Carpets, Rigs, 'Linoleams:. Portier Curtains, Lace Curtains and Draperies in exclusive styles and not to be found elsewhere in the city. 'We are carrying at this season of the year a very complete stock at prices which appeal to the closest buyer. In Linoleums we show the largest line to be found and at prices that mean a genuine money-saving to you. Sin R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warchouse, sale, We do not the way. Ho cont. sprit Ww our Feuoed. Watch is to ie. wo fos. $85 Sideboard reduesd to $29, Brisssels, Axmineters, Velvets, reduced Ti ota. from 10 to 26 per Chenille, Tapestry. ont. CURT V 1ac8 CURTAINS AIL the newest rechiond for month. Stig CUNTAINS(8 pair only) : pairy wo Td se duos ONE BRUSSELS CARPET-11 ft. 9 in. by 29 fo. 7 in; new, slightly damaged, regular a Sel price Tle. Border goes in. Customers hay at this sale and have goods held for future delivery. » YOURS, T. F. HARRISON CO., UNDERTAKING, ETC. - THE FINEST . PIPE MADE Pm PERE Tg li" BEST. Nish. Guaranteed not to burn, " Sold in Vulcanite, Horn or Amber by Wm. BAKER. Allan Line sed, on Royal Mail Steamers. . Prom St, John. From Halifax. Protorian, Tan. Th Td y Jan. 206 Jone. QOH, wes sins we Jan. FTH Nomidian; Pes Soh, _ RATES OF PASSAOHR. ; Fiowt Fates, and upwards; te -- QUINTE LEAGUE CUP HEAD- ING THIS WAY. Ramblers Defeat Deseronto By Five Goals To Two--Game Was Brilliant - At Times--General Notes Of Sport. By defeating the Deseronto team last night, toe Kamblers helped to bring the trophy that is symbolical of the champiouship of the Quinte district hockey league one step nearer Kings ton. The match was not at all times guod hockey, but it was decidedly in teresting, brilliant play cropping up at intervals. The fist bali decidedly was all Deseronto, the Ramblers being pushed very bard. Unly the smart goal work of R. Devlin saved Ramblers los ing by a big score. In this hall De seronto talhed twice; Ramblers shot a clean goal, but the puek went through the net and was not counted, There was a different tale to tell in the sécond hali. Ramblers got up steams and never let up for an instant, pressing the visitors closely and mak- ing the goal késper work overtime. Al- ter about ten minutes had elapsed, Moncrief started the tallying. Kidd quickly followed, tieing the score. 'Then Hackett semt one in, as there seemed to be luck in the odd number. Coxworthy wanted the defence to shine, so He dropped in the fourth goal von a "peach" of a shot, Moneriel had the satisfaction of tallying the last as well as the first point for Ramblers, the score ending five to 'two for Ramblers. Just keep your eye on those boys, Moncrief and Hackett; they ure coming whirlwinds Coxworthy never did more effective work than last night at cover. ~ He did not make a single error, and ob tained many masks of honor. Bearance wanted to play the whole game, so eager was he for Ramblers to win. His rughes and elever block ing were featured of the game. The Ramblers" forwards worked like machines, the four men being in con: stant" thiich. Though Hartrick' did pot store, Kis work was responsible for at least two points for his team. By far the strongest player Deseron- to possesses is Parke, at cover point. His brilliancy outshines all other members of the team. He is a clever stick handler, nurses the puck skilful ly and is very nimble on his feet. Cul hene, in goal, is also a strong player. 'The forwards are fast wkaters, 'but are too selfish. They also have a bad habit of lagging, and several of them were punished for this. Deseronto--Goal, Culhene ; point, Burns; cover, Rorke; centres, Hatch, Stewart; wings, Patterson, St. Louis. Ramblers--Goal, R. Devlin; point, Bearance; cover, Coxworthy; centres, Kidd, Hackett; wings, Fred. Har trick, Moncrief. Cyril Knight made an efficient and satisfactory referee. Sport In General. Monday hight the ladies' hockey ge will have a match at Rockwood nk. Arnprior and. Pembroke senior hoc- key teams met on Friday night. Pem- broke won 5 to 3. A." Williams, a former Ottawa player, has beén appointed captain of the All-Syracuse huckey club, "Tis said that Bilton and McLaren, of Toronto "Wellingtons, wore to play with Perth against Soiith"s Falls last night. Tf they 'did, they cannot play gin in O.H.A. matches. © ice yacht Typhoon, with skip- per J. A. Goodearle, while sailing proudly about the harbor yesterday afternoon, carried away one of its guys and twisted a turn-buckle, Ii the Frontenacs meet the Pitts burg Keystones in ! Toronto, say, they'll make the team from across the border look like a whipped lot of yel- low doge, and send them home with their tails between their legs. As not a single club was notified of the application: of the R.M.C. hockey club, as provided by rule, the execu- tive's action wad illegal, it is claim ed, in reinstating the military players. Their action was also unfair in throw- ing out the RM.C. team. John L. Sullivan jumped into. the dpigram business 'recently 'as fol lows: "When I was champion it was a case of fight and take a chance on getting your money. Nowadays it's al case of get money first and Jet the blic 'take the chance of seeing a h he Toronto Telegram says that Chadwick, of the Wellingtons, was so fast that he caught the scarlet fever. Now, 'tis well-known that the "'searlet" fever can be caught by peo- ple who are not inclined to be "ast." Sometimes a preacher can get the contagion. A 'raghy team from Winnipeg will mont ory visit eastern Canada next fall, e players will be picked from the 3t. John's college a Winnipeg ctubs, which are able to produce some firet-class materiul: The as: sociation team also intends to make a tour next summer. -- Were After Information. It was at the fire and light commit- fee's meting yesterday. Chairman Bell had 1 the city solicitor if he received any word from justice i ition re electric chairman. "Widdls of June t" ex | Sergt. ---------- * The store of the town. - ; t £ i apd 2F ii if i THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, PERSONAL MENTION, lini, Hovements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. Miss Mamie Reid, Toronto, is visit- ing friends in the city. / Kev. M. A. MacKinnon, M.A., is in the city to attend the alumni confer- ence at (Queen's. 1. N. Béckstedt and John Watts will represent Queen's in the coming debate with Mebiill. Harry Tweddell, seriously ill several months of typhoid fever, able to be around again. Harry Lindley, the veteran come dian, has left on a trip to the Pacific coast with a pew company. Miss Mabel Dunbawm, daughter of E. H. Dunham, Montreal, and George Cooper Fairchild, Oswego, N.X., were married in Buffalo on Monday. William A. Spooner and wife, Mon treal, reached the city today to spend a brief holiday. Mr. Spooner is a son of Col. Spooner, Glenburnie. Mrs. Spooner is a daughter of J. Pope, Kingston. At the coring alumni conference of Queen's, Prof, Watson gives the last of his course upon 'The Chancellor's Lectureship." Prof. Dupuis has Leen appointed as the next lecturer His theme will probably be on astronomy: Miss Rankin, the clever singer, who appeared at the opera house last night, refused to respond to encores, a refusal that the majority of theatre- goers were glad to see, Dot because they were not pleased with her efforts, hut because they had sympathy for the singer, who appeared three times on the programme. W. G. Praser, M.A., temporary pro- fermor of mathematics at Queen's, has been appointeil by the head of the Scottish educational department, Sir Henry Craik, to be one of his-ma- jesty's inspectors of schools. He leaves next April to begin work in his native sountry. v for is © -------- Death Of Mrs. Kenning. The death occurred this morning of Mrs. 