. THE BARLY WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY "23. POO ODOO0 GODOT Only Vegetable Oils no coarse animal «and 8 fatge--& are used in making "BABYS OWN SOAP" Pure, Fragrant, Doctors recommend Nursery and Toitetg for use. Pe wnpe of Jovi abkdonn Toilet Gap, Mins. Roatreal © Abert Cleansing, : ity 3 Portier Curtains, Lace Curtains and Draperies in exclusive styles and nbt to be found elsewhere in the city. , We are carrying at this season of the year a very complete stock at prices which appeal to the closest buyer. In Linoleums we show the largest line to be found and at prices that mean genuine money-saving you, a to R. McFaul Kingston Carpet 'Warehouse. Carpets, Curtains. Shipments From Old 'Country Arriving. Immense New Stock Linolenmn and Floor Dil ment just in, $1.50 per yd, Shandon, all sizes und colors, 25e. Bat Sites, $10 wp Loydh wo 4 we Cloth~mew wide, 23 ship- wo up 8156 ou some Ouke Suites at $20 amd $23. horde, Extension Tables, Chile, Parlor Buites, some fine uit Jan kor, $25. to $150, Hall Ruoks, dean, handsome , betudiag Gold Choir wad Favev Hat Our lie raps from tis up apa) Times sul odd doa, in fancy parlor s0 wiylm to » lye from. You »S. 1. EJARRISON (0. "PHONES 15 EL. rs, on ae | When the collegiate irsfitute j he "DOES NOT LIKE THE SCHEME BY WHICH THE CHAIRMAN or | A YEAR IS MADE. High School Trustee, Whose Name is Suggested For Hon- ors, Thinks The Time For a Change Mas Come--~Favors Jo- seph Wilson. It is an unwritten law of the board t the chairmanship of hd be very thicd school 5 board of education the that body & sear to a high memiers of the | with favor aipon this arrangement, nobwithstanding the fact. that at is upon prece ent. A Arusiee, il the custom were to prevail , Wo wld probably 1 e the or 1002, said last nigh: Jor eee it but, in my a bad pol to tgbow aml pubs amalgunmaied, entirely, their recognize this Cus rule Iwo separate It mokés a «leas The board not as tw together to do united whol and discord will be the best intere ts of given ¢ trustee ot do jo founded opinion, iis cy schoel boards they should have individuality. To fom to re boards, in a way. age that ehodld not exist should looked separate. bodirs comin but dovsy ns o be upon, business, a8 Ou Then je eliminated; and elventi sery ~ '4 do ike at all choosing a chairman from the school trustees for two fom the collegiate institute the (hird yess. Let the board ea of public and this id years trustecs be as chosen from the whole body, and not from any cist inct part thereof. "This i=, according .to the old plan, a enllegi to institute man's year in the chair. Still 1 hope the rule will not be followed. Joseph Wilson has served the and faithially The probabilities are that his health, which | am sorry. to say is nope the best, may not allow hing to serve during the vext few yolrs so, if are to ize his worth, I think vald this Me. Wil ruded a splendid chair hoard long and wi recogs ll make we # do vear. son ow nad, ---------- ------ TERMS THEM FAKES, Unprincipled Doctors And Their " Discoveries." A local physician, who is on intim ¢ terms with the best surgeons of New York, states that all these re ports about the cure of eon simption by injecting seruin from enttle Af fe ted with tube ete. are sim ply fakes amd are originally paid ad vortisemionts. Within the past few davh, a United States doctor is cre dited with curing a lady of con sump tion by injecting serum from leped" tube roulosia cow, The { New 'York surgeons, he savs, simply latigh at the reports in which there is about as much trath as the vsaal groat "medical dissoveries" by Yan bes "doctors, and which have neve heen heard of again; though the fake doctors become rich by them. Hla instances a case of recent occur- ronee. Another New York doctor, of low degree and who couldn't pass his examinations at Queen's medical col loge 'some years ago, geve to the world the story that he had disprov ed Koch's theory, and that he could cure consaguption. He bad his fake wituesscs, en paid for their "job." his pationt and his cow, It was after wards discovered that the patient was not inoculated with serum at all, and the doctor' received some scathing rebukes. The Kingston doctor also called upon his old student, who, hy the way, was the "fakir," and told him in strong