Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1902, p. 3

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Kingston & Pembroke & Canadis. Pacific Railways. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON 11:80 am.~For Ottawa, Montreal, Quebes St. Joba, N.B.. Halifax, Boston, Toronk Renfrew, Boalt Ste. Mark Be. Pani, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Ses' the, Portland and San Francieeo. S00 p.m --Lossl tor Sharbot Lake, oof gq with C.P.K, cost snd weet. * sos 0 ~Hondape, days tor x Intermedinte Lingston' at 11:60 ama 445 pan. Toranto, 7:00 smi ie Jobin, N.B., 11 Pol renters K &P asd OP B a Ga taro Sure. ws am. Te A, " 'voLoem, IK Gen. Supt THE BAY oF QUINTE RAILWAY / "MEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanes, Deseronto add all losal points Teaia loaves City Hall Dapod ab 4) pm. RJ. WILSON, CPR. Juogpeh Bi Gos, Clarence Stress. X i WEEK OF IRS -_AT---- QUEBEC, FEBRUARY 3 to 11, First class round trip tickets will be sold for the alove; Feb. 3rd to 11th, at $11.85. Valid for return on or before Feb. 12th. U.P. MANLEY, Agent, City Passr. Depot. - » DOMINION LINE. Mall Steamships. Liverpool Service. FROM PORTLAND. *Viegindan, .. rv on Jan, 25th . Febl lst, Feb, Buh . do hob earry passer FRATES OF PASSAGP--Suoon, $50 and upward; Single, $90 retum Second Saloon, $35; Third Class, $26 NEW SERVICE 32,5 Pranean Gibraltar, Naples, Jenos, Alexandria. New England, ... Jan. 25th Communwealth, .. « « v Jnmbiromon, Feb. Midahip saloon, electric spacious docks. J: P. Hanley, J.P. Gildersleave, aT.R Station, 42 Clarence 84. , Gen. Agte. ontreal and Portland. : «BERMUDA .. NOW PAR yaysh BERMUDAS, WiTH SREP EE be of head army aad navy, is lighs, aun of io ples in ite erlhoenibil y Fis, ELIT Toth i ade, eine ling THOMAS, vel Bai AD D AR ARA, RE Special per 8.8. Madiana, 6th or descriptive lots dry to A. EMILIUS® Aw 89 Proud HANLEY or J. P. ro nt. ARTHUR Live 1 and Tien NTI par. Royal Mail Steamers. From From Halifax, Jan, 20th Corinthian, Jan 27th Prrisimy, Feb: Tet ard Numidian, Feb. Sth. . 10¢h RATES OF PASSAGE. First OBbin rates, $45 and upwards; re turn, 885 and upwards From New York to Olasgow, Serthare nian, oo we Jan. 22nd Laurentian, Feb. 5th Re nd i. G ar Ta h "! 0 A (Fase PR street. Jan Jan Feb Felu ' Protorian, eedpesesssscecencend TRY OUR . {Wood & Coal. * Wou will be delighted $ with it. a at 3S. ANGLIN & Co, Telephone 66. ® Foot of Wellington St. sessssssssssecesnseand "IN ORDER TO INgRoa THE B.&H.¢ Mantles We Will Selt 8 for $1 Cash Weddeadays snd Pe . pointe. rsd A NOTED STAGE ROBBER. "BLACK BART," WHO TERROR- IZED THE PACIFIC SLOPE. ---- This Picturesque California High- wayman Came From Near Alexandria Bay--His Chequer- ed Career Outlined. The Wet issue of the Utica (N.Y.) Saturday - Globe contains the article printed "Below, but there are some things about the noted wage robbe that the Globe has not mentioned the "highwayman, Charles E. Bolton ty name, was born not far south of Alexandria Bay, N.Y. 'where relatives till reside. When gold was first dis covered in California, thee wad a rush of young wien te that country, A number of Canadians from that dix trict formed a party to go to the gold fields. This, # the writer is not mistaken, was in "49. The party sailed irom New York, crossed the isthmus of Panama, and sailed up the Pacifie const to San Francisco. In this party was Charles E. Bolton, a genial, man. ty fellow, who was the liflé of the crowd, Some years after his compani ons were greatly surprised to hear "that he had been convicted of high- way robbery and sentegced to a num- ber of years' EI ant at San Quentin prison. Some of the facts stated below are not in accordance with the many stories told to. the Pwriter by one 1 "forty-niners." The article from the Globe is as fol Towk | . is There is good reason: to believe that Black Bart, the boldest and most no torious highwayman ever known California, is operating again. The five robberies of stage and eoach on lonely mountain roads in northern California and southern Arizona dur ing the last few months have abund ant earmarks pl the famous Jone highwayman of 'the Sierras. More than | this, two of the passengers in: the held up' stages