iS. ANGUN & CO. £ DAILY BRITIS FEBRUARY DISCOUNT SALE and Puralture Daler. 2 Doors Aboye tire Opera House. ~ Welephone 577. No (Ruiephone $77. CLOTHES DO. COUNT Not 'necessarily expensive clothes, but clothes that, show neatness, correct style, ap- ness and good taste. Come in and look over the new styles, Get prices on a new suit. We can satisfy you. Rp J. R. Johnston, TAILOR AND DRAPER. ~ AREMINDER. Mow is the time to have your epaired and and the: place to get them dome is at LATURNEY'S, where every thing is done under his own supervision. 300 PRINCESS ST. Telephone 152. al IDL ie ude Oy olvent: a oF "lo filg their . . by affidevit, oo Zor telare th sold, WARD T. BTEACY, Asghirnoe. Dated st Kisggston, this 7th day of Febru: ary, 1908 LF Ins ad : ws above Lh bold ot the store lal Geoupied by the gud Sere he of February 1902 at ergditors are 9 am, A oli sesiescssscsssescennes ¢ TRY OUR {Wood & Coal. ® You will be delighted Swithit. feeb ansnbosess sFoot of Wellington st. : g esesattassssRsssRLe i The Daily Note Book For wii Monday. LOCAL MEMORANDA Readers to Post Themselves By. A clever thief takes things easy. House of lodustry directors meet, 4 pm, | A man seldom does suything desperate iy fod regularly LALF. concert sud sochsl, City Hall, Mon- day, 8 pm The sun rises Sunday mis at 5.22 pm Vout own charactor is the most pulent to! inflowmce that of others i Lots of lellows are not as bright as thelr | neckties make them appear | No Maude, dear; one dossn't have 10 bean | orator to appear ino an wratorio, 3 | Why diss a person who is il Jose his | nse of touch 7 Because he doesn't feel well | Why is u grain of sand in the eve like a | swhool mneter's vane 7 it haris the | { pupil Hecnune This day in the world's history '= Lord Roberts arrives at Modder river, 1900; Jules Verne, novelist, bora, 1828; Gen, Sher- man born, 1820; died, 1601; Dutch surven- der New York to British, 1074; British, un der Roberts, prepare to relieve Kim | berly, Fine s Belgium | Crystal | Lord 1900. i i Glassware. See the handsome pieces | of these goods in our | window. A line we always carry and can be matched at any | time. { e-- ROBERTSON BROS. NEW GRAND °"*3o HOUSE | A. J. SMALL, Lessee and Manager. THURSDAY, 1 3th FEBRUARY rpomutsemnaze Andrew Robson | Romantic Actes, AND HIS COMPANY IN RICHARD GARVEL. A Dramatization of Winston Ohurchill's in mous novel of wie same oame. a Sale of sents open at 10 am MONDAY AT MANLEVS, ty Tikh, Next atienction, February, 7th, Gertrude Coghiun, in " Vunity Fa ww ' . . a Ne NO } Kirkpatrick's ART STORE Was Never More Atiracive Than At Present. We have now the most ex- tensive stock of -BEAUTI- FUL PICTURES , ever shown in the city. Call and see what we have before purchasing. DOUBLE-HEADER Hockey Match 0. H. A: Intermediate Series. R. M. C. Cadets vs. Queen's. Junior Series. Beechgroves vs, R- M. C MONDAY FEBRUARY 10th. Adpsinsion 25¢. Game called a8 7 pm. x a Sa wt RVANT. APPLY IN Bb 24E Brock > STRIPPERS; GIRLS At Uberndorfiar's eb ROOMS, WITH at 24 Swart + MUST Ww. A re SERVANT, ; : Apply to Mrs. WH "Sears Strest. 5 WORK AT HOME. Shasgow Woollen FOR SALE. ASS CONE : ERY, CARE s ; ped ot wn, For fil particulars A FIRST and Tewvi write the town, x 45, | Gnnmnogee. T0 RENT. HOUSE," WELLINGTON 8T. pext to City Park. All modern improve ments Apt y to 6G. 8. : West wd Welllagton Stress NEW BRICK LOST. BETWEEN SYDENHAM AND MONTREAL y Bay Steet, A SABLE MUFF return to this office. DWELLINGS, STORES, OFFICES AND a. McCann's Real te office, RAZ King street A RAILWAY ACCIDENT. A Number Of Passengers Were Badly Injured. Toronto, Feb. 8A Mail and Em- pire special, from Halifax, dated early this morning, savs : "The mail train, with' the passéngers from the Allan steamer lonian, which left here two hotire ago, met with a seri oy at Grand lak® i | % ; Fr be] £9 7 i RAKING | Another Commando Has Been | thirty head of good | Promise. { here | | breach of promise of marriage. It {daughter remained in Berlin | court bench was to be made at | churches throughout the country are KINGSTON, ON Captured. LIEON TO BE DEPORTED. st 708 am, ewd| op SH FORCE MAKES SUC CESSFUL TREK. ------ | And Captures Horses, Sheep And i Cattle--Boers Make Unsuccess- ful Attempt