Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jan 1902, p. 6

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SU LS ar Shiloh's. Consumption Cure apie Write to 8. C. Waris & Co., Toronto, g FETE ERIE Karf's Clover Root Tea corrects he Stomach Cures Coughs and Colds at once. It has been doing this for half a century. It has saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It will save yours if you giveit a chance. 25 cents a bottle. 1f after using it you are not satisfied with results, go to your druggist and get your money back. + . . Can., for free trial bottle. ee SS J 'SROADBRIN | : A me 3 = The Land Rings With the Cry~ Reform? * COMPLAIN OF BROKEN FAITH SETH LOW CRITICISED OVER SALOON CLOSING. Startling Figures Paid for Amuse- ments--United States Good- Will to The German Emperor-- Stretching The New Reform Liw. (Whig correspontlence; letter No. 1.2583. New York, Jan. 2.-- Reform, veform, reform, is the cry everywhere. The en: tire lund rings with the cry; the cars are Stang with it. It is the shibbu- leth of the hour. Reformers are as hutgerous ai the sands on the sea shore or the stays in (he milky way, yet there be reformers that do not ve form; = reformers that need reform th Ives more than they any earthly thing. : The reform so long expected, so WEDDING STATIONERY. daily "prayed for, is like the ignus fatuus--it fies before us; we fry to sive i it has neither shape nor sub- stance; vet, like the ghost of Ban- quo, it will not go down. We ask ourselves, in what does reform con: Jew > ' , GOOD FIRE Ro ia, ke chesrtul many of tha evenings of TE Way 5 sist? Our present realizations of re- form are not what we expected; the F you are interested in what is absolutely the very newest in Wedding Stationery write us for samples and prices. : Y 9 Our Fine Stationery Departs ment is under the management of an experienced stationery man from United States wha is in close touch with all that Society considers the best form. 9 Y Invitation Announcements; Dinner Cards, Menus, Calling Cards, etc. on into battle is scattered and gone; the shouts of the victors are silenced, and a ofy of despair goes up from Tammany's defeated hosts. The dead speak not, but the doughty army of reform notice thut they aro neithér dead nor sleeping. A knockout blow ig not a pleasant thing to take, and sometimes not a very pleasant thing to give, but saints ang sinners now join in a confmon prayer and cry, for they _are all goody-goodies, together. Quite a mumber of mayor Low's recent friends are complaining of broken faith, and that promises made before election are violated now. They were looking anxiously for the mayor's inaugira tion, when every saloon should on the Sabbath be closed through the length and breadth of Grester New York. They ate ready to swear on a stack load of bibles that a direct jromise was made by our new mayor that the instant he had the power to do »o, that on the Lord's day, every saloon of the Greater New York, from Coney RYRIE BROS, Cor. Yonge and Adelaide Streets, TORONTO, * Island to the Bronx, should be shut up as tight as a dram. Fhe inaugu- ration gook place, the mayor stood vested with the power of an autocrat; he could say to this one, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, andl he cometh, In Coney Island everything was open, nothing wae concealed, 206 Boxes, Daily : because they are limited. HR | a man wants coal, he don't & proviso with every bushel. ought to be gilt-edged evi- dence of merit, coming, as it does, direct from a druggist who has for years been selling Uwanta GRIPPE Capsule 'as one of the ' highly re commended cures ~and here are his words : bast winter T sold from ¢ 1026 boxes of Uieamta Capsules daily. 1 nd thd" sales rapidly increasing, owing large. fy, U think, to the fact that those who once use them recommend them to others. "J. A. MUSGROVE, Druggist, Ottawa. Ask your druggist tors box, 25 cents, or sent direct by mail, UWANTA M'V'G CO. Ld. Ottawns, Ont. and so it was all along the line, at which - all the reformers were. sad, There was ong element of refofm, Fow- ever, which deserves especial praise, and that was the effort to put down gambling in' this city. Jt was a bursing curse upon our people. Bank clerks become © defadlters; boys in their teens were made highway rob hers: women stole their hushand's wioney and men Bf igh aud aruated station