Pa. For sale hy E. ©. Mitshell. 155. In District Orange Lodge No. 1. a District Orange lodge, No. 1, King ston, met Tuesday evening, and elect ed: these officers : District master, R J. Viliott; deputy master, William Cullen; . chaplain, John MeClelland ; recording * secretary, David Brown; treasurer, David Hay; financial secre tary, James Brown; director of cere monies, W. Foden; lecturer, Samuel Woods, . One tramp was given shelter in the police eells last might. SORE NECK Take Scott's Emulsion for scrofula." Children often have sores on the neck that won't heal up. The sores may come and go. Parents may not know what's the matter nor what to do. - Scrofula is the trouble and Scott's Emulsion is the medicine. Scott's Emulsion heals the sores. But thatis not all Scrofula leads to consumption. This is the real danger. Scotts Emulsion is Jue "ounce prevention" keeps off consumption. Ty : What the People Toronts. | pyuly INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. PARAGRAPHS PICKED UR BR OUR BUSY REPORTERS, The Spice of Every Day Lite-- Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At tention. s The Lula Glaser opera company left this morning for N.X., by way of Prescott and Ogdensburg. ws Levana society meeting addressed © by "Michael Syracuse, this Prof An afternoon was Shortt who spoke on geo." : The space set apart fof the orches- tra in the Grand opera house 1s about one-third small. The musicians are crowded Bicycles were terday The good, but the for such. sport. You don't know "Beans" about gur ing a cold if you haven't tried East ern Balm. Largest bottle on the mar ket, Every bottle guaranteed, The carcasses ol over fifty dressed beeves have been shipped so far this week by essrs. Green and Reid, butchers. The meat was consigned to Montreal market. / Since the passing away of the dis eount sales, trade among the local merchantd has not been very brisk. Jy is not. likely to pick up much during February, either i Queen's conversazione is to be held in the arts building as usual = this year, instead of the city buildings as at first contemplated. Dancing: will be in convocation hall. The soloists of the "Dolly Varden" opera company '"rafsed cane" last might because the piano to which they had to sing to was about three fourths of a tone too high. Ichabod is wedded to his Pittsburg township has voted on the question of statute labor and resolv: ed to continue the time-honored but moth-eaten system by 209 to 173 votes The menbers of Kingston and Cata raqui lodges of Oddiellows will, "a wavk from to-night, pay a fraternal visit to their brethren in Gananoque They will afterwards be entertained thore The sub-division, 100 seen on the streets yes wheeling was rather air was rather chilly idols No. 7 this Robin many a to cast vote to be cast in Cataragui ward, morning, was that cof William the ward veteran For ver now he has been the first bis vote in that division Letters from Kingstonians in South Africa have been considerably delayed A few days ago one family re five letter from vhedr he coms many Fresh eggs are dozen If the are exhibiting shows, first son, of late ceived in one mail stles should have paratoe now local seh of in as mails selling at bird fanciers, their fowl at the would bring them them to go to work, * for the a who poultry home and coax there OWneTs. Manager Whitney, of the Lulu Glaser company, was highly pleased with the opera house and all ite arrangements The stage work was admirably carried and the shift adls, five minutes better made than at the Grand opera house, To would be "willions in it out, in between trne was rounto A bunch of dogs oroated almost a dozen in number, great consternation on Princess streot yesterday after noon, Wy their howlings and fighting. A number of merchants very angry that the police paid no atten tion to the disgraceful conduct of the animals * The politienl held a debate this siibje t: 'Resolved ent to make the St. Lawrence route the highway * for the trade of Anseri ca." Charles McLaren and W. Bright took the affirmative, and GG. B. Me Lennan and W. Guggisbherg the nega tive were once élub of Queen's afternoon on the that it is expedi NAPANEE NOTES. Of Mrs. Henry Ming--A Measuring Party. Napanee, Jan. 15 yeswrday of the depth at Chey- boggan, Mich., of Mrs. Henry Ming, mother of our townsmen Herman and Dr. Ming. The death occurred at the residence 'Of her daughter, Mre. Sam uel Gilpin, at the ripe age of seventy seven years. The