KINGSTON, ONTARIO. TUESDAY. JANUARY 28, 1902. LAST EDITION We Will Sell 3 for $1 Cash For 10 one Days Only. guaranteed grade. & Halliday high | sod Why is an umbrella like 8 hot-cross ben? Beeause it is never ween after lent. If we could ser ourselves as vibers seo US, all ooulims would Bave to work overtime. Joy, wmperancy Slam the door fellow, The sus rises Wedmaday at 7:20 am, ste st 5:06. pm. The moon rises to night ot 10:36. ; The laundryman may bot rumk with the wed repose, on the doctor's nose. ~Long: "mon" In Gruly great unless he can be fapous without making aay of the himself. important meeting of the Sokliers' Wives' League will be beld in the Armouries. to-morrow, Wednesday, Jon. 293k, st 2:30 p.m. This day in the world's history--Sir Fran- cis Disks died, 159%; Paris wurrendersd to Prussians, 1871; Pasams rablvosd oped, 1556; London streets lighted by gus 1807. A certain married couple planted a tree on their fawn in remembrance of their frst quarrel. Another couple call' on them Intely; and when the incident was explained 'the visiting lady whispered to Ber spouses, "My, we had dose What, woukl'y we have hod a splendid svenue mow » Register | Register ! ! Th legal tariol election. All entitled to man old registration lists are nob or available for any new On- hood suffrage should register. To- morrow is the last day. Chinaware. We are carr load of Plenty of bere lor sion. We + pots inten we have broken sete that harm to come and see. ROBERTSON BROS. ~~ ART STORE Was Never More Attrac- "tive Than at Present. We have now the Most Extensive aA wa . all and Bie what we have be: ore Pp : Homestead, contain are 179 ves of in od é NEW GRAND °"%55 HOUSE A. J. BMALL, Lessea and Manager. immortals, but be gemerally leaves his sonrk | Jin the world. = WEDNESDAY, JAK. 29th [ 0 : Same grea London awd N.Y. Don's a ot of on ag ¥ Prices, 35¢., 80¢., 78¢., 81. BOX SEATS, $1.50. Beats now on sale st HANLEY'S. Next attraction, tay Feb. + NN, The Ohinwee English Commie Opera, "SAN TOY." "+2 "HOCKEY MATCH- sean ; wo so i A. MARIISON. on "the AUCTION SALES Housshold Furniture & BROWN HAVE CONDUCTED 41 wales, without having checkers to - or to the cash tory returns in De; Lnayor bie THE AINGS LON DISTRICT FAIR ANNUAL MEETING OF Fur will be bold in yp: cil. CHAMBERS, ON WED: 3 ha ochork, : W. EDWARDS, BE. O'CONNOR York, Kye sad Bax, Nom OH A RM. C. Cadets |i vs. Queen's I WEDNESDAY, 5. Ganw called at 8 p.m Adminsion 15. THE ARRANGEMENTS MADE With the National Telephone Com- pany of England. London, Jan. 28.--1In the house, yes terday afternoon, in reply to ford Dimsdale, conservative member of parliament for the city of London, who -had moved an amendment. to the address in reply to the king's speech, asking for an eaquiry into the gov- ernment's arrangement with the Na- tional telephone company, Austin Chamberlaia, financial secre tw the treasury, made a vigorous ve: tort. He said that the government, through the post office tient, did not consider it their duty to » h the Nati 1 1 ph com pany out of existence. Cut-throat competi ion, he declared, would be bad for the taxpayers, and result in and The t ol as regards speed, efficiency, ability in different servi os, and Lon: would have a service not sur paised by any city in world in those respect 3 ARE NOTICEABLY ACTIVE Owisg To The Proximity Of Gen. Dewet. CONVINCED OF USELESSNESS OF RESISTANCE. In------ Vilonel Was the Best Shot in the Free State Prior to the War-- He is Now Raising Burgher Corps to Assist the British. Wolvehoek, Jonge River Colony, Jan. 27.--The Dgarrisons of the block houses, along line of the Orange River Colony, are noticeably alert ow- ing to the proximity of Gen. Dewet. The wire entanglements are now very strong. Field cornet Bodes with three men surrendered to Col. lean near Kurrenshérg, yesterday, bringing thee horses, rifles and ammunition. It is said that the majority of Bodes' men are convinced of the uselessness of fur- ther resistance and will surrender within a short time. The Boers are hard pressed for food now, owing to the fact that the British are occupying the grain is tricts. Twenty-five Ladybrand bhurgh- ers tok the oath of allegiance on Thursday, and eighteen more yester: day. Heavy rains are delaying the operations of the British columes, the swollen 'drifts meking transport dif- ficult, Commandant Vilonel who las leen on parole for nearly two years and who has considerable influence in the Wynburg district, is now raising bur- to assist the British. Vionel' was acknowledged to be the best shot in the Free State prior to the war. -- Boers Gathered In. London, Jan. 28.