ONTARIO. FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1902, . : .. -- CURIOUS DUELS IN HUNGARY. A CONCILIATION ACT. } : 1 ------ { : Two Servant Girls Fight With NEWS OF THE t | Extension Of Ontario Burean of ac oranta: or SHOttaws Fogg Carving Knives. Labor Duties. oo Swowrduy, then colir Buda Pest, Jan. 24.--Two curious What Comes To Us From APR! Toronto. 91-The debate' on Quarters. ------ Jan. i duels have taken place bere which the budget was resumed in the logis Your Last fo show how all cl of Hungarian so- lature yesterday afternoon. Speeches | were made by Mr. Thompson and Mr. | | \ | CONDENSED PARAGRAPHS. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR The Yeomanry Put Up a Gallant Fight : ciety arc permeated with the dueling a. Two jeasants, Emrich Janik Preston, and Dr. Barr had but com menced his contribution to the dis QUARTERS OF THE EARTH, Matters That Interest Everybody idea. BUT FINALLY SURRENDERED and Alexander Urban quarrelled at cards and arranged to fight a duel, cussion when the house adjourned ai | which was conducted sccording to six o'clock. Mr. Thompson. who is a original methods. Both combatants bright speaker, repeated many of the were tightly blindfolded and they opposition argwments and made a fired thus in the dark. Both pistols charge that the labor bireau wus were loaded with jagged pieces of not useful, in that it failéd to protect | lead. Janik was wounded and died labor in a lock-out at Orillia. Mr, | within a fiw minutes. When Usha --Notes From All Over--Little | Preston spoke in his usual vigorous i oe! and our seconds were arrest of Everything Easily Read | and argumentive manner, which is tions Likely to oo SE they declared they were nly doing | 0 "ET INE TO r Btery Dee ing Png eg Be Bi Cabinet Did Ngt Want to Con- | hat "all gentlemen" did. '| the debaters of the house. Dr. Barr sider the Pro i ay Serva xls of Buds Page Jove $ Buble. . valent at sev. | 10d ground for congratulation in Ladybrand, Orange River Colony, |ed the same soldier, and to sett betr ma l-pox 18 how prey * | the form in which the public accounts | : Jan. 2. Colonel 'Seath seut a patrol [difierences fought » duel over him. | eral Pritish ports. 2 . "| were printed. but declared the com- | Rather than carry any of 20. men from Mequating's Nek, [Four other sirvait. girls acted as sec: | Nockefolles ohas given Syracuse uni- | pivies did not give the opposition a | the following Furs over w Sunday night, in the direction of Bel-'|onds. Carving knives were used as yousity S100, Betow. the British pile fair chance in investigating accounts. | have decided to place them on ister at Pekin, urges Hu Yu Fen, for director-general of the Pekin railway, Dr. E. P. Lachapelle announces his decision to remain in the field as can- didate for the mayoralty of Montreal. . An Owensboro, Ky:, baby, weighed only twenty ounces after three months mil rth f | weapons and the combatants fought The followi bill introduced 4 Ladybeand. 'At dawn, Monday, the [feron afer by Mr. Pron: A concliation and | Sale for THURSDAY, FRIDAY of life, and then awoke for the first KINGSTON, 1 LOCAL MEMORANDA, The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. 18th sergeants mes, 8 pm Queen's comversazioms, Arts building, $.30 pom. Watch our Jenkins. The Ladies' musical club recital to-morrow, 3.30 pm. The sun rises. Setardey at 7.24 aw aod wis at 5 pm Watch the little leaks and within vour salary This is St. Paul's day: sidered to augur barminess Tomorrow js the anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns, Scotland's poet. I is generally the idie who complein they dant Bred time to do that which they fancy they wish, It is always sale to fears how good you ae from your enemies: You pever get the truth from your [riends. . Why is it a daogerows thing to wit in the free sents at church F-Becauss you lears to te goed for nothing. { A man "hes to have kis children look like him, but a woman wouki a great sight rather have them hondsows. The average woman's husband seldom comes wp 0 ber iden); the ideal, in most cases; ms to come down to the hushand. This day in the world's history: British abwpdon