to Cross The Line of Blockhouses. Pretoria, Feb, 7-4n Sunday, under cover of darkness, and during a | heavy rainstorm the Boers attacked | a block-house on the Frankfort road, | but were repulsed. Their object seems | { | | to have been the eapture of ten sup- ply waggons, which were resting at Black Vlei. The Boers have made at- tempts to cross the line of block- houses, every night lately. They avoid causing an alarm by pulling up the posts and flattening the fence in- stead of cutting the wire. On Wednesday night Maj. Leader, of "the 5th dragoon guards with | mounted troops from the columns of | Col. Kehewitch and Col. Hickie, sur- prised and captured Sarel Albert's commando at Victor. The burghers put up a smart fight, but failed srisoners. The British loss was only a | oh wounded, It has been decided to deport Gen Viljoen, the Boer commander captured about ten days ago. A British foree under Col. Kiel, con- sisting of Damant's horse, and batter- jes, K,F,H., of the Royal horse ar- tillery, acting as mo ted infantry ntade a three days' tr@l. and captur- ed eighty horses, 1 0 sheep and le. They took artillery has one prisoner, The ho quickly and picked up its new wc well. y ---------- OFFICER SUES HEIRESS. Action In Berlin For Breach of London, Feb, 8A story is printed to the effect that Karl Von Stuttenheim, a retired infantry lieut- enant, is suing Miss Middleton, a | rich American, in the Berlin courts for in said that Von Stuttenheim ascertain. ed through detectives that Miss Mid- dleton, who was visiting with her mo- ther in Berlin, was an heiress. The mother was subsequently recalled to New York on business, but the Von Stuttenheim courted her and presented diamonds and other gifts to her. Ultimately they became be trothed, When Mrs. Hiddleton heard of this she returned to Berlin and hastened to inquire into Von. Stut- tenheim's ant ents. The result was not. satisfactory to her, and she broke off the miateh. Von Stutten- heim sent bailifis to recover his pres- ents, and they broke into, the ladies' wardrobe and seized a quantity of jewelry. meet MILLS FOR SUPREME COURT. Fitzpatrick To Succeed To Justice Portfolio. Ottawa, Feb. 8.--The appointment of Hon. David Mills to the supreme Fri day's cabinet meeting, but as the governor-general is not Jere, the or der' will not be approved before Mon day. Mr. Fitzpatrick will then be pro moted to the position of minister of justice, and seoator Templeman, Vie toria, B.C., will be taken into the cabinet "without portfolio, to be" plae- ed at the head of a department.sSen ator Templeman is regarded hee "as the father of liberalism on the Pacific coast. Just who will be solicitor-general is not yet decided. M. K. Cowan, MY, is regarded as prime favorite for the position, Mr. German, M.P., Welland, is also mentioned, and a report is current that J. K. Kerr, SE ronto, may he taken into the senate, and given the solicitor-gencralship. Memorial Of Lincoln. New York, Feb. 8. Congregational expected to observe to-morrow as a memoriz]l to Abraham Lincoln in re gponse to an appeal issued by wthe American missionary association. "Abraham Lincoln," says thi= ap- peal, "was born in the mountains of the south, where schools and church- es have been established by this a® sociation. The negroes have grown into a great 'multitude of mors than eight millions, among whom this as sociation has planted. its institutions and misdions. Through 'its mission. aries the colored people are being trained in shop, on the farm, in the school and church and home for chris: tian responsibiity." ------------ Silks For The Coronation. London, Feb. S.--Thousands of pounds are being speat abroad on gods required for the coronation, whi h, if oni 8 wishes were con- sidered, would have gone into the poe kets of British mhnufactarers and workmen. Some of the t west end dressmakers and' silk and velvet houses are the worst offenders, for. although' they complain that many' of the orders which 'ought to have come to them are going to Paris, they are themselves buyi largely from' con Ainential houses. ex Juv iv fs' that English silks are. jon ed, and that neither in width now duets of forcign looms. J gi i 1902. The new collars, 2 .. ny for Spri We. -- » IN THE MER. to | withstand the charge of the mounted | men. Seven Boers were killed, and 131 | including commandant Alberts, made | - TARIO, SATURDAY, LL GO ON. Brussels. Prusscls, Feh. 5.