TO BE LET. -------- re HOOME, Wi or wo ro board, 100 « -- hE a Roti wits oma EFeR Tire Insurance Company. pyre 181.210. Jha aglition lof" securi lity of all the stock FARM AND ony PROPERTY insured of possible rates. Before renewing old wow Lusiness got rates how "eTRANGE ® STRANGE. Ageuts ARCHITECTS. gv 3 JSTOREY, ARCINTECT, OFFICE 173 g attent, Al plans, desigos, ap Satisfaduion guavantesd sof Telephone, 50. ®° SON, ne ARCHITECTS, NERC: anrnet Teonk aud Phone 212 ARCHITE. OT, Ally Mail, OFFICE near coruer of Worth Seeing Will be Our Dis lay of Top-Round Bals at $3.50. vit an' these, they . price os In Brookton, & . IN a INTRODUCE She | B.& H. » Manties We WIN Selt 8 dor $1 Cash For 10 Days Only. one teed 4 REE his life bee tre up- s Nan of 'the' CRN ive party f Famasonic THE. FUN. ENDED IN DEATH. ! FATAL COASTING ACCIDENT OCCURS AT EEESEVILLE, -- Wilirid Graves Killed And His Sister And Another Lady Badly Crushed And Are Likely to Die. : Platisburg, N.Y, Jan. 31. A fright ful cagating accitlent occurred | &t Kie:eville last evening,' in which ose woung man was killed and two young women fatally injured. A large par was coasting on Academy hill, ig a large bobsled, holding from ten twenty people. The bob bezamé un manageabis and ran into a talegrag me while' going at great speed. Wil: iid Graves, aged twenty three years, Beds' almdst instantly killed, and his sister, Mi's Rachael Graves, and Miss Edith Bulley were crushed so that it} is. feared they cannot reéover. Among | the others hort were Héndy Miles, | broken leg; John King, arm broken; George La Duke, arm dislocated, The young peopl are of the families in Keeseville. DISTRICT DASHES. News of the District Condensed From The Whig's Exchanges. ©. BB Seantlebury, head of the firln of Scantlebury & Co., is seriously 'Hi at. Bellgville, A Meiklejohn, Tweed, in quitting wehool teaching was tendered an ad- dries and a purse Of ¥25. | At Consesgn on Wednesday, J annie, eldest daaghter of John H. Prowh, was married to Charles H. firase, Belleville. They will take dp residence in the Front of Thurlow, J. EB. Heaslip, an esteqmed' citizén of Lansdowne, and' the village's popu lar barber, will remove to this cys to take up residence. A. W. Seamah, Rockport, has taken over his business in' the village, A. 'Logan, Morrisburg, has pur chased the hig water power at Wad dington. His purchase includes the old paper mill site, the dam and all other privileges and buildings formerly own- ed by the James estate. Johg Cowan, a resident of Leeds foumty for many years; died on Sun- day, aped ninety-one years. Deceased Wut a bhother of Alexander Cowan, Wilstead, and father of Messrs. Henry and Harrison Cowan, Gananoque, apd Lb Lowan, Leeds. At Addison on Wednesday Miss Mary Taylor was matried to William flates, a prosperous young farmer of ockepring. After the ceremony the happy couple drove to the residence of Mrs. William Singleton, Brockville, where they were most pleasantly én tortained. At the annual congregational meet ing of St. Andrew's church, Canan- ogue, the receipts for the past yaar were shown to be $3,025.60, expendi- ture 3300.64. The mortgage on the church property has been lifted and a small floating debt of about $4100 is all thay the congregation. owe at present. best Mise 5 Which Does He Belong To ? Ald. Wills, Belleville, is an alder: wan and a member of the school hoard and in view of the minister of edutation's "decigion in wlatitn 'to Ald, Sears, in Kingston, the Belle ville Ontario says Ald. Wills' see de serves Biionton. 1 AI Wilk is | a member of & public school board he is emtitle to sit; if he is a member of 8 hoard of education he cannot fil the two. pasitions. This is what John Millegh' deputy minister, wriths: "I am directed by the minister of education to state, that. by syb-sec- tion 1, of section 13 of the high schools act, a member of the munici pal council sannot also besa member of the board of education.' Thought To Be A Kingstonian. Mayor Shaw has written to the re cord office of the imperial army, Capé Lowa, South Africa, fof more infor mation teuching the death of trooper Hogesee, who died: there recently and who saith his home was at Kingston. It is thought that the déad trooper liclonged to a family of that name re- viding here. Marks which the absentee Bad on hig el were detailed ig may or § : and if the * dead i ould urn out 46 Le the ne adr