Tr -- 10 YOUNG LADIES. From the Treasurer of the Young People's Christian Tem- Cline Association, Elizabeth , Fond du Lae, Wis, :--1 want to Se g ladies of ih country, ateful I am to you for all the oop have received from bono dia E. Plakham' s. Vege- ompound. 1 suffered for Miss ELIZABETH CAINE. eight months from suppressed men- | straation, nad it effectec system until I became v ftated, and at times felt that I had a E hundred aches in as many places. I only used the Compound for a few weeks, bat i$ wrought a ehange in me : Thich f:)6 trom the very beg 4 Nave very regular since, Yves no Le snd find that my entive body is os 9 it was gewed. I gladly recom. mehd Lydia TB. Pinkham's Vege able ¢ Compound to everybody, "- = A og dos a Wes £5 Wp Bi EN Bus Roma dn La an $6000 forfeit if sy such a time Ye greatest ald to nature is Lydia FE. Pinkham's Yopatable/ Compound. It prepares sytem for the eoming iby . ig the surest reliance for woman's ills of every nature. Plakham foavites all young women who are ill to write her for frec advice, Ad« dress Lynn, Mass. my entire T.1. PARK NOTES Trev Installation. Thousand Island P The ice bridge to Clayt light rigs, vis Geindsto to Fisher's Landing, by posite the Pullman. The from above the light Fine View, and is = ter. On Friday m meter registorod four low gato. Mrs. M. Fredeoh Julai, and David Hunt, _ Ont, weee mabeigl &¢ the ' Gilbert Otis, Jolly Oks, on Wednes day, Rev. A. F. Pennock, of this place, offic ising. Mes. A. Kemp has returned alier viditing iriend in Byracuse and Rochester Mit chell and family, of the Park Farm, are visiting friends in Omar. Li A, Johnson, Weturtown, pr tor of the Colunftdan hotel here Clark Spangenberg here a few days ago on husthers goncerning ex tensise -improsements in the hotel, Will and Ira Capernall are building a thirty-seven foot naptha launch for George Dano, in the latter's new boat on east coast. On, Friday night Foresters will have a publicanstaila tion at their hall, Five View, follow ol by an oystor supper Hiram Houghton and wife, Tele ed friends @t the park a few The Town's: White cap affeir a - View, for which quite arrestod last fall, wos the (Frond jury in Water week. John Nunit, « of Pines, opposite hore tensive improvements of E. CC lewis will woek filling the sssociztion ive with ive cut in South teen inches in thicknes Jay Gardner, boat builder, will b soveral naptha launches amd number of vow boats daring ter. Capt. George Brown on Headland avene, is plastering, op n below river to nearly is ope | ter pri and were the val, visit «WHO t Fine a number were by Fast thrown out town? bay, four tld also the wir v house wly for A Fing Exiibit: Mr. Hiscock has a serv live display of Ualifornia oranges. 7} we the celebrated Washington Navels, Lion brand, Only twelve days the groves tender, sweet, juiy seed oss. fron dnd get 8 8 Jenkins' Is soll rogalar Me. The ties at 200. this week, and $i | tainly | that sak and debil- | hperndshbasg | ae they are ents-~A Public | 1 be ealled THE DAILY Whi, 'WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 28. IRRIGATION IN _ ALBERTA. THE GREAT ADVANTAGE IT OFFERS. The *""Chintook'" Winds 2ad Their | Effect--The Mild Winters--Tr- rigated Land The- Best--How It Is Done. 17.~{To onthern climate friar to These from the Pacific : winter Fevere stérum occur and ve drops low, but Leiore days reef of clouds appeur the tains dnd almost while i hing, the *'Chinfook" iglt, and the temperature Ii there is snow on the prears if by mage rt "has heen calied of Canada, and it cer the title. The average { rainfall is so meagre the climate is arid ot eomarig. It is more blessing than otherwise, be rien mand ore the snowiall with what in to range mn oa \ aerful way. the temperat raany a ower moun es itsell Southern Calorado merits the vnount called of =a ause the grasses dry on the enwred b sirie w thus perfectly st comes. The ng the winter, west winds, which fall. makes this grass (which ity is cured hay) available stock of all Kinde. The 'Winters are though live stock Jielter during the hy no means Necessary These facts. veadet doubtless knows, sons why this digtei tis ted to stook-rai:ing ! There the last two years, been of younger cattle This importation of called, which ine ie destined in a very to thoroughly stock our not overstock them, which time have heen partially g takes no special