Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jan 1902, p. 2

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fo Shiloh's Consumption Cures Coughs and Colds at once. thas been doing this for half a century. It has saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It will save yours if you give it a chance. 25 cents a bottle. If after using it you are not satisfied with results, go to your druggist and get your back. Write to 8. C. Wars & Co., Toronto, Can., for free trial bottle. inoleums. Portier Curtains, Curtains and - Draperies in exclusive styles and not to be found elsewhere in the We are 'carrying at this season of the year a very complete stock at prices ' which appeal to the closest In Linolcums we show the largest line to be found and at prices that mean a genuine money-saving R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse, ORDERED WORK: Repairing, Upholstering old Furniture, Ren ovating Mattzesson, ete, ote, of work will be dove cheaper during Jamuary and February thun at any other time, keep our full staff of Upholsterers and me emploved 12 months Cozy Core = and Window Seats are a pec: falty bere. We will fit. any corner or space as you went, at prices to suit, done over at short notice, Leading Axminsters, Wiltons, Velvets, Brussels, Tapestries, CURTAINS-Lace, Chenille," & ete. Window Shades and Poles, ote. Linoleum aid Ol Cloth, all widths. TE sox prion ERA " : rm MR. HARTY IS THE MEMBER. HANDSOME MAJORITY ROLLED UP FOR HIM. Contest Was Conducted on Friend- ly Lines -- Victor and Van quished Speak From the Same Platform--Speeches in Ontario Hall. ; A polities! avalanche on the cily yesterday bmrying the efiofis CONSCIVA tives to clect their ¢ at the polls, The result was nol unexpected, as few, i any, conservat held ont any hope of clecting the man of the party's choice. On the other hand, the reformers fought with a confi dence that nssured success, and in the end wees rewarded in seeing their ef- forts crowned with victory. It was not what might be called a keen con- fest, as the conservatives, except in one or two subdivisions, did not put wp any sort of a gamey fight; they Yhad little or no organization, and those who manned the polls did not Jexhibit that zea! which augured gue cons, A¥ against this, the reformers were enthusiastic, were well organized, apa had the polls strongly manned by Bl-time workers, who never ceased la boring until the polls closed. Then it was seen that victory was emblazon ed on their banners. A pleasing feature of the campaign, was the [friendly spirit manifested by the workers of both parties. This spirit of friendliness was inspired by the candidates, whose cordial friend: ship jp in no way lessened by the result of the contest, ax was shown last evening when they met in Ons tario' hall and grasped the hand of cach other, and spoke irom' the sand platform, the victor proposing cheers for the vanquished, himself leading the outhurst of cheers. TL .s friend ness is unique in the history of local campaigns, and it is probably the first time that a defeated candidate ap peared on the same platform with the victor and publicly congratulated him upon his HUCCesSs. The weather could more perfect for a paign, and the heart the worker was glad in consequence, An analysis of the vote cast shows that Harty received a majority of votes in twenty out of the twenty-three subs aiyisiemng, Metcalfe. , received * ma jorities \in Nos 7, Cataraqui, 15, lideau, and 19, Rideau. The last mentioned snb-division usually re turns a reform majority, but its turn. over on this occagion can be aceount: ed for 'hy the fact that Mr. Metcalfe resided therein for a great many vears, and his old neighbors remain- ed faithful to him at the poll. On the other hand, Victoria ward, a .tory stronghold, gave Harty the respect: able majority of 140. No. 20 sub-di- vision in that ward is a strong tory riding, but it yielded a grit majority of sixty-two this time, No. 22, an other tory, hot-bed, also got out of the old t6ry rut and cast a grit ma- jority of forty-three. The following is a result of th } * loscended up completely of the inclidate been cam political not have midwinter jsomely illus. lage Catalogue you on appli- ace