Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Jan 1902, p. 2

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el en EE AS ---- ; ; © © THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY; JANUARY Bt -_ #2 i 2% WR. #5 oo Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums. i Portier Guetains. Yace Curtains and Draperies in exclusive styles and not to be found el-exhere in the city. "We are 'season of complete carryiag at this the year a very stock at prices which appeal to the closest buyer. , In Linoleums we show the largest line to be found and at prices that 'mean' a genuine" money-saving to you. -------- R. MéFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse, This ia our 6th year minke a wale. We do not out of #, but meko now nipoh cos sand slenr the way lax pe, spwing stocks. Everything . Nw Out arid ¥rhie Sidebo as showy, was' $60, odsoma $s . Hondas $88 CARL) Tai Brussels, Asminstors, ete, reduged. Watch this reduced, Golden Dak, i: Jheduerd to $45. Hidebuurd Fechiond to 368. : ORT aoe wo a Si hoard ba ve to 820. Velvets, rom 10 to 23 per ad - GURTAINS-<Silk.Chenille, Tapratey: LACE CURTAINS----AN the newest reduced for this morth TAPESTRY $4.00 and $5.50 pairs 8250 and £3.50, CURTAINS-{8 pair only) reduced 0 ONE BRUSSELS CARPET-H1 tt @ in. by Sale thin. Cudtomers bay beid for fui 7 in, mew, slightly damaged, regralar price Tie. Border goes with A dale anf] have goods Part idge, $2.20; Janes Red, £2.75 Canadian Freeman, 84; Janes Mallon, 25.50; FP. Partridge, $2.75; Uldrieve & Horn, 310.3%; Rathbun Co., 53: J. M. Farrell, 5k county clerk (post age), SILLS British Whig, $123.50; McKelvey & Birch, $91.77: figos., 81; A. Williamson, 35.35; Mc Cammon & Lo, $3.73. Councillor Sproule asked why = the finance committee had not inclu in (heir report the fact of instrucking reastiver. Purdy to take ho steps towards eollecung jebts. He claimed that a resolution to that effect had been passed at the ast meeting of 1901, and the report hold eomtain it: Councillor olds, inn reply, stated that he did not emember any such resolution heing assed. Couneillor Pringle didn't re- ollect the. resolution either. What ouncillor Sproule aimed at chiefly vas the Folger debt which has Lean reduced to $3,000, 8800 having en pail singe the November ion. The report referred to was hunted 1p, and it was found that the finance ommittee had on December 4th re ommended that the matter of pro sagl with the collection of the Holger note be held in abeyance for a ow days. Councillor Sproule thought IT ! mvTo CORRUPTION AND ROB- BERY CHARGES. Made Against County Councillors --A Warm Discussion--~Couneil Promises Investigation When Specific Charges Are Made. The feature of Thursday afternoon' session of the county council was a litsle heart to. heart talk by J. Wil mot, of Pinsburg, Py special per mission, Me. Wilmot stood up hefors thie Frontense representatives and re called to their minds that within the pst two years charges of corruption and robbery had been made against some of theic number. The . speaker at first failed to explain. the object of kis mission. However, a. little cross exapination eliciied the iulormatiop that he represented a couumiiter of cighty = Fromtenac ratepayers, who, having read about the alleged wicked: ness of the county council, had he several indignation meetings, and finally. decided to petition the attor ney-general. This reply came from th premier, and Mr. Wilmot read it Ww couneil "After consulting the attornéy-gune ral's depprimest, I find thers ism power der the statute to conduct an livestigation, into alleged corrup practices by muni ipal councils, Wher ihe council Jtsell petitions, the judg cah conduct such an investigation. ' } sssume that this is a case, however, where the council would be disincline: to have ane investigation into the own conduct. Jt may be possible, i thé charpes were laid against thes they would for t own vindication recommend an enquiry. If not, as the law now stands, nothing ean be dom ad the government has no authorit to pay the whole thing six months 20 hid Hot been accepted. After fur ther discussion the latler report was wopted. The county teachers' association ished that Graday as well as Fri "ay be given for its convanition. The equest was granted, Friday Morning's Session. The council resumed ity session on 'riday. morping, Counsillor Sproule pointed out that many of the com aunications received had heen neglect d during recent vears. These come on its own responsibility to ¢onduet uugications should, ap the time of be such an investigation." ing, read, be, referred to the various Counvillor Avery--' 'What charge ommitiecs by the warden. Then they are there?' Tn ould all reecive attention, In order Mr. Wilmot--*"The