Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Feb 1902, p. 2

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a " THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7. ------ : Bae NORWAY PINE SYRUP. A positive eure for all Throat, Lung and Bronchial diseases. Healipg and Soothing in its action. Pleasant to take, prompt and effectual in its results. Mr. Chas, Johnson, Bear River, N.8., writess YL was troubled with hoarseness and sore throat, which the doctor nounced Broochitis and recommended me #0 try Dr; Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. 1 pid and after using three bottios Fora ¢ endl ; Price 25¢. and 0c, » bottle. All melt cine dealers. { \ Carpets, } \ inoleums. | Portier Curtains, Lace! Curtains and "Draperies in| ex¢lusive styles and not to be found el-ewhere in' the city. We are carrying at this season of the year a very complete stock at prices which appeal to the closest buyer. In Linoleums we show the largest line to be found and at prices that mcan a genuine money-saving to you. R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warghouse. 'February Furniture and Carpet Sale. for $2.80; ae These sre 4 ft. 6 in. whie , vary Soe. Regular Tron Beds, Similar to this, ual price, $3.50. i and ron price $0, Our February priow is $7.00; a # le Brass 4nd Tris Bod, roalar ly domuged. Our February pries i £90, to Brows atid Tron Bed, regular $10, slightly shop worn, $5.00. d 1 Hook Cnse, slightly used, wos $14, Feb wuary used a 815. Sowe Antigne Oak, February price, uwed or domage', February Bargains. price, $8.00. French Huffett, 28 Curtdine and Car Dots are in: this sale. You don't seed these Just wow, but if you fan save 10 to 20 per ognt. by buying a ] few woeky our your mouey is wisely invewtedt--many of our customers are buying for Our im now, our Sprivie are alresdy FO88 yards yor $e. vied 1 i Beans ar 81 n Fobra L F.-BARRISON 'CO, UNDERTAKING, * ETC. . : Kingston group io twill TT SPORTING INTELLIGENCE ' A HOCKEYIST WHO MAY HAVE TO QUIT. Sin w= i i A Charge Against The Orillia Out- fit---Talking About the Foot- ball Prospects-- 'Jock' Is a Beautiful Stick-Handler. i Rarside says that the Rough Riders will be football champions of Canada next year without a doubt. Pig Ucorge Kennedy, the Rough Rider, will be seen no more in 'the scrimmage, baving decided to quit the foatball game. Yesterday afternoon alderman Walk ews and R. Creighton played off at the curling rink for the Carruthers' medal and | Stewart cup The first named was suceessful by fifteen shots eight. rs The hockey world will regret | to learn that Chadwick, of the Toronto Wellingtons, is not progressing as ia vorably 'as his physician desites. He will not be in the gewe again this season, and may retire permanently. = The winner of the intermediate the OH. A. series be roguived toy play off with Peterboro, the firet 7 game in Poter bore vn February 1th, and. the cond at Kingston on February 11th. the third thse in six years the Lindsay curling club bas won the On: io tankard, beating the Toronto in ihe final maich by eleven shots, It wad a fisting ending to the great competition, in which sixty-six clubs were originally. cutared. After play, Austra lia 'heat England in the third test cricket match k four wickets. 'Fhe victory emphasizes in more emphatic tones than ever their "all-round su- periority over the combination cap tained by Mr. Maslaren. To win the rubber England must: take . the pext two matches, In the O.H.A. series Peterborough will play the winners of RM.C. and Queen's 11. there on Wednesday night of next week, and the return game will take place in Kingston on the following Friday night. The Peterbor ough team is keeping in excellent con dition, and will give a good account of themselves. The stecplechaser, Dunlap, well-known performer. through field at Woodbine, has heen sent to England, and, as certificates of his age and breading have been lodged with the racing authorities, it is evi dently the intention to run him there though he was looked on at home as pretty nearly a light of other days. The sub-committee of the Ontario hokey association has decided to re fer th charges against the Orillia hockey club to a general mesting of the