Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jan 1902, p. 8

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Ee ------ Offs Journals. For 1902. Who's Whe" For 1902, THE 3 PX. EDITION. J 4ECOND ED'TION NEWS ALSO nr factory st Berlin, Oot son wialled 183,831 , \ | trade this week. Travellow are send 1 : ing ju numerous ORES re 73 Fic steel company bas sbeorbed one Scotih steel compuaies, sod is nibbling for vgbers, The total $1450; No. 2, 89.75; dover, mixed, 38 -- i Hm a x ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCYAD MATTERS ® S------ What is Going on in the Business World--The Ma: ket News. American capitals ~ will build a beret su Toe coal receipts in Torowte" for the wen tons, an Increase of 19.025 tons over 1900. There hus Lien some rovival Mu the dry "A (lasgow desputch says the U Bi the 1 supther of failures in Conedla thirty-siven against thirty week Was this this wer k last Javt week and forty-three year. : The millinery opeving in Torowte wil¥ take place oo Monday, Murch 3rd. There will be a rodicsl change in wivies, dealers satua ally envonragiog it. . Hay is quiet, 'the markets being well stoi wl. Montreal prices are: No, 1 bay, $10 ye w in $8.50. end clover, $7 to $7.30 per ton ear lots, * The Austrafjan government statistican has just his pre-Barvest estimate of wheat yiuhl, which, ling 'a considerable decrease in wireage, is expected to give 2 514.920 bushels more than last year's crop. A report from Toronto states thut there is a good demand for all bog products and thot the market is very figei. Car lots of druswed Bogs sre quoted at $8 per cwt. The report further states that the packers bave all nearly completed their stocks. Among the chief dress goods for the spring iv chevoil, which is selling mainly is wavy blues, black, bussar blue, browns and cas tors, Face cloths promise to be popular. Winck goods ave selling in a variety of lines. Good demand in Toronto for stock. Prices. export cattle, S450 to $5.30 per owt. ; butchers' cattle, $3 to $4.50 per cwt.; sheep, 83 to $3.25 lor export ewes; lambs, $3.50 'to $450 per owt, live hogs, $6.134c. to 86.62% per owt. . Now York shippiog men believe that the Jong contemplwted trust in ocean ships Is soon to be realized. Some go so far as to say thot the trust will soon be organized: that it will have a capacity of$30,000.000. In Toronto good, bright, dry plucked JAPANESE cA . w aishaion 4 w advertising ty the remedy itself, as Wa ivi all sulférare is. price in only e-Building | SALE. in, 20 Per Cent. Off _ Corsets, D.& A, R. & G., Yatisi, Coraline, Maquettic and all other makes. oi 20 Per Cent, Off pts » Curtains, Rugs and Matts. *inr shout 50¢, Ducks are away up at 5c young ohickens are selling at from 75¢c. Ww $1.00 per pair, while scalded are only bring to $1.00 and turkeys are siendy at 9. to fe. per pound. Some firms are paying from Hie. to 18c. for choice turkeys. # \ | nesburg, wes found * guilty of. attempt ed misdemeanor. ee a d to ape A Ht ES SV LI A II Se otat EXAMINA a» ME. HARTY'S MAJORITY. AN EXAMINER HAD ASSISTED TWO STUDENTS. Went Out of The Roomy And Pio cured Answers For His Bravery. Montreal, Jan. 15.~Hector Gaudet, a membir of the board of examiners of the bar association of the pro- vince of Quebec, has resigned his position under unusual circumstances. At the conclusion of the written ex- aminations for admission to the bar, held yesterday, two students com: plaimed that Gaudet had assisisd two other students to pass. Gaudet was called before the board and admitted the accusation and at once resigned. The students who were thus enabled to pass bad their examinations nullified. It seems that after two students had received their questions, Gaudet went out of the * room and procured - the answers which he gave them. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, president of the C.P.R., to-day, presented Capt. Macdougall with a gold watch on be- hali of the United States government as. a recognition of his brayery in re- soning the crew of an American ves- sel, on lake Superior, some months ago. Capt. Macdougall iz the com- mander of the C.P:R. steamer Artha- baska, plying on lake Superior. WANTS INSURANCE. The Case Of Mrs. Sternaman Ar In Albany. Albany, Jan. 15.