robbed and defonfiel till in old age they reached heir home in u vison, Our district attoracy Jena sallied forth with a little army at his back to crush. this cursed evil and leave it no foot to stand on, and al- though loaded down with his duties as a district attorney, which in enough work fora dozen men; he still finds time to give gounsel to his old tithe fiend, Frank Moss, who has made. the gamblers so uncomfortable that they have flad the ity. We don't expect thd we have got rid of them forever, hut we do expect . to make them feel very unhappy with a loss of all their magnificent para phernalia, worth thousands of dollars. But Frank Moss says that he will go jor them once more, his motto being, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." ' Looking over the list of national expenditures of the fiscal year, there is one aftonishing item of pensions amounting to nearly £135,000,000 for the vea# {ust closed. 1b is quite in: terceting 10 go to the pension oflices and look over the list of pensioners. fn a number of the most rebellious states of the south the peosion list wimbers hundreds. Not long ago the pensioners in the war of 1812, and | think it most be within twenty years, numbered several hundred, and there a abd hd ¥e y E i fran. Ringe Pani. aml fupeps ngue; Fou prety were also several from the Revelw- tionary, which ceased about one Jwm- dred and twenty years ago. With the very broadest extension of the na- tion's charity to their men who de founded our liberties; $135,000,000 is a very large sum, and it goes on to proye that no compensation can he tao Jarge for the men why fought and bled, leaving a widow ns to the » wha died that the sation might lve, While speaking of the national éx- penses the most startling figures are found in the sms we pay for our am usementas, Jist think of a class of en tertainers who receive as mueh © for their services in a single wesk as o farmer or laborer would earn in a Jong aud leborous Ii KN host that followed the Plot goii:: Ation's vare, wien anid father had given up his Tif wind ¥ singe Wad baby to which as long a4 ii Route she will stand the favored god-moth- red on ohr Afberican maiden and even a royal sisitor in the feature will think himself honored if he is allowed to kiss the hand that broke the bottle of champagne upon the baby's brow, as it joyously leaped into ocean's loving ars, which is to be its future home Prince Heury, the kaiser's brother, is coming hére oa a visit to see the Jaunching 'of his brother's yacht. Not only the four hundred is on the tip-toe of expeetuiion, but the whole nation extends to him a royal wel come. His brother was our friend at a time when friends were nesded and we will not and cannot forget his im- perial service, 4 Weleomin, welcomin dos kaiser bru- er, T6 the quiet observer of the trend of the times it is evident that a storm is brewing in congress. Threat- ening clouds hang heavily over the splendid crest of the national capitol and ho man can tell what a day may firing forth. "The most singular point of the expectant trouble is that the { opponents are of the president's own { party, Good democrats Jook on and are laughing in their sleeves at the political explosion which they think not far off and say among them selves as Tago does in the play of "Othello." "Whether he kill Cassio or Cassio him 'every way makes my gain," and Jaughing they drink the standard toast of Tom Sayres, the i the best man win," and is very fond of having his own soap. sud hive da quite a number of old time republicans whp are troubl- ed with the same complaint, and if they can't have their own way they comprehension of a number of ques- tions now Hefore coltgress very diffi- cult 10 understand. The friends of admiral Sampson la- bor wader the impresdéion ing against their lavorite and = that by. It is a pitiful scene the closing of country hearing their names handled libelous acewsation of which embittpred the close of and gallant lives, ever have Sampson or Schley a coward. Was it dashed down on the Reina Mercedes, the murderous fire of the Texas and was fortunate cupugh to give safety sailor when all was lost save honor? Hear the first exclamation of the gal lant victor which sounds like a shout of jubilee. "No need of jealousy here, there is glory enough for us all." It was the joyous shout of a generods foe who never thought of