discernment to phesy this, for we have but to nt the history of Montana during lust fifteen ars, It » time the immense dogs to run so that now, to the vast bands of horses the canty nents on the Moutana ranges badly with the short, thick of the Alberta ranges, What already occurred in Montana 18 wtined to oceur here, That to the adiavent irrigated farms wi itl on to furnish in great part feed duripg the winter, for the stock that in. eprlier davs found abundance on the ranch will have to be supplied, (br range is as yet not over stock ed, and the steers ample room to roam, is mn prime condition to export in fall, The irtigated farm is not now needed to furnish winter feed, that if will be isi the near future is conceded by those with conditions, but it has important place to It carry these are not for exportation until or coping and theie is demand for he Why is the suited to do faran east or scant together melts that al appreciate still it is that they as the the Tea i adap has, dur a grent from the "dogies, so wild richly storms, 80 ing inflow eant year, 1 ranches, up to razed prov look the an of short for Texus ho ove ran ches owing compare eR is AY 5 range have in coviseduence hi the ranversant povertheless, an tll at prédent. steers that can in condition Inte wanter never a tack of better other irrigated land feeding than any north ? Because, there we have the mild climate where it takes very little to keep up the body heat, Owibg to the condition mention el avery sphere of. growth left on the dnring the wirter, utilized as instead of being wasted. An other reason, which is now hmportant, is the fact that much wore can bg raised on the irrigated land than can be raised on the unirrigated farm. We believe that one year with anoth er the average yield per acre in south offi Alberta will be larger than in the districts lying, east aud north. Taking the average yield of the varous farms the past fen years in Montana, comparing: 'them with the aver age vield in states farther vast where rrigation is not practiced, «it will be found that Montana has had without # single exception a higher average yibld for each year fu the United States book of enlture for the year TH00, the statistics muy be found vield per acre of wheat, ten years in Montana , for the same period in' North was 12.7 bushels; in South Dakota, 10.4 bushels. A comparison of the vield of oats, harley and pota toes will give a similar vesilt. We prophecy, therefore, that, farm is, pasture, for and agri follow The ay for the Re rage Fast while Yakots lakota with goodies of A tise nut ha FO the larger production per acre of feed Don't 1h 'a erank and think tuvanly rink hot water and awhile hess, Use Gy Niuth breakfast. fond with sepre Hcl creat, apd vou will elie ever the food will adved With the wedhe § + goavach and supply the ek wii form of sourishiment. prodigested pid ready for quik L nto good, wich Hood: Strength (mee sirencthy fe @ 0 you eat or © ONS There's prove for vonr- be pertuetly. well oo and Sel well fed, , pemesihl th irri stull made { i By of southern WINALDSON fan i Alberta HUGH WwW. BREATH OF THE NORTH. Beauty, the One 'Rey note of Na- ture By o Banke} The torrid may i temperate richly floweling } tant, manyh: cHmbers; its brig butierilies though abounding unseen in colder, its graceful ' opical shrubs, orchids end htly peinted with =n v of bounteon zone, in ates cilrnes pai hower vish nang sat iful 1 I 'crac ful a he moods of intry land afier v t-mist has frozen upon the 0 shrulia, and tus (ranst vegeta tion into perfert vicions of surpassing beauty The graceful quesn of the pendent svmunétrical adorned in dazzling whi TW aT TRGERT Toh stale, depending in hus almost to the ground; spruces, clothe of snowy spasigles; the and asn, ever Sprig me in a cove ing frozen rime; loftly ile, ¢ are ber with su the most be fav gilts her oods down snow-covered moa sturdy gh mantle oak, branching and shed Hog the more homble maj nel now frosted Litter and the fronds of of Orn the still upstanding hibernating fi the no heir feet he melam sod. into ryvstallive i 1174 tart The outstrvte now veiled beneath with here and the piled up frozen snow ile ice bound, river di viow, hidden beneath ing niveons mantle And even within our h roath of winter someti isite loveli which, aphed, imitations nature may gram fe . | exquiriie al beauty ved } landscape 