" ANGIER'S PETROL 'COD LIVER OIL ete PiBipes relieving the most ob- stinate cough, and soothing and Nealing thie throat and lungs, Augier's Petrglenm Emulsion promotes a pit , #ids digestion, snd great proves the general health, Then it is DE eANARS to take snd agrees with the weakest stomach. Uniike cod liver oil, it does not upset the diges- h and cante nonses. Any t's Petroleum Emulsion is buttes liveroil in every way. Give didn 'and. weak, Setiesto jo. It will make them strong hod robust. Nothing so g chronic conghs. Alt druggists sell ANGIE. Pe troleum Two sizes, 50 cls. 1.00 a bottle. Be sum you get ANGIER'S. Angin Cupsical COMPANY BOSTON, MASS, It Has a Marvellous Record As a Life Saver. J Paive's Celery Compound makes sick people oll ht is the one true spoils vied an wescribed to-day by out en Physicinnk for disenscs aris ing from a debilitated . nervous sy tem." Prof. Phalps, M.D, the discover er of Paine's Celery Compound, gave his wondorial prescription to his pros feasion as A positive core for wasting steal; om eles debility, sleepless ness, liver complaint, }iduny dirense, rheumatism and neuralgia, and the marvellous medicine sas saved tens of from death. Painw's Celery Compound is the only trué merve and tissue builder, it quickly fortifies the weak pari of the body and promotes the healthy acti- vity "of the ergans that make the blood and keep it pure. Let us urge you to test the power and virtues of "one Bottle; it camtiot 'disappoint you "it has cured others suffering as you now suller, and it will most assuredly do the same for you. J.. Ralston, Nixon, Ont , testifies as follows : "It gives me great ploasare to add my testimony to the ever in creasing popularity of vir prepares tion 'known as Paine's Celery Com und.. It is now a yegr past since | had a severd attack of nervous pros trati eansal by ehronic dyspepsia, and for a Sear I colild not sleep at night. This condition of sleeplessness brought of délifiom, 1 was atteaded by four of the best doctors of the pountry, end took a grea quantity of medicine, but all failed to do me ang ood. | thew devided to try your Paid' Celéey Compound.' After] Fad used four bottles the nervousness and dyspepsia left me, ad | have done more work since 'than for vears past. I wow enjoy excellent health Land consider mysell completely cured. 1 have highly recommended your Paine's Celery Compound to others." x lan Line Live an Londonderry. Prom St. Johs. From Halitay, : etiam Fe gi 17th Feb { , lat March ; rd Marek Cugipthign, 8th March ... .. vo Mth. March and ards; I New York te G1 loyal Mail Steamers. 24th Feb RATES OF PASSAGE. Tene dal "KINGSTON. Dominion Business (College. "TORONTO, 4 'equipment in BREE Je inaugurated and every ---------------------------- IN REGARD TO THE SPREAD OF SMALLPOX. Character Of The Malady Chang- ing--May Assume a Fatal Type--~Prompt Measures Must Be Taken. Chicage, Feb. 11.~In a fourcolomn article the Chicago Tribune of yester- duy, among other things, says, in re 4 gard to the small-pox disease Medical experts no longer eonceal their apprehension and assert that on ly by widespread unity of action can further contagion be avoided. Small pox now is more widely spread than at any time since the great seven years' pandemic of 1879 to 1885. During 1001 there' was an increase of 911 per cent. in the number of cases iri the ten states, of which Illinois is in the southern tier. Between Decem ber ih, 1900, and January 24th; 1901, only 1,070 cases were reported from this territory. During the Lsimilar period which closed last month 10.520 cases were reported. The federal government's reporis with the opening of the present year show that swiall-pox has invaded twenty-three countries and every quar ter of the world, Germany bas been held to be the best vaccinated country in the world, but even in Berlin three cases of small-pox have appeared. In London the situation this winter has 4 been so serious that at one time it was feared the coronation would have be postponed because of it, Thaw far the disease in the west and northwest has been mild and the death rote has been low, Gut the warning is now sounded that the disease may change 'at any time to the most viru- lent type. Already this change has come in the north Atlantic states, Whiére the death rate has inc from twenty to thirty per cent. In Hlinois probably the most serious situation is found at Shelbyville. The civenis court has adjourned on account of smiall-pox and other heroic precaw tions are being taken. Two new cases were reported 'in Chi: cago yesterday. In each instance the contagion was brought from adjoining states. These made a total of forty- seven cased in the city. For years it has heen the custom to suppress facts relating to small-pox. The Chicago health officials have de clared against this most vigorously, hot, in many states the facts are wit ed, - Smithville, for instance, will declare! that it has no smallpox, but that at Jonesville, 100 miles away, there are 100 cases, while Jonesville is as equal ly positive that it has no smallpox as that Supithville fairly reeks with it. In order that the situation in the in: fected districts might be known, ithe Iribune has secured reports from the more important points in Ilinois, fowa, Indiana, Michigan and Wiscon- w in. Out of eighty-one cities and towns a Indigna, Towa, Michigan sand Wis: sonsin, thirty-eight