ANGIER'S DAILY BRITISH HIG. = PETROLEUMEL 1s All Right ~~ Have you tried it? EMULSIO KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TRAURSDAY. JANUARY 30. 1902. LAST EDITION "FOR CATARRHAT DISEASP ATARRHALASxEE | Readers to Judgment is the best foe. ~Byron. LOCAL MEMORANDA. -- The Dally Note Book For Whig Post Themselves By. protector of epergy. me shall fied a stubborn Concert by Y.M.C.A. orchestrs, YMCA. i ball, 8 pm. The sun rises Friday ot 7:18 am, and sis at 5:10 pm. rouiment, Dance conducted by sergeants of 14h Whig ball, 530 pm. Many a man gets to thy top by, ushig the elevator instead of climbing the ladder. A men can by ewegiog without being en- gaged, sel 5 gel effected withouw being af Jo E of ii. 1 fashionable, or fectionete. I's mighty litle consolation to the last missionary 10 be remimied that be wos used for dessert. What ie that which we can feel and not which is easily eaten *--Flatlery. It is said thot pillow shame are no longer but there are numerous other swallowed, but neber shame with which to Al the void Fancy Patterns. You may need an extra pair now, 'We have a large assortment to choose from, Je R. Johnston, a] aad Draper. Your Neighbor Says WALSH'S This doy mn the world's bistory--Charles 1 beheaded, Austria commits N Faure of France bom, 1841. crown prinos Rudolph of 1889; president SCRANTON [A Load of COAL "Shall we send you a ton 7 A REMINDER. 'Mow is the time to have -- your and LY IN FANCY DRESS AND Fancy i ite 26. Uhl » LICENSE TRANSFER i wanes you. No berm to come ROBERTSON BRO troups, Halilax, Quel Kong, for an Chinaware. wi ky AK STREET, OCCU. 1, vs Be Paid To Ths Canadian Pa- cific Railroad. Jan. has issued the térms of its five years contract with railroad for the conveyance of and stores, monthly, hee, Montreal and 30.~The goverment the Canadian Pacific mails, between ong annual subsidy of £60, GIVE NOTICE THAT I IN- 1000 of which the dominion' contributes my tavern licenee, for my Station, 10 Hebert £15,000. Almonte. The Board of Cow | lation will meet on or about the 8th dey | pany ounsider my tion, A "Bin Clarendon Station. Say 350d, 1905 So Thi NOTICE. THE j MEETING OF Calvin CG ay, C. CALVIN, Secretory. ---------- So -------- POOL TABLE WANTED. or on f can disposs of it for s rensonwble. Address Benn 1 Died 'in © TO-LET o premian, e AND at MoCani's office, 333 King sireot. clalist, THE | bre W ations, replacing the. old he government pre-emption of eighteen of the largest and swiftest others are available for an emergency VING A GOOD SECOND. without further subsidy. A MEMBER DEAD. a Portland, Where He Went For Consultation. : Coaticooke, Que., Jan. 30. Moody B. Lovell, county, did at Portland last night, Deceased has been MPP. The most interesting stipw is that the vessels of the com are liable to war service, company agresing to construct all its muil steamers under admiralty super vision, providing gun platiorms otherwive fitti J | they can be yopehips. Similar contracts have mis | heer concluded with the great trans EEEESIER ES gir Ag BAN the and them out so that as armed cruisers or Atlantic and oriental shipping corpor- cements, thereby obtain the steamships, while thirty for Stanstead for several weeks, but his sudden de mire is a great shock to his famil ity. Nr. Lovell oll, M.P., and fir of BARDON THER CLAN fn Hope Of Amy Peace Nego- tiations, . 10 FOREGO INDEPENDENCE. ACCEPT IMMEDIATE AND GEN- EROUS AMNESTY. Sr ---- British Went Out to Capture a Laager--S sult French Papérs Say About the . Peacs Wegotiations. : London, Jan. 30.--The Central News agency declares that it has excellent authority for stating that the Boer leaders have intimated, through Dr. Van Kuyper, the Dutch premier, their willingness to abandon their claim to independence as a sin qua pon to any peace megotiations, but that they would accept an immediate and gener- ous amnesty. Most of the newspapers here express apinions that further news as regards the attitude of the British government on the Dutch pro- s will be necessary before it can be decided whether the peace prospects are better than they were before, The St. James Gazette claims that the communication from the Dutch governmenit was couched in very friendly and respectiul language and gave expression to the sincere sorrow with which the prolongation of hos- tilities is watched by the people of Holland, and of their desire to see speedily consummated. The Ne- therlands government intimated that it would facilitate in every way pos- gible a settlement between the helli- gevents. The document concluded by placing the services of Holland at the di of the British government should the occasion arise in which the Dutch government might act as friend- ly mediators. French Press Views. Paris, Jan. 30.