executive, to be held Monday Barrie's protest claims. that Orillia had on its temin players who are not aniatews. Nicholson, Paquette and Mutthewson are said to have been im- ported from Whithy. . A despatch from Cornwall says: The Cormwall. hockey team has been hard at work prepacing for the strug gle on Fraay night with the Fronte- nace, of Kingston, Cornwall has some good material and, should be able to win this match whether they capture the round or not. The second match of the round will take place in Kings ton on February 15th. In a practice throw on the campus, Alired D. Plaw, of the university of California, hurled the sixteen-pound hammer 187 feet and four inches from a sevenfoot circle. The world's re cord, held by Flannigan, of New York, ia 171 feet, five inches, and the Am evican intercollegiate record, held by Plaw himself, and made in 1900, is 165 feet, nine inches. ¢ The Port Hope Guide suggests; "as the Kingston rink is poorly boarded and badly illuminated, that Kings ton and Peterborough play a sudden death game in Cobourg." The Guide thinks the gate receipts would he very large at Cobourg, as the Pert Hopers would all go down to see the match. Guess the writer of the above has never been in the Kingston rink, which is one of the best of the hockey rinks in Canada. At noon to-day Frontenacs leit for Cornwall to meet the senior team of that place, champions of the eastern section: of the-O.H.A, series. Fronte- nacs are not going down expecting a cinch; they expect a hard fight and are prepared for it. Frontenacs have been strengthened by the addition of McDowall at cover. The team will bet Goal, Mills; point, Murphy; cover; McDowall; chntres, W. Harty, Rogers; wings, Wilson, Powell. Toronto Telegram : "Jock" Harty would not come out and play against his alma mater, but sinee Quevn's has lost all hope of the championship he has consented to play on the forward line of the Fronienace. "Jock" is a beautiful stick handler and a good all round man, who will be a great help to the aspiring "Knacks." "Jock" {feels that he is due to have one more try at the Wellingtons, if they win the championship, for he has an old seore to settle with them. ? pe tari { 'aledonians nearly six days a the Mr. PERSONAL foN. Jovements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. Dr. Ryan goes to Bellesille on Mon: day. to talk polities. seriously ill 'of heart failure. # Fred. Lalonde is in Bath spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Cyrus appears in today's Utica Globe. Miss Lottie Styles and Miss Cook, of i who have been for the visiting the latter's bro left yesterday for to | Mrs. James Brandon, Ping street, is Banai; : EN : R. W. Nishet and Harvey Milne ac batketbedi ari WANT MORE AID To Carry On Temperance Work In The Back Woods. y ' | i | W.CT.U, | ate building Thursday afternoon. A good number of members wepe pres ent. Mrs. (Rev.) Macallum presded, and conducted the devotional exerdis rs. (Rev.) Richardson i Ross leading" in prayer. The treasur- Yer, Ms. 7X. Rogers, gave a hrief but satisfactory report of her depart I ment, {A spirited discussion took place in regard to the ant prohibition resol J, | ution adopted by the city council last | The members of the Monday night. in their desire | muon are unanimous to express their enti the council's action. And they are in | full acoord with the sentiments = ex- prossed by a local paper, 'that, the resolution does not express the views j of the people of Kingston, and it is f doabtful if a single one of those who voted for it would be elected were he mow to come before the people." Also that such action was illegal and uncalled for. A letter was read by Mrs. Macal- + fromm Rev. Mr. Deacon, provincial wrer for the Ontario W.C.T.U., of fering his services about the end of February, te give two illustrated lee- wires, in the afternoon te the child: ren and in the evening to the adults, Jt was the unanimous wish of the waion that he should be invited to come; The question of the desirability of forming an anti-cigarctte league was discussed, and as it is probable that a gentleman may take the lead in this work, the ladies have agreed to do all they can to aid kim. The usual educational half-hour was