report that they are at present free from smallpox. Toss than 'a dozen, however, "tate that they have not had cases during the winter. In nearly every instance there have been cases in the surround ng country vistricts, Of twenty-five Towa towns and cities ive report that they are free of the lisease Of thirty Wisconsin towns, seven say that the disease has not appeared here or har been stamped ont. Fourteen out of twenty-four cities wel towns in Michigan elaim either ever to have heen infected or to be rée of contagion at present. In Jlodiana twelve out of 'ities report the same thing, Des Moines, la., admits 210 cases. Local officials who visited there place the number at from 400 to 700. Sioux City, 1a.."had 300 cases during the winter, but asséris that only sixty «ist now, Other cities report from thirty-five to a hali dozen or less These reports show that the dill se has gai a foothold in a wide belt, The crusade of Chicago's board of aealth, beaded hy commissioner Rey: lds and hief medical inspector Spalding, is aimed at stamping out mallpox in a territory em 00,000 square miles and containing & ulntion of 25,000,000 people. n line with this plan the medical ind "surgical staffs of seventeen rail onds entering Chicago have been en: isted. A campaign of education is to effort made © arouse authorities of negligent 'owns and cities from their apathy. Yhore municipal officials fail of their uty, state boards of health will be wked to interfere, "Unless smallpox is checked," said Tr. Reynolds, "a panic of death may weep the country. This is not a 'sears' statement. It is plain truth." thirty He Is Improving. Groton, Mass, Feb. 11.--There was i somewhat decided improvement to- lay in the hudliticn Theodore ,mosevelt, jr. theug is in rave danger. Secretary SR in nointerview at 8:30" a.m, ssid that a ittle pleurisy in the right lung had 'eveloped, but that the temperature ml rempiration of the patient were nore favorable than yesterday. The Batteries Increasing. v mote Results arrived this worn ; battery wl *'ne Sante five vender etrength. ne «if twenty-five under #7 that both ------ a 1 -- A London Clerk Tells of Struggh With Poverty. London, Feb. 11.--Marrying while in his teens, without even the money to pay the clergyman's fees, Eustace Cecil Talboys, after a fifteen years' struggle for existence, took his life with a revolver to end his troubles, Talhoys, who was a clerk in the Victoria mutual company, and Tived at Westhorpe Put ney, was 6 good husband and the best of fathers until two years ago, when he lost some monev. At the same time he borrowed £700 on a re version, and purchased a house for £375. His life story, contained in a letter {0 the secretary, is puthetic in the ex- tieme. It reads : "Desir Sir,--1 much regret I have to feavé you so abruptly, bul no one more than you is aware of the uncer- tainty of this life. I was born in the venr 1508, and lived with my grand. futher, who had an income of £5000 a vear ond died worth £135,000, and all he bequéathed me was his total jenorance of the value of money and after want of common sense. "When | loft school I lived with my mother, who then bad an income of whont £1,500 a sear, and instead of putting me 'to some. oteupation, al Jowed we to waste the best years of toy life in idleness and folly, "At the age of cighteen 1 married bone of the prettivst women it is pos sible to conceive. Our only assets were the ¢lothes we stood ap in; I even had to borrow the clergyman's fees. This act 'of lunacy in addition to what I have learned cost my mother aboat £1,000, and myself the loss of £3,000, besides fifteen years of misery ana poverty. It has also wrecked the lives of mysell and wile and poor lit tle children, and broken the hearts of our' parents, and this not caused through vite, but only' folly, "1 feel sute that my wife will bene fit by my quitting this weary world, a8 she will marry again, and friends will help her that would not help her with me. "I have been nearly killed three times, but, I suppose, fate ° preserved me to be a curse to this world, wonder you stood my miserable coun: tenance so long; but 1 was not al ways so, but I was one of the bright. est, smartest young fellows you could have wished to meet, but have been crushed. + "The: law ought to control early marriages in some way, as a few words of advice from an official who would supply the want of common: sense in love-sick couples might deter them before it is too late, and save vears of misery and a wanton pro duction of consumptive and anaemic children. -- Yours regretiully, K. C. TALBOYS." Ap the inquest, when the above let ter. was xead, the jury returned a ver dict of 'Suicide daring temporary in- sanity," and expressed their condol ence with the widow, insurance street -- Pittsburgh Council. Feb, 10.