Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1902, p. 2

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THE DAILY WHIG, MONDAY, JANUARY 20. Rugs, Linoleums. Portier Curtains, Lace Curtains aod Draperies in {was EPWORTH LEAGUE SUNDAY. | sPECIAL SERVICES IN SYDEN- HAM STREET CHURCH. Rev. A. C, Crews, Toronto, Gen- eral Secretary of the Societies, and Rev. George Clendinnen, Brockville, Were the Speakers ~The Value of Christian En- : deavor Work Yesterday wus "Epworth League | Sunday" mn the Sydenham street Me thodist chareh, and to mark the event spotinl servides were held. These were ttenderd by large congregations both arning and evening. Spetial reference 10 christian enweavor work, impress upon the made | the aim being (0 exclusive styles and not tO |neople the benefit of the society's of be found el-ewhere tip. the city. \ We are carrying at this season of the year a very complete stock at prices which appeal to the closest buyer. In Linolcums we show the largest Tine to be found and at prices that mean a genuine woney-saving to you. R. McF aul Kingston Carpet Warehouse, ORDERED WORK, Wepairing, Upholsloring old Furniture, len ovaung Mattresses, oto, ete, All this class of work will be deme cheaper during January and February than at any other time, We koop dur toll: waft of Upholeterers avd me chaidon employed 12 the year, Cozy Corners and Window Seats are a spec inlty here. We will Bt' any corner or as you wanl, st prices to mit, Mut done over at short notice CARPETS All the landing Axminsters, Wiltons, Velvets, Brusseld, Tapestries, eo. CURTAINS-Lacs, Chenille, Silk, Tupesiry, oto, + Window Shader and Poles, ate. Linoloim and Oil Clos, all widths. onthe © in "pace tresses T. E.RARRISON (0, UNDERTAKING, "PHONES -- Rit, 21.92 Farge ® aE ex ag and soc. abottle at all dealerss, / 10 carry CLIons were liberhl, will the lea connected on yes Horts and to raise the work. ferday, which haoded over to with 'the church: The morning's sermon was by A. €, Urews, Toronto, geveral tary of Epworth league societi chose his text from Psalm exliv, "That our sone may be as plants grown up in 'their youth; that ow daughtirs may be as cornerstones, polished alter the similitude of ¢ palace." The speaker enlarged the suggested comparison between vouth and a growing tree. The pow ord of both were expanding and in creasing. The tree received nourish ment - from the roots, and this if spread to its smallest ana niost re mote parts. So with a young man be would have to be a christian to have the inner . life Chridgt shin through him, thus making the pérfec: man. The speaker's attention 'was mostly given to en ndeavorers and their work, 1 heir motte "Look up, Jif uy meant a great deal, The former ts synonymous with prayer; the lat ter, with work, "Lift wp" alse meant Lo persevere, to do and to keep doing. Always say "do"; there ig no sich word a8 "don't." In the Metho dist churches" of the world to-day there are 5,000,000 voung peoples, who are identifled with the Fpwarth league of christian endeavor. 'They were do ing a and a good work, which the people should ognize and en conrage. The 'address listened tc with nuch satisfaction and profit In the afternoon Mr. Crews gave a brief talk to the children of the Sal bath school, In the evening Rev of 'Brockville... preached a clear and convincing sermon dealing with the responsibility of service in this world. His text was found in Colos siang. iv, 17, "And say to Archippus; tnke heed to the ministry which thou hen Foceived in the Lord, that thot fulfil it."" Paul wrote in this way, gui the speaker, because of the youth and inexperience of this man, of whom litle is known, This message, as part of the new testament, is also intend ed for ud Every man and every wo man bes a ministry in the Lord, & fonction to fulfil, a trust imposed them, We cannot cit ourselves from relationship with others: we cannot disentangle the thread of our Life from the meshes of other lives God has a plan of out life. Let us find whut that plan is. To find it and follow it is our noblest ideal. Our life should be of service to othérs. In thie it shogld be like Christ's; Whose soryice was of the highest rank and widest reach. In yomng people's so