Mpion Kop with loss of 1.651, 1900; Frederick the Great born, 1712; lord Ohurohi? died; 1895, adve. Watch ow windows. THERE WERE LOSSES OF LIFE ON BOTH SIDES. vou cas live il fair it is com ; Refused To Accept The Service Of Papers or to Defend the Ac- But that thowe who are following advertisements this sewson are { - money We hive marted un orumde to reduce our stock awd are doin i by cute i i { { i o-morr el pest week in con nection. with our Tie Sale we will sell 5 COLLARS TOR 25. Bost Eoglish moeke, 4-foMd linen, straight, standing or turn point, or turn dows; good Steing good wear SE JENKIN 8S; Wateh our windows. Bressrerees 'A REMINDER. Now is the i to have your Waggons, Carriages repaired and painted and the place to get them done is at LATURNEY'S, where every thing is done under his own supervision, The queen is anxious for the ruse to be the coronation flower. It is the emblem of England, while the lily of the valley is a foreign flower, and lilies are the national flower of France, Senator Teller (Colorado) thinks the United States government should have ascertained the facts touching commandant Scheepers' trial and sen- tence, and their protest against its execution, Moise Labelle, who committeed sui- overwhelming number of the Boers, eighteen men and their officers were leg was crushed. McHale is survived by a wiie and one son. : Ladybrand. At dawn, Monday, the |ferociously. Within five minutes pa captured a hundred horses and |the duel began both were so seriously arbitration act. This provides that on | AND SATURDAY three armed and four unarmed Boers. | wounded that ambulances bad to be the request of the mayor or other | WEEK. Later a small detachment with some called and the duellists were taken to head of a municipality in which a 13 natives were sent to cut forage sown [the hospital. ock-out or strike is threatened, the . : by the Boers on a farm at Lindeques- secretary of the Ontario labor bhiveaud---- Please note prices and class rust. The waggons were taken along. OUTWITTED HER PARENTS. shall process to. sush municipality and | of goods advertised, 1 twenty-fiv use his best en Vv rit 3 The siepes ae officer, 'the Tt Margaret Schley Elopes With | time. ; ties onnomed to divert ach ps7 gol 1 onl Black Astrachan patrol going in another direction, Cousin of Her Choice. James Gallagher, convicted of man- | ok out. y thinking that the country, near the | projerick. Md. Jan, 2i--Miss Mar |® ghter in the first degree, for kill- |. Co Se JJacket, $aR, EOR $26 rag en "Harm; "wa chee of Doers WE the 06" | Ziroe Schley, the seventeen-year-old | IME Ceorge Seibert, Was sentenced to | SCALPED BY EXPRESS TRAIN | : tachment. were. passing through the | cousin of admiral Schley, outwitted | bitcen years in Auburn. N.Y.. prison bere | 1 only Sable Collarette, hills they suddenly encountored 150 | per parents and the Jaw yesterday | 1'alian legal difficulties have been | McHale Killed And His Body Bad- $30, FOR $22 burghers, who, springing from their | and eloped to Gettysburg, where she oVatiuine and Aegotistions we well ly Mangled. : . big las hod, het. hs, to, | gate he wie of Bear! Rampur, | og Jor. the Jnr of Wh on | pe, 3 sun Shiai. Mo:| only each - Electric" aed manry made a gallant fight, killing | who has been paying court to her for | ¥ 8 gallery Hale, aged forty-five years, was killed ~ A x six and wounding four. Owing to the | gone time. States lash" night cn' ahs entre h Hoag Astrachan Caperines, $a, Miss Schley leit her home for school tracks by a westbound express. The FOR $16; $20, Fon $12 Hed - tc rrond Th hase but instead met Rammwbusg and took body was terribly mangled. The scalp 3 compellec » surrender. ove bas in for York, Pa. Th We orn. fro : a since returned to the camp. The yah nln on > Fate [as dorm Sram Ye bead aid the vight 1 only Pansy Shape British casualties were vue man killed message. Not wishing to incarcerate perire, 14 tails, $18, and seven wounded. #o preity a bride-to-be, the policeman { $1150. Refused To Defend took them to a hotel. They made | 2 pairs Electric Seal Mitts, the foreign powers here have attained '$ FOR $2 the goal which has been their aim | V3 . since intercourse between China and t the powers began. They have been re | A Small lot of Ruffs--One : Emperor Had To Bow. 3 their exit by a rear door, hired a Pek J 24.1 i London, = Jan. H.