i "PHE DAILY WHIC, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1. EE -- -- esertt---------------------- " OVI INL Dr Pitcher Saves An Old Lady's Life. THE MITE GROWN IN MIGHT IN DAYS PAST. ; 'Mrs, Barclay of Ridgetown, Ont, Cured by Dr, 2 Bp pe a a Pitcher's Rack ache Kidney Tablets After into the treasury her whole living has : gone on ever since blessing the world. Suffering Many Years. The influence of this act is extending itself more and more as the years roll by. While this is 'true lv a spiritual P. Bawden, the Well-known Ridgetown Druggist, ~ Endorses Mrs. Barclay"siStatements. sense, it may not be altogether un profitable to look st the westion of the possible financial increase wi her Ne ps S00. Pa vice. He is Gne man of whom it ean} be really sale while such opinions are be said that his place has not been] abroad. altogether filled. He still is missed, Bishop' Mills lef on Thursday upon bis journey to the Pacific toast," to be followed on Saturday by Mrs. Mills and their son. From San Francisco they will sail to Vancouver, then re turn to Southern California, reaching their home here for Easter services. His enjoyment of a wellearned rest will p 6 his lordship's people. Miss Chalmers, Adolphustown, a graduaté nurse of the Kingston gene ral hospital, is in the city to say good-bye to her many iriends. She leaves shortly for California with her " mother, to take up redidence there with a brother. " - Captain Rivers, of Ottawa, who wn derwent a Very critical operation, is progressing so well as to give grest comfort to his friends. Mrs. A. W. Stevenson, Montreal, ave a young people's reception on Saturday efternoon for Miss Parker, Picton." It was largely attended and enjoyable. a D. E. Thomson, of Queen's Park, Toronto, gave a pleasant young fedble's tes in honor of Miss Sears, Kingston. 'The hostess wore a hand- some black gown, veiled in black and white grenadine. Miss Sears, who re- ceived with Mrs. and Miss Thomson, donned a becoming frock composed of blve and white k, with trimmings of black net. Pink 'sunburst roses with pink candles shaded inf pink, and pink' watin ribbons, ornamented the handsome mahogany table from which refreshaivénts were served. Mrs. Rutherford, of Toronto, enter tained at tea on Thursday. Among the guests was Mise Folger, of King- ston. . Mr. and Mre. Levi P. Morton, New York, have made formal amounce- ment of the engagement of their dabghter Alicd, to Winthrop Ruther- ford. announcement came us a wirprise to all save &° few' friends. THE SOC. HO. The week in town has been so quiet socially that the shadow of Lent would seems to have fallen upon it. The peniteritial time is truly near at hand, but, after all, there is only a small contrast in the doings of church people in and out of religions seasons sow-a-days. "Is the world growing better?" Well, no, not in religious ob- servances, notably in regard to fasting and self-renunciation. ingstonians are first of all sociable beings, even if not hilaripus rounders. Clubs flourish, and that is a good sign. For instance, the Badminton, [the driving, the skating, the whist and eychre clubs are pr flourishing, and have. not the bicycle, the curling and hockey organizations been bi hly successful in a sporting way ? The ladies, 100, have not only unity of feeling but elements of perseverance, for the yeading club held its 59lst meeting this week at Mra. Nash's, and, it meets only once a weck for eight or pine mionths of the year. These ladies have broken the local record unques- wionably. By the way, the soldiers' wives' league meetings have been revived. Last spring the leaguers formed the The Influence of a Little Act--An Object Lesson Irom the Offer ing of the Widow in a Finan- Y SILVER'S fig sm Business i & Remember, there i> no réserve. Everything of our immense stock of all kinds of Furs, Clothing, Hats, Caps and Men's Furnishings has tpgo regardless of cost or value, ig e can enumerate but 2a gall _oumber ofrom ow gnificent stockof Furs that - . * . * The "At. Howe at Mr. and Mrs. Grant's, "Roselawn," on Tuesday was delightiul, The beautifully furnished ms, bright with the glow of log' fires, were crowded with people in spite of 'distance and inclement weather. The wir' of comfort and cheerinesa re- flected the warm welcome oi the hos- tess. On Wednesday night, Capt. and Mrs. Eaton entérfained at dinner. The nests were Mrs. Bruce Carruthers, Maj. Straibenzee, Licut.