the largest Jeweiry stock your disposal. ng businesson §¥ 1ssible margin' 1 tarantee safe pdsand cheer. | money if you in Poor Ce: Abtino season condition of heal (to serious results lime, is" made suscepti \arrhs the 'Gradually a persi and spitting, is severe cold is fgver, pains in tlnes spitting of This is the sho Lthat leads to pae And other deadly the only. sure met the You cannot possi fited by: this | Speeches At The Hall. The reform committee rooms on Princess street were filled to overflow: ing with an enthusiastic crowd of warkers, who gathered at the close of the day's work to hear the outcome of their abort. As the réturns came in and Mr. Harty's majority swelled as the figures were totalled up, the enthusiasm of the erowd was bound less. Withont loss of time an adjourn- ment was made ta Ontario hall where were delivered by Mr. Harty, Metcalfe and 'others, while the jubilant crowd, as was their just RE yi themselves hoarse, arty atpenred the crowd e's Jolly Good an Metcalfe entered Sood AMp-vanspnbe FeriporaTy I ------------ { with me, Nerve Food| With vival thin and no same pletion Shon TRE DAILY hall and was received with cheers. He made his way to the front of the plat form, reached up and shook hands with Mr. Harty, when he was grasped by those on the platiorm and pulled up Mayor Shaw: accompanied . him and was also lifted upon ue platform then Mr. Harty proposed thoes cheers for Mr. Metealie, ami the crowd responded. Mr. Mewalie reciprocated by proposing cheers for Mr. Harty, which were lustily given. John Mékclvey, president of the re form association, opened provesdings Mr. Harty s tine the elec by expressing pleasure at For the sixth tors-of Kingston had seturned Me. flarty, and this time by the largest majority ever accorded a candidate in Kingston. The speaker felt proud ol his fellow citizens for their - generous support to Mr. Harty. He had not one word to say against Mr. Metcalfe, who had conducted his campaign in a manner beyond criticism, but he was glad to know the y realized that the man who had served them so long and faithiully deserved their support. When hus time at Ottgwa is up, be felt sure the people would again return him. Mr. Harty was accorded a gen reception as he advanced to the front the platiorma: "Brother electors,' said he, "in the campaign just finish- ed we have reason. to feel proud of the manner in which it was earried on, 1 am proud to have Mr. Met calfe on the platiora with we to night; "he carried on a gawey fight and L am pleased to behold his gamey face here to-night. Both of us could not win; one had to besdropped by the wayside. [wn thankful To" the liberals | of Kingston for nominating me as their candidate. They . put me for ward because, doubtless, they consid ered that I could best represent their views. I do not take any credit for my olection, as | canvassed only two votes, but I feel proud of the result. I thank the liberals 'of Kingston, who were she mainstay of my election. 1 am not as popular with the conserves tives as any Iriend, Mr. Metcalie, but | must say this for them, considering that a liberal government would be in power for some years to come, they concluded that it ald be better for the city to be represénted by a liberal, so voted for me. And | not only thank those conservatives who went to the polls and voted for me, but also those who remained at home and did not go out to vote. "In every contest | have been in | have had the hearty support of the British Whig, but | want to say right here, that the best fight that paper has ever made for me was in this campaign, and I return thanks for it. Some busy-hodies tried to breed strife between Mr. Pense, Mr. McKelvey and myseli, but they were unsuecessiul, "I. want to thank the workingmen, es pecially those who are employed by the company whose head 1 am, for the manner in which they stood by me. | did mot ask one man in my employ: ment to vote for me; they were free to go to the polls to vote as they pleased and I appreciate what they have done. | am also under great obligation to the students of Queen's for the sup- port given me. 1 am glad to say that 1 have always had the students but this time they gave me strong and substantial