¢ "DAILY BRITISH Wiig KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY. JANUARY 20, 1902. J -- LAST EDITION. a ------------------ . NO {NEED 1¢ To argue the matter. A look at our stock of sold at soc, 1, in Puffs, Knots, Hands, Flow Eads. - JENKINS. ~ K RENINDER. Now is the time to have your Waggons, Carriages repaired and painted and the place to get them dome is st LATURNEY'S, | wt. where every thing is done . under his own supervision. | 300 PRINCESS ST. Telephone 152. DRESS RESTS Reguive a particular weave of cloth to make them loak rich and dressy. . We Rave the proper ma #8 ¢4 me rke the most ART STORE "Was Never More Attrace tive Than at Present. We have now the Most Extensive stock of BEAUTIFUL PICTURES over shown in the city. Call and ses what we have be- fore purchasing. RALLY OF REFCRMERS OF REFORMERS OF THE r ol Portemouth St 0 dul "of nominating candidate cor the a lowsature Fain "soi DR. €. BE. O'CONNOR al ge 2, Office, » = =» 370 King Street. Dr. 0. W, Daly's Dental Office a te sopad tn Nay, vin ba feturne ih LOST ON SOUTH SIDE ween Well be Offic. WANTED. LOCAL MEMORANDA, City council meets at 8 pm? Anvual meeting directors Mechanics' insti tate, 8 pm. The sun rises sets st 434 poy. Convention of reformers Whig ball, ¥ p. mw. See slvertiement in another column. First Congregational church, meeting to counider resignation of Dr. Richardson, 8 pm. How would you meke & thin men lat? Throw him out of the window and he will come down plemp! Teseday mv 7.27 am, and the same metal ? "A wive men ls oved from bis neither by force wor eutrenty," but same often applies to a mule. Adjourned aonual meeting of the the Guelph," by Rev. Prot. Ferguson. wravelled 606,840 miles and shovelled 32,501 tons of coal on the way. endurance never equalled. steam engine, fornia, 1849; peace proclaimed 1873; calico fest printed in Taglend, 1696 "A man who will pot fise will wake bis foes foe," bus what il his fous be made of ou urve Historical wockety will be held on | Tuesduy, January 2ist., at 8 pm. puper on "The Houses of Charles Béllamy, a Burlington reilcoad fire man, in eleven years of faithful service, bas He uever lost a trip or recvived 8 «ratch, through accident. Raflrond mem say it is 8 case of physical Australia first colonized, 1788; the mahi do- fented, 1880: Hong Kong coded to England, HOW THEY WORK PLANS The Boers Know Every Hidisg Place DIFFICULT TO OVERTAKE AND GUARD THE BRITISH SOL- DIERS FROM CAPTURE: ---- Prisoners Are Relieved Of Their Clothing And Sent, Naked, Back To Camp--Steyn Is Lo- cated--Cheered For Noble, Lo- yal Canada. ; Ladybrand, Orange River Colony, Jan. 19.--Six yeomen, belonging ww Maj. Heath's commando, were captir- ed Friday. They were stripped by the Boers and sent back to camp nahed. Naturally, every precaution is taken to prevent these small captures, but the mountainous, rocky nature of the country provides innumerable hiding places for the Boers, which fact makes it exceedingly difficult to guard This dey in the work's bistory: Gems. | against them. Froqueat'y the british Cleary and Warren, drive Boers beck towards Ladysmith; 1900; James Watt, Inventor of born, 1786; Cioded Rodrigo stormed by British, 1812; fst parfinment of Quebec met, 1869; gold discovered io Colic in Paris, flank guards pass out of #2 of the main column, disappearing among the hills, whereupon the Loucs came out of their hiding places surround and capture them, the column at the time not being aware that the capiures i | have been made. The Boers, who know every path, then yrocecd to oth- er hiding places, and repeat the op- eration. Ten British soldiers came in A Plenty Hinge tion. We dows seta tract you. No harm to some NEW GRAND °*5350, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 22ND The BF Ameri and Hurop ay Musical Comedy From the Casino, New York City. PEOPLE wols Morton. uz performances in Prices, 23¢., 59. T5¢., $1, Montreal and Toronto. our selec: atanAonally; but sometimes we have broken sets that will at ROBERTSON ~ BROS. HOUSE BELLE OF NEW YORK" is 50 Loudon. w in New York and now the other day without a shred of clothing the Boers, havi relieved them of it, together with ir hors- es, rifles and ammunition. Small batches of prisoners are ar- riving daily from the columns operat- ing near by. Maj. Heath captured six