~Seward A. Simons and Wallace Thayer, of Bufialo, ar- gued before the court of appeals in the action of Olive Sternaman, first convicted and . then acquitted of a charge of murdering her husband, agriust the Metropolitan ance company to recover the insur ance on her husband's life. In the be- ginning of the action, Mr. Simons, who appears for the insurance com- pany; wet up the defence of murder, but when Mrs. Sternaman was ae- quitted the defence was changed to breach of warranty. The decision in this case will be im* portant, as it will determine the lia bility of insurance companies for the action of their agents. life iusur- PANTHEISM AND THEISM. Of The People Of India. , London, Jan. 18.--According to Madras despatch to the Times, bishop of Madras, in his charge to the clergy of the digeese, told them that in dealing with 'the mass of nqp: christian students, who rejected the truths of christianity, they must be content to teach them truths they would accept. Theism, he said, exist Inclination a the ed in India side by side, with panthe- | ism. 'Ii the intellect of India is pan: theistic, its heart is theistic." was "doubtiul ii. christian missionaries cold effectively teach a system of theisin based on pure reason apart from revelation. sisi The "Grant Hall' For Queen's. At a meeting of the nniverdity coun- cil yesterday afternoon, the commit- we appointed to co-operate in the movement to raise the fund 'to erect "Grant Hall," prestnted a report which showed that the students had succapded in their efforts beyond the expectations of many of their friends, and were deserving of warm congra- tulations on the result of their labors. It appears that already between $12, 000 and $13,000 has been subscribed, of which fully two-thirds has been contributed by the students. Corres pondence has also been 'had with a number of graduates and friends of the university in the county of Fron- tenac and elsewhere and satisfactory returns are expected. It was resolved to continue to prosccute the canvass with vigor, and for the purpose of prosecuting the work in Kingston, which except for Mr. Warty's sabsrip- tion and those of some of the staff, has not really contributed move than a very smal | amount of © the above sum, a strong committee was appoint- od including business men who volunteered to as- sist. 'A similar committee was ap- pointed for the purpose of taking ste and it is expected that at an adjourned meeting which will be held on: March Ath, reports will forts will meet with assured success. Himes Death Of One Of The Clergues. Saulé Ste. Marie, Ont, Jun. 15. -- | Ernest Victor Clergue, of the Cana: dian Soo, brother of I'rancis H. Cler- gue, who is at dhe head of the big industrial work here, died in Chicago, on Thursday night, of heart trouble. He was forty-ohe years of age and ad béen prominently identified with the work here. Majority For West Hastings, Belleville, . Ont., Jan. 18. Sheriff Hope officially decldred the Wests Has: lings elections as follows : © Porter, 18 it Keon, L330. majority for Por: Dr. Krause, former governor, Johan- . THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18. For Them--A | Gold Watch Given to a Man | ton wa | he Whig Had The Result In Wednesday Night. At noon today J. P. Gildersleeve, returnirg officer for Kingston in the recent dominion ' bye-election, opened he boxe in the city council chamber. Owing to the non-compliance of some of the deputy returning officers with { the law' in making certain returns, { Mr. Gild ersleeve was unable to make definite returns, but as far as could be possibly ascertained, the following is a cormpet statement of returns : Sydenham Ward, : Harty, Me wees 34 . Ontario Ward. tealfe. 41 48 19 a ant ean mans ON 42 St. Lawrence Ward. 45 Ward. ol Bd « Yor 115 9 Ward. ~ Cataraqui 2 Frontenac 2116 y By Wards. a . 237 Majority for Hart Totals Sydenham ... ... Ontario oi... ".. St. Lawrence ... ... . Cataraqui ... - Frontemag ... .. .. 44 Rideau "... ..... . 43 Yigtoria ... ... ...'... H3 . 