'Sarah Kemning, relict of the late John Kénning, aged sixty-two years. Doceasedd was a native of Port land township, her maiden name being Sarah Ferguson, but she had resided in Kingston almost all her life. In latter years she resided at the home of her brother-in-law, John MeCul- lough, 60 Colborne street. * Though frail for some years, she was eonsid- ered strong enough to withstand her ailments for some years, but about two, weeks ago grippe and bronchitis developed arid aut short her life of nsefuiness. The deceased was a con- sistent member of Cooke's Presbyteri- an church, being a communicant of many years' standing. She is survived by ome brother, John Ferguson, of Croyden, and Mrs. Bartlett, of Ro- chester, N.Y. ------------------ A Pleasant Function. Thursday evening the sergeants and stafl-sergeants of the 14th regiment conducted a pleasant assembly in the Whig hall, about 100 being present. At nine o'clock dancing began, and con tinued until two o'clock. The assem blage was very select. Many of the officers of the regiment were present as were also some of the sergeants of the R.C.F.A, The aflair was a complete success and much credit is due = to the energetic committee, consisting of Sergt.-Maj. Walker, president; Col.- Davies, secretary-treasurer ; Col.-Sergts. Slecth and Horsey, Sergts. milton, Ludlow, Pratchett, Jameson and Birch. Those Slippery Streets. The city sttebts were never in such 4 'dangerously slippery condition aa at present. Yesterday after one lady had broken her hip and several citi- zatis iad been injured, the wntall iron roller, bristling with little spikes, was brought out. This was meant to make rough the smooth surface of ice, hut on Clergy and some of the other streets it failed. "Until there is some system of removing snow and ice from the walks, by the corporation, citi- rens may expest to see frequent suits for damages brought against the city. For Sunday Eating. Their js nothing as good as fruit try our Malaga grapes, Grape fruit, lion brand oranges and bananas. ¥ Bibby's one price clothing house. "EATING IN HAVANA. Yankees Club Together. In Havana it is the custom to verve only bread and coffee for breakfast. A little colony of Americans that felt they could not do their work until noon on this kind of diet clubbed to- gether dnd began importing Grape Nuts Breakfast Food. One of them writing about the matter, says, "The modern cooking range had never been known in Cuba "nti the American ocoupation, and. even now they are scarce, so that a ready cooked food like Grape Nuts recommends itself to start with; then accustomed to the v larger stores began leeping Grape- an stock so the natene now great antities Of Nuts are in Cuba, and it wall." rail iE IL F i =", i Fa 5 iL E : fie ithe ¢ £. } 1] i if i: It +1 § : white - SHAKESPEAREAN RECITAL GIVEN - BY THE DRAMATIC CLUB, OF QUEEN'S N In The Grand Opera House--The Amateur Actors Did Excellent ; Work--The Sweet Singing Of Miss Rankin, Of Montreal. The people of Kingston had the op portunity last might of witnessing the work of Queen's dramatic club, which under the careful direction of Profs Dyde and Capyron, has become one of the most important associations con- nected with he university. At the Grand opera house nearly every seat from 'the "pit" tw the "gods" was taken for the performance, which had been heralded for several weeks past as bei in aid of the Granv convo- cation hall. That made the affair po pular at once, though of course the fact of a Kingston university drama tic troupe appearing in a Shakes pearean play would alone have war- ranted goad patronage. The large audience was indeed high ly pleased with the good work done by the amateur actors and with the production as a whole, for the char atlers were , all sorrectly costumed, else the performance would have lost a bit of favor. Queen's dramatie club has come forth from the confines of the university classroom and hail into the wider atmosphere of the the- atre, and has met with such success as to give its 'mambers encourage ment in future work, The programme was entitled "Shakespeare Recital,' as it consti tuted other parts besides the third act of "Humlét," which, of course was the main portion. A scene between Brutus and Cassius (Julius Caesar V., 3) was fairly well given by Mesers. BE. J. Reid and A. G. Burrows. Much more realistic, however, was the scene of "Autolyous (a rogue) and the clown" (Winter's Tale II, 2), by Messrs. J. A, McSporran, and C. Vv. Redmond, both of whom did remark- ably well. The *'Hamlet" act was' an admir able piece of production. In the role of Hamlet, A. (i. MacKinnon display ed a decided dramatic faculty. He sustained the diffienlt part, through out, in a , manner that would have