Boers north of Kurrensburg, where heavy firing was heard yesterday. Natives report that ex-president Steyn was at Morgan's Dam, on Thursday. Scheepers Executed. Graal Reniet, Cape Colony, Jan.19, --~Commandant Scheepers, the well: known Boer commandant, who was captured last October while wounded. and who, giter trial by court martial was sentenced to death, was executed yesterday.' At his tria] Scheepers admittsd kill- ing a native spy, but deniud six oth- or murders with which he was chary- ed. He had had strict orders from De- wet to punish all British subjects gn the colony who had aided the British troops against the Boers, and to des- troy government buildings and, there- fore, i had burned down government offices and destroyed railways He denied that he had exposed his pris- oners to fire from their own com- rades. He admitted that, on two oe- i , he had' flogged natives for reporting the presence of Boers on farms, but it was at the request of farmers that he had inflicted the punishmont. Dewet's or- ders had been to treat such inform- ants severely. On one occasion, the prisoner said, he only flogged a native soout, when, if he had acted up to De- wet's orders he would have shot him. Cheered For Noble Canada. London, Jan. 20.--~A despatch from Wellington, New Zealand, says that a THURSDAY, JAN. 23RD Leibler & Co. presen M Sarah ¢ Cowell AND HER COMPANY IN "THE FIRST DUCHESS OF MARLBOROUGH." Prices, 25¢., 80¢., 7, Same os Montreal Seats ley's. , $1, 81.50, Toronto. FOR SALE. sion to Parliament. of king Edward in keeping his op pointments is proverbial. It - came therefore, 8s a great surprise when the royal procession to the house of jament on Thursday started be ind time. It soems that the king was not to blame. When he drove to to receive him for some min length queen Alexandra large rope of pearls : ng broke, and the court functionar- f Bf 4H 4 | : 7 ; 4 i LeMOYNE The Most elsborate. production of the sea on on sale 10 s.m., Tuesday ai Han A FINE PAIR OF MUSK OX ROBES, A bargsin. Apply at this offios. QUEEN'S NECKLACE BROKE. Scramble Delayed Royal Proces- London, Jan. 20:--The punctuslity Buckingham palace he found no-one patriotic meeting, attended by thous- ands of persons, has passed a resolu- tion approving Great Britain's con- duct of the war in South Africa and Chamberlain's refutation oi foreigh slanders. The mention of Chamber- lain's name evoked cheers, and at the reference to "Noble, loyal Canada," the people rose and cheered. J. G. Henderson writes the Times offering to pay £10,000 if the charges of inhumanity on the part of British troops in the South African war be within six months. Treasurers our London hospitals are named as arbiters. If Henderson loses, half the money is to go to hospitals London, the rest to be divided be- tween hospitals of Paris, Berlin, Brus- sels and Amsterdam. Accuse Boer Of Murder. Cape Town, Jan. 19.-The Boer commander, Kritzinger, captured at Hanover Road, Cape Colony, about a month ago, is charged with four mur- ders, in addition to train wrecking and cruelty to prisoners. Kritainger was one of the most suc- cersful Boer leaders in guerilla war- fare in Cape Colony. It is usserted by some that he is really a Cape re bel and therefore a British subject, wad as such deserves the fate of com- mandant Lotter, another Cape rebel, handged lust October. On "hristmas eve the Parise Rappel printed a de spatch from Purban, Natal, stating that Gen. Louis Botha, the Boer com- mander-in chief, was holding five British officers and had wotifial lord Kitchener that if Kritzinger was sentenced to death they would be t. \ To Have a Fine Library. London. Jan. 20.--The Daily Mail says that Andrew Carnegie is forming a library ot his residence, Skibo cas the, Acton, professor of history at Oxford university, will select the volumes will initial outtay will PITH OF.THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. King Edward uses his motor daily. Since last October 19.000 persons have been vaccinated in Montreal. At Bome Phillippe Marchetti, the composer, is dead. He was born in 1831. President Roosevelt and party visit the Charleston exhibition on February 12th and 13th, » + Lora Douglas bas been deprived of ugimbership privileges in the Metro- politan club, Washington, because of former intimate relations, with the unspeakable Oscar Wilde. Hon. David Mills will leave the cabinet and take justice Gwynue's seat in the supreme court. Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick, solicitor-general, will succeed as minister of justice. The Roman Catholics of Halifax have been called to' attend a meeting, on Wednesday night, to consider the advisability of making a protest agaist some features of the acces sion oath. About 700 acres of Adirondack lan, with a five-mile shore line on Cran- berry lake, one of the most beautiful of the Adirondack lakes, has been purchased and will be used for sum- mer resort purposes. 3 F. A. Kating, a prime leader in the Leavenworth prison mutiny, Novem- ber 7th, has been located near Que- bec and can be had whenever wanted. The warden will ask for his extradi- tion on the charge of murder, In Ottawa, D'Arcy Scott, son of the secretary of state, announces his will- ingness to be the Trish liberal candi- aate' at the approaching nrovincial elections. Ex-mayor Sarwel Bing- ham is also after the nomination. It is reported that Capt. Lawless, of Ottawa, has left the South African constabulary. Capt. Lawless went opt to South Africa with the Royal Canaaian regiment. Another officer who has quit the forge is Capt. Critchley. . John Charlton, M.P., speaking in Chicago on trade relations with the United States, dwelt on the attitude of the states and declared that very soon Canada would enter upoy a pol- icy of prohibition, in imitation of the Yankee tariff, By a majority of seventy-nine Daw- son has decided to have an elective council. The temperature was fifty be- low, during the voting. The through telegraph line has been down for the past three weeks. The river trail is rough with open water at several points. The mails are irregular, and communication with the outside con- tinues uncertain. GOLD BRICK GAME. Recent Instances Where People Have Been Swindled. London, Jan. 20.--~In spite of numer- ous warning reports in both British and American papers, the gold brick swindler seems to be operating large- Iv in England, Several instances lately have been reported where per- sous 'of high social rank have been approachea through i i some cases with success, a gentleman paid between two and three thousand pounds for two gold brick? of the kind se familiar to Am- erican farmers, which he went all the way to New York to get. Gradually, however, people seem to be awakening to the fact that Ameri- can thieves are trying to make a prey of them, and are anxious to have something done to have the swindler or swindlers aprehended. A letter addressed to" the late Au- gustus W. Gadesden, a gentleman of wealth and position, was received late in. December by one of his sons. It wai wigned '"'George B. Hastings, No. 171 East 106th street, New York," and says the writer had "just left a relative of Mr... Gadesden, whom he eallea Henry, in Colgrado, in poor health, and who asked him to go to New York to communicate from there with his kinsman in England. The let- ter went on to say that the two had discovered extraordinary rich gold' quartz veing in Colorado, and, at enry's request, he had brought a hundred ana sixty pounds of gold ore to New York, which Henry wished taken to England to mint And to be divided with relatives. He intimated that money was need- ed to develop the claim, and suggest- ed that a representative be sent to New York. He cautioned secrecy as to Henry's request, and told Mr. Ga eaden to come himseli or send one of bis sons. Mr. Gadesden, the son, con- sulted a financial agency, and a cable was sent to Hastings that a represen- tative would meet him in New York at an early oate. Not so long ago a lady in high so- cial position, widow of 'a peer, re ceived a similar letter. A baronet who succeeded to a title a few months ago, was the recipient of one, and several of his friends have been simi larly honored. Tt seems to" be the plan of the swindlers or swindler usually to select some person whose father or busband bas just died, writing & letter to the dead man, knowing that it would be opened by the beir. who, not being thoroushly acquainted with the personal affairs of his relative, would deem plausible the information referring to mines in America. as so much of such stock is held bere. * After Twenty-five Years. Ottawa, Jan. 20.