Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jan 1902, p. 5

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Pyramid Pile Cure. NORNON T0 LEAD ISRAEL SETTLERS ESTABLISHING AS- SEMBLING POINT. The Result Of a Vision--He Dreamed That His Son Would Gather in The Last Ten Tribes, And He Makes Prepar- ations For It. Toronto News Charles Hutchins, formerly of the News stafl, has returned recently from a trip to the coast, bringing with him an' interesting story connected with "the eolonization of Souther Alberta Twenty miles from Lethbridge, says Mr. Hutchins; there is a settlement of thrifty, . conscientious Mormons, "des- cended from settlers from Utah terri: tory, USA, who are taking an im- Wedron, of BSsvasmeb, Ga, : Aaron y "1 bad piles and rectal troubles for undit able aay longer it was unbear I hod often seen Pyramid Pile Cure ad- bined I determined to try it sod for two to congratulate my- Pyramid did iv." 'yrawmid Pile Cure contains no cocaine, um hor hf se Drunaints ll Full sizod treatment of this ly for 80 oes, "One of the 55 good things" CLARK'S MINCE MEAT housekeeper, in the holi- day season--A pure food necessity -- Selected meats, pure spices-- Blen- ding just right -- Makes perfect pies--Sold in tins At all grocers. Do you know Clark's Delicious _ PorK and Beans? INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE, _ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, MEARTBURN, HEADACHE, . DIZZINESS, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, And 1 !upecies of disease arising from discedered LIVER, KIDNEYS, | STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD. Diamond Dyes - Barth's First and Best. -------- es the pevple's choice, ; make all rejoice; "for mothers, wivaos, ;make glad their lives; are fast and true, make old things new; sont but a dime, Save money, time; 8 houschold name, « have world-wide famer stand every test, ¥ na earth's first aad bast, Have you Arigd to make a shed 1 With such helpers as Ho oulor your materi woman can make ornament. Send Dyes to The Wells'& Richard x Lin pei, 200 Hountain St, Q, and you w t designs. h. en Bd #0 for 1 buve been entirely troubles dnd two packages of wy injurious dreg whstever, and hy Painters ond pever fails to portant part in the development of the colonization of Southern Alberta. berta. A millionaire named Knight, who has but lately taken up his re sidence in the settlement, claims to have received by means of a vision, an intuition that his son Raymond is to be the instrument in Goel's hand, of gathering dogehar the lost ten tribes of Israel. Knight is so impress- ed with the infallibility of his vision, that he is spending a million dollars in the establishment of a sugar beet factory, at a little place which he has named Raymond, where he be lioves the leraclites will assemble. Mr. Hutchins says that the ranchers are doing all in. their power to pre- vent an influx of agriculturists into Southern Alberta, as every new set tlement acts as a restriction on their grazing districts. With a little irriga- tion the land can be made arable and as emigrants begin to recognize this the population of the territory is in- creasing. 3 The Mormons, of course, do fot eatery their polygamous practices in the Canadian settlement. ------------------ SUICIDE IN BLOOMFIELD. John Clark Takes Life By Hang- * ing In Barn. Picton Gamtte, The people of Bloomfield and, Picton were greatly shocked Thursday aiter- noon, when the announcement was anadé that John Clarke, about fifty véiars of 'age=an honest, industrious, ipofiensiye resident of Bloomfield--had taken his own life by hanging, the body having been found by a lad named Chapman, suspended from a ladder in the barn. ; At one time the deceased was a progressive farmer, in the township of Hallowell, but a few years ago he dis- posed of his farm and took up his re- sidence in Bloomfield. He lived in a comfortable brick house near the pub- lic schoo! in that village. He leaves three sons. -------------- District Lodge Of Rideau. At the annual meeting of the above | named district lodge, held on Tues day, January 14th, ih Woodburn, L. O.L., No. 912, Pittsburg, for the elec tion of officers for the ensaning vegr, the following were elected : District master, John A. Hutton; deputy dis- trict master, William Kirkpatrick; chaplain, Alired Todd; recording secre tary, Thomas Elliott; financial seere- tary, George McFarlane; treasurer, John Kelly; director of ceremonies, Archibald A. 