(1 +K.con r yourjquick eye "will geé 'thie right kind of "BARGAIN ~ CHANCES HERE. $- he wir v a delay and follow ; crowds to. RT ef TEES RE 'Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian 4,0 Li ¥aeific Rallways. | W-------- TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : we Be. Joba, . Gutaws, Montreal, Quebes, 8. Halilas, Boston, Toronte Denver, Renfrew, Beult Ste. Marie Winnipeg, Vancouver, Sea® Ban Francisco. for Sherbot Lake, oof OPR wast and west Wednesdays snd Fel intermediste' pointe. a 1HS0 am . Oa ior 100 pina Boston. so ob. NB, 11:80 am FA FOLGER, i". THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY "MEW SHORT LINE FOR h. A PTRALL SV ANLN WEEK OF SPORES date TAT "QUEBEC, ARY 3401 LEE First class round trip tickets +ill be sold for the above, Feb. 8rd to 11th at $11.85. Valid for refuin, on or before. Feb. 18th. J, ® BANLEY, Agsat, City Passr. Depot. Mountain Grove Grist. Mojintain < Grove, Feb, 10.The ia- J dies] aid 'tea on Saturday evefiing was very well attended. Mr, and Mrs. 3. Abbott have returned from Morven and other places. Miss M i has gone to visit on Welle Island. Mrs. (. 6. Pox has returned after a week in Westport. Visitors : Miss Es- J tess Newburgh, at 8. Abbott's; Mre. Ww. 8, Rowson, Tamworth, at D. Mc Donald's; Calvigr Loyst, st his ents, par' Two Deaths At Moscow. Moscow, Feb. 10.--The roads are so blockaded = with snow that Rev. Mr, Buckler was unable to get to this ap- pointment for servies yesterday. Van Liven Bros.' annual cheese meeting was postponed until the 12th, Willi. am Clament died at his home at the ripe old age of eighty-one years. Lola Huftman, youngest daughper of Milo Huffman, died on' Thu . Edward Manes and family, Pisher, Minn., were the guests of = Everton ~ Van Luven last week. Will Rent Their Farms. Clareview, Feb, 10. fuperal of Mrs. D. Turcott, Jo That on Sun: day to the Roman Catholic vault, Erinsville. B. Palmer lost 4 valuable caw, last week. 8. Donohue intends {eating hix farm_and _petiting from. arming. Our school is reasin with i 7 Reilly as riot Gearay: Flapagan will rent Kis farm. John Murphy ig busy engaged in Jambering operations, Visitors: 8. Donohue, at T ve Edward Mellon, at M. Dyes Srinsville; Jal McKeown a fe, at James Haley's. ---- United In Marriage. Marysville, Tyendinaga, Feb. 10,--~ A. very. happy. event took place on the 3rd, when Ray,.dean O'Connor united in matrimony Miss M, A. Dayle and E. Welsh, Daniel Druminy has réturned afer: apehding ' Several months at Coe téhibiald: Camp- bell is slowly recovering after an at tack of illness. Mins Maggie McChone returned to her home of Thursday. Mrs. B. O'Neilt is ill. Mes, K. Sullivan voturndd on Saturday..after spending a week with her sinter, Med. Hamil ton, Belleville. pan. 1 Pressing Much Hay. Fellows, Feb. 10.--Hergee Denyes has just finished pressing fifty tons of first class timothy hay and hos thirteen ton of clover over. J. M, Parrott and wife were callers at A. M. Parrot's last week, T. Fellows, Delta, intends moving ~ on his new farm this week. F. H. Denves spent Sunday at Glen Farm. Several from this vicinity recently attended the dawce in B. Derbyshire's new hall last Thursday evening. J. Martin is in Pie- toh 'on business, Miss Dawson is ill with, pneumonia; Mrs. Nathan Fel lows is still very low. ------ First Break In Family Circle. Lake Opinicon, Feb, 10.--~Badness has been occasio by the sudden death of Ernest Lindsay. He had con: tracted a heavy cold and was appar ently on the road to recovery, bat he suffered a relapse and speedily sank to rest, The funeral, which was large: ly. attended, took place at the church on Sunday. This is the first break in the family circle of twelve children, and the youngest is seventeen years of age. 8. Hunger spent. Sunday at The Kidneys 'ad Urio Acid ---- Serious, Painful Ailments Whigh Arise From Neglected Kidney Derangements ~~. Dr. Chase's - Ki oughly 7 Uric atid i8 the name medicel men to the poisonous mat which the ~kidueys filter from blood. When the Kidneys are i : fail to per: given by such: db ful