knew something of the Black Bart when he held central California in tetror twenty vears ago, and, from his speech and figure, are gure that their robber is the noted handit, Moreover, no one seems to know what has become of him since his release from prison at San Quentin, where he had been sentenced for eight years: Like Jekyll And Hyde. The trial of Black Bart for highway tobbery in Visalia, Cal, in May, [8%4, revealed a mass of information about this unusual bandit. For sev enteen wears highway robberies by Black Bart had taken place at inter vals and in least expected localities, all thé way from Portland, Ore, to Yoma, Aria His arrest came about in this way. In March, 1854, the stage couch that travelled the rough road over the de solate hills and through the lonely gulches from a gold mining camp in the Sierras to Marysville, Cal., was held up by a masked lone highway man, whom the driver and alt the passengers recognized hy. his manners and speech as none other than Black Bart. The veteran highwaytian had reihiced hig mode of robbery to a sci: ence, and when he had quickly har vested a crop of gold watches, purses pnd bite of jewelery, he shouted to the driver to go ahead, When the coach had rumbled out of gight on the way down the mountain side Black Bart 'turned his attention to splitting open the. wooden box containing the Wells-Fargo expross company's treasure. Something must have disturbed the highwayman while he was gathering up the money from the treasure box, for when the stage coach passengers had arméd thom- selves dt the next station and hurrie ed back to the scene later in the day, they found among the debris of pa pers, empty parses" and wrappings of parcels a linen cuff. The robber had svidently dropped it in a hurried flight to his refuge. The culi wes turned over to the ex pe company detectives. They found v To Protect The Hite Ones From Coughs and Colds That so Fre- quently Lead to Consum- ption in Later Years. 3 y A 3 Juis ible that you have been ac- customed to consider that every ad E ent is for the benefit of the pi haar only. In this you have been fistaken, as you will probably adr mit if 'you read about Dv. Chase's Sy- up of and "mantine, and have an opportunity of testing its value in your family. Every mother is anxious te Jearn of offoc ive 'means of combating 'the ills which. omuse her children to suffer. Many have learned how to comquer Srp, broachitis, whoopi and col ts of Dr. 5 i i : Hi i if : it ¥ §: E --- watchful for a as sim sr THE DAILY WHIG, MONDAY, JANUARY 20. after weeks of Thguiry, {Hat the Jode nde lsandry marks were those of a Chinese laundry on Bush street, in San F, ancisco. Wheth the detectives had learned from the Chinese laundry man that the marks on the cuff in dicated that it belonged to one Charles E. Bohion, a regular patron of the laundry, they set about to hunt ap Mr, Bolton. Bb came out that Charles E. Bolton, who owned the afl, was a quiet, unobtrusive, spare man of sbout Gfty years, He lived in a modest and quiet boarding house, where sedate, old-fashioped husiness men had rooms, and ---- Every One Was Iis Friend. Whin 8+ detective went to live in the same boarding house he found that Mr. Bolton was a studious man, lve ed a correct life, was a reader of new hooks, dabided in poetry, and every few weeks went away to visit one oi the several littfe mines about Califor nig io which he had investments. Bol ton was an expert whist player,!and evidently he had travelled far and wide in his early life. His hobby was water colors, and he speat whole days in painting bucelie scenes alone in his rooms. Then when be had dived in style dlong with the other bachelors in the boarding house he went alone to the theatre, where be took the least conspicuous seat, He never got mail and never sent letters, but he devour- ed the daily newspapirs at times. Nevertheless, it did not take the de tective long to Eomnect this quiet, polished gentleman - with the most deéadéd outlaw in California. For seventeen vears he had kept half-¢he sherifis and vomstabls, a lot of detectives, and all the United Sta tes marshals in California ceaselessly fresh deed hy Black Bart. He had many a time walked down to 8 local