support; I 1 can do so, 1 will be glad to assist them it the opportunity presents it voli. Mr, Metcalie and 1 are just as good friends as ever, and | ask you who may have voted for me or against me, to bear no ill willgfo one nnother, but to be friendly and neigh borly."" The audience were their cheers and greeted inet as enthusiastically Mr. Harty. , Mr. Metcalfe said that he was glad to be present to greet Nr. Harty. - Tha electors had expressed, through the - ballot box, their pre ference for Mr, Harty, and he was con tent with the verdict: He was thank: ful to those who had worked for him at the polls and throughout the cam: paign. He felt assured that Mr, Har ty would work for the best interests of Kingston. He was pleased with the manner in which the contest had been conducted; it was pleasing to all ati zems, ~ We do not sing the song of the victor, but the man who loses and is ready to fight again is the kind of man who . ucceeds. He would work just as hard for the next conservative who was put up to beat the next grit. He would rather see the liberals vie torious and have the assurance that the locomotive works would remain in Kingston. He was glad also that the military college and other institutions would now be fixtures in Kingston. lection, of generous with Mr. Metealfe as they did Other Short Addresses. Mayor 8S was emphatic in his statement Wat he had recorded his vota against Hon. Williash Harty, be cause the speaker was a tory. But he felt satisfied that Hon. William Harty wonld deal with him as fairly as he would with a grit. Citizens felt that Mr. Harty would best represent them, so they voted that way. Mr. Harty would serve the minority Just ad faithfully as he would the majori- vy. J. M. Mowat stated that the liber: als had put up a hard fight all day anil won a prowd victory. The pres- ent meeting seemed to have degener- ated from a political gathering to a love feast. The speaker had cast his allot dor Nr. Hafty betavse he was a He had known Mr. Harty dny -- and daily his admiration for him'was strengthened. He congra: tulated the liberal. party on the handsome - fight they had put forth for Mr. Harty, who had the liberals tohindd him to a man, and he also had the generous support of the lib Alderman Craig referred to the war- tiors coming in from a great battle ta a love feast. Kingston had done itself proud in electing Hon. William Harty by snch a magnificent majority; the citizens had shown sound sense and good in their selection of Mr. Harty. He did not want to say anything disparaging to the de fomted candidate, whom he held iv the to ted candidate on the with the victor. ! made one of his short, = referring to Mr. ed © Thing for before that Jt was wmique Th. yh I WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY fie. in other hdr k ing wouk! tell insiead of money; words, that the son of the man would have just as fair a « of attending as the son of the ri ch | Aside from party, 'the -itizefis the man who had stuck to mun stuck them. R. F. Elliott fousd press hia { &. He wes the great majority rolled up tor Harty: he was prowd that Mi: ing to Ottawa, the government wd to be a bun ther contest to it difficult to ex proud of Ny was pre Whos n the as on any folic along wer d he 'in came and ne again, would defe their had ever been er political hr ouild have been selected to go to (it tawa than Mr. Harty. The speaker concludvid by mentioning the fact that Mr. Harty had made many personal' poi es on behalf of Kingston After a few words of congratulation by alderman Farrell, the meeting end- ed by cheers being given for the king, Mr. Harty and Mr. Metealle, the cheers heing proposed by E. H. Brit ton. . citizen -------- Congratulations Offered. Hon. William Harty received over 2% congratulatory from all parts of the country Wilfrid Laurier offered "my most sin cere congralalations on your plondid victory." while Hens. W. Mulock, J. A. Sutherland, Syduey Fisher, W. S. Fielding and F. W. Borden, rejoic over the magnificent majority and ex- \onding him a welcome to the house. tons. W. Ross, R. Harcourt and J. NM Sibson, of the Ontgrio govern- "ment sent rejoicings; Uv news of victory reached them as they were at course three ap dinnez