taken up with a circular from Mrs. May R. Phornley, being a strong ap peal for increased subscriptions _ to mission work in Muskoka and Algo She told of a large deficit at the end of the year which might be still great at the end of the ensuing year if a great effort were not put forth hy all the unions to do away with it. Some of the needs as shown by the cirenlar received, gave ample proof of the for having mission aries in these vast Igmber and mining and of tif valuable results aly attained through their efforts, Prof. Sfames H. Bowman, who went on a hunting expedition last fall, gave some dreadfini descriptions of what he saw while there. Tg quote his own words: "I reached - on Friday afternoon. A small place not containing over twenty-five families; it had two hotels. Near it is a camp of 1.000 men, hewing and rafting logs. I went to one of the hotels, Six had- lv intoxicated men stumbled out of the door as 1 neared it; threes more were in the front ball; four in a room opening off it to one side, and in another opposite I could not count the recumbent. forms owing to the dense cloud of tobacco smoke vm itted by those yet able to keep an erect position. In response to a ques tion the proprietor said, 'No, this is not unusual," and added, indifferently, "They will stay with me till their their money is gone.' At seven © next mormng the place was still strewn with drunks. One had fallen heavily upon his face and his hair and clothing were saturated with blood. He lay where he fell, too stupified to know what had happened, and no one else cared, . Some ol the drinkers, were mere boys, not more than seventeen to nineteen years of age." Mr. Leckie says: "1 have seen fong processions of men coming out of the woods, mad for drink, yelling like demons, the leaders waving over their heads handfuls of bills. They pour in- to some salogp, fling their money on the counter, ordering drinks for the crowd, and in an hour's time are lying in heaps all over the floor, 'while the saloon keeper sorts over, counts out and puts awey in his till, more money than would have bought out his w hole stock in trade. Many a man has been thus robbed of a-whole season's earnings. Mr. Leckie says that now many these men have signed the pledge. Eyery year a large number are con verted. In fifty camps Sunday even ing Seng. services are regularly kept up. In many camps, by the testimony of the managers, the whole tone of morality is changed. But this is not done without money. The three mis sioparies that the W.CT.U have in the field must be supported and have money to carry on the work, The Kingston union will give what help it can in this émergency, Arrangements are being wade for a medal contest to be held some time in March. . Two medals and two or more other prizes pull be given. A pumber of the boys and girls from the difierent schools are preparing temper ance recitations and songs. Notices of the contest and of Rev. Mr. Deacon's lecture will appear in the papers in due season. necessity regions, of Buy Our Make Of trousers, £1 10 $4.50, Pay your money. Take them home If they don't fit 'bring them back and get your money. Trousers bought here re prossed fico of charge. Bibhy's. WASN'T CURED. Didn't Get Well Of Anything. _ "l-spént three weeks with a friend in Dayton last winter. She was using Postam Coffee okolusively as a bever- age at meals. I said, '1 thought you so fond of coffee that you could b to give it up.' 'Well,' , 'We got to liking thi The regular monthly meeting of the | was held in the old collegi- | and Mrs. | re dispproval of | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. {PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, |The Spice of Every Day Tile' cxje done there @ ( What the People Axe Talking About--Nothing Escapes At. tention. Life chips at Redden's. Trousas to Ht. PBibby's. The Whig will be ten pages on turday. oR ali Try Charm cofier, put up in pure. | 1b. packages, guaranteed i up their a The police are' stirring who have not yet paid i fee for 1902. It wiil be your last chance to se caiure a good singing bird at Salter's | ! for the mext few Quaker oats at Anticipate your wants by buying your toothbrushes now. You will need one soon, M0 