'Hulton; lecturer, Ernest Hutton. The next annval meting is to be held in Inverary. After the lodge closed the brétheen sat down to a bountiful repast and spent a plea- sant évening, dispersing after singing the national anthem, ------------ A Pleasant Evening. Last evening a social was given in the ¥. W. C. A. parlors, Wellington strect, at which a large! number of young women were present. Mrg. Carr-Harris presided in a 'happy man: ner and bid welcome to the juany guests. Miss Sullens sang beautifully and presided as the piano very ac veptably. Recitations by Miss Craig were much appreciated, and gramo phone by Mr. Millard's splendid ma- chine proved quite enjoyable. In ad- dition, games of various kinds were provided hy those . present. During the evening dainty refreshments wore served. The eveming was ont of the. most enjoyable for all concerned. ss arises ssi Election Of Officers. . The members of L.O:L, No. 1080, assembled in the hall at Petworth on Decopsher 27th, 1901. After the usual routine business the following officers were duly 'elected for the ensuing year pod installed : W.M., Bro. W. Ashley; P.M, Bro. J, Lakin; tmeasurer, Hro. J, Carr; secretary, Bro. W. Bradiord; director of ceremonies, Bro. J. Carr; financial secretary, Bro. G. Tillie foreman of committee, 'Bros. P. You mans, A. Manson, W. Smith and PF Smith; chaplain, 8. Clarke. ---- * My Stomach Gave Out Entirely And 1 suffered untold agonies."' This was the of D. G. Whidden, Postmaster, East Wentworth, N.S., after three attacks of La Grippe. Doo go him no perma- : . Von Stan's Pine apple Tablets had the permanent virs tue that won him hook to perfect health---ploasant and harmless but ful and quick. 35 cents. For sale by E. C. Mitehell.--160, Postmen Overloaded. Some of the postmen are obliged to two trips in the morning, ow: to the tity of mail to : b oblij to : a big hanket. This is the Year w cata ing dbase, much to postmen. m---- « Prof. | Queen's Quarterly. department known, is Jecomplished so THE DAILY WHIL, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18. EVILS AMONG TRE. INDIANS] mises { CONDEMNS PROHIBITION. Shortt Discusses It In The following remarks upon prohi- bition woour in (ke "Current Events" of the January issue of the Queen's Quarterly. The depart ment is signed 8," which, as is well the signature aabpted by Prof. Shortt : * The decision of the privy council' in the cise of the Manitoba liquor act has doubtless determined the right of the province to pass prohibitory li guor Jaws. It has not, however, de wermined the wisdom or expediency of passing such laws. Moreover, in the Jight of some recent discussion, © seems necessary to" point out once more that prohibition has as little connection with true temperance as persecution for heresy has with true religion. It is coming to be admitted by even the most intemperate advocates of prohibition that unless the great ma- jority of the people of a country are already of temperate habits prohibi tory liquor laws have little chance of being enforeed. But, when once the great majority of the people have rie en to a condition of moral seli-con trol, a% regards the use of intoxica- ting liquor, it would seem quite ne- cosmary to onst a slur upon their morality for the sake of coercing a small minority into artificial sobriety quite lacking in the elements of per- sonal virtue. If a people were falling in the moral seale, steadily loging their self-control and becoming more and more intemperate, there might be some excuse for reverting to prohibi- tion as a last resort, in order to save the people from themselves ana cone sequent destruction. But it is admit ted that in. such a social condition prohibition could not be enforced, without surrendering to some alien power all the more important social and political liberties. When we look back upon the social history of Canada and consider what great progress