Wrination, \ & im hE neighbors, he] painful ------ TT et 5 1 Lh wr home. Charles Nicholsow, 2 4 fv spending 8 Tew AAV amiong Hix oid 4 ---- An Old Lady Dead. Vennachar, Feb. T--The mail will only make ohe trip this week in- stead of three. Mrs. John ed away on Janusry 0th at a Tipe old age of -seventy-eight years. She had oon sick im bed nearly a years She leaves a son, G. F. Bebes, © with whom she lived, and o sister, Mrs. Sthel Bebee, of this place. The fo neral service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Cassell: Free Methodist minister, in the absence of Ret. Mr. Parrett. The many wreaths and floral crodses placed 'on 'the coffin sowed the os teem in: which ste gas held. Word was received from Mr. and Mrs. tC Ww. Swebtnam,' last' Batirday, thst they were @ livtle ' better Mrs. Suectiam went through the operation. andl was very low for a few days. . C----_ Found Frogen To Death, : Matowatchan, Feb. 3.-On_ Japaary 27th, a son, of John, Holly, townshi of Griffith, was, found frozen to de between his, home. and Dacre. The yong wan had gone to work In Sep- tember in the vicinity of Sudbury and was retarning home. He come to Dacre by stage on the 26th, ond left there that seme eveni to. walk home, =» distance of often miles. Night carue on ang in the darkness he " 10 have been unable to make any headway or keep. the road was. Ve bad . owing to the heavy snow. (alls. He must have realized he was freezi he had tried to make a' fire but failed. Evidences show had made. a hard. gle for life, Much sympathy is felt: here for the bergaved parents. J. Shorey had the mistortune to get his ankle dislocat~ od while worki in W. D. Wilson's camp. . H. Mclean and wile are visising st Jobn Wilson's. -- Mourning In Pleasant Valley. Pleasant Valley, Feb. 10. George Wattém, an estimable' you man, sassed- away last Monday night, He had been ailing for some timie "of lung o membe# of the and fn politics = sthwhol liberal. THe rémuins were placet] in the vault 6n Thorsday. He leiives to mourn his early démine an aged mother, three brothers and' two risters. An aged ahd mivich respected resident passed away on Wednesday night, namely, death Was die to paralysis. He leaves a 'sotvowing wife and family to mourn. The * 'rempifis were followed to the vault by the Orange association," the décessed having been a member for over forty years. The fuberal oecurred on Saturday to fdrrowsmith vault. He was 's member of the Presbyterian church and in_politics & congervative. Visitors : ios Nellie Watson, in the city; 'Miss, "Edna Trish, at S. Sigs worth's; Miss Georgia Barr, at West: port. Mes. S. Browh, seriously if, is caonvalescing. trodble. He was Anglican chick, Tenant Farmers Moving. Philipsville, Feb. 4.There are ten or more tenant farmers going to move this month in . obder to better their conchition: R. H. Haskin's steam saw- milk is cutting the logs about as fast as the farmers cah draw then in. P. J. Downey has returned from the Kingston dairy school, where he took a course in cheese making. The boys are having hard times keeping the snow, off their "skating vink. Isaac Denny and sister, Gertie, of Adams, N. ¥:, ave visiting their brother, A Deuny; of 'this 'place. '€. B. Davison and wife went to Athens today to at: tend the funeral of 'the late Mre. Jorma Wiltsle: Mrs. Poda, . Lansdowne, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas Kennedy. Wilson Chase and wife went to Lombardy on Saturday, before the great Storm, and werd obliged to pro: Jong their visit several. days until the roads were shovelled out. John Bak: er has been confined to the House for 'somé time through ill-health. Kennedy i4 vedy low.' Special SV have been vA in the Methodist chitrély Tor two weeks. The hockey match between the Philipaville Push- fers' and ' the Elgin Kickers lid npt foo off to-day; the Elginites not put- ting in &n appearance, A. Stevans has several teams hauling logs to the mill and drawing the' me, pre paratory to building o large bask ver Vir Thor lcm iibiblbiie Her Heart Like A Polluted Spring. James Srigley, Pelig Island, Ont., says ; * Soul for five outs of fisted with dvspersifa constipation, nervous prostration. part with Dr. Bens. afd the £668 Qowe'® POF weld bY aud, F.C. Mitchell. 