-Col. and Mrs. Reade and Col. and Mrs. Drury. Capt. and Mrs. Leslie leave to-mor- row for Quebec, to be guests of Capt. and Mrs. A. T. Ogilvie. contribution. Thinking that many ers might be interested in this sub joet 1 send you the following results of some careful calculations for publi catizn. The contribution was two wites, which is equal to about two fifths of one cent 'of our money. The simple iutercst on this sum at four per cent. per annum for 2,000 years would be only thirty-two cents, but if tompounded at the sdpposed date (AD. 29), of giving to the present vear it would amount to $324,518.55, 536, 77,713,667,531,560,205,576, a shim of your read- awaits the first lucky person to take it -at almost half price. 1 only Men's Raccoon Coat, made of full skibs Former price $78. 'Will Jet it go now for $16.60. - ( 8-Black Bear Leng Ospes. Former price $12. Now $06. : ~ § Natural Beecoon Jackets. $40 each, Now $26. I only Pasion Lomb Jacket. Wes very chesp at $65. Now $49. 2 Lamb Jacks snd 8 few Astrachan Lamb Juckets also af Half Price. Price : Don't delay bub cell st (nce std convince yourself that our say so in our adwts. is cur do £0 in selling. B. SILVER & CO. TRAVELLING. graceful act of handing k $400 of the city grant, when "the boys came marching home "' and took their dear ones again under their close protec tion. Now only three "war widows' are left but they are not lacking the kindlicst of interest and sympathy. . The women mission workers of the city Anglican churches had an in spiring gathering on Saturday at St. George's hall, to present Miss Hama: guchi with a nurse's outfit, and ex press, in an address read by the dean, their gratitude for personal sacrifice, and their welcome of sisterhood. On Wednesday, after the impressive fare: well service in St. James', at which the bishop, canon Macmorine and Rev. Mr. Savary officiated, the modest, but persevering Japanese lassie left for the fand of the erysanthemum, a well trained Canadian hospital graduate. Kingstonians will feel decp interest in her " success, attended by the strength it will bring to the Canadian mission Anglican mission pleadings are in order. Last Sunday the bishop and dean talked to the people of the cathe dral; to-morrow rural dean Woodcock, (personally most zealous) will inspire the congregations of St. Mark's and St. James'. The sustaining of weak home congregations has never really touched the hearts of church people; a few in each congregation who have shared synod work or on whom the The mixed whist club met at Nis. John Melntyre's on Friday 'night. Mr. Browett evinces leanings by donating prizes at carnival to-night to the best skater and to the lady wearing of the city have been asked to decic the important point. < . ¥ oh After the dramatic performance at, and supper Prof. at the "Grand" last night, Mrs. Cappon entertained those who took part. Myr. Campbell Reaves, Toronto, adi a few days in Kingstoy. rn lawn," Mrs. Bruce letter from Capt. J. Carruthers received Cape Town, and together. 'fhe entertainment at hall on lady mission workers, ing been arranged by St. George Macaulay. ; The Cactus club which had an on- joyable dance on Wednesday "night at chose the name as a sign by Whig hall, that they would not be "sat on" anybody, not even for dancing his interest in the skating club, and his anti-Kipling the lady the best costume. Four leading gentlemen ampson, Montreal, is the guest of Capt. and Mrs. Grant, at 'Rose: Leckie, D.S.0., who states that the two divisions ol Canadian mounted rifles will meet at "proceed northward Monday evening, by young will be half Miss France® concert, and hali comedy, a play hav- Miss Morton and Mr. Rutherford are mefibers' of two prominent families in the worlds of finance, diplombcy and society. Mr. Morton, formerly gowver- nor of New York, was vice president of the Unitad States under president Harrison, and minister of the United States to France. No young women of New York