p.c, discount sale. E. C. Mitchell, This morning fourteen radiators for use in R. Waldron & Bons' new store errived from Torento. They weigh over 700 pounds cach. Grape-Nuts at. Redden's Last night Crosby & Thornton s or chesira played at a dance at Wolfe Island. To-night the musicians play ut a bali at Cape Vincent. The Whig begins to-morrow a- series of articles "Loronations." There on They will be published on Saturdays Qur trousers at $3 and £3.50 &ual quality and ft the best oot at the high class tailors, know how far down in your pocket you have to go for that. Grand Union A consignment of herrings and lob sters will be sold at Salter's auction rooms to-morrow; Saturday, at 10:30 No reserve. 2 3 . Tyo & Dunnigan have given up mana of the miostrels bearing their name. The troupe will continue in existence and give a per; formance at an carly date t The Grand trouser. a pair. They tailors double the Swiss food An oyster concert, Bath we Hn you can ian and vou Ha0. ement Try at at 2, followed by a at Truedell's hall, i About attended. J. road, ast five irom the city Metealie presided as chairman. Gold soap, vhody wants it. You can get it al Already we ar ments. of Nobby looki just half the Union Hair eve Redden 1 with ship trousers spring trousers at Grand new and fitting tailors' price. brushes, tooth brushés, bath brushes, mail brushes, cloth brushes, shaving brushes, complexion brushes, and all other brushes in stock at p.e. discount, for one week more, E. C. Mitchell. W. Bake*, the King conist, says that in fourteén years he never saw the snow so deep around his premises, Farl stree t. The snow ix over the fefce in that locality. Hominy grits at sireet tohae we tops Redden's, [WAS WELL PUT ON. Performance. "Sweet Clover.' a very dainty and decidedly charming play was put en in the opera house last evening. The audience was large, considering the attendance at other entertainments during the week. Certainly all pre- sent were delighted with the perform: ance, which was clean and bright throughout, Thefe was no "star and dubs," every member of the company was specially good in his or her parts. Miss Thurston is very clever aod protty and frequently throughout the play she received warm. applause irom the house, *'Sweét Clover" is a co- medy drama, very isteresiing from be gaping to end. Miss Thurston took the role of Lois Halcombe, who is the danghter of a Connecticut farmer and mearrics a man, so please her fa ther, whom she does not eare jor Shi was in love with anotherghut him she refused, and be Wit the place, meeting her again, however, in her city home some six months siter ber marriage He renews his protestations, and her husband - becomes - suspicious. Trouble ensues and and ber husband re turn to the farm on her birthday, Her old lover follows them. Tixing =~ the aheonce of the husband he gained ad- miteance to the house, but she spurned him. The busband- followed him for months, seeking his life, and found him on hix death bed. Learn ing of his wile's innocence the bus band returned to the farin, awl then all were happy. I'he play has a moral and could be witnessed by apyone with benefit, There was some exceptional ly fine scenes, #a the gowns wery were very beputiinl, Otis B. Thayer, as Jerome Halcombe, father Lapis, porirayed an excellent: character. He in Alvin Jos she tong of reminded one of Davis. hn. W, H, Toker, the husband, F. X. Eleanor, as the jilted lover, and Mist Eleanor Sheldon, as Abiga were all that could be desired. Thee homors were equal, while Miss. M. Allon, as Sunnie Andrews, was ex- ceptionally good. Fred G. Hearn, as Joh, the old bachelor, ecarfied the house during the lovemaking scons. "Sweet Clover' is one of the most wholesome and, desirable plays that has been given in Kingston, and it was put on by Miss Thurston and her oe company with admirable effect. ' Trouble About A Dog. There in likely to be an interesting dog case before the magistrate at an carly date. A resident of Lansdowne gent to a friend in Kingston a valu able dog, to be kept for breeding pur poses. The dog disappeared, was ad vertised for, and word received that it had seen, frst at Harrowsmith, and then at Westbrook. At the latter place it was meovered, and