terms what he thought of hit. . These ture. stories generally enamate from men who have no conscience, and who will stoop to anything in order to attra atten tion and reap a harvest of coin from anfortunates, rulosis, an omine THE VAULT ROBBERY. It Will Be Difficult To Prove The Suspicions. The pulice . were not overly pleased when outside detectives were brought here to ferret out the St. Mary's vault robbery. However, they are now chuckling over the "success" that at: tended: the efforts of the visitors, The local polices detectives discovered much more than the outsiders, who profited 'by what was already learned. Now the police will let the matter rest since it wes taken out of their hands. They searched every barn and out house from bere to Kingston Mills, and singled, out four young men as being the robbers. fut it id a did ficult thing to prove these suspicions. The police say they may be right, but there is a vast difference between sus- pecting and proviag, Regarding the wonder expressed that the robbers were not heard by the carctaker, it is pointed out that some years ago when St. Mary's vault was broken into, the robbers used crow bars and axes, and yet no one seemed | to have honrd the great racket that there must have heen. A Modern Weapon Ia The Battle Of Health, boalth, the stomach, and is torturing vou with indigestion, dyspepsia # nervous prostration, South American Nervioe is the nto drive the' enemy from his = hold "at the point of the bayonet, ! trench, but swift and sare, wins. Sold by E. C. £ it always Mitchell. ~4. He Hates No Man. ERA INE YH res Her he Ii disease has taken Jour citadel of | trench hy Alderman White emphatically denies ¢ prioivt fand make GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Belle of New York" Greeted by | Large Audience, sitiing . and Grand Opera The standing places vacant in the were found a church collection plate Kingston's new theatre gives of a season sa sucvessful as the add wish. "Fhe Bel that ever popular bright comic opera, certainly audience. It tuneful had wira been able to give the pianist the aid of a violinist, but as there wes a shift of the musiciavs since fast weak, and decidedly not r the het Mr. Telgmann's was missed its made piany parts of he winging very flat. It is to be hoped the gap will he filled Edward, Connolly, though pos that was never intended yet can bring forth the sino quaint and catchy His part as 'President of Men's Rescue League." be improved upon. I army girl or "The Belle of York," wes sung and acted' by Beulah Dodge, who, despite crn should be singiog in and is as cold as an ¢ream freewer, took the part eidedly well. This was the role by the famous Edna May The daintiest Jittle stage wos Sailor went voice and winsome el everything Mins Gertrude ft "Lue on thur gl 717 on. Pearl Revare, min ngement re ew . nog ful large more vould heen the or or absence th that essing for witty m fn vee song, Likng the could Miss ticisms that she a church choir, de taken lady on the "Fifi." Her wavs captuy in the house. Rutlec made an ox of Comie. Opera."' Ar Bowery dances with were and his "Pelle of New York" song received warm applause. Joseph Kane made a capital crazy Dutchman, and James Parling was a true specimon of the er ludicrous, hangry and pompous dramatic actor seen in cartoons. Bur Barbaretto and H. Guy Wood ward, played their parts exceedingly Il. The chorus is well balanced, the shapely and chic in their attire Mae as masculine rid PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. Miss Callaghan, of Camphel visiting Mrs. Jory, William Prof. Vike delivered fore Queen's callege atternpon. Mis dettie Chee or pending a few day guest of Miss Booth, Alfred streot Mr. Wate, the foundry firm Watt Bros., Gananogue, was ig city yesterday business trip. Fied Shibley, VY ar rived in the city visit his parents, ev, 8, Shibley, Livision Robert in dead brother tle Toronto Star La atric, of Mootreal, say Richard Cartwright Hon. Scott will probably succeed ver Mowat as licutensnt-governor Ontario Orlando Jolliff b, W. Jolifl Forme ¥ city, has been appointed by the ate the upiversity, Toronto, aminer in Greek and ancient history a splendid recognition of the abilities of young a man, he this an address YMCA Napanee, 4 in the city, the of the of