pleasod the sourest critic. His inter- pretation of the passionate, meditat ive and gentle speedhes, and his ges tures could hardly have heen improv- ed upon by an amateur actor, After the final scene, Mr. MacKinnon and Mise Vaux had to respond to a cur tain call, so hearty was the applause. Mise Lilian Vaux, as the queen, acted with marked dignity, grace and force. Some of her gestures were very effective, Miss Isabel Bryson was well fitted for the vole of "Ophelia," whose gentleness, sweeiposs and womanli- ness were exeellently brought out in word and movement by that graceful young lady. J. A, McSporran showed exception- al versatility. He cut out for broad comedy, in which role he ex- celled when personating Autolyeus, the rogue ( Winter's Tale). But he also did well, as the king in "Hamlet." Another part well taken was that of "Polonius," by T. D. Macgillivray, who filled the place of another play- er, on t days' notice, The cast of characteis was : Hamlet, A. GG. Mackinnon; King, J. _galar licenses victuallers A. MeSporran; Polonius, T. D. Mac gillivray; Rosencrantz, A. . Bur rows; Guildenstern, E. J. Reid; Hor ' atio, C. E. Fockler; Player King, ('. H. McLaren; Lucianus, Habert Os borne; Prologue and Ghost, D. N. Me- Intyre; Courtiers, J. R, McPhail, Al lan Keefer; ladies-in-waiting on queen, Miss M. Mudie, Miss . 15. Birch, Miss McNab, Miss Fleming, Miss O'Donnel, Miss Best; Player Queen, Miss Harriet Swirle; Ophelia, Miss Jsabel Bryson; Queen, Miss Lilian Vaux. Between the dramatic portions of the programme, Miss Rankin, of Mon } treal, sang several selections, She has a contralto voice of remarkable swect- ness and wide range. No sweeter mellower voice has ever been heard here. Mis Rankin is fortunatcly without that low mannish tone so common to contraltos. Her selections were Shakespearean : 'Come Away, Death" (Twelith Night); "Willow, Willow," (Hamlet) 'Orpheus and His Lute" (Hénry VII); "Who 1s-Syl vin?' (Two Gentlenwn of Verona). All were rendered in a pleasing and taking manner, and the singer receiv ed hbarty' applause, but, un account of the lengthy programme, did not respond to the encores, except by | graceful courtesies. Miss Singleton played the piano accompaniments with taste and delicacy. The orchestra did well in some selec tions, but murdered others. On the whole, however, it was fairly tune ful. The stage settings, under the direction of Mr. Brannigan, were ex- cellent. or Suider-Clark. ~The home of William M. Clark, Odessa, was very much enlivened on the evening of the 29th ult., the oe- casion being the marriage of his eld- est daughter, May, to James D. Sni- der, of Ernesttown. The bride was at- tended by ber sister, Ethel, as hrides- maid, and the little Misses Clark and Calder as maids of honor. All wore and looked very neat. The groom had on his right Edward Gil- bert. After the ceremony the party, of about seventy in number, sat down to a su vindicated Mr. and Mrs. Clark's reputation for entertain. The presents were well chosen. room gave the bride a beauti- lace, The ful sunburst brooch and FEBRUARY 1. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, S-- Newsy Paragravhs Picked Up By Reporters on Their REounns. «Look out for the bear to-morrow ! A number of people from district points attended Queen's dramatic per- formance last night. Rewember "Foresters" social. on the 10th, Dr. Montague, J. UC. Morgan and other celebrities present. The work of double-tracking Grand Trunk railway will be pushed forward now that Mr. Hayes hus n turned to the management. I'he new pull tie, bys. Dr. Nichols has sent an account f £3.00 to the diy for chlorpgotanig 441 dogs. The city supplied the chlo roioria and Dr. Nichols administered povelty S50. Bib it. Pindapples at Rees. Some individuals seem to believe that liquor can be taken into cating houses by ifequenters and drunk thers but they are mistaken as rection fifty of the heense act shows, Constable Robinson, of Gananoque, says Kingston lodge of Oddiellows are a "striking" aggregation. He ought to know, because they gave him a good time on Wednesday night. Our "eome from the "same looms that the tailors' do. Remeniber