informa- tion was received that it had been bought irom a Harrowsmith man jor ¥ ATi {owne owner is determined to prosecute. ---------------- Exhibiting At Ottawa. W. H. Reid, Union street, bas ship: ped 156 fancy fowl to Ottawa, where they will be exhibited at the annual poultry show, which opens on Monday and contintes until Friday. Tt is ex- fasted t one of two other local ind fancies will ako make av ex Bibity iw El RR | | } . from « 1 { eh aired carters | «t, License | <j di } i i arc a half dozen letters in the series. | | 20 All Present 'Delighted With The | | thought of HAT ARCH.' } The Prince Remembered It--A | Traveller's Tale. i Angrove, recent] re- | t land, | \ who tp g¢ re upon Ye Wal re a re; tion, be priv that & his roval high evidenced great pleasure King . the fi it Hairy raed 3 t ted x from =a a following ol > «of in came ire king and that It was" such affair that And that shert, | that stood be ; ) remember iow what became of sabsiantial 4 looking ges it looking fell the chal of thet bad, w 1 wl there the other scarcel or { bay it now I de the nron pr el, tial than § wa and 1 ooking the arch itsgif informed that this i. the historic arch | fact, had packed ¥ in King 1 one hand on in his pants \ sla lis Eig loss sul same m in nod § storage; in it in ise and stored ston's crystal palace the next pride of Wales ada, It i hough vouched ¢ que ted Ris that th table coronation cold to ' when visited Can this casnot be prince re city gill to decoratio few, 11 any, thu dog to equ The Kingston found himself in mid-o ing from an attack of The Lodges Assisted. Last year the following cietios and lodges contributed towards the. maidbnance of the general hosp tal Kingston lodge, No. 59, OF. $104.14; lodge, No. AOU W., lodge, No 3 { . . Albion lo ro Gananoque belliord named so lodg P No No lodge, 129, Catnragui Bath Colling lodge, Bag lodge, {aananoque, 201, . & AM Li lodge, N S50; Adolphustown United Workman Amherst + Ch0.CE., Kingston, Stella lodge, 1LOF., Adolphustown lodge, A.0.UW Atkinson, N 912, 1.0. lode of Englana, 82.60 815 Kingston, elon, ( Sons 0.C.p Saw me Actual Warfare. "Aha Oberndorfier, Simon and Mrs. Oberndorfier, roturred irom Phili these in the 16th 1 try of wlars for n month | experienced hardships. son of who has just janes, served ted Stat two inlan I yenrs that ing time and YR # during considerable ( For the regiment but after that down aiun bareio fur ar and a Ww sintiaually actual somewhat § wat Often Obern ged hengry, but he never lost courage in the | A calmed : he during the cam dorfier, t and He remainin lip after reseiv his disch but reve him doing this and rane ives illeess | tod he wag obliged te return to a A great deal of vails the e during the rainy whith is ita height. Oberndorfor @ remaining drier climate sickness pre season, Mr in now at tends Kingston. Want The Law Amended. Acton, and H. Toye, asking ome to Toronto during the « the next two to disenuss, other Ontario hakeis, the the factory appheable As the law nt bakers are to shops from turday to pan., Sun 1 x ohjected asmuch it delays the tur of the bread until twel o'clock Monday afternoon the delivery man is compelle work till midnight, The bal 1xions have this law Toron writs him to ourse of with portion of to them stands, all se their ) James bdker t to R a canfectioner, prominent to has WOeKS act at cl as on i io ame The Light That Failed. A Princess street barber has a tor in-the-slot gas moire in his shop Last night was shaving ¢ tomer hs s lights grew edart to ant an the a desper ply out, ti, gave He made ate the job before ample e eloped the darkne won. out t Very RATTOv ht was going his head and Just a way Size Is Here. £1.50 % and shim, she No matter how in stature or purse, Pibhv's 3, & stout: short you, long we can bt wr All our tooth brushes are warrant. od, if the bristles come out, we give you a new one free of charge, for one week more, 20 pe. diseount from all brushes. BE. C. Mitchell. HOPEFUL VIEW The hopeful view consamp- tives take of their own cases is strongly in their favor. Each year 1s showing a larger per- centage of cures. One of the best reasons for good hope is the record of Scott's Emulsion asa medicine arch, | . With | THE MERCHANT OF