--~The French papers all comment on the statement made Ly Right Hon. A. J. Balfour, in the Bni- tish house of commons, in regard to the overtures for peace between Great Britain and the Boers. The Figaro asks whether Mr. Baliour's statement is not a manoeuvre initiated with the object of bringing up the question of negotiations. The Pappel finds Mr. Balfour's lancuage very ambiguous and ou that the British are em- by intervention. © i tain, it says, would prefer to with acting- i alkburger, of the Transvaal government. The Galois says Mr. Balfour's statement foreshadows a more important an: nouncement. It indicates that the Dutch government has discretly inter- vened between the belligerents in order to facilitate a basis of agreement. The Boers, the paper sayy, want peace, but an honorable peace. Had A Surprise. 'Pretoria, Jan. 20.-Gen. Wilson's bolumn, consisting of 300 men, recent ly started from nkfort with the ob- ject of capturing a laager about twen- ty-five miles out in the direction of the Vaal river. The British ran into and surprised 800 Boers, who afterwards closed in and forced Wilson to retire, with slight loss. The Boer loss is supposed to have been heavy. It is rumored that a correspondent who ac- Sampaio Wilson's column was cap- tu Dewet Glides Of Again. London, Jan. 30.--Canadian scouts with Remington when near Wilger riv- er, chased a number of earts which were seen leaving a farm. They dis continued the chase owing to the enemy becoming 00 numerous for their safety, and it was subsequently ascertained that the carts contained Christian Dewet and his retinue. Died Of His Wounds. Pretoria, Jan. 30.--J. Driscoll, sur- prised a Boer laager at Poplar Grove, on the Modder river, and captured e'evon Boers, including field cornet Grobelaar, who died of his wounds. MADE THEIR ESCAPE. They Were Awaiting Execution at : Pittsburg, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 30.--Edward and John Biddle, the Canadian< awaiting execution in the county jail for the murder of Thomas D. Kahney, a grocer, of Mowit Washington, over- the guards at four o'clock this morning and escaped. Both pris- oners had provided with saws, with which they cut the bars in their cells and were ready at any moment to make an opening sufficiently lary to pass through. Guard Reynolds was shot and locked in a dungeon. His in- juries are serious. 'TWAS QUITE A SMASH. | A Riot in the Old City of Buda , City Buda Pest, Jan. 30.--A riot of work- ocoourred here to-day. Ten thous LEAPED FROM A TRAIN. Took Chances And Gained Free- dom From Law. Winnipez, Jan.® 30. -- Alexander Foulds, pi 33 blsckamith of Hartoey, and an ex-Winni{eger, being brought to this city to answer to «hangs of i v, made a sensatio escape Woinousy afternoon by jumping from a train going at a rate of thirty miles an hour, somewhere in the sidinity of Lowe's farm, not far from Morris. Constable W. K. Bradley; who had the prisoner, is greatly i at the escape of his prison: er, and frankly admits that the es cape was due to his own carelessness. The prisoner made no resistance at the time of his arrest, and exhibited 8 periect willingness to accompany the officer. During the trip he asked leave to go into the smoking room and enjoy a cigar. This the constable allowed Vim to do, and that was the last he saw of him. As the train ap- proached Lowe's farm, Foulds came out on the platform and jumped off the train. Foulds was seen at an early hour about twenty miles north of Gretna, and making for the boundary. Bs -- " SUING FOR DAMAGES. Her Husband Was Killed On The Cc. PR, : , Winnipeg, Jan. 30.--Mrs. Robinson, widow of B. D. Robinson, a car re pairer, fatally injured last summer, while working on the repair track in the Canadian Pacific yards, Calgary, has entered suit against the C. P. R. com, for $10,250 damages to her- self child for the loss of her hus- band. The new schedule of rates on grais, flour, catmebl and mill stuffs for all Canadian Northern lines in Manitoba has been sompleted. The new tariff, which comes into effect February lst, provides for a reduetion of two cents & hundred pounds on all the articles mentioned, and means a reduction of from 11 1-9 to 13 1-3 per cent. at the various points affected. A Factory On Fire. Lennoxville, Que., Jan. 30.