Re THE pATLY WHIG. THURSDAY. JANUARY i6. NERVE PILLS FOR WEAK PEOPLE. AND THOSE TROUBLED WITH ainitation. ToRing on iaguia' is s arte pasms of gh t ot nd rt, Morbi Brad urtial Paralyels, S| ness, ervou nese, Anemia, al Debility. After-Effects of Grippe, Loss Appetite, etc. Remember Milburrn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure the worst cases after other remedies fail. The Toronte General Trusts Corporation . Office and Safe Deposit Vaults. 99 YONJE STREET, TORONTO ------ $1,000,000 » 880,000. Capital, Reserve Fund President ! HON. 8.0. WOOD, J. W. LANGMUIR, Managing Director A.D. LANGMUIR, Assistant Manager JAMES DAVEY, Secretary. Authorized to act as Executor, Ad ministrator, Trustee, Receiver, Clomamit we of Lugatic, Guardian Liquidstor Assigoes, ee. i All sizes and arcels reat, P to prices oF further informatien wes the Oor poration's i. MALT BREAKFAST- FOOD Trims the Sails of Health. oF it of happens that "men and wo- men ty vigorous today, may tomo be irritable and out-of forts owing to some little stomach de rangement. We should remember that while we are vigorous we can keep so Ly using food that regulates diges tion. We should trim the sails of health and vigor, by regular use of Malt Breakfast Food each morning, thereby overcoming any tendency to flasulency, sour stomach, waterbrosh and miser able indigestion. * Malt Breakfast Food perfectly aids digestion, and keeps up a standard of strength necessary for continued good health. There is no other breakiast food known to science so delicious, re freshing and sustaining for body and nerves. The use of one package will convince you of its superiority over all other foorls. Grocers everywhere. A COSY BRIGHT § FIRE TRY OUR Wood & Coal. You will be delighted with it. iS. ANGUN & CO. ! Telephone 66. ¢ Foot of Wellington St. 000000000000 000000000 ------------------ o -- CATARRH CAN BE CURED. Tare ouned lo a JoAlvly us ts cases given u A Ita a scientific and yet only P sense and natural trastment, you lace ib rhe on the diseased part, It kills then aid heals. Simple use, that's the at SAB Maspber. , Tmited, 131 Church stems, Torow fo bv das. Bo Weleod, Kingston, Ont. SCHOOL OF ART. eation on SATURDAY, JAN. &th, 1902. oy 900 NSGGOOGIRGAGSNISIS IHE WHIG--68th YEAR. DAILY BRITISH = WHIG, abitwbed each evening at 806 510 Kio, Street, at $8 per yewr. Editions at 3:50 amd 4 »' s WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 13 wes, published avery Thursday morning 3 your Attached is one of the hest Job Print. ing Offices in Canada: rapid. stylish and cheap work: nine ved \ i Fnw ¥ BENGE, PROPRIETOR. calist. {TIE DAILY WHIG. *Qpiter per Orem Dacor.' HON. MR. SUTHPP! AND The Hon.' Mr. Sutherland assigned] the office of marine and fish has been in order to accept a seat in the su prreme beh, Mr. { has for some time hud a seat in the has rendered efficient and useiul sevice dur court Ruatherland cabinet without a portivlio, and ing the illness and absence, ulbix col Heague, He is a man of great activity, and has, by his intelligent and weil directed the liberalism, secured the recognition he Has received from time fo time. The marin department is ome which in: volves careful supervision, and to the duties-«f it Mr. Sutherland is sure to bring thé acumen, the alertness and the experience which have characteriz- wl him all through his long" pofitical career. His success the Whig predicts, and it ofiéis its congratulations. enorgies in cause of KINGSTON, Kingston A CREDIT RO The electors of wpoken regard hye-election, and as The candidate who promis have in to the commons' they were expect wd to do. ed, by his useful to the a majority of 752. It may be said that a bye-election is prety sure to go with the govern ment. And so it is--when the govern ment is popular, when it has made an rarnest effort to promote the publie in terests, when has taken advantage of every condition to make the people Prosperous, ty remembered that bye elections had been carried, and they claimed to have 4 candidate who had heen a winner in every contest, who had 'sent his op- ponent sprawling in the dust," as one speaker