ciaties, like the Epworth leagues, we need those who will bring high talent to the office, who will put all the energy they are capable of into the work. Devotion, fidelity, concentra: tion of power, should be theirs, They should do their duty should "take heed to the ministry. At the motning, service Mies Ellods Perley sung very sweetly the sold, "The Way of Peace." In the evening Arthur Craig sang in his usual good voice, "Lord of -the Night"! The an than: were also especially well ron dered. coud x Rev, on groat was George Clendin on off Church Paragraphs. Reve. W. Wood ph br. W. 1, Shaw will preach educational" ser pions in Kingston Methodist churches next Sunuay. At the anol mesting of the Cob deh congregavion of the Presbyterian church, Rev. GU. E. Lougheed tendered his resignation as; pastor, Rev. Prof. Jordan, of Queen's, preached in Chalmer's church at yes terdlay * mornibg's service. Rev, Me. Macgillivray occupied the 'pulpit of Zion church. During the course of his sermon in Cooke's Presbyterian church last even- ing Rev. Alexsnder Laird made touck- ing reference to the death of Rev. Samuel Houston, former pastor of the church. Rev. Dr, Antliff, in his sermon on Sunday night, &aid he was not a be licver in material fire in hell. The con- wr ences of bad men congregated to gether would ereate fire enough with: out material flames. The elders or Cooke's Preshyterian chureh will meet to-night to draught a resolution of condolence, touchiug the death of the late Rov. Samuel Houston, and forward the same to Mrs. Houston, now residing in Omaha with her sons. The Bay of Quinte conference Ep worth league eonvention will be heb in the Methodist church, Deseronto, on Febroary 18th, 19th and 20th, an evening session on, the 18th, morning, afternoon awd evening ss sion bn each of 'the other days. Rev. De. Auth, on Sunde v morn ng; 'in Queen street' Methodist church, paid a tribe 5 the Kingston press, saving that on the while it was clean and pure, without panoering 16 the details of lew and debating events, He rend the | thes and a Ts PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. Archde preached Brockville on Sunday. Gr. Jerome, who atiempted to desert from * field battery, wil be tried by district court m srtial © Miss Frances Sullivan, davghter of Pr. Sullivan, Kingston, to visit Miss Davis, Ottawa, very shortly. Hon. William Harty, M.P., has been onfined his room the past jew jays, suffering from a severe cold - Miss Katie Daly, Rideau street, left for Montreal on Saturday, to spend a month with her aunt, Mrs. F. X Lachance. Harry Wilder; in the Smith Dros, toronto to chool of eptics. Mrs. William [Durgemont, Stratheo nx, i im the. city, the guest of Mr wd Mrs. J, H. McDonell and daugh ter, 318 Queen «treet. Col, Biggar leaves on or England, tor take a comrse of wiilitary instyuction in Aldershot. Mes. Biggar I accompany kim. Liewt.-Col, J. B. Skinner, Lieut. 'ol. G, Hunter, and Sarg.-Licut.-Col. 1. R. Duff have been recommended for the colonial auniliary force decora- ion, 7 8 5 principal dues Dr. two colmun Witness. Ed®ard Birch and George Druee, of McKelvey ang Migeh's, leit to-day the forte for Laark and the latter for Gananoque, to do plumbing jobs for their firm, Miss Har of mn mn Carey is to employment of left to-day for course in "the February 1st MacKnight, son of the late MucKnight, Halifax, eriti Grant's recent address in a letter to the Montreal Kingston, wore a sracefal black net over black, at 'the second assembly given by the Royal Grenadiers, in the tion, at foronto, on Friday evenin Henry Folger, Kingston, was & vis itor at the parliament baildings, To roto, Saturday, He that considerable New York capital will be brought into the mining of astern Ontario. Cards are out Miss Virginia daughter of Rev. Philadelphia, hert Jones, burch, Ottawa, gown pay on Bays Gistricts for the Gardner and Mis, to Rev. 1 of Emmanuel vols, rector HOT ON THE TRAIL. Ghouls Will be Placed Behind Prison Bars, of St. Mary's tery do not agrees with government detective Murray that the body of Mrs. Hughes was taken through the door, and that the thieves must have secured" keys. Yesterday, two expérts carefully exaniined the vault window, and concluded that the body certain