a " ; Makes delicious bouillon for afternoon receptions. : io A ES [REE OF SPORTS vabec, Feb. 3rd to fib. J} TRIP TICKETS WILL AS FOLLOWS: DATES-Feb. 8, to 11, Inclusive TRIMIT + Tickets valid return: ons Quebec 'on, or before Feb. 12, 1002. Youll partictiers at K & V. asd G PR Ticket Ofon Ontario Street. ¥. CONWAY, ¥. A FOLGER, JR: Cen. Pasa. Agt. d Gen. Supt. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR ARY 310 11. First class round trip tickets will 'be sold for the above, Feb. i, sicinrs 3rd to 11th, at $11.85. Valid for mend. Malt grocers return vo or before Feb. 12th. © J. BP. HANLEY, Agent, City Passer. Depot. "DOMINION LINE. Mall Steamsh Liverpool Service. Fl FaoM PORTLAND. a a att 8 JE ASSAY. Suess $50 and " $90 return Second Saloon, Class, $25 i Thind "SERVICE "20.0 Frances. "BERMUDA ..! AMED BERMUDAS, WITH and winter 'BOVRIL is invaluable for culinary . J 7 'emergencies, always prepared and 'always tasty. oe essity for invalids. Used by over 500 hospitals throughout the i i MALT ' BREAKFAST-F00D. ceived by substitutes thing just as good thal some dealers try to supply for the sake of "extra diate and favorable taste impression of Malt Breakfast OUT CLEAR. rt The Pres! Church Asked to Raise $38,000 a Week For Six Weeks -- Church Building Is Booming in the West. The Christian scienfists own 8 9, 000 church at Berlin, : Last Sumlay the bishop of Ontario confimbel twelve candidates in St. Mark's church, Deseronto, The Canadian Churchman protesis against the presentation of Pas sion Play on the stage. The official bosrd of the Sherbrooke Methodist church has extended a call to Rev. CO. E. Bland, Montreal. A movement is on foot to build. an- other Methodist church in, Ogdens- barg;: pod $6,000 has been subscribed. The "Tennox and Addington Bab bath-sshool association's convention will be held in Yarker, the latiér part of February. One ont of évery 150 in the Island of Formosa is a christian. In ina only one in every 2,000 is an addher- CLA ' TO 4 ent to christianity. i " According to the statistics of : : TN Jewish emigration from Roumauyia, 4.553 Roumanian Jews came to Am erica during the year 1900. The num- ber during the past vear hus Lpen Th ER much loss, z Russian the in a among 100 census. returns reveal presence of 640,000 idolators population of 135,668,000, which for every 121 men there are giving blood. © ; If you feel, drowsy, ianguid,-- are constipated, have pimples of blotches breaking out on your body, the remedy for you is Burdock Blood Bitters. "1 have been BES, ale my brother and sister-in-law, and we find & most Jelistle: and efficacious od We r it from J. BR Ault & Sons ot torn MISE G. Me WATSON, Aultsville, Ont. or B:B.B. is a highly concentrated my Ti reutedy, --only 1 teaspoonful at a dose,~ you add the water yourself. ---- a A----------r T_T There 1s No Bubait ts Fir ter, ix to be transiecred from Toronto to Winnipeg, where he will have full charge of the western business of the company. ov. H. A. Naylor, BA., a Church of England missionary in the Klon- dyke for six years, has been comprell- od by ilbealth to leave his work ana return to a milder climate. Religious intolerance has taken a new turn in Russia. In certain pro vinces there are 130,000 dissenters, From next year state church mission: aries will he stationed in every vil- lage, and all the children will be compelled to . attend the church schools. Vancouver has an epidemic of church building in Methodist circles. For nipe years 'there was no extension, and then Fairview chorch was organ: jzed and built, Mount Pleasant dhuich enlarged, Wesley church, now opened, and Princess street busy putting up a new edifice. The past Year has been one of great activity in Presbyterian church hoilding in Manitoba, and within the past month churches have been open: ed at Moline; Clandeboye, and Marge. The territories: have had two new churches dedicated « recently, at Day- heeak and Coalfields. The latter iis the pioneer church of the district. Rev. Dr. Warden has issued a finan- cial report of the Presbyterian church schemes for the year ending February 25th, There has been $02,050 © sub- scribed, but it is estimated that tke amount equived| will he $291 008, making a requisite of R198.950, with in the next six weeks, to end the year. wighout debt, upwards of £33. 