[LT . COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What is Going on in the Busines. World--The Marxet News. | The Imperial insurdpce company, bmited, the Allignce sssurspce compmay, and the lmperial life insurosce company sre to be smh meted. i Some iden of the vast wealth of London may be gathered from the fact that the fire insirante carried by the metropolis is now $4.500,000,000. Cansds's fire insurance smousts Ww $IS6.20T008. Negotiations are ou four lor the formation of sn European union io the waichmaking industry, beadhd By Brvaot & May and the Dismond match company. Following are the total European ports since | BACHELOR" ~~ Oliver Onions. CLOTH .- $1.2 RB. UGLOW & C0. apple shipments to mason opened: Boston, 123,725 barrels; New York, 111.504: Portland, 58,347; Moutreal, 122 406; Hall fax, 194,776; Be. Joba, 3,018; Total, 613 9786. The amalgamation in the Enolish iron and steel trades is now practically completed. Guest, Keom & Co., and the Netileford Co's, of Biraviegh, snd Newport, Monmouth, sre the prime factors, The amulgamation is bs stated to be the larvest of the kid in the United kingdom. The estimates of the United States miot bares pat the wold production of 1901 at $80,218,800, agninet $79,171,000 in 1900, which was the highest reord in gold pro ductiun that the United States had over mods. They put the silver production of 1901 at 69.608,788 ounces, against 57,047. 000 ounces in 1900. 3 ; re hrragemtete haves bsenaenterod inte. loge, trade combination among waggon builders of the English midiaseds. The Metropolitan wag: gon company, Messrs. Brown & Marshall, and the Oldbury weggwon company are prime mowers in the arrangements sid negotiations have been opened with the Ashbury carriage compgny, the Manchester wagwon companhy, and other leading works in the trade. The capital of the three compevies why are the prime movers is £370.000, sy It is mov generally known that mining op- ermtions are now going on but a short dis tance: from Brockville, sed the fndications point to a successful business, Iron pyrites are being taken out at the farm 'of Mr. Sloan, on the 2nd concession of Klizabeth- wwn. Mr, Sloan bus refused a tempting of fer for the farm from a Buffalo firm, pre ferriog 10 operate it Wmsell. A shalt bas been sunk down some thirty feet, and three carloads of irom pyrites taken out and whip ped to New York to she Nichols Co. ois considered a valuable deposit, and is chiefly | weed in toe menuisciure of sulphuric and nitric melds. | pro popular 'with the la- tterne are colored beau- Beotch Hessian or , and are sizes: x } , The thet all homes can or more of thew. I your Prices In Toronto. Potatoes--The market is dull, with fair offerings. Cars are quoted at 63c. 10 63¢, i por Meg, on track bere, wad the jobbieg price Ste. Dressed bogs are dull at $7.60 "to 7.60 { commons w-day Joba medinona raised | Sr for beavy, and at $7.70 lor lighy, in car Jote. Hox products steady. We quotei--Ba- | eon, long clear, selis at 1040. to lle, in| won aud cass lots, mess pork, $21; do, | short out, $22. May, buled--The market is steady, good demand. Timothy quoted st $9.95 w $10, ou wack for No. 1, sed ui $8 w $8.50 foe No. 3. wu, send your & n | Montreal, Que., and will send post paid, newest de- to wake selections from. with | MR. REDMOND'S SPEECH IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, Rebellion a Question of Expedien- cy, Resistance a Duty--Com- pulsory Sale of Land Demand- ed--Coercion Act Ruthlessly { Applied. Londen, Jan. 28. ~In the house of | the question oi Irish grievanois. He | declared that instead of 'remedying | the admitted wromgs, the governiuens bad fallen back on tbe vid methods of coercion. 'the irish people would yet teach My, Wyndham, the chief score | tary for ireland, 10 repent his rash re- | fusal to gent the reasonable demands of Ireland in regard to the compuisory | sale and purchase of land. 