put it, and amid a great noise he was entered for the race. There was much boasting on the conservative side, In their they' had won the election times before the polling day arrived. In their last rally they imagined a lot of things--that did not happen. So when election day did come, and there past record, to be most it several was work to do, many of them were missing. Two points have been made clear as a result the campaign. (1) The electors have demonstrated that they cannot be misled misdirected by satch They with a glance at their records, the "candidate of or cries. realized, they ought to support, and gave him their votes. The workingmen are not beguiled by fulsome idolation. (2) The public: have fittingly expressed their gratitude to the man who has been so goad a friend of Kingston. His interests are here, interests that affect many hundreds favorably, and these interests have been made the more permanent and aiding by his election. The citizens have done themselves honor in their decision in this case; and the memberelect, Hon. Mr. Har tyewill bring 'them evedit by the man wer in which he will carry himself in the commons, ---------- ENDORSING THE GOVERNMENT. The Laurier government should be very well satisfed with the elections that took place yesterday. They show that public feeling is still running, and running strongly, with the party which 'is in power. This is a ignifi- cant circumstance, some experionce in Canada and England goes to show that when a government is not held in high esteem, when it is lacking in force, in power, in administration ca- pacity, it loses its hold upon the peo- ple, and this is evidenced by the cap- ture of seat after seat hy the «pposic tion in the bye-elections. West Hastings was expected to go conservative. Mr. Corby held it from' 1801 till his resignation, and (jus. Porter has only secured it by the Corby influence. Addington scems to remain cons servative, but the returns are igeom- plete. West York was represented Ly 'the late Clark Wallace in several parlio- ments. He had won in every clection since 1878. His brother sought to take his place, and he was opposed Ly that stalwart liberal, Archibald Camphbeil, formerly of Kent, and one of On tario's most exper.enced campaigners. His election is a tribute to bis abili- ty, and a public appreciation of his political prestige. first love in the reelectipn of Me Beith who has defeated his unesucodes: mindd | West Durham has returaed wo its | | i Bergeron was guaranteed the whipping whith was duly adwinistersd st the There greater dema gogue in Canada than Mr. Bergeron, and he is where he will' do the harm----ontside of parliament. poling, 1" no least made vacant by the eleva Mr. Fortin to the bench, and made bv the appoint Mr to the go In Laval. Laval, tion of 1. ele, of did not with runing vacant Dechene expected ment senate, as two liberals and a conservative Mr In Laval, Mr. Caron, inde Leonard, conservative won. out. pendent liberal, was returned \ in West Prince. PEL, Mr. Forqua harson, the late liberal! premier. of the eries, which Sir Louis Davies resigned . . . province, was triumphantly elected to Mr. Davies, elevated to sieeesdd Hon {the bench But the conservative par- | The government will be streng bn ed by thease to the and itr opens 'its second session of this parliament wiih that it has heen the electors. For the fact that constituencies in Ontario, two in Que- | hee, and one in Prince Kdward Island | ACCPLIONR hivuse, the consciousness endorsed afresh by three (West Prince), went liberal on the one | only two, in Ontario, | i day, and that and in tive, must be accepted as a fair indi i cation of the direction and import of | one Quebec went - conserva public opinion. -------- 4 EDITORIAL NOTES. The men who cheer after the battle | is over seem to cheer the loudest, A men who = has years of parliamentary life ought to be satisfied. So the electors think. | nt { The grain shovellers knew what has | knocked them out ! of work here. | city, has been elected by And it wasn't the libéral government. | a-- Personalities in polities do not pay. | There was