in the parlia- meat builk lings. Hon. George A. Cox, Toronto; E. W. Rathbun, Deseronto: G. H. All x G. A. Toronto; E. Farrer, Winnipeg; than Hodgson, Montreal; A: W. , Ottawa; J. D. Grace, Ottawa, 1 A. Mackenzie. Brockville, hearty 'greetings. This was the Murphy, of Ottawg: whether to congratulate Kingston el ectors on their choice or their thoughfulness in making a recount un necessary. Your majority does Kings ton even more credit than the loeomo tivea she sends out. As Dooley would sax 'Faugh a ballagh.' W. H. Bigger. Belleville, fering congratulations, added our rolling mills afd help us out Sherifi Eilbecky found time to pet away from his bride to to the telegraph office at Newcastle and say: "I'he hoy from the land of the mid night san, heartily his sid political dad." has messages Sir Joda- Fras and sent message of Charles 'Don't know on after of "Buy go congratulates Election Notes. Now for the Ontario house Conservatives who advocated Met calle at the meetings deserted him at the polls. If talk could have won the J. H. Metcaliec should have been turned by 100,000 words, In the general election total vote polled was eighty-three more than terday. Tuesday night Maj. Galloway made an estimate of what Mv. Harty's ma jority would be, and placed the figure at 7635. At one poll yesterday Metcalfe did not have a workér, while on the oth er hand, eight Harty men were con tinyally hustiing When the hberals seized the conser- vative commit room a love feast re- sulted. In Toronto or Montreal there would have been a fight. Never before did a successful candi- date in Kingston receive such a batch of congratilatory telegrams as came to Hon. Mr, Harty last night. Greet ings fairly poured in from all quart 1 election re the only yes- of 1900, 3,565, that ol re. Bets at the odds of three to two were placed vesterday that Harty would have & majority of over 400. A number of conservative leaders who bet against their eandidate made con: siderable money by doing so. In No. 4 division, Ontario ward, there were five rejected ballots. four of these the voters had generous enough to mark a cros rach candidate. It would be interest ing to know what their motive was. The most remarkable of all the ward results was Mr Harty's majori- ty in Sydenham ward, which is the most even political section of the city. Its overwhelming support of the libsral candidate caused great comment. Last Saturday while talking to B. W. Folger at the British North Am- erica bank eorner, J. D. Thompson marked on the stone wall what he de- clared would be Harty's majority. The figures he wrote were 777, a very close specalation. Last night conservative workers ac- cused liberals of marching the the halt, and the lame to the polls. Replying to the statements, liberal said they were simply follow: ing a precedent of June, 1596, when the men of "A" field battery were marched out to vote. ------------ Interment To-Day. The funeral of the late Amelia L. Young took place this aiternoon from her late residence at No. 8 Quebec stréet to St. George's. cathedral, the service being conducted by Rev. G. Lothrop Starr. The remains were taken to Cataraqui cemetery for in: torment. The deceased was sixty-one years of age. -------------- Dairy Produce Prices. the market today were very high. Butter in rolls soldipt 15¢. to 20e. a Ib, and in prints, He. to 2%. a lb. Fresh eggs could not be bought under 3c, a dozen, while sone eases A0c. a dozen wes asked. Packed ogge sold at 25¢. a dozen. The market to-day large one for Thursday. Prices on A New Loan. The Bay of Guinte railway com- pany has secured a loan of 365050 from N. W. Harris & Co., Chicago, at five per cert. Lor tweuly five years, The Next Warden. Jt is almost an assared faci that Ro J. Spoor, Wolle Ialana, will be (hw next warden of the county <= | WON Hurty } matches , Frontenads + Kingston up | No contest | ! match w McCool; Hartriek, I night, } op Thistles and Maples takes place Unit been | ners of a western group for | a leading | | riggers, from 155 pounds to 130. Bo in above 12% Kinds of food. was not a very kept il up for eight , Hized § was fleshing up again and when "weighed found 1 had recovered my 155 | pounds. hold my own. condition. . are all improvsd in health. litte tod whi can hardly telk calls i; x | QUEEN'S JUNIORS. | FRONTENACS AND COLLEGE HAVE ANOTHER CONTEST. ore Was 4 to 3--Ramblers Beat The Bicycle Club 5 to 3--Gen- eral Notes About Sport. the (1 H A iH ut The Hrst of between Hi rink the intermediate Uneen's took place fast night, and, as in ubest Monday hy ene point, th The first half w favor, Th closely on in Quesn fought, and crowd of of Queens as keenly watched hy tors. J. W feree Queen's TH .