charges were made hat the communications might be through the newspapers, the Tins ealt with, adjournment was mace and the' News." ill two o'clock in the aitevnoon. A News representative present de nied that his paper r made an charge: of corruption against count councillors, Coulciilor PERSONAL MENTION. lovements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. Mr. Pense purposes taking his seat in the legislature on Monday. Dr. McDermott loft' yesterday for Detroit, Mich, to vigit friends. Justice Britton arrived home yester- day to spend a week's holiday with ais family. Rev. Alired E. Lavi, dve a lecture on "Life in Penitentiary," this evening at ton. Mis Leona Arthur, Consecon, is re covering from an attack of typhoid fever. She is a Queen's college stu ent, Samuel Norris, of hynotic fame, bas onnected himself with "B" field bat tery and now wears hig majesty's uni iors. Miss Helen Taylor, visiting her, sis er, Mrs. Shaw, Bagot street, for the past three weeks, retorhed to her home in Perth to-day. On Wednesday, January 29th the marriage occureed in Cornwall of Vis KE. Edith Ryckman, daughter of Rev. E. B. Ryckman, and W, W, Alex- ante. ® M.D., of Lachute, Que. ---------------------- Avery--=""There never was a direct charge made against the county council. When one is made, 1, as o member of council, will ask fo: the appointment of a royal eommis jon to investigate any misdoings ol the county representatives," Councillor. Reynolds wanted to know whe thee eighty ratepayers were, anc where: they held their indignatior i B.A, will tings. Kingston Mr. &¥ilmot replied that one meet Tren ing was held on the market square i Kingston, He was the mouthpiece o the enquiring ratepayers, but was ig porant of what was wanted. Councillor Reynolds then declare! that if Mr, Whnot or his friends would lay direct charges agaibst the couneil or any of its members, ever; assistance would be given by the coun sil in investigating. There had bee too many . sontemptible and lying statements and rumors spread abroa¢ abouts Frontensc's representatives, and it was time something was done to nail these lies and slanders. Le the charges be made by responsible persons, said councillor Rey aol, and let them come before the couneil with their proofs. Theo action would be ately taken, Mr. Wilmot tried to ésplain why he had signed the petition, It amounted to this: That he had become tired of coming to Kingston and hearing per: sons talking of the robbery and cor ruption going on at the court house, and thought that the charges should be looked into, Councillor Avery claimed that the people 160k too much notice of lying statements made by the Timed. That newspaper, ha claimed, tried to defeat four councillors at the last election bus failed, as the people took no stock in its: sensational stories; it triad to defeat How. Mr. Harty and himsell, but it couldn't, and only recently it tried to get a candidate to oppose Me. Pense, but aguin failed. The peo: 'ple have come to distrust it in every- thing. na i Warden Spoor was very emphatic in his statement. that "the dignity of this council must be sustained." He could rightly. have ruled the whale matter out of order, but preferred to have a discussion on the fying rumors sens broadcast by the Times, a paper which was sadly irresponsible. If the charges had been made by Kingston's reliable newspapers, some attention would hive been paid to them, but as it was the Times which had made them, the council could only treat the affair with silent contempt. The war- den felt sorry for Mr. Wilmot's humil- jating position. He had come before the council' not knowing * anything about 'the. charges, and vould give no information concerning the petition to | opera house, was notified by an agent * the. premier. However, he invited Mr. § yesterday that the insurance fates on Wilmot or any of his friends to appear § all the buildings near the opera house, before the council on Fridiy with spe: | and those immediately opposite, cific charges and s, and, promised § would be increased. The merchant ir. shat, the. Sounell would give then} question was paying a rate of one € al . and one hali per cent. and will now Councillor Mozier demanded that a} have to pay re and 'a half rate. copy of the petition sent to the pre: | - mier be secured. .' council would stand investigation. He wanted a re solution passed concerning the mat The Estimates neady. The board of works has its esti: mates ready for the finance committee. The board will ask for $25,036 and the members hope to get that sum, as every cent of it can be used to good advantage. The estimates are thus made up : Rideau ward, $3,853; Fron- tense ward, $3,110; Cataraqui ward, 3,043; Sydenham ward, $2,708; Vie toria ward, $2,242; St. Lawrence ward, 81,174; Ontario ward, $2,226; trap tar macadam, Ontario stréet, $480; trim- ming trees, $400; show account, £1, 000; boardwalk patching, 21,200; in cidentals, $500; total, $25,036. Last vear the board of works asked for $26,450 and received $11,500. Later in the year, however, the board realized 8350 from the sale of quarry lots. A re A Youthful Offender. At the police court this morning a lad lesa than nine years old was ar- raigned on a charge of stealing a peir of mittens from the front of W. A. Mitchell's hardware store. Fvidence against him was conclusive and it was ordered that he receive a whippin from the poliee. Another lad, aged about four years, was a witness for the prosecution. 