'Lhere was | no country in the world where crime | wae less frequent than in Ireland. Yet | the coercion act had been resurrected | after a decade, and bad been ruthless { ly applied to scores, including members | of the house of vommons, who bad | been unjustifiably imprisoned, and trial | by jury had been abolished. The | whole intellect of Ireland was against | the government, and in such ewcum- | stances resistance to the government | was a duty, and rebellion became mere: | ly a question of expediency, ! John P. Hayden, lrish nationalist, | seconded the dmendment, i Replying to Mr. Redmond, Mr, Wynd- ham traversed almost all of his state ments, and declared that no govern | ment expected to settle the Irish ques- | tion, but only hoped to do a little to- | ward improving it, und that the land | i act of PT was (00 drastic a' measure, | having produced a litigious war, which | had ruined many people. The chief | secretary for Ireland said that the | strongest argument against introduc- | ing compulsion into the purchase and { sale of land was that such action | would provoke every landlord and ev- | ery tenant to fight from court to | court, on every disputable point. He | reiterated. his conviction that the pow- | er of the United Irish league was de: clining, that it had only seventy-four branches, and that it was having a | prejudiced effect upon economies. The present agitation, declared Nr. Wynd- | ham, was the work of a few determin- | ed persons, and no man who was not a eur would hesitate to take wuch steps | as were open to him to suppress this | wretched form of bullying the govern- | ment. Mr. Wyndham said he was de- | termined, while dealing justly with | Ireland, to Fght for liberty and the | protection of property. AMERICANS NO FOOLS. They Know The Facts re. Eng- land's Cubans' Position. London, Jan, 24.--Jhe Times in an | editorial, says that/the eagerness of | the semi-official press of the continent to disredit lord Cranborne's statement | seems likely to defeat itself. The Am- | ericans are quite ready to be friends, but they know the facts, and do not care to be taken ior fools. "We do not | pretend that England was actuated | t { | | resolution was unsnimously fp Will Aid in Raising Money to . Build Grant Hall. Toroato Globe, A medting of the Queen's alumni as sociation of Toronto was held last night in the.pariors of Old St. An drew's church. Rev. Dr. Milliggh, the i of the association, occupied the chair. Alex. Beaton acted as sec- retaty, and there was a fair attend ance. The object of the megting was to consider the situation with regard to the proposed Grant hall. It will be recollected that the students at Queen's have undertaken to raise the money needed to erect this building, | and the meeting was called to discuss { the advisability of helping in the work, After some discussion the following "The Queen's alumni association of Toronto, having learned that it is proposed to erect a pew convocr 'ion hall, #¢ & memorial to the work done y esteemed principal, to be known ad the 'Grant Hall," it ig re- solved very heartily to endorse this proposal, and the alumni present ag- ree to deo all in their power to aceom- plish what they consider a most fit- ting and worthy undertaking." Subsequently a committee was ap- pointed to set on foot and prosecute a canvass for the purpose of raising funds. The meeting heartily approved of fhe idea of holding a social gather ing about Faster. ' The secretary was instructed to write to principal Grant expressing the sympathy of the association in his regent illness. -------------- DRILLED. 18-4. WELL. Chain "Gave > ------ Way And Bucket Broke. Grafton, Ont., Jan. 24.--While dig: ging a well near here, Ira Merriam met with an accident which resulted fatally. He was down shout seventy feet and had fastened a chain to the | ordinary cable to reach the bottom. While the man at the windlass winding up a bucket of carth was the { chain gave way, and the bucket and contents fell some fifteen feet, strik- ing Mr, Merriam and breaking his back. It was some two hours before he was takes out, and he lived only an hour aflerwards. He leaves a widow. ---------- Neglected To Notify. Because of neglect to notify . the Wolie Island council that the equali zation assessment of the latter town: ship has been increased to meet the taxes of the island to the Sydenham high school, and would remain at that increase until the island rejoinvd that school district, there will be no increased taxes paid by Wolfe Island ors this year, as the old rate has been struck. The Wolie Island coun- cil has recently had legal advice that i no township cab be forced to be con pected with a high school. Thereiore the increase of equalization wil be | appealed; and the matter will go to i arbitration. Quit Work This Morning. shorn