fv could" have heen pulled through the openihg; although it was not very The directors ceme Murray has com the 'matter will not rest many howrs. Scouts are hot on the trail' of the robbers. The ceme tery authorities are bringing to King ston another délective, one of Cana- da's best, and he will he authorized to bring the vault desecrators to justice. Nothing less than the recov- ery of the corpses and the placing of the culprits behind prison bare will satialy the friends of the dead and the remetory authorities. Before the week out, it is expected that Kingston will have the sensation of the year. special sentry, - fully armed, has now been located in the cemetery, near the vault. Hereafter no one will ke allowed in the cemetery, botween five o'clock in the dfterngon and sev- en o'gloek in the morning, unless by special permit. large, Though detective pleted his sarvey, in A Succésstul Scheme. There are Nae twenty five students attending the night classes' at the col legiate institute. Fach nicht addi tional young men rb classes From present appearance the scheme will be successful. The students y and are not thae to w A Faller course will be inaugu next winter, husiness, time, rated Stock-Taking Sale. All shoes at cost for the next two weeks, at Abernethy's, There was a large attendance at ueen's alma mater society on Satur day evening. for the debate between the freshman awd sophomore classes in arts, The subject was : Resolved, that Chinese 'immigration should be prohibited." The sophomore repre- wntatives won, BLACK AND RICH Is the Way Postum Coffee Should Be. A liquid food that will help & per pon break a bad habit 1s worth kwowing of, The presiaent of one oi the state associatrons of the W.C.T. U.. who naturally does not want her nanie given, writes as follows : "Whenever I was obliged to go with odt coffes for breakfast a dull, dis tracting headache would come on be fore noon. I discovered that, in real ity, the nerves were crying out for their ac ustomed stimolant. At evening dinner I had been taught by experience that I wust refrain irom coffee or pass a sleepless. night. In the smiles of 1900, whild visiting u physician 'and his wife 1 was served with 'a most excellent enfiee at their dainty and elegant table, amd, upon inquiry, discovered that this charm. ing beverage wax Postum Food Cof- feo, aunt that the = family had been greatly benefited Ly leaving off. cofiee and using Postum. I was so in love with it, and so INCIDENTS OF THE DAY PARAGRAPHS . PICKED or BY CUZ BUSY REPORTERS, The Spies of Ewery Day Lilte-- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At tention. Pay water rate See sampivs of In Bibby s. and save discount. ess Suis ut in certain parts of the harbor ice made two inches between noon yester- day and this morning A concert will held in Ports mouth, Monday evening, 27th, in aid of the home for friendiess women and childrea. Neat checks and strips. ness suits all this week, by's. . Mayor Shaw has named eleven o'clock as bis office hour, He will be in his city buildings, every morning at that hour. The new arts building of Queen's university hes been entirely roofed over and slates are now at work put ting on the slate covering. Wire netting has been stretehed wross the ends of the Kingston skat ing rink, to protect spectators irom being struek by the puck. Samples of 36.50 suits now, ready in our window. thew. Bibby 's Three hundred and fifty. coliegiate institute accounts will be sent out by the board of education this week. [hey represent an aggregate sum of about $1.500, A. wedical student stated Saturday that dissecting material ig scarce Untario, bodies being worth from £50 0 $70 each, and being hard to obtain even at that high price At hali-past ing T. H. wheel in a to the Grand Ivo. The wheeling an election bet, Dark Oxford bys. William Punig tirday there, on ion. On Taesd mpany appears C. Wag er waukee to. attend the convention the merchant tailors' will be absent about his absence the business will be ducted as usual under the management of John McLellan, of Tor Lots sald on Satarday. news suits all this week, hy's, © On "the 12th took an attack of La Grippe, that I really thought there no are for me. After what to take, I