- In Your Name. Why shouldn't the deed for a comfortable bome be made out is your. nae 7 Do you know bow easily you can have it wo? Don't you believe it will be worta your while to we ws and learns about it? We've helped hundrede--we'll bolp you. D. A. CAYS, 346 KING STREET. Care In The Manufacture of Malt Breakfast Food Beientific Combination of Health Pro. ducers and Strict Cleanliness.' AB 5 other breakfast {oda i= made -with wich great scientific care and cleanliness av Mult Breakfast Food The choicest quality of Wheat and the purest and best Malt form the Las of this elegant and delicious food. Every hatch 6f food contains the ex act quantity of Malt necessary to convert the insoluble starch of ihe wheat into Maltose and dextrine, so os to rendir Malt Breakfast Food cany for digestion and assimilation, Kach package that your grocer sells is nourishment in the most concentyi- ted formn for building flesh, bone and muscle, Tf you are a user of ordinary oatmeal or other starchy foods that retard digestion, we ask you to switch off for one week to Malt Break- fast Food. The aelightiul change and results will surprise you. See your Groger. -- AREMINDER. Now is the time to have your Waggons, Carriages repaired and painted and the place to get them done is at LATURNEY'S, where every thing is done under his own supervision, No in © 300 PRINCESS ST. Telephone 152. 900000000000000000000 TRY OUR Wood & Coal. You will be delighted: withit. © vs . * eo » sect ennsenee Coss senetranbabey » ® al » ° * » ¢ Caledonia Magi Water Is always a sale beverage. .Superior to every other. & BROWN HAVE CONDUCTED 41 sales, without baviny checkers to divers ie hadi the orb. satislactory returns in THE WHIG-68th YEAR RET OAILY B SH WHIG, eh ovening af ANA R810 Kine w your. Bditichs at 5:80 and 4 WHIG, 13 Pages, morning st $1 the best Job Print ; rapid. stylish and tmproved Le pre . 4. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. I'TIE DAILY WHIG *Opiter per Orbem Dicor.' MINISTERIAL EXPENSES. The Mail took about a week to dis sect an article which appeared in the Whig relative to the expenses of min- isters while travelling on the public business. Our contemporary claims to have found two inferences or principles as a result of its study--that a poli right to take public no has a money for an outing and that one is entitled to discover the amount in the public accounts. It is hardly necessary to say that these inferences or principles were not conveyed or stated by the Whig. What this paper claimed was that ministers, not politic cians, are entitled to expenses when they are out on public business, and that what was stated clearly n the public accounts could scarcely he termed a discovery. The Mail omitted Lucian to quote the pith and esseace of the Whig's article, namely, that when the foumavasive paxty was in power there as a lot of manning about by minis- ters and' the people paid for it all. What was all right for the conserva tive ministers cannot be very bad for the liberal ministers. RISE OF THE MAN. The new mayor of Montreal is sample of what pusk and dash can do. A few years ago he war a telegraph Then he be South from a operator in Montreal. came a sub-contractor on the Shore railway. He developed this into a general contractor with a liking for calculation and a capacity for effective service. His first bid for popular favour was as an opponent of Lord Strathcona in one of the divi: of 'course, but tried again in the } the same result. f in the last local general appeal he/found favour with the electors, and in the two sessions he has had a seat in the Quebec as sewbly bas made himself exceedingly useful. Indeed he is said to have developed amazing capacity for legis- lative service. His campaign for the mayoralty of Montreal was at first treated as a joke. Mr. Cochrane went into it with a swing that astonis! his opponents. He was a representa tive of the English people, bat he spoke French fluently, and in his even- ing rounds of the committee rooms, raised the enthusiasm of his supporters to the highest pitch. His election was i great personal triumph. Thus once more it has been demonstrated that Canada affords a fine field for the ex- pansion of native talent and ugeful- ness. Mr. Cochrane is dl Scotch des- cent, but he is a Canadian in growth, in spirit, in activity. His election is a worth, for there is nothing and his career which is not tribute to about him suggestive of admiration. RIDEAU WARD ACCLAMATION. Much enthusiasm was evidenced by the News last night over what it would wish to be kmown as "'a scoop jor the labor party" by Capt. John Gaskin, who withdrew from the Ri deau ward nominations and forced, as he would have the citizens understand, the return of Joseph Hipson, by ac clamation. The conservatives who had no thought of the labor men in Janu- avy found it desirable to cultivate them in February !