~--Mr. Brodrick, | team, and were married in Gettys- okin, Jan. 24---The ministers. of scuretary of state for war has refused | burg, nine miles distant, when the of- lo accept services of papers, on he- | ficer caught up with them. hall of Gen. Kitchener, lord Milner 300 PRINCESS ST. Telephone 152. If It's From Right, When this store was opened, some people Since then it has been shown thut very best linings can the constantly increasioy 4. the policy of *" esing Johnston, Tailor and Draper. : PER CENT. REDUCTION CARPENTERS' STRACHAN'S iibbine SCHOOL UF . Classes will be resumed after va- SATURDAY, JAN. 4th, , Other classes usual hours. CHAS. E. WRENSHALL, Chinaware. We are carryin a load of tract you. No harm to come ROBERTSON The Distinguished English PON, CHAMBER! Box Seats now on sale at HANLEY the laughing Mt of 4 Mason." Chinasare. Plenty of bere for your selec ior We Sos re fn intentionally, but sometimes we have broken wets thet will at and seo. BROS. OPERA NEW GKAN HOUSE [MONDAY Jan. 27 Reeves = Smi x Supported by ¢ MISS MARGARET ROBINSON iy strong enst ia HAD: . eXgitisite comedy. "THE TYRANNY OF TEARS." PRICES 25¢., 50¢., 75¢., $1. 8. Nest attraction, WEDNESDAY, Jan. 204th, two contineils, " Are | 8 wemi-official ch and their subordinates in an action brought by Miss Hobhouse to obtain damages for her recent detention by officials at Cape Town, and her . portation from South Africa. Mr. Brodrick also refused to accept res- ponsibility and defend, as war min- ister, the action of officials. it is rumored in the lobbies of the house of commons that a Boér deie- gate, from acting president Schalk- berger, last June, saw lord Rose- bery and submitted peace proposals to him, Lord - Rosebery acquainted the premier with this fact but, ac- cording to this rumor, the cabinet de- clined to consider the matter on the ground that the war was coming to an end with the unconditional surren- der of the Boers. Telegraphing from Paris, the corves pondent of the Times says that Yives Guiot, in Le Seicie, declares that French Anglophobia is a clerical ly and. is applanded in the chamber only by the right. Leyds and Kruger delegates, he intimates, will not attempt to secure peace and he further says that the prolongation of the war is due not to England, but to the Boers. The Times' correspondent, telograph- ing from Vienna, states that the Fremedédhblatt, which sometimes has ster, opines from Chamberlain's sppech, that the Eng- hi overhment is ready in theory to lis to peace overtures from' the Be although it would be difficult to open negotiations. The Boer hope for independence, says the Fremeden- blatt, is mere infatuation which will be succeeded by fanaticism and des- pair, The war secretary, Mr. Brodrick, was asked by William Redmond (Irish nationalist) in the House of commons, A TORONTO NURSE TO GO. Miss Amy W. Scott, For South African Service. Oitawa, Jan. 24.--Miss Chalmers, Adolphustown, appointed to go to South Africa as one of the Canadian nurses, will not be able to go, and Miss Amy W. Scott, Toronto, will go in ber place. % "The will of the late judge Gwynne was probated to-day. It bequeaths a life interest in the entire estate of £53,000 to the widow. After her death, the estate is to be equally divided among the four children. The crockery and pottery manufac turers waited on the customs depart ment to-day and asked for a change from an ad valorem to a specific duty. TORE OUT AN EYE, Too Literal Reading of Scripture Command Proved Fatal. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 24.