purchased a bottle of East ern Balm and to my great surprise | had not near' finished the bottle when I was completely cured of pains and cold, Eastern Bahn raised the phlegm right up and made a complete cure, and so I cannot praise Croskery's Katern Balm enough. John agent, Calabogie, Ont Janaary sale of bhusit Bibhy's be fen's busi- 86.50. Bib 1 office, Dee in this even is scheduled to from King sireet house, Alexander is the outcome of seven o'clock Pelow barrow, opera wits, $6.50. Bib- grey s olive & Bath Sa Harris, manager minstrels, arranging for Thurs ' was at the app of that 25th inst Gananoqi has left a8 LNCS at rol of He ten davs, during association. con nto, 1901, 1 #0 bad of January, was considering Lagres, oes suits, 86.50 Got Through The Hole. In order to test the truth of Je tective Murray's coneution, that ®n body could not be taken throug small an aperture as that made in the air shafy of the vault in St Mary's cemtery, hy the entting of au ibn bar, the members of the Joenl police force have constructed an oper ing of the same size in t flu tion and constable Arnel, one of the "thickest" men om the--force, had no trouble in getting through it. Tha opening is nine and 'a quarwer inches broad by two feet three inches high Constable Graham, who is also a good chunk of a man, almost walk through the hole. be police enn Township Fair Directors. The directors of the Kingston town ship agriculttiral society met on Sa turday afternoon at the Windsor ho tel, this city. There were present: 1. Sproule, president; W. 8 first vive-precident; H. Bimpson, ond vice-president; - J. Dowsley, Robert Martin, CGeurge Nichol, T. Charles Troedell, William Pillar and ~W. Blatklock, directors, Joweph L. Haye ex- MPP, appointed to succeed 'W. J. Smith secretary-treasurer. A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Bmith for past good services, Very little other busi ness was done "Lhe question of again joining with the Kingston fair ciation and holding, a union exhibi tion in the city, will be discussed later. Several directors stated ron Saturday that it was altogether probable that the township again unite with the city. The cognize the fact that it was only weather that prevented the big being a financial success lust and for that Ho one was responsible. fusi.a!, J, Rankin, was as nseo the fair year, Archbishop's Horse Killed. "Master Gunuer," the better of the two horses presented by St Mary's vongrogation to archbishop Ganthier, sustained an injury. yesterday that necessitated his life being taken as an act of mercy. While being dei en past the residence of Rev. Fr. Mae donald, at Portsgioath, inthe after: noon, the noble animal slipped and broke its leg. The howe wis dis patched to put i out of misery. The animal war a splendid specimen. of its kind, and was highly ho Firs Sunday Aiternoon. A house on Ellice street, occupmad hy Simon Sucarmah, and owned by 3 chal Comeoy, was damaged 1v fire edrly Sunday afternoon. The. frees saved the building from destruction, A hole was boreal in the roof and through a partition. The contents of the place were much damaged. Addressed Young Men. The men's oa ing 64 the Y.M.C.A. hall yes interesting. of a Pacoond Saviour." x E. Perley's solo fitted idly, and was Lye wi dr ' Great Pig Bargaing in all kinds of footwear at Aberne. thy's stock taking sale, . AB this week: business suits, 8 30. w A: | THE GREAT WINTER GAME. Notes and Comunents About Hoc- key Affairs. The Carleton dropped out of wague, ihe English sporting world is up in arms against the use of the motor car for hunting purposes. Pia are ander to bring ab out a mateh between Fitzsimmons and Uhoynski, at Philadelphia within a ew weeks, On Wednesday 'save for Pittsburg to play hockey « matches with the that place, Roberts, the English feat! has an idea that he can tick Corbett" or McGovern, and cross the water! Fhe U.H.A class of referees, them. from the the nob, says the Oriilia Stratford Herald Prog het scope Jan, 2h, 2,000-4The Welli of Toronto have won the Sta for the first time sipee to this city, nearly ago. MeCulioch, in Mont taka part to be held loch and arrange. a Place hockey cial the Gitawa valley way tbe Frontenacs will a series of tess oi rweipht, "Young