| On December 30th Joseph Hipson was nominated by Janes Crawford, a liberal, seconded by J: Laidlaw, a liberal. In February Joseph Hipson was nominated by Joseph B. Walkem, a conservative pon-voter of the ward, seconded by J.T. Sutherland, also a conservative. When this occurred the liberals rejoiced for it meant the election of a liberal union wan, as they desired. Sil Fhe withdrawal of N. C. Polson from the contest, a week ago, was to fur ther the plan for Mr. Hipson's return. But the stalwart liberals of the ward were not prepared to allow any out Capt. Gaskin's move that the liberals watched. If he decided to contest the ward well and good, but when he cep ftulated in favor of Mr. Hipson he played into the-hands of the lilerals who desired Mr. Hipson's return, hence all candidates and all opposition read- James Crawiord and J. Laidlawy both liberals; in Victoria ward, Heary An- grove, conservative, proposed by W. A. Tweed, liberal, seconded by P. Derry, conservative Did pot the literal yuite extensively in the labor cam- paign ? And it is generally conceded that had the liberal party held to servatives, the majority in the city council would not have been as it is. The liberals stood with the labor can- didates and went down with them in number of elected candidates. ONE IN A MILLION. Everybody should read the article headed "An Interesting Personality," in the January Cosnopolitan--that is everybody who can be inspired by good reading, by the uplift that is given in the contemplation of a use ful, a happy, and a devotel life. The Whig some time ago referred to what Brooker Washington had dome for the coloured people of thé South- arn States, for the peaple of his blood and race. Born amid poverty, and in conditions that snuffed out the am bition of the ordinary mortal, this man struggled for the mastery. Only one in a thousand--yes, only one in a million--eould have accomplished what he did in overcoming difficulties, in fighting for the chances to rise, in giving expangion fo his soul; and to-day he stands, in his great inst tute at Tuskagée, for the heroism that de serves the applause of a nation Brooker Washington, in his person, in the educational and industrial erter- prises with which his name is identi- fied, represents genius, a superior or der of intelligence, a manhood that is sanctified by the grace of good deeds. In the north, in KEast Aurora, eighteen miles from Buffalo, the home of the Roycrofters, another man has immortalized himseli by his sacrifices for the white race. This is Elbert Hubbard, a man of moderate educa tion, of mechanical turn of mind, of ambition to do much' and do it well, of modesty and unselfishness without a parallel. He settled in a place which was unpretentious, where the settlers had little to stir and inspire them, and he has made it the centre of art, of industry, and of sweet contentment. Here the Roycrofters live and labour. The name is taken from a firm in Lon- don which made beautiful books. But beyond this the word has a special significance. It means King's craft-- King's craftsmen, those who have achieved a certain degree of skill, who make things for the king. So a Roy- crofter is a person who makes beauti- ful things, and makes them as well as he can. The shop afiorded, at the outset, em- ployment for a few country boys and girls, who wanted to earn Abeir living and get an education while doing - it. The first work was that of printing. Then binding was added, then paint ing and decoration, and later illumina tion--the higher style of art--author- ship, carpentery, terra cotta, building, weaving, olay modelling. There are no skilled people in the Royeroft shop except those who have become skilled since they entered the service, and the business has grown until now three hundred and ten persons are on the pay roll, and last year the fame of the place drew to it, as visitors, 25,000 pilgrims from every civilized country on the globe. ' The man who is the central figure in the community, who has imparted of his spirit and life to all its members, is pleased to confegs that in early life, and until he reached young manhood, he had a hard experience. From his earnings he secured his education. Often. in his travels he learned many helpful' lessons. But Ke graduated from the "University of Hard Knocks," and took several post-gradaate courses, "My friends," said he, "have been the workinguien, homely women, and children.' shop represents an