--The Utrecht cor respondent of the Petit Iteu states | that in an infersiew, Pr. Leyvds, the | dislomatic agent of the Transvaal, | sail: "We istend as guickly as pos sible to iaforim he fiver leaders in | South Africa of the exact signilicence of the Anglo-Dutch correspondence | and everything connected with it. We have 18 eiced veoy recent isformation from South Aidca, which is very re assuring. The war will go on for ten years, it necess Ary. i i To Have A Conference. The Boer delegates, Wolmarans and Wessels, have arrived 'at Lirecht for the purpose of holding with Mr. Kruger, Dr wate Fi-cher of ques. ions in London, Feb. 8 a conference Levds apd de The answering house of commons yesterday, by the government offic jals, diwlosed the tact that the gosernment had no rea. { son to believe the note of the govern- | ment of the Netherlands on the sub- { the ject of peace in South Africa was for | mulated in consultation with another European power The Pris-els correspondent of the Times, quoting © a correspondent at The'diague, says the most noteworthy feature of the sitaation is the fact that | no ill-fecling has been caused by Great Britain's refusal of the Dutch propos: | 8, 1%02, =r re NEWS OF THE WORLD Ansa what Comes To Us From Ar Quarters. CONDENSED PARAGRAPHS. | TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOU? QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read And Remembered by the Dea: Public. There are grave fears of another se vere famine in India. The present number of students the university of Pari; is 13,469. Rev. Dr. Waters, rector of St. Paul's chuich, New Or.eans, died at Orillia. Brantford is threatened with an ice famine as the Grand river is filled slush ive, Mile. Clemence Royer, a well-known French author, and econpmist, is dead aged se. enty-two. James McMullen, ex. M.I'., and Wil liam Gibson, ex-M.P., have been ap | pointed senators. Librarian K. T. at Lancefield, Hamil als regarding the South African war | ton, is missing ined ib iu snk) his: a Times correspondent says, condemns the attitude of the Boer delegates, es: pecially as the British reply to | Dutch note does not preclude the ac ceptance of proposals if made in pro per form. BE INHALES HAIRS; WILL DIE. Barber - At Death's Door. From Peculiar Cause. Feb. 8.---Andrew Tee- t Akron, twenty miles death's He "has Wabash, In | ter, a barber north-west of this#city, is at door from a peculiar cause followed his trade for years, and some time ago his lungs became af fected. A specialist brought from Wis consin. made an examination and found the patient's throat and bron chial tubes full of short hairs, im i bedded in the membrane. The hairs | were inhaled while Teeter, who short, clipped hair, and the irritation { brought on tuberculosis, = ---- : Tennesseans Lynch Negro. Nicholasville, Ky. Feb, S.-~Tom Brown, the negro: aceused of assault jing Emma Powell, aged gixteen, near { here, was lynched by a mob which liollowed him to the girl's home, where he was taken by the shesifl for identification. ) Veh. 8.--FEuless Nashville, Team, Whittaker, colored, charged: with the of John Bedter Three Wadks ago, was taken from jail at Lynch- burg and hanged by a mob. Whit- taker's gase was called in court and eontinned, At a late hour the mob appeared, and. 'securing possession of the negro. hurried him to the court- house, where. a rope was placed around his neck, and he was hanged a------------ "Joe" Martin Is Leader. B.C., Feb. 8.--The con- British Columbia liber unanimously decided in drawing party lines in provincial: poli ties. A' new exccutive was appointed and a new constitution adopted. Hon. | Joseph Martin was selected as liberal | loader for the province on a vote of |forty-peven . out of ninety aelogates, {and the decision was then unanimoys | A resolution was passed favoring Mr. Maxwell for a cabinet position at Ot tawa. Hon. Joseph Martin, in a short speech, declared himself entirely in ae cora with the Laurier administeation. commer Killed In Fight Over Pies. Butler, Pa, Feb, 8.