we show ten tines as many patterns as they do. Bibby's Great sale of brushes: twenty per trousers cent. discotint off all brushes in stock," for two weeks only, now ix the time to lay in a stock. E. C. Mitchell, Hotel keepers and others are annoy ed because of the existence in their midst of a perambulating lunch wagon which tepds to interfere with the re They think a transient traders' Hoense should Te 'exacted. gi "w Nothing like Lyon's Lion seedless oranges, at. Rees Hay is very cheap in' the city at pre sent, being sold for only 87.50. The fire and light. committee is wise In deciding to lay in a stock for times when the cost will be much bicher Oats sell on the market for 0c. a bag, and in the stores at $1 a bag. Our prices on brushes are always low, but for two weeks we are going to give you the chance of your life; twenty per cent. discount off all kinds of brushes, KE, (. Mitchell. A cough, cold, or quires immediate attention oitontines resnlts in some Brown's brand throat as neglect incurable lung Bronchial Troches are a simple remedy, contain ing nothing injurious, and will give immediate relief. 2 a box. Fhe furnaces at the Brock street fire siation are sadly in need of repair, As the work must Le done at once, it was decided, at vesterday's meeting of the fire and light committee, that the matter be referred to the chairman and the city engineer, with power to act. It is the Deering company, of Chi that is asking Kingston for for location. The Deerings are now at Broekville, but find it neces sary to establish on an enormous gcale a Canadian branch of its works, covering acres of ground and very likely employing thousands of men. Overcoat stock complete all sizes and kinds, winter coats, fall coats, spring coats, $6.50, 87.50, 88, $10, £12.50, $15, be sure and see our over conts. Bibby's. For two weeks only, we are going to offer our entire stock of brushes at twenty per cent. discount, this is a great chance for you, and it will pay you to lay in a stock of hair, tooth, nail, shaving, bath, complexion, cloth, hat or any other kind of brush as this is the opportunity of a life' time. E. C. Mitchell, Linen collars 5c. Bibby's The Trusts and Guarantee com pany, limited, 14 King street west, To ronto, has been appointed administra tor of the estate of the late James Tinlin, of Port Colborne, who died on the 9th of Deeember, 1503. The de ceased leit a will appointing L. GG. Carter and I. Macgillivray executors, who now wish relieved, and have requested this company to act. The estate consists of mortgages, eto, sore re a1seases. cago, tors to be i and amounts to about $3,000. A New Heating Scheme. City engineer Kirkpatrick scheme on hand for the heating of city buildings by hot water in the ev ent of the city taking over the plant of - the light, heat and power com pany. He says there is enough exhaust hot water going to waste at the pow or house every day to heat the city buildings twice over, and he proposes to have this water pmuped through coils in'the city buildings : has a Neckwear, néckwear. Come in the pull ties we are selling 15¢.; fit the double collar. Bibhy's. 1 Will Cure You of Rheumatism No Pay Uatil You Know It. After 2000 experiments, I have learned how to oure rheumatism. Not to turn bony joints into flesh again; that is impossible. But I can cure the disease always, at any stage, and for- ever, I ask for mo money, Simply write me a postal and 1 will send you an i for and for see the bridesmaid a t; suitable re the |" ONLY POOR ATTEND ENG- -LAND"S SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Authorship of Hymns in Metho- dist Book--Total Abstainer or Hypocrite--Great Revival in Japan. Evil in the heart blinds the soul to spiritual treasires--oovers them God's gifts bless as they are ceived; they bless twice as they noparled Kev. J. P. Wilson, of the George street Methodist church, Peterboro, was given $100 ap a holiday gift. Self-denial for the sake of sell 'is but cutting the hands off the spirit and body to inorease its working power The Belgian govermanent has offered a prise of 1,000 francs for the best pictare illustrating the evil of intent