GILBERT {PARKER'S FANCER AROUSED BY AN IRISHNAN IN NEW YORK. A REPLY. PROD GRADUATE. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL'S EDL | 52 TORIAL DISCUSSED. Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian . Pacific Railways, WEEK OF SPORTS At Quebac, Feb. 3rd 10 ith, ROUND TRIP KETS WILL BE SOLD A NORLOWS $ Kingston fo Quebec | $11.85 AND RETURN. i COING DATES Feb 8, to 11, inclusive. Misrepresentation And Abuse Re- sorted to--Where--the Clique 'Gets in Its Work--Against Im- portations«-Canadigns Good Enough. Kingston, Jan. 22--(To the Edi tor) : i poticed that a recent number of the Quedn's Lanivérsity Journal eon tpined & seeming editorial in criticism of a letter wristen by "Graduate" to the Whig, a considerable time ago. On account of the wesknéss of his posi tion the writer resorted to the poor and comtion device of misreprésenia tion and abuse--a singular object-les : T -- 7 i stars: | *On in "polish and refivewent. ©» 3 RETURN Lu . rig on - res Judge from the general tone of the ar- ng. from Sa tors at Kid band C. v. it] ticle one of bur Jewiitical friends or Mux . rs Siteet, a disiplé--possibly both--has bees at Take hoe. Ontario § ; openr, Fw, | work again. vhs oo re ar ho G onan as having appeared "rbcemly"" wad by THE BAY oF QUINTE RAI LWAY stating that "Graduate" in 'discus "MEW SHORT LINE FOR ting some of new nppointnients to the stafl said that 'the candidatés wend, Napanes, Desefonto and «ll looal pointe Train leaves Olty Hell Depot a4 4 Telegrogh, on were the choice of one or two sehen: ing individuals connected with the pm RJ WILSON, CPB. We, Clarence Stress I Bath Breezes. Bath, Jan. 24. Mrs. Henry Hudson and Mrs. William 7. Davy speat Suy- day in Kingston. The horse apd cut ter owned by Arthur Howard which went through the ice near here Inst week, were recovered on Son. uy. William Thorugal, Deserouto, is visit ing at Nicholas Meyer's. A sociai is 40 be held on Tuesday next, un der the auspices of the ladies' aid socigty of 'the Methodist. church. Rev. W. 71 Wickeit, preached, in the Nedbdist church here on Sunday evening. Mr. spence taking his place at Morven. R. 4K. Fivkle has been quite sick, Lunt is recovering slowly. Mrs. D. W. Bail is also very sick. " ha ABSOLUTE SECA Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of Soe PacuSimiie Wrapper Dedow, college," the 'writer of the editorial would lead the public 10 believe that the letier was written since the ap- pointmients . were wade and in. criti cisni of them. As a matier of fact "Gradoate's' letter dpplared about the first of August, tWo months baioke the 'appointments wére tg be made, snd was Witten with thé intentions of preventing, if possible, the choice of certain' chulidates for the chair of La- 5 = OI Ah "the new chair in moderns, At nes Poe thdt time it was common talk among students and graduates that a pear relative of one professor and a par ticular friend 'of another professor in arts were candidates for these two chairs, and the information came from QUEBEC, § a prominent official of the university : that these gentlemen were the "'favor- ites." 1¢ was also known thats anoth- #] er candidate for the chair of Latin, who, theve is every 'reason to helisve. is well qualified for the sos' tion, had after questionable prikeshnes on the part of some of the professors in arts, been induced to withdraw his applica tion. Whether "Gradunte's" lolier hat any influence in the affdir or not is a anatter of indifference 30 him, but &t any rate the "favorite" camdidatis wore not appointed, - "Graduate s" loyally to the univer sity is called into questiun, because he presumed to cast refledtiont on cer- tain "prominent members of the se nate." The writer of the editoriaf, with his characteristic. Tanck of logie, seems unable to distinguish betweén loyally to the univérsity and loyalty to certain scheming individuals con- nected with it, the latter of which would be very "spurious loyalty" in. deed. Many have long marked that a clique, always active &nd always to the fore. is altogether too anxious to om own trousers First class round trip tickets will be sold for the above, Feb. 3rd to 11th, at $11.85. Valid for return on or before Feb. 12th. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passr. Depot. DOMINION LINE. Mall Steamships, Liverpool Service. FROM PORTLAND. prrinian, a. ass an, aes a ian, * Pe . » Steamers marked * do not carry pussens ers. 2 PASSAGE Saloon, $50 and - <4 $90 return . Sceond Saloon, 855; Third Close, 826 NEW SERVICE erign te the Meditercanean. To Oititaltar, Naples, ienos, Alevandrin. New Fingland, Jan, 25th Commonwealth, Feb. 12th Cambroman, Feb. 266th saloon, electra light, spacmous dacs. oJ. P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, G.T.R. Stati 42 Clarence St. 0. fORRANCE Boo Gen. Ate. Nulzer He Committed Suicide. Bloomfield, Jan. 22.-fsgac Wilson and wife léit on an extended visit in the 'states, The Wellington amateur tonipdny produced their play *'Colleen Bawn," in the town ball on Thursday evening. J.D. Rowe, C.O.R. opera tor, rénton, spent Sunday at 'H. S. Ball's, 'E, Switzer Has sold his farm to Col. Angus Lighthell, Picton. Mr Switzer will make bis 'future 'howe. in Michigan. Mrs. Sarah Osborne Passed away at the home of her son, W. J. Osborne, on January "Ith, in her wighty-fifth year. Mrs. Osborne had ben an invalid during the past Biteen drs. The funeral was held from ner late residence 'to Salem 'church, Awmeliasburgh. A ted meeting of the council Benjaiin Leavens was appoint- ed assessor and 1. B. Tubbs, collector Mrs. David Chapman snd Adam Say lor are very sick. The "cortjmiinity was hofror stricken' Tast Thursday when it was learned that John Clark had' committed 'suicide "hy hanging. in the barn hdjoining his Rouse. An in- yuest was deemed tinnecessary. A num ber of letters found 'on his Person give the wotive for the 'Fash act. r. Clark was an honest, respectable and} '®,. v . . well-to-do * citizen. He leaves three| he Canadian said : ikive Belleville Intélligesioer sons and w wife. The Mners) was 7 Oh, just plenty of God's owt-of They arp willing quite a joke on nu beld on Saturday from bis Juin 'resi- | 1009. walking, instead of treet cars, | cartain married lady. It is dence to the vault in Glehwoot col and 'less of Pastry than your Americ fghe wat, ap recently tery. scabs in the Methodist | "8% Women indulge in. church 'Were 'rénited on Tresday even Perhaps it was net exactly the re ing. ~ John Bowdfiian has boen very | 10Tt courteous, but for all that. it was sick, during the past (wo weeks, with | oF the : preumonia. Our girls vecoghize the value of physical enlture. They knew that good complexions are born of strong nerves, healthy voustitutions, good circulation, and so théy learn much of the pure joy of living, It is a goodly thing to be a Cana dian girl in the twentieth century ibis A Story Of Tennyson. There is a story of 1 ennyson told by a man of letters still living, says M. AP. He had gone down to ses Ten nyson st his house in Hustemeré, dnd the two friends went out for a walk. They had not gone far when they saw two other pedestrians approaching. Tennyson got wiry exited, exclfimed that these crea'ures would stare him out of countenance, anil put his great flowing cloak--a garment he much af fected--arpund his face, so as to par tially conceal it from their irreverent andl common gare. But the tourists, jury. 'ldvitations are ont for a wed fell unddinseious of the great presence ding on the Zh ult. John Green, | they were passing, walked on, and suddenly taken ill with appendicitis, | they did not even look: and then Ten wus removed to the Hotel Digy hos | uyson turned with a look of wnguish pital to undergo an Operation, | and surprise on his face and saig, The directors of the Cold Spring inc- | "Why, they didn't look at me!" 1. Jan 5 a sorrowlol month for fory, held a special mweting in the ett we our royal family. A exactly a | town hall on Friday.' haye en World's Centenarians Year previous to she death of our Jat gaged the services of Mr. Fitzgerald I a he world WN beloved gueen, on January 21st, 1000, | for 1902. He was maker in Gilt Edge |, '" ph hot Fhe Wotld 4 oy harighs to be exact, the nation