--Lieut.-Col. J. B. Donaldson, after a quarter of a cen tury of service as secretary of the do minion - artillery association, will, iv ie understood, resign from that office when the association holds its annual jueeting. a few weeks hence. During tipn, Col. Donaldson bas vea to be one of its most active members, and his retirement will be regretted. Every Bons Broken. . Buffalo, N.Y. Jan. 20 Joseph twenly-seven years old, = Swede, fell from he top of the New Lillesi. He oll 'ground, instantly Li tance of 13 fet to the and every Lone was iroken. . EXTENSION OF TINE much been For the Ontario Ship Railway Company WILL BE ON COMMISION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF _. TEMISCAMINGUE R.R. Robert Jaffray Will Likely Be the Chairman--To Secure a Man Who is Wanted for a Crime at Cornwall. Toronto, Jan. 20.--A Victoria, B.C., special to the Globe says Joseph Mar- tin withdrew from the candidature in Victoria on finding that the liberal executive will acceed to his demand to have aulegates appointed before the 21st. On Mr. Riley assuring him the delegates would be chosen went to the meeting and endorsed Mr, Riley's candidature. y On the ground that improvemenis on the St. Lawrence system have delayed the undertakings of the the Ontario ship railway company. Mr, Conmee, Algoma, will introduce a bill in the legislature, this session, asking for an extension of time. The bill will ask also that thess gentle- men be made provisional directors in the place of several others who have resigned or dropped out: Hugh Blain, Kivas Tully, Hon. 8S. Casey Wood, John Flett, Joseph Blakely. The Mail and Empire says that, it is understood, the leading figures on the commission which is to construct the new Temiscamingue railway, the first government railway built in On- tario, will be Robert Jaffray, the well known capitalist and liberal of this city. Mr. Jaffray, according to the Mail and Empire, has not yet posi- tively accepted the post, but he is the man whom premier Ross has in view as chairman of the commission. Chief inspector Murray, of the On- tario detective department, left last night for Watertown, N.Y., with ex- tradition papers to bring back Mel- ville Hall, under arrest there. Hall is wanted in Cornwall for alleged dyna- mite outrages committed by a gang of which he was the head, about three vears ago. A brother of Hall's, nam- ed Luther, was caught at the time, tried at Comwall, and sentenced to seven years' imprisonment Joseph Bray, Toronto, who resides near Walmer, was shot and fatally injured - by Leslie Wilson, the head cheese maker for E. M. Johnston's cheese factory at Immerkip, on Satur day. Wilson was loading a double barrelled gun with the intention of shooting an owl, when he accidental ly touched the hammer of a loaded chamber, Bray standing a few feet away, received the full charge in one of his legs. which had to be amputat- od. i died in the evening. He was married, aged irty-five years and loaves thind shikiren: i A ---- Anxious For War To Cease. Halifax, N.S., Jan. 20-Dr. D. H. Muir, Truro, who went to the West Indies as ship's officer; with drafts of Roval Engineers and = Royal artillery, is back. While away Dr. Muir spent one day on Darrell's island, Bermuda, where nearly 3,000 Boer prisoners of war are in custody. The sanitary ar- rangements -in the Boer enclosure, Dr. Muir says, are a good deal. better than those given to the soldiers be fore the Boers' arrival. Dr. Muir says that nearly every Boer in Bermuda is anxious forthe war to cease. Will Receive The Ladies. Pekin, Jan. 19.--~The ecwpress dow- ager will receive the legation ladies in ber own palace quarters on Febru: ary Ist. Heretofore they have not been allowed to visit the private gar den of the palace. Her majesty ox pressed high regard for the foreigners on finding that her quarters had not been entered by the foreign troops. A private treasure in gold, buried be neath the floors, when the court fled, was found untouched on its return. 119 Deaths In The Alps. Geneva, Jan. 20.--Statistics just published in regard to the number ol accidents in the Swiss Alps during the past year show that 119 lives were Just. This breaks the record, and is twice "as large as the fatalities in 1900. Chamonnix which has been the principal death centre since the first ascent of the Matterhorn in 1550, was Jespansible for the loss of _ thirty ives. : Saw The Eve Of Waterloo Ball. London, Jan. 20.