144 105 1364 DETECTIVE MURRAY SPEAKS. Vault Door Opened To Get Mrs. Hughes' Body Out. Inspector Murray, of the provineial 2116 Toronto. While in Kingston he in- vestigated the recent body-snatching stolen St. vaalt. from Mary's cemetery the names of several | to obtain county subscriptions | rove that the of | Fe #2 | medical students and bases his con- { elusions on the fact that one of them | had purchased a saw which would cut | I: : { iron, and which was used to remove | an iron bar from a window of the ! | vault, Even thusywidened, however, He | the Window was not large enough to | amazed the townspeople. | permit of the removal of the hody | of Mrs. Hughes, who weighed 260 | pounds, and the inspector believes the | key of the vault was obtained in some | manner and her body taken out through the doorway. He ix convin | ced Mrs. Hughes' body will be re turned shortly, ; | CONFESSION OF A MURDER. After Twenty Years Memory Drove Him Mad. Elkhart, Ind., Jan. 18. ~James Ma- | ther, formerly a well-known business | man bere, has confessed to the mur | der of Petar Olson, near Muskegon, | Mich., twenty years ago. Fhe murder | was the t of a quarrel. Olson's | body was not found until the follow- | ing spring. Mather is a patient at the | state hospital, in Logansport. He de clares he was driven wad by the me- | mory of the crime. i { Chureh Board Meets. | The : joink trustee and quarterly | board of - Bydenham strevt Methodist church met dast night. Twe evan gelists, whe wee billed for February, | will not be able to come until aw | tumn. A 'request was received from | the alumanie of Quoem's, ask: | ing for the use of the church for a | lecture on February 7th, by Dr. Wal. | { lace on "The Destiny of Canada." The request was granted. A commit: | tee was appointed to make arrange iments for the celebration of the { church's jubilee in March The board | | endorsed the programme outlined by | the tenjperavce committee of the Me- thodist church of Canada, of suhmit ting petitions to the Dotermo govern | ment in favor of prohibition. * | The Officers Installed. { Court Stanley, No. 199, Canadian | order of Foresters, met last might, { when the new officers were installed thy John Hughes, PCR. These i were mace in the list of of- | fice-bosrers : Recording secretary, | John Yerryman; chaplain, R. Lumb; | treasurer, John Tweddell, * Murdered His Step-Sou. + Alton, TH, Jan. 18.~Rev. Dr. Gid- | ding, last' night, shud 10 oath his | » 2 ! ee WAS | wt ary ghia The. i wpe the r of ong siending between the fa son. a il all detective department, gas returned to | cases by which three corpses and were | | The detective says the culprits are! | {in the fire insurance and real estate | linger, son of senator Gallinger, | New Hampshire, = | present ix only. Si roupwa) of the ro- MEAT CECIL RHODES PURCHASING IT IN THE COLONIES, NINN To Be, Taken To South Africa In Refrigerator Vessels--His Method of Competing With a South African Cold-Storage Concern. London, Jan. i8.<1t is learned that Cecil Rhodes has secured contragts amounting to several million pounds for sapplying South Africa, especially the British troops, in that part of The world, with fresh meat, which will be taken to South Africa in refrigera- tor vessels from the British colonies and elsewhere. Mr. Rhodes' friends adwit' that one of his motives for engaging in this business is the re sult of long-standing differences be- tween himsell and the head of one of the South African cold-storage con- cervs, which at present practically controls the fresh meat trade oi South Africa. ------ ARRESTED IN BUFFALO. Thos. McGiverih of Galt, Charged With Embezzlement. Galt, Ont., Jan. 15.~Thomas © Giverin, - arrested iu Bufialo, chafged with grand larceny, and being. 