--~Word has béen Fecwived from: Slippery Rock, Pa., of the death of Ernest Morrow from in juries received in a, brawl in a res tanrant. A dispute arose over the payment of a bill for pies and in the fight that followed Speathen, the proprietor, struck Morrow over the head with a potato masher; crushing his skull, Sneathen 'claimed the kill ing wan in self-defence, and has sur rendered to the authorities, Morrow's father is one of the wealthiest men in the county. a -------- To Perpetuate The Memory. At a pub de- Vancouver, vention of the als, vesterday, Queenston, Ont, Feb. 8 lic meeting In Queenston 1t was cided to erect a public hall to gerpe tuate the memory of Leura Secord, the heroine of 1920. The building will A subscription list was Dutside aid public hall. started at the meeting. will Be solicited. African War Horses. London, Feb. 8. ~The war secretary, Mr. Brodrick, said in the house of commons to-day that the number i horses purchased during the war to talled 446.088, of which 77,101 came from the United States, and 11,364 from Canada. In addition, about »9,- 705 horses had been captured in South Africa. of Dowager Queen To Visit America. Lomdon, Feb, 8A despatch from Rome to the Pall Mall Gazette says the dowager a Margherita, wi- dow of king Humbert, is anxious to make a trip to the United States, and will journey, travelling in the strictest incognita under the name of countess Stupinigi. Ue mien Died From Smallpox. Whithy, Ont, Feb. ®Word has tack, 'of the death of Mrs Durtee 1, wile of the late. judge Dart- net, of dmallpox, in Mexico, a to of months ago 10 wich her son, Guy. ) Dr. Avsehct: Kemp, of Vienna. ie ng we boat in which 1 hvilting a ------ Grape-Nuts at Redden's, Though there is a general disappoint ment, public feeling is not Siehaarten: | ed. Moderate opinion in Belginm, the | the | be named the Laura Secord memorial | counts are in a bad way. Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler will be | installéd as pre ident of the Columbia | university on April 19¢h. . | Fulton and Oswego Falis, N.Y., are to be amalgamated and will soon be | granted a city chart x Three persons were sent to quarantine hospital at Winnipgg on Friday, suffering from small-pox. Denis J. Brien, of Warsaw, N.Y., on Thursday, was whirled about a «haft he was oiling and instantly killed Five hundred troops and dete tives wil protect price Henry { bis tour thfough the United States Mme. Nordica, the great singer, seriously il at San Franciwo. her engagements have been cancglle E. N. Binder has been appointed general purchasing agent of the G.T. R., succcwding A. C. Henry, decoased. John Schumer, from Ger many, was crushed to death between | two blocks of stone in a Buffalo max | ble yard on Thursday Grain blockade in Manitoba contin nes, and the grain exchange of Winni per and CPR. officials «met on Fri day to di cuss the diffi ulty. In Brooklyn, N.Y., labor unions are building a $100,000 home that will be provided with a gymna: iam and club rootn, dining-room and kitehen, A California raitroad has posted an order 'that after February 15th emp lovee will be permitted to lignors or cigarettes while on duty he Marconi company has made a : Great Britain for the instalation of its' wireless system on naval vessels for fifteen years, at £10400 a year The Australian government is ea forcing its alien restriction act very thoroughly, and for landing at Syd ney an Arabian tea man has been sent to jeil for a month SCOTCS recent ly use at Denver, Col., have resigned, because a colored girl was einploved in one of the schools where colored children at tended in large numbers. * was pronounced By the Turkish courts against the sultan's brother-in-law, now in Paris, was that he had threat ened to blow up the sultan's palace The Corriere Della Sera, prints an interview with Mr. Marconi, had in London. He says he is prepar ed to pay £100 to any one who can interrupt or read one of his wireless messages Dogs and eats in Plymouth town ship in Pennsylvania, are being killed because it is believed they are res ponsible for the spread of small-pox, of which there are several cases | the township ! All the municipal sections or wards [in Chicago