investment now of $250,000. It has no liabilities. It was begun in 1895 with a capital of $1,000. The accumulations belong to the workers generally. All the musivy made by Mr. Hubbard, by bis pen. his books, bis fectured,--and he wade better food, no more ts and conveniences than my belpers and fel !jow-workers have. So the manage 'ment of the Royeroft shop surrounds { the workers with beauty, allows many Nberties, encourages cheerfulness and kind thoughts, simply because it has been found that these things are THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDA a -- -- party figure | party lines as closely as did the con- | The Royeroit | $10,000 by his Jectures in one season-- | sider to find lodgment there so Were giee into the Roycrofters' common i joake ne {and we bad better belp one another while we can. We are going the same way. Léts' go hand in | Whig bas not read anything in a | jong time so stimulating as this ar ticle by Mr. Hubbard. Would to Ged | there were men more like him and | Brooker Washing.on in the world | Their touch is ennobling, and they must leave monuments more enduring | than those of brass and iron in the | hundreds of men and women they have transformed with energies and imqmises of the highest and noblest character. EDITORIAL TIPS. The doctors who combatted small- pox in New Ontario say that it ap- peared principally among the unvacci- nated class. - iin It was certainly a concession to la- bour to allow its representative to be elected by acclamation in Rideau ward. Sometimes men are very gen- erously aisposed--when they cannot belp themselves. The papers are trving to settle a great problem--as to what Mrs. Sof: fel saw in the Biddle brothers to in- fatuate her. There are conclusions a-plenty, but a good many of them will stand revising. ! -- Mr. Leake. director of the Maedon- ald manual school in Ottawa, ad- dressing a meeting in Brantford said the technical class in Kingston had been established on thoroughly sound educational lines. A compliment, and from a competent eritic. ---- Fhe New York Sunday prohibition liquor law, cannot be enforced, be- cause, in Mr. Jerome's opinion, about a quarter of a million people will not yield obedience to it. Is that not a justification of the position which the Ontario government is about to take? The present system of appointing of- ficials to the penitentiary is all wrong--in the inspector's opinion, Would the warden be willing to os sume the responsibility of selecting his staff ? Would his endorsement of ap- pointments not have the same effect ? Why shouldn't the horticultural so- ciety run that department at the Cen- tral fair, and simply arrange with the Central fair directors for the recogni tion of their membership tickets? That is about the only kind of a con- solidation that the circumstances war- rant, WHAT THE PAPERS SAY. . He Was Too Light. Tordinto Star. Last night Col. Matheson attempted to budgé®t, but didn't. Where Sand Stands. Toronto Star. Hon. James Sutherland was once a grocer, but is now engaged in the gros- ser game of polities. - True Refinement. Christian Guardian. The. truest test of refinement is 'a uniform regard for the welfare and in- terests and feelings 'of others. se Most Carefully Read. A any Journal. It is in order again to call attention to the fact that it is the evening newspaper that is most widely and carefully read. It is essentially ~the newspaper of the homes. ----- Solid On Toll Question. Hamilton Times. The toll system is expensive and un- | satisfactory, and its tendency is to prevent intercourse between the coun try and the ¢ity, which would be pro- fitable to both. 'Like the market fees, { the tolls are a restriction upon trade, | and a damage to both buyer and sell ers. Kot as a matter of reciprocity, but' in the general interest, we would recommend the abolition of market fees whether the tolls are abolished or not, and we would recommend free roads, whether the market fees are re- tained or abolished. The Striking Committee. The striking committee, composed of the eleven old members of the board of education, met last evening to swrike the various standing commit pirants for the offico--Messrs. MoKel- | vay, Kelly and Sears. The committee | decided last night to keep the result of their deliberations a secret. It has out, however, that Thomas bert was slated for the chairman- ready tw meet the candidacy of Capt.' fund, for the benefit of all. "I want," | ghip of the fmance committee and R. Gaskin with - a strong man. It wes he remarks, "no better. clothing, Ho | J. MdKelvey for chairmi@nship of the & ittee, the two most important committees of the board. Owing to the fact