have more enviable po- sitior® at home and abroad 'than the Misses Morton. The. two eldest have made brilliant English and French marriages, respectively, and the three unmarried ones are remarkable for beauty. King Edward, unlike some of his predecessors, "détesta a protracted din- ner, and while everything must be per- ect of ite kind, the courses are fewer in number than those seen at the ta- bles of soine pretentious people and the time allowed for the meal is short. As prince of Wales, 'his royal highness had the menu submitted to him each morning, making alterations or additions which showed ane dis- eriprination. Sandwiches form an im- portant feature in the royal afternoon tea, queen Alexandra being loyal in ber liking for the dainty morsels deft- ly voncocted in the land of her birth. Caviar and pate de foie gras find favor, alongside of tiny rounds of brown bread and butfer, with a thin slice of sucthmber seasobed with lemon juice and pepper, sprinkled with a le is 's in sufficient to give one million dallars 10 every person who has Rved in this w i, if we should grant 600 genera tious with an aversige population of 500 millions each. After all these bad received their portioh thers would be enough money 1eft fo give an equal amount to every person in 1,081,738, 511 worlds, each having a similar po- pulation with our globe. After this the present 'population of. the world thirty-six billion dollars each, still leaving a surplus equal' te at least 1,000 times the presint wealth of the world. ix 2 Every care has been takopito nvaid any error in the work, again and again has it been reviewed, "so that | have every confidence du the correct ness of the result as above given. To every one this result will be, as it was to me, a revelation, and to many & subject for deep thought. ft illus trates the wonderful accumulative power of compound interest. Is it not thus with our lives ? The influence we exert is being » ex tended with ever increasing force from year to year How important it is that we should see to it that that influence is helpiul and not harmful to the world, Yours truly. a ---- AT ROCKWOOD RINK. And Pretty Girls there would still be sufficient to give | light layer of finely minced smoked Where Poetry Lent. May their motto be: "Defence salmon. not defiance." Mrs. G. Y. Chown, always a popu lar hostess, entertained at hee bright Abound. The followi original lines were posted up in ockwood rink, during remarkable apathy and discourage: ment have been impressed, have given with some regard to christian duty. But the great mass of families have The case of Mrs. George Barclay, or., whose Home is in Ridgetown, Ount., Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. witively vured me, and I willingly ys. ios my che to be pobHshed in New Medical Opinions On Deafness. WEEK OF SPORTS subscribed £1, an average of just four cents to keep each of the twenty-five clergymen and their families a whole year | deadly dollar lever truly it has been termed. The signs of regret and home on Barrie street on Monday, in lionor of Mrs. (Prof.) Pike, and many Specialised treatment for deafness, has produced a decided revision of the ladies of Queen afternoon was agreeably spent street Methodist church were pleased to meet het: The and opifiions of the medical profession on the aurability of deafness. Years 0 the general practitioner yielded 3 the carnival, Thursday night : To All Young, Backward, Bashful Bachelors. youths, and Ye 1 pause, chance at Hockwood rink, and whose portrait appears above, re- cently attracted our attention, and scomed to be of sich importance that we thought it our duly, in the in- terests of suflering humanity, to thoroughly investigate it. hope of being of benefit to some poor soul who needs thes pte.' THE DRUGGIST'S STATEMENT, On returning to Mr. Bawden's store our youilg wan had a chat with that At Qusbec, Feb. 3rd to it, discouragement over the petirement refreshments weve served on quartetie} graatment of ear disease to the rural Le gar on air by. your side, was despatched gentleman about the case. ROUND TRIP TICKETS WILL BE SOLD-AS FOLLOWS: Kingston fo Quebec $11.85 GOING DATES-Febh. 3, to 11, inclusive, RETURN AND RETURN. : LIMIT ~ Tickets valid return lng from Quebec on or before Feb. 12, 1902, Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. R ficket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR, Gen. Pasa. Agt. Gen. Supt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW. SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napenes, Desaronto and all local Ea a, EEA wl oF TE a----" WEEK IF SPAT QUEBEC, FEBRUARY 3 to 11. First class round trip tickets will be sold for the above, Feb. . 