i 5, . oe i 3 7 3 TS dy 69TE YEAR. NO. 14. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1902. THE "DAILY BRITISH WHI A ---- THE DOLLARS. . J iL Saye by taking sdvantage { TIE SALE ) today and continuing for The jou ~ being over and the En to de = vaines while hs © on: ue 4p 5m we accepted. roigulng 0s. The. mand -. 25c. All styles and shapes. Wak our WinCyws. JENKINS. ARMSTRONG S- First Clearing Sale. hi 20% off everytaing in the store. (Rubbers and Topround * + Shoes excepted.) We must have space for our BIG SPRING STOCK. 'Don't miss this chance. STRONE'S 0. Selig off balance of stock "at Feeatly reduced prices. ~ New and second-hand Cutters and Gladstones. 5 Come and see and get a bargain. Bound to sell. James Laturnsy, ORcSS SUITS « particular Dress Mowsls. . R. JUHNSTON, : fatior and Draper, . DR, C. B. O'CONNOR AE a he No DRY GOODS. JOHN . TO WORK AT ite Glasgow | Toronto. LOCAL MEMORANDA, ---- The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. The typographical wunmion meets st 8 pm Hockey, Queen's ve Frontenacs, senior series, R pan. The sun rises Satordsy et 7:29 am, and wits at 452 pm. Even truthful men lie--unless they do the dose ect on their Jost. Some people are too good to live, but they go right on living. I Joe Chamberlain wos deed to-morrow, no man could truthiully ssy be ever raw fished. The mechanios' inetitute anousl meeting of the directors will be held on Mondey even ing; Jaouury 20th, at seven o'clock. Ontario buys s besp of Macdonald's tor bacve, awd Macdonskd"s bomefactions to On sario may therefore be regarded as s quo pro. minds. " There Is always room at the top," said the good adviser. * Indeed, ym," answered the unfortunmte person, "but the elevator js nov always running." Baltimore Ameri: ean, Why did the necesston of Vietoria throw a greater dump over Kogland than the demth ol king Witlinm 7--Berause the king was missed (mist), while the queen was reigning (raining. Tois dny in the world's hwtory: Gan. Bul ler's lorees crosses Tugela viver st Pot wieter's Drift, 1900: Benjomin Franklin died, 1708; - bottle of Aba Kiea, Soudan, 18588; ex-prosidant Taylor, of United States, died, 1862: Mozari, musician, bors, 1756; Faure elected prisident of France, 1895; ax-preet dent Hayes, United Staion, died, 1893. Chinaware. are s load of Chinaware. of good hove for your selec: We dow' sets in ly, but tv will at wee. We Plenty tion. sometimes we have broken sets tract you. No barm to come lhe Best Value For The Least Money Cull st the New Wood Yard, Ridess Stiuet, (The Old Imperial Oil Works), fot Cord Wood and Hard Wood Blocks. Als Mir Slale Cut to Ovder. ISAAC T. MORRIS. 'Phone 580. -AUCTION SALE Monday Next, Jan 20th, at No. 9 Deacon St. 1 AM INSTRUCTED BY J. CLEARE TO sell, vis.: BW. Paclor Suit, What > pets, O11 Cloth, Mastle Bed, Bedroom Suits, Bpriugs, Matrasses, Feather Bed, Chamber Sets, Crockery, Garden sand other tools, Of Stove, Ohairs, Tables, Clock, Kitchen Uten: wile, ote. Sale 10:30. Terms omsh, SHORT IN ACCOUNTS. It is Likely the Treasurer Will Resign. Windsor, Ont., Jan. 17.--~According to the report of the Essex county au ditors Henry Morden, treasurer for the county, is $1,800 short in his accounts. It is alleged that the accounts of the wréasurer have. been short several years, but that the auditors have al ways accounted for it by calling the amounts overdrafts. This year they decided that they could not consist: ently bring the sho under this Bead, and declared to matter before council, It is thought that Mr. Morden will be asked to ve sign and a demand made on his bonds- men for the full amount. VILLAGE LOSES A FORTUNE ---- Because The Surrogste Laws Con- fet. - Jan. 17.~George Bar- clainied to be a resident New York, rington, who of the United States, tive village of Feldis, in Switeerland, was probated in New York ved from ROBERTSON BROS. J. A. SALTER, [ Auctioneer. died in his na BOERS MAKING 5000S In a Famous Lasger Near -Ficksburg. : CAPTURED BY THE BRITISH. LARGE NUMBERS OF CATTLE BEING ROUNDED UP. ------ The British Troops in Orange Riv- or Colony Are in Fit Condi- tion--Remounts Are Hard to Secure--Burghers Are Showing Willingness to Surrender. Ladybrand, Ora River Colony, Jan. 16.--~ The ritish captured a Boer laager at Pooderkranz, Ficksburg, with ten was ED. 500 sheep. Jt was gi at boots, can , clothing and Martini bullets were being made pb 48¢ laag- er. { Stragglers from various - ys conti wo hss the Kurrensberf | , "Col, Pilcher encountered commandant Bodes' fore- es yesterday and chased them in the direction of Boxburg. The British took two Boer prisoners and captured 3,- 000 cattle. Three burghers surrender ed. The health of the British troops in the Ladybrand-Ficksburg didricts is excellent. The cattle and sheep are in good condition. Remounts are diffi- cult ta obtain in these districts, ow- ing to the fact that all those. avail- able have already been commandered by the British. It is reported that there is a great- er tendency to surrender among the fighting burghers in this neighborhood than for a year past ---- To Arrange For Peace. Brussels, Jan. 17.