ice ial. : . LA BEAUTE TOILET CO. Parlors--118 'King Stress Wass, Torunio. A Subject for Thought. subject that demands considera- nd serious thought is the selec a reliable and drug- your pre will be honestly and faith- , If you have not yet de who shall fill your orders ubure, we ask you to give va Our drugs and medicines are and our prices the low: MAKES SICK PEOPLE WELL. Faine's Culery Compound, the world's tost and best family medi- cine es sick people well. The thou- pands of testimoninls from the best anadian people prove that no other can so surely banish diseape. _ Palve"s Celery Compound permanently cures rheumatism, nevralgia, liver and ay troubles, and removes all im- a Cl oy oh of . ompon al ways fresh; get your supplies from us. G Who Dri NOTICE OF QUINTE RAILWAY COM- Fi Pam, of Can ih | that C. A. MILLENER, Secretary. pur. | them. Vine wHIG-08th YEAR. IL hy Fobidhed ; b Senin pie 310 King Ko n.d d SNERKLY AIT WHIO. 13 yess i Gana Tria oii and ng O heap oN. on ITIE DAILY WHIG. *Opiter per Ordess Dicor.! A REPULSIVE DOCTRINE. On Tuesday of this week Albert Garth. who committed a particularly brutal muroer, suffered the severest penalty of the law by banging, at Kansas City. The man appears {to have been re- pentant, and to have captured public attention and public sympathy. by the intensity of his devotiogs. He was Vives A Teak yw Sng, do aie ditation and pious addresses, and of bis attitude, his speeches and his mu- sic, the Kansas press had a great ded] to say. Usually the women are carried away, under the circumstances, to do some indiscreet 'things in behalf of an expiring murderer, Bui in this case the pulpit, through a Dr. Roberts, of the Aunditorinm,' ranted against the peuple hecsuse they had consented : to the hanging of the man, because they, in their officials, judged and courts, bad conspired se murder the criminal. Ho indulged in mock heroies and de manded that an agitation should' set jn st once, and that it should con. tinue "until the death sentence "shall fall never again from any court be- neath the flag, until the dawn of a new and nobler - justice will never ajuin he dackened by the gihbet's black Cehenna curse.' Pr. Roberts realized that crime would 'be, however, ds conditions ex- fated. But he had a plan of suppress: ing erie without resort to the: ropy or thé 'electric chair. It was to seledt curtain islands of the sea for the: mor- ally unfit, for all who were crifninally 'inglined and uhsafe' to run as large: These, early in life, us soon as their were Had, deed" bh ul ' be trans- ported, the boys 'and men to one isl and, and the girls and women to an: other, and there they should Be im- prisoned until death destroyed them. That is another version of the doe trine that the fittest only should wur- vive. Mon have been known to argle the world has no use for the iwentally and morally incompetent, apd that it would be warranted in sending then out to seas and there emerging Is it the christian idea ? The Ideal Man did not preach it, snd his disciplés cannot improve wpon the constitution .of his spiritual kingdom. One expects hard things, in thought awl opiech, from' the anti-christian, but not from the church and especial- ly not fram its preachers. detect ECHO OF A GREAT PRAYER. "Senator Teller, of America's upper He gave notice of a motion he pro- posed to make, and which was calon- lated to have the president of the United States intercede and prevent tion by Kitchener of Com- mander Scheepers in South Africa. It ® | was .a matter of no dignificance that Schesjpirs violated the rules of war, and that convietion had been brought to him of seven brutal murders and the Austrian. : in other words Britain took from 'the United States 'miore than double the exppris to Germany, Italy, Russia, and . Austria combined, one-third greater than 'all conii: neuinl Europe, and more than the More than that : America cannot get along without the friendship and patronage of Britain. "In short" says Mr. Gardiner, "any celamity to England, halt in her growth, any staggering Ander her burden of en: pire, any wavering or faltering or turning back in her national pro- gress, would injure our commerce, as no other international event could do." America's public men should, there fare be more reserved in their in sults. 