wishes to shouwld send out a bet and should pro ons ter tact ersuas cup their fatal trip a hundred: yours the with in the the next Neilson ha but Neilson Winnipes Boswell, skater) who is te championship race McCs week race, clares that of his waanls none game. Iho. Orillia Times to-date risik in that tows, per accommodation for The thin anot town ¥ Yoronto, priators ail sheet. that cats for an up with pro spoctasvors wanted ut whose right, same is in av y rou Untario, rink hold but hasa't a we > and Frontenacs played tic senipr match, the interest in the fine f the ro be keen, Frontenacs the with Queen's have ind much rly another litt I be with W. Ha Wilson, and y. Th hore is er on Slist rontenacs will anteh to wit Arranger Eva the two matoh te. The MoGill Foronto and » in pre have them i here on the and It and pl rn trip n we *h tood 1 e M this not generally | un on the trealer orable to understandin that ckey toama e team nown two h Indies, Os the unpe and The last K Kingston possesses COMP known (rove name of the Or i Lonline {ro08, the « as ir practices a} bw od rink tv béen af meeting wt have sister to combat as cepted, | has Lucen's warts to ars bome matches with for the intoteoll Varsity wi tation, ange Foronto inte champior I probably accept the ship in in the Montreal been in America the ( contesting a honor which by gity, Gill have of time were to Queen's y champions 186 Now it mee 1s ana cian tears little me for this at presefit be secured only. The stating Oneen's can challenge Toronto G1 o that Shamro fo two, at wrong in lofeated Montres , in ailed 'ams fisad match tran jonrneyv, difference in hee. The layers in but one one and = the latter put a col offside raul the Que tinual muddie; Death Of Wilbur The de 1th 8. Bennett, irved sierday, of Wilbur after a nutler by o the Frontenac man of ked hy lovees 6 Friends nall chil ir ; irvive Far oy ve 9 was a faithful me. army emploved by milling company. He many amiable qualities, employers aud fellow Wis a I of the with whic th order insarance. A capation, was a well emr Chosen carried widow am her ' tivation How's This. For a roal good serviceable suit a real price, during our January sale, yea have the choice of any of ours in tha ready-Lo-wear depart 89.095 Spot cash. Livingston at "good serviceable £uils ent for Hros 'Stabat Mater Shut. at Uglow's SOUND AS A DOLLAR That is the result of a course of treatment with Scott's Emul- sion. We have special rcfer- Tuesday Ontario Rossini's evening, hall. ence to persons with weak |' lungs and sensitive throats. Scott's Emulsion does some things better than othess. This | is one of them. It has a pe-| culiar action on the throat and | lungs = which gives them | strengthand makes themtough., That's how Scott's Emulsion drives out coughs, colds and bronchitis. It keeps them out, | too. Well send yu 8 Title te try, if you lke. & BOwNg, A FRAGMENT OF HISTORY BRITISH FRIGATE SUNK IN EINGSTON HARBOR. Father of Dr' Richardson, Toron: to, a Native of Kingston, Was i's Pilot--Pieces of Oak Hull Capt. Craig Secured For Him as Souvenir, was made rence, {ime ritish fi $ La in the har ¥ and shout apt . 3 aving procured from the 1 wreck a couple { pieces of oak ahd h be gent to De. James H. Richard Toronto, whose father acted as pilot on the fiigate, which wed by Sic James ) of was « Craig, Dr saVS grandfather Rodney the at the depot of the Frénch De Grasse, amd was wreck terrible which destroy Hritish ef war J captured In : letter ison under nili the many and mervchandi add gent a pai wid, when released, 1755. He was Island, op} the wl in 'wale Vessels He was wer of war to Frame, came to Canada stationed at Carle Cape Vincent, NX rendezvous of both na British forces. When was surrondered | to the Americans, he to King where my father was born in Hl, 4 ye breaking out of 1512, my father was a lieutenaat in che Provincial navy. On the ar rival of Sic James Yeo, of the royal navy, with 500 me the provincial navy. w superseded, but x pone of Sir Je You's mén kriew the navigation of lake Ontario, two proviacial officers, Lieut, Smith and ny father, were retained with rank of masters, bus really to. act as pital the fle In the spring of 154, had to lead the feet in the to the harbor