perance. Rev. J. Ount., 'has accepted him hy the Baptist congregation Winchester Rev, Prof. Macnaughton, of Queen's, preaches for Kev. Dr. Barclay in St I § Presbyterian church, Montreal, LO ImOrTOW Rev. H. D. C. 8. Horlock, M. A, said to be England's oldest clergy man, has died at Newton Popplefor in his ninety-fiith year. Most cheering news comes of a great revival in Japan. " Dr. Chapman re ports that 5,270 people in Tokio alone have accepted Christ. The, membership of Knox re are Cornwall, of Sprngiord, the call extended of church, ~& tra thord;-Ontste-1 100. The amount ci money raised during the year was $7,056. The pastor is the Rev. M. L. Leitch. Rev. G. E, Hartwell and family and Rev. W. J. Mortmore sailed from San Francisco on January, 21st for mission work in West China. Mrs. Mortmore is a new man. x The man and woman who establish a home and rear a family of manly sons and womanly daughters are do ing the very best service to God and to man that any one can render. The union of Free and United Pres- byterian churches, have received the sunction of law in Scotland, the equrt confuming the United Free church in of both con stituent bodies. The 'Rev. Miss Edwands, who has for two years acted as minister of a bible christian chapel at Falmouth, officiated recently at the funeral' of the oldest male member of the con grégation, In England Sunday-schools: general ly, so far as scholars are concerned, are attended mainly by the poorer classes. Children of the middie and upper classes are rarely found in them.--Ram's Horn. A thousand Salvationisi missionar- ies could be advantageously employed in South Africa, according to commis sioner Kilbey, who has been in Lon- don consulting the general on the prospects of extending the work in that country The Wesleyan missionaries in the Fiji Islands are considering the de- sirability of withdrawing in the main from work in the islands, and leav ing the native christians to ' them. selves to work out their own form of govdrnment and doctrine Rev. Dr. Stewart, president of the Manitoba Methodist conference, re- cently said "Every Methodist. is really a total abstainer or a hypo crite. For the discipline, law, prac- tice and teaching of the Methodisy church is such that to be a Methodist he must be an abstainer."' New York city spends $12,000 year. ly on its deaconess work, It has the largest body of visiting deaconesses in the world, and its training school is of high grade. Sheltered now in a rented building, steps toward a per manent situation are in contempla- tion in the near future possession. of all asses The Methodist hymn book at pres-. in general use on Canada con tains 935 hymns. The authorship of these hvmaus is credited to wembers of the following various denominations : Roman Catholic, 23; Anglican, 100; Lutheran, 10: Prevhyvterian, 26; Con gregational, LO; Haptist," 25; Mora vian, MM; Methodist, B57; Unitarian, 15; Universalist, 2; unknown, 39, ent Sunday Sefvices. Bethel church, Johnston street -- Morning serview, 11 o'clock; evening, 7 o'dock. Rev. Me. Morden will con duct both services, Sydenham 'street church, Feb. 2nd. Rev. J. Philp, D.D., pastor, will preach at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sacra ment after morning sermon. Music, morning anthem, 'If We Believe That Jesus Died" | evening anthem, "The Sands of Time Are Sinking." Selo. Miss Perley. Biuhday school and bible class, 2445 p.m. Monday, 8 pm., Ep- worth league; Wednesday, 8 p.m., pray- er and praise service. a i Queen street Methodist church, Tol 2nd, 1902,--Rey. J. Cooper Antliff, M. -P.D.; will preach-at 11 am. and T5%n. Unit fellowship meeting at 10 a.m. The Lord's supper will be administered after the morning ser mon. The Bunday school will meet at 2:45 p.m. Mid-week service on Wednes day at 8 pm. All welcome. Morning anthem, "Christinn the Morn Breaks Sweetly O'er Thee'; solo, "0 Happy Day," Mre. Fraser. ing anthem, "In Him Was Life"; wv Sweetly Solemn Thought," Evans; male quartette, "Welcome Wan- derer, Welcome."' A Paying Scheme. In reply to a question by Ald. Sears at yesterday's meeting of the city property committee, Ald. Carson gave some