About--Nothing Escapes At tention. . Rumors of coming trouble in AFR ghanistan are current in India. Nichol Black, of Appin, died sad- dealy while driving near Uxiford Cen: tre. Mrs. Frank C. Coates has returned from a visit to her parents at Napa- nee. | Mr. Pense was able to be out of doory to-day, the first time in over a week, The shipments of bituminous coal irom Canada to Europe have proved very saccessiul. Mr. and Mre. John E. Lawrence, Rochester, N.Y., mie guests ol friends on Brock street, Thomas Loney, fireman Michigan Central, at St. was killed by & train. Ensign Bloss, at the Salvation army barracks last night, delivered a lecture on the Klondyke. Hon. William Harty is steadily im- proving in health. He was able tw sit up in bed to-day and peruse the daily papers. The masons of London, Ont., dedi cated the new blue room in the masonic temple and held a ball in the evening. It is likely that a ishing bank will GoldenLion block, where the grocery store is now located. on the Thomas, branch of a flour glass pots, . strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, peach, greengage, apricot. James Redden & Co The provincial medical health in spe tor of Manitoba reports an alarming epidemic of small-pox at Winnipegosis. Saturday will see the biggest yet in overcoat prices. Don't hunt tomorrow. Urand Union. The Montreal Herald has secured the serial rights for the novel "'Grau- stark," the first installment of which appeared on the 18th inst. Captain Edward M. Marshall, form- erly of the Boer army, has been ar- rested in London, charged with forg- ing cheques in South Africa. Four of the street cars had to be side- tracked this afternoon; their mo- tors burned out. In consequence the service was seriously affected. Ontario has a forest reserve of 2, 500,000 acres. This is & sufficient un swer to the charge that politicians care only for present advantages. There are murmurings of a storm at the county council session next week. If things pan out as promised there will be some warm things to re- cord, W. Graham Williams, druggist, Tor- | onto, and Flora, second daughter of Mrs. R. A. Mcintyre, Toronto, form- erly of Kingston, were married on Wednesday. Officials of the Yukon & White Pass railway interviewed Hon. W. 8. Ficld- be opened in the SC BIRR Wes RE in Th cuts pase this store if you are on the overcoat 56 LADIES' SPECIAL BARGAINS We have just received the following and will offer them To-morrow. FANCY FLANNEL AND CASHMERE WAISTS. These are a manufacturer's sett of samples and are all different styles and prices, We will offer the lot To-morrow at : HALE PRICE. 108 lot Ladies' Fiae White Flanpeletie Nightgowns, Full sizes and made from a high grade Pure White Flannel ette, new trimmed yoke, and are extra good gown at $1 regular, Sale Price To-morrow for this 69¢. EACH, sale at 10 o'clock. "JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. 70-172 Princess Street, Kingston. wholly by sentiment," says the Times. | "Our interests were on the side of Am- | erica, and we had sagacity enough to understand that this was the case. At the same time, sentiment entered large ly into our motives. We were honest- The union wen, who were employed | | by the street railwa, company to clear | | ite tracks of ice and snowpduit work | | this morning. They claim ihat the | | company promised yesterday to re | { move the non-union wen thus employ- Steaw~The markee is quiet and firm. Car Jote on track will bring $6. Poultry--Markets unchunged. Turkeys, Pe. | to 10c. per Ib; frosen, scalded, oud ball | fatted stock sold from Be. to Bjo. Geese, | dry picked, Be. to B§e. Ducks, 60c. to 900. | ing, acting minister of railways, in regard to the freight rates charged by the company. The Dutch pro-Boer press publish a note, issued by Mr. Kruger, -declar- | ing that no place negotiations will be HONG LEE 838 PRINCESS STREET. Cold Weather. Turvig 904 the fnew laundry work done chickens, young, S0¢. Ww Tbe; old, 8c. wo ' Bue. ---------- Wants A Good Man. "1 don't agree with the published statement that the policemen did not want. outside detectives to come here | to investigate the recent body-stealing { case," remarked a member of the po- 'lice force to-day. "On the contrary, we would Jike 10 see the very best de- tectives come and we would give them every assistance. We have failed, and if an outsider should