3rd to 11th, at $11.85. Valid for geturn on or before Feb. 18th. J. P. HANLEY, 'Agent, ; City Passr. Depot. DOMINION LINE. Mall Steamahips. Liverpool Service. PROM PORTLAND. . ws min satan: BEAN Teh, 23nd and departure of a city clergyman bas enforced once more the lesson that eon solidation rather than disintegration should be the spirit of churches in a city which has ceased to grow in pop- ulation. A separation takes place be earse of some local irritation, which time would allay; two weak churches take the place of one strong one; the energies of two ministers are given where one would suffice; expenses are doubled, while the religious wotld is really no better off. The manifest duty is to sct feeling aside and re unite not only for mntual benefit, but to set an example of courage, unity and good spirit to others, J . . - La A portrait of the capable and high- ly presentable mayor of last vear, al derman R, E. Kent, is resting in the picture gallery of M. Kirkpatrick & Son. It will duly be presented to the city council and. bécome an acceptable addition to the civie gallery. por- traft of the late ex-mayor Drennan is also on view at Kirkpatrick's. His former friends, and they ought to be legion, should ve that justice is done to his memory, bv closing up the pre liminaries without delay. The ' libs rals gladly will do their part as a mark of approval of useful public ser SHE PATIENTLY BORE DISGRACE A Sad Letter From a Lady Whose Husband Was Dissipated. How She Cured Him With a Secret Bae sufferts, v wot gn tables by a hall dozen young ladies, also mssovinted with the church. . * rg . - Miss Massic Jeft on Thursday for Toronto, to spend a month with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Cooper. Miss Jenkin, Colborne street, of her cowin, happy result. rs, 1. 0B, gave a euchre tea on W nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilired Shore, She borne street, Toronto, on their return from New York city, are spending fow days with Mr. and Mrs. F. ( Lockett, Wellington street. Lockett. 0. E. Hewton, late of Kingston, has a position in the art department the Sharples spe ialty company, West- i 'concern, fhester, y Tumasiyunig. The 4 as five hundred employecs and spend $5,000 a year in pobtabe. In such business a solid Canadian has a éu position and good prospects. Miss Taylor, the gliest of her siste Mre. Felif Shaw, for some weeks, re turned to her home at Perth on Fri day. , " . - - . Mrs. Ww. A. Mitchell gave a pleasant dance at her home, Clergy street, © Thursday wight. Mrs. RB. Waldron, jr., will spend holiday in Taronto. ae euchre club was entertained © derson, street. Misa + Grace Evans, who spent dyes ant Mrs. Evans, 97 Spadina avenue, Tor: to Kingston, holidays with her parents, Dr. onto, has returned where she will be for sogne time. Mrs. W. C. Caldwell, Lanark, gay a pleasant luncheon on Thursday, at by over fifty of hér village a and friends. The hostess received in gown of black Brocaded satin, was assisted by Miss Caldwell. Mis Falcoher presided' at the fea tables, i decorated tobogganing club, afte * were entertained by Street. club had a very which were hs. euchre a ing Thursday evening, Nasalars. King street. Mrs. hostess of » en tectained. on, Tuesday night in honor Mrs. Boyle, Napanee, apd a very pleasant evening was the Spencer, Bagot street, Mrs. Shore is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bight, by Mrs. J. R. Hen jecinlist, but, despite the increase in lie knowledge of the anatomy, phy- siology and pathology of the ear, and the ingenious instruments devised to reach the obstructions to hearing, bones of the skull, no real progress was made until Dr, Drouet found