--Mrs. Bula Abbey, wife of a young merch- ant pear Sparta, Tean., is dead as the result of pulling out one of her eves in a fanatical and literal inter- pretation of the scripture injunction, "If thine eye offend thee, pluck it better to go into heaven having only one eye than to suffer the torments of hell fire." She became "much excited over reli gion early last autumn and since that time, it is said she has been noted for strange vagaries in religious work. BIG LANDSLIDE AT JUNEAU. Thousands of Tons of Rock Crush Flume. lady Helen Stewart, daughter of marquis of Londonderry, left a cabi net of jewels, a gift to his fiancee, jn a cab which drove him to his 'adg's house in London. Detectives were put in search the casket. The Brigands out and cast it from thee, for it is the cide at St. Agathe, Que., was accus ed twenty-nine years ago of the mur der of his father at St. Jerome. The French peoplé consider his suicide a punishanent from heaven, Lord Stavordale. who is to marry the but the "'cabby" returned MISS STONE IN BULGARIA. Cannot Cross The Frontier. London, Jan. 24.--The artist corres pondent of The Graphic, following the case of Miss Stone, the captive Ame erican Djoumai Bala, Salonica, that the cap: tives are now in Bulgaria, eight hours distant from the froatier. telegraphs from missionary, The correspondent says that M. Gar- giulo, the dragoman of the American legation at Constantinople, who is negotiating for Miss Stone's release, is convinced that owing to the strict- ness of the Turkish can clandestinely cross the frontier. cordon, nobody M. Gargiulo, has, therefor, begged » American legation at Constanti nople to ask the porte to instruct [h- rahim Pasha to relax his vigilance so as to induce the brigands to the captives over the frontier bring Fhe ecorvedpondent concludes with saying that it is probable that Miss Stone and Mme. Tsilka will be free within a few days MYSTERY OF TURKISH BATH. Wealthy Man Dies As The Result ceived as representatives of sovereigns equal in rank to the Chinese emperor At the audience on Wednesday the emperor sat upon a dais behind a table. The dowager GIIPTOSE Was con cealod by A screen. The emperor was silent, but replied to the addresses heing made by prince Ching. The for olgn mimsters report that his ma jesty looked weaker and more childish than before the siege of the legations Victorias Keep Cup. Wianireg, Jan. 23.--1t was definite ly decided this eveping that the Stanley cup should, for another rea son at least, remein m the care of the Victoria hockey club, of Winni orium after the Wellingtons, of Toronto, and Vics, of Winnipeg, had engaged in beated argument, which loated she full hour, the sore at the conclusion of thine being five gouls to three in favWihof the locals, and presented the difference in the playing ability of the two teams ------------ Attacked The Brothers. Herclord, Texas, Jan. attached near liberty, N.M., yester hiding. The party opened fire and Dick Spikes was instant,y killed. John Spikes was wounded and is np posed to be dead. Fred Spikes reach is given for the atteck. Sanguinary Conflicts. Constantinople, Jan in the vilayets of Bidlis Twenty men were killofl in the Bitlis peg, This, verdi ¢ wos reached at the | al b the difference of the score exactly re } Hel . \ John, | Fred and lick Soikes, brothers, were | day, by cight or ten argwd men in { ed here. desperately wounded. No cause | 24. The Kurds | are in the field in Armenia dnd san | guibary tribal conflicts have occurred | and Van. | {of each kind at one half res | gular prices.', These are weil | worthy of attention for those | who require an article of fur of this class. INSPECTION INVITED. STEACY & STEACY 106-105-110 Princess Street. UNDERTAKERS, 8. 5. CORBETT, | FUNERAL DIRECTOR, #8) | Ti Kington Svan "ATR 1 -- - mi i JAMES REID, {| THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, Prisoces Street, Telaphons 147A. ed day and sight. T. F. HARRISON CO. Undertakers, 433-235 Princess 84, Wunlity and oficiency the best, Frise the lowest. Pbowes--Waserooms, 90. Night Fe F. HARRISON, Calle, 1B. K, Sills. 