sulidred = ih indtory last your. The menthers of | '¢ ® pow $ ' nore people live to be | Toss, of duke of Took, itor of { the CM.BA. have purchassd & row in the higher Iatriatoym climates: Ahan | the princess of Wales, George 1H. died |} iano for their hall. I. J. Dawson {i De hig . wis rT ale somg eighty-one years.ogo on Jasudfy 2nd has taken a 6p 10 - New York: J, | Bgures recently fm wl. The German apd the young duke of Clar- | Scobell, Cape Viacent, has been the hin with 55,000.000 inhabitants bas ence died on Jamuary first American to reach var idund | 200 centenarians. France with 40,000. | i with a Yahkee outfit. Rimsin Mosier, 213. England has only 146 3 commissioner, Walle Island, is to-day | 80d Scotland 16. Swedin has 10, Noy endeavoring with his o | May, 2% Belgiom, 5; Denmark, 2, Our tie sale regular Se. 5 locate the cutter w Theodore | SPain, 401, and Switzerland. none, Briggs lost opposite Coder. island. Servia, 'with a population of 2,250,000 A - has 575 people over 100 Years old. Iv is said that the oldest person living i» Tite Cotrim 'of Rio Janeiro aged Sulzer's The Wanting Adjective. A school inspector was examining a class in grammer and ving to ex plain the relations of adjective apd nouns by a welling example "Now, for instance," said he jam 1?" That was an es and all the children shou "A man!" and then looked trivmphantly, as much as i "Ask another,' "Yes; but what else?" said the in spector. This was not so easy, but after a pa a boy ventured to sng for the discussion of university mat- The Duty of The Mother In Her had hesitated to speak, when circum The duties of the mother begin jong The Tidings From Various Points A Scene at The Press Club Dinner press, pardonlarly as the 'Journal ngeds to koow the physical sins is run in the interests of the general Ars Saying. punished in the person of his child, by His Assailant. apy person, or persons, or cliqué, but Jeagriiers' did not. nttend "the conven: soweth, that shall be also reap ing at the Press club dinner the other i 1 4 : sther w 0 5; and : © ack Gilbi Parker, M 2ad Bb the citizens 'of Kimgwton and of the school at Clitendan Station. Mes. W | Wile together who make the, home the club to attack Gilbert Parker A positive cure for all be a proper place to disewss her af Hurgh and Mrs. Mint and Floyd and | £20% ignorant, 'and obstinate, 9 (continuing the war in South Alrica ; ! action. Journal betrads a bad cane ds well ings. Pedford. 'at "W SBith's ing, and prudent she may be. Enlight publication in the newspapers the revi X : A x i Mr. Chas. Joboson, Bear River, solunns of the J ourndl, which is pub- the home is to Become what it should the right of the toast master, which a nounced Br the battlefield of profestors, 'or cun A mothér shoud know all that sci. {waited grandly around the end of the the senate, is greatly 'to be doubled. apee with physiology should mot be | Giants "William ©. Bryant, and his the 'clumsicft of catsistry, neglects shold be a thorough exposition of the expansive smile. Heo stretched out the { coldly. Talent," as The Whig was pledséd 10 d ni protesiibl a 1 manhood. She should be tinght the | gir 1 hope you understand that no ian 'and préferably an Ontario and a Pe ble of dich devi id care of infancy; the nursing of the {Yiu understand, - of course, how we capable of such a poor device woule almost; prohibits vertain forms of dis- Mr. Sulzer's hand was still this age of cheap books and rapid in key Has returned from the Kingston hold. The details of this necessary | nooket, Cambridge savours of the narrowness den, who recently porchased the saw must be learned in early study, The ed away" Mr. Suleer grow pale, then eligctively Lough and studied in King | The jee on the river is good, and observance of them; and there are 'made a bee line for the door. My that graduates of our universities, and bas purchased ga house and lot from physieal life and well béing that the going even at the top of the examination C. Warner and daughter, Georgie, - ment on the mothérs of the Past and | -Cpich it would not be Proper for me universities, 1 tinderstand, enter