'held by the Buffalo authorities for extra- dition to Canada, was, until the lat: ter part of last yoar, a highly respect ed resident of Galt. He is a marri man, about fity-five vears of ade, and came from Wamilton to Galt about twenty-five years ago. He was for several years a member of the town council, and has been prominent- ly identified with the "Methodist chifch here as ireasurer of the Sabs bath school. The discovery was piade by the board of the church about three months ago that McUiverin was short in his accounts. Nothing could be elicited from him as to his true financial position, and an investigu- tion was held, which disclosed a very bad state of affairs, involving a short age of * several theusand dollars, Moneys received for the purpose of re ducing mortgage indebtedness were not so applied, and the fact was con cenled by means of jorged vouchers. This had been going on for two or thee years until dishonored bank cheques became 50 numerous as to create suspicion, which led to the ex- posure. When the report got out everybody was astonished, but out of considera tion for his family the local press said very little, if anything about the mat- ter. It was, however, quietly discuss ed for some weeks after the discovery. Mr. McGiyerin was clerk of the third division court, and was also engaged business, Considerable shortage in connection with insurance and redl es tate and money borrowed from private citizens came to light, which simply Opportun ties for restitution were offered by re presentatives of the Methodist church, but pot taken advhntage of. Where She money went is a mystery MeGiverin was a man of very steady habits and did not live extravagant ly. Towards the end of December last eriminal proceedings were threatened, which apparently caused him to at tempt suicide; as he was found in his office about midnight a day or so lates f0 an unconscious condition from escaping gas Siw pipe being severed. A week's medical treatment restored him. He quietly left town immediate ly afterwards. A warrant was then is sued for his arrest at Hamilton, but he had gone on to the United States. Nothing more was heard of his where abouts until his arrest. DEVLIN A REDMOND MAN, Hate Brifis Flag Too Much To. Come To Canada. Montreal, Jan. 15.-C, R. Devlin, former member for Wright county in the house of commons, now aomicion government immigration agent for Ireland, is in the city. In an inter view he expressed himself as a Tollow er of John Redmond, and said Eng land oppressed the Irish hecause they were Roman Catholics. Asked for a reason as to why so few Irish emi grate to Canada. Mr. Devlin said it was because of the British flag which floated over the dominion and the re Yuctance of that race to serve under it, because they bated the country it represented. He thought, however, that the appearance of Sir Wilfrid Laurier at the recent banquet to John Redmond, at Ottawa, would Jessen that prejudice. LOVE WAS THE LURE, Washington Monk Goes Back Ta Society. Jan. 18. William Gal of who for two years past associated himself with the high church brotherhood in its monastery on the Hudson, has re-entered society here. He was 'known as brother Leo, and entered upon the work of a Ke demptorist in New York city. It is pow reported that be is en gaged to a young lady of this city. Society has it that Mr, Galling«c was engaged to Mise Wadsworth before he entered the monastery, and that the Washington, mse i-- p-- a i ---- -- 2h TONGA Red ™ 4 ---- LOTS' Just received and bought at a price that will enable us to turn them into cash TO- NIGHT. : Pairs Ladies' and Children's Fancy Knitted Gloves and Black Cashmere Gloves. 35 Sold regularly at asc. and 35¢. Your Choice To-night CHILDREN'S WOOL AND UNION UNDERYESTR. ' Sizes, o, 1, 2, 3, nothing larger. All different makes and weights. Your Choice To-night : Ton Each. | 06 GIRLS', MISSES' AND BOYS' FINE WOOL COMBINATION SUITS. 3 sizes, worth 8sc., goc. and $1. Your Choice To-night 39¢. OHN LAIDLAW & SON. 170-172 Princess Strot, Kingston. A good cook knows the advantages of LBovril It is always prepared. Makes delicious broth in two minutes, It is so sim- ple to use, so very pure and nourishing. Makes a score of recherché dishes ind improves as many more. BOVRIL is the vital essence of the best lean beef. v The Best on This Continen ment ALE and PORTER Brewed from the best material, pure spring water, selected HOPS of the best growth and CHOICE BAR- LEY MALT. : JAS. McPARLAND. AGENT. EE ------ Labatt's Loxoon i

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