--George Gale & Sons' large spring bed and iron bedstead factory, at Waterville, is on fire and unless Sherbrooke fire engine reaches there soon will be a total loss, estimated between $35,000 and $40, 000. Fire started in paint room. Waterville, Jan. 30.--Fire broke out this morning in the iron bedsteads and spring factory belonging to Geo. (Gale & Sons, and within an hour all was ruin. The fire startéd in the nin room over the foundry. A fire igade was called from Sherbrooke and some help came also from Coati- cooke. Fire was under control at 11 a.m. The whole building was destroy: ed excepting some of the walls that now . The loss is estimated to be $100,000. About 1256 employees are thrown out of work. The loss is part- ly covered by insurance. Ta Memory Of Crown Prince. Vienna, Jan. 30.-The ansivetaaty of the death of crown prince Rudolj was gbrerved, to-day, by masses in the palace chapel and in the Capuch- in church, in the veult in which the prince is entombed. Emperor Francis Joseph and other members of the im- pe ial family wéfé present at the tomb but the countess: Lonyay, widow of prince Rudolph, ~ and her daughter, Elizateth, who was wedded last week to prince Otho, of Windisch-Gactz, were not present. -------- Accused Of Murder. Vancouver, B.C., Jan. 30.--The steamer Tees, arrived from the north. reports the arvest of two Indians, charged with the murder of a Japan- ese in connection with the tribal In- dian war st Metlakatia. From the statement of the prisoners it appears that the Japanese was killed because he was suspected of practising sorcery to which the death of several of their tribe was attributed. To Examine Boundary. London, Jan. 30.--S8ir Thomas Hun- gerford Holdich, the geographical ex: pers appdinted by the British govern- ment to investigate the b dary question between Argentine and Chili, started today for South America. During his surveys be will receive no suggestions from either the Argentine or Chilian commissions. so that his work may be entirely independent. McEachern Resigned. * Toronto, Jan. 30.--~The World says to-day: "Dr. Duncan McEachern, do- minion vetevinary inspector, as re signed his position. It 1s reported on good authority that he will be super: seded by Dr. Rutherford, ex-M.P, Manitoba. who is at present in Eng- land as Canadian government inspec- tor of thoroughbred stock to be im- ported into Canada from Britain." A Private Affair. C.P.R. ticket who © shot himself yesterday. Gould's Jetter intimated NEWS OF THE WORLD. What Comes To Us From Al Quarters. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH, bibs Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little . Publie. It is reporwed that the C. P. R. will erect a. large summer hotel at Rat Portage. Hon. 5. N. Parent was banquated by the citizens of Quebec on Welnes- day night. : George Gould, C. P. R. ticket agent at Rat Portagp, committed susci by E. H. Fitzhugh is in Montreal, and je likely to rejoin the official stafi of the G. T. R. The Odelsthing (second chamber), Christiana, has passed a bill admit ing women as jurors. Prince Antoine, a second cousin of the duke of Orleans, has been refused as a French andy conscript. Steps are being taken to revive the old conservative union for the conser vative campaign in Ontario elections. W. J. Deruchie, elected mayor of Cornwall by a majority of seven votes at the municipal election, has 1esign- ed. Prof. 8. J. McLean has accepted the offer of the post of professor of economics in Leland Stanford univer sity. The first class cruiser Chatesuren ault, 8.018 metric tons displacement, developed a speed of 21.86 knots on 15,400 horsp-power in her trials, The king of Sweden is the most learned of royal personages in Europe. He speaks seven languages and can write to China's cuperor in Chinese. Authorities hold that the submarine cable companies have nothing to fear, in a commercial sense, from any sve tem of wireless telegraphy, which has yet been disclosed. Signor Marconi signalled from the steamer Philadelphia, one hundred miles out, to the Lizard, announcing that he expected to reach Southamp- ton at one o'clock. this morning. A former Transvaal functionary says a necessary condition or peace is the recall of lord Milner. Then, peace will be possible under the British emmy ire system and the establishment of a high