37. Dined The, Directors. ) + Magnes, the pre- ined at dinger, the di- rectors of . t "horticultural society at his home, A plessant_ and evenl was spent. When been eh a . afisirs affecting. the interests of: the, horticultural soei- t respect and ap te 1 man | Bebee passe} | 4 James Bradiord, whose' ro is a mistaken idea as to the Cankers in' the mouth and iné shat they x but it Bi t i 5 i J cases-of nervous weakiiess and 1 | debility. ng sem The Step Is Taken To Prove To | Russia The Sincerity Of The British Desire For a Good Un-! derstanding. i London, Feb, 11 ~All the morniag papers comment, editorially, on © the | announcement, made in the house of cotomons, that the British troops wil tie withdeawn from Wei-Hal Wei. With | {he exception "of the Daily' Telegraph a1 betray "considerable soreness. Daily Telegraph declares that the place | was merely taken over by' Great Bric | tan'as a hint 10 Russia, after she had | taken Port Arthur, that two could | play at' the game of appropriation, | and the present step is taken in _ordes t prove fo Russia the sincerity of the | British desire for a good Wu - ing. Tt has also been found that the original case, as to the value of the! plage as a military , and naval i were not sustained. g { The Standard. calls the withdrawal | the last scene ih a diplomatic episode | thet none ean contemplaty with pride; thd. government haying. cut 8 sorey | figure (rom, first to Jost. The Morn-| ing Post upholds the, government in | its action, but it for ex- | pending £250,000 ¢ : icle scares the uiter inaphtuae government, . which, origi acted without. k ately . po to passing EACH 100 YEARS OLD. ------ nt. interests | exigencies of party politics. ---------- : { Interésting Cereitiony in a Chicago | Roman Osthelia oh, Chicago, Feb. 11.--Valeatine and Maxy Oshok, one hundred and, ope and | years. old on Tuesday, pificiating 'priest being the ministered to make} to be saved from | starving: That prayer had been an- swered,. and-in deepest gratitade they returned. to give thanks and beseech the. churol's blessing on their eighty | years of wedded life. { The - buildi was crowded to suf- | {ocation long before the hour arrived, | The sidewalks were crowded with | spectators; 'dnd when the two princi pals appeared there was & great pub- | fie demonstration. | They tame with an escort of good- hetirted' neighbors, whose contributions hud defrayed 'the expenses of the 'cere; mony<twe bent, old 'figures in their | shabby best, clinging togéther with the love Chit hadAweathered 'so many win- | ters<-and radigntly happy in the pros- ! poet of benediction. i When * the carriage reached the | church door there were loving hands | to lift" them down, and 'the procession | moved to the sacristy. | Two afl chairs hat been placed be- jor the very altar where in childlike | faith they had laid their burden on the | Lord. "AN the service progressed the | old man leaned over and: took bis | wife's withered band in his, and hold- | ing it gently repeated with bowed | head the words of the priest. In their | native Pelish they softly ' told their rosaries in thanksgiving for the great | giiv of life. ---------------- Harris Will Case. | On February lst 8 motion was made | in the Hebron Hairs will contest be- | fore the Tate judge Lister, whose sud- | den abd unexpected demise was no- | ticed yesterday. The émineni and la: | mented judge away before reach- | ing this motion in his calendar, and the proceeding will have to be renew | od before ¥ e appellate court. or a judge' thefeof. ' On the motion on Feb: | ruary 1st, Mowat, Lahgton and Mo- | Lennan, of Toronto; Smythe & Lyon, J. MeDannld Mowat and MW. S. Burl nette, appeared for the defendants, | John Harris and Charles Harris, of this city: George E. Kidd, of Ottawa; | DS. MéCarthy' & Co., of Toronto, | appeared for the executors, antl A. | Mills amd: J. Hs Spende, for the