--A Rotterdam correspondent telegraphs that the execiftive committee of the South Af rican republic held a meeting at The Hague, on Tuenday, and that he is informed on high authority that after hearing a report from one of the leading members of the committee, who had been in communication with Mr. Kruger the previous day, it was unanimously decided to approach En- gland with a view to arranging terms of peace. A member of the committee said that if the demand for uncondi- tional surrender was withdrawn there would certainly be peace before the end of the month. It was stated that Dr. De Kuyper, the Dutch premier, had just returned from London, whither he had gone to sound the British anthorities as to the probable resalts of a direct ap- proach by the committee on lines that were indicated and that he was as sired on high authority thet the most careful consideration would be given to any proposals that might be made. Kitchener's Offer. New York, Jan. 17.--A special cable from London says that lord Kitchener f rds a letter from acting president Schalkburger to premier Salisbury in which the acting president complains of the treatment accorded the Boer wo- men in the South African concentra tion camps. Lord Kitchener, 'replying to the letter, offered to send all the women and children who were willing to leave the camps to Schalkberger and then the latter might treat them as he saw fit. en Abandoned His I emands. Amsterdam, Jan. 17.--~A person of highest authority here assures the correspondent that after his recent vi- sit to London, Dr. Kuyper. the Dutch premier, persuaded former president Kruger to waive the demands for the absolute independence of the South African republics. Mr. Kruger, 'the in- formant says, acquiesced definitely to the premier's suggestion, but with the one condition that the approval of the ple in the republics be obtain- ed. is, it is understood, can be practically secured. 'MURDER IN THE WOODS. Chief McCaskill Will Unravel The Awful Mystery. Kiljjpawa, Ont., Jan. 16.--People here are overjoyed at the news that chiel McCaskill, of the provincial detective force, of Quebec, is on his way bere to look into the murder of young Gut cher, which is said to have happened two weeks -ago, some thirty miles from The place where the murder is sup- posed to have been committed is a most deserted and forbidding spot. Gutcher has lived there in a house, where there used to be an old mill for at least forty years. He is a queer been separated on. Ont, Jen. 17.~The W. the | Sound, for twenty-five years, died sud- Har! control of PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. The Quebec legislature opens on February 13th. >] pefiormed v } ---------- 0 Increase of Over Five Hundred In Population. TO INQUIRE INTO THOSE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. There were 113 mmrriages in Peterboro last year. The dominion rifle association will meet at Ottawa, March 5th. A pew submarine cable has been laid connecting Brussels with London. William, Brown, assessor for Owen denly on Thursday. . The Montreal diocesan theol i college has received a gift of $40, from Miss Eliza n. There are three vacancies in Galt's city council. A mandate has been is sued to fill the vacancies. French engineers are making. sur- veys for a Korean railway from Seoul to the northwest border town Weichu, The Chicago & Eastern Illinois rail- way is preparing to instal a system of electric signals designed to prevent accidents. Landyrath Another New Line to New York City--Reported Acquisition of Ottawa & New York by New York Central. Ottawa, Jan. 17.