court. Mrs. Anna Conover, formerly an American actress, who has been the soul of the campaign for preventing cruelty to Paris cab horses, has been honored with the cross of the Legion of Honor. on W y, Dr. Championnier exhi- been cured by a series of complicated and delicate operations. The docter said most cases of this kind con He 'cured. The Paris Patric publishes an inter: view with Dr. Leyds, Eutupoon repre' sentative of the Transvaal, in which he aflirms that peace is only possible on the comtition, well-known to the English government, thereby imply- ing the independence of the South African republic. Mrs. Rose Hawthorne Lathrop, a daughter of the famous novelist, Na- thanicl Hawthorne, is in charge of the Rosary Hill home for incurable caver patients, near New York. She wes converted to the Roman Cytholic fei h severnl yemis ago, and is a member of the Dominican sisterhood. Crown prince Danilo, Montenegro, fought a duel with his brother Mirko, the latter having ridiculed the crown prince. The encounter was long and savage. The crown prince was wound- od but not seriously. The seconds stopped the combat. The crown prince has now gone on a foreign tour. Count Possadewsky-Whemer, the Prussian secretary of the interior, hat warned the tariff commission that if the d ts dl ding certificates of origin on foreign imports are per sisted in the discussion would never end. The government, therefore, posed that the application of the Pe er duties to imports from various countries should depend on proof of origin, HELD FOR MURDER. Hostler Under Arrest For Brutal Crime. Rochester, Jan. 30.--~John Tracy, hostler, aged twenty-eight years, was taken into custody yesterday, charged with the murder of jeweler Bela KE. Brown, brutally robbed and murdered one week last Sunday. The pri- soner iw iately wpon his . sion was to pulioe headquarters and for six hours was subject to rigid examination. --------_ Elected The President. tent influence in our political purpose At the Paris academy of Medicine, expired on Deecmber 31st. hited a case of club foot, which had' CAN SOLVE THE PROBLEM. Exert Potent Influence in Political Purposes. Washington, Jaa. 30.--Our Ameri | can women can contribute more to | the reformation of the Filipinos than | any company of American men, sol | dier or civilian, according to a per sonal letter received by Maj. Gen. H C. Corbin, adjutait-gensral of the anmy, from Brig. Gen. J. F. Bell, com manding the department of southern Luson. . General Bell says ha is a strong be ever in itting the wives of Am erican ng on duty in the Philip- pines to join their husbands, declar ing that the women exert a most po- with regard to the isl ¥ General Bell says that in his old volunteer regiment, the 26th infantry, there were twelve young women, wives of officers. He encouraged them to go with their husbands to the towns ¢ latter were comnmanding, and the peo- ple soon became so devoted to them thay when the time came to depart for the United States the natives, ir respective of, age or sex, wept like chil- dren. General Bell says that the American women 'exert their influence through the Filipino women, the latter having more influence on public opinion than the men of the islands. CARS DASH DOWN, HILL. Fatal Accident On Pennsylvania Trolley Road. Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 30.~Three peo ple killed, two fatally burt, and a score of others wore or less injured is the record made by two runaway cars on the Monongahela branch of the Pittsburgh railway company last pight, The dead are: John McFad den, aged twenty-four years, Kast McKeesport; Mary Kinkaid, nineteen, East MoKeesport, passenger on «eo cond car; Robert Thrush, twenty-nine, conductor, Pittsburg. Of the injured, Charles Wright, motorman and Alexander Sanders (colored) will die. The accident hap pened at the foot of a long hill run ning into Wilwerding from MeKees- port. A car without pas engers got beyond control of the motorman and dashed down the hill & quarter of a mile long at a terrific apesd. At the bottom it jumped inte the Pennsylva- nia railroad station, earrying away the tide of the depot and tearing up the platform. A large crowd gathered about the wreek, and twelve minutes later a second runaway car came tearing down the hill and plowed into the crowd with death-dealing force. TO RENEW MODUS VIVENDI. Newfoundland Takes Actiod On French Shore Question. St. John's, Nid, Jun, 30.