'There is "another tittle lad 'of tender years also impli- cated in the theft : Rates To Be Increased. A merchant whose place of business is, in. close proximity to the Grand Broma. The great and powerful tonic. makes ter. A: -Conneill i also pressed Mr, Silat and Pringle a to come for- wagd and healthy blood and suoug nevves. Take state shoir charges. Until pe nd de, oaiiche Nervous- Mr. Wilmot d dy and didn't] whether or not he or the other al tonic is recommended say t physicians of the country. petitioners could advance ome charge. erywhore. try, it.--Sold ev t very atrange thet Mr. Folger's offer" { To Ask Payment of further | outstanding 4 Rey: | "BOARD OF WORKS CONVENES MUCH BUSINESS TRANSACTED BY MEMBERS. Sutith | Account Against Street Railway Com- pany~The O'Kill Street Sewer Question--To Purchase Street Sprinklers. A regular meeting of the board of works was convened 'in the city en gineer's = office Thursday afternvom, those attending being : Alds. Mcleod, chaimnan; Dunlop, McFarlave, Hark t ness, MeCammon, Cra¥, Walken and now | Bes} ney aud Liver} city enginéer Kirkpatrick. A number of accounts were present ed and passed, as was also the week ly pay list amounting to $490. - The city engineer presented an ae count against the street railway com pany for $719 This amount ae comulated during 1599 and 1900 Against this account was a deposit of the company of 8300, leyving a bal ance dite of $419.78 : Ald. Harkness thought thé® com- pany should be charged interest on the account if it neglected payment Chairman Meleod explained that the acoount had been long standing The city engineer stated that be bad poveral times tried to reach a seitle ment with the company, but was un- able to do so. Mr. Folger claimed the company's deposit of $300 had not been used up. The account was made up of snow shovelling exponses and for work done on King steed, pear Ellerbeck #treet, us well te at the corner of King and' William streets. Ald. 'raig thought the account ought td he accepted by the board and put into hands for collection. Ald, McLeod stated that a year two ago an account of 241 against the company had been wiped off the treasurer's books. Ald. Dunlop did not see any reason for wiping off any account ugaynet the company. Other aldevmen took the ssne view. it was moved by Alds. Craig und Mol arlane- that the account prepar el by the city engineer be presented for collection Chainngen Mcleod askéd if it would not be wiser to have the city neer look further into the matter and report later The aldermen thought not. The city engineer stated that Mr Folger took the stand that insfead of the company owing the city, the city wos indebted to the company to the amount of $48 for stone hauled for the corporation. It was finally decided to press = for payment of the city's account; if the company has a claim against the city it must be presented forthwith, : Touching the matter of equipping the street railway cars with and wheel guards, the ¢ity engineer reported that the Ontario statutes provided for street cars being equip ped with one of three styles of fend ers, approved by the government. He asked for imstuctipns in the matter. The. agreement between the city and company Peuvided that cars' must be equipped wilh, fenders approved hy the city engineer. : Ald. Craig moved that the street railway company be instructed to equip one car with a fender, approv od by the Ontario government, for the endorsation of the city engineer, with a view to having all the cars equipped with the same. Carried. The next question taken up was the O'Kill street sewer charges. The city solicitor reported that the earliest by-law dealing with the payment of sewer chardes was one passed in Sep- tewher, 1847, providing for the pay ment of five shillings per foot front age as od gross charge. The next by law dealing with the subject was oi passed in 1851, qiming for the better enforcement of payment of the front age charge, and making possible the blocking up of private sewers for which . frontage taxes had not been