--The report of Canada's department of Indian affairs for the financial year up to the close of June was issued from the govern ment press to-day. It shows Wat for the year the Indian births numbered 2.479 and deaths 2,240, so that the birth rate has exceeded the death rate by 239. There was, as compared with the previous twelve months, an in- crease of 146 births and a decrease of 317 deaths. A gratifying feature of this increase is that it is proportion: ately distributed among the vArigus provinces. The total Indian popula- tion is given as 99,527 which is a gain of 517 over 1900. This comprises only those - tribes who come within the treaty limits. The report says that there has heen no more potent factor in the e'evation of the Indians than the religious in struction afforded them by the m'ssi- onaries of the various churches. who have been and still are devotedly working to inculcate the principles of christianity siaong these people, and who, moreover, largely co-operate in the work of their secular education. An order-in-council has leea passed appointing a commissionenggo enyuire into the fisheries of British Colvmhia, For some time past representations have been made to the dominivn gov: ernment that the existing salmon fish- eries ulations for that province are ngt adequate to the prosont condi- tions' and the proper protestion and future development of the various branches of the salmon fishing ius ry. It is reported on good authority that the Ottawa and New York ruil way has been aequired Ly the New York Central, and that henceiortn che Ottawa line will form part of the Vanderbilt system. It is the intention of the militia de- partment to recommence the staff rides on February lst. It has been decided to abolish the dominion police canal protective ser- hice from January 31st, when eighty constables will be laid ofi. This ser vice was instituted after the attempt to blow up the Welland canal in the spring of 1900. The trouble between the French and English speaking aldermen in Ottawa, about civic chairmanships, has been aggravated, so the French aldermen say, by the election of one of their number, alderman Chabot, Ww the chairmanship of the property commit tee, the least important of all. When the French aldermen were defeated in the session committees the majority decided to have nothing to do with the property committee, but one of their number accepted the position. Now the others say he disgraced the French-Canadians and they will do their hest to defeat him at the polls next January, and will give him as lively experiences as possible in the meantime. The race row has reached a more acute stage in Ottawa than was ever known here before, and it is like- ly to upset the plans of both politic- al parties, in their preparations for next election. Mayor Cooke is being criticized by the French because be appointed an Irishman to the court of revision to succeed a French-Cana- dian. There is no French-Canadian in the court of revision. This has added so the hard feeling. Von Bennigsen, son of a former promingit yiitician, was shot, and, "it is believed, mortally wounded in a .duel moar Hanover, with Herr Falkenhagen. The Allan line steamer Buenos Avrean. from Glasgow and Liverpool, for - Philadelphia, arrived at Halifax on Thurscay and continued her voy- age on Friday. Henry Kronsbein, an eccentric and one time a wealthy merchant, was found dedd on Tuesday morning at an hotel in Hamilton. Pneumonia was the cause of death. The Stobeross rivet works at Coat- bridge, in Lanarkshire, the largest in the united kingdom, was completely destroyed by fire on Thursday. The loss is estimated at $300,000. During the winter the gambling ele- ment in Dawson has resorted to all kinds of schemes to induce the autho- ities to permit the opening of gam- bling houses, without success. The number of vessels which arriv- ed in Toronto port during the season was 3490, an increase of twenty-one over 1900, the tonnage being 1,203, 593, as against 1,100,784 in 1900. The government is asked to extend an invitation to Hon. R.- J. Seddon, premier of New Zealand, and Hon. Fdward Barton, premier of Australia, to return from the coronation by way of Canada. A despatch from Bonny, West Afri ca, says twenty-five important chiefs have been captured by the British at Aro. It is believed that the back- bone of the uprising has been broken. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, chancellor of the British exchequer, has informed the members of parliament, represent- ing Newcastle. that the coal tax will not be altered in the coming budget. The town solicitor of Lindday gives the opinion that last year's council is disqualified for illegally investing sink- ing funds. The mayor and four others of the new council are affected by the opinion. Prince' Henry's programme, in the United States, will include a visit to Niagara Falls, and perhaps to other renowned sights. The launch of the new vacht will take place on Febru ary 24th. v It the Finns in Lake St. John dis: trict decide to remove to New Ontario Mr. Clergue is willing to grant each family: 200 acres of land and a guar- antée of $1.50 per day when working for his enterprises. Madame Jean Blais, wife of the seigneur of St. Charles Belle-chase, Que., quite blind for eighteen years, has recovered her sight as the result of an operation. She is eighty-six