'They ' have great cause to peuse in, their noisy talk, to refect, and to legislate for the good of "the nation. They have nbt been doing this, and #0 .a friendly, journal calls to account and echoes 'the prayer of # great poet. uttered, in' a 'dork hoir of the ' nation's | life, "God: give we wen." : : wily vax BOITORIAL "TIPS. & At Bhgland can have a divorce couch why not Canada ? That's the queskion of the hour. Measles gre reducing the attendanee of 'sigall children at the schools. The disgase i epidemic. ' A Rh GH The fair managetient, if' the out: sthnding amounts can be called od, will be able to balance; accounts. r-- > ¥ The school guthorities will do well to. me that the law is fairly 'well en: forced while 'the epidemic of measles continues. sh It 'earino¢ be that the senate would ohjest to a divorce court. It, surely, cannot enjoy , the scandals which the divares Bills bring before it, g ; The Will hever be clean walks an {il she city: does the work by hordes and gnow. plows, and assesses evenly and lightly for it. Af Abe province is in debt, and ru: ning 'behind annually, what is Mr. Rose doing with $1 468492 in the 'hank? Can't' Col. Matheson fathom this mystery ? The night classes at the collegiate inslitute are among the best that have ever been conducted in the' city, They are a credit to the young men "in atiendance. Sowe liabilities of the province are like some liabilities of the insurance company--prospe:tife abd not pre sent. The bogey which the?Mail has raised will not scare anybody. The increased percentage of deaths from tuberculosis in Ogtario last yoar: points tw the certainty that it is a gontagious disease. Isolation must be resorted to il the white plague is to be suppressed. Asien ry ton in Ontatio, has been descril.ed as % man who pricked bubbles anll used brass tacks. Now it is learned that ho. igs th He seems to be a per 'son of great versatility. ' Howland wouldn't sign ayer t when he could. Now be cantor do it when he would. He had bettor understand that thers is & men in the guuncil this yesr he can- not play with, and his name is F. 8. 'Spence. Z " ------ The address which C. A. Ganline', ; delivered be: France, | all the rest of | | pale gréen, and pink Col. Matheson; of the loyal oppori- | coffee fi | Wate Bako 8. Gos t Jiven its jolly innings. 2 Ie ihe Street cars rere par alyzed by ra house drew another crowd. ior "The Belle of New York," in' which some favorites were ru in upon a local audience. "The Fist Duchess of Marlborough" was another successiul night. The pop- ulgrity of she balcony and gallery as serted itself, because they were filled both nights before She demand came for orchestra chairs. This is indeed re- versing "the 'old order. .of things in Kingston. a igri Ty The Queens college dramatic club in feel the benefits of the new theatre, oe ebigible gokte for their coming are being secured long in but feel that the college is a great factor in the city's social life, that in this line its students do so much for hehe cuter tainihg of Kingsioiaas; thes it's a case of "even and quits" on hos- pitalities, even though the city has a wart heart and, bidus it not. 4 * » History records that ' the - first due "of Masfoorough (whose char adlerivtics were §o - cleverly set: forth in the play on Thursday night) was a bealtiful, imperious woumin of great will power, tenacity and intelligence, intensely proud and ever deyoted to the interests of her husband, the duje. Her attachment to her husband . was worthy of its object, and of the love he bore her. A tonching aneedote of the duke's fading love for her i upon. record, 2% am yofated? by hereell. She had very begputiful hair, and noné of ber charms 'were so: highly prised hy the duke as these tresses. One day on his offending her, she cropped them short. and 1aid thew in an ante-cham- ber<through which he must pass tp her room. To her great disappoint ment, he passed -and repassed calmly enough "to provoke a' saint, without appearing conscious of the deed. When she "sought her hair, 'however; whepe she hail laid ity it had vanished. Noth- ing more ever transpived upon the sab- Jet, until the duke's death, when she found her beautiful ringlets carefilly Jaid by in a cabinet where he = kept whatever he held most pregious. T this part of the story the duchess. fell actying.. The duchess of Marlborough dibd October, 1784. at the ripe age of vighty-four. . 