on a Roche. ter, to-day to and Mrs, aged for cight, le, Ont. lle was a Atkinson, of 8 that Sir R Ww. Sir Uli of or son of ex 80 Heavy Snow, Storms. : Among the heavy storms of the last half century the most notable were on the following 'dates: December 20th, 1855, when snow fell to a depth of_fifteen inch February 5th, 1863, with a fall of sixteen inch March Sth, 1867, fall of fifteen inghe : March 27th, 1870, fall of sixteen inches; De- cember 25th, 1872, fall of fifteen inch- ey; Jannary 24th, 1873, fall of fifteen inches; March 25th, 1876, fall of 14.2 inches; Jomuary Mth, 1586, fall fourteen inches; Decanber 5th 6th, 1898, fall of sixteen inches, --y- Many Bad Sidewalks. Many sidewalks are in disgraceful condition after yesterday's storm. Neores of citizens have failed to clean ofiposite their houses, and evidently don't intend to. Pedestrians fmd it difficult To move along with safety in many -places. The city commisgioner should attgnd to the offenders with ont any day and make them explain themselves before the police. magis trate. They don't require to be giv en any notice either, f of and A Memorial Window. At Steacy & Sieacy's dry goods store is to be scen a beantiful me worial window in honor of the late queen Victoria, the anniversary of whose death ocourred yesterday. The background of the window is of black, while a large portrait of the late quesn is draped in royal purple. Ar ound it are strewn clusters of vio- lots, the little flowers she loved #0 well. The scene awdkens many a ten- der recollection. 'Escape Of Abram. The Windsor police have heen noti fied of the edcape of Frank Abrams: from the Mansfield, O., penitentiary. Abram was convietod of robbery at Chatham last year and, while wait ing to be trapsférred -- to Kingston penitentiary, made his escape with two other men. He was captured in Claveland, and ax he had broken his parole from the Mansfield prison. he was soul back to finish his sentence. One Kind Of Poverty. Though wany may be ¥ich in poc ket, if their blood is poor they sre sick, unhappy mortals. A wallid fuce nd wie ied skin result from Shapov- d blood. Wade's Iron Tonis Fills now; wich blood, tose up the system and nerves: Each box eons tains 17 days' treatment. Price 25 | Jnnrks that Mr. Pease "would Ee representative in the Tegisiatnre, Bi en of pis apiris, and ex house inst | few as the gold pieves {The Spices of promuse | dur i | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. | PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP 'BY OUR BUSY EEPORTERS, ! Every Day Lile--! What the People Are Talking About--Notbing Escapes Aly tention. Not a business is a prett place ! ¥ good | in g business how to smoke rule anywhere bith 8 Heudac he Powders cure head- ache in. five wminuwes. in boxes 1Ue. and 25¢., nt Wades drug store. Uwing to hy rays his wre AN wore over rac K to-day. ears ih snow on thi a not run choir of Prock in an enteita Three apphicatic Salve will cure hard or soft. corns. ln Lig boxes, 15¢., at Wade's drug store, Yosterday' Ww I wed by r Letween Vin fa seakepod the islax rain, the city, ent, Toronto sick as a election, L other fellow, What the ¢ authorities failed to the tre the storm did. trers were trimmed, ard in most the beiter. water Tate and save dissount A concert will be held in Ports mouth, Monday evening, 27th, in aid of the home for iriendiess women and children, and ape is byt the 8 Star + Hon. esult of the you ought Mr. Harty Kingston to see ty for Pay shel. frees were cleaned. their ig befors neglectful {n)we to EREPORY rain last n. The ted with this morning. A policem hill this ne hovs and phoir tried ones coniro an problem n street off the Market clerk Mi ss the eo Ques Cammon to supp young ters The yoster net Not to them, a Sree terday in the after nerven the use > ow who are night There are r forms of bility in yield of, Carter's Th ws weal them de mon to [ron troubled with nerve et ness, train veste city until half snow hloek delayed conned held last by tudent y gtudents 0 was in : even addre: 1's the zal isslon wor) the Smith's White 'Liniment is penetrating liniment known, positive cure for sprains, swellings, inflammation, neuralgia, rheum: and lumbago. In bottles, Wada" drug store The notify two tid north-west, the most and a in polite were ot