paid. The next by-law, passed in 1871, {nvther provided for collection of this foe, to be cgllpoted as a tax. In 1883, when the city by-laws were consolidated, the sewer charges became an annual rental, which could be commuted by payment of a sum ten times the amount of the annual rent. The solicicor was of opinion That sewer charges unpaid by per sons who entered sewers prior to 1853 could not now be collected. Then a hap sum, fot an annual pay ment, 'was payable, and. it accrued immediately the sewer was entered The charges so becoming due were an ordinary debt which are now barred by the effluxion of time, and nothing ean be collected in respect of persons so entering. Any annual sewer rents, which have acorwed since 1883, can be collected only if, at the time pres eribed by by law, January each vear, proper rolls were prepared and a de mand made, ag in the case of ondin- ary taxes. To collect rentals from this date onward in respect to entries to sewers sinte 1883, it would be ne censpity in cath year that the city treasurer should - prepare rolls based on information supplied by the city engineer, as a by by-law, and that the eily eollpctor should demand payment of and colleat the sum ap pearing on | such rolls in the masner as ordinary taxes. In regard to this matter, {he city Tronsurer reported that rolls were made out for the years 1885-36-8788 and 97. There are only three arrears pow on the rolls for 1900. The collec tion of an apnual rental bas not tory, and it was de at the present sysiem should toned and the old system of collectini a gross sum reverted to The aldermen expressed surprise that so little an amount was due for rentals. They had been led vo that $1,000 or more was due engi fenders Craig. the mat i Hon, touching municipal | d as to regulate the i amount of thrown on any part of the ihey would effect a great sp { water. 1 erable for the residential stieut, ing Single sprinklers were SPORT IN GENERAL. Final Queen"s-Fronutenacs' Match Creating Interest. The curlers ave avcavging o match for some day next week in Bro Wellington. and St. Geo: teams meet in Toronto night, W. H. Cosstoik's Kathleen won second motey in the 220 class yace at Plattsbury, N.Y., on Tuesday . ihe Toromto papers havent yet de ded whether ar Ragers will play with Frontenacs. y doubt they wall eb us kmow hy spext Tugsdiay The Stanley cup gate reccipis were 24.00, and of this amount the Wel lingtons got 81 400 as ther which. will fully cover expenses. Only track and general records were made in this country last year. In 1900 the total list was 112, and the year before 130 new marks wera put up. Two Ontario ripke will compete at the Winnipeg bonspiel in February Oue will be skipped by J. D. Flaveile of Lindsay and the second rink by J A. Sykes, of Oshawa. r, the clever first baseman of the Toronto baseball team, will not sig with manager Barrow for less than $275 Carr is" studying Taw kville hockes 1O-mMOrrow share sixty-mne 5 a month : and plays ball for money and amuse ment Chadwick, of the Toronto Welling- tons, ig ill of scarlet fever. Toronto papers have heen irritated becauvs ¥ writen gave McKay, the Kingston hockeyist lar more Praise than Chadwick. decided that if the weather and the intérnational ice i { at Cape Via t on Tuesday and Wednesday, raary 1th and 12th, K his will take part ronto Tinh Horn is blubbering because the Ottawa Citizen says that Winniper Victories Vinnipey Peb the scores st Le 100 per nt better than th who yuldn't Tift the lev onp with the assistance lingtons, f a steam Toronto indoor bicyclist championship ic riding faster tha: Ho defeated Michael in a f last week, and the little "Hunked" out of a mile race with the Canadian, alter sign ing contracts }rAcH Welshman lecided that between college ca shell he played off and 10th. It is «1 that mors Ww y that Queen's in n's Ill adets 11 on these nin the Jucon's- Frontenac hockey match on Monday wight. The teams tied in the first match, and now there will be a ' wy. Queen's ex final othen their team great addition of Walkem, Curtis, Merrill, McDowall and Dalton, but he last four named will not play, and it is doul I vot whether or not Walken the ie. Queen's team will, therefore, be slmost the Baune first match. Frouten stronger by the ¢ ition Powell on the wings, and Hiscock will play Frontenacs' visit to should - put them in fine fettle. 