oar country has made in the matter of temperance, it seems incredible that anyone should confidence in the efficiency of the in struments and methods which have ac much, under far more unpromising conditions than those which prevail to-day, To the Methodist chiirch, more than to any other agency, is due the cred- it for having stemmed the tide of drunkenness avd brutality which pre vailed in many districts of English Canada in their earlier days. An ap peal was made. simply but strongly, to the better elements in human na ture, and the appeal was not in vaing Rlowly but sdrely, intemperance, itself the result as well as the oceasion of other social evils, was reduced, and the whole moral tone of the country elevated, It is true that many of those who wrought so earnestly for temperance inthe earlier stages of the conntry's betterment longed for that shorter . method with dissenters which prohibition scemed to promise. But, fortunately for the spiritual pro gress of the people, they continued to promote a moral end by moral means. It would . surely be a great pity if, under much more favorable conditions. the successors of those de voted social reformers should, in their conflict with the evil of intemperance, abandon "the whole armor of God" and resort to the primitive bludgeon of prohibition. In vain shall we seek a short-cut. to the goal of all moral progress by methods which virtually deny the Tact that man: is a spiritual being, and can only 'be developed hy spiritual, not mechanical, processes, - lose Business College Notes. Joseph Turnbull, commercial student, has secured a position as assistant book-keeper for the Terminal railroad association of 8t. Louis, Mo. Maurice Garrison, "commercial and shorthand graduate, has been appointed book keeper and stenographer for an insur- ance company in Winnipeg. Mar garet L. Jackson has completed © the work "in the commercial department and will 'he awarded the. college diplo ma. BQuino, a graduate, leaves on Monday for Minndapolis, where he ex pects to secure a position. These stu dents registered © this week : Nakh and Eva Odette, city: Annie Clark, Catara- qui; W. C. Whitney, Prescott; P. B, Fretwell, Maynard, and Frederick Walsh, Howe Island. Miss Bella Buok- anan, a business and shorthand gra- duate, bas secured an excellent posi- tion in Philadelphia, at $60 per month. Either One Or The Other. In the opinion of more than one lawyer of the city, George Soars is not qualified to hold his dual seat at the aty council and board of education at the one and the same time. The sta tute is most emphatic and clear on the point. The siatute of 1901, chapter 10, section 13, sub-section 1, provides that : "Any ratepayer, twenty-one yvears.of residing in the county or munici- pality in which the high school is sigpated, who is not a member or 'an offica holder of such municipality, shall be entitled to serve as a school trus tee or a member of the board of edu- cation," This is specific. enough. Mr. Sears will have to resign either his seat at the council oi that on the board education. Will Ensure Privacy of Messages. Now York, Jan. 15.--Nikola Tesla, the inventor, says he hopes soon to make known a novel principle which will ensure the absolute privacy of wireless telegraphy messages, making as secret as those sent by cab 5 les Grave Yard Coughing. Toramto Star. Simpler ccremonials might reduce the lability to catch cold at funerals, doctors say, but at the same is obvious that in the very nature of things there is bound to be more or less coffin at every funeral. LIQUOR SOLD IN ESSENCES AND PAIN-KIBLER. a-- Desertion of Wife or Hasband and Child Marriage Are Also Pre- valent--Sailing of The Vie- torian. Ottawa, Jap. 18. ~Hon David Laird, Indian commisgioner at Wingi peg, hus drawn the attention 'of t departinent to the increasing inebriety amongst Indians. He states that in all ihe small towns that are Spring ing up Dear reserves intoxicants are sold, and not a few Indians procure strong arink Also the Indians of the north are being more or. less demoralized by traders taking in and selling to them casences and paiokiller, which contain such' a large percentage of aleohol a= to render