bank carrving a snug fortane in his gripsack the proceeds of a recent affair out on "the road" pass hundreds of San Francisco peo ple, while they were excitedly dis cus~ing Black Bart's Latest Hold-up. The ontlaw was convicted and be cavse of his confession and apparent determination to lead a new lie 'be was sentenced to San Quentin prison for only eight years. He wes a mo del prisoner, and he earmed all the conuputation of his sentence for good conduct. He was Jiberated in July, 18%), For a few days be lived in Sac ramento, waiting, he said, until he got some wopey from eastern i la tives, when he meant to go to Seatile and earn an honest living. Then the man disappeared. k There is no doubt in the minds of the officials who participated in Black Bart's capture beiore, but that the accomplished stage vobber = again at work and will once more lead the officers of the law a merry chase be fore he is apprehended. A WARNING CRY. Next Four Years Will be Crucial Years For Canada. "The next four years will be crucial Tears in the west; every day's work done now will teil; and the night cometh' soon--the "wight conieth soon." he'd words come ad a voice from the dead." They were written hy the late Rev. Pr. Robertson, superin- tendent of Presbyterian missions in the Canadian north-west in his last appeal to the church, gand which was ufdelivéred when he' passed away. Why the next four Seatn? The West niingter answers this gquestiso. It is because setilement is going on ut the present time with rapid strides along the line of the" C.P.R., and a vast tact of country, rich in. mineral, fgriouisaral and timber resources is jeing" brened ip by the néw transcon finertal 'line, the Unnadian Northern ilway. Within the vext four years t¥e 'wilderness 'Will 'he peopled, new villages Will Be located, and towns will "spring. up Taltiost in a night From eastern Canada" from the Uni tod Stated, from Britain, from central #nd northern Earope, from the eads of the sarth thev are comige, who in five years will be hdmestéaders in the west, and upon whom; as the founde fion, western civilization is to be baile The: Westminstor calls 'upon the theolugiohl eolleges and upon the peo ple of the Preshyterian. church to gird themselves - for the 'great task before them. 'NH Canada "is to continue a God-fearivg nation, her people must follow wp the settlers now pouring in, christinnizee © "them, "and establish churches. The United States serves as a sid object lesson. That great republic failed to keep wp with the colonization of the country, aud now will never overtske the stream of set tlement. The christian rooplo of Can ada have put their hand to © the plough, and must not tera back. ---------------- Agricultural Societies. Prince Edward agricultural society cledted these officers on Wednesday John A, Sprague, president; John V Cooper, vice president; 6G. N. Rose, second vice-president; directors, A. Ci MoDondld, Siduey Stanton, W. O Gorsline, D. H. Fraser, W, T: Shaw, John Vancleaf, P. R. Young, Edward Gr on, W. in Jamicson; seerctary- tréasurer, 'Thomas : auditors, James Gibson and Luther Platt. The : ks of the society were given to several donors "of special ptires Atcording to the secretary's report the expense of keeping the trackNin re- Jie for the last four years was 8142. "Hrgek tickets sold amounted 830; loss, $02. Fhe annual election of the' Cape Viaeent Haral sodely took place danusry | Fh: Corl , WAS HERO OF THE PHOENIX PARK TRAGEDIES. Unravelled, the C:inspiracy--Was Prominent in Several : Cap- tures of Noted Fenians and Irish Party Leaders. London, = Jan. 20.