--Lord Kitchener. in a despatch from Jobannesburg, dated Sunday, January 16th, announ- ces that Col. Plumer captured thirty six Boers last Saturday in the th borhood of Spitahoa (Spitzhop), Vaal River Colony. Gen. Bruce Hamilton eaptured cighty-two Boers by a night march and the surprise of laager between Ermelo and Bethel. Rounding Them Up. Johannesburg, Jan. 27.~Gen. Vil- joenSand one of his adjutants have been captured north of Lydeabury, and another adjutant and a Boer Erion were killed at the time. Gen. iljoen was returring from Pilgrim's Rest, from a visiv to acting president Schalkburger, and other members of the so-called Boer government at Steenkopberg, west of Lydenbery. Gen. Methuen, operating from Vry- burg toward the north of Sweizerren- cke, has captured a Boer laager, tak- ing twenty-three prisoners. He also captured eighty-five waggons avd a herd of cattle. 'Qolebrander has captured se- ven burghers near Rustenburg. sini 'Sorry For Non-Acceptance. Well n, N.Z., Jap. 35.--At meet- ings of Maoris, held here, yesterday, resolutions were adopted protestin against German slanders of British Shunga, and expressing t that the British authorities could not see their way clear to accept the services of 2,000 native scouts in South Africa. The Maoris cheered for king Edward and colonial secretary Chamberlain. International Fisheries Congress. St. Petersburg, Jan, 28.- A notable international exhibition opened in St. Petersburg, to-day, under the aus pices of the Imperial Russian socisty of fisheries and fish - culture. Among the objects of the enterprise are to acquaint producers and consumers with the various products of fisheries and with methods of preparing and preserving thems; to exhibit the gra- dust development and actual state of arfifcial fish breeding, and to pro- moty scientific research in the inter- ests of fisheries. An international con. gress to discuss all phases of the fish- e its' industry is to be held in con junction with the exhibition: ---------------- Publishers' Complaints Heeded. Washington, B.C, "Jan. 28~The post office committee of the senate, to-day, conumenced an investigation of the recent ruling of the postmas- ter-gencral, under which certain pre: minum publications are denied second class rates. Senator Mason, who is chairman of the committee, has sum: moned a number of withesses lo prove that the action of the department is not warranted by law. Officials of post office rtment, on the other hand, are con t that the ittee will sustain the ruling. ------_-------------- : Mabel Goodrich Case On Trial. Philadelphia, Pa.. Jan. 28.--The four with the sensati- sational features surcounding the case the trial will attract much attention. Nothing of the line of defence has yot been disclosed ---------------- PITH OF THE NEWS. e-- The Very Latest News Culled Fron All Over The World. The Allan line steamer Mongolian, from New York, for Glasgow, ardived out Fridey morning. Fhe most superb and wonderful pearl ever seen is reported to have been found at Broome, western Australia. The governor of Natal has announce od that in future Natal rebels will be tried by court martial, instead of the civil courts. James MeEwing, Maryboro, announ- ces himseli as independest candidate for West Wellington county in next provincial legislature. At Wichita, Kansas, Mrs. Angeline Anderson was bound and in broad daylight and robbed of 31,100 worth of diamonds and $1,500 in money. John Bolton, one of the oldest in Babitants, i& dead at New Dublin, aged ninety-six years. He was one of the pioneers of U. FE. loyalist stock. : Liens on the Berlin, Ont, dlectric railway have been filed by the Ame fican bridge company jor $17,000 and by Mebonald & Co., contractors, for £53.00. The pope is in excellent health, both mental and physical, and is looking forward joyfully to the fetes which will celebrate his twenty-five years in the pontificate. \ Detective Hyndman, Winnipeg, posi- tively identifies Walter Gordon, alias John Gray, of the C.M.R., at Halifax, as the man wanted fur wurder at White Water. Governor and Mrs. Shaw will leave Des Moines for Washington to-night Governor Shaw expects to assume the duties of secretary of the treasury on February Ist. Dynamite exploded in a structure on Forticth street, New York. Two men were killed and seventy-five injured. One of those killed was J. Roderick Roberts, Nelson, B.C. One wing of the public school at Niagara Falls, Ont., was gutted by fire. The pupils were marched out in sod order antl sent