that no one can tell who may be elected chairman, a numnber- of the positions were allowed remain vacant. : -------- An Unenviable Condition. To eat & hearty meal without in jari affects iv a pleasure that dyspeptic. He i 1 Hes i ls hand." The | Joseph Hipson, liberal, proposed by | old nurse, will rock us all to sleep, | 1 4 his hip joint for ten years. Six bottles . I hlood ¥, FEBRUARY 4. QUESTIONED HIS VOTE. Ald. Sears Wants to Know What's : to be Dene. Ald. Graham created a scenes at last night's meeting of the city coun- cil. He dropped a bombshell into the conservative camp by challenging the right of Ald. Sears to sit at the coun: cil board. Akl. Grabam restrained himself until 'after the vote had been taken on the resolution condemning prohibition, for which Ald. Séars vot Ald. Grabam, as soon as the reso- lution was declared adopted, jung to his feet and addressing the acting mayor, said: "1 object to the vote of Ald. Sears. It has not yet been shown whether or not he can sit at this beard, or whether he is a member of the board of education. He cannot be- long to both." Ald. Walkem.--" "This is the place to raise that point." Ald. Graham. Bat it is, and I do raise it. Ald. Sears has not declared himweli one way or the other and I have a perfect right to question the legality Or any vote he casts here." 4 Ald. Wiakem.-- 'What you ought to Oo Ald. Graham --"1 don't care what I ought to do. Right here 1 challenge the vote cast by Ald. Sears, and | will do so again when the city solici- tor is present." Ald. Sears." 'Mr. chaimman, I would like tp ask Ald. Graham one guestion; 1 would like to ask him what is he going to do about it?' (Laughter) Ald. Carson. --"'Mr. chairman, if there is not any business before the council, 1 would move that we ad- journ." The members saw the force of Ald. Carson's point and made a rush fpr the ante-room. There the debate be tween Alds. Graham and Sears' was continued. THE CITY'S ASSESSMENT. How Divided--Information The Government. City clerk Shannon has compiled the following information for the informa: tion of the Ontario government. Assessed value of real property, tax: ed for general and school rates, $6, 346,008; non-resident roll, $15,080, Assessed value of property exempted from' general rate by by-law, 222, 035. Assessed value of personal property, $6V5,950. Assessed value of income, $252,050. Total value of assessment upon which general or school taxes are levied, $7,516,043; non-resident roll, $15,080, Taxes imposed for all school rates, $32,845.10; non-resident roll, $65.90. Taxes imposed for general municipal debentures, $36,105.34; non-resident voll, $74.65. Taxes imposed for other general municipal purposes, $74,253; non resi- dent roll, $153.51. Taxes imposed for statute labor un performed, $630. Taxes imposed for all other special rates, $7,592.35; nonwesident roll, $111.22, = Total of taxes imposed for 190], $151,425.99. . The Kingston & Pembroke railway company is assessed for 873,325, but is exempt by by-law on all above $25,325--348, 000 exempt. The. Montreal transportation com pany is assessed for X178,00, and is totally exempt by by-law, except for a school tax of $217.86, which is equiva lent to an assessment-of $49,853, leav. ing $128,147 totally exempt. not For The Late G. A. Maudson. Dawson News, Dec. 27th; 1901: George Alired Maudson died at the Good Samaritan hospital this worn: ing after a lingering * illness of many weeks. Mr. oh was twenty seven years old, and came from King ston, Ont., where he loaves a wife and child. When first taken ill, Mr. Maudson was suffering from typhoid fever. He endured. the ravage of that disease and recovered from it while at St. Ma®'s hospital this fall. But in the mean time quick consumption seized him, and he gradually grew weaker. He re covered sufficiently to leave St. Mary's for a short time, but was soon again ill. He -was taken care of by =a friend for a little while, and then sent to the Good Samaritan. Mr. Maudson worked for a short time as reporter on the Sun, and later assisted Maj. Henry B. Woodside in the taking of the census. He was an exemplary voung man, and had sever al friends here who held him in high esteem, > -- It Cost Money. Many a man has spent all his earn- ings in trying to get rid of rhevma- tism: ~ It cont James Davison, Ceon to, Ont., between $1,000 afd $2,000 be- fore he tried Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure. He was a helpless invalid for six years; 'but suffered from sciatica in cured him completely and he is now working his farm. This great blood purifier is put up in bottles containing ten days' treatment. Price 50c. at Wade's drug store. ---- Was