--William Vesey Harrel has been appointed assistant commissioner of the Dublin metrepo fitan police, in the rovm of John Mal jon, resigned. That simple conumun- ique recalls some of the most inter esting chapters in the political his- tory of Ireland, during the last haii- century, in which Mr. Mallon played an exceedingly significant part. In the dave of the Fenian comspir- acy Mr, Mallon rendered invaluable service to the authorities, He was one of the officers who in 1863 effected the seizure of the Irish People, the organ of the Fenian brotherhood, when the types and presses were seized and all on the premises placed under arrest. Later on in the same year he secur- od the arrest of James Stephens; the Fenian head centre, whose death took place some months ago. In the dave of the land league Mr. Mallon again came to the frout. Heit was whe, on Ottober 13th, 185k, ef- {ected the historic arrest of Charles Stewart Parnell, in Morrison's hotel, Dublin, A few dave later he: perform: ed a similar duty towards Michael Davitt, who had not been long re- leased frony' penal servitude, and shortly afterwards he engineered the seizure of William O'Brien's paper, Un- ited Ireland. Jt was, however, in con nection with the Phoenix Park assas- sinations on May 6th, 1882, that Mr: Mallon made his mark as a great cri minal detective, Slowly but surely he unraveled the tangled web, and it was his marvellous tact and consume mate knowledge of human' character hased on an almost unrivalled experi- that finally led up to the con- the arrests of Brad- ley, Curley, Kelly, Mullee, Fitzharris, and the other invineibles, and the final ending of the drama on the scai- fold or in the penal cell. ence, fossion of Carey, ARE QUITE ALARMED. Over The Acts Of The Germans at Mets. Jan. 20.--The Liberte prints in italics an alarmist special despatch from "Naney, which states that there has been an Straoedinary strengthen- ing of the German forces at Metz, thirtyfive milés "away, and that great quantities of supplies' have been acenmulated there. The Liberte, which apparently desired to make the most of ite seare, interviewed a French officer on the matter. This officer de clared that the French intelligence de pirtment was very much alarmed at these preparations, which were out of all proportion to what was necessary to keep the German garrison on a peace footing. The Témps savs that all the state alliances are on unstable equilibrium. The Temps adds that the recent ad vances of emperor "William - toward America are very significant. Paris, ------ FATHER NOW ACCUSED. Think Hired Man Did Not Kill James Geucher, Oitawa, Jan. 20.-~James Geucher of Kipipewa has been arvested and lodg- ed in Bryson jail en the charge of murdering his fifteen-year-old son who was found dead from gunshot wounds. The hired wan was at first suspected ef the deed, but the detectives now ¢laim to have strong 'evidence against the father. itain's King And Queen. As to the corgnation musical . pro gramune, it is expecied that the king wil direct it to Le much shorter than the one gone through: at his mother's coronation, when four anthems were sung, besides the chanting of the Litany and the Te Dowm, and the performance of the Hallelujah chorus. The service took close upon four hours, Queen Alexandra comes tiving, welbwearing race; almost girlish appearance seven years of age May ladies, years younger than majesty, and with every toilette at their command, find it impossible to compete with her in personal atirac tion though their beauty may once have been great. of a long- therefore her at fifty- can ba explained her Delta Fair Association. Delta, Jan. 20.-At¢ the annual mecting of the Delta fair the follow ing officers were clocted : President, H. E. Eyre; first vice-president; D I}. Delong; second "w¥ice-president, Philip Halladay; auditors, Alexander Stevens: 0. W. Russell; directors, W. M. Bass, R. J: Green, Hilliard How ard, Omer Brown, John Bowser, Arch Stevens, John lierson, Alexander Atcheson. The society commences the year with figt ene dollar of bt, and a surplus of 8242.02. At the meeting of the new hoard L. N. elps was re vlected secretary, and! W. A. Bell, treasurer. The fair will be held on September Prd and th. Big Surplus On Hand. The annual meeting of the Bay of Quinte railway mutual 'aid association 'was held in Napaveo on the 1ith inst. when t these officers were vioet- ed : Honorary president, H. B. Sher nf, Parks; 'view pre F: Young for losomotive: T. Easter brodke and HB. Whiting, for trai Ww. A. Weir amd D. Axford, Jor aftents. The financial statement showed ity to be' 82,366.78: shursements, #28. i balance, 2,366.78. - lish, {gar Gataseh For Fewmty Tom and i IN LOVING MEMORY. A Tribute: to the Late Rev. Samuel Houston, M.A, At the conclusion of his seri Andrew's church on Synday morn