on the S.C. Ball hag gone to Centreville ior y t Yery small and as easy k on the street for a few minutes the "one graduate of Qidbn's, who has Thomas Ryder, High Falls, at his Toromio News. ah 3 : (CARTER yn wiking to iv any piace, and | KOARTERS ran aziness. at both mdtriculation and gradus- | friends. checked, clear eved, winter girl Saath "athing A A a fi Fan iat . long experience f attending public 4 ' Ltation® dnd home talent the loss said In no country in the world will you | 48 "Xperience of attending pu * [708 CONSTIPATION. jitical assault on a foreigh guest had, have been Candids, a graduate cities, wy : = GILT ava mt before, that a high will of protection 1S not a frail hothouse flower, sit badd "certain failings, 'peciliar Jo 'the air. Not a day passes that she does | "what does not submit te the hypnotic "in. | adopted country. In 'the first place i z pore, Graduates" loyalty wosld bavet Qu lo oun CORRESPONDENTS Home. stances demanded it. He did noi, before her children. come inv lite, In Busters Ontario--What Peo- | ji. i on Saturday Last--Mr. Parker was not then published and knowing, which be may thoughtiessly commit, : 3 © --_---- ¢ h ; EE : ai rt ot public. Queen's, as has been already Elginburg Etchings. the action of the remorseless law of | New York, Jan, 22.--The Sun se o a public instiudgion, sapported to a ion bs ham on account of the | Wid bats," or whalever else may be night, when William Sulzer took ad of | tion at Sydedh ntario. Ti publi ress. x that, il he is intemperate, extrava- Pm ving that as an Englishman ' . c: Mh of Kimgaton: or awh, Tomast | Laweon 80d Mrs: 1. Spooner are on | 15 y shat the B g Lung and Bronchial diseases, ini y fy = hat iti, i bee swoun, there nits, and the attempt to limit the Mildved Fredenbirah, Lansdowne. af | "ie cabot make the home w once that war had been begun, there ; : Pleasant to take, prompt | as a vi v. fous loyalty." Ee ened motherhood needs 0 be supple morning. Mr. Parker bad come ery "spur yalkey Ry ng Sa Bi A writes: "1 was troubled with lished by the alia mater sociéty, to Le, the great civilizing and uplifting {had heen vacated by Cen. Miles to try Dr. hing used, 'as they have Been this erice' can teach of the prenatal laws of | oueey table, aud approached Mr aa In his defence 'of classical imporia- the superficial knowledge given in the Friend, Henry P. Gillip, eptively ' to 'notice "a very 'essential mysteries of her own physical bets, | Parker eved him u hygienic laws she must obey, if she "Mr. Parker." said the statesraan, ell "Gradugte"®" letder, at is that hoult by chod ) laws of ventilation and of nutrition ; offence was intended in what I said Queens man should be choben: and yet sick; and in what that vigilant and politicians have to do those things poke #8 a writer of superior "polish" Colebrook Oullitigs. case, called by the doctors "dirt-dis- stretched. Mr. Parker put his terchange of ideas," to the "authori "hospital, where she had an operation i 3 y knowledge ean only be learned in Prac- 1° of have no wish to shake hands with and superstition of the middle ages. | will, has it now running in gbod or mother must dignify these matters in | ved, and his hand trembled. Then, #on as suywhere else. Again, hiy large quantities of wood and logs ire pouring in upon us such fic ods of | Parker started up as if to follow him. the rest of wgem, enter Cambridge and | Ward. Nrs. Solomon Ball has had mothers of the futuve, in these res { "There are many things 1 wish to lists," is misleading. In the first | have returned from Morven, where y 3 . x \ present. to say to him while we are both same footing "us 'thoke of Canadian | » visit, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. 