Gf thee a there must he some marks in the British -------- Seventy Years An Orangeman, Journal, le Coleman, an esteemed resident of Seeloy's Bay, hele and hearty in his aighty-ninth year, has been a member of the Orange order for seventy years. He has also been connected with the frateenity for sothe forty ugh well up in years he quite robust and tips the scales at over LU member of the Chirch of Bhgland -- { Almgst Au Assuretl Fact. Alderman McCammon says that a competent and influential board of ae yes Gi The a atel x Son og wi oma 1 scheme Jwington. stock to be taken hd will amount t shen 8100, Law) i this year. |. -------- Great Sale 0 of Clothing. THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, / ICE YACHT RACES. ------ Kingston Flyers Will Go To Cape Vincent. Francis H- Macnee, secretary treas ner of she Kingston ice yacht club, has received the following + communi cation trem W, F. Clark, secretary- trasurer of the Cape Vincent ice yachs b : The Cape Vincent. ice yacht clab invites the Kingston ice yacht club to cotnpete with them for a small silver loving cup given by the commodore and also for two purss races of twen wyifive. dollars each, weather and jee permitting, and dates being agree able to your club. First puree race will be called Tuesday morning, Feb- viary the eleventh, at hall past ten o'clock and will bp open to first class vachts, Second purse race will take place the next moming and is for se oond 'class vache, First class com prises vaechts carrving 350 square feet of mail and over, and second class, yachts carrying under 3530) squarg fect. "Cap races will take place on the afternoons of 'Pebiraary 11th and 13th, and following days if necessary, and are for yachts of both clubs only carrying 600 square feet of sail and under. Some yacht must win Wo firsts to establish ownership of cup Rules of Cape Vincent ice yacht club to govern. Purse races to be divided 215 to first yacht, 810 to second Trusting all will be satisfactory and 'we will have four good contests any way." Commodore Frank Sackett, of the Cape * Vincent ite yacht ¢lub, was in Kingston yesterday, inviting the mem- ters of the Kingston vacht club and their frierids to come over for the re gatta and to the dance to be given hw the 'Masonic fraternity of Cape Vincent at Empire hall, Mondiay evening, February 10th It is likely that the Kingston yacht elub will 'eruise to Cape Vin cont, going round she foot of Wolie Istand. The Clayton, Henderson bar bor and © Sackett's Harbor ice yacht clubs Bave also been invited to com pete. If the snow keeps off, it is like lv that one of the largest ice yacht regattas ever held will be seen at Cape Vincent, on February 11th on 106 LANSDOWNE LOCALS. Items From Village And Round- about Couptry. Lansdowne, Jan. 29.<E. FE. Jehn ston, travelling agent for a Montreal grocery firm, is confined to his bed with a severe attack of typhoid fever William Douglas, Western Ontario, i# again renewing old sequaintances in Lausdowne. A. M, Tennant, assistant proprietor of the. Stewart house, reports the roads in excellent condition through the northern sections. A. J. Watson, of the asylum staf, Brockville, paid Lansdowhe a pleasant vigit on Monday, The Misses Stewart, Lansdowne, call ed: on the Misses Gavin, "Warburton, one day last week, one of whom is not enjoying the best of health The bee at D. R. Johnston, hauling cord wood from near Charleston lake, was well' attended and the boys all re port a pleasant time. Several members of 1.0O.OF., No 270, of this place, paid the Gananoque bitothren "a Traternnl visit on Wednes- day evening, and spent a few hours of social enjoyment. J. V. Mitchell, an arts student of Queen's university, Kingston, paid a friendly visit to old friends in War- burton on Sanday last: The singing class of this place, der management of Prof. Beale, has recently entered wpon a third term, with a membership of about thirty, many of whom have hecome excellent singers, « A little hoy has come sts ay at the Rome of Mr, and Mes Foley. F. Johnston spent Sunday last Ee "his old home in Sand Bay, return ing home Monday morning. Miss Luélla Shelds is spending a few days with friends in Kingston and Deseronto. It is with much regret we hear of the departure of our barker, J. E. Heaslip, who is about to leave us in a few days and take up his abode in Kingston Our loss will be Kingston's gain. oI Lieut.