ing, Rev. Mr. Mackie reierved to the death of Rev. Samuel. Houston, M.A, late minister of Cooke's church, King sion, in these words 1 desire to pay my spect fo the memory of Rev. Samuel Houston, the news of whose death must have come to all of us as a pain ful surprise. Of fine physical form and robust health all the Vears, ad showing no sighs of advancing r growing infirmity, be suddenly dropped out of a life of sctivity and anviety combined into the rest and peace of immortality throuch Christ." Passionately "fond of his tive hand, ~as "all" good wen are, doubtle-s had his wish fulfilled, He, in Belfast, be breathed his last breath aid his mortal remains were reverent ; Thid In the Trish pA break and the shadows flee away "Standing in solemnity that grave, into which has been lowered, 'we say to the monfuitg friends arohnd: to the be resved dear ones iu fur off Omaha, all unconscious of the approaching loss; vo the people of Kingston, and friends almost everywhere throughout the donfsion--there lics a man who with independent spirit, scholarly mind and "faithful heart, discharged the duties of a long and arduous minis try, according to the ability given Fim of God, and in a manner that n and circumstances mainly fash d: "Having had several charges, and fone of them sufficiently large to en gross hix whole time, he' continued to keep up his studies to an extént that ministers in similar positions seldog suceesd in doing. Kspeeially did be * so in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, making the dead languages living ones to him; while at the same time, ever able to exchange views on the most recent publications of biblicsl studentsi Nor vet was bis time wholly taken up by ministerial and student work. He was an ecclesiastic as well. His ser vices to the presbytery andthe chureh } at large, were many diverse and wun crudgingly given, and no one had a practical - knowledge of the rk and state of the preshytery understanding of eccles. than he. So that St. tribute of re L a by the bet ter real we or a clearer iastical procedure ke was recognized as a preshytery work and a chief in cases of doubt and difficulty "Nor did he confine his time attention to his own things and things of his church; he looked on the things of others. The bible ciety, ministerial nse ciation, - evan celical alliance, religious conventions, onferences, movements far and near received his patronaie and helpful effort; while as a pleasing pastime he turned to antiquarian questions and historical research, and a3 a member of the historical society of Kingston often contributed the froits his lahors. "Yet in this case, as ov and dnderstand and value man better in death than we did in life. We wonder when we "many a man inferior "in scholarship, in min isterial service, and personal worth to My. Houston, ocoapving high posi tioh, rec#ving Bountiful remuneration and wearing badges of honor. We fearet that he went without his doe, but what recks be now. He sees His face 'and it sufficeth." et -- Coronation Babies, 20.--A great many girl babies born have béen sug advise wr and the BO of in many, we the London, Jan. suitable names for this coronation year gested, Among them are Corona, Corona (ia, Rona, and Edwarda., Queenie is a far-fetched attempt, and some cor respondents have even proposed names compounded from those of king Ed ware and queen Alexandre For the hovs the Coroniug, Covonating, King 'are pops . Coraniug for a girl are the all. All kinds of most expensive trinkets are being made reaay for the corona tion. There will be the king's erown in miniature as a brooc h, and quect Alexanara's crown will be represented Tuxurio or inexpensively, to suit all purses. A names Coron, Edward and a boy and Corona for two most popular of asly Death In A Duel. Hanover, Prussia, Jan. Herr Yon DBennigsen, landrath Han over, and son of the noted politician, Rudolf Bennigsen, died during the wight as the result of a bullet wound received in a duel fought Thursday last with Herz Falhenhagen, a tepant of the royal estate npar Springe. The diel was the outcome of relations be tween Herr Falkenbagen and Frau Von Pennigsen: x of ss -- Against Obnoxious Bills Dublin, Jaf. 20.