000 a week, or nearly $6,000 every day, till the books close. . Rineardine Reporter: Rev. A. H. Going, of Stratford, preached on. Sun: day strongly opposing a. Carnegie li: brary. It is wonderful how many es says and lectures we ges these days' in plage of the old-fashioned gospel: - Hamilton Times ; "Ret. Dr. Nilli- 'gan deniies that higher criticism of the bible: i« inspired on the devil. The denial having len entered, it is now the turn of the acowgy' to put 16 evi dence to prove his ease. Will he call Old Sooty ? There is J that, avcoraing to membership _of the churches of the United States comfiled by Rev. Br, Carroll, who was in charge of the re Vigious statistics of the federal census of 1500, the menibership of the vari ous religious bodies of the country at the und of the year 1901, over that at the end of 1000, had increased in larger proportion - than the popula- tion of the republic ih the same peri od. ~New York Mail and Express. fa Torento on. Thursday night en inform! conference of the christign unity association was held, which may be attended by the most far- reaching consequences. It is geverally conceded that much of the money ex pended in ntission work is wasted he cause of 'the duplieation of mission stations. Leading men of the Angli- can, Presbyterian and Nethodist churches mel and talked over the wl visability of dividing up the territory in such a way as to secure the great: est possible return for the money apent Sud 0 Jessen phe rivalries now iroquently' so detrimental to the caus) of religion. A committee was appoint el to draft a memorial that will sion and will be laid before the governing bods ins of 'the churches represented at the conference. No grain food peeparation. for hreakiast can ever becomnd a snbsti tute for Malt Pieakinst Food. The members of a fauily having oe weed Malt Breakinst Food can never be de or the seme srofit, Malt Dicakiust Food with its i fous nutty Savor makes an de Jone that voung did old 'pie and' enjoy No other breskisst food can so well whet the appctits for an enjoyable brankfast. When you have partake ood gt tha mern- ing neal you go forth to your Ia bors with full visor and emergy. for {ifed in body aud neces aud. the pos sevsor of a clear bsid, (Our and food éxperts rejom Breakiast Food. . At all significance in the fact the statistics of The qualities by which Carling's Ale and Porter have won distinction are ab- solute purity and perfect and thorough aging, both in wood and inv QRENG Sunddy Services. : Sy (lesrge"s catbedral--The Lichop of Ontario preaches ia the moeaing. Bethel omgragati worch--{ x av. p, wi) enaduct Both services bishop. . Dr. Mills, will g WOrTON night. a ha | "Tre Glory of Young A BIG SUM NEEDED TO COME | the | women. Nomi ] oy Mortage of the Westmined 'Thompson, | Men." All wads) welcoine. 245 pam, Sunday-school and bible-class. Monday, 8 pm. Eps orth league; lecture by WH, Codwin, of Queen's university. Wed- pesday, § ptm. prayer and praise ser vige. ~ Musie -- Morning service : Anthem, "And God Said, Let the Earth." Eveni service : Anthem, 'Hosanna in the Highest," solo, Miss Kinghorn. ---------- DISTRICT DASHES. -- News of the District Condensed From The Whig's Exchanges. Richard White and Miss Annie Hos- sie, Bathurst, were married on Word vesday. Mr. and Mrs. James HW. Hicks, have moved to Napanee irom Sunbury, aad purchased a house and lot from Rob- ert Denisob. On January 15th, at Green Ridge, Mau., took place the marriage of Dn J. Thomas, Carleton Place, to Miss Jesie E. Oatway- John Greenway has been raised to the position of assistant manager of Deseronto branch of telephore and welegraph department. The death