years of age. The freedom of the city of London is to be presented to Joseph Cham- berlain, as an expression of the citv's admiration for his statesmanlike qualities and patriotic action in the true interests of the empire. The London Daily Mail states that a coronation boxing carnival will be held at the National sporting club in June at which picked representatives from Oxford and Cambridge will meet representatives of Harvard and Yale. King Edward recently appeared in frock coat with velvet cuffs. This has induced hundreds of London's well dressed men to order coats of the same description. The cuffs are three inches deep and are turned up from inside the sleeves. The Canadian ciation will ask changes be made trade marks' act, some such words as "copyright in Canada." should take the place of the long sentence which it is now ne- erssary to print on every article copy- righted. Canadians Ill. Ottawa, Jan: 17.~The militia de partment has received the following cable from Hon. Joseph Chamberlain: "Regret to inform you that Kenneth Morrison is dangerously ill of enteric fever, Heidelberg, January 10th. Fa- ther, P. Morrison, Yorkton, N.W.T, "Reverley A. Green Schofield, dan gerously ill of enteric fever, January 10th, Heidelberg. Mother, Mrs. Fen wick, Fairyille, St. John, NB." ~ manufacturers' asso: that certain specific in the patent and one being that To Build Big Fertilizers. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 17.--Arrange ments are about completed for ihe erection of a mammoth fertilizer hy the federal chemical company, The plant will be erected in West Nash- ville. Jt will cover fifteen acres and will employ from 300 to 400 men. The plant will manufacture finiched ferti- lizer for expurt and acid phosphate. The company is capitalized at $1,000, 000 and in a consolidatign of certain Louisville sini Tennessee phate in- terests. CHINA'S EMPEROR. Gives Thanks For His Safe turn to Pekin. Pekin, Jan. 17.~The emperor went from the forbidden city to the 'temple of heaven befove daylight yesterday, offered sacrifices and gave thanks for his safe return to Pekin. All sighs of foreign occupation of the temple were removed and the streots traversed illuminated. A military escort Re- were Rejected The Appeal. , Jan. 17.--~The court of cassa- tion. bas rejected the appeal of the Briere, recently' sentenced to having murdered his five According to the testimony trial Briere, a widower, was anxious to marry agsin, but the young woman be was courting, ob jected to the children, and they all found munderen. The prisoner claimed that they bad bem killed by * negotiations con Russia, in spite of her | & edi 4 1 compromise. The Chinese particu: oppose giving Russia com the mining and railroad were i THE MOLINEUX CASE. | ne i Chemical Analyst Receives Large Sum For Services. | New York, Jan. 17.--A jury before] justice Fitzgerald in the supreme court, | rendered a verdict for $6,639.65 in fa | vor of Prof. Rudolph Witthaus, who | had sued the city to recover $6,150 for | services rendered by him in making a chemical analysis on portions of the remains oi Henry Barnet, whose death figured in the indictment and trial of Roland G. Molineaux. He claimed that he performed the chemical analy: sis at the instigation of former district attorney. Gardiner, and that be bad put in-366 hours' work, in making the | analysis, for which he charged $15 per hour, with $250 for consultation and $500 for incidentals, which charges he claimed were reasonable and just. The verdict rendered included $439.65 in terest on the amount sued for. TWO JUDGMENTS GIVEN That Tie up the Town of Rat! Portage. | Toronto, Jan. 17.~Two judgments | given by justice Britton, this morning, | tie the town of Rat Portage up ught to the electric light company there. In the first case the town sued to have a contract between the town and com: pany declared invalid because no by aw had been passed or agreement signed by a proper person, validating it. This was dismissed. In the second suit, by the. company against the | town, to prevent the latter passing a | by-law reducing rates during the ex isting contract, the judge found for the company and said it was evident that the town was seeking to get con trol of the plant by putting pressure on the company. | { | i | HONOR FOR LAURIER. i i Will Receive the Freedom Swansea, Wales. | Toronto, Jan. 17.