remains will to-day reach Colborne, the Syrmet home of Mrs. Ming. Thé remafns will be inter at Norham, her late hus band and three sons. The remaining sons are: Herman, Dr. E. Ming, Na panee; Adam and Frederick in Chey boggan, Mich; and one daughter, Mrs. 8. Gilpin, Cheyboggan The ladies of the Preshyterian church held "moasuring party,' 'ab the residence of Dr. T. W. Simpson; Bridge street, on Monday evening. The novel feature of the entertainment was that the admission was paid for bv the height of the people whe at. tended, and a tax of two cents a foal paid the bill. The evening was mot pleasantly spent in music, singing a games and the sum of 816 was reals ed by this novel attraction George H. Crable and wile thro Card lef yesterday Louis, Mo., where they will cate for the Mre. Z. LL. Wood, accompanied her brother, Dr. 0. Daly, to New York, yesterday to bid him bonvoyage. Dr. Daly will spend three months of study in London, adding to his know- lodge of dentis@y. De. Burrows, Tamworth; was - a vid- itor in town on Monday, the home of his father, F. Burrows, Robert street. The skating rink is well patronized this winter. and much enjoyment by lovers of this healthful pastime i» ex- perienced these beautiful, clear nights. Death \ Word was receiv edd rad beside for a likely los IH, But Not Seriously. World A : A. . Si. Germain; of "St. Germain Park," North Toronto. was attacked with & severs illness on Ssturday, a ease of acute indigestion. Under doe tor's care the patient will soon again regain his usual good health. William Mablit, foreman for Mr. St. Germain an his Yonge street farm becams ill with quinsy on Saturday also, and is Inid aside from his work. A strange Toromte A coineidont iz thet on this same farm, | a tengnt of Mr. St. Germain was pirghoe with illness the following day | affording "smother example that a i desl of this lide goes by of three." and Jo next couple of eas.' Are. Quick To Ses. Goad Docturs are Quick to 5% and Appreciated Real Merit in New Medicines. Stasirt'y Dus aL the public in all cases of Syspopeia Ed disordercd ali everybody's digestion is dwarves bess, wind thw culr@oness Thing they nw He take some a the mahy youlied blood purifiers, whic Ninny co merely --~gioung cathartic, Such 3 not nil fi the waygnns dre in a fon, whey bod os a hd wid right thems Catharuos sensative Hodngs of the stomach wore harm than in irritate the wal bowels and often do od ring is wot what fx goedsl The thing to go ie uo put the food in cuiition io be oft 8 digemiod amd owls Niluart's Dyspepuia Tablets do tans perfeetly They partly digest what i eaten and the stomach Just the help it neds. They stinm fete the scoretion aml "excretion of the di wetive fluids sud relieve the congested oun dion of the glands amd membrane They put he whole sligestive min condition do ite work. When the done you need tablets, unless' you cat what with yott. Then tuke: one Of two tablite--give thom needed bglp asl you hwill have no trotblo. Its & connon seins medicine fd a com prentment and it will cure every only cure the disease but cure cause. Goes about it in nu perfectly son and scientific way ve testimonials enought we don't publish ol ive mom sense Not fill a book, waniy them. low Creek, Win Tablets 1 got M. Faith, 6! Byrd's have token all t they have « heir work well for-1sfpel like a different person 1 don't doubt if 1 hud pot by Mrs. E ave "wl of vou and in any altogethor them 1 should have beon at rest nm Tv got this Ta SAYS was telling Dyspopsia, Tablets ouring him of Dysppuin from which he had suffered for ehght years a sufferer myself 1 wish you to send by return u Mi " Mr we of your Willard, Onslow Canton, thos |] White, of 1 wi yipepsin cure tf suffoved ntirely cured before cont Ble. to ful Dyepepwia Tablots that's the beet n It will hvasing F - eim------------ 00000000000 BUY Swift's : : : son Coal w Ought te be. Juat 23 at Boas, JAMES SWIFT & CO. 'Phone 135. 9000600060 i AAs et ral WE WANT TO SUPPLY YOU WITH YOUR WINTER STOCK OF COAL. A ween higos, & wen! i I bil, few ashes, Nitthe die, abd 5 clams satisfaclory goal, wre the sesults J buyleg you? conl from we. Awd you pay no mrs thes you would for poor coal. Foot of Queen St.-- Phone 9. Your Neighbor Says WALSH'S SCRANTON COAL Is All Right. | Have you tried ic? * Shall we send you a ton STRAIGHT BUSINESS W. Murray, Jr. "and Commission i "4 Auctiopeer 'a ; 3 Werchant, Market Square.

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