welfish glory; it was the nation's honor mag: nified 'by her son, and therein lies its goden- worth of that jubilant ery which shall pass the name 'of rear-ad- miral Schley to posterity as the glori- ous 'victor of Santiago. Where was Schley's offence ? mander of the Texas, Capt. Philip, who never . claimed a share.in the glory, though it was chedrfully ac ANATION OF Rely on Brain And Muscle for wealth and jurity und 1b necessary to toil day ai port themselves, and those and contented; bus, als | wo ard by mauy their small savings ed, and wait as well av disease suares them in the face. ? ioe.' Silently, gruduaily, it steels - up- on one, unl at length is closes ius - him of energy, swbition sud strength in this of keen coum) io d : : work wd petition, siren 5 ol Sh $ er No small compliment this confer- | English champion prize-fighter, "May | Our president has a will of his own | will know the reason why. There are | wheels within wheels which render the | J that our | president and admiral Dewey of the | navy, have exhibited an unjust lean- | rear-admiral Schley hag profited there- | spent in the honorable service of their | about through a licentious press, the | has | two. great | Who but a fool or a madman would { thought of calling either | an ovidenes of cowardice when Schley | the Spanish admiral's flagship, under | | deprecatingly he and shelter to the unfortunate roval | saying : "No, boys; no, those | FFERERS READING ™ a are dying." A # The gentle com: WORKERS With Good Health for Capital the Great Majority of Canadians a Livelihood-With Ill-Health All jomed drink, sixteen ounges 10 . al S Is Lost fauna aud thirty-six ing to IT pbs tLe . yowel, : . Tout Canada is a nation of workers. The Iv is a quiet Sabbath morning, - the matter? Why not iew who have acquired positions of leisure have done su tarough bard work, and the vast ma ter diay, and year alter year, to sup depending on them, 'Their capil ] saves pew rent, Sunday church eollec- | dors, -Plenty of Oe A long as this Sohal h Sout banish. tions and festivals, ete. He then sat | y. or pe . PPY | down to his usual poker game till Bat: | ple have cured them- of this capitdl, and Lng nc ring themselves unabl to keep ¥ 3 3 struggle. With 20 Samm a i bath breaks in upon the players are soon exhaust Disease is bumanity's most deadly on ita victin aud secretly tobs struggle, it nervous system that most fouls the sutmin, Nights of days of, tired, magi f to Fesax and from New York \o 1 fv Nase aicial Tn PR Braiperd & Armstrong wash embroid- hess ti en | | °F ther embroidery silk isc ETE EERE | 0g ory sik fap un. IEE ALOT | STRENG! They Ought to J SYSTEM : & you are A man whose youthful : i N C iscretions, excesses or overwork, a H T | : {ere is a positive remedy for your t iat of exhaustion or fechleness, thy For Chronic Coughs ave wasted, viz, human dectricitys dnents of the Digestive Organs, and for all sopdy. When you get it back yuu W1 indorse and: physicians ! everywhere recommen?® will become strony in nerve, bra Are ! 1 + nd filled with joy that youn are once i "ianhood. Dr. McLaughlin's EN : @ item with the power you have los owing, soothing way while you sle refreshed, all aches and pains di i hough to attempt and gecomplish W oF ay. It makes you feel like a new i vigor originally given te svelops the { Pick out the men who have wort It cures the most stubliad erect, chest expanded, the glow ofand inflammation of the throat and lungs. Arge in their hearts and a clasp ~f the ves the appetite, aidse digestion, tones up thele man." eB : | up and strengthens the g P 1 ith vou? Have I 8 entire system. It is pli And how is it with you: Sliver oil, docs not upsct yuicm, S Pits a dull ache and weakness over! ah . 8 ps the stomach. Read thi, © (ived. stupid feeling? Are you 2 : voufeel yourself aged before your 1 Do you know. that youare not the me great pleasure to wre icity. supplies. My Belt, will cure § Fidfroleum Emulsion and you can offer reasonable gecurity hadecrtised-apdivics, but nt from the Before taking Angier's | C U RE D th though tweak and exharyokness and drains of vitality, often disgusted me. Af mach, Bowel, Liver, Kidney and enjoy three hearty meas; y eis J There are many on the market. Old dy htt Angier's Petroleum Zag, imitation of niy ¢ ushion Flectrode. But ff is a ~ idk ty Apecial Invention. "Without it abl electric equal for throat irritat?