are to be abolished and | the members of the council are to be voted hy the electors of the entie civ. The form of veting will be snot plitied with} litele ex; ease Three inches of swow fell in the nor thern part of Texas during the re cent storm--the first snow storm In thirty vears, although there have been now flurries there, In some parts of | fel ls. at pr seat . Mrs. Sarah Haight and her . two daughters, Sadie and Anns, were overcome with coal gas at their home oni Thursday at Little Falls, N.Y. Spow and soot had clogged the chim rey. The daughter Anna died shortly after being divoove ed Mme. Mathilde Serao, the novelist, | has applied for the dissolution of her | marriage with signor Searfolgios edi tor of the Mattino of Naples, on' the ground that ber husband's conduct hae involved and ecampromised her in a Neapolitan municpal scandal. King Edward, on Friday evening. attended the performance of "Made moiselle Mars," at the Imperial thea tre. Mrs. Langtry appeared in the title role and Lewix Waller ip that of "Napoleon." Queen Alexafidra did pot aceompany her hashand. : Miss Agnes Inglis, a sophomore me- disal stadent in the university of Mihizan, and the daughter of br Dasii Inghs, Detroit, one of the most prominent physicians 'in Mihigun, commit ed suiide on Wednesday by shooting. It is sail that hard stady had aosettled her mind. : The West Durham probi' ition el lisnge was orgapized at's meeting of temperance workers bekd at Bowman- ville on Friday. The convention ex- pressed nnquatied disappros al of the reformdum on proki ion and by re solution refused to be a party to it. All the boards of manage f\ior hos pitabs of the insane in New York itote wil fe aholished, owing to the dis Banest Saetios of the comm sioners. Thousands of dollars have been pir loined by the members of the hoard fur their own purposes without any Lenest to the inggne or the stale Governor Ocel is in favor of then te intends (o° proveed unter the Arctic j.e to the norsk pole. S tL. All the teachers in the public schools | The reason that the death sentence | Milan, | in | | the state flowers are blooming in the | ~~ LAST EDITIOX WEATHER PROBABILITIES. A PARTY TO BIGAMY. and aed To-day oon Toronto, Fe am Sunday obd with Agreed to Husband's Proposed | A Wedding To Get Support. Feb. S.~Frenk Spooner arrested at Weton for non-support of his wie and family turns out to have made arrange ments to marry the daughter of a London township for whom he was working persuaded | his wife to be a party to the propos od marriage. She wad 10 pose as the wife of Spooner's Spooner had written to his wifedthat if he didn't marry the girl he would be | | gent to jnil for fifteen years sb the | t girl's father had told him The | girl's father said Spooner, "is well | off. and will give me fifty of marry her."' Mrs. Spooner dr Sit by BARGAIN "5 EXTRAORDINARY with her hushand in ment she would get | WILL BE HANDED OVER. : | | IN OUR | DEPARTMENT. Lofidon, Strathroy, farmer Kpooner cousin, acres agreeing dited. Been Extra- | Toronto, Feb. S.~The attorney gene ral's department has advised that Melvin Hall, © wanted for bur | glarics and other daring crimes -in the | pounties of Stermont and Glengarry, | 1and held for extradition at Ogdens | burg, will be turned over te the gov { ernment of Canada in a few dave | The church of 'St. Giles (Presbyter | jan) was badly scorched by fire at an early hour thix morning. The dam age amounts to £4,000 The building is insured for $2,000 i heen ahout ------------------ To Incorporate Lines. { Ottawa, Application will te made at next session 43 incorporate a | company andd operate al | railway from a point on Kitimat In let to Hazelton, on the i in the Cassiar distiict, thence to a | point the northern boundary df 75¢. i Feb. 8 to construct SATURDAY NIGHT WE OFFER Yards Colored Sik Crepe de Chene, Skeena river, | on British Columbia at or near Teslin lake, or Atlin lake, ur both, also from Hazelton to Peace River Pass, thence easterly by wn boundaries Application will be made next leave to incorporate a rail way called the Yukon Pacific raflway to construct a railway from Chiltkate | yiver on the international boundary, to Rainy Hollow, Brivish Columbia, thence to a point at or on the Yukon at White Horse in Ya territory oast sion for For 35c. yard. COLORS -- Light Blue, Heliotrope, Cream, Black, Pearl Grey, Pastel Green. STEACY & STEAGY 100-108-110 Princess Street. UNDERTAKERS, 8S. 8. CORBETT, FUNERAL RECTOR, 281 Sureet, Kingston, ave ------ JAMES REID, THE, LEADING UNDERTAKE Prinvces Street. Tolaphone Rav and night i T. F. HARRISON CO., Undertakers, 233-235 Princess 8%, Quality and eficiency 'the best. Prices the lowest. Phones--Warercoms, 90. Night T. ¥. HARRISON, #1, Calls, B. E Sills. 