--Goal J Macdonnell; Dunlop, Strachan, Wilson, Fontenaes 111 Robinson: cover point, Walsh, Mel a smal Morpitl Spec was re Maedonell; point, cover-point, Chrysler; centres, Richardson; wings Scally: Harold Herbert Clark; 'augherty Goal, point, Clark; centres, wings, Potter, Ramblers Were Successful. At the Kingston skating rink last evening the Ramblers and Bicve'e club hockey teams cate together in the of two games in the Quinte dis league schedule. Ramblers were expert for their opponents and suctoeded in carrying off a vietory. At the termination of full time the stood a tie. In ten minutes ov play Ramblers scored two points, making the tally five to three, The game was finished with five mdn playing on each team, two bicyelifts having been injured and obliged to retire, Ramblers dropping two men to even up. The game was a fairly good exhibition of hockey. The teams were thus composed : Ramblers --Goal, WR. Devlin; Bearance, Capt; eover-point, worthy; centres, Kidd, Hackett Monterief Bicvele Club.--~Goal, J. Devlin; Fvans; cover-point. Donnelly; J. Laird, Ashley, Capt; wings, Van horn, Routley The game was capably Stanley Wilson first trict a) sCore erinme point, Cox wings, point centres refereed by General Topics Off Sport. McEachern, the ( s wo far the leader in race at Philadelphia Morrishurg defeated Iroquois, last in a regular scheduled game in the eastern series of the senior O.H.A A - basketball match between the in the Y.N.C.A. gymnasium to-morrow night A man in Montreal dropped dead on Sunday whilé™" playing ping Rough game this, says an exchange Worse than rugby or croquet Hurst, the English champion® dis tance runner, is coming to America be a starter in the six days York next month James Laird, who played with club's hockey team against the Ramblers last night, injury. His chin was badly cut. Canoeing has gained a firm foothold in Barrie, and a regatta will be held there about July lst. A war canoe, as well several racing will be i list, hicyr six days' anadian the pong and may N rate in New tin bievele received a severe as purchased canoes, Sporting Lile : On. paper it looks as a factor in the Eas tern Edd larrow has many friends in Newark x suecess, signed hy to-day presented to 'Joek" Harty, aski him to take the captaincy of the Frontenac senior hockey team. A reply is anticipated. A fast if Toronto will Le league rade wish him continued A petition, citizens, prominent Dr, was favorable game of hockey New York, between a picked team from the Canadian N. Y. club and the Montclaire, one of the crack sevens of York, resulting for the Canucks to two was played mn in a decisive vic by a of New tory five Kingston and Bowmanville teams were to have met at Cobourg to-day in the first round for vhe On tario tankard. Bowmanville, however defaulted, and Kingston thérefope en rs the second round with the win FOOTe curling The ting best performances on the trot turf in Great Britain last year were: Ten miles, guideless, in 28 min 53 2.5 sec., by Lady R.; one mile in harness, one mile under saddle and one mile guideless, in 7 49 1-5 seconds, by Lady R. Toronto Telegram : By the way, if the Royal military college had been an obscure country teans--Hamilton; for instance--would there have been all this howl about their suspension. Still Hamilton would have had more excuse than they, for in Kingston they 'have daily paper re The Inland Lakes yachting associa tion has followed the Lake skiff association of Lake Ontario minutes sailing in blind, | drawing more stringent rules to en | foree the amateurism of the sport In former years, professional sailmakers, boat builders, and sailors could handlé yachts in races. 'T i justice of professionalisi in sai } greater | seriousiy ! who spen nd als i . 