be successful, the knowledge that we would obtain from his methods would be of the greatest service to us, I would give one day's pay towards having Ya first-class de , lective brought to the city and put feceipts, 800° op the case.' Injured In a Collision. George U. Cornelius; driver of a de livery sleigh for the Imperial steam laundry, was the victim of a serious accident this worning. He was get it stood opposite and in the act of pick rig. Cornelius was thrown over the dashboard with much violence, and sustained internal injuries, the ex tent of "which is not vet known. He was removed to his home on Albert i gf! i; i i + § I 4 sl Fr i: id i § if i i it F gh of i 3K i has not set in. ly glad to do the United States a ser- | vice at a critical time. They have al- | ready recognized that, and will recog- | pize it still more when the details of | the negotiations come to be known." | FOUGHT BOERS WITH RELIC. Killed Ten And Then Beasts Were | Driven Off. Paris, Jan. 24.--A strange story comes fram Lougepierre, in the de- | partment of Saone-et-Loire. A pack | of wild boars broke into the town | and terrorized | the citizens, and al fierce struggle ensued between the men of the place and the beasts. The field keeper was attagked at the door of his house, and saved his lie by tear- ing from the wall a cutlass, relic of the first empire, with which he sve ceeded in driving back the hoars that threatened him. After ten of the ani- | mals had been Killed the remainder left the town. 4 AGAINST ASSASSINATIONS. Death Penalty For An Attempt to | Kill President. Washington, Jan, 24.--The bill re | lating to anarchy has been decided on hy the judiciary committee of the | | i for an attempt to kill or assault the | president or anyone in line of succes | sion for she presidency. An accessory | before the fact will be dealt with in | a less degree. A counsellor of the | deed shall be fined or imprisoned. | Anarchists shall be shut out of the country. Seb ! SAVED BY A WINK. Showed Symptoms Of Animation In Sight Of Coffin. } Tarbes, France, Jaw, 24.--A man of | this place named Saist-Soully has | been saved from the horror of being bored alive by winking as he ing in hi mn. He bas since remained unconscious, and ime | movable, the only sign of continued | fe being the fact that decomposition i ed, because wany of them were : out: | soneidered except upon the hasis siders. When the union men saw, thi ¥ I this | the retention of Boer independence. imarning. that the promise had not | "A jumber of delegates are in the been fulfilled, they began to murmur. | city from colleges in Toronto and The authorities heard of the affair, and | Montieal to attend Queen's conver called the men off work. The union | gasione to-night. The visitors were of : Bad Pipes. It's natural that defective i from her late home, [to St. Mary's cathedral, where high {Iv house. It provides the death penalty i! men were composed of members of various unions, including shoremen's union, helpers' union and tective association. the iron workers' the laborers' pro- ninemsn, The Funeral This Morning. The funeral of the late Mrs. W. Robertson took J. place this morning Rev. kr a lengthy masses was celebrated by Hanley. The cortege was ong, the de cased being The rick Brady, W. V. Roche, E. Dwyre, P. McClusky and T. Tallon. The re- mains of the bride of four months were laid out in her wedding cos tame, Sunshine. Ladies' Home Journal. A pocketful of sutwhine Is butter far than "drowns the dally sorrows oung and of the od; And brigh every prospect' Of the piv that we amet. A 1 of sunshine make the world akin, load of sorrow he burdéned backs of sin; ng light and knowledge ' Through the thorav paths of lile; It _gilde with silver Nning . storm clouds of strife, Made The Streets Worse. Co tion laborers were to-day en a digging ditches along the | edges of the streets. The snow and ice removed, instead of being carted away, | was thrown imto the street, making a fearfully uneven road bed. Some por- Lions of Ring and Princess street were thus almost impassable. A number of the merchants, at their own expense, had Joad after load of ice and. This was the long- | Stephen street, | ; very popular | | among a wide circle of friends. | bearers were : Edgar Summerby, Pat: i driven around the cit® this afternoon. Jugtice Meredith made an order for | the general