too much of a personal na<| ture on the conservative side, and it vas now to be repented of. a---- The workingmen have answered the | appeals that have been made to them through the ballot. There is no doubt about where they stand. The students were out yesterday and | very active in Mr. Harty's interest. | And they know who has heen the | friend of Queen's callege. | ---- Sympathy is all right in its place. | Some men professed to be great mirers of Mr. Metcalie, and so anxious | Where were they yes | ad- | for. his election. terday when there was work to do? -- -- A bill' has been introduced into the new York legislature which aims to stop flirting on the street cars, and imposes - a fine of $500 for any one who is convicted of the offence. If this thing goes through woe to the' man or woman with: the goo-goo eyes. | -- 4 Mr. Foster helped to kill Mr. Wal lace in West York. He undertook to | convince the market gardeners that they had a grievance against the gov- ernment, and he has profited by his experience. The idea of a man .who | poseses as a statesman talking peanut polities. Senator Landerkin has turned up | the records to show that a conserva tive government offered to recruit Ca nadians for Egyptian service at the | government's expense, and accepted. - Which | ca imperial the offer was would seem to put some of the vilers out of the business. Peace is all the talk again. The pro- Roer element in the United States thinks it has only to select the presi dent and Wilhelmina, of Holland, and the South African war will be settled. If Mr. Chamberlain talks as sharply to these people as he does to the Ger mans he will tell them to mind their own business. S---- The Mail is annoyed because Mr. | Howland, the mayor, does not suit | all people. It finds that the principal | objestion to him is that he is a con i srvative, By the same token it could | find, if it enquired, that his claims to i election and re-election is that he was not a party man of the blue-blooded sort. In Toronto the politics of the man | hae to do with his place for oflice. -------- Worldly Things Forgotten. "What's all this stir?' inquired a ¢ity clergyman as he met another of the cloth yesterday afternoon. "Election," was the brief reply. "What about?" queried the first | speaker, The other explained, and seemed surprised that his brother did not know that an election was on. i -- Portsmouth School Board. The inaugural meeting "of Ports | mouth public school board wax beld | Wednesday evening. J. W. Henstridge | was reslected chairman. The only business transacted was to confirm the bylaw appointing E. B. Lott as teacher, and to pass a few accounts. ---------- Would Pay Medical Expenses. | Subseriptions are being raised am- den etng | the do § purpose paying + oc for's hill for Mrs. Morin, the aczed knocked down' amd seriously in: "It is thought i the are Mrs, i rade. . | marked and substantial progress The | report | company { cord. New life insurance applications, | amounting to $3,974,000 were receiv- | the amount thereof was considerably | compared with those for 1900, are as had seventeen i 4 | Income ... | 5. Annual In- | applications | large, and that the death loses | company has never i through | during 1901, was 5.39 per cent. ! net addition of over $2,000,000 to the | total assurances | factory character of the business | employed in determining the reserves | "First and Paramount--Absolute Se | curity | enabled to say, in moving the adopt- | to the upbuilding of a strong, | who | the following comparisons taken from 1 Perio. | 1897 {| Periend i 1507 | above six Miss Edith May, arrived | from St. Thomas to spend a few dav» { with friends in thg city. | ville, { pointed ithe Grand Trunk railway, succeeding BI 8 THE IMPERIAL LIFE. ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL YEAR ADDED TO RECORD. Substantial Increase in Every De- partment Mark the Opening | Year of The Twentieth Cen- | tury. Toronto, dan. 13.