™ yr ¥ ae honld read my beautifull po avon pequest if you will send this ad. i STRENGTH G! 3. Lo kis fetter to thank you [TOT Zabets. Xhave alway, after reaiing your adve others, and a treatment siom oar diffe | ey remedy, { anything J ate, and 8ften, ¢ of food self fo eal and to be a marvili Ke Bs I ant ft mv, consider Rew nang them whithout an Torowide, - Ont, ally illustrated book, Jt te Ir youu , Be sere you get ANGIER'S, ' 2 . Iu All druggists sell Angler's Petrole: two great lives with such a deplorable | = 1 and mournful ending. There are two ! YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS on | on e ree bootilet entitled, "ABOUT YOUR brave men whose lives have been | THROAT AND LUNGS." It tells § "9 organs. it gives guod advice an to Diet and Myglene, siso Exerclacs, | | @ a.m. to B00 pan. : 5 o----T EO . OSTON, MASS, corded him' by the man who won § battle. Let his name too shine on Whes his 1 | tory's brightest page: were about to give an exultant sh } i for the victory they bad so nobly * { raised his har A fellows over there : that fight den hush came on t bleeding host, - and pothaps ho «i! CURE FOR TUBERCULOSIS, CONS seayer ascended to the throng ne for the unfortinate enemy HIWEAK LUNGS, CATARRH, AND A had conquered. i One of the most remarkable foatw of otr new reform is the ease Ww which a thirsty eitizen can lubrig his throat with anything from api jack to champagne or lager om christian-Sabbath. It is wonderful behold how the Raines law wo which was once to be the bulwark temperance cause, bas simplified » ters delightfully with that pecu class who need' no water 10 qua the oxcellénce of their blue grass w key. All we need now to get a thing that will make us happy is 8 : - A get a very measly cracker which 1 i pad the shadow of butter cast upor aml' a slice of cheose so thin that seins rather like a creature of the mation than 8 positive reality; thie form it is supposgd to bea = stantial niesl, and though the cus or may put the cracker in his pock in entitles him' to a good republicat democratic drink, five fingers being swudard measure for a good old fe Demonstrating to Medical Men, Scient very air is redolent of piety. Bvery- | ; get some Omega Oil thing in sight, and lots of things that | and try that? Rub it into your poor feet or. legs or arms or shoul are not in sight, are suggestive of peace and pleasant and boly thoughts. The substantial ¢iifven who never goes to | church and by this laudable economy | arday wight shook hands with Sunday | selves in this way, an The gray light of a » Ye 8 4d that ought to be proof endugh that it will cure you too. Itls an unusual liniment and does unusual things. « It is good for everything a liniment ought to be good for, Al druggisns sell Onvegn OI, or can get it for you of any jobber if they want to. If your druggist refuses 10 sell you this liniment that pain, the Omega Chemical (7 7 Broad way ew York, will mail you & Se phen 0c. in cash; Toney areier ad ™ warns them that it is time to think of getting home. On the way he sees the pleasant light shining brightly through the windows of a Raines hotel. The Raines botel must not serve mis cellancous drinks over the bar, but | may furnish refreshments to its guests. | Sunith resolves to become a guest, he | entéry and orders a cracker und a |" whiskey straight. Ii comps, blessed vision of the night. He holds it wp toward the gas and looks at it with ong eye; he smiles; he looks aguin; be closes his eyes; down she goes. No 'water, thankee. He stands on Fis al's heights and in the distant vista already revels in fhe wilk and honey of promised land. He calls the waiter again and says, "Young man, give me another 'freshment same ax jast." He te ie ---- Just a Needleful Back in his chair softly hun' ming that blessed hymn, "F Want to Be An Angel." | The reiormers have A not made much of a showing, vet haps they will do betler in the "Sweet haps thes wit jer Or Saturday night Daniel Sickles, owe of the best kiown Free Masons in No waste, no . tangles. es pepo] Thread drawn fhoute, wh we hope avd Gust, i a : brighter and, better Ins. do he | in an instant--all he afcionate Gide of Uncle Dan. The | | uniform length--one ts cual ad waa -a. Welbowms. Vie . u can get these advantages E i 1 i i only {with the patent skein holder on $ Be

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