-Col. Duff Decorated. The first decoration for officers "of the Canadian cologial forces to roach 'Wihgston arrived this morning ad chessed ta Lieut. Col. John Dufi, RO. hese decorations ar: awarded to officers who have served twenty years in the Canadian milida, 7 tion is of silver and @ workumatiship, oval r, ahiput ove and three-quarter inches long by ote apd one-quarter inches wide In. valsed letters around the outer bund ere the words "Canadiap Auxiliary Forees."" Inside this silver baad, in ay) iw the royal Victoria cipher °° LEY in open work. The whole is surmounted by a gold chown, =aspend ed by a dark grien 1ibhon from a sil ver bar pin. The revive . vide of the rrown. bears thes wopds, "Liewt, Col Jobo Dull, wtived let." Cal. Dwi is proud of bis decoration smd feels ohorerd in being the first officer in King={op to receive the covated prize. First Time Witnessed. Sanwel Marshall, York sweet, has verted for fifty-seven years in, King "stom Hand yesterday from the vity ball: plationn witnessed for the first tive an election by weclamation. Those parlinmentary' candidates "whe hind énjoved that privilere in Kingston in long time have been Sir John Macdonali, M. W. Strange and Hon. William Harty. The honors have, therefore, been evenly divided. een, Want The Law As It Is. Horald, Ta i Thursday received the mem _shop Bond is now #ighty five year INCIDENTS OF THE: DAY. | PARAORAPES PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, The Spies of Every Day Life What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At tention, The Diamond match company intend peting factory mm Switeeriand shortly My health, Blair is much improved iv although still confived to the tea WN. ariety afternoon good satisfaction. of + Urothers. The Lethbridge, attempted murder « disagree, snow fell at Winnipeg last Ihe srmoneter stood at Aariy morning and 8 now ii ing Ottawa members of "I" company, first contingent, will hold their Hrs annyal banquet in honor of Paarde erg. on February 18h, A telegram ahnounces the death at Dighy, N.8., of Herhert Crosskill, for merly deputy provincial 'secretary Nova Scotia. | i hose NWT. ase ol jury, in the Joha James this of and trying, slices, our Ww. angel pound cake L i . Chisholwi, M.A., has been ap pointe 3 public school nspae tor for West Bruce, in place of Mr. Campbell, who resigned on sccount of ill-health Ring Victor Emanuel; of lualy, rich J. are worth on cabinet and expressed hi satisfied with the services ist Instructor Meinty silver match box, y wu which are the of-arms and monogran, of of Wales Clare on of Feary enteen, N.Y tay night une Ix Darrow; aged soy Barro jvide on Wedne Not matted I shotil rimselt known A piano in Paderewski's the steamer be » and threat i the 1 at eve ship. His life was saved {he Chinese emperor has ital Yeh to a naval colle vt. Che Foo, gh, rear miral lord Charles rd to Act a wal instructor college p among York is to the effect that Sir' k IL v races wanring American wa Samuel An ch returned tosday aud hearty after] their ths' absence in England, visited their boyhood's houw w government farm at Longueuil has been sold to R. J. Camtipbell, New York, for $31,000. The property will used in connection with the Roval Albert bridge across the St. Law rence Glazed 'ir it kisses, pea nut Little, vormints, all fresh for Saturda) 1. Crothers The * prelin arvangenients futenational oe boat mee Id at Gros Point, Mich, in atter part of February, have } The will lagt thre stat? Proke red oan anc ordered ad organ Gos vachts men, Lipton's Shan n special cup ng sees . Harry h i ig hale Josey Wo where rit and nut meats, cocoa cream pel W inary Aan i ra oni nua pleted weet days. Nr the a 'waitress at N «ealing dia sitk hose wriv o Aliee ( rag ford, Sevmour he ( Y., has been arrested for nond rings, osirick plumes, end other articles, the proj nests, At a roy Kiub," held last night, } shruar) were ch [eT nents of this fidlowed with fenshurg dar mesting of t . the officers { The aggregation keen ioterest by mov young mar ory ite hae heen ition of division er me, Watertown the New Y dpunrters Gdgenshur Central RB Watertown Rev, Father ¢ o Church of the has consented (1 r tion on the occasion of the held on March division of with hes Kk. ih falo, anpual vhneert to eo Lith, by the Ottawa Irish societies It is expected that un ¢ hop will shortly be appointed to bs it