VENICE I: Was Well Put On, And Pleased The Big Audience--Two Napa- nee People Married in The West. Last night the institute gave ih the Merchant of brought out, no fault with but praise was and ality of all pupils tempt at any we may well of our as lind were ama 3 inter jecitations and a I was _ taxed Preston acted as and flied th with The porformers deserve a praise for their efforts marriage is reported from Denver, B.C., of Miss Florence I daughter of James -O'Nal, Walter Hastie Both the and ar known 1 were employed in for sev Napanee be proud of th « Fhe with teurs was persed Rus chairman positon isiaction oi ihe 8 0 Net groom well ane, and both simson company's stor odie heir th oral friends extend congratulations John A. Seath, high school inspec our collegiate institute v and today. CU. B, Parry srdovering nicely from his recent ill ness and will be about again in a few lav years, many ve is A marriage that has beéen the topic of conversation for the past fow weeks, it will be a surprise to many, occur ening when our well known John T. Grange, ex-M.D. J g Electa Bicknell were unit ed in marviage by dhe Rov, 8S. 7T, Bartlett. The newly wedded couple took train last night for a honeymoon the west last o vhsiman, wl Mrs in Mrs. (Capt.) Bloomfield Dead. The th ocewrred this morning, at one lock, of Georgina, wile of Capt William Bloomfiel!, Svdenham strect Sh? had heen ill of Bright's discase for several ve end duning the pass nonths great sufferer ix and a daughter of the late James Princess street. The deceased warried, her first husband W. Ball, a droggist of Toron died tem vears ago, leaving Alhert and. Roscoe, Who 1 City About thrée years ceannd married Capt wom who now, with the two ldren mentioned, survive her Her decpl mourned. by her James Reid, and by a of brothers and siters. The member' of St. An woman of many The faner 10 aan., Monday, 0 ars heen thirty had a as aged years, who ons, side the in the lady also deceased a § church, and a + and 1 was ble qualitie jualities rat The. Trades' Council ular of the trades council was largely attend night, and a rousmng meeting Rindfuss, organizer bar-tenddrs" international wn has here getting the into was prosent last the council on of the new un altogether, he said, a question of raising wages or short ening hours, but of seeing that in serving the beverages consideration patrons ht into play Ihe chairmen of the several eom tees of the council, whose election announced last week, reported the of the men whom they bad to serve their committees wwe were accordingly elected Good Advice. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from dyspep sia and liver complaint. More shan seventy-five per cent. of the peoplé in the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and: their effects; such as sour stomach, sick headache, habitual costiveness, palpitation of the heart, heart burn, waterbrash, gnaw- ing and burning pains at the pit of the stomach, yellow. skin, coated ton gue and disagredable taste in the mouth, coming up of food after eat w to your August relieve For sale at Wade's drug reg meeting ahor last «ui tted the who re Louis for ion, local men night and the wn been line, addressed ams and objects It was not more cleanliness amd more brov for wa on ing, druggist and Flower for T5e. you. Try it store. Plucked Ripened Fruit. For the past William Ke al labor org has been engaged the fe of iriender uni ee few Yogi r Erie, Pa., plucked the ripened fruit of the credit for the the lecal vear anizer work in rmation iy a WyR ago organiz er fronn con in apd A grest deal work belongs to wan Board's Home Broken Up. No more. con the Frontenac chepse board meet in Congress Hall to hear the bide of the buyers and the "ves" or "no" of the salesmen. The hall, in which they have gethered for years iz being divided up into rooms, that the cheese board must hereafter find dther quarters. sO Police Court, Friday. Atl the. polies court this morning a young man named Sandford Meagher, employed at the Hotel Dien, was charged with desnkenness. He was dismissed, Meagher was found last might bv the police lying drunk in a snow pile bs Sydenham sfroet, A Great Bargain For $1.50. Prevost, Brock street, will offer for