of lost his arm by a rwards having it amputated honlder jownt, When the fri ot Li wee about to up the he tocred t hy ol so in ton 3 then I and odiiitary Carleton island site removed st 17 officers amd eR Wolie™ i Oswego there il, alt the = cannon raise 10 i Say with eagernes huilt at the Frederick, my builder. In my father, AWIEnCe W Point beir rand left says that the St. | enifed out with men, British nat jour million 11 made ips re the fall but h nemy, Ar ter by VWIEHeN Was 0s Chaunoey unter. Whe frigate wps weil oo with vorod Point her when | 1 rough Fred YHE a Pe i whe I saw Ultim she rold, under hammer, for a trifle alton been stipped, the hull was orl out to fond it fpther that the irigate had i drew twen ty-three foet "I'he memorandum ther vessels, bh follows: "Tho minted with » wi, the shipbuild tag did mot, I the British govern ent were #0 considerate me dockyards, forward ship Ck boy. the ately and vir where mine stats 110 gy an alse. refers to Kingston, a% fighting ~ ter ns {ao fra Koglish and the f destning in Canada) guns each, {perhaps aterial ty imber a rare 1 wo frigates of t no of whist, to Kingston, t ted out in the 8 two other large ships, wh, which-were fr of versed 120 guns partly planked during the summer, and af left rot on the stocks." and terwnras A Good Thing. special presorip Boschee, a celebrated in acknowledg gt fort dix It quickly. curck and all, lug ure, emoving, of the aficetion ' part in a strong healthy ditior It is not an ex- perimental medi , but has stood the oT a satisfaction in every ease, whi its idly increas ing sal ory 8 sm confirme.« Two annually. Bos Byrup wos introduced States in 1868, wow and vill Three ary congh German s the {ion Pr Germ physician, of nn ed to be nate wories troubles of as it and colds the caw the €or and years illion x German in the United now sold in every ihe relieve ches and is y in will Price civilized world doses any 00 Had A Maypole. hi's meeting At Nat sting chi rday ni wton rink the heos! Mavpole iddie of the ters cir moved unwinding them. The If uni fine The bast enios b at the Ning ided for A huge ovelty was f the had been of I in the u this the bons ws pre they rink, and aroand twining rit then cle n and out, cient was was fa we to sating. Evening Classes Have Started. tht Friday wicht the classes of the Y. M.C.A opedod he direct Ques under the bert XK, Snowdon, a who baling work; in meroval in one Low CUBIeRCE Lie few § voung mea © i i817 ¢e the onpertuni o sds Injury To Lelu Glascr's Manager. ¥. U. Whitney, matager of the Luin laser opera company, Hh how taird in the Yates house, Syra N.Y. snd dislovated his right shoal der, besides having hie bead, neck and side badly contused. He is now at his home in New York, Mr. Whitney bad a narrow escape from being kill: ed. we, Threw Up Tie Job. Harvey Milne, for about 4 year the capable awed popular assistant secre tery of the ¥Y.M.O hos pesigeod. The board of Airottars declined to ac rt biz Pesolotion last week. He re Linguished the duties of offices to dingy Great Big Bargains. © in all Eads of footwear at Aberve Ws shock taking sale] Sale of men's buiosse suits, 86.50, | AR ai a pp i the war | Gatarrh of the Stomach | A Picasant, Simply, but Bafe sod ¥ fectual Cu o for It, ach has hile So fnew a - Jot wr Bly colo nied of the &t Beat * Are eating wally Fisk mn ¥ prompt aed notessary thing digestion is ne tbr une he poipinous buckwand nto mae Medical for, thee years nit ones, but met after asiog vapepsin Tablets \ words (0 expross my fond fash, appetite a: their use Stuarts pep betn the hot preparation el Lape #4 wd pe wt ' Jo t dsl 3 - catarrh « veh BOE hearthion aol | r meals corereresses BUY "wenank oud tion, wigoneh 2.% : : : : All Good Conl Ought to be. Just 4 as Cheap : ' dy oe er $ JES. SHIFT & 00. "Phone 135. hh. 006060005 WE WANT 70 SUPPLY YUU WITH - YOUR WINTER STOCK OF COAL A wasn howe, » m ons whivm, Hithe dive, aol wre Ui results frien S. A8d Sou pay would for oor ponl ad inctory your coal you and sath ving no more thes Raison Foot of Queen St.-- Phone 9. "Your Neighbor Says WALSH'S SCRANTO COAL Is All Right, Have you tried ic? Shall we send | you 2 ton ton NEW LIVERY _ BUSINESS,

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