--An Evening Tele- | gram"s special London cable says : | Anticipating a visit from Sir Wilirid | Laurier, when the Canadian premier sails to attend the coronation cere monies as representative of the do minion, the town council of Swansea, Wales, vestorday decided to offer bim the freedom of the borough. of | | Gift For Miss Roosevelt. | New York, Jan. 17--Prince Henry | of Prussia will bring from Germany a handsome present for Miss Alice | Roosevelt, from the emperor, in recog | nition, and as a souvenir, of her part | in the launching of the new royal | vacht. Announcement of the fact was | made in a despatch to the Staats | Zeitung from Berlin. The cablegram | also said that prince Henry had been | directed to arrange for aquatic gports between American and German | tars in the foreign ports, where they | net. | i Took His Life. Bothwell, Ont., Jan. 17.~Clarence McRitchie, a farmer, about fifty-five years of age, who lived within the | town limits, committed suicide this | morning hy hanging himself in his | barn. No reason can be assigned for Mr. Ritchie's act as be was in good | ciroumstances and in apparent good | health. He leaves a wile but no fami- | ly. | -- --- | May Propose State Lottery. | Christiana, Jan. 17.--It iw expe ted | that the budget commitice. of the | Storthing will propose that the gov. ernment organize a state lottery in order that the financial needs of the | country may be met. Large sums of | Norwegian money are at present be | ing jmvested in fofRign Jotteries. The Man Identified. Chicago, Jan. 17.--Theodore Man ners, under arrest in New Orleans, is positively identified in Chicago, says | the Chronicle, ad the valet of Paui | Gi. Thebaud, New York, and is a fugi tivé under the charge of having stolen | $50,000 worth of jewelry belonging to | the wife of his employer. Waldersee Coming. New York, Janusty 17.--The Staats | Zeitung prints a special despatch from Berlin which states that count Von Waldersee and bis wife will visit Am erica in April. The despatch states | that the trip is made for the field | marshal"s health. Tray Of Diamonds Stolen. Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 17--The show window of William Finks' jewellery store, on Main street, was hwoken last night ane a tray containing six tys diamond rings, valued at 82,000, was stolen, King's New Body Guard. London, Jan. 17.1% is rumered | that king Edward has decided toes | tablish a permanent body guard of a | squadron of Indian cavalry, which | will be quartered in London. Pl ---- Consul-General For Denmark. Montreal, Jan. '17.--The king of Dex | mark bas appointed Herman Wolff, of Montreal, to be consul-gencral for Denmark in Canada. Oyster patties made to order, sither filled or unfilled. W. J. Crothers. Err) enpene Hove you sen the wow fio ih. BAKER gives to 000000600000000000 MOOG COOIOOOORNOIS sessscssesseaiosenee { wed | with a Bohs jooal sow fall |» $1.00 { tal | solution | jurisdiction A | that the convention pledge itwelf | firms who i lipe and are not minufacturers comes Ont ly ook woliey it Jan. 17, Toronto, (10 am )~Fair urdny Ladies' House Wrappers a a Tie BARGAIN PRICES To-morrow, Saturday. All new goods, pretty, bargains, well made. Note the following re- ductions : For 75¢. goc. $1.00. 1.15. 1.35. 2.00 1 50. 2.25 1.75. Come and see if only to see. STEACY & STEACY 106-108-110 Princess treet, UNDERTAKERS. 8. 8. CORBETT, JAMES REID, me LEADING UNDERTAKER, 3 day ana night T. F. HARRISON CO., Undertakers, 233-235 Princess Bf, Nuality and oficiency the best. Prices. the Phones--Warerooms, 90. Night T. F. HARRISON, #1, Calls, 8 KE Sills, #2. DIED. FARRELL At Kingston James Farrell, sgvd months Fumes! from Hotel Dieu on Saterday mom ing, $80, to St James chapel Frieuds aml _soguniotances are rapeoifully levit el to attend A LEAGUE FOPMED. 1.25 1.35 1.50 1.75 254-860 Upon 15th, years 1902, und 9 Jan iv To Secure Unitsd Action Along demperance Lines. London, Ont., Jan. 17, The London { prohibition league, having for ite ob oct the securing united action of all temperance med along national, pro- vincial and municipal lines for the to- prohibition of the liquor traffic was organized last night, with Prof. James H. Bowman as president. A re- was passed urging the pro- vincial governgiont tn enact sock pro= hibitory legislation ax is within its motion to the effect to oppose the govermment at the polls should it waver in the matter of granting prohibitory legislation was | introduced 'but met with such strong opposition that it was withdrawn, The Big Fur Sale. The prices chargud for furs by those only keep them as a wide out very strikingly during these Janu- People who have looked in thes stores awd have then cone and bought from as, are mmply as tounded to find how much better we did for them. George Mills & Co, manufacturing furriers, Wellington ary sales street he ---------- Don't Miss Provost's sale of underwear, wives 33 to 46; fleece and wool, for Pe. each. At the Grand Union, Seturday, ail heavy clothing at cost,