98. a ' . DIED, | WELCH In Kingston, on K Welch, m his Yin Jan, uh, Edwin yeas . Fumral private. No flowers | SPAFFURD In Pietm, on Jan, 21st; - Mary Spe ord, agil seventy vight yours | WANNAMAKER- At Grvonbuivh, on Joe. Stet, { William Wanommaker, aged thirty five webdm, on Jan 1th aed i vim. COLLIVER-1n Ki | Ureenbuvh, Bown Colliver of twenty vight vewrs Married On Wednesday. On Weduvesday morning, 220d inst., a guilt wedding took place at the re { why commandant Scheepers, captured by Gen. French, in October last, was executed last Saturday at Graaf Rei- net, Cape Colony. The secretary re- plied that Scheepers was shot because he had been convicted of various of- fences against the usages of war, in- cluding sevén cold blooded murders of natives the flogging of a white man. Mr. Brodrick added that the t that commandant Scheepers was a" prisoner of war, earried no exemp- tion from trial for murder or other New ¥ Ric Tu a Office. = = violafions of the rules of war, wa---- - 379 King Street. Go is pretty sure to be followed Mr. Balfour, the government leader - LOST, b lnvertment in. the house, partially parried an 1571 ON SOUTH SIDE OF JANUARY Jn, between Welli aad streets, 8 plain GOLD RING, mark Ta be arded on re Amrning to 'A. NEW LIVERY BUSINESS HAVING PURCHASED Of Injuries. Ft. Louis, Jan. 24.---A. Dean Looper, fight and both sides suffered heavily at | Van. Bulgarians and Turkish troops | treasurer of the Graham papper com- | have been in- conflict in the vilayet of Chown, a pany, and one of the wealthiest mon | Kossovo. Ten Bulgarians were killed | ton general in the city, died here as thé result of ---------- | by Rev. J, a fractured skull,» sustained in a my Plans A Huge Gift. | ald iat. BA, ME, Combermere, sterious manner w hile in a Turkish Chicago, Jan. 24.-1t is rumored in| Ont. The happy couple left on the bath establishment. William A. Stro- | faculty circles at the university of | noon train for the west, Sher, the colored an in shugo $4 the | Chicago that John D. Rockefeller is | y bat] ouse, who tells conflicting | contemplating a gift of 826,000,000 in | ins' stories about the affair, is under ar | order to see the complete development Jenking ' rest and a diamond rng worth $1,500 | of the university according to prosi- | Will well Lo-morrow five Fuglish col and a Juluatsie pin belonging to a dent W. R. Harper's plans. | lars for 25c., regular 156. quality. Cooper have been recovered from their -------------- hiding place in the cellar of the bath Pension For Widow Jt. A Sledge bamnier covered with Washiogton, Jan 24.--The pension | colliding at the corner of Ontario man residents of Baltimore have made Sook has 80 found in the collar. | oro, has granted a pension of 830 & | and William stiects this morning, No elaborate arrangements for the enter- Sot] er .s od that about midnight a | youth 16 the widow of Cal. Liseum, | 11 wak going down William street at tainmont of the officers and crew of hg A t Mr. Couper a note, which | i (he Oth infantry, killed at Tien Tein 8 rapid pace and met No. 9. at the the German schoolship Moltke, which refused to answer. The boy went during the campaign in China. eurte. The promptoess of motorman arrives here to-day from the West In- | 8WaY and ®on after a man and two -------------- | Kemp' in reversing his cur saved a dies. The vessel will make a stay here Nomen Sitared. aon ge returned Honor For Marconi, | collision, of one week and will then proceed to Tin tho 7S Ry iy ing to Rome, Jan. 24.--King Victor Em The Y. M. C. A. orchestra gave a Amnapolis, where the cadets will pay c th . ys. he fo thanvel has conferred the order of 8¢ | Pleasing convert at Harrowsmith, last a visit to the United States naval |V0OPer on the h unconscious. Mauri ¢ and St. Lazarus upon Wil | evening. The attendance was good, academy. The Moltke is the first Ger- liam Marconi hut would have been better hb the man war vessel to visit Baltimore. si roads not been so heavy. Herr Holleben, the German ambassa- Dont Buy Furs. For comfort, sivie aud sevice wear A IR ee Ee I Fl om ve ook, aroun | FPL Ss, "Fo ae 4 0 . a 3 ¢ We 'belies « ' , | ¥. Forrest «, King » pt. been received from the Boer delegates Moltke at the national capital and a Yi et ry Mills lower than | Angel hice. To try them will be to in Burops but had rejected. New York Et whe Ange -- speciulivts, Wellington street. : | buy them. W. J. Crothers. arrival of prince Hen of Prussia, und, who ix bio vi wo the Soumtey to ~ . For Sunday Eating, tend the christening of the emperor's Don't forget to. order some. of -- : I fine frit. Bananas, oranpes, Malage ny grape , cranberries. J. Hiscock. i Emperor Much Conotrned. Limé Fruit marmalade at Redden's, { Berlin, Jan. M.