a mieahs of convéying medicaments to the "diseased structures of the middle ear by utilizing' the well-known ab- sorbent properties of the skin. The re- medial ts of dhe new treatment v- | have = been. so remarkable in curing \ wing cases of deafness that a special r of the "Journal for the Deal" has been devoted to the description of the Drouét 'treatment, and. to a brief resume of over 200 cur- od cases. We can only quote briefly one of these cures for the benefit of those interested in this sibject, but this ond case is of special value as giving the words of a well-known En glish dhurthman. When the Rev, John L. Meredith applied for the Drouet treatent, the consulting' physician found "that the deafness was of a chrowic catarrhal nature, and obstinate in character, as previous special treatment had failed to effect a cure. Under the Drouet treatment, however, as prescribed for catarrhal deafness, the result was sat- isfactory, as expressed in the follow- ing letter : Eritwell Vicarage, Banbury, July 22nd, 1901. Dear Sirs/~You 'will "be glad to know that the tréatmment as prescrily ed by your consulting physician has had a curative effect, I do not re quire any more treatment, and shall be' 'pleased to publicy recommend the Prouet Institute for Deafness. --Yours truly, JOHN L. MEREDITH. For further informmtion regarding the Drouet treatment, we refer our readers to the 'Journal for the Deaf' mentioned above. Enery sufferer or person. interested in the subject should 4 | apply to Drowet Institute a a copy of this interest publication, which is sent free of e, under cover. The ' Drouet Institute also gives free advice, by means of & special report form, to patients unable to call av the Institute. For any information write to the secre 72, Regent's Park Road, London, Eng. w of is d re n a & n o Morin"s Wine Creso-Phates. / Is recommended by the best physi- cians of the oun for all affections the throat : Cold, which are so deeply seated within the { i jo lide, You o'er the polished joe do. giidy What bet ha ye ihe aati of Nis 14 ippery, dear, But i your on beg. to be To save from all calamity: TH you will be my own weet wile, Together we will skate through % Two lives together glide as ome Until life's carnival is done." The following ie a partial list of those present ip costume : Ladies. --Misses Taylor, country school girl; A. Burke, Grecian lady ; E. McConville, sunflower; N. Gnaham, Yankee girl; A. Young, dairy maid ; A. Jones, gypsie; . Jones, milk- maid: 'A. Convery, Topsy; M. Kerr, Vivandiere; Strong, city school girl ; M. Seymour, Bowery belle; W. Beau: pre, Canada; E. Beaupre, queen of flowers: "A. Potter, nuumde; Gi. Potter, red Riding Hood; E. Potter, winter; Newman, Red Cross nurse. Gentlemen.--W. Dennison, grandpa; F. Dennison, sharpshooter; E. Baiden, waiter; C. Graham, Tndian; J. Burke, Mick, the hunter; W. Nichalson, nim- ble-toe Susie; KE. MoCammen, Little boy blue; W, McCammon, gladiator ; J, O'Neil, nigger wench; J. Paywe, steam clerk: W. Nicholson, coon dude; ©. Kelas, sergeant R. C. A; J. Woods, sun-burned Irishman;. N. Pot 'tor, "King Ben'; 8s. Hol- land, lady "of Twentieth century; H. Quay, ragtime; W. M. Mullen, Pears' soap Yer: A. Davidson, British bugler; All. Davidson, British sailor; Harold Clarke, Canadian soldier from South Africa. te, your fate ? . That Cutting Acid That arises from the stomach and almost strangles, is caused by feim- entatioh of the food im the stomach. it is a foretaste of indigestion and dyspepsia. Take one . 'on Stan's Pineapple Tablets immediately aiter eating, and it will prévent this distress and aid digestion. 