re- | maining sixty-five defendants. Oné im- | portant witness, Dr. Thomas 3 Fon- | wick, has died sificé 'the sit com- menced in July 1900; but of the seven difierens. judges connected with the Ti- | tigation at different periods, | judge Lister, was the only one who laid down his: work at the eall of death hefore reaching a ecision. The: judge is spoken of us an able and upright | man, / ------------ What Is The Best Tonic For Blood And Nerves # Broma. It invariably cures pains. in the kidneys and' sided. Take it also in all Neuralgia and rheumatism 'sre quick- ly eared by the use of this powerful Comia. which will enrich your' bidod sed | quiet your nerves. . Don't forget that Broma is an in- fallible builder up of the blood and a tonic for the merves. Beld everywhere, x A Quorum Not Present. meeting of the civie i . mittee was called for DR noon, but at the appointed 'hour only chairman Farrell, antl alderman Tait put in an appearance, wo: business could not be transacted. However, lit: tle sould. Jars boul done, as the es: timates. . different, departments wingipally 10. consitler these the teting was called. iv ite is worth | train just outside of this city was re | room: of the car | suspicions were aroused, and hé bpen- | edt the door to find No. 793, The |. 3lanv analyses of cheap cough mixtures foand ~onph and throat lozenges have Yearly proven tnat & large proportion of thet contain opiates. mie temporary selfef which these cheap diedici es viten give in conghs and colds, Mekrocially with the Jittle children, is because the opiate, by destroying the nerve sensation, the irritation in the throat, which caus:s tre gough, is temporarily 1emoved, but the real ' *1d is not in any way removed to. use to remove the cat- which causes the cold, the irritating - cough, is a, mew pre ion' aptiseptics like Eu- calyptol, Red Gum of Eucalyptus tree, Blood Root, "etc., under name of Stuart's Catarrh rablets, which contain no opiate, cocaine or poisonous drug of 'any sort. "A mother living in Charleston, Mass., the 8" nappy r of four -children, writes: § Every fall and winter T have laid in a stock of cough medicines, €roup mixtures, and throat remedies for. my little children, for R soichow or otlcr they mever seemed to be free from colds, croup of sore throat. «This fall '1 made a chaoge in the usual program. 1 had myself been cured of an ob- "stinate eatarth, from which I had suffered for "years, . by Stuart's Catatrh Tablets, and as they were pleasant to take I determined to 'try them with my children. Our family phy- 8 sician told me he knew them. to be perfectly 'safe and nothing better could be taken. So 'T gave them' to the children and. have ccn- "tinted to do su ever since, whenever there is "the least sign of croup or sqft throat, aed I 85.0 Tonger dread the approach of col weather as I once did. Rl © 'Stuart's Catarrh. Tablets not only cured me of, chronic nasal and throat catarrh, but £ they have saved me many an anxious says: "My nostrils up, and 1 had © thought of stomach, took aw; bor of -Stuart's cured of catarrh and he felt he lighted me. cough or cold in chronic 'catarrh remedy." how useless they pleasant Druggists age, is the safest causing an inflamed, eating breakfast often uausested me and the catarth gradually getting into my + My. druggist "1 always keep a box Tablets in the house and the whole family use tliem freely on the first appearance of » People who have used sprays, salves, and washes for catarrh and have found pight with my little ones."' Mr. A. R. Férabank of Columbus, Ohio, "1 suffered so many winters from Catarrh that I took it as a matter of course, and 'that nothing would cure it except & change of climate, world not permit me to take. which my business atfairs wete almost always clogged Breathe through the mouth, irritated throat. -. The ay my appetite and digestion, advised me to try a So cent Catarrh Tablets, because he said he had so many customers who had been use of these tablets, honestly recommend by the could them, T took his advice and used several boxes with results