~The annu al met ing of the hujerial Lite company of Canada was held to-day, its president, Hon. Sir Oliver Mowat, lieutenant governor, in the chair A few days ago at the opening of the lezislature his honor congratulated the province upon the abundant evi dences of prosperity. throughout the land. In his presidential address to day he 'Stated that he had the crati fiention of congratulating the Tmperi al Life assurande company upon its BASU ADC submitted evidenced that the has again added an ther successful year to its unexcelled re el. The number of policies issusd ex- ceoded that of any previoils year, und in excess of that for 1900. The more important items in the statement, follows : "01, Increase. Pe 9.296.850 $11,296,700 $20103% 28 force. Total As- v 1,599,804 o/s ns Lo. 1,008,002 507.488 798,785 201,297 0.7 319 860 305,170 HAN 283 cume from Interest on Inv ert ments ..... 'Total An- nual In Benefits 7,08 5.207 80.4 Juding, Sir Oliver said: "A vol of new business, almost $4/000,000 was 'transacted, which in icates that both .the management and the agency stafl have been very efficient. Whe dact that the. number of réjécted was unusually have heen less than were expected, show that much care has been exercised by the medical department in the selec tion of lives, The company's funds, now amounting to $1,339,504, have been carefully invested by the execu: tive, as attested by the fact that the lost a dollar investment; that no cavses the company anxiety and that the rate of interest 'earned The an investment the least average increases that item to the 811.236.7060 in force on De'em ber dst, 1901, and proves the satis se cured by the company. The method is an index that the directors are de- termined that the company's motto : L reality. | Polievholders™ shall 'be a am, therefore, confidently jon of the report. that all es eatials pre gressive and substantial company are embodied in the Imperial Life." The first vice-president, A. E. Ames, followed, said: "The Imperial's progre 8 would best be gathered from recent annual repors : Premium Interest Frome 09 $10,957 Insurance in force, $1,185,725 1898 4,169,i25 1899 19060 1901 9,226,350 M.236,700 Reserves for policies and an nuities $340,479 8 38.426 677,061 L761 Total income Assets, $ 43,387 1898 2 87 1890 ' Yoon 1901 448,672 1,84 These figures cortainly indicate thal the Imperial life bas made rapid and steady progress. In every ome of the cardinal items each year shows a handsome advance, more es pecially with respect to reserves for policies and annuities PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. Mr. and Mrs, W. Y. Boyd, Gahnoo quie, spent yesterday in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Cossitt, Brock ville, - have left for Bermuda, where they will remain until April. Mrs. James Watts and daughter, vesterday D. Staley went to Ottawa yesterday afternoon to represent St. Mary's court, No. 130, at a Foresters' conven tion to be held in that city. F. 1. Ritchie and Dr. Moles, Brock- attended the opening of the opera house in Kingston. Both speak in high terms of the new building. J. Quinlan, Montreal, has been ap district. passenger agent of (1. Pease, going into other bi " Dairy Farm " To-Night.- Tonight Eleanor Merron's charming play, "The Dairy Parm," which will be seen to-night is a pure play of country life, as refreshing ax a draught of spring water to the blase theatre . It is a rural play, full of conn: TALKS WITH CANNIBALS. Reasons Given For Practices Of Anthropophagy. Willig Durbma in Lostom Outlook The Woeldel expedition which cently traversed a region of forests hack of the Ivory const West Africa, found there a large naw her of cannibals comprising ses eral tribes. Thev are obly about 120 wiles from the and within a w jeney of French Cann hale have seldosn been found in Afri near the sea. As a rule they do not live within 530 miles the ocean and most of them are still farther inland. There are no eannibal tribes, for example, on the lower part of the Congo river, though the middle and upper Congo basin are the leat hot bed of cannibalism in the world. When the white men in the Worlfiel party asked these cannibals why they indulged in the practice of eating hu man flesh they replied that wen are in the habit washing their