sule the greatest bargain in ready. mace pants in the city, worth Trom for copsumptives. So long as | the system is strong enough to | use medicine of any kind it can use Scott's Emulsion. The reason for its helpful- ness in this disease is because 'of its long tolerance by the tient; one does not tire of it as quickly as other medi cines and that is where the £2.50 to 83 a pair, for 31.50 a puir, Thee goods are exhibited ia hin win Fir.t eome. fast served, as be kas only a limite! quanti dow, A Tost Experiment, Peculiar Power Piisessed By Loe ge Now Meodicine, Of pew disoovenion ody the mle Teoent, eos Tema which will' prove oy akisad pie, a WeDvery will take the plare of he cure of chses, dye] distovery 4 patent mfwdio combine thon of fix we, per v y veget- abe #5 : arg aud a bismuth -, in will wh wha tev These semiacies form, peasant wo take, and their good qualivles isachalitely liguid medicines rapidiy qualities they Way have bad ourked aud oxpused to the alr This prgmiation is called Stuart's Dyspops sin Tablets aud it clatisd (hpt one those tablets are opined as soun 6 or losetges will digest from JOU to 3,000 sme its own weight of meat, es' mal other wholesome food. Amd this sin bus been proven by actual exphfitentis eo following mane! A hard botled egy plocus was placed in & bottle entailing warm wate heated 10 nipety eighy degre (or blood heat), one of thew Tablets was then placed in the bottle and thi. proper teagmeratire medptained for three bowrs snd a hall; af the eid of which time the ege was spletely | digested as fb wonld have Iron ith mach. This T -- tod @ in the bottle 1% tomoeh, bets its une vive of dyspepsia few people are free " woarvely Some stress alter eating, promach aad bows wpsia or hearthum, shooploss shovlder ney ous as cos oats ma wt woud yin de questigngble value in and weak dighstion I do the Very bloating from others hpve oth palpitation y » oF ola in chest nr Lindow, extreme fRofvousnes® as nm Jyupepsia, but they all huve same oalse to properly digest whol is eaten sopmoh must Save rest apd assistance, Stuprt's Dyspepeis Tut give it both, digesting the food for and in a short t it in restored to its hore! action and vigor. At seme time the Tablets sre so Nurmbgs that a child can toke "them with bemwfit. This new preparation has already made muy astonishing cures, ns for instance, the following After using dnly ome package of Dyspepsioc Tablets 1 bavh rgoeived such apd supexpected beodft thal 1 wish to exe poss Ty sisoere peaditade fact It has been six mouths the package ard T have pot Bad ong particle of distress or difbeulty since. And all this in the face of the fact that the best 1 consulted told me my conse wos Chrpuic Dyspepsia and ahsglutely inchrable as 1 | wulfored twons tyifive yours. 1 disteibated Shall dosen pack. sgow among wy (medds late who are very anxious to try » ¥ Tas hes or "ta it Stuarts wreas #inoe took doctors i) Stuart's Dyspepsia Arngiints 'everywhire package hi mailed fre Marshall 50 omnis Sor e book om Stomnmok tv addressing ¥ A. Mich, weed Diseases Stunrt Co, 0000000000009 "Your The Doctor" It's for you to degide what kind of coil you waet, Sw ift's cranton Coal and "eosts $0 090090990060000009 best no Is the more than other kinds JAMES SWIFT &-GD. | "Phone 135. 0000900000000 HONEST COAL. uly Kiod we valos of weil. The the way through--in poy, counts for Conl that wil your motwy kind that is which wartath and cor Conl for grates of peery kind. Al linge. give is the . every yoa shack burvers, and stoves kinds of Wood amel Kind towioess and good will lame, foot of Princess slice to cowduot it oo feet dais borms, good vige, cerviul Lmdmnes. Every man in. fowe is interested in our new black and blve site. "The | buttons don't come off," "ibe Vining | don't xp." "They bold. their shape" | "They ft like the bewt custom make," | New sulin, bew top conts, mw ton sere, new bails. TFibby's one price house. Are yéu satisfied ~ with the fea you great benefit comes, - nig drinking, if bol' give Charm « ial, . "ow Tals 3 rv id IN ey} 2% 'ie te sia, STUDENTS OF QUEEN'S! | % Ts E : ¥ HONG i To sottf 4° © "4 338 PRINCESS STREET. Terni ovt the Genel lazndly work doin

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