5 DEATH OF, MRS.'J. PHILLIPS NAPANEE LOSES AN OLD AND ESTEEMED CITIZEN. Was Nearly Eighty Years of Age-- Snow Shovellers Go On Strike ~--~Removing To Napanee. Napanve, Jan, 25.-One by one the old residents are passing to the great beyond. it is our painful duty to re cord the death of Mrs. John Phil lips, an old and much respected resi- dent of oar town, whose death oc eurred yesterday morning at the resi- dence of her daughter, Mrs. William Conger, in the seventy-ninth of fier age. A family of four daughters { are left to mourn a tender and loving mother's care. They are Mrs. H. Young, Toronto; Myrd, Laird, Mrs. J. Loucks and Mrs. William Conger, Na- panec. Ome brother, Joseph | 5 e, of Odessa, is leit of her family. The funeral will take place on Sunday af {ernoon, Mr. snd Mrs. G. W. Bhibley, Picton, intend removing to Napanee. Their Smany friends here will welcome them back. The races to have taken place Wed- nevday and Thursday of this week, have, heen postponed until Monday and Tuesday of next week, not Tues- day and Wednexlay as mentioned in this correspondence a day or two ago. The snow shovellegs engaged 10 clear the race course on Thursday, marched down town with their shov- els on their shouldérs., They were get- ting twelye and a half cents per hour but demanded fifteen cents. Last week -R. Richardson, jr., had 1 the misfortune to cut his hand se: verely on the rip saw. This week George Grass cut his left hand on the busz planer. C. J. Curlette, | Attas 30 Years. ¢ Thos, EW B18 17th Se amano, OC v : emt a irightiul oper was (; Adolphustown, for- merly of Napanee, is lying in a very critical condition at his home. He has suffered another stroke of apo plexy and his life hangs by a mere thread: Miss Wigmore, visiting her sister, Mrs. D. L. Hill, for the past three moriths, left yesterdawfor/ her home in Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rooks and little daughter, returned this week to their home in Pierson, Man., after six weeks of pleasure amongst their many iriends in this vicinity, ------------ Good Advice. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from dyspep' sin and liver complaint. More than seventy-five per cent. of the people in the United States are afflictgd with these two diseases and their effects; such a8 sour stomach, sick headache, habitual costiveness, palpitation of the heart, Beart burn, waterbrash, ghaw: ing and burning pains at the pit of the stomach; gue and disagrees mouth, coming up of food after eat- ing, low spirits, ete. Go to your druggist and Flower for 7c. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. For sale at Wade's drug store. is.4 Valuable Article of Diet (or ANTS, CHILDREN, INVALIDS and THE AGED. Be en semen. ongrate soothingly on i pa TE ody, tion of vital emergy asym stvawry vane Fo ee od ease of delicate re Seca » admirably adupted young persons." a i edge of *Nears's Food 1s not so binding to the a of . are, and this » ------ Rosslyn Divorce Case. Edinburgh; Jan 25. --~Lord Ross lyn's suit for divorce against his wile came up for hearing to-day. he charge is desertion, hut there is vo further dal brought out by the eit. Mis wife is the daughter of Robert © De Grey of Gaulby hall, county Lincoln. y has made no answer and will judgment go againkt her hy default, it i& understood, an arrangement hav- ing been made as to the disposition of - their: two children. There is a daughter, Rosabelle Millicent, eleven vears old, and lord Loughbough, now ten years old. i -------- Rubber Trust Mill Closes. Woonsocket, RI. Jan B.--The Alice rubber. mill of the Weonsocket rubber company, closed down to-day. The mill is owned by the United Qeptes rubber company, and generally gives employment to about 1,000 hands. Open winters, during the past three vears, essing an over-produe- tion. is believed to be a contributing cause to. the shat«down. i Co Proves 'Its Value by Cures Effected in Canada, x -------- * m or Doubtful Testimonials to Influence the Bick. i ted Paine's Celory : pul. and start > Gare as to at d. attention, honest {acts pub: to tinge come direct fen and wo | yoeonto Taegram. easily be imterviewad | Gillsert Parker. who composes ro: tah to health, | ances. and Henry Corby, who cont e Sot manufac poses beverages, dro the favorite sons to catch the sick and {of Belleville, Ont. : Brockville, Ont., ee b-- | experience with | Everything At Cost For 3 Rosch pound as follows : | Rubbers escepfed, a¢ Abernethy's stock taking sale of boots, shoes trunks and valises, t Are Both Elevate The Masses. ' idl with neuralgia ina | AW, years, 1 tested the doctors and made use of many medicines, as woll as the bat , but got no relief from these Thre are many farms, of arvoys : debility in men that yiel to the use ge sources. 