Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Jan 1902, p. 1

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5 'DAILY BRITISH WHI KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. JANUARY 31, 1902. ®- --r LAST EDITION tim ei ------ -- Lk HID-WINTER - reduce Is hore ard wo are trying to our stock before stock taking. 1425 Neckties. wold st 50u., 7c; $1. Sale Price 25c. 300 Linen Collars "Worth 18c. and 20c. euch, selling +... .5 for 25c. Furs at Cost. y JENKINS Y -- Trousers In Checks, Stripes and Fancy Patterns. "You may need an extra pair now, We have a large -assoriment to choose from. J. R. Johnston, "Tailor aad Draper. Your Neighbor Says WALSH'S ~ SCRANTON COAL 1s Al Right. Have you tried ic ? + Shall we send.you a ton ? Lo 4 Now is the time to have your Waggons, Carriages repaired and painted and the place to get thems done is at LATURNEY'S, where every thing is done under his own supervision. 390 PRINCESS ST. + Telephone 152, SER FARM Fuk SALE. LOCAL MEMORANDA ---- The Dally Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Ten pege Whig on Seterday. Tomorrow is the first of February. | Queen's dramatio cub, Grand operas Bouse, 8 pm 4 Phen is » man mors then & Wo bpeide himsif. | Nothing js mere terrible" thas ignorance with spurs off. = oethe. Note Starr & Suwhifle's ine for tor wmerrow. They are great Hockey nipteh, Kingston rink, Deseronto ve. Ramblers, 8 pm. Admission 15e. "Better, like Hector, vn the field to die Than, like » perfumed Paris, turs and fy. Perpetunl motion began when Eve remark "Now, Ad, didu's 1 tell why 7" The only excuse some married people bave for quarreling is to break the monotony of fan Te-Whem You can never make shat it imn'y cold to mwas her life. The sun rises Saturday SU 7.17 a.m wed wits ot 5:11 pm The moon rises tomight at 0:39, midwmight. This day in the BPOds Mstody~Wilipmg Lount appointed justios of the high court of Ontario, 1901; the late James G. Blaie bors, 1880; corn lwws ohbolished in Eng land, 1849; 'lord Wolseley defeats Ashamioss, 1874; Cape Horn doubled lor first time. 1616; steamer Great Eastern launched, 1868; Rev. C. 1. Spurgeon died, 1392. Chinaware. toad here ROBERTSON BROS. NEW GRAND °"=3 HOUSE A. J. SMALL, Lessee and Manager. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 5TH The Great Musical Success, Dalety, Delightiul, Deliclous; "SAN TOY." A Knits Hughias Mufient , with ite Pig Bemuotitul ( tal Cos: sums, Fon, Dances, sud Wealth of Musical Numbers." 7 THE AUGUSTIN DALY MUSICAL CO, - CHORUS OF 75. ged all last somson ab Daly's Thea York, und wepcly' threw years at X 7 Fatt $1.50, v rows balcony 750. next 4 rows bel cony 80a. gallery 3 . Sale of wats opens at HANLEY'S, 10 am., ON MONDAY. Nest attraction, Thursday, oh, Cth, Adulaide Thur "SWEET Fi v in CLOVER." on GRAND MASQUERADE' At Kingston Covered Rink Next SATURDAY NIGHT at 5:30 by the Kingston Skatimg Club, MEMBERS ONLY IN FANCY DRESS AND wal skate and must show their ing. The public will spotators. Adulte 28e. Chil for 2c. bo admitied as dren 18c., wo REAL ESTATE SNAPS. GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR BE. fore the pv i noe. 'arties having money Ww 179 bi ol Wi roo condition, the necessary Bx. MALING, 4. Suh, ductus on table, can disposes of it for in ressvneble. Address LOST. CONVERBAT, LAST FRIDAY fo eh ory Corners, a large down on a suckling pig n- yard of George Long, but dropped it as the farmer red with a gun. Saturday the pig died from ite in: juries and the carcass was thrown in tw a back lot. The boys set a trap to cateh crows oon ting there, but yesterday morning found the eagle en: tra A Aftér a battle, in which one of the | boys was severely scratched, a sack was thrown over the bird's head and ib was placed in a ootnet of the hen yw in at once killed a game The eagle measures seven ioet from tip to tip on the wings. BRITISH LOSE HEAVILY. 2 ing is the story of the escape for ber WE iics. Shortly before lour CONDEMNED NEN FLY, A Startling Episode In Which Canadians Figure. HOW THE BIDDLES GOT AWAY THE NERVY ACTION OF MEN IN PITTSBURG PRISON. Called a Guard And Then Threw Him Over a Railing--Another Guard Shot--Thres Put In a Dungeon--The Coast Was Clear. : Pitsburg, Pa., Jan. 30.~The follow- of the o'clock this morning one of the Biddles called James Moleary, 'who had charge of the outsige gates, and asked lor some cramp wedicine in a bury saying his [Jrother was dangerously sick. Me seary hastened to the cell with the medicine when Jobn Biddle sprang | PBB BONEN Preference To Britain. Wellington, N.Z., Jan. 31.