them intoxicating. Polygamy iz decreasing, But wife or husband deserfion is not uncommon. This ix the Indian method of divorce, In cases of desertion the agents gener ally withhold annuity payments lor the benefit of the deserted wife ana children. This being a aisgrace, Is comewhat of a deterrent, yet the evil is tou prevalent. Female child marri- age some extent practicea am ong Blackfeet, Piegans, and Bloods The department of militia is advised that the troopship Victorian would sail from Halifax for Cape Town a week from to-morrow. - Hon. Dr. Bor den will leave for Halifax on Sunday. The Haron and Erié canal company will apply at the coming session for incorporation with power to con struct o canal not: less than eighteen joet deep from a point in Hugon or Lambton counties on the east shore of lake Huron to a point on the north ern shore of lake Erie, in Elgin coun ty. The company also ashes for' pow er to operate all terminals and to ac quire existing canals - and rights in the navigable and un-navigabla streams en route from point to joint: also for the right to operate 'electric and steam railways within a radius of fifteen miles of the canal route, Mr. Gibson, M.P., York, N.B., was gazetted to-day as being elected, The Standard labor company, of Manitoba, will apply for ® incorpora- {ion next session, The Erie ship canal will apply next session for an extemsion of time to begin the work ana . the application will be mace for a charter to build a railway from Thunder bay to Fort Churchill, on Hudson bay. A board of inquiry an investi gation at the deparfment of agricul ture this afternoon into the quality of certain shipments of corned Deaf sent y South Africa from Canada. * It ap fear 5 is to the that the shipments were made y Canadian firms in fulfilment of or ders entrnsted by the war office to the department of agriculture, but ~ when the meat reached ite destination ob jection was raised to its quality. The department akked that samples of the tins be sent back in order that they might be tested. The application was acceded to, and the tins reached here a few days ago. -------------- Dustin's Corners. Dustin's Cornérs, Jan. 17.-Mr. Tysicks and family have recovered from small-pox and are able to be out again. John Gould and. B, Bis hop and family have moved to Al berta, where they will engage in farming. Their many friends . wish them every success, Risitors : Mise Annie. Young at home; * E. Donnelly spent Sunday at Mrs. J. Hughes', Robertsville: Mr. Ferguson at Mr. Cains'; Josie Sargeant at G. Gould's George Crain paid a flying visit to Lillie's Mill last week; Miss M.. Don nelly is spending the winter at El phin, H. Dupont is erccting a fine dwelling house. 8. Ferguson and E. Donnelly have taken a large contract getting out wood. To-day's 'market was not a good one for Saturday. The following pric- es prevailed : Peel, forequarters, 3ic. to 4de. a Th. Mindguarters, Be.' to Sic. a Yb.; pork, Sc. to $e. a Ib; mut ton, Te. to se. a"lb; turkeys, $1 to $1.25 each; ducks, The. to fc. a pair; fowl, 60c. to Thc. a pair; chickens, 40c. to S0c. a pair; bitter, in rolls, 1g. to 18¢. a lb; in prints, I5%. to 2c. a lb.; apples, 3%. a peck; eggs, fresh, 0c. to 35¢. a dozen, To Send A Contribution. The regular nionthly meeting of the women's auxiliary to the YM.C.A. was held on Friday afternoon. A farge number of members were present and important business was transact od, The sending of a delegate to the convention to be held in lin next week was talked. over, the auxiliary deciaing not to send one, but that a contxibution be sent to the provincial commit tee instead. ee -------- Can Do His Work Well. Col. Montizawbert, D. 0. C., hat returned from Ottawa, where he was well received by the heads of the wili- tia department. Col. Montizambert is still vigorous and well able to cap ably perform: the duties of his office. Ffiorts made to recover Theodore Briggs' rig ~ from the harbor bottom proved unavailing. The rig and its load still occupy a place at the bot- tom of the river. ' ¢ MODERATE MARGINS Will be sceopted by the hone . for .. Cotton awd Whest. age simounts, weed in any way. Let us send Leon our 400 page, dothbound, illus ¢ Guide To Investors." EE -- DISTRICT DASHES. News of the District Condensed From the Whig's Exchanges. Nathaniel S. Lazier, Belleville, died on Thursday, aged eighty-eight years. Smith's Falls owes much perity to the board of "trade in town. » Singleton Bros, Carleton Place, have dissolved partnership, contiguing the Business. Renfrew has an energetic board trade, progressiveness of the town. The many Carthy, Yarker, at Gravenhurst sani tarium, will be pleased to learn that she is rapidly regaining health. The death took place at All Pa., on Wednesday, of William that ol in Brockville, A quiet wedding took ' place residence of Mrs. Robert Lanark, on Wednesday, when daughter, Mand M.. was united marriage to Robert A Reid, Bathurst The Napanee public library associa sion elected these © direciors 1902 : * W. S. Herringson, Rev. W. Ww. Peck, U. J. Flach, 1. H. Edwards, Max Fox, G. F. Ruttan, D. L. Thomas Johnston, J. R. Dafoe. © Mr. Wakeford, mow tenant on E. Wiggins' farm has rented Mrs. Isaiah Hufiman's farm on the Deseronto road, where he will succeed P. Griffith, who will move in a few weeks to the farm of the late T. A. Percy, North Predericksburgh. A cablegram sates that Robert Wickham, a former resident of Enter prize, dd at Bancroft on Saturday at the age of ninety years. Mr. Wick at his time, and had drawn a govern ment pension for a great piany years have expressed their intention of tak ing up their residence in Napanee; a friendly gathering of neighbors as sembled at their Picton home on Jan uary Sth, and passed a most delight ful 'evening in games and social chat The Picton school board is mess. Three members were elected by acclamation, and 'a tie resulted be tween W. Smith and J. Laird for the other place. Mr. Macnee objected -to the clerk deciding the tie, 'claiming that the decision should rest with the highest ratepayer on the board. T hen broke up. -- Secured In Chicago. Toronto, Jan. 18.--~Alired who was wanted by the Toronto po live for some time in the receiving of gold customs house in October last, was®ar rested in Chicago. He agreed on be ing brought before the United States extradition commissioner at Chicago to retarn to Toronto without pro ceedings, and a detective left for Chi cago last aight to being him back ---------- Daniel Muckleston, residing at Argyle street, Toronto, was struck by this morning and was instantly killed. to cry Sir in, the city yesterday to attend out. Rev. Henry Wilson is in Toronto at and missionary alliance. COMMERCIAL; LIVERPOOL MARKETS. Liverpool, (12.30 p.ap.), Jon. IS - Wheat, firm, Np. 1 Northern, Ss. 2d; red winter, ts 2d; No. 1, California, 6s. 6d; corn, steady, new, 6id.; old, 5s. dd; pens, Gd 104d; ard, 47s, 9d; pork, T3s; bacon, long, clear, light, 45s; bacon, long, clear, heavy, 4s. 6xl.: bacon, short, clear, heavy 44s; tal Oper American, 30s. 9a. tallow, Australi én. Sls. 3d.; cheese, colored, 49s. 6d.;checse, white, 48s. 6d. Be MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKETS. Mowtreal, "Jan, 18 <Flour receipts, bbls. Patent winter, $3.90 w $4.0u, patent wring, $4.10 to $4.30; straight. roller, §3.60 0 $4.70; bakers, $3.80 to $4; Unt. bags, $1.75 to $1.85 Grain--Wheat, No. 2. anitoba, hard, 77¢. to 8c: corn, 68c. y "700 90e. to 92c; oats, 3 33¢. to Bic; rys, 62 8c. to 6c; oatmeal, weal, $1.40 to $150; tard, Se. to Oc; bacon, 13¢. to 14c. Produce market to Ile; butter, township, 20e western, 15¢. to 16c; «gps, 19. ------ Janugry 15th Ulose. Union Pacific St. Paul Manhmttan _ B. R. Transit Gas LS feel u s . Pid Ten. Con! & Iron « Missouri Pacific Nouthern Paeific Ontario & Western Western Union New York Central Readipz, Pd Louis! & Nash sock Ivland Pennsvivanis RR Texas & Pacific . Atelison Reading, Com Erie. wy January 18th Sellers. Buyers 114 M4 = Le . 