93. iver, kon Or Near ------------------ Death From Poison. Ont. Feb. = vers old, loft Harry was found above the | stable the home of his grandia ther, Stafford Irish, about five wiles north of Springfield vesterday. It was first thought that the lad was frozen | to Geath; but upon enquiry it {found he had purchased ten cents | wrth of strychnine the night [and the paper which had contamed {the poison was found in hi= pocket | No cause i= known for the young man taking his life ' Springfield, Nigh, | dead nineteen in a small Cow was before, PRINCESS w Wh Hi, ------------------ May Be Combination. | Chicago, Feh. K.-T he {of the principal traction interest | Chicago, and possibly the roads. is the now in progress | York, says the consolidation ol elevated of negotiations here and in New Inter-Ocean Further | more. it is probable, it said, thet | this is but a preliminary step to the | | merging of the traction lines of five or the principal cities of the country one great combination | probably the corporation reported to | be in of formation New | York object 1s AL Deroy Road, Fe. Sh A a duughiser jan. Sith, high ter BROWNS wife more of Af KN. Brown, of HAIG A Iv gorvondo Fadward Hag, of a into wile of MARRIED PODGEOOCH RANE ~At Hivhme 29th, Albert Dodge, 4 tie th A ( t process in | Young Men And Matrimony. Feh. S.--Dr. Bryee, is conducting an of As to the fact that there is a | decline be is tolerably certain, for he | recently took the names of 5M young | in 1562 and 190) hy old-e tablished company, and on | ing Over the list finds that there { fif tN wr cent loss marriages among | men f the ages compared than thee | was forty | Toronto, | trar-genernl, | into Causes RELLY wel Ne 1urguiry Ny i Mok he decline marriage amd itsg G BICKNEL] wen insured an KEEGAN thy Bo FlineFal BLOOMFIELD eorginia In the 190d, Mary ney Keegan wots later bn Kingston Alan Hed, bed years ago Capt. Willen Blommiield Fuancral feom her ips ham Si Monduy i) Fotwuary ved wife © ar 1002, wife of 186 Seddon at JOO wn respootiully In reshdenon mor Pearl Of Great | | Price. | London, Feb Ax i | The pearl found in the value of which is L000 toy £15480) to England, and the king's corona Friewds amd vited to sttand HELMER-AL Morrishurgh Saved; Helmer, Lasher agin Lass Fob. 3rd, A Alexan wy two west Australia, estimated at is now | may be worn | tion It sctibed hy one of the from on its way on Cum uh, and i« de greatest authoti value of pearl | fect Ingter, ahd shaped without is of conserable sim To Let Them Go _ Feb. 7-~The Wai Wu Pa (for Romiet ing like has an that - sn professors in the imperial ree : reity shall bo paid up 4p the Sibyl Sanderson Sued In Paris New Year eh 8 and Paris, Feb, 5. ~Mme discharged. This violated the son, opera singer, i= the which it was guaranteed sn action brought here to months Fria be 790 for old lac Her they could be snruled that ber income was B10 5 year and that she ould requ e y years A 8 1hnt of e woul require ter year: i Loadon that Jord Monte Carlo has . & resersed wos reser rather & beavy | ties on the as of per yuscnied rider | & child's body arms Chinese then contract that three given before Kihyl Sander deiendant In er £3, wad a netics vonnse] Word has reached Rosslyn's system at ecsitapsed and he is Judgment in Died In New York. New York, Feb. K--Thomas Man ning, the well-known vachisman, vacht broker, is dead in this heart diseass « t lower Marsh Riplev Flgin Wien Delila War married on Wednew and ren were and | aay ity from Over Gaiters. All kinds at cost at Abernethy's. FOR PERFECTION IN LAUNDERING Shirts, Collars, Repairing Watches, Clocks. Jewelry. Spectacles. Skilled Workmen. Best Material. Moderate Prices.