--~The premier, R. J. Seddon, announces that the government of New Zealand is prepared to give preferential treatment in the shape of a rebate of the duty to British goods carried on British ships. SRHBIBIOOIDOS P2992 D through the opening in the cell, and seizing the guard around the waist hurled him over the railing to the floor beneath, a distance of sixteen feet. Edward Biddle joined his bro- ther immediately and both with drawn revolvers hurtied to the first floor where they met guard Reynolds. They shot him. There were but three men on duty and the third was on one of the upper ranges. He was ordered down at the point of the revolvers and the guards were put in the dun- geon, the keys were taken from keeper MoGeary and the two prisoners had a clear course. The only persons who witnessed the escape were prisoners who could not interfere or give an alarm. The Biddles went to the ward: robe where the guards kept their cloth- ing and each put on a suit. They then unlocked the outside gates and passed out into the street. The escape was not discovered until the day guards came on duty at six Mrs. Soffel, wife of the warden, was the only person admitted to the jail since last Sunday. Yesterday after- noon. she visited the prisoners during the warden's abseace, Last evening she retired at nine o'clock. She toid her husband that she was going visit a sister at McDonald and that she. would retire carly so that she could get sn early start. Warden Sof: fell was about the jail until after mid- night. He retired to his own room, which is separate from Mrs. Sofiel's, shortly before one o'clock. When he awoke this morning he asked for Mrs. Soffel and 'was informed that she was absent. Later when the details of the escape became known be telephoned to McDonald, and was informed that Mrs. Soffel was not there. Warden Sofiel immediately made a irank confession of his suspicions. Nothing suspicious was noticed in the actions of the two prisoners nor was anything wrong, discovered when the day guards went off duty yesterday af- wrnoon. The murderers evidently sawed the bars during the night using what ap peared to pave been soap to deaden the noise and to reduce the friction. The two guards injured will pro- bably recover. 'The bullet wound sus- tained by Reynolds is not regarded as dangerous. The physicians have been unable as yet to ascertain the full ex- tent of McGeary's wounds. His head is badly contused, but there are no signs that his skull was fractured by his sixteen feet fall. The entire detec tive force is at work on the case. F "The county commissioners have of fered a reward of $5,000 for the re capture of the murderers. The prison board began an investi: gation and announced last night that warden Soffell, at his own request had been relieved from duty pending the result of the investigation. Story Of The Crime. For several months preceding the Kabney murder, daring burglaries were of almowi mghtly occurrence. The i to prevent » FFL 5 j Pd YOU DON'T SAY S0. A Frenchman Finds England on the Brink of Ruin. Paris, Jan. 31.--M. Pauliat, presi- dent of the French Boer rel commit tee, bas an srucie mm the Eclair on colonial secretary Chamberlain's policy and Englands position in the an nouncersent of the war mm South Al rica. 'The writer-says : "England has seen ber pelitical and commercial pow- er in the tor east inil away. The univ Jed States is waster of North America including Canada. kogland's object in seeking the conciliativn of the Boers is to stay ber course on the brink of ruin." What Germans Think. Loudon, Jen. Ji.--Some German journals, says the Berlin correspondent of the Jimes, mistakenly suggest that Great Hritain 15 so tired of the South African war that she is willing to offer terms of peace to the Boers which hitherto have been repudiated. How- ever, it is beginning to be recognized that the British empire will come out of the war stronger than before, and that after the restoration of peace Englend will be able to exert infl [TI Submitted In Dutch Note To Great Britain. FIRST TINE IN 40 YEARS. HAS A BRITISH SOVEREIGN ATTENDED A THEATRE. King And Queen Witness a Play at the - Lycsum--Marquis of Dufferin Still Critically Ill-- Fancy Prices For Hungarian Nags. London, Jan. 31.--Reuter's telegram company says the Dutch government submitted peace proposals mm its pote to Great Britain. The communication to Great Britain partakes of the char acter of a tentative suggestion intend- ed to facilitate the conclusions of the war. Until some definite step is taken by the Boer belligerents, it is regarded corresponding to the increased re- sources of the empire. MAY BE A DERELICT. This Is The. Hope Of The Search- ers. Victoria, B.C., Jan. 31.