sid a walks are attempt remove Kav the diseraceful condition, ing so far been SHOW. The tele panies fou it esterday to assist im putting en' polos and wires Some lagor 8 actually refused § lay for" This wérk. made to and telegraph dificult are ne com to se men up fall Yesterday's rain and consequent "spel" of mild weather resultes i making many roofs of dwellin stores leak. Ice filled the gutters aused the water to back up under the shingles Our men's suit attract hoy of i's kind Don't miss the good ready-to-wear Spot cash. You Living ston Bros intended still tho sale It's Kingston baw chance to pro suit for take your continues reatest aver {to 8 le known. cre a S05. ers. choice RL their the dissgre a postponement dealers a lot « lepth of ice beginning annu terdag mon » 0B grea now jor them move, A Preshyte university Anglican ern" Praise' ian writing Jouornal "Hy the ming Preshy tor wsedl at the these cont all that is hymuog, psalms and paraphrase Tuesday & paper Halpin as having and be university m mentioned Mrs received SOO from the A.0H. and $2000 from (Be CO C.F... as insurance on the Iife of he ust and, & victim or M City aster, The last mentioned sum should have bien credited to the CM B.A Nearly all the street pany's employees are sore eyes | to-day, the tenmipts made to move evening. The brilliant electrical flashes caused by the power grounding affected the the as to render them fore and painful "There are firms that pay three times as heavy insursnec premiums Macnee & Mipnes, mentioned in night's Whig," said a citizen to-day I know one man who paves a single premium of over 81.000, besides: carry- Ng many more timgs that sum on other property." On the 12th of January, 1901, 1 took an attack of La Grippe, so bad that I really thought there was no are for me. After considering what to take, I purchased a bottle of East: orn Baim and to my great surprise | had not near finished the botile when I was completely ented of pane and cold. Eastern Balm raised the phlegm right np and made a complete enre, avd 80 1 cannot praise Croskefy's Eatern Palm enough. Job Lagres, agent, Calabogie, Ont. : WITHOUT MEDICINE. Arne railway result of the cars at last £0 eves of employees last Good Food Will Cure Disease. A good natural food that will cor rect constipation is valasble thing. Grape-Nuts has that reputation am: ong those that know. A lady writes from San Pedro. Cal, that after suffering a Jong time from indigestion and regular bowels she changed her food and need Grape Nuts regularly. She says all imme diately began to improve and in a Joon time was entirely well, Con. further s¥e says, "The only a in that 58 i 0 EL lt ane by Postum he Bottle Go, LATEST SPORTING NOTES. Latest Items Of Interset Te Th Sporting Fraternity, The N : Schwarte, w world's AEN jan, ¢ champi Sel BE Klatz, land. Au match in | I'h And of Winns which; race Met sating v, when the ( chosen Barr, the wre sg chan 1 IAs Seu h th kins, for the Al "hampions Champion Jenkins met Parr and agreed te wrestle a En man two oat of the struggle to t days t will N.Y Frontenae sin anadian Jen STICRT ap h-as-catch Pave within be 'held at thyee falls, ont ike ely can, gixty Butialo, " senior hockey team I in the next match with Cues rs who rly played wing wi fast Otiawa team. Re + next week, having, sect position in the loch works whore he work ed not long ago, Prontenacs are ask- ing the O.H A. to nt a change residence to Rogers, sind' are aided this action by 5. Harty and is bhmadi wha sig. deel . the change of reside we is bona fi In its report of th#list match tween the PAC ml Keystone key tedm, sthe 1 Post of 'Reyvner Kingston . n sapongible will be forms good ve in two form ade vinhing tear William Toba Mas McDonald Just co In Kingston. d tau f Ki Macdonald states that he i that the young tobacconist hog many years nage as i ntreal is who tart tai left Ham ar ' 1 with the chuique fir a ge ofa of a nung Pars omg to Will Case. In the case Kidd H divisional vt, Ten Curthy, plain tii Harris o! Sxteutors, men ender. dist the det, ex suffering from a] Harris, ey that the ¢ ovelring ed No made Wav. one aer Vary: Could Not Walk. peopls be Fo crippled cmmatism panos for months nt Connell, Bedford XN great ag with tags ta his Jegs for two months. Hall's Rbenmatic man of him. This ie put up ix host days' (restcest. 