20 19 SssendRECRITIIE SHEL IERT 3 FEiTEeRgpne ant i §aicaniiaiatte i Cured of Consumption The Perth board of trade is inactive. | 'Mrs. Julia Sheffield Was so Reduced of Its pros- R. W. Singleton which is quite in live with the friends of Mps. Horace Me- | her good | hany, i falsh, | a former resident of Brockville and | Iroquois. A brother and a sister live | the Watt, | her | in | for | Hill, | | the County of decjare b. | ham was a school teacher and served As Mr. and Mrs. George W. Shibley | in a a squabble followed, and the meeting | J. Walsh, | | pound | possible for me to recover and that It was only ad 63 a trolley car on Queen street subway | He was crossing the track and the car | was upon him before he had time even | i ford Fleming, Ottawa, was the } meeting of Queen's university council. tending the meetings of the christian peas, | | gmineetion with | and was in bed most of the time until the end of tolen from the | With Hemorrhage and Disease That She Only Had 50 Lbs. of Flesh on Her Bones. Powley's Liquified Ozone Makes Her Well. Dominion County of Ontario, To Wit: In the matter of Julia: Shefield, of the Town. ship of Seolt, in the County of Ontario, and in the matter of her restoration to health. 1, Julla Sheffield, of ihe Township of Scott, In Ontario, married woman, do that solemaly = On the 15th day of February, 1900, I was taken inflammation down with pneumonia and and was in bed seven weeks, i Li sll ii 7 August, 1900, I was forced to take my bed again . About that time the attending physi- cian told my father that there was not half ad of fiesh.on my body and that it was im- magter of a short time until death would come. 1 was sinking rapidly every day. At this time I was taking creosote at the extent of sixty drops a day. 1 had four physicians attending wo from the time 1 took sick until 1 commenced taking Ozome, and they each and all pronounced that I and could not recover. nthe County of Ontario, ¢ A.D, 101. " hin ath Gay o J. MoCuirovon, Notary Publi Other Solemn thas before aie Would dhe T ex mers on praet 0 ie, od at her comp to a What Powley's Hiquified Ozone Is. Le Lat us tell you what Pow Ie ha wets ro Vou ap od oven foregoing case what I does, Ozone 1s 8 propa ration of 'oxygen in frxed Uduld form Jund only by by fu special process welvp days. It » ppiles oxy to the blood food--creat' mg a Nenithy et the tissues. Ozcge Is u powerful ants ie as Sfeotive and Harmen internally a8 1 ox y. It destroys the germs a 1] $hat ocd n eqpecir lly valuable A 3 as it stops the germ attack. and chance 2 rebut the broken be hei Ozone forms henithy flesh grea} scien tifle discovery. y ity y How You Can Use It. We want you to know how valuable a ration Ozone As for your own 'tse. If you have consumption of an advanced type we need not give you any detailed sdvice--use it as did Mrs, ShefMeld. Tf you: have, however, any Sentlancy te lung trouble, such as shortoess of brent, con tinued cold on chest, bronehial affection, A bad eough you should be extremely careful ar sl take Ozone regiarty. It prevents the possi Ality of any serious trouble by stopping the ally jens and restoring all the tissues to a state of go Jt health, If you have any tendency to system ~eakness, such as languid feeling, no appet Ae, slways tired, hoarseness in the moming vO & oRre and tnke the Ozone as a preventiva, You have no I¢.on what great trouble you 'fay be saving youvielf~what benefit you are on your body. w 1. -~ al ofl Draggists. The Ozone Ca. of Toroats, Limited. Torouts & Sl guts. The Tom 0 00 Torin, ail Youn b ian, Omega Oil @reat Is ONT "Did you ever thick what an impor: tant thing oil is in this world? Itis the oil in paint that prevents decay of woodwork. shoes that preserves the leather. It is the oil the bootblack puts on your It is ~* =~ oil that keeps iron and steel from rust. ing. It is oil that makes run easily and smoothly. machinery b But the greatest oil of all is Qmega Oil, the popular green-colored lini. ment that everybody is talking about. It keeps the human body from decaying and getting rusty. It soft- ens, relaxes, soothes and preserves the flesh of old people. It lubricates stiff joints, and makes them work easily and smoothly. And the little Swiss green herb in Omega Oil is the most amazing - thing for stopping pains and aches that ever grew out of Old Mother Earth. If you have a place on your body that hurts, you are mighty fool ish if youdon'trubthat place d get It is If yuu have never tried it, you do.not have mi know what baked every day." gp AS Si RAT

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