-The death is an- nounced of lady Sophia Cecil, born iu 1809. It was her mother, the duch- ess of Richmond, who gave the fa- mous ball in Brussels on the eve of the battle of Waterloo. Lady Sophia used to say : "1 remember being sent to bed that night like a wayward child, but I got up and watched thé company assembling." Miss Stone's Brother Dead. Boston, Mass, Jan. 20.--George F. Stone, a brother of Miss Ellen MN. Etone, héld sa captive in Bulgaria, died soddenly Friday night at the Massachusetts general hospital, aged sixty-thrve. Mr. Stone contracted a cold several days ago. which develop ed into preamonia, and this, combin- ed with worry for bis sister's safely cuuncd his death, : Constantinople, 3 news has been received here to offcet that Mis Elion M. Stone, the captive American missionary, Madame Teitka, her companion, the jut ters baby are well. Negoliutions sre A ---------------------- The Sh United States infantry which played such a gallant: § the siege of Pekin. and has PRICE OF A WIFE. LE J New Yorker Swapped His For Two | onl decidedly : coh eantarty winds | Fine Cows and Three Dogs. TWith---a crow storm setting iv 1 strong Middletown, N.Y., Jan. 2.--Isaish | DISCOUNT SALE! For Two Days Only, Tuesday and ~~ Wednesday, "We will offer our mag= nilicent stock of DRESS. GOODS, SILKS (Black land Colored), and all | LININGS at above dis count off our well-known low prices. Sales For Cash Only. on farms a few miles from here, came | to this city Saturday, and hunting | up a justice of the peace, asked him | to draw up a contract by which Mas | ters' wife might be transferred to Pe | ters. The justice explained that he could not draft such a document, but asked for particulars as to the deal and Peters explained. "It's this way, squire My wife died | two months ago and Fin tired of liv- | ing alone. Mrs. Masters is a mighty | fine woman. and a good housekeoper, | and Masters don't really need her, | because he's got a sister he can get to | look after things for him, I made him | an offer for her several days ago, and this morning we came to terms. I'm to give him two cows and three coon dogs, and she's worth 'em." Asked what Mrs. Masters said ab out being traded off, her lord and master answered : "Why, nothin,' of course. We didn't ask her how she like it, but she didn't kick when we told her that we made a deal." Although disappointed at not being able to have a paper drawn that would make the transfer legally bind ing. Peters and Masters declared that they would maké the swap on honor, and Jeft town together to complete the trade. LIKELY SET ON FIRE. ---- A Blaze In a Harness Factory In Ottawa. Ottawa, Jan. 20,--The police are in vestigating a fire which occurred in Wright's harness factory last night and which is said to have been caus ed by an incendiary. A man was heard in the factory a few minutes | before a blaze was discovered and as | there had been no~ fire in the place | since Saiunday, the belief is that the place was deliberately set on fire, The motive is unknown. T. W. Quayle has been appointed day editor of the Ottawa Citizen. Mr. Quayle has been in Ottawa. for some years and is a native of western On- tario. Notice is given of eight applications for divorce which will be made to par liament at the approaching session. This is a larger number than usual. The expenses involved in seeuring a divorce from parlisment are large, as all the witnesses have to be brought | "dommes STEAGY & STEACY 106-108-110 Princess Mtreet. UNDERTAKERS. T. F. HARRISON CO. Undertakers, 233-235 Princess Bf, Quality sad oflicleboy the best. Prices the lowest. Phones--Warerooms, 90. on 3 a a "". e Wear Violats on Wednesday The Royal request thas Violets should be used ns an emblem of mourning ou the occasion (f the first auniversary of the death of Queen Victorias will, we are sure be well observed in Kingston. We bavs them 10 large variety NOTHING IN IT. The Proposed Amalgamation of Various' Atlantic Lines. Philadelphia, Jan. 20.