of Thomas White, an old re ident of Drummond township, and a native of Treland, ocowrred on Jan- wary 19th, at the age of eighty-one Years. R. T. Nonhan has been appointed clerk of North Burgess in place of Pp. C. MeParland, who has leit the muni: cipality, and is now a reddent of Perth. J The marriage of Charles Moonrey, Switzervitle, and Mise Catharine Me Cormack, Sharpton, is announced, The event takes place at Odessa on the 27th inst. he gil boring operations at Ml rove, Ont, have reached 1 Je Yee The prospetts to get petrolenm are very strong, The shareholders are jubilant over the operations se far as developed. * J George Robinson, Newburgh, has bonght the cheese factory at Catara- qui and with his family will remove to that place about the first of March, In Mi. Robinson Newburgh will lose a most e-timable citizen. It was reporied that James Reid, M.P.P. for Addington, was lying seriously ill at Centreville. He is now better and the prospects of his soon returning to his duties at the legislature in Toronto are: good. Andrew Clark, one of the uldest set- thers of Drammond township, died at his home near Balderson on the 20th, aged eighty two years. He was bora in Ireland. His wife, who survives, is the daughter 'of a Peninsula war ro teran. x { en --------_-- THE GRAND'S BOOKING. ------ Attractions Announced During January And February. In response to nwmerous ing ies regarding the exact dates fixed upon fox the appearance at the Grand opera house of the various atiraetions booked for Kingston, manager Small annonnees the following as fixtures for precentation here during January and February : Monday evening, Jan uary 27th, H, Reeves Smith, the po pular English comedian, in Haddon Chambers' exquisite comedy, "The Tyranny of Tears," originally produc od in America by John Drew. ~ Mr. Smith will be accompanied and sup- ported by Miss Margaret Robinson, the Canadian acivess, who achieved sueh a 'pronounced success in the well-known English farce, "'A. Brave of Partridges," which Mr. "Reeies Smith presented last September in all of the Canadian cities, excepting Kingston. On January, 20th, Charles Frohman' company will present 1eco Digtrichstein's comedy sugcess, "Ae You a Mason 2 credited with haviog rin for an entire season at Wallick's 'theatre, 'New York. 'Are You a Masan * is to be given here by thy origigal No. 1 company, includisgy Mr. Divtrichéteii asell, one of the principal parts. On" igprunsy. Sth, thé Augustin" Daly musical comedy "Eom pany will be seen in the Japanese come operas; "San Toy,' one of last season's biggest hits in New York city, where it was presented for 312 successive nights. Immediately fol lowing "Ban Tey," Miss Adelaide Thurston will = present on Felruary 6th, = reity comedy drama, on tiled "Sweet Clover." Mise Thurs ton is the charming little potress who created such a furore as Lady Babbie in "The - Little. Minister." February 12th is the date fixed for Andrew Robson's appearance in 'Richard Carvel," a dramatiation of Winston Churchill's famous' novel. Un Febru ary 17th, Misa Gertrude Coghlan, =a daughter of the late Charlee Coghlan, will be seen af Becky Sharpe in the stage version of Thackeray's "Va nisy Fair." A son. of canon Dunmon- fin is a member of Miss Coghlan's supporting company. Miss Eugenie Blair, one of America's Rieveresst emo tional 'aetresses, is scheduled to pre ent' "Pog Wollington™ on Fibruary 20th, and will return to Kingston on February 24th, in a splendid produc tion of "Cswifle." Miss Blair will play at Mr. Smalls theatre in Ct tawa on the intertening nights, Rules Of Hygiend For Deat People. The care of, the gars in cases of deal ness. is of grout importance that we are pleased to find a special wiv is subject in a late mumber auras for LIFE FULL OF MISERY TO SUF- | FERERS. Its Symptoms Made Manifest By a Coated Tongve, Bad Breath, Bad Taste in The Mouth And | Paing Extending to The Shoul- ders. (From he Brockville Recorder) Sufferers from liver troubles find life one of almost coastant misery, growing worse and worse unless prompt steps and the proper remody be taken to restore the organ to its natural condition. Mrs. Joseph le claire, of Brockville, was such a suffer- er, but has bees, happily, released from the trouble by the only medicine known to thoroughly restore this im- portant organ 0 its normal condi- tion. once disease has fastened upon it. To a reporter, Mra Letlaire will ingly gave her story for publication She said -- For a long time I suffe: ed geveroly from complications of the liver and dyspepsia. 