~The col | onial government has undertaken to renew, for the present year, the | French shore modus vivendi, whish Mr. Chamberlain wired the colonial government a request for this action, urging his desire to dispose of the Boer war before reviving negotiations with France respecting the Newiound land shore. The colonial cabinet, in acquics ing, recorded the fact that it was done as the colony's contribu. | tion towards the solution of imperial | problems in South Ahia. Newfound: | and, being unable to send men there, | takes this means 'of testifying her oo | operation in the imperial policy and is confident that the redress of her rievances will be nests undertaken. | t is generally understood that this is | the last time this measure will be re pewed, and that it is only done now for the foregoing reason. i i BOY GIVES HIS LIFE. i Murdered While Fighting to Save | Employer's Money. Chisago, Jan. 30.~Horace Schros- | der, ve.entcen years old, was found dead, face downward, with a bullet hole in his hoart, on the floor of I. | C. Burns' grocery store. Heneath the body was found a bag of coins and bills, the change used in the grovery. | Nearby lay a revolver, four chambers | of which had recently been emptied. | The boy worked for Burns and it was his duty to open the place of | busine seach morning. Two ballet | holes through the window of the store and a number of holes in the wood- | work and showcases indicated that the boy had defended the property of | bis employer' from robbers with his | life, ---------------- Vice-Admiral Appointed. London, Jan. 30. -Viece-admiral' Bir | H. Lawson, has been appointed gov- | ernor of New South Wales. This is the | first time in history that the govern | ment has appointed an admiral®o » colonial governorship, which had long been s sore point with the navy. Messrs, Redmond and Devlin, going | to the United States to promote the | interests of the United Irish league, | sailed on the steamer Cymric for New | York. i Bitter oranges for marmalade and ! Lyons seedless oranges, at Carnov- | ye 1 YOU CAN DEPEND i ON THIS :~ | THAT WHEN YOU LAUNDRY THAT IT WILL BE DONE WELL, REASONABLE AND TO YOUR SATIS- FACTION. HOW ABOUT A TRIAL? 1 that's the importent poink, no mabler | Hemulte WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toronto, Ost, (10 sm), Jen 30Faie avd m vy ould to-day and oo Foday; temperature wuch below sero wight at places. OUR LAST REMNANT SALE Before Stock Taking, Friday and Saturday. REMNANTS OF Sheetings. White Cottons, Ginghams, Dress Goods, Flannelettes, Flannels. 5 Odd lines of Ladies'. Men's and Children's Underwear. ' Ribbons, Embroideries, Laces. Silks, Dress Linings, Gimps and Trim- mings Come and see if only to see. STEACY & STEAGY . 106-108-110 Prmcess Street. UNDERTAKERS. 8. 8. CORBETT, WRAL LRECTO! FRINVIRS FUNERAL Ka a, ww JAMES REID, | THE LEADING UN a oe day sod aight, T. ¥. HARRISON CO., Undertakers, 283-235 Princess 54, Quality sad eliclendy the best. Fricws the lowest. Phones--Warerooms, 90. Night T. F. HARRISON, 91, Calls, 8. E. Sills. 92. "MALT BREAKFAST FOOD Gains Thousands of Users Every Month, : ---- A valuable and heaith-giving food product, one that is thoroughly re lished by young asd old, soon bucomes popular in vw Canadian homes. Malt Breakfast Food is the only Breakfast grain food thet has fully met the expectations and desires of our people meking fur improved diges- tive vigor and bodily strength. It is the only food that supplies, when cat en with cream or milk, the exact ele ments and in the correct proportions, of a scientifically perfect health food. It is the 'only food that has ever besn fully indorsed by food experts Ralston Health club, the largest or ganization exifting in the world for the purpose of inculcating correct me thods of living, strongly indorse Malt Breakfast Pood. Ask your grocer for 1b WHAT IS CATARRH ? JAPANESE CATARRE CUNE oures it amd what There's oo hit of wise shout this Swe show that it sever "fats. Mockienl mon recommend is, It at Wu i Dywe SN shwotwte cure for Cpterrh, 50c. af ginte, of postpaid from the 0. Linsitend, 121 hurd St, Ww Burns, Ottawa, wsecrelary to William Hutchison, commissioner for Canada st the Buflslo exposition, is to be secretary of the Canadian ¢ | at the emposition in Cork next sum- wer. The slection of mayer C wad coun tors Wlowes and Stuarts, Mit chell, Ort... has been upret an are partis to 8 og lawsuit ageinst the town. {Clock : Chances. MM there's » slockless wom in