--Clement A. Griscom, at his--home, at Haverford, last eiening, denied that be had plan red the reported combination of trans Atlantic steamers, denied that any such alliance had been formed as far as his knowledge 'went, and declared that the s was nothing in. the stories published recently concerning the 'amalgamation in which he and J. Pierpont Morgan have been made to appear as the leading spiiits. BORN. Stratheona, amd Men WATKINS At th, to dashes, BULNMr#g~AL Desronto, to Mr. asd Mrs. Joseph FOX--At Newburgh, Jsunary George Fox, of a daughter PRICE =A Clovitind, J amvary of M. Price, of a son. REEVE-On January 6th, st Oxford Mills, | Ont, wife of Hew. W. PF, Heuve, of a daughier ' on January W, Wathing, » January 16th, ith, wile of bth; wile New Lease Of Life. rs Albany, N. Y., Jan. 20.~Thanks to the intercession of --gevecnur Odell, John Schmidt, the Columbia county murderer, 'will not be electevcuted at Clinton. prison to-day, as originally | scheduled. A three months' respite has | been granted, but as a commission | MARRIED. appointed to examine the condemned | MORROW DAFOE On January 18th, Lowis man as to his sanity has report him H. Morrow, Watertown, N.Y ] a , wr Aled insane his sentence of death will un F orodioe, Rub Froterichabumh. Yéik, on doubtedly be commited to life im J : Teh ine, J (¥ Conwell, bacrister, Now prisonment in the state prison for the York, tw Mise Eff, Blnnchard, = see criminal insane. dunghter of Johu BY Blanchard, Napwoes, DIED. BENNETT--ln . Kingewon Javunry 1903, Wilbert Bennett, aged yours and five months Funcral will leave his late vesidonve, Jobm street LO Morrow (Tunwiny) ut two o'clock, for Catsraagul comeiry ¥rioudy and sogusiotances wre respectiully fuvi 10 attend DURAND-At Desgronto, on Jasswsry 12th, eo, son of Godirey Durand, agud fours SE -- $urderer On Trial. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 20.---The case of John Henry, charged with murder, ! was called for trial to-day in the su- | perior court. The case presents some unusual features. Henry shot at asa 'Joon porter, intending, according to his own admission, to kill him. ix | ton months bullet struck Henry O. Kinney, a by- | SOVA-AL _Deserouto, stander, with fatal results, and it | Ethel, duughter of Joseph Sova, for the murder of Kinney that he is | gyrug 0 Froonn, ion mcnthe amine t- stand trial. i 20d, Murgnres Arbiedge, second daugh ier " | i le H. Bower, of Amcliatuunch, and of Db. J rs, n, Banks To Contest. | hirty-efihs yours * 4 i | STALEY In Kingston, Chicago, In. Jan. 7. hicag:: | Mr. Delphenia States banks have decided tu take united se | Martin Sinbey : tion and fight the at enipi to collect | Foveral from hur soma residenos 3 Dulas a i wrrewt wesdny mooring et wine o'elork, back internal revenue laxer, us a re to Si Mary's cathedral, Prieds aod sult of the recent decision of ipternal | atgmintances ary rospertiully invited to revenue commissioner Yerker Lettes | ttend have been sent out asking all Claris | EST ----------------------------------- house associations to rani a delegaic | DON'T SUFFER WITH PILES. to a meeting to be waited upon. Apply DR. COWAN'S HERBAL OINTMENT, Lee's Birthday Celebrated. wo i 3 9 a of rwels open. il Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 20.<Rohert EJ) Ae wihout 5 oe Fg ner iter what Lee's birthday was observed bere, to- | kine of pies. Try it and fond rele Univ day, by a closing of the te and] 500. st all deagnsts, or the oy city public offices and a vlneral sus | Smite, 121 Church sirest, Toromte, poste rension of business. This evering the | en HENRY P. SMITH, Virginia society of Georgia hol is ite | annual banquet, at which Gov. A. 3. | Architect, ote., Anchor Buliging, the 1 Market Square. 'Phone 345. joth, forty vee 18th ye on Joanusry 10th, inte Janvary relict of the on Montagne, of Virginia, is to be guest of honor and principal spesker. | -------- . Have Amalgamated. Glasgow, Jan. #0. Vickers, Sons & | Maxie, and Sheffe'd & PBeaardmors, | the Glasgow shipbuilders and armour plate manafact rors, have amalgams ted with a capital of £6.500.000. Something to be Proud of » Is the irreproachable | manner in which your linen | is always laundered wher | We ware you to inepect the watches you bring it to [pre witimp. my coneihornbly lows thom | would jagior really fine watebes Sould the BAKERS STEAM LAUNDRY, c= 50°22 or | or in the Philipps od hoa. Blew du to shave fhe profits very coe. Princess Street. | | -- "Phone 22. |A. C. JOHNSTON & BRO,