60 in a box, 35 cents. For sale by E, C. Mit chell ~16. ------ I$ is not me you have to thank mun, it's Eastern Balm. 1 only re commended that to cure that terrible eold you had, so thank Eastern Balm that you are in ba, condition you are to- Largest hotue on the market. Fyéry bo haranteod, ---------- be nh A GARGLE of salt She WOOLLEN worn next the skin "keeps in" the heat; "77" strengthens and 1 revives low vitality and prevents DRY FEET are essential good health. Keep the feet 'warm and dry, and "777 will keep you well. BATHE frequently; sure to rub' dry and get up the the bath; a dose of nature. KEEP the -- closed, broathe | mouth through the nose, If this is difficult, you have catarrh and reed "77." LET the beard grow if your throat | is sensitive, and take *'77"~it cures | hoatsentss and restores the voice. i | Agocenty wren" ("77"), Dr. Hum- * Famous Spe ifie, mops a told at start and "breaks up" shat hang on; At all : ' PO wy > circulation after | Ji AN » of "TT will seit offer at cost price to clear A. (ur representative to Ridgetown, and on arri ing there was, through the courtesy of Mr Bawden, the local druggist, directed to the howe of Mrs. Barclay He found that lady, though nearly eighty years of 'age, hal¢ and' hearty, and to all appearances, likely to vut- Jive many YOunger persons. When he spoke of the'object of his visit, Mrs. Barclay seemed only too delighted to give information respect ing her case, and told her htory as follows : "For & number of years 1 have suf fered a good desl from my kidnoys, but more especially the two years prior to taking Dr. Pitchers Tablets the trouble had grown rapidly worse. 1 seemed to have lost all control of my bladder, and the distiess was be yond description. | was going down hill rapidly, and nothing I took did me any good. "I had three doctors attending me at different times, but all their medi ines and = treatment proved of no avail to help.me, and one of them told me I was so far gone I might drop desd any time. Desides this | tried afl the various cémodice that wore advertived for tronblw. of this kind, But to no © purpose. About a veut¥ ago 1 hedrd of Dr. Pitchers Backache Kidney "'abl:te, nnd deter mined 'to give them a trial "The Jeet box I took gave me such devi bad re: lief: that 1 was delizhtel, and ket on taking the tables (ill, after weing sixteen boxes, 1 was complitely cured of 'my kidnew trouble, awl, that, greatly improved in health gene rally. "Boome people wonder that I had the reistence to take sixteen boxes of the tablets, but 1 knew at nmyy age re medies did not act wo quickly on the system and, besides that, my trouble was of a very chrome nature.' "Yes," said Mrs. Barclay, as our re presentative was leaving, "Dr. Pit- cher's Backache Kidney Tablets have besides | "Well," said he, 'that onse of Mrs, Barclay's has created quite mn sonsa- tion in this town and neighborhood. "She is shout eighty, and to my ! knowledge has been taking medicine for years, as well as doctors' treat: ment. Dr. Pitcher's Dackache Kidney Tablets, which she bought from me, soomed to suit her case exastly "The doctors failed to relieve her, bat the first box of table hei ped hee a great deal, and she continued tak ing them for some time, "She has had no return of ber ald general health in much improved. She is recommending them $0 everyone she runs across who has kids pey trouble. For fifty years or more she has been a resident of our town, and is well-known to everyone. Her friends are delighted at her vocov which regarded as a wir acle, considering the lady's age. After leaving Mr. Bawden we found upon making enquiries around town that many people were using Dr. Picher's Dackache Kidney Tab lets with good results, having teen recommended to take them by Nr Barclay. The tablets seem to have & large sale in this section of the coun: try, and deservedly so, for they evi: dently make cures where the ordinary kidney remedies and doctors' treat ment fail to. be of benefit. We might just note here that anyone who wants to write to Mrs. Barclay, enclosing * stamp for reply, will find that lady glad to give them any information about her case and her experience with Dr. Pitcher's Tablets In purchasing Dr. Pite her's Backs ache Kidney Tablets, that < Pr. Pitcher's portrait and signatore are on the package, otherwise you are be- ing imposed upon. > Price 50c. a box, $2.50, at all draggiets, mail, by addressing The Pitcher Co., Toronto, Ont trouble, and her is almost a for by Ziva or 6 boxes sent Dr. or STOCK Before "TAKING A Great Chance to -- SAVE MONEY. |s TAKING. 4 4 __ For the next TWO WEEKS all our stock of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS and VALISES we will before our annual STOCK LL 4 ABERNETHY, 125 PRINCESS STREET, '. _. J