that surprised and de of Stuart's Catarrh the head. y "With our children we think there is noth. ing so safe and reliable Tablets to yard off croup and colds, and with older people I-have known of cases where §¥ the hearing had beet seriously as Stuart's Catarrh imi paired by cured entirely Uy this new inhalers, are, will he agreeably sure prised at the results following the use of a internal remedy in everywhere admit thal Tablets, which they sell tablet form. Stuart's at so cents per pack- most effective and popular of all catarrh remedies, SCHOLLINBERGER ESCAPES. ait p---- Men Arrested In: Chicago Jumps Through Window, On Train, Baltimore, Md. Feb, 11.--A daring escape of a prisoner from a railroad}, sorted to the logal police department. RK Géorge Scholtinberger, under the charge of United States deputy 'mar: shal Bdwérd - Bt. Clair, left Chicago over the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, en route to Philadelphia, where Sehol Jinberger is wanted on a charge of Vio: lating the oleomargarine law: According to the deputy marshal's stoty, shortly after 'the train left the city Schollinbierger Went imo the toilet in which they were guard ot teavelling. Alter standin Clair's the door for ten minutes St. the room empty and the window shattered, The train was immediptely stopped and St Clair returned over the tracks to Baltimore and reported the escape to marshal Farnam. A description of the prisoner was at once sent to all the Pglice stations and a sharp lookout is ing kept for him. They cure smothering, ness, apmemia, in ---- FROZEN TO DEATH. . -- and lack of An Old Man Found Dead In The These pills aré'a' liseases arising nerves, weak heart or watery blood. palpitation, dizziness, faint and weak spells, shortness of breath, swellings of feet and ankles, nervousness, MILBURN HEART AHR specific for all | from disordered sleepless- hysteria, St. tus' , partial paralysis, brain fag, female complaints, goascal itality, Pri debility, rice §0¢. 8bo%, Snow Driits. Peterboro, Ont, Feb. 11:--David Val- entine was found frozen to death on Monday in snow driits, a short dis tance froui the road' near Burleigh Falls. Valentine, sixty-two years of age, hails from &t. Thomas, and Has beeri workhig for some time as a farm uberer for "W. J. Hicks, Harvey. He cathe in to Peterboro last week® and Jeft for the comtitry on Saturday. The nn dently overtaken by wight Before he expected, and' getting off the road amongst the drifts" Tost courage, and did not have the strength and Fi ~Fool- La Grippe a Cold then ght to Weep 'pp the struggle long 'enotigh to find the road again. ------ A Good Thing. German Syrup. is the special prescrip: tion of Dr. A. Bosh, a celebrated from any ne. a TE the sun. the severest naiure, removing, fog. Abs Saute of the 3 tes Pu m ot It is wot an. ex or beutal madicios e, but bas stood she tf ing every case as tacks the Capsules. ascents fora UWANT. If you are mer¥ous ar dvepeptio try Carter's Littlé Ler Pith. Dyspepsia | Whe is there, that has oot ed it so? Fnere are more physical wrecks to-day fooling with a cold than - Uwanta GRIPPE Capsule * treatmient doesn't fool a cold for a minute--it at- | eyil"ikills the cause and i prevents grippe, catarrh, "consumption ption, nervous ordefs and genera! debility. Don't be without Uwanta S-------- 3 your druggies kasn't got i, enclost A MTG CO. Lad. Ottaws, Ons. through cause "toot of the dis- HENRY P. S v CLEAN COAL. - You might a8 well have A clean coal for your grate fire--it's easy to get and costs no more than the , other kind. Our Cannel coal is clean coal--a splendid general purpose fuel and particularly good for use in grates. [HE RATHBUN CO. NORTH "POLE Ie a hard plate 10] Bid, ei Soh Bear ae bard as fo find a plas thet can beat ours 1 for bargwine We Lave received the frst somsignment ol our TOP ROUND BALES. lor mes. Ask lo sie our ENAMEL BAL. made os the new flat last American syle Seen from § to 10. Pries, 88.78, 10 per bent decount rudents LYON'S Navel Oranges. Grape Fruits mr JY sini A. J. REES, Princess Susoes. Phos 88.7 prs