1 would awake in the morning with pains under my shoulders and in my stomach. ' My tongue was heavily coated, and 1 bad o horrible taste in my mouth, es- pecially on arising in the morning, | way constipated, and at ties my heed would ache #0 badly that 1 conid wearcely | let it rest on the pittow. There was such a burning sensation 'n my stomach at times that it felt as though there was a coal of fire in. it. The pain was especially severe after eating, and for months my life was one of misery. A friend advised me to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and 1 bors Ad teramnp-ake Bret bax. thers, was a material improvement, and in the course of a few weeks longer T felt that 1 was completely cured. My ton cue was cleared, the bad taste elt my mouth, the pains disappeared, and I am as well as ever 1" was. Belors taking the pills 1 suffered from brow chitis at times, but it has never since troubled me. 1 can rocomimeni ii Williams' Pink Pills to anyone. 'who suffers as 1 did." Dr. Williants' Pink Pills restore health and strength by making new, rich, red blood, thus ~dtrengthening every organ in the body. They do not act merely upon the symptoms, as ordinary medicines do, but go ulrects ly to the root of the trouhin. in this way they cure such diseases av liver and kidney troubles, rhewmnatism.jar alysis, St. Vitus' dance, heart tou bles, sick . headaches, anaemia ahd the irregularities that make Je lives of so. many women one of con stant misery. Do not be persuaded to take anv substitute; see that the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People' is on the wrapper oar ound every box. If 'in Joubt. tha pills will be sent post-paid at 5) cenls a box or six boxes for $3.50, by ad: dressing the Di. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Two Feet Of Snow. Arden, Jan. 24.--One of the * wast gnowstorms jor years visited this place on Tuesday and Wednésday, nearly two jeet of snow fell, snd roads are badly drifted. 'Thanks to the C.P.R. thw mails have not been delayed much. Av the council meeting last week David Monds was again appointed assessor, and George R. Monds and Archie Os borne, auditors. G. H, Bissonnette, Havelock, formerly of this village, was visiting friends bere last week. J. P. Gillan, proprietor of the hotel, who has been very ill for some time, is now better, and is said to be on a fair way to recovery. T. M. Spence, principal 'di Arden school, has been laid up for several days. "David Hartwick's in fant son died last week; funeral on Sunday. / Minor Williams has rented |. H. Scott's bincksniith shop, the latter having gone into an agency Business. i: Comes To Kingston: Desegonto Tribune. Poseronto is soon to foie a good (¥en when Joseph H. Hoppes leas ox | town to take charge of the Kingston | office of the Canadian Pacific tek | graph company. Mr. Hoppes lesves hore with the best wishes of all A quit, usassuming mad he "is respected by a large civele =of friends, who rejoice te know: of his advancement. He has been connected with the telegraph office bere for twen tycone years, his Bret posiiion after fearing school having been that of messenger boy in the office he leave as manager. The Canadian Pacife telegraph company = have seoured a worthy manager for their Kingston office. his success. for | | { mininenili Faulty Kidneys. Have you backache? Do you fel | drowsy ¥ Do your limbs feel heavy ? | Have vou, lrequent headaches ¥ Have i tyou Tadiug vision ? Have you dizzy | feeling ? Are you sped ? 