0 take as yugen. : 3 A : . Mr. Gillig at length persuaded the taken 'a course in 'Bhgland, took first son's, Arthur Ryder: Maxwell Shan li there is one thing that Canada Qur ar Packer © dea © { Liof. mvigorating climate has Mr. Parker gave up the idea of a FoR BILISUSNESS, | : g . a 4 thy Ww . ot hanquets he had never witnessed quite the better for the former. The best fe¢ so many healthy, well-formed girls FOR SALLOW SKIN. of Queen's and a gradiate of Toronto Their out-door life is Jargely res fn educational * mBtters Ts 'not desir ting in "the house protecting herself genus, which 'are weardely "condhicive not have ber walk, or drive, or skate fluence of the moving spirits of TA they would be sapérior to 'their fel i ing rink is to the girl who is confined in a place of business all day. Go to almost any one of our rinks, and you will find them crowded with the young women who have all day stood behind the counter, or hen seated at the typewriter, or before a set of hooks. | " The cold air, the motion, the invigo- © "A Fitile man." nung SSutyine, Inirly Huta tow life - "Yes: but. there is something - more © them, and topes up bodies and ' "op y eh . -apirits that are sadly oy need of those tan that Jb Pig A poset, for She ellont tohiex. fresh air a youngsters, nut a ter a moment's puz {ust axes io and zied silence an infant phenomenon al : An Rneriéan who was recently visi ! most leaped from Kis seat in his sager . i . y PLY VISIt- [ness and-eried to tho inspector i ing our city said to a man friend : "Please, sir, 1 know--an ugly littl 34 "By Jove! what complexions your re By women have! How do they manage HT =) : pable, when-he deprecates the nse of OUR SHOULD ENOW MUCH. "she colons of a daily newspaper ssi, been "spugigus'" in good truth, if be HAVE TO TELL US Mery A. Livermore, tn Success therefore, siruple to wse ithe public aye, and the duties of the father, also. ple Are Doing and What They ¢ ined a oe os he did, that the press of Kingston in his early manhood, may be fearfully | Declined To Shake Hands With A). he Ee K : of ", i "Whats : fio sonclugio f the s said, is mot the exclusive property of Elginburg. Jan. 23.The Epworth heredity; that Whatsoever a man i After the conclusion of th Y p B S LE considerable ox by the money toriny day. Willie Comell is teaching | *0W™ that ic is the - husband and the vantage of his privilege as a guest of N # y. ¢ ; ng then, of Kingston or elsewhere, must : x 3 > gant, ill-tempered, indelicate, arre- he felt that whe British were right in | X o ge the sick list, Visitors: 'Mr. Fréden Healing and Soothing in digsussion to the more clusum of the Re J. C. Cornell's: Messrs, Hast. | 24ght to be, noimatter how wise, lovs F Zio 0 Sniident that wae too late for effectual in its results, sides, the propefety of alldwing the usénted By enlightened fatherhood, if | late, and was seated in the plae on and sore throat, which the doctor be mude, ss they were last #éssion, agency of the world. TUE the speaking 'was over Sulrer r : {id so, and af in, 'as the orga "of a cligue in being and of heredity, Her acquaint Parker, whe was seated between pre tiobs 'the 'writer of the urficle, with otdinary- school or college even. Jo He opened on Mr. Parker with an { Sulzerian hand. Mr point in the "Defence "of Home with a clear understanding of : if oth hi Pei 1 i would row into healthy, end uring wo- | <1 want to shake hands with you all other things being equal, a UCana- what constitutes heéalthiul food; the ! sit. You ate a politician. 80 am 1. a person dishonest and silly enough to scrupulots cleanliness. consiste which } oo metimes' And. attainments, . His rolianss, inl. oom cp ood TMs, C. ric cases," "from crossing onc's thresh right Rand easily into his ties" and specialists" of Oxford and rerformed, much improved. J. Wor tice and slowly, But the foundations vou' he said to Mr. Sulzer, and tars repeat that Latin (or Greek) can be as der, and is sawing some fine ldniber y i y \ the mind of her daughter 'by her own summoning up his smile again, he question, "How comes it moreover passing over it daily. Stanley Hart light pertaining to all matters of Mr. Gillig asked him where he wa Oxford only as matriewlapts and not a shight stroke of paralysis. Mrs. A. 3 pets, ought. to be a great improve "adv to that man." said Mr. Parker place graduates of even the, Scotch they have Lesn visiting friends. Mra A 3 2 4 guests of this club. I want to talk to uhiversitivsy and ih 'the "second Place | Yourks at Isaac Benn's; Mr. and Mrs. Canadian Winter Girl. b Englishman that ¥ a8 not ia FOR BEADACRE. class standing 'in elastics wt Oxford graw, Alexandria Bay, N.Y., with | can be justly proud of, it is her fresh Eman ha y na | done much at 3 so at i - As' for the "roftive merits of impor for our girls fRucsuit Hut he did say that in £2 [FAR TORPIG LIVER . 