0 drug store rheuma sot walk bots es of Dr ma ie a well od puriler any Your Cure at bdo contaimogy ut Wade's ten conte, Carry It Over. Alderman Mola, re ing wf the spent cent arbitration carrying the outlay over for viher year, paving intemst om the mame. When « the «ity tix to take over the j lant of the light. beat and pow: er company the city ean raves by way of debentures enough money to dover the smount expended with interwt to date. In this way the whole extla will fall on the, consuners of gas electricity. Will Exhibit His Fowl. Willian: Reid, the Umion street bird fancier, in Sring a shipoent of shout S00 Owl, which he. will exh bit at the Ottawa pouliry show to be beld during tbe fit week in Febru wry. king n procesdinee, thi 2 he Fy favedred worn WHEN wind ; a5 Due good | ready ERE suit this moanta 2% Livingston Bigs; BROUHT HOME FOR BURIAL] | PREDERICK JENNINGS, NASA: NEE, DIED AT CLAYTON, at Napanee--The losed -- Entertained race pos & Wednesday storm played elephone 3 thing later i somewhat and the hoc Fuesday apd the | of four the ORO tory Napanee was talved the Methodist wer at lay night arrived home parents Dundes Hamil enter astern ove 81 on Mor Picton visit with Mig. W. Th will leave an his ME, soon for Shaw, formerly Miss ill of ty phodd fever in § < shtly better, ood 6 Her Iany mn town to the sev news iriends UW ug of the Le ¥ vesterday, tthe Cnes ed for duty at erpty storm sed j late Fre Clay to leriok A the neal arrived here the f NEW WONDER BOOK. Classification § Activity wows Marvellous Race of the classi of Human ion book pesition "t in I i ree pu mneration of exhibits uisinnn purchs 102 | wes a ihition I have he carpest wor vii Wr AER f 200 aores and the area of 1.000 acres availabl SH of ATs besides LOO "appro Missouri and other the state rogn Married On Monday. onthill t writes that Winnifr Parns, grand of Jobo Bevans } was manied on to Charles ( 'the dude's church, the Kev Miss ade a Leigh New wanes AF Mis robo nln Jesse daughter ate Giles, of 6 Va cere ny $00k Brooklyn, Clarence M. Gi N.Y Dunbem, nan, rector, officiatia Brooklyn; and W ite Sta i. fig, adel, W htdesimg i, of the brother LrFowsin 0 ran th fits Cood Advice. rable bavi tages ering fir M miiaint nt their effects: heada he and taste in the d after eat to A g up « SPATS, fou ete Go vous a battle of Two doses will relieve For sale at Wade's agust drug ---------- Enters The Army. Militia orders of the Tnperial tly published hy the war corital Were niet "Unattachnd VE haw, 164k regiment ta be sot ant, rank of Heatenan! Livwt. Bradshaw | os He vesgiled in Kings for some, beiag a clerk dutd bank: He derved sa withovhe ded omit and was souuded Vaspdebwey. His goany seratulations upon the Imperial =, n Let It Flow Hamil Fimew in ace; gg Liberals 'of bis army, rece office, this iH, Veal itia temporary r RrIGY to Picton, TE ar Stan Af in. th In Routh Unnadisn cont nA Frio " ies the momiinnt i i tha Lg ing, Mr Per rr, the Kingston Weil, laye himecl open tou Rood of sbuse in which the & stor will be the leader. Lat the ay rage, Me. Poeun it "plosses big Sod 36 won't bart 5 Great Sale Of Clothing. Prevost is Aelling boys' suits for $2. boys' reefers $2.25, over chats for oh ay oversonts 55, men's all wool suits for $6.75. This is a ad soap and great var- ity to from. Only One Week More. Vor you to purchase a good ready Towser wait for $90 LiGegpews Ere. 5 prompt, JOEN OFFOED, Why vd, Starts With a Cold. ga ain Catarrh is a lingericg cold which rafuses to yield to or- dinary treat. metnbeanes WH Tortect Honcw wis pike iionie ihgt catarth applicat the value taken rat noel we his of 2000000000000 "Your The Doctor" It's for vou to deoile what kind of col you wait, Swift's ® ©» ® $ | | wn aA - oJ | grdm J- -- | 0090090900000 0 0909009000000 Coal oxis n Is the best and more thao other hinds JAMES SWIFT -& C0. 'Phone 135. A GOOD FIRE chperia! ov » how Year W Will ma Wd coakaand Sontn éc We want ry engine. tcrisy bre CITY Ss 1 i of Queen Ht. Phone 9. i ---- ------ Your Neighbor Says WALSH'S SCRANTON COAL Is All Right Have you tried it ? Shall we send you a ton ? sagt LADIES, THREE ST Lm TRET or [ a A i pie ETT iT sramrs AND MARKERS. HIRRER STANDS fr ALL KIN srdberi, Liven pelos, [Mites Newli, 8 Bunk Fikes ert Os Sits Hepalt