8B wha } we i gregation was larg PRICE PER POUND. How Much Is Good Solid Flesh Worth ? When a little tot that can hardly talk plain calls onvfor GrapeNuty be fore she gets up from the bed in the morning there must be something pleasing about the food. Her father save, "1 can safely say that every pound of Grape Nuts owed Line my family. bas been-worth a dollar in gold to me. To illastraie © About five years ago | was ill and run down After 1 got I could get abowt, my stomach troubled me and 1 sever could wet pounds although 1 tried ali Finally I was put on Grape Nuts and months. | rea 1 have since, been able to | My stomach is in fine | My Toawily all eat Crape Nats Craps Nube before she is oot of bed | in the morning. I stand for wothing but what ie should print my name 1. you thin letter." and | Even my | A tn Blom than in other sport, for 1s essentially a sport where expen thric-aarters of the battle I'he man who only does a little sail ing in the afternoons and evenings handicapped when on days he I against the on the w any COC ris man ater ted GVOeryY Wea lbor and current, amd a which th l ws does thousand and thir (ET Lawininian arn before he 1 i and § are atbick <ionals iting the Sport bare rane da THE ANNUAL MEETING Oi Cooke's Church Congregation Held Last Night. last cvening at the of Cooke's church con , and a good inter The atteadance annual meeting Pest was taken in the reports of church recerved work {he Sunday school wuch more than the and next to that, the service The board wanagers for thus «composed : wallace Willian J Driver, Robers Kdward J. Andérson, 8. 8S. Chark Siumons and Ww Ww Sands, the latter taking M. H. Clax s place Ope hundred and twenty "five helong to the congregation; ten, cane in during the year, and three lel the City. here are 263 commainicants; twenty were removed Just year; of praise. of one six by death, and fifteen by certificate froui disjunction as they moved * city. Ou the other hand, were received by certilicate, of the four twenty of faith, an increase of forty: were nine funerals, and thirteen marriages. fhe Sunday school shows an creased atfendance of boys, and improved its financial position, sides contributing over $M to missions of the church. is the superintendent for 1902, Robert Diack the secretary treasurer The Victoria guild and the en's guild, as well sohool, made good contributions the home mission work of the Presby church he society in be woman's the for terian nissionary branch did a missions I'he Sod, and good work ladies' aid and SUS society the Victoria form: the bey fund for the extension went of the school whole the work the and wider ginning mnprove Un Toul These and root year lines was ulong better INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. West Possibly ' xample Remember (0 pay your gas and elee tric hight on or 20th inet, and save the Miller's Headache Powders cure head ache in five minutes. In hoxes lle. and 20c., at Wade's drug store West Hastings objected to Frost Wednesday | retuning Por ter it will get from the govern ment Hastings clings to is this --is because olf HECOUNS dixcount vit frost by munber of ver the K_& FP brought considerable then down ' this morn dairy Pe + with Abont a registered as desiring to attend classes to be opened at Monday night next received fat Or so and on young men have ducational the YMCA Fhe mail post office very the on matter the past large in quantity, clerks wok heen ¥ nt jmp, Remember tric light 20th inst, and save Two drunks police eclls last night had passed away gistrate 'heeded their them liberty me apd postmen gos and ele on or before the discount locked up in evening, kat ere the police petitions to pay aetounts your were ma gave The annual association evening, but on tions, a quorum of members not bet obtained. The meeting was ad journed for two weeks ting of the was called for account of the last elec far Smith's White Liniment is the most known, and a penetrating liniment swellings, positive cure for sprains, inflammation, neuralgia, » heumatism, at bottles, ' 25¢., and lumbago. In Wade's" drug store. The voeal and instrumental Oth will the give their first public concert of in On season Tuesday, January 21st, fario hall. lowed by Rossini's First performance in Kingston. 