2 } sith a formance as Mr Ber of classics' thE Queen's has as on the streets of our Canadian BT HHIANCE FOR TNE COMPLEXIOD und Oxford. I ®ill anit, ns 1 did ponsible for this. The Canadian gis | ablé; but Importations have hitherto from every draught, every breath of control the university. Anyone, who | the good of '(he university und thei By the way, what a boon the skat around \ to day, clique, need not expect fair play, bi lows; they. seem linable to gritép Can : -.) it systematically cried down, Queen's § Stun éonditions, 'educational' or other; i not the dxclusive property of any | 40 SHAT they 'ure dlivays on the persdn, or persons, or cligne: and, al- ROG ole Ror "i other jr in sh though "Graduate does not "claim" ome land, tas not, perhaps, wel Mostesn! and Portland. as the writer of the. editorial would | [°F the reputation of & tian OF of the , Eire the public suppose, to be "node | Mstitition, in 'which he works, to be alter BER MUDA 8 fir 'lovalty to his alma mater," ha [ecto by Kis 'own University . ee baliaves that it is time for those, whe moving heaven and earth to ot there. THE NOW FAR-FAMED BERMUDAS, With | have faith in the future of the univer. Furdher, the 'practice of milking a) communication a equabl nia #itv, to rise to the occasion and | POrtativhs 'begéts Unhianly Huikdyism Wo ny nes, "hake off 8 narrowness and intofer. | 8nd a 'lack "of geli Confidiiice Hmong i 230 Mile rad en Joust io} auce, which if persisted in would work Som fen, ho Sq ho Sheouraged unrivalled in ft atiraotiv by her incalonldble injury. 9 rosecute wi graduate work, Srstoians rca Sadun TRINIDAD oF i man." The Joke Was On The Lady. Pl enty «Fhe: weak ok the powition +f the Queen's, under her able "ane energetic Bailin five dare a ey 'Writer of the article is even more pal. | Principal, i not the suiall fospitution ailince every five ar . hs Sie a A a she was thifty or wen fiftoéh' years AC bar ee a E, rei ago; and the other Cniidian univer Don't buy of dealers who limit Shit Rian BE | con Or Pere thet by steamships of the sen rom i § Fates, Have, after Raving the highest When a man wants coal, he don't ' "I standing at Homie, gone abroad and want a proviso with every bushel, distinguished themselves in post grad We have plenty, and we sell all | i LR Unte work in the Best foreign univer i Se ------ : : adiaie, 'somé Of 'then Queen's gradu till a a) ] . on the morning, waiting for her he home. At last wore out with her went upslairs, to retire v find the missing hushand (her | wen end "44 "3 THE RATHBUN CO, hand to come weary and lonely vig be Wpely vigil § sities Who hate Improved. Many Can re. essmchio Co from New York, 'Speefsl i. - ION 'par RE. Madiana, 6th For descriptive Laphlets Kities. I repent that, all other things being 'equal 'or néarly "oq uil, Canadiane and" perferably OmtaMlo and Queen's sailing apply to A. EMILIUS you want all the time. men should get appointments to the ------ Some Island Incidents. Wolfe Island, Jan. 20--Pateick Mec- Dérmoti, jr., who is always veature sofic, was the first to cross the ice with team. For the past two or three 8 he has been engaged haul: ing straw. The crossing to Cape Vin: 'ent 8 qlite safe. On Wednesday ctening, at the residende of Jahn Loughlin, an "At Home" took place, participated in by a large number of friends. Danling and other amuse | ments were intiulged in until mid night when a de'icious repast was fur nished. A surprise party will be held it the resiilénce of Patrick McDermott to-night. While Thomas Flyun, sr., wan driving io church on Sunday hi hase hecame unmanaghble, upset- ting 'the cutter and throwing him hoavily to The ground. He was drag god some distance, but escaped in- ing down town he had stolen up [stairs and crawled into