18 snowy shroud from Ail nyest has tures of exqga ness window panes; when vid phot nrvelic tures of wrt, Here and lofty their follows: lown by a hurricane, upon the ground, while the [recovered hill stretch of the ever rest hn y 2 arc und to and x creel tower i anhove some, as ving at the 18 a veritable CRE ocean, vn tod blown storm ineurved ¢, foaming w those tufts of which herald a i a screen, rs of perfect form suddenly blending into a hooting stars a ing a geometrica followed by k is a piece of of a Reries of arghedd stale othr Aves C1 with wind coming formed of Here and sym disple meteors, some hay ofnamental r spanghead tf of ni lacework gns; or an 3 while an panes nay if ind realm beauty And entire that wild and ayy attractive y keynote of ve mav be sare that if, to-t work of the great and svinmetry fir the most glorious the 0 and we « tL our ye aro the nature ometi 1, but and he rig in aver of His ideal and imposing scale of such tately orandour to bo pray displayed eation heaven itself, I enuty magnificance togeths Hanited is on as wm many oro and will nly those wl of bean exp Hon, who hore for Him the ail enter Opposed To A Contest, 'The prominent local are opposed to a contest for for the Ontario leg that there is nothing Noosing the liberal candidate. that no prestige bw allowing 'the seat tion, One prominent consery ted this morning that the local purty required to keep all their energ fight for the in thy yener tions, now within hailing distance; th clahning to gain by o} They lost to go by scclams seat islature would by ative sts seat Had To Stop Over. The hockey team of the Kingston bicycle cluly gufiered defeat at the in stance of the Pieton team, at Jast evening, in a QD. H.L. match. The score was 5 to 0. The Kingston boys from there to Picton. Jt was intend od to retarn 4he same way =o as to ied the snow storm inthrfered were obliged to remain at Picton wight. i Could Not Get Aboard. of horas from mounted rifles, has otorned howe! Ho tried to get aboard the transport that sailed a day or two ago, but the watch kept wos too sirit cand be jailed. Sha' espeare Recital. Miss Rankin, of Montreal, €apad fiverits contralo, will assist t Quéen's university dramatic dub January Mat, bese. Ww morning, January 20th, tion, J sprays | | conservatives to! Picton | went by train to Napanes and drove | cateh the midnight train at Napanee, | with ! "thie Ervangement and the Kingstoniane | all | Frank Meagher, who téok a oumber | Kingston to Halifax | for service with the ecomd Canadian | in their entertainment on Friday evewing, in the Grand opera. | Plan opens at Uglow's on | Postum, I fee! as well as 1 ever did The somervatives of West Durham will Likely protest Robert Beith's elee- {THE WINMIPEGERS WON IT. ST GAME IN { { BR THE ETANLEY i ---- urious Game--The Had tne Best of the First Half, but it start d the Rrown al which used , Roddy, got hi when McRhay made and hitting Flett's s latier to thr the puck ito the Vis' net The deafening when Hill, of put a er goal through ites, Vices' supporters yo disg i. t and fierce the first threw ou Mag and Fi cond pas stick a heer Duke fi seven Bu gan to vakened Vi waiter fifteen und a bh alt Scanlan m Morrison, up, howe minutes put making the score of the Duke oe inter ics had y waged wk past 10 ea bell VOT rang few socor hali $e nm ry I brithe ant reaths of | & upon our | magnified | foot of § Death Of Mrs. W. J. Robertson the | rt Neephen str earthly war cireunstances, a bride of a and death came her Jarge circle J r an countless qther fanciful and deli- | cal designs, and land and son scapes, | too\yaried to describe { { Perhaps Coffee Is z Its Work In On You. who can digest t think = they = Wn health and { nds to « wl Cofie 4 can trac 0 accu to cause doubt il the the wong for A lady the retufn from io Rit nye to drink mil in vent de the state vo to » teach school and board coffee drinkers half of a cup at t grew or ted in of an rad a drink The h creased the amount the k tiradually | heeaPe Trew one me and i nervous and woyhd for) 7 depending napiexion sallow § amd fie my 'stomach wntly throw off the v ate less ind ess, to keep mie Gp. Finally that the trouble was 'tarin, and the doctor advised feve that part of the country. So want back wp to the hills in the hop of getting better. Indtend of that t worse. Palpigation of the heart wt in and I. got so