--There is still no news of the H.M.8. Condor. H.M.S. Egeria and U.8.8. Grant are cruising on the west coast seeking for wreckage and: H.M.5. Vhaeton and U. 8.8. McCulloch are cruising the wa- ters of the north Pacific between the latitude of the Columina river and Honolulu in the hope of finding the overdue sloop of war. That the Con- dor bas met with an accident, as a result of the heavy storms, seems cer- tain, and the greatest hopes held for ber are that she may be found a belp- less derelict. Of the Condor's 140 men, some are survivors of the earlier fights of the war against the Boers in South Africa. Sergeant of marines FEdgison, the schoolmaster on board the Condor and who has a wife and family in Scot: land, was the only one of his section who survived in the battle of Gras. pan, in which the naval brigade took such an active part. He was wounded in a number of places, but recovered and was drafted to the Condor before she left Sheer- ness, when she was commissioned for iiviey at Fsquimalt in November, 1901. . A SERIOUS FIRE. Whiskey Barrels Exploded And 'Scattered The Flames. Norfolk, Va., Jan. 31.--Fii¢ started at two o'clock this morning in the Columbus building in. Granby street, ied by the Brown saloon, and Nedder"s restaurant and on the upper floors by about 150 offices. Explosions of whiskey barrels in Brown's saloon scattered the flames mscross the street. In less than half an hour the Atlantic hotel was partly burned down and the Virginia club was in flames. The four storey building at Plume and Granby streets, occupied by the Johnston chi na company and apartments, together with four three storey brick buildings adjoining it, were practically destroy- ed and the fire spread rapidly. The loss probably will run over half a million dollars. The burned district is spread over a city block and at least 150 business firms and living apartments . were consumed by the flames. Several thrilling rescues were made. BURNED TO DEATH. Pinned In A Car That Caught Fire. Renfrew; Ont.; Jan. 31.---By & rear end collision, last night, on the C.P. R. main line, a mile west of this place, some ge was done to rolling stock and lsaac Vanalian, a brakes- man, was burned to death. A dis abled engine and van were coming east slowly, rear light being obscured by steam or haze, when a heavy freight coming down the grade ran in- to the van. There were three men in the car. Une escaped through the cupola, another through a window, both cut and somewhat burnt. Van- allan was pioned in the car and pro- bably kill outright. The car took fire and burned fiercely and his char red body was afterwards taken out. He belonged to Carleton Place and was twenty-three years of age. The track was soon cleared. ACCUSED OF BLACKMAIL. Two Complaints Made By Repu- table Doctors. Toronto, Jan. 3~William McKib- bin, twenty-nine years old, who says be recently came from New York, has been arrested charged with attempted blackmail. There are two complaints against the man, both complainants being prominent city physicians, namely, Dr. J. 8. King, Jarvis street and Dr. Hawke, Carleton street. Me it is charged, demanded King and Hawke, 0 y , in one case his wife, and in the other his child, alleging that they had acted impro- perly towards Mrs. McKibbon, threat. ing action in the court unless settle ment was made. Verdict Against Dead Man. lows, Jan. 31.-- Mary himself ever, a New York hotel a a A a ll ab * pe A Million Apiece. Toronto,' Jan. 31.--It is said that 'Jack' Ross, son of James Ross, Montreal, and Mrs. Ross, nee i Ethel Matthews, the princi- pals in a fashionable wed- ding at Toronto, on Wed- nesday, were each present- ed with $1,000,000 as a wedding gift. The families will not talk about the gifts, SLB PRS22PPP0H as doubtiul whether any practical ad- vance can be made. The condition of marquis of Dullerin and Ava, who is ill av Clandeboye, County Down, Ireland, is most anu cal. The report of the parliamentary com- mittee appointed to investigate the charges of bribery and corruption made by Sir Jbdhn Blundell Maple (conservative) against the British of ficers who purchased army horses in Austria-Hungary censures Sir John for unjustifiable attacks on the integ- rity of the officers. At the same time, however, the com- mittee finds that an excessive price was paid whereby horse dealers were enabled to divide a profit of about £15 in the case of each horse on ani mals which cost the contractors only £12 to £17. The king and queen last evening at- tended the Lyceum theatre where they witnessed a performance of Madeline Lucette Ryley's "Mice and Men," in which Forbes Robertson and Gertrude Elliott play the leading parts. This is the first timethat their. majesties have at a public entertainment since the death of queen Victoria. It is al so the first time that a British sov- ereign Has been seen in a theatre for forty years. To Honor Secretary Gage. Washington, Jan. 31.