1s your | skin dry? Have You a tired feeling ? ¢ | Any of these sign® prove kidney dis. | louse. Experience has proved that | { South American Kidney Cure never Hails, Sold by BE. C. Mitchell 6. -- One Kind Of Poverty. Though many may be rich in poc ket, if theic blood is peor they are wich; wnhappy mortal. A pallid late and wrinkled skin result frol impove | eriched blood. Wade's Iron Tons Fithe | make new, rich hloed, tons up the systom and nerves. Each box taips 17 days' treatment. Price fonts ¥ 2 ---------- 2%, 3, 3). A job lot of ladies' first class rub- hers in the above sizes, 0c. a pair at Aberoethy's : Mn in To worst forms wil b 10 the® wee of Carter's Little | « Pills, aided by Carter's Little! Liver Pills. They not relieve | present a, but sfroug the stomach and disaedd # mig Upto young men want th new § and' this is the Hor bwri offer at cost price to clear before {| TAKING. Treated in Notre Dame Lungs Were Affected--Tried In Vain for Relief--Ozone Cured Him. "I consider it a great duty to write you in cpder to tell you all that Ozobe did for me. About 15 years ogo 1 con. , tracted a grave attach of catarch, I took nothing for it as I did not wiles stand -the nature of. the disease. Two years 8go complications set in wpd the 'discharge from =¥ head tainted my luups, which became very weak, I took "freatment at the Hospital «Notre Dane Montreal, Cx eatarrh and from our fam ty physivian for the Inngs. 1 also had remedies crit me from the United States, bul Jl without regults, as 1 was in worse time 1 changed remedies. made its appearance. rot & free bottle from your Montreal : arent on May 24th last and took it according to directions. I can swear 10 « when I finished that bottle 1 felt better than ever Lafore in my Ha o is good, no more vomiting, my lungs are strong, my catafrhl as and | am sure that with Ozone 1 will become a' ma Ageing a ever before. Never will I be without Ozone, now thd. 1 Fuow remawdy for perfect health, Doctors do not opine ach where ' who has been sick for many years, Dag Coane Once more 1 thank you fer all that you "goed re respectfuily, «A. J. ForauE, St, Constant La Prairie, IL 4" arrhal trotble is due to inflammation of the membrane linings 0. the 'roat.. You probubly pay no attention to a cold ~the cold cong ) and makes the surface of the membrane open 10 he sila k of (he egtarrhal disease, The foul mucus taints ti. tiroal passa; § a ka (he lungs themselves: Y ou ean destroy {hecatarsh germs with ng the nasal tissues by applying Powley's Liquified On ne to the hose one part Ozone lo eight of water, Then Ly (aki ystem with oxygen at 1 mak» all the s of disease cannot ope rate in the hangs give you relief for chrono eatarm, Tie Powley's Liguifidd Ozone. You know what oxygen ja---you know how it fein the bloc aid makes alt the body healthy, 02010 ts not & medicine--not a combination of drug and contains no alcohol. §0¢. & $1.00 al all Drugaists. The Dzone Go,, of Toroats, Lim., Torodlo & Chicas m------ BEFORE STOCK TAKING A CREAT CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY. : -------------------- For thé next TWO WEEKS ali-our stock of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS and VALISES we will our annual STOCK hape every "zor. y is the only Ozone is. Ome of my sisters, «l the Ozone treatment. I remain, you wept Ozone has done, and ofter out fnjuri in the fo the regula 5 of a douche internal dose you sapply the tissues healthy so that the germ There Is no other preparation that will ABERNETHY, 125 PRINCESS STREET. A BALDNESS, Thin Hair, Discolored Hair,etc PROF. DORENWEND COMING ! He Will Be At British American' Hotel, Kingston, WEDNESDAY, 3 With Isic Gen and Plain Fronts Wigs, Toapos, Beoge, Wavy Joweriplion, «i A assed Shriugh Ue lows of baie Dorval. pateyted all only one diy. rE od of Prot bos Thais Mracinre Feomember, for Per av . ahd white boit, Firwrel "rane Apastmen in Sertere air, # grey j