bed CO, Agen Hroud- Se ¥ or J.P staff, RELIEVE, Ki Ee Sot. ARTHUR 3 * A rhe BP eotacy. Gen The writer' of 'the editorinl, doubtless with a vague and stupid 'consciousness tary, Quebea. v The «Preference Shown by. Think of the Worthléskness of his production, / : ing People for Dr. Chase's 8 Live I and : Atlan Lire Vs onderry, Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- 8% to" both accuracy of Tact and logic of Presentation, has recourse {o that awl it CT -- made his wife so mad she would ne t speak to him for a. wee ------------------------ Pill Sense. It stands to reason that Dr. Agnew's Lite Liver Pills will crowd out of the markt many of the nauseons old timers. A better medicine at lesa | than half the price is all the arguement | needed to keep the demand what it has been phenomenal --{orty doses 18¢ They cure sick headache, Liliotusness, wind allay all stomach irritations: 100 pills for 25c. Sold by E. C. Mitchell, = A COSY BRIGHT ¢% = Is an attraction fur svaryome. The dheery dow and intense heat of our Coal wid make (teal fois with ple during he | sold weniber It's Jeet ihe Kind to cool with, too. Lal wa 8 your Lin with BOOTH'S COAL Wea UL oF: 3, E59) J Cita TRE WHOLESOME & SWEET i} PELIGHTS THE COOK | ALR A { Royal Mall Steamers. tine -- Record Sales Last From Haiitey, Manth. ' " Jan, 20 a. . tm---- Erb. Sed} Considering the large number of . oo Keb, 100} rinsedies for co and cold that BATHS OF PASSAGE, ate Bow offered 0 thE public, 'aiid in surn, BRT and upwards pan of he fact Shak I ¥ Kis ann 4 yo Pe ot a : » 4 y a prepargtion of his "po. #8 a finisl nam re ote. | SRE A OR mtr | ato Foi "oolien lr fh x nd "ac Pun beh] tite Yor the "miedicin® asked for, "it large pace of The nike-ip of some in. : ; ah nis truly Tel ble that fe- | dividuals. What 'the lished and re- Y 3 4.00, and for 4 Chase's Syrup of Line man mites the totms, in Sian on 03 Qu Papen Be | wed and Tu in Sliobid MicreBse which he criticized "Cradubie's" fot . - viren P re bs : ter, he does Wot shdw of even attempt ie Bn Ry to show, while the facl (hat the letter a struck home is & testimonial to ifs files the Técortt tiorth in its Poor and soMimon resort of bhaflled and Petty 'pedants, "We tries to make Fie Cabin rites, 15 wod upwards; re amenkls Tor hiv lack of arguient by, + y 5 i a---- Broken Sizes. | Bet ter empty tables than a lot { broken «izes, #0 vou can fake you | pick of any of our wens suits, former mie, effectiveness, However, discussing par such trivialities is puerile 'in fhe ex OEY. Ww. L . treme, and Tt waR fot in the fist place. nor Wi AoW, The olifect of - GRADUATE. i -- ------------------ A Sorrowful Month. roedy-o wear | £13, 844 and | for 29 95 Spot cash, i ent out on approval Uf en Qaturday | night unthl 10 pw. [i dngeton Pros ---------------- Alliterative Definition. i for, Helen Blazes What is a five o'ek ok | tea ? » Synicas--Giggle, gabble, yolblk » wits | _ Dominion Business TORONTO. MS ----b---- { Everything At Cost For 2 Weeks. i Rubbers excepted, at Alerpethy's | Wick taking sale of 'boots, shows trunks and valises. ------ Still Booming. IAN EASY CURE FOR RHEUMATISN, #1 tics at Be, at Jenkins. F Ratbe she parte "with hot wat v, vik wiih i Fitws RESTHOL LINIMEXT, tes - A Guse pternally Dmeediinte seit Sob ard | To whorrow, Sh ucieron The MEW | ove. TA Shees rontait will " roloréd shirts and new hate for fen, { Unitermelly achuowlodged es (he beet 17d Bibby ®, omens dor ul sche od pao, 25 Sand 31 Timothy C. Harrington, member of | { I : fi +3 & | Pigg wey I -------- It Makes New Trade. ' t advertising is merely a given smount of ir needs--u resl service to the. peo Pe 24 well 'as a benefit. 40 the. adver. parliament for the harbor division of i the &ity, has been recldited Tord way or of Dublin. * A Wilson, gover t candidate in Laval, has ied fo justice Lan getier for a judicial recount. See' our wew "soft and wif frond {oolored #irta Every pattern ex | ith diy we sales oF FUMARSCR, (4m KC 00, weil, Dr, Chase's Ointment es oa | Se be LR nls ot ofl desprivis, CURE YOURSELS 1 SALES Household Furn ture. & BROWN pave css o AUCTION a a a