--The treasury club, an organization consisting of presidential appointees and chiefs of division under the + department, has completed arrangements for a large farewell dinver for secretary Gage, to be given at the Shorcham hotel this evening. There will be a full represen tation of the club present, and the retirifg secretary's associates will toast him and speak in his honor. One of the members has been designated to present to him as a souvenir an al bum containing a cabinet picture of each member of the club. First Indemnity Payment. London, Jan. 31.---According to -in- formation received &i the foreign of fice, the first instalment of the Chi: nese indemnity will be paid today, It is to be one twelith of the yearly in terest on -all obligations according to the plan of amortization. lt is under stood that the interest of the previous half year, subject to compound inter est, will be paid regularly in fixed sums in order not to disturb the silver market and to insure the market price by forestalling speculations. Sliver 'Will Kill Him. Elk Point, 8.D., Jan. 31, visiting his brother near town last night, a chair, on which Richard Con nelly, Elk Point, was sitting, coliap ved, and a splinter was driven into the bas: of his skull, more than two inches. An hour later, when a sur goon arrived, the wound had swollen so that it took two men to pull out the splinter. Connelly is alive, but there is. no hope of his reoovery.. He is sixty years old, and a wealthy, re- tired farmer. The Oxford county council, siter a lively discussion, a resolution to petition the munisier { justice ivr the shortening of Dr. Harbout'e's term for shooting Stewart, at Bur ford, in scoordance With the ciremn- stances as they might appear on in vestigation. The Ottawa finance committe last night recommended, the expenditure of £30,000 for the accommodation of an annual live stock show 10 he held bare in the winter. It is proposed to buy $10,000 worth of Jand ond put np a $20.00 building. * The comtra bors building «the Rapid transit tunnel, submoribed $3,000 to be used for the benefit of the wife and faraily of Willigtn Tubbs, master we chanic, who loss his life in the dyna- mite explosion. ii It is stated that Mr. Bergeron will protest Ald. Bruset's election in 84, James' division, Montreal, owing to irregularities proven. Madame Carroll, the mother of H. G. Carmll, M.P., for K SY dead "at her home in The late Cape -W. Horace lee. Or tawa, who died mddenly un few d | ago, left au evtate valued av | 0. We Whil: | RIGID RULES ADOPTED. A Scheme To Repress Disorder In The Commons. London, Jan. #1. The government leader, A. J. Balfour, in the house of commons vestorday unfolded the gov ernment scheme for the reform of the house procedure. The proposals in | clude a reduction of the numbers of divisions, and empowering the chair to count standing members, instead of forcing ihem to march through the lob bius. The discussion of bills is also qur tailed, the powers of closure are ex tended and the authority of the chair in dealing with disorder is increased. | For a first offence a member may be | suspended for the day's session) for a | second offense he may be suspended for | forty days, and for a third offense 4 | member may be suspended for eighty | duys 'and be refused re-admigtance un | til he has apologized to the house. The speaker is also empowered to | suspend a sitting in the interests of | order. i The government further proposes two | sittings daily, beginning respectively | at 2 pm. and 9 pm Another pro- | posal gives all the afternoon besides | some evenings to government business. | FORESWEAR ALLEGIANCE. Before They Can Join The Labor | Party. | London, Ont, Jan. 31.--The trades | and labor council of this city has de cided to form a labor party "to study | economic subjects affecting the wel | fare of labor and to promulgate formation regarding the same; to se cure for the useful producer the wealth vesulling from the application | of labor to natural sources, and as a chicf means to that end to elect representatives from our own ranks on the governing bodies of thé coun try." ! Applicants for membership are re | quired, befere admittance, to fore | swear allegiance (0 existing political | parties, in | DUNCAN STEWART TO RUN. | i He Will Be The Liberal Candidate | In Lisgar. ! Winnipeg, Jan. 31.