'W Harty expected to play, but an unfortunate injury comple of finge's of his right will keep him out of the nme vd will go vn as in the acs will be oi Rogers and while Wilson centre. Then Pittsburg, Pa. to a hend, Wants The Barrels Covered. J. D. Thompson has drawn the at tention of thé board of health to having covered all swill that gare daily draw; throu the city He thinks that wicrobes escape therefrom 1 he weuld like not to have them scattered broadcast. He su sts a hermetical ly sealed barrel, or ih any ering of some kind. The city council may be asked to pase a bylaw com pelling the covering of these barrels. Not Yet Dropped. J. J. Hughes is still prosecuting a vigorous search for the remains of his mother, stolen from St. Mary's vault several weeks ago. Hb ia leaving no stone unturned to bring the thieves to justice. His devotion to the cause, in spired by the noblest of feelings, is very marked, and he has the sympa thy of all citizens. Mr Hughes still hoj that his untiring search may vet meet with success. He has obtained of late some evidence, ! nece case a COV classes of value bie Look: Around First. ver mind the ads., "look around frst" before buying fws. We intend making our present clearing sale a memorable one for ali fur buyers. it is now in Tall i George Mills & Co., furriers, Wellington =trest. -------------- swing The Weekly Whiz is as good as a hall dozen letters tO absent friends Five cents in cover at the Whig Office counter WHAT'S IN A NAME? Depends upon the name. Scott's Emulsion is a pame that has value. Maybe it doesn't mean much to you-- but to the consumptive who has been strengthened and fat- téned, to the sickly children who have received good health, to the weak mothers and babies who havé grown strong --to these Scott's Emulsion means something. To all of them it has meant an easy and natural return to health, Wel ined gous Bites try, 1300 10 ap, tough INCIDENTS OF THE DAA PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BX CUx BUSY REPORTERS, The Spice of Every Day Life-- What the People Are Talking AboutiNothing Escapes At tention. A ite fh last night--an inialii coming thaw. the crush of advertise sturday, the Whig of that page paper Candlemas day. The y © wing the candles wi observed in St. Mary's cathedral, archbishop officiating. NeQuade made application to the boamd of workd for the posi tion of board walk patches, but his application was iyled, there not being A vacancy. . Yesterday afternoon a pedestrian slipped on the icy pavement and fell sarough the window of the Bay of Qainte hotel. It cost him $2 to re place the broken glass. : An officer's personal aleuls, scimire at the Terminus hotel, heen freed and sent to his home in Quebec. The difference between the landlord and the lieutenant was sect ted The county Orange lodge will boli its antual meeting in this city next week, beginning on Tuesday ater noo. The masters and deputy mas tor from all the lodges in South Frontenac will be present. On Wednesday night, when "Are You a Mason, was played at the Grand, the managers refused to sell ticket jor standing room, while good sents remained unsold, Several dozens of applicants were thus refused. Having bought the grocery business of E. F. Sears on corner of University avenue and Johnston street, 1 will be pleased to seo all his old customers avd any new ones who will favor me with their patronage. Our motto, po lito attention, and prompt delivery, J. M. Hughes. ments lor day will be a Canadians Were Appreciated. C. Waggoner, merchant returned fr a trip to nd Chicago. While in the latter attended the annual cenven: tion of the American custom cutters' sssociation, which was in sesslon from the Ast to the 24th inst. Mr. Wag goner speaks in high terms, of the treatment accorded Canadian - dele gates; their American associates . evi jently could not do too much igor thems. They even went so far as to select Canadians to most of the im portant offices in the gift of the as sociation. H. H. Taylor, "Toronto, was appointed president; S 8. Paupst, Dundas, Ont., recording secretary; Mr. Milne, Barrie, Ont., auditor; Tho Sawyer, Toronto, corresponding secretary and Frank Burton, Teronto, foroman of practical work. The con vention wig a very profitable the knights of sheafs and tape live Many excellent papers were ideas disseminated tailor, Milwaue place he nus ne to read and new Y.M.C.A. Orchestra Concert. The Y. M. CA cert, in the association's gymhasium last largely attended A good programme was put on, con sisting of the following Suambers : Ov erture, by the orchestra; tenor solo, ¥. J. Keen; violin obligate, Messrs Routley and Keyes; song, "Patriotic John Bull," W. J. Barton; piano solo, Miss E. Leader; sword swingi Gr. Robert; illustrated songs, "Holy City,"t and "The Green Fields of Od Virginia"; quartette, "Rocked in The Cradle of the Deep"; vocal and in strumental duet, "Life's Drésm Over'; violin solo, S. Keyes; character im poarsonation sketch. W. J, Bartor lustratod songs, tock of Ages, She Sweetheart towards pug Y.M.C.A. hb well put on, mut lit upon ¢he orchestra's ton evening, was was a Soldier's The proceeds will go hooks