1 decided to {of Carter's Iron Pills. Those who are 8 Aimpotind a tual, with nervous weakness, nighd ] it was high- 4 ee ¢ troubles. 1 vs He uld Shem, it cured the : the dyspepsia | : recommend , get a bottle of August | PEEVISH CHILDREN. Make The Mother's Lifs One of Care snd Worry--How to Keep Baby Healthy and Happy: Indigestion is one of the 'most com _-- y . of infancy, and it is al- so one of the most serous, for unless it is controlled, the constitution will be weakened, other diseases will find LE i Dr. MeL. easy lodgment, and the child's whole future will be impenitied. At the first sign indigestion, or any trouble of = the stomach or bowels, Baby's Own Tablets should be admin istered. They sct with prowptness and perfect safety in strengthening the stomach and removing the offending material. 'Mrs. W. C. tefit, Markham, says: "Up tothe time my baby was a month old he was 8 perfectly healthy child. Then his stomach gan to trouble him. He looked pinch- ed and starved; his tongue was counted and his breath offensive. He vomited curdked milk, and was also constipat' ed. Alter taking his food he scream with pain, and although / he seemned always hungry, his food © did him no good. He was #0 restless and sleepless that 1 was almost worn out. icine seemed to do him no good until we gave him Baby's Own Tab- jets. 1 gave him the Tablets and they helped him almost immediately, and in a very short time be began to gain in weight, and is now rosy and healthy. Baby's Own Tablets = cured my baby when nothing else helped him and I would not be without them in the house." This is the only medicine for little ones that gives an ahsolute guaran tee of purity. Milton L. Hersey, Ay Be, (McGill) ome of the best know have of Baby's Own Tablets. My analysis has proved that the Tablets contain n lysts in America, says: "1 mally a carelul chemical analysis Who Are Not { 74 TRG, "a less, short of memory and lacking in spirit and self-confidence? If so, I can eure youy me you will soon be one of "DR. If MoLAUGHLINS MEN." absolutely no opiate or sarcotic; that they can be given with perfect safety to the youngest infant, tnd that they are a safe and effective me dicine for the troubles they are indi cated to relieve and cure." Such an endorsement, from so high an authority, = stamps Baby's Own Tablets as the safest, the surest and | the most rélinble medicine for the ills of children. Baby's Own Tablets are good for children of all ages. They reduce fever, eure colic, prevent and cure indiges tion and constipation, check diarrhoea sweeten the stomach, allay the irrita- tion accompanying the entting of teeth, and promote sound, healthy sleep. Guaranteed to contain no op jate. Crushed to a powder or dis solved in water, they can be aiven with absolute safety to the youngest infant. Sold hy all dealers at 250, a box, or sent posipaid on receipt of price, hy addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Shonld Abolish The Canvassing Habit. Kingston, Jan. 23.-(To the Edi wr) ; Now that the two elections are over, mmmicipal and parliamentary, we can consider what would have been 'the result in both cases if there had been no canvassing. 1 think we will all agree the result would have ben the same. That being the case, what is the use of wasting time to get voters to promise, and in some cases, as canvassers well know, they do not intend to fulfil the promise, the can- didates, in both of the late elections well know 1 think it makes little of a voter to beg his vote. It ealls in question his intelligence. Call meet ings, if you will, and discuss the me- rita and demerits of the candidates and then let every voter go to the poll and cast his or hee vote to the best of their judgment. I feel sure we would have just as good-representa tives as we have now, and a great deal Jess bother and trouble. Now, at this coming clection, let cach can didate, ® there should be two, pledge to the other that they will not can vass and [ feel sure the result will he just as satisfactory --JOS. GEORGE. ------------------ catilolic Federation. Colombus, 0., Jan. 25.