-~The liberal dele | gates of the electoral district of Lis | gar, numbeiing about 150, met at Crystal City, last evening, and chose | Duncan Stewart, Pilot Mound, to con: | test the constituency in the bveelco | tion for the commons. Hon. Thomas | Greenw oy was proposed for the honor | but failed to get the nomination. A| public meeting was held in the town | hall after the convention, Hon. Clifford Sifton, and Messrs. Creary, Stewart and others spoke. | The convention of conservatives to- | at which | Mc | i i day will nominate a candidate. | | PAUPER ALIENS IN ENGLAND. Government Promises a Commis | sion of Enquiry. London, Jan, 31. The house of com mons vesterday disoussed the evils ar | ising from unrestricted alien immigra- | tion, The president of the board of | trade, the right honorable Gerald W Balfour, promised the appointment of | commission of inquiry, with a view to the introduction of necessary drastic lezislation to deal effectively with the | acknowledged evils. « Outlook Favorable. Manila, Jan. 3 ~The general look fof pacification in the archipela go and everywhere outside of the isl and of Samar, has never been 'more favorable than at the present tim® The insurgents have been broken up into small bands and are everywhere | | fleeing for shelter. Daily they surrendt | er or are capuived or are killed, The | policy of reconcentration and the | stern measures of closing the ports to commerce have accomplished every: | thing expected of them: i out From Great Lakes To Europe. Chicago, Jan. 31.--A steamship line | from the great lakes 10 Uuehee to connect with steamers there from Ku rope is assured for the coming sen | on { The new line will no operated by | the St. Lawrence and. great lakes transportation company, incurporat ed in West Virginia, of which A. 8 Wolvin, Duluth, is preside, Its can | tal sock is $50,000. No Standing Allowed. New York, Jan. 31 no more "standing room only" in New York theatres. Fire commission er SBturgiss bas issued an order that no persons shall be permitted to stand anywhere in the fover of any theatie Several of the theatres, last night, hung out the sign, "No standing room at all." All must obey the order be ginning to-night. There is to be' i Killed In The Mine. | Rossland, B.C., Jamwary 31 --Peter B. Holoomb, was killed in the main | shalt of the War Eagle mine, wheres he was employed as rope man. De consed was thirty-five vears of age, | uhimarriod; a' native of Laasbertvilly, | YOU CAN DEPEND ON THIS := THAT WHEN YOU SEND YOUR WORK TO BAKER'S STEAM LAUNDRY THAT IT 'WILL BE DONE WELL, REASONABLY AND TO YOUR SATIS- FACTION. HOW SEER e cs HEIRESS FO00w « $ALE vk ABOUT A TRIAL? . | { Hm LEADING NEWCOMB--AL | yesterday WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Torowto, Ont. (10 am), Jan 31 Fale and still decidedly cold; below wre a@uin 8S night at most places. Saturday stout the OUR LAST REMNANT SALE Before Stqck Taking, Friday and . Saturday, REMNANTS OF Sheetings, White Cottons, Ginghams, Dress Goods, Flannelettes, Flannels. Odd lines of Ladies'. Men's and Children's Underwear. Ribbons, Embroideries, Laces, « Silks, Dress Linings, Gimps and Trim=. mings Come and see if only to see. i STEACY & STEACY 106-108-110 Princess Street. UNDERTAKERS. 8. 8. CORBETT, PUNERAL, DIRECTOR, 281 PRINUERS Street, Kingston, Successor 0 W. WN ---- JAMES REID Princess Stroet. UNDERTAKER ---- day and night. X ina, T. ¥. HARRISON CO., Undertakers, 233-2356 Princess 84, Quality and officiancy the best. Priggs the lowest. Phosos--Warerooms, 90. § T. ¥. HARRISON; "91, 1A KE Sills 92 Night Calls, sURN. Seattle, Wash, om 1902, ) Mr. send Mrs L duophrier LL Rell 40] IICANS OE ANS WHOLESOME & SWEET DELIGHTS THE COOK AL Raa dunuary 21x VY. Rew comb, a *NOTICE, THE BLACK PERSIAN LANE CaP taken from . the cloak room o the Coetus Cla danes on Wenestav evening Inet has been traond, the polos will Le tasisieled to act if this cap ix sot returned by Mondey To x1 BN Melutyre, secrviney Unoten Club, Queen's College Riot Among Hotelmen, Jan. MH. «A riot broke out morning among the aative population here in consequence of an angry between hotel porters and dragomen over the extraction of backshresh from visitors, A hotel doorkeeer shot two dragomans dead and wounded a third. The dragowen are now parading the streets, and threatening the hotel porters. At this time of the year the hotels are crowd: ed. Cairo, pote Denies Leprosy Is Catching. 8 Pe ershurg, Jen. 31.-Prof. Polotehnofl, after prolonged special research, deviev that leprosy is cone tagions. Emicent medical men are or- | gam ing 'a committe to text the pro Clock | Chances. If there's a elockiess rom in your house wheres a clock wonld b+ a convewencs, now in the time and this 1» the pluce to Sil thet need. 4 We have all girts of clock for ail warts of porposs. Trey're nt youd spd oil nodersisly §riced. Wosonsressssterses rie b,

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