home when the ws was discovered. Julius F. Yaeger, jr., chagrined be- cause a girl had refused to marry him after be was known to have stolen money from his employers, ' himself at Oakville, Mo. Joseph Carpenter, of Braidwood, 111, is accused of offering a bribe to presi- dent Richard Newsam, of 'the state mining board, for a certificate as a licensed hoisting engineer. The Allan line steamer Siberian, from Philadelphia, for Glasgow, via St. John's, Nfid., arrived out Monday and landed with her passengers and live stock without any loss, Clark Archibald, a prominent citi: zen of Truro, N.S. is missing for a week. - Searching parties found his dead body, face downward, in a brook back of the town reservoir this morning. Frederick Lawrence, a G.T.R. engi neer, of Brockville, was killed by be- ing caught between his engine and a freight car two and a half miles from Vaudreuil, Que. How the accident appeted is a mystery. ie whetehy running arrangements w the South "Enore railway uses: the tracks and: terminus of the Grand Trunk railway between St. Lambert snd Bonaventure station, Montreal, not having worked to the ratisiae- tion-of either the South Shore or the Grand Trunk, it is understood that this arrangement will terminate on March 1st. A HILARIOUS DRIVER. Returning From One Funeral, He Nearly Provided Another. Chicago, Jan. 28.--While returning from a funeral Charles Spalding drove his carriage upon the Chicago and Northwestern railways elevat tracks at Diversy boulevard. A woman ahd a girl who were in the vehicle fainted, a third occupant became hysterical, two express irains were flagged by the police, the hilarious driver before he arrested. Policemen from -three stations join- od in the chase, and finally sveceed- ed in saving Spelding end his cab from destruction under the trucks of the Kenosha express near the Foster avenue station of the Northwestern after he had driven at least a mile over the elevated roadway. ms -- To Speak At Nominations. Woodstock, Ont., Jan. 28.--~At a meeting of the executive of the liberal association of North Oxford a resolu tion was congratulating Hon. James Sutherland on his appointment as minister of marine and fisheries and tendering him the nomination in the coming byelection. Owing to the shortness of the time before nomina- tion day it was impossible to call a convention. Among the speakers who ted to be present at the nom- i to-morrow was 4 J » . M.P., Charles Marcil, M.P., and W. 8. Calvert, M.P. Wants To Create Interest. Windsor, Omt., Jan. 928--Major Giardot. of Sandwich, is trying to get the farmers of Essex county interest ed in the beet sugar industry, as believes the soil of Essex is well adapted for the growing of sugar beets. He has made arrangements to purchase all the beets which the furm- order that and several shots were fired at | Jretaming Ww To Be Licutesant-Governor Of New Brunswick. RAILWAY NAT TI BE SUD IN SPITE OF PRESIDENT BOOTH'S DENIAL. A Schedule of Rates Prepared For the British Yukon Railway-- Company is Now Considering It--General Capital Notes. Ottawa, Jan. 88.--I1t is now thought akogether likely that the Canada At- lantic will be sold to the New York Central railway. The reported sale was denied on Saturday, but Dr. Se- ward Webb, in the city, admits that pegotiations are in progress Senator Snowball has resigned to accept the appointment as lweutenant- overnor of New Brunswick. The officers of the railway depart- ment have prepared and submitted an amended schedule of rates to the Bri tish Yukon railway company which the representatives of the company are now considering. Trooper L. W.-R. Mulloy, blinded in Sbuth Africa, will leave in & few days for the institute for the blind, Halifax, and will afte begin on his course for the Methodist ministry. The only thing to prevent the pur chase of the Canada Atlantic would be the failure to pay the money, said Dr. W. Seward Webb, at government house this morning, after he had announced that the purchase had been completed. He had ancther conference with J, R. Booth to-day to settle the details. All that remains to be done to enable the capitalists, whom Dr. Webb represents, to have possession of the road is to pay over the cash and have all the books &f the company brought up to date, a statement made of all its af fairs and the money will be paid over. What the price is Mr. Webb would not say, nor would he tell the value of the new bonds issued which will be made when the Canada Atlantic changes hands. The general effects of the sale will be that the Canada At lantic, the Rutland, New York Cen- tral, Canadian Pacific, Quebec South- ern and South Shore railways will be hrought into close business relations The Canadas Atlantic, Rutland and New York Centtal will be practically one railway. A fleet of eight steam- ships, which have heen doing a big business between Ogdensburg and Chi cago, will be taken off and in future will run between Depot Harbor, Chica- go and Duluth. The change in owner- ship will not injuriously affect Ottawa. ------ THE MEAT CONTRACT. -- Misinformed As To Where Goods Would Come From. London, Jan. 28.