~FEmperor William the has been so much impressed by . : abi of oka aunt by he in Good Cause For Thanks ployment, that he has expresved a 111 45 A When you have the supreme | wish that the satisfaction of putting on a Col- | of public buildings on his birthday, January 27th, be restricted as far as Raines To Reply. lar or Shirt done up at BAKER'S STEAM LAUNDRY, with a eolpr | We wait you to inspect possible, and that the money tue | Rochester. N.Y Jan Cone > i i in ter, N.X., " pn Jonsider- saved be devoted to charity. It is un- abla interest Is boing HL ros and finish ox it to suit the most are weilng. fastidious, and no rough edges or | majesty is much ; ha asnual banquet of the railw the labor situation | sound money association, which [wld for, Selling such Torge quantities torn button holes to annoy you. § We or tn thas he pra ve aa Vancouver, B.C., Jan. 24.--An enor- mous landslide occurred in the basin above Juneau at 8 mam on January 13th. It is stated the slide was 1, 700 feet in width. Thousands of tons of rock and dirt tumbled from the mountain above the Last Chance min ing company's fluwe and completely demolished it for a long distance. No one was injured, news was brought here by the City of Seattle, which sailed from Skagway last Fri- day. Lockhart, Frontosae when his niece, Miss Mabel E. recent graduate of Kipg- hospital, was married, K. Maemorine, to Regin- iderce of 1 treet, A Man's Home Is His Castle. Why don's vow own a castle ? Perhaps you bave never seriously considered the idea. It this is true, now is the time to Dwesti- ate, 1 'Phone 10. R. BE. Wilson, Prep. DR. €. E. O'CONNOR German Warship At Baltimore. Baltimore. Md., Jan. 24. ~The -Ger- Streit cars No. 9 and 11 came near Let us talk to you sbout our helplul interesting question put by Mr. Me- will row Offic. 4 MRS. EVANS LOSES. The evasive ly of the government he Ro Tried to Poison Husband And Wanted His Estate. Toronto, Jan. 24.--~The appeal of Mrs. Charlotte Evans against a judg- ment that she is not entitled Yo a Share of hwo hundred acres of land t to late hushand, Walter Evans, of Sharon, was dismissed by the division court. The land was left to Evans by hie father, with a provi sion for reversion to his own . if he (Walter) should die before in mother, Interest in the case centred | around the fnct that Mrs. Evans was sentenced some time ago to a term in Jeniantincy fa attempting to poison J. S. R.-McCANN, [jai in bobai'oi the lenders of the 3TREET. » eo nw ol ringing ab- 332 KING out a setTlement of the war, had been Swat CmeSSSRASGESRIE TT ee A Mean Man. Hae Nel AT Nous andl Gon. Botha, hy Proposal of that - Bn roe ---- | which Treat in vhe ¥hig'o"wight' or ol or ie Tart Trt hus tunel IDLE WILLING no | two , into our church," remar ARE You work. Write ot fo id member of an ancient church Jo ol Elo tain any sort of a 3 ! many | fund from the income, accordi ta 3 -- can be done in yy the tariff "of rawcs Ino Tihire _olnan. Armte H, 3 cid, Aid Plans. for homemakers, Larne, liberal, as to whether any pro- WANTED, received by the government since the if negotintions between Gen. Kitchener "It would never pay to introduce a branch of that hugging society, of speak for the leaders of the Boer for- me an Sirnieied "| last ovening. "Why wo?" be was asked. | "The ova -- a y he replied, "it would take ONCE NNER PAINTER (ORANGE La ER Beate would 'B¢ foo m three cont re turng." , upon looking MANAGER TAKE nd olen tor be to further busiftess Because She Didn't Marry Him. Brantford, Ont., our | up the tariff of rates, that old maids could be at three cents each, without a toue limit Wasn't be Townsend township. The defen dant is the wife of Freeman Cooke, to she was married shortly before i s ! to iakes place here to-night, owing to 'amellin: brand, nove be ter, Ko the announcement that senator ov |e. and Be. .W. J. Ceothers, p ; » indeiinitely 3 John Raines, anther of the Niquor tax SBhockl ent fruit. Try some of our "Lim" brand navel oranges, seed Liss, sweet and juicy. J. Hiscock, 9 Princess { Baker's, Street. A. C. JOHNSTON & BRO. Y