administration of the es- | tate of George F. Gilson, London, | against which claims were made Ly three widows of the deceased. W. C. Seott, of the Bell Telephone company, Muatreal, and a former Na panee newspaper man, was in the city | to-day. He is as jolly as ever, though | somewhat #touter than when he | groumded at the newspaper mill. Nothing has been heard of the Brit ish cruiser Condor since December 2nd, on which date she sailed from Es- | quimault for Honolulu. The failure to | obtain news tends to confirm the pub- lic fears that she has been lost, | { CHINESE SLIGHT TO KING. Celestial Coronation Envoy Said | To Be Without Distinction. London, Jan. 24.--A despatch Pekin to the Times says that one of { prince Ching's sons has been nominat- led to represent China at king kd { ward's coronation. The envoy is with- | out personal distinction and is quite | unknown. The correspondent regrets | the inadequacy of the representation. The correspondent writes optimistical- ly of the outlook since the Chinese re- sumed control, | | i | Some Day. Page. Some 'day 1 sbull awaken, As from & quiet sheep, 1 To fund the darkening shadows That pile, a taagled bosp, Between my soul send sonhirkt Gone, like might cloml scrolls, And 1 know bave awakes Within the land of souls. Sows day this sound of turmoil As by u mighty arm, Awd fo! the land of guiet, Sean doy. He's waves and billows hy noise ad stormy Bowling conse, Rev. Mr. Sparling Injured. Rev. William Sparling, woof the Metropolitan church, Toronto, is confined tn the house with a sprained ankle, which he susteioed while play- from ball in the Y.M.C.A. gym GAS POLLUTES THE SEA. ---- Corsican Trip May Therefore Be 2 Abandoned, London, Jan. 24.--A doubtiul story comes from Monte Carlo, to the of fect that M. SBantos-Dumont may abandon Fis proposed attempt to make a trip ro Corsica inhix de rigible balloon, owing to the authori ties stopping his gesmaking, because the refuse polluies the sea. On the other hand, it is reported that his first experiment has been delayed for a few days by an imperfection on the part of his apparatus, which can Le remedied. CONGRESS OF CHAMBERS, Attempt Made To Have It In Montreal. Montreal, Jan. 24.--An effort will be made to have the next congress of chambers of commerce of the empire meet in Montreal in 1902. Av » meting of the board of rade a com- mittee was appointed to interview the dominion government with a view to having this important gethering held in this city, May Run In North Brant. Paris, Ont., Jan. 24.~1t is curren ly reported that Thomas Evans, ex mayor of Patis, will come ont as a socialist candidate ia North Hrant to contert the soit at the approach ing provincial elictions im opposition two B. Burt, MPP. ---------- | Two Years For Burglary. Owen Sound, Jan. 24.~-Janwes Yomp Hine; a -well-know) was arrested a we'k ago for breaking into L. M. Grast'a butcher shop and robldag the till, wes sontenced by magistrate Srepcer 10 two yours in Kingston penientiaty. -------- Joint University Dinner Proposed. Ottawa, Jan. 3.~A joist eniversity dimmer ix spoken of in Lake place bere some hase in Febroary., Graduates of Queen's and Wolii | waiver discussed the matter, and ORF pl cold weather. joint or a slight leak it ought to be given attention now. remove the bad spots by repair- ing them and thus save you annoyance and expense. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. wn losal crook, w 1 umbing should do its worst in If there's a bad we'll THE WORLD HAS NEVER SEEN ITS EQUAL Paine's Celery Compound Used By The Wealthy as Well as By Those in Hamb.e Circumstances For The Bsuishment of Rbeumatism. ie The most devoted and earnest friends of Paine's Celery Compound ore the men and women who possess ample means for the employment of the best medical skill. ! Uslery Compound has been 2 and tested by our best peuple { for the cure of rheumatism, and in every case it Bas been victorious over | the disouse, It has saved thousands of puined-packed, dipsbled and erip- vied rhuumatis fot whom Physiciing a #0 more than order a change of climate bid them hethe in some wioersl dgriag. Min. V. McMann, vy writes about ber bus. follows : duty to let you hat Paine's Celery Compound for husband. For two 1enr very much from rheu- maiian in the back, and became wo had that he conld not bend, moop or «it in 8 chair ut table, and | was ob