~Wembers of the executive. commitive of the na tional federation of Catholie societies are arriving here in anticipation of the gentral meeting to be held to morrow at the Chittenden. This 'will be the first meeting of the national committee since the organizing con vention of the federation, held in Ui cinnati, in December, and the pr pal business to be transacted is arranging of the constitution in su ch a shape that it can be printed a circulated among the confederated wo- cioties. A meeting. of the Catholic foderation of Olio will be held in con junction with the meeting of the epm- mittee. PES---- + Conld Not Walk. Some people. become so crippled with rheutsatism that they cannot walk for months at a stretch. John Connell, Bedford Mills, Ont, suffered great blood purifier ten 30 cents, at p's W. G. Nevin, general manager or tow louthern California, San Joaquin lalley and the Santa Fe Pacific rail- bad systems, died suddenly in Los ngeles on Sunday. Miss Vivian Sartoris, the beautiful rand-danghter of Gen. U. 8. Graat, as decided to retire completely from » social world and devote herself to ani wd musical career. FREE BOOK. flies DR. M. K McLAUCH PAY WH 8. My "Electric Belt cures ago, Weak and Lame Backs, forms of Paralysis, in nitration of my Belt beg. offere 4 hve cushion wealth, do not accept ped soar the flesh, ¥ vigor saved finhations in isle sored this book; LIN, 130 Belt, 1 PLAIN TALK What They Ought to Be. indiscretions, excesses or oy er-work, 1 want to assare there is a positive that of exhaustion or have wasted, viz, human electricity, can be' put hack inte your body. When you get it back your weakness will disappear, me develops the vigor originally given to men by nature, i head erect,ch j age in their hearts am ' the man." pains, a dull ache and weakness over.the with a tired, stupid feeling? Are Do youfeely ourself aged before your time. What you lack is just what electricity Weakness and Stomach, Bowel, Liver, of with » cheap in i elentrode is ny special vention. aires the perfeption of physical streng th show ! } k wily sealed, free npon request OFFICE HOULS 0am. 10 £0 pin. YO MEN ality has been wasted by you that remedy for your trouble. If your cpndition is feohleness, the very eoloment Ww hich you If you are 8 'man whose youthful vit and you will become strong in nerve, brain, muscle, and every organ, and filled with joy that you are once move a perfect specimen of manhood. Dr. McLaughlin's Electric Belt will fill your gystear with the power you have fost. glowing, soothing ing refreshed, all aches and pains d enough to attempt and accomplish what any It does this in a gentle, way while you sleep. Ypu get up in the morn: isappear, and vou fool strong other pian gan or feel like a new man, because it restores and vy. Jt makes you Pick out the men who have wort my Belt. Sec thom. with est expanded, the glow of health in their cheeks, cours 1 a clasp «f the hand that tells you *1 am Have you rheumatism and hack kidneys, dull headaches, : you losing your vitality power? Are you neryous,sleep- Do you know that you are.not the man you would like to be? supplies: My-Belt will cure you, and if you will come to you can offer reasonable gecurity you can have my BS And how is it with you? EN CURED. drains of vitality, Varicocele, Nervous Debility, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Prostatitis, There are many on the market. Old style blistering searchers whose only merit is thelr tation of my { ushion Rleetrode. But fis asham Don't accept It. The hat is none Without it al electric belts blister and bain holes tu dhe Bosh 1t tells how strength ia lost and how 1 restors é Id ree uy beautifully illustrated book a he man yor should be, write todey f you will send this ad. If you ae not t Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. generous offer. Ry their timely we thon rently hopeless per Full iistructions with each set of four free remedies sented in the ins. frat; This is A POSITIVE CURE for ail ThroatsmsLung Con eumntion Troubles, also senses, weak lungs, coughs, sors