particulars touching the propo- sal by a theatrical manager of New York to conduct classical entertais- ments in the crystal palace of the fair rounds during the summer moothe fie desired to have the palace staged and seated and offered pay a ren tal of $25 a week, during June, July snd Angust, Harrison Co. Again snpounce their annual Febra- ary ssle--everything in both stores is reduced from 10 to 25 pe. There are some specials in slightly used and damaged lines being ofiered, This » is aagesty looked forward to by many wise buyers each year. : Bitter Oranges at Rees, No Argument Needed. Every Buff rer From Catarrh Knows that Salves, Lotions, Wa hes, Sprays and Douches Do Not Cure. lotions, aslves, sprays and ine really ouge Latarth, because and loved Powders balers canbot this disease is 8 blogd™ sas, applieations, il they ocomplish anything, at ail, sumply give transient relief ihe chturr poison iv in the blood and the mucoms membrane of the throat amt srachen tries to relieve the syrie secreting large quantities of mucous, charge sometimes closing wp dropping inte the throat, causing by eloving the Eustachian tubes, am a time cash catarrh of stomech oF ous throat Tung . troubles. A remedy 0 Teally cure ocatarrh must be an internal remedy which will clones the blood from catarrhal poison amd remove the fever and conjestion from the mucous mem* brane The best dnd most modem remedies for this pyfpose ae antiseptios scientifically kuown. ax Epcalyptol, Guaiacol, Sanguinaris and Hysdrastin, snd WRIT: sacl "of "those have tween successfully used separately, wet it has been difficult to get them ali combined in one palatable, convenient and oficient form, The - manulaciurers of the new cata eure, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, have wucoends od wbmirwsly in accomplishing this resully They are large, pleasant tastine lozenges, (4 bee lissolved in the mouth, thus reaching every part of the mucous membrane of the thromt and finally the stomach Unlike mony catarrh remedies, Catarth Tablets contain no coonine opiate or any injurious drug whatever ami are equally beneticiel for little children and adults. Cc. R "3 know moch as I from apd stomach powders for slight relia, and, hod not tha means 10 climate, which seemed cure " Last spring 1 read an account of soum remarkable cures made by Stuart's Catarrh Tablete' and promptly bought a fifty oms box from my druggist aod obs such sitive benefit from that ome package that PP oontinued to use them daily until 1 now consider mysell entirely free from the dis ing annoyance of ecatarrh my head is clear, my digestion all 1 could ask and my bearing, which had begun 40 fail a» a resul of the catarch, has greatly improved until feel | oan bear as well as ever y are & household necessity in my family." Stuart's Coterrh Tableta are wold by droggists at 50 omits for complete trent: ment ad for convenience, safety & prompt results they are sudovbtedly the long loo for} ratarrh cure Stuart's of Rochester, N.Y., says who have suffered as mtarrh of the bead, throat 1 used wpenve, inhalers aw months at & time with only had no hope of eure make a Ohange of my only chance of Rembrandt of few pe "Your The Doctor" It's for you to deside 'what kind of coal you wait, Swift's Scranton Coal Is the best and cousts no more than other kinds, JAMES SWIFT & CO. 'Phone 135. HONEST COAL. ou the Wil value of Conl that will give your money is the ouly kite that is wiih warmih, end comfort Coal ior saik tucoers, snd stoves of every kind of Wood and Kind i Hog. kind we sell The wrough---in counts lor way poy clean all the every penny you. grass, All kinds pot of Queen St.--~'Phone o SCHOOL of ART. Classes will be resumed alter va cation on SATURDAY, JAN. 4th, 1902, Other classes usual hours. CHAS. EE. WRENSHALL,, | oa A NEW LIVERY BUSI HAVING PURCHASED THE LIVERY teiness snd good will from RN. F. McFar lune, foot of Privesss street, 1 will endeavor ! to nondect it on Beet cass principles. Good horses, good rigs. cerelul drivers lo sonstest sitmduncs, 10. ' R. BE. Wilson, Prep. ---------- STAMPS AND MARKERS, } ] : STAMPS OF ALL KiINDm wil ' io vd ; wo, oi. igo prompt #