--Replying to a question in the house of commons, last evening, secretary of war Brodrick said was no truth in the report that a contract for meat, the troops in South Africa, had been given to a firm that was interested in Ar genting meat. - The contract had been slotted to a firm which had large in- terests in Australia. These people had iven a& written undertaking that so oe as possible they would obtain the meat from the colonies. The St. James Gazette says it has the highest authority for declaring that Mr. Seddon, premier of New Zea- land, was misinformed when he com- plained of the British government go- ing to Argentina instead of the col 'onies for the South African meat sup sly. Not a single contract bad been placed in Argentina by the war office, although the cold storage company, which had hitherto supplied meat to the troops, did place a few orders in Argentina owing to the voyage from Australia to African being longer than from Argentina to the Cape. The war office had, however, instructed contrac tors that they must give preference to colonial cattle. ---- WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. May Be Introduced Into the Yu- kon District. Toronto, Ont., Jan. 28.~A Mail and Empire special from Tacoma, Wash. , says: Dawson capitalists are backing W. F. Thompson, publisher of the Yu- kon Sun, in a project to connect Daw son with Forty-Mile, Koyukuk, aod other Yukon districts by means of wireless telegraphy. The first signal stations will be erected at Dawson and White Horse. Thompson has left Dawson for Ottawa, where he expects to secure official sanction to the pro- ject. He will go thence to New York to enter Signor Marconi"s laboratory. Dawson next summuer with an equipment for the system. William B. Harris, . formerly, for many years, deputy provincial tress urer of Ontario, died at i= residence, in the city yesterday. Mr. Harris was, vears ago, prominently connected with the Queen's own rifles, retiring in 1569, with the rank of major. He was out with his regiment in 1666. Mr. Harris was also prominent in Maso mic circles. Louisville To Welcome Schley. Louis ide, Ky. Jan. 28.--Admiral Winfield Septt Schley will become the guest of Louisvile this evening. The tire, and is people will unite 0 do honor 10 the great naval commander. Every hour of the time the admiral is in Lovisville will be given over The dis- Yine | delogat in ing the a Louisville board of trade, 1 PERTH PRESBYTERIANS, Celebrate Anniversary--Rev. Prof. McComb Preached. Perth, Jan. 38.-8t. Andrew's con: ation, Perth, Rev. A. H. Scott, A., minister, are engaging in the celebration of their handsome church edifice. This is one of the oldest and best equipped churches of upper Ca- nade. Mr. Seutt is a graduate of Queen's in arts and divinity. The con- gregation invited & Queen's profes sor, Rev. Dr. McComb, to be with them on the first Sunday of the ob- servances, which are to run over some two or three weeks, as at the time of dedication. ~ Last Sunday's services were most hearty throughout, the money responses were generous, and the ' new ecclesiastical year has been enterod upon by the people of this historic congregation with much en- WEATHER PROBABILITIES. ---- Ont, (10 J 28. ir cold day -- Jon at below zero towigbt Toronto, apd very Considerably TWO DAYS' SALE, Tuesday cow etit. A certain expectation sor of Queen's, who was preacher of the day. The congregation was afid not only so, but perhaps mainly for the sake of those who have been repeating suspicious guestionings since the presbytery in which Perth is situ ated summarily severed the tie be tween one of its congregation avi a minister who flopped into another fold recently. This community will have confidence in an institution for which iv has done very much, if it is privil- iged with the assurance that all who receive instruction there have sounded into their ears doctrines in line with those proclaimed by the Queen's pro- fessor, who appeared in St. Andrew's pulpit last Sunday. As the annivers- ary season extends the observances have the names of Rev. Robert Campbell, D.Sc., Rev. G. Coleborne Heine, Montreal, and Rev. John Crombie, D. D., clerk of the presbytery of Lanark ed with the minister of the celebrat- ing church. -------- ENDED HIS LIFE. A Well-Known Dawson Man Cuts His Throat. Winnipeg, Man., Jan. 28.