throat. &¥nsumption and other pulmonary troubles or inflammatory coodi- tions of nose, throat and lungs. The treatment is wile to obtaih it. By the system devised by PR. T. in pulmonary nod Kindred diseases, the needs of the sick body can be condensed into his treatment by four distinct preparations. Whatever your disease, one or mote of these four remedies will bo of benefit to you. rencies case; fully explained in the trdatise given medicines, you may take one, of any two, or three, or all four, tiem, The four together form a panoply of strength against disease shape it may attack you. free with the free nts -- in whatever DR. A. W. CHASES GATARRH CURE... 25. "ily gedinek 30 the diseaeed by rhe, Taprowed: Blower i is thes Sr If. . shnhl see A brother langalbing in sure distecgs. And § shite tues wei desve him somdort § When 1. might be, A singer of hope with Bappioese-- How coubd | ask to bave what 1 Aeris, In my own boar of Ibilsethess supped 7 "8 1 mighd share load along ihe Gusts way, wnik wione that "1t doy Cures Rheumatism. Mr Like Baler St. Toromts, bed. rhea seein wor bed hat he wi in the Soephtal Sor Tpiv wiovihe, Grabs Benth! Ligimesd raped hy i ha Rulsed on and takes dstarmnity cont price We |p . Pemotiy 4 | Griffith's Menthol! Liniment THESE FOUR REMEDIES sent 5 Now system of medicinal treatmen! for the weak and those yuffers | eatarrh, | free, You bave only to i A. SLOCUM, the specialist | According to the | in combinar | tion Prevente EMEDIES FOR ALL SUFFERERS READING THIS PAPER. NEW CURE FOR TUBERCULOSIS, CONSUMPTION, WEAK LUNGS, CATARRH, N moans. ppp: RUN-DOWN SYSTEM, PR. SLOCUM IN His LABORATORY Demcosteating to Medical Meo, Scientists, Statesmen and Students the value of the New Slocum System oC Treatment for the Permunent Cure of Conver pion and fl Pulmonary sod Wastiog Pei... Not guesswork, but science, t. Nota step backward, but & { of the old ruin. Made possible only by Pasteur's, Vir chow's, Metchnikofl's and Slocum's latest discoveries in bacteriology, hygiene and therapeutics. # | Io plain English, a system of modern scientific disease curing. : The Slocum System consistsof Four Pre- parations which act simul and supplement each other's curative action. on sre invited 10 test what this system will do for you, if you are sick, by writing for a Free Trial Tr and the d Do you cough ? Do your lungs pain you? Is your throat sore and inflamed 7 Do you spit up phlegm ? Does your head ache ? is your appetite bad ? Are your lungs delicate ' Are you losing flesh ? Are you pale and thio ? Do you lack stamina? These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the most dangerous malady that has ever devas | tated the sarth--consumption. Consumption, the bane of those who have been brought up in the old-fashioned | beliefs that this disease was hercditary, that it was fatal; that none could recover | wiio were once firmly clasped in its relentless gop. But now kpown to be curable, made so | by the discoveries of that man Ww hose | name has been given to this sew system of treatment. Now known to be preventable and corable by follbwing and practising his teachings. The new system of treatment will cure you of consumption and of all diseases which can be traced back to weak lungs as a foundation. i It is not a drug system, but a | systern of germ ruction i body building. stride out Four Free Preparations will be forwarde you at once, with complete directions for use, The Slocum System is positive cure for consumption, that most insadious disease, sod for af long troables and disorders complicated by loss of flesh, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis and Heat { Troubles. Simply writetotbe T, A. Slocum Chem eal Company, Limited, 179 King Street West, Teronte, giving NS tofice. ond express address, and the free editing (1he Slocum Cure) will be promptly seat. Persons in Canada sesing Slocem's free offer in American rs will send for samples 10 Torwor Bignse | Mention this . Slocum's Remedies | for sale by ail reliable druggists. | | Ta Its natural that defective [39% plumbing should do its worst'in (78 cold weather. If there's a bad joint or & slight leak i be given attention now. remove the bad spots by repair y ing them and thus save y "annoyance and expense, © ---------------- 4 + coc MCKELVEY. erp, 4