Appointed Caretaker. The regular monthly meeting of the bicycle club was held last night. Ihe chief business before the meeting was the appointment of a caretaker. There were a large number of applicants, but the two most in favor were Mat thew Donnelly and Alfred Maxam. The latter was appointed after a close con- test. Mr. Maxam is a tailor by trade and resides on York street. For some time pust he has been employed by G. D. Cannon, the Montreal street tailor. Everywhere Broma Is Praised. The best tomic known for nerve ang | diseases, geversl weakness, con- stipation, pimples, "boils Stock-Taking . All This Week. You wil find in all departments small lots of goods laid out for quick selling. = Just'a geucril clean up of things as we go along entering down stock. Just keep an eye open and you'll be surprised what.a num- ber of "Just the things you waat" cin be had for a trifee. We don't believe in keeping things. Our policy is a quick turn over, clean things out and get others in. That's why you always find this store's stock attractive, clean, bright and new styles. Buy Winter Goods Now, You'll get the worth of "your money out of them during the next two months. : STARR & SUTCLIFFE, 118 and 120 Princess Street. +* - + Kingston, Ont, THE SALE WILL CONTINUE. ~--OUR-~~-- ODDS and ENDS SALE HAS PROVED A GREAT SUCCESS. The public has had cheap shoes and we have cleared our stock, Going carefully through our store at stock-taking we found a number of lines of which we have too many, THEY MUST GU INTO THIS SALE. To morrow we will give you a list of some of them. SHOE BARGAINS will be plentiful all month at THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE. ANNUAL SALE wi OP inn ENAMELLED KITCHEN WARE STILL CONTINUES. 20 % Off All Enamelled Ware. SPECIAL PRICES FOR CASH ONLY. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 9 and 71 Brock Street ) 7 Your Neighbor Yo WALSH'S SCRANTON COAL IS ALL RIGHT. Have you tried it ? this THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S COCOA Prepared from the finest selected Cocoa, and distin- guished everywhere for elicacy of flavour, Buperior quality,and highly Nutritive properties. Sold in quarter- und tins, labélled JAMES & Oo., Ltd., Hommo- pathic Ohemists, London, EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST-SUPPER. APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made by the Pacific and Atlaptic Redlway Company to the Par pament of the Province of Oumtario, at whe sext Session thereof, fur an Act to, extend the wumes for the commencement snd completion of the said Company's railway he E-- J ¥ Shall we send vou a ton ? SECOND-HAND GOODS Bought and Sold. Fighest cash price poid lor second dothing, boots and shoes, furnite all kinds of hots nh up al card and we will KS. hand oa & 8 post I. ZAC 271 and 273 Princess Strect Secon) door below Corbetis ertablichment A lnrge srock of sew ¢ ing, grot's fur niskings, jewellery, and musical lLstrumenie at close prices. NOTICE. THE BAY OF QUINT paay will apply to the Parba ada st iF nest Session for we a inst betwenn pany Rathbus Compmay ivr te lc ; iy Svihin - ut 3a Gagne of preferend apd common Mr. Stevenson, recom the rights aud positions of the , 1 A and authorizing the of such jocrenss of the wapital stock and extending the Sime for solmpletion of the Company's Lime, with to extend ite Hoes of Rallwsy. from by a bridge scons the Bay of Quinte from Deserowio or from s point w Deseronto to the shores of the Lamioty Prince Edward, thence sowtherly to a povt Ootarie via Picton, or with & con Hoe to Picton apd log ober pur C. A MILAFNER Wecrotar THE KINGSTON & PEMBRE RAILWAY COMPANY. ' - Notice To The Sharcholderd. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TUE urher lahing a Toronto, Ontario, is let day of December, A.D, 190i. N. W. ROWELL, Solicitor for she applicant. THE ONLY CURE FOR ASTHMA Thet positively cures in Dr. Clarke's Kola Compound 7. Alan Faeslkow, Orameeville, writes © AJLWAY » ol Ce ot 4 ¥ vigoriess children Ask your aruggist for it. ------ To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lots. All druggists refund the womev if it fails to cure. BE. W. Groves signature is on each box. 2c. § is of this Company lr the © thon of Diremnirs, and the Crt pom of basioess generally, will be bed a WEGNER PAY, the 12th dav of Fetwwprp Bex 5 the band offies of the Comping #¢ Kingst at viesen o'clock mn the foreron Broek Traosher Mook Sew York om Satundsy 1a Folmsary ry at one pos AN Rocks will he rosgened Thursday, [Bh Fobroary By order of the Board IVIN WHITEBREAD v' wind Tressacer Dr. 0. W, Daly's Dental Office Will be reopmed in Mey, whes be relarse 'yum sbrond, .