for a was chasing rary. The concert and reflects members of the ore Carnival At Rockwood. at Rockwood rink last evening was one of the most suc cessful ever held at that popular win ter resort. The (atiendancs exceeded all former records, The costumes were woigue, and many showed strikingly original ideas on the part of the de vigners. The event was a benefit ten dered carcta Fenwick, who is de serving of such kindness for bis. many acts of courtesy ext¢aded patrons of the rink. Among the be costulnes were © the following : M. Porter, Dewet; F. Koen, hobo; W. clerk; J, Dugan, workingman; lr, swamp ward ; B. Hartrick, sixteen; J. Marks, hunter; Scally hunkadory"' J Simmons, lighthouse; C, Baiden, Dolly Varden; J. Purke, "It"" ; W, MeCor mack, Andrew Carnegie 2. Hogan, RB. Culeheth, Yankee: J. Ewart, El; E. Wishart, quarryman, The carnival Sullivan, Strike Of Dead Men. preparing a lst of fines of ratepayers who « pi with a view Witkison stuake motors' Hist. Relatives whose pames hould Be added in place of those so struck off should make gpplication 'at once to have this done, otherwise they will Im deprived of a vole next your. ------ ; "Sweet Clover." Adelaide Thurston, a preity and clover fittle actress will be seen in the play "Sweet Clover," ai the Grand, pext Thursday. The play is said to fit her charming personality and hap- py sive of entertaining. "Sweet Clo ver" requires a Jot of beawtiful scen ery amd costumes. The «ity clerk i» duriig dpe Hagrison Co. Again announce their amusl Febru: ary sale-seryihing in both stores is sodaded © from 10 vw 25 po. There me some soetinle in slightly used and deranged lives being ofieved. Thin sale is eagerly looked forward to by meny wine buyers each year. The Second To Return. : Constable Willian Liviagston, Wind wor, was in the city yesterday with a convict famed Nelson, who was pa roled, but broke bis parole and was t back to the penitestiary to and Far The Children. To Keep Their Digsiion Perfect Soll ing i's Sale 46d Dioasatit ds Stuart's Dyspog-in 1 Jblets, . and women have found hopupeia Tpbime the salt and at pohobls Prepifstion Tor aay form of coniion. of stomboh Uoubie Nil ek, bat = phe Sie 5 onl, fh ure per fect digestion roubles Ve of mew Mut it ix not geserally Koown thet the Tablets are just as good sid wholewothe for litgle folks as for pis elders Lisle @hildton wo ate pale, thin and fave Bi Appetite, --or--dw fot pran or Shrive, should + tre tablets alter ssl will derive gweel beoetit pom whens vr. 0 IT Crotsley, 53% Waskinggrtan St. Hobuoker New Jorsey writes Stuart a Dyspepein Tablets ju the billfor oh a oe well a8 Jor older folks T've had of tack with them My three year: shes them as readily as Lamly 1 have whiete' and sha drope everything cls and runs for them A Buffalo mother, a short time despaieed. of the lie ol ber babe Lighted with results from giviag the these tab) at she went before the ¥ y, NX. and, made suring vo *AY ago, who was #0 de which dootors, said was | touls theqchild to th found wo relief. A Ira wrt Tablets and I OCur droggist amd lotenges in the fiud they worg just the thing I feel justified in saying thet pepsin Tablets saved my dhild's bil MES, W. 7. DETHLOVE Subsiriberl and sworn to belore me this Jah day of April, 189 box from mv large sweet delighted to for By baby Sgert's Dye HENRY KARIS Notary. Public in aod for Brie Op For ies, po matter how cate, Hw tabi ts will aceamplig increasing flash, appetite wd only the large sweet « Fall sind boxes are for OO cents, the use of thi amd bowel troubles if any way regarding ite food or assim Siaart's Divspepsin Talilats Wve know (oF ye#ts os' the best prepara | stomach troubles whether 5 axiuils inlants growih In overy 0000000000000 "Your The Doctor" It's for son to desde what kind of coal yon wart, Swilts Scranton rs Coal owt? ne fs the best and vagre than other kinds MES SWIFT & 0. 'Phone 135. 900000060000 sm ---------------------------- 0999090000900 00090900900 ~~ A your movey i 1 Kiel that is laps sil the way thrpugh---in which etery penny vou pay | SOURS for wabnith and eo * Coal for grates of very Kind. All kinds of Wood god Kied Hage, : COAL Phe that wii give you a full value of kind wa oll The shack bureers, and stoves Foot of Queen St.--'Phone ab i. i emis SCHOOL of. xT. Classes will be resumed a cation on , SATURDAY, JAN. 4th, Other classes usual hours. CHAS. BE. WRENSHABL, 2 Princival i ---------------------------- A NEW LIVERY BUSINESS. HAVING PUNCHASED THE veny rasiness "sod good will from HN. F. Me¥ur Jute, foot of Prinosy street, J wil eed vor tor comes It on fist clase riiiplen Good ovens, good wipe, oneclul drivore by rousend Le , * Phen R. E. Wilson, Prep. mia ------------ -- -- ---- ----

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