~<The policy of the Iridh nationalists in parliament at this session will be the same as in the Iast, not one of wanton. obstruction of every British bill, for the sake of making England see the wisdom of home rule, but a wall laid plan of de laving or defeating certain modsures deliberately chosen for attack because of their character. . --- Far Beyond. : The first day of our suit sale was far bevond hur expectation. We sold more suits n we hate in a whole our January sale any and $14 ready to. wear suite for $0.95. Spot cash. Livimgwton Bros. - Jeon de Reszke," the miveenibus Po has | veiuged. $200,000 fur Forty evenings of opera in the United Sta Grip-Quinine Tablets in a Rt Jesus rravevard till the | of thought | coffin { __ out | When you receive" your bill scan it carefully. IK Few Words on Cas. gas If you think there is a mistake don't blame the gas meter. burners. | i Call and BURNER. i the will save see {t ! Also see the Gas i Meter illuminated and teach you to read its face. J W. OLDFIN, 253 King Street. we The trouble 1s in your KERN as ege and give the hight you look for, Consumer's will City Agent, Open Evenings from 8 te 10-p.m. i San year. WHY, THE IMMENSE "SALE OF! "HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES? They scli every weck of the Over 1,360 have been sold Kingston, WHY? WHY? WHY? McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. | wi Ry Towire growing up Debug { Or weak Yer y ming Shred Whole Wheat Biscuit. For Sale by all Grocers," The Shredded Wheat Co, 61 East Front 8t., Torento, KINGSTON, Oominion Business College TORONTO. Larcess and best equipments !s Conadle Uneunnllod fanilives for securbig positions. 2} Mooi Street, Kingeton. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. 14a Fnilding, Toone AUCTION SALES or Household Furniture. ALLEN & BROWN HAVE CONDUCTED 48 sutoepeli] sulew, without haviog checkers 6 watloh them or sodeivers to handle the casi asking prompd acd eatidactory releres in adhd nstanns. The Kingston Reg & Metal Co. 383- 33 393 Princess St Pay fo Okt ---- mi Prap ws a cud, ard we will sored for 2am Aer hfernting 140 Bomes and Tron § Ho. Al "holthex] 200 ar Gull tatephebe' them hal ni ria Fou 1. ADIES (=r RELIEVES PAIN AND IS A sare, REUADLE MONTHLY Rea ULATOR Superior to Apo, Lex Agents ts Lywmaxw, Son | Guat YIURBELF 1 S46 for gunstnrad a, ind Nash spain, A, Go oF carding bu 5 IEhranen, ad nod Serine ¢ pl annonly Soli by Hrousiste or gent ku plain WYSPPPY, by express proseld, tof 300, ov § Dotted, yo TS s{roviar sent on reget SENTENCED FOR REPEATING. Brown Goes to Jail Por Voting Four Tune ow York, Jan. 20 formerly conus with ment of highwave waz ore Vy ¥ Ny voting at vhe Brown adoilded Brown, depact to Joh he uerifarcad iy for gol last municipal Slain. having voted four times He 8 DTORIAYOLS busines man of Troy. He «hot & man for which he sentenced to twelve yrars imprisonment After vervimg three years the enicrwe he was pardoned by goveraor Piower,~ Was Onee wis of Great Sale Of Clothing. Prevoss is splling boys' svite for 32, boys" resiers for $2.2, conts for, $3.50, men's vverconts lof men's all wool suits for $6.98. is a getwine ssap and great ver iety to choose from. Sir Willvid Laurier Win Toc, suffers ing irom a cold contracted in Laval, where be was speaking 5 Kingston Busingss Calg, boys' over. A COSY BRIGHT £3 Is an attraction for everyons, The cheery glow and irtinge beat of one Goal will make Tiel fale with pleasure during Ws oid wr it's just the kind to cous with, Lot us A your bin with Booty hs Coal hone 188% Foot of West Strack Carbonated n any Wdters MAGI well tap-water and Table The is a high priced are indifferent. CALEDONIA known natural pro- duet of rare merit. Sold by best dealers everywhere. a e---------------- "STUDENTS OF QUEEN'S! Don's forget that HONG LEE i Is still at | 338 PRINCESS STREET. Turuing out the Sesst Inandry work ser the cluw { PER CENT. REDUCTION CARPENTERS' n OFF TOOLS. Asie Por Trading Stamps. STRACHAN'S HARDWARE ABSOLUTE. SECURITY. Genaine Cc arter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of See. Fil Spe Pac- Smile Wrepper Besow, Very staal and as eiey a. - ---- mn gx Lo a

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