1 - Brief telograing have. told of the set tlomeént of the, troubles which set the Sangrotation of Christ church catbe dral, Montreal, by the ears, and it is now told Jn ores onde thot the prestige of the episcopate bas. not suffered. * The successiul. mediator was archdeacon Evans, the very man for the situation, becaure of his persons) acceptation with all classes. Rev, Mr. Steen acted the part of the christian and gentleman, regretipd his own act ions, 'and approved ose of the archbishop. The latier restored Mr, Steen's li 'ense and at the request of the congregation made him. assistant rector of the cathedral. A happy ending, indeed. - So . The largest=*At - . Home" given in Kingston or many a day was that by Mrs. (Rev.) Maegillivray at Chal mors nianse, Karl street, Thursday af: ternoon. There were 400 guests, who were received by Mrs. Macgillivray and Miss Florence Macgillivray.: The tes room was prettily decorated. ip ink roses. 'Miss Fi and Miss or Richmond oe, while Mes. Farce sod = Wiss McDowall served jee cream. The young ladies who asvided at the ten 3atle were : Mise Plotete Richmond, is Daisy Ferguson, Miss Porteous, Mise Florence Williamson, Miss Mona Knight and Miss Dorothy Macgilliv ray. The affair was a social success. guson poured { Laps. Chartrand has received » h me addition to his salary as' professor at military college and this is pleasiag. in the eyes of Kingstonians. The v- ernment ix not likely. to stop there, but do eyual justice to one of faith- ful service and red rank, arch deacon Worrell, professor of English, one on whom work by no means Yightast on the roster has been plec- William Harty's family afd Jriands kite held saxious week: ny i out aghinst hwy severe illness, aod will in - y------ ~ Bresitast Cocon.-- Ales. BTN Jed ds they deserve. d explains himself. A lunch at Mre. Calvin's, in howor day last the bishop preached times al . Desetonto, morning and afternoon in the churches of the No- hawk reserve, apa in the evening at St. Mark's church in the town. The lordship, by Mrs. Mills, attended the eonsocration of the bis: hop of Long Island last week, and tounteratl 8 i ha on of re ceptions, ing wi i Dumou- lin the 'pressing and cordial hospitali- Lies of the churchmen of Greater New : . - Miss Folger, Miss Skinner, Miss €al- and Mr. Calvid, of Kingston, attended. an "At Homwe™ given by Mes. Bickford, Toronto, on Wednes- day ait-rnoon. Mist. Rathbun, Deseromto, will he the guest of lady Grant in Ottawa, shortly. ch Miss Conant, Belleville, is the guest of Mivs 'Mackie, Brock stréet . Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. returned from: New York on aX tefnoon. The euchre club met on vy at Mee. Kent's, George street.' The win: ners were Mrs. Bamfield and Dr, E. H. Suivthe. ' ate Mre ranging for their annual dinner, sud it will- be, as umal, oh of the choidert of the year. A concert for the benefit of the howe for * {riendless 'wollen and: in Vv eVen- fants 'will be given on M ing at the Orange TL" Portemouth, with 'popular admission, Aten cents. Miss Germaine has addéd the prepary- tion of it to her indeintigable labor. All that amateurs. or the public can offer to this' deserving institution 4s well merited, for "neither ihe lady workers for 'the ibstitwtion are honor- Indeod "they ate dedmed fortunate if a Ff erop | of #landers is not set afloat monthly.' ele This afternoon a driving perty was iveh by Prof. and Mrs. Pike ;t0 a arge number of Queen's students. Al terwards, Mrs. Pike etitortained at five o'dlock tea. On Monday night the staff of ihe Royal military college will give a to- Kan party at Fort Heary hill, Supper will afterwards be served the 'cottage. gi (Col.) Drury uirday to annonce t of Miss Berminghsui to Major Pater. taf adjutant. at the, Royal military Ne Cake alter-ih +" Mrs. © wi gave an :after-thealre #u on Widnesday night in honor of Mrs. Bruce' Carruthers. To-day Mrs. Calvin give a luncheon for Mrs. Bruce Carrutheis - There was. no outing of the driving oli on Thursday, owing 'to bad roads. . Mrs. Zack Woods, '(fomherly Miss Daly, Napanea), of Calgary, was a guest at she British-Amervican: during the few days. Bhe' left yesterday far home. Mrs. 