--A Daw gon, Yukon, special despatch to the Free Press, says: Thomas M'dw'eion, cushier_in the gold comuissioner's of fico. committed suicide by cutting bis throat with a razor, at 11,30 on Mon day. He belonged to Leeds, England, and was in a bank in Halifax, Nova Seco tia, before coming herve, in 1809. Mid. dleton has not been in hix office for several days, His accounts are short over $3,000, His defalcation and suicide created a great sensation, everyone believing him to be above suspicion He was so worried that it is thought he was committed the rash act. STARTED FOR CAPE TOWN Sailed From Halifax. Halifax, N.B., Jan. 2K Crowds of citivens as: embled on the strects this morning to wee the C.M.R: and field hospitsl corps vmbark on the troep- ship Victorian. [The weather wus clear and cold. Troops were rlayed to the dock yard by militia bands and, after saying farewell, went on bourd i troops the pier and a guard of honor furnished from the same Col. Evans received a number of mes sages wishing bim and good luck. At noon th spection went, through © ship pronounced everything in perfat der. Two royal artillerymen stiempt el to stow away on the Woopship, but were deteciea and brought ca shore. . -------- TO BE CREMATED. Full Blooded Shawnee Cruelly Tortured. Guthiie, Okla., Jan. 25. Fred Tin or, a full blood Shawnee indian, al Jeged to have outraged three Shawnee Indian to be burned two death hy of his tribe, wen and wo fast cruelly tortured a "take membre men. He was bis ears were torn nearly off by the | squaws. | Other te rible tortures were being | applied when deputy United Staten marshal Davis arris od from Arbeka, I. T. Holding the mob back with a gun, be cut the thongs, backed away from the crowd with his privonet and caped to Weweok he ¢ Tiver placed in jail. ww Nothing Known Of It. Halifax, N.8., Jan. 28.~There is a | rumor afloat that Britain has asked for two thousand more Cansdians for | South Africa. Hon, D. Morden says | he knows nothing of it. i Opera House To-Night, David | Harum. i Edward P. Elliotts has drawn some | of the largest houses in Canada and | the United States. 1 you wish, to know how to trade horves go to the opera house to-night Good | Cause For Thanks When you have the supreme | satisfaction of putting on a Col- | lar or Shirt done up at BAKER'S | STEAM LAUNDRY, with a color' snd finish on it to suit the most | fastidious; and mo rough edges or torn button holes to annoy you. Princess Baker's, Street. | marked the coming of the new profes- | special | pleased with | his ministrations for their own sakes, | been announced, coupled gran of | and Renfrew, who are to be associat | have | temporarily insane, when be | The Canadian Mounted Rifles The R.C.R. band played | regiment. | | i the troops | board of in- | His face was beaten out of shape, snd | AND Wednesday, Women's and Children's VESTS. | 480 Garments | In All. Women's, regular price 18¢, 20c., 25¢, for 13¢. Each, | Child's, regular price | 14¢., 15¢., 18¢c., 20c., for | 9c. Each. | Also 200 Ends Black | Linenette Lining. Regu- lar 10c. and 12%¢., for | 7c. a Yard, STEACY & STEACY 106-108-110 Princess Street. UNDERTAKERS. 8. 8S. CORBETT, INEKAL PRINGERS | Yu. aliicIon » ---------- ---- JAMES REID, | | THE LEADING UNDERTA | Pri Rriacss. Bien Piao Tae T. ¥. HARRISON CO, | Undertakers, 233-836 Princess Bb, | Quality snd oliclency the best, Prise the Phones--Warercoms, 90. Night iz : H ul Calls, MARRIED. | O'CONNOR-OLDFIN~In Kington, January 2th, 1902, by His grees, Arghibishe Gauthier, P. U'Cinpor 0 Catheriog on fi, both of this wity ly Me DIED. | AVERY ~AL Mallorytown, Jansery B54h ane Hendry, wile of the lute Alieed vory, aged seventy one yomrsl WPNNINGHAM <n Kingston, Jaweary 281k, Daniel Cunnioghem, aged 87 { Puperal will domi his late residence, 258 Ridents wtrwet, Thursday worn sO WPetock, fag 8 Mary's eatheds - solemn recgaiem wines will be cclubraied. I ER -------- mvited to sttind (Buffalo and Aldon, N.Y pleasa copy.) yours papers squaws on last Thursday, was tied to | Trade Mark . {Clock Chances. ¥ there's a elocklnss 2com in your }.ouse where » stock be 8 conveuwnes, Bow in the ume snd this is the place to Sill * thy rend. § We have all sorts of clocks . You Wiser s far pins. They're § Lied