eak I could soarcely work I took a i dhe eolien voncloded ma me 1 w great {ios gt many rea froand no relisl. | went io the in Califarnia, for two without improvement ¥ was | oughly diseodvaged about { tion, when one "day nt dent fee.. I' = tains my ao np or Why thai is i on." She begged me to eaving it vi andl use Plata | Coffee | 1 did not have much faith experiment, 1 had fried many | things without benefit, bgt deeded to yield to her entreaties: Tn loss than { ter weeks after I had quit colies and {hogan using Posten the pall of ill health is ae and 1 began' te sleep cas shand as anyone. My cotiplesion imipraved, and rey stomach began | veonin its strength, Now. after three months' hy Voi give eo i live try 1 sich in the B60 tise - of 1 would not be without Poetam Food Coffer and will vevet drink arsther | deop of dof. Tt came too wear "kill | " Mes. Vea Denia, ATHENIANS, hink Little of Brackw i The Viliage INDIGNANT lle Sport si un on Sa in art t two of the the f plac thens Ors upon 'sure thing article ried 10 'farmers, | farmers" rn all t when manly ex Athens on play is leit all not fooled by the Lv Ale, church ni Brow ocen hist prea het and Mrs. very ill on (i on SEIOnary appreciative Isaac Robson, A gu an | car Yink 2 tue id ad { priz x ustomed adden ple trying Fim through Aaron Green, (i and pron bis farm ife in th > is exter of the home wt week for. the mari the interests of pi ntity of ice has thi 1. his here, wint t frrennix 1% 4 [8 Pla at Nasal Catarrh Cured By Powley's Liquified Ozone--W. i. Gould of London Makes Strong Statement. Nasal ¢ ten is one of s out of evidences of a atarrh nine time natures stem, It's the red flag that warns of lung trouble, wasting and consumpti Pow! ey s Ligui- fied Ozone will quickly rid of catarrh and system weak- ness, It will make you healthy and give you the healthy man's immunity to the germs of disease. weakened sy Onl. you a Gentlemen: For some time I have been troubled with catarrh in the nose, an general ran down condition. I decided try your remedy, Powiey's Liquified Oz and after taking two bottles it has comple ase this testimonial in any way (Signed) W. H. GovLp It doesn't take very lng for Powley' to make its beneficial action felt tem in a remarkably short tine. nasal catarrh are best applied by atomizer They consist of ul Ozone, 4 AST glycerine to eight parts of water. Int ernal dog taken three times a day and at bed time. soc. and $1.00 at all druggists, THE OZONE C€O0., OF TORONTO, LIMITED, Toronto and Chicago. you desire fo Ji. 2 15 a douche, min 14 teaspoonf should be / RONEHS OlDs $ VY UL 7 75954 Sat 254364 Ta A Few Words on Cas. When | bill sean | teach you to read its face. Attending Normal School (Htawa Monday V ths { Khe normal hoo! opened the southern part of | Niafior | tinson, Athens irburton { Falls Mary Larietor tn; RB Ww. Ward ty art fiith's ton Place, Howard Bain v Ostuas P Crofton; y Edward cos id Urince A Birthday Party Friday eve a Janugrs Whitey, and Miss of ning, of Mes. beauty iuhter residenics was a seen of i whes tain i mn hes Hor Vv with eight «'ch | Whit ney had received thie owesite, and they al repaired io the: paris whe alone reigoed supreme {AL 11:90 the gugsts were summoned to { the dining room whose tables gave svi denows of an artiste iwhted with nomen sdorned with carnations super the otnpany Labbe, Wey her of the anniversary The hose taest union ju ks and Mise her aout viWin her decoraic birthed of sroons, ¥ was Matwi OF re Comus designer being tapers and and mmilax graced a Liter axes floor till an early hour when all | with thésh memories | ok earrying of x pleasaul might. Read ! Read! Read! Jenking' ad on front page Miss Legault, Belleville, is the city the guest of Mire the outer depot, wm you receive your gas it carefully. If you think is a inistake don't blame th I'he 18 in yO there trouble Call and see BURNER. [t | and give the hight Also » the Gas Meter illuminated th will save you look for. Cons and we e i gas umers will SC] J. W. OLDFIN, City Agent, 253 King Street. > nings from 8 te 10 Pp. m. - al WHY, THE IMMENSE SALE OF Walt or i neetso ave been sold WHY 2 WHY ? WHY ? * McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. y TI-- They scll ev | Er har John Kemp, of PEEVE $0OUR BREAD 1S FATIOUS: If you have never tried it, you do not know what you have missed. Fresh baked and well baked every day.