'Woods in" well remess- bered herve. gave a tea last The Badmi club tour t for Some Sensible Advice to Women by Mrs. E. Sailer, President German Relief Association, Los Angeles, Oal. Owing te modern methods of living, not one woman in a thoussad ap proaches this perfectly natural change without experiencing a train of very Those dreadful hot flashes, the blood surging to the heart until it seems ready to burst, and the shat follows, Shmetithen with chile, as if the heart were Josip fos pod, are only » of the symptoms of a dangerous nervous trouble. rE Paka nagistance. should be heeded in time. Lydia BE. ham's to meet the needs of womah's sytem at this try . MRS. E.SAILER. . "Pyar Mrs. Piixan:-- When I through what is known ishangs of life," I Lal two yoary h 1 n heat, jd as wo pass over me; my Was VArabie al hever LER SE in E. n m chan days became days of HL pr fave enjoyed every day ech r Ve Compound § "We have used considérable of your Compo n our chaiitable work, as wo find that: to: Yes id a mother to health so she can support herself and those her, if such there be, is true chatity than to give other. on my hearty endorse. ment, for you have proven yourself a jug friend to suffering women. --Mng E Sacer, 7368 Hill St, Los Angel When ' to think about the good Mes. Bailér derived from Mrs. Plnkham's advice and medicine, 18 seems dlmost Degoad belief yo it ie all true as stated in her letter published above at hér own requést. No other medicine in the world has 'ed such widespread and unqualified endorsement. Refuse all of tive fact Mrs, Pinkham has on file thousands of letters fron a ceed rie safely carried through that da period "Change of Life." Mrs. Saller's cure is not an ynuspal one for Pink- ham's medicine to accomplish. x > ! © Ne other person can give such advice to women wi ro a To have had such a great experience -- her address is Lynn, Mass, and her advice free--if you are sick write ber--you are foolish if you don't. doubles has been highly interesting. Those. who took par. were: Lieut. Uol. Ogilvie amd Miss Reokie, Rev. G. L.- Starr apd Mie Jone Kirkpatrick, R. Mackenzie Miss G. Drury, Maj. Pavet and Miss Mabel Gilder sldeve, Fraticis Macnee and Miss Cle ments, OC in and Mrs. Leslie, Cap- tain and ™ Ean, J. 1. Carryth- ers | ts. Alnon, J. J.C. Almon and' Mre.. Mardh. The scores in the semi-finals were : Lieut. Col. Ogilvie ve, Mr. Macnee, 21: to 15: Mr. Starr va. Mr Macnee, 3 to 30. In the finals Lieyt.-Col. . Ogilvie and Miss Reekie, won! 21 to: 12. Miss Reokie received o cut glass flask, mounted in siver, and Col. Ogilvie. was pressuted with a gold cigaretie olte. . . Mrs. Smith, King street, will wel come the C.E.G.E. club on Wednesday evening. The patronesses of the skating club hin evening will be Mrs. Garratt, Mes. arsey, Mrs. Alex. Ki trick, ". Notman Fraser; assist p+ Misses Dalton. Miss Cooke, Miss and Miss Herald. ha, OO oo Judge awd Mrs." Hamilton, late of Milton, have their winter home in England at Exmouth, where elitinte and Surtplindings are dnlignil. Mes, Simpson is greatly ving no Journ io the south of Penne Mrs. Si Kirkpatrick has - re turned from Belleville, where she visit- dl her aunt, Mrs. Wills. awe, ydenham the price. REWA -- We hisve deposited with ion wiles to any person is not gem: or mission. To-Night and All 'Monday. {| We will close out a y and all leavings of the O ids 3 and Ends Sale at very interesting prices. We don't want to enter auy of thise odds and ends on our stock sheets. Any Remnant Left Over will HALE Present New Prints Opened To-Day. Prices, Our first lot of NEW PRINTS, 1902, colorings and designs guaranteed fast colors and nune better at S¢., 10c., 121-2c. Yard. STARR & SUTCLIFFE, 118 and 130 Princess Street, + .. Kingston, Ont. Your Neighbor Says WALSH'S SCRANTON "1s All Right | Have you tried jc 7 Shall we send you = ton 7 IEORGE W. BELL, V.8., D.V.D.8 Vi Bae. Veveriwary, ttle » Cottle» specially. or