bodies three times a day, and theic flesh therefore, is cleaner and swostr than that of cattle which are never wash- ed. These natives have guns and pow der which they procure from Liberia or the Gold Coast. As they have no bullets they use large pebbles in theis re deunye ot coast wk § the posts on ww of 8-1 ol Un ® When Mr. Stanley sent Capt. Co- quilhat to occupy the station he had established among the fierce Bangalla cannibals of the middle Congo he found the natives ever ready to de fend the practice of eating "human fiesh. "*This is horrible," said Coquil hat one day to a chief whom he saw at his meal. "On the contrary it .is delicious with selt," was the reply. Another time the Belgian soldier expressed his abhorrence to a chief who was about to sit down to a can nibal banquet. Th} latter replied to his protests "When you kill a goat I do not ir teri This - dead man here is my property. | did not steal nor capture him, but | bought him with good cloth awd | will eat him if I please." One day Coquilhat pointed out the difference between man and mere ani mals and tried to convince the natives that to eat a man was to make a very bad use of him and to degrade their species, A bright fellow in the crowd called out in answer "Al you talk only shows that hu man flesh is the best sort of food while the flesh of mere animals is a dile sort of nutriment " The practice still {idely prevaiis over tropical Afriea, in many islands of the Pacific, in northern Australia, and among the natives of some South American tribes, It is gradually be ing extirpated, howgver, in all re gions where the whites are acquicing important influence. It is not found. for example. in the neighborhood of any of the white stations in the Con basin, where it is now a crime punishable with death, As fast ax the influence of the state is extended over the country the eating of human flesh 1¢ discontinued. Thus the great Ban galla tribe, which gave Stanley his hardest fight when he descended the river, has entirely abandoned canni balism; many of the native employees of the state come from this tribe PRIMATE OF ALL ENGLAND, yo Stories of Present Archbishop of Canterbury. Wm. Durban in Lowden Outlook Many are the stories of the courage and wit shown by the present ard bishop of Canterbury, Dr. Temple, in combating the attacks of the extreme high churchman which followed the publication of his "Essays and Re views." When he was nominated as bishop of Exeter, a writer in one of the Devon papers gave expression . to the polities, and pretended that it was hiz religion they objected to Mr. Gladstone and the queen were un moved Protests against the conse eration were sent in by the bishops of Gloucester, Hereford, Lichfield, and Lincoln. When the ceremony had been duly peviormed, in spite of the vehem ent opposition of high churchmen and tories in all parts of the country, on church newspaper said in an editorial jeremiad "And =o, on that darkest day in the whole year, was perpetua ted the darkest crime ever committed in the English church!" Such a sen tence 'as this shows to what a height the animosity had run. Dr. Benson, the most intimate of all Temple's friends, thus = oescribed his bearing during that memorable inei dent in Westminster Abbey : "Dear Temple's face was white as ashes, and his jet-black hair and whiskers and the white and black of his robes made him look in his stillness a sad plight for a friend's eve to rest upon His healthy bronze was quite gone, hat he looked a true man.' Dr. Temple's temperance agitation exposed hin to criticism from another source, He enjove telling this story In the west of England he one after noon spoke at an agricultural sdciety meeting +a kind of occasion at which he was eminently at home from his Sharp Attack of Lumbago. Know what Lumbago Is? . Pain catches you -right in the smal of the back,--makes stooping ever of rising up excruciating agony. Wrong kidney action Is the cause of the trouble, and If you let Dr. Plicher's Backache Kidney Tablets set the kid- aeys working right you'll be quickly cured, Here Is some evidence: Mr. James A. Searls, the well and favor- fable statément of "| comprehension A Groat Many People Have Taken Advantage Of Out January | Clearing Sale And reaped the benefits of reduced prices on de Ww sirable lines of goods. reduce stocks of Winter ( 'e're making a big effort ;oods and we're sacrificing Fu profit rather than carry any Winter Goods over. is the reduction applies to a gfeat many lines tha not strictly Winter Goods. Styles change and w the present out to make room for what's new. if Spring. Dress Goods and price. Millinery Goods are Jackets, Suits and gsiiks are reduced reduced in price. Skirts are reduced. Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves are r duced. Whatever you want in Dry Goods it will pay 'y to get prices here before you buy. SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY. 50 pieces Light and 1 gular 12%c. and 15¢. dark Colored Prints. . FOR 10c. YAR STARR & SUTCLIFFE, 118 and 130 Princess Street. "SATURDAY NIGHT * Kingston, O T 10:30 --OQUR-- DISCOUNT SALI {WILL CLOSE. TILL THEN WE STILL OFFER 3 20 Per Cent. Discount Off Shoes, Trunks, Valises, etc... and choice of : Whole Stock. THE LOCKETT SHOE STOR -- knowledge of farming But be could not miss the opportunity of giving some temperance hints and advice. He remarked, with his accustoméd grim humor. that "he himsell had never been drank in KS Jide." On his way hore he heard the boys in the street with the papers shouting, "Remark the bishop of Fxe headline was certainly a The bishon with some mriosity opened the paper to what he' had said, and found vhrase used as a spacial heading 'Never been: drunk in his Tife 1" he startling one woe DISTRICT DASHES. News of the District Condensed From The Whig"s Exchanges. of Hunger paralysis on 8 serioss Robert Caskey, ord, was stricken with Saturday. and ondition David uf the reeve 5 now Moore, a well-known farmer fourth concession of Thurlow, lind on Tuesday, aged sixty vegrs. - A widow dnd three daughters survive 4 At Brockville, on Wednesday, occur red the marviage of Miss Lillian Mand, only daughter of the lite Dr Moore, a skilled surgeon of Manitou, Man . and Robert L. Gillerlain, New York, eldest son of William Gillerlain, Brockville On February 15th, W. 2. Millar, Inte manager of the stove and furnace oe partwent of the James Smart manu facturing company, Brockville, 'will leave for Shanghai to accept the "po sition of superintendent of agencies for the China mutnal insurance com. anf. four married THE POPE'S HEALTH The End May Come at Any Mo- ment. London. Jan. 16. Vanity Fair's respondent at Rome writes 588 donth: of the pope. BRT be oo. The any day, as his holiness oqp EXpeciad said to be just alive: He only be nourishment and is Prergily is Hit the sonseions. He soffed 5, ¥ half uy. simply dozer the he of around hi." Canada he bien oo 3; doctors hin. | ONE CERTAINTY 'Diamond Dy Are the Best and the Easiest to Ung No make package dyes to color knowingly vih hey materiale howe shed are or « ' Dyes a her tabli hes mond cris and the an one v the Ihamend strongest fan nd Dive rst to han today Y in Anstyalis Asin the ¢ th ope and it ean As bavers Diamond ure tinued ' fnetion wwne that th package The dian howe and rug Welle & Richardson Co Mountain NM vou ef Ligne for mat today up acdress Limit niregl i popular work « 1} making Sed your will ve of Cost and That Great and Noble Phy Dr. Edward E. Phelps, ' Gave 1o the World Paine's Celery Com] y Narvelloms Prescript on Bae We Wide Popularity. Professor Fdward F who gave ta suff Phelps ring hums o rech known af hae thgoe 4 , a rae " marvel! Fotery ofpousnt RTICTIA ferry - | than BBY of hey Phy ; » ¥ a Five His has Prey ed Paine'y ( ing Strength omaich pe, : rouhd, tint, "Tige Va. te and routes TP nine, 0) and jy "* result 2 . Wiprre WE fre 3 Paine's Dood, 'm Ith and It Pern No Celoby Psttive Gp levy fo, Irn k tory y Win Vigor 4. find k Hist there ample ot hep ¥ whiy 1 ape, fos and be ol iteeli o 18 FRI ie Tew it suf i ME drug, the Kine py ture gg the prohibiting NOG am was. ap & rrrinlature the legislation, and 2 rer Pesetipd ions i one 5 tf rt t Je + hat is oh ona wie well 54 : 1 hat Ehren «Cry van