archisishop Bond in bis « bead of the diocese of Mentiba adiator In Arch of age, awl in feoble health. Lond Kitchener can put the government m communicanon Botha, Delarey, Stevn, Dewet and alkburg on short notice, if it sess an authority to act for Mr Kn uger, Dr. Leys and the other Boer CXHeS Coupons goad for douby de stamps on Saturday, Felauary 1st ud Monduy, hruary ond, at Mullins =~ grocery, corper Johnston and Division streets As the reply of the British govern ment to the commaniation of the government of the Nethorlands on ti subject of the South African war will not reach The Hague wntil to-day, it u fmpossible for his' miesty's gov ament_ to give the house the papers ie wel. United Stites rear admiral William 3 Sampson and B. J. Cromwell will be placed on the vetivdd list on Febra ary Oth on account of age. These re ti ements will result in the promo tion of "Capt PH: Cooper and George H. Wadic igh to the grads of rear admivals. Black Ceylon tes nally Ph, per pound, Wo morree, ie. and | ponsd pare Mocha coffee, fresh grosoed, pound, st Mullin' pmdbongy Jobsston sad Division etreets. Ward Doonan, pleaded to weich a re coptatie contaimiag 3.000 gallons of cleus, at the Chilled flow works § NY, ida (BET over the cupola of the tank, A terri fie report followed, and the houses of Syracuse trembled. Dogoan recvived a severe shaking, hut fertanately decap ed. The Same that shot up. into the Wr was jan, Te Dateh with LK sald at ¥ Pel for Sv and THE GIRL Ph LOSOPHER. ler Story of Her Meeting With the Accident Izswrance Man, "You know Tom 3 began the girl phi lgsngtte, Jwisting a new ring about her third £ H¥, ne chorus. "You know Tom, again, who would tell thi way or mot at all, "And you know there was a fire at out house in' which the old mdiden lady ou the third floor had her nose seriously burned. 'What I am going to tell you is related both to the fire and to Tom. It was the evening after, and 1 was practicing at the piano, trying to ap- pear as though I were not awaiting him. Formerly, when waiting for the man whom 1 was going to marr, I would have been reading a book. But they all seemed to see through that. They knew very well that the book was a ruse and that I was just makiog up my mind wha to say after the first greeting. So 1 eeased reading and nowadays practice on the piano." "It is hard to know what to say after that greeting," remarked the Suffy haired xiiaimed the other two ia "When is it to be?" began the other gs in her own girl. "+15 it?" asked the sallow young woman innocently. "Yes," replied the philosopher. is apt to grow réd and look silly. en he always says, "Well, what are you langh- ing for? and yea always reply, "Ne thin g ag all," and then you giggle. He laughs in little jerks and dsks you bow you are. You say: *All right. Hasn't it been a per fectly lovely day? 1 used to get a bodk just before he came and think out things to say during such trying moments, but now I play the bumblebee song or some- thing which is not too noisy, for 1 always manage to hear every footfall on the ve- ™m ; 'That evening after the fire I was sit agin ng' ' "What risks yon take," ventured the sallow young woman. "So 1 failed to listen for the footsteps unl," proceaded the speaker, "I had reached a high note and was endeav- r that is so iy behind "One n as oring to get that voc ul quive fetching when some direct my chair coughed fly. It was so sudden that 1 forgot all about the live of action I bad planned. I had intended to be cool to him, for you sée, 1 was most-- er--cordial the evening before. You should never be too cordial to a man twice in succession, you know." "I know," swered the fluffy haired girl, with a conclusive nod. "But it was awfaily sudde said the sallow young woman. "Did you mistake him for a book at?' "No such good luck, or good behavior, either," admitted the philosopher. "I just said, 'Oh, Tom!" and ¥ am afraid I left some of my new powder on his coat, He seemed to be about as surprised as I, for he backed away several steps and, removing wy hands gently from his shoulder, re marked, 'I am afraid you are " wy hat!" exclaimed the Msteners, The philesepher nodded vigorously and bit her lip as thoug! she was about to laugh or ery. "It wasn't Tor : she finally gasped weakly, "but @ dent insurance man who had come to see about the" maiden lady's burned nose The maid answered tl he door, you kno "What did you sa inquired the duffy "hinired girl. "1 must have stammerved a litle, but 1 remen her saying that 1 thought he was 80 e else" ed ha'were! lated Ry you nre wear the , for ax long ns nid the phi hand "But it bs not his ring" iosopher, defiantly holding up her "It's the accident i poe Toan's. Her éompanions loo bh other in speechless ® Ty haired girl Gually me "When? vise, The ed to Inquire: ire about the injuries of the maiden Wasn't she a dear to poke her nose into the fire?" Marriage nt Thirty, The cel iba y question is a delicate ona 1 ms 10 me that if by i o we of thly and re become self m from getting ¥ are well out of their toons far v wd than harm is likely to result in the & in (rom THiS operation. Young men the middle clings at the present day urely marry under thirty, many sot till they are well past th far as | con see. neither they nor society are the worse for deferring their nuptials, ou go in the social! scale the stronger are the reasons against a man manying young. tt -------- Be A Discourager. "1 don't helieve in feeding tramps at the door," said Mrs, West. "You feed thom once, and they are sure to come » "yell, them bread and I can't say 1 ev come sn second time, "Oh, well, Mrs. Yeast, you make your own bread, do yon not? That was ait thet was said, and yet Mes. Yenst went dowi the street Like a straw hat on a windy dey. I don't know. I always give when they come to my door, knew a tramp to Loose Knife Blades. Sometimes a table or kitchen knife blade becomes loose from the handle. Wien this occurs, take the blade wut and Ei two-thinds of the cavity with resin priced with sawdast. Heat the shank of the kuife very hot sud press it in quickly and solidly, When it cools, you will find that the bade is figed firuly. Equal te the Occasion, Cladys--Tlere, now, mamma's gone to the matinee and has forgotten her pocket. book, Frauk--Don't you. worry about mam- ma. She'll sulock the box ofice with hairpin A Suggestion, Gitte, 17 you ave as fastidions In the se- EC Tection of @ New any trouble matrimenially. The umbrella spon the native apon the Bengali tmbeeling every year, Since one week after he came out to | them wetion of a hawband as you are in the se i ra --------- . ANNUAL ENAMELLED KITCHEN WARE. Joost ft And continueing during the whole month we will make a Special Discount of Off All Enamelled Ware. 20 * To those who have betore taken advantage of our Special Sales in this line "tis only necessary tq name, the date ; to those who have not we [can only say, 'don't confine all the luxuries to the parlour. Plenty; of nice Kitchen Ware is a luxury and makes: work. a pleasure, and don't forget that you may have for $4 what at any other time would cost you $5. Many bave learned tha it pays to stock up at our Special Sales. The assort. ment is just as complete and thejbargains just as many as during any of our Special Sales. SPECIAL PRICES FOR CASH ONLY. ------------------------ | MCKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street, TT Jackets, Overcoals AT AUCTION SALE PRICES. We dai ¢ to part company with the above and now offer the little lot ut -- Fur real avelion sale prices. 1 Bech Ladi 44, $6 for 88, Af.w Black Curl Cloth Qosts, New Box Baek, 82, 84, 86, 40 By Tight Fitiae Dask Beaver Coats, Nivy, Fawn, a { regular price Bas list reasons One. ver Overcoat, size 42 Regnlar prices $7 59, now A faw Men's ¥ jezs Ulaters, in sizes' 87 to 44, Regalar $6.60, now $0 83. size 11, $28, now $18 1 Baits atavoction anle prices. J ackeir, 54, at austion sale 1 Man's Coon 8kiu Coat, m All May Twee A fr Women's Dlagk A«trachaa ¢ snd Bors sizos 90, nricas, 1 Electric Beal Collaretts, $12, now $8. 1 Black Astrachan Coflardite. 80, now $6, 1 Grep/Lamb Bull. $6 50, now $1.50, 8 Grey Lamb Collars. © $6, nov #8 75 Top Line Black aod Brown Cooney Raffa, "Top Line Diack and Browo Cooney Rafts. The. now 20e. Cald weather for many & dey and night. Buy seajonable wadls at sue- £ave movey and bo comfortable. $1.25, now 50s, 4% 8 pr a, CRUTILEY BROS. |.abatt's Lox LONDON ALE and PORTER AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL 7 Beato, EXPOSITION, 1901, For their excellent qualities in comparison with similar exhibits from all parts of America. McPARLAND _AGENT. Everybody Sings The Praises of Gor Shoes. They are ( juaranteed D. J, McDermott, ti mn JAS. Se Tall Lenthers. 1s res. Next fo Routley's.