25¢-, obtainable from members of club or at Uglow's. ------------ Largest In Canada. yet at "Stabat Mater.' The Canada tram yards largest steamer will be launched Toronto, the Ber on January This is the steamer Montreal, now, being built for the Richelieu & Ontario navigation company. She will be 30 feet long and will have a8 many sate-rooins , as ships. Toronto and Kingston ble nwnber of staterooms hy making them three the saloon and the promenade the widest part of the Her on gines and power will be fifty por cont greater than in the last tyo to the fleet, The dou ship. or Cost Of Education For 1902, Last year the maintenance and public schools was 26.077, proven mont be ing the board of educatic For the ¢ leginte institate the or rn wan 2,608, This' year V9 bogrg likely ask eouncil for ¢ or $1000: more thas i year for edisecational pu creased expenditure 3 a deficit of about S50 and the 'ansual ined salaries, which shout $430 'in teacher, will thiyear g, sal of 3 | Big Fur Sale Be, To- Morrow. Our great Jannergr sale IMERCES LO IROETOW iil "A look around salebf we gu {pairons to see what borouing nr { other fellows" mye gle Tio see how moch bert a be called right and honest, and | am quita will. (inrs are in compary ing the ball a rolling ton, N.Y, oi A" Milla & Co, far © street. TEV In usual attention, Id x Dunlap, Douglas, Corbett, families and sixvteen became members by profession There nineteen bBaptisins has the James Craig and young as the Sunday to foreign Olive forawgn has on hand guild 851. of a thy Porter. Belleville before the country people the the has has the the the the and Kingston could A short piano recital fol Tickets the built in twice the sister in secured deep between ued in acclitiops appropriation for the of the lexi by #1 300 than the sum ake for by Kingston qn MERIT. 'ure Secures National ¢ Toor Ong Yer wi A New Caturrh Popularity inl gay ME pation of a : Catorrh 1 wet, "ix furtndd ie fod Bats Gus YUAr Nert's the row Calarrh cur, J shins that today ib can hu shivaghbout the Lr within reg w Unoada fo be Bus meowssary ie the tr thw - inmiliar with the a large amount of advertising the & stance 10 fahig Bite wool the spel, wither Rows wivertising along. pever u ade anys ar iche permsotly suc must Far » in sidition sheolute, * wR F and this the wow eotarrh cure cortiiigy i @ a warked degves. ne, who formerly dipeihal upon irhaders, sprays and local wasbes or oiut this hao Ants Stuart's Catarrh Thhipis te Souke, as ome of the most promimeds Sind, these tablets soutain 8 pleasrt, & on form all the really efficient cuinrrh dies, such de red pam blood veut lac anticepiics, They cuntain be opiate, and ae given to little children with entire safety i xaeht I +. } Redtiger, of Covington, Ky. 5 sufter wl from Carsech in oay head and theont every fall, with stoppage of the and irritation in the throat "affecting my fren attending to the stomach, stomach. | bought a Stuart's Caterrh Tab arid thems" iW my fully, andtlie way sre rotnsdy PVOr One y sotaine nor yw voice and canning cataerh of th Afiy cont package Jefe at my dr packet and use in which they was certainly winter , W. Va arch early my two ¢hikivey arrbal colds and so wore out of sehool svpe portion. of the My brother wi vas oured of t lenfoces by ue Qumort's Catorr) urged me 0 tr bom so mach Chat ond am (ew ihonkia! for wh done for my Mand mv childe Always keep 0 of the tablets in the hous wl at ihe fe appsiranee: of a ¢ 1 or sure theoas we sil ¢ fn the bud end catarch is longer household affliction with we ; Full sissd pockages of Tablets are sold for Gly esis Iso suffered from throat so much they Stugrt's Cater at all dry for book on conse aed mailed Ir Addrons, F Mich ure A." Sioa cranton All Good Coal = Ought to be, Juss as C Jeng As Bad Coal, Is JAMES SWIFT -& ©0. | "Phone 135. 900000000004 WE WANT TO SUPPLY | WITH YOUR WINTE STOCK OF COAL. | small eosl HIE elonn, sortie buying © pow no wore the A wean bong, » adbos, livile dir cond, are the re from ws. And you pay would for poor coal and wn ulte of Foot of Queen St. 'Phont iam Your Neighbor Sa ave you tried ; it? hall we send tu you a ¢ ----

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