--All members present. MBy ed, Allen-Darling, that the minutes be amended by inserting the words "that tenders for the crushing and spread ing of stone, be opened on March 10th next, and that the minutes as amend wd be adopted; caryied. The auditors' report, detailed statement and balance choot, were read in detail, Moved, Pacling-McFarlane, that the auditors 1eport and statement be adopted, and that 200 copies be printed in pamphlet forin at cheapest rates; carried, On communication of clerk of township of Gloucester re amendment of munici pal act, no action, On application of Rev. Mr. Tighe, asking » grant to Kingston general hospital, moved Maxwell Allen, that $30 be granted; carried. Moved Dailing-McFarlane, that the collector be relieved of $3.80; carr Accounts passed: Oram & Carter, advertizing, 25; John Cock barn; work, $8.85; 8. Anglin, lumber, S525: W. H. McLean, work, 75; James Laverty, stone for crushing, $14; T. Turner, work, 81. The ac- count of M. Bryne was left over, Mov- od Darling-McFarlane, that the audi tors be paid $10 each jor their rer vices; carried. The petition of John Dunden was left over till next meet ing. The collector made return of percen collected on © arrears of £23.26. Moved McFarlane - Maxwell, that the printing be given by tender to whomsoever will do the work at Jowest figures; carried. No action on the application of the collector for extras remuneration for collecting per centage on arrears. Adjourned till March 10th, ! The Money Turned Up. On Sunday, 20d inst, W. Quinn, hide inspector, mailed a letter, con taini $4 to his wife, in Toronto. Mreé. Quin, id response to enquiries, stated 'that the letter and money had not reached her. 'The matter was re ported to the post office inspector, who at once began an investigation. This morni Mr, Quinn received 'a is wife, 'informing that she had yesterday received e letter and money all right. The let ter had to the wrong and laid in Toronto a week before be ing delivered 10 the rightful ower. A Surprise Party. A cvowd of youm ple gathered at the home of Miss May Cousins to fender a surprise party to Miss L. Lawlest and Miss Nellie Vanaskey. They 'indulged in card playiog and games util & Jus hour, and after par reshments, jourpeved a ! : a home. was during the evening by J. Hacket and S. Sals- fir : early OUR BUSY REPORTERS, The Spice of Every Day Life-- What the Peopls Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At tention. Frostenae hockey team will every bight until the match The praciaos with Cornwall, An elegant lot of . hair brushes at 40. former price He, fur this week only. E. C. Mitchell. " Limestone City escampent, Xo. 15, met last night, and conferred the pa- trinrchal Jegtee on a new member, Bath brushes that were $1.25, are pow $1 at our 20 pet cent discount sale of brushes. KE. C. Mitchell. Mrs. (Dr) Emery and children are spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Birch, Bagot street. The sergeants of the 14th regiment, to have met last might, postponed their meeting until Wednesday even ing. Summmonses. were issued to-day for five persons wanted to give evidenee in the Barrigan ease beiore the police court. Hn thé - Winnpeg council, Monday day night, the motion declaring in favor of Sunday cars was defeated by six votes to five " The Calvin' company has a new steambarge under course of eonstruc- tion. The keel is laid and the rib works are-being ; The death is reported at Morris burg, on Feb. 7th, of J. Edward Ros- amond, C.K. eldest son of B. Rosa mond, M.P., Almonte. The Cleveland ¢ity council has au- thorized the director of law to draw up the necessary ordinances for a sys- tet of three cent fare street car routes, There was no quorum at the meeting of the property committee at the hoard of education rooms last night. 'Phis was the first committee meeting of the new board. A market gardener's poon opposite * the Y.M.C.A. hall, spilling his produce "over 'the atreet railway tracks 1t took the gardener hali an hour to collect his miscellan cous load, The Macleod, NW. T., town council has decided to offer the C. P. R. $9.- 766 to move its depot and freight shed to a point within the town lim its. All passenger trains to stop there. The opposition in the Australian parliament criticize the speech of lord Hopetoun, governor-general of the commonwealth, because he defended the government's course in regard to a new contingent. The annual meeting of the Calvin company was held this afternoon. Re ports showed that the past year had been a prosperous one, A generous dividend was declared The same directors and officers were re-appoint rig upset at At eleven o'clock, secretary Cortel vou made the following statement of the condition of the president's son : "Since the favorable announcement of the morning his condition has re main unchanged and the < pleurisy, which developed this morning, has proved to be very slight so far." A Quiet Wedding. A quiet wedding took place at half past eleven o'clock on Tuesday in St Mark's church, Bargpielield, when R. Vashon Rogers, K.C., LL.D., and Miss Alive Maud, eldest danghter of the late R. M. Moore, were united in marriage The cersmony was per formed by the vemsrable archilagoon Worrell. Fhe bride, attired in a tra velling 'suit, wes attended by her sis ter, Mise M. Moore, and was given away by ber brother, Charla. Only the immediate relatives of the con tracting parties were préseat After tte ceremony Dr. and Mrs. ilngers left by G.T.R. for Montreal, thence proceeding to New York,' aml there taking : the steamship for the Wermu dan, where they will remain for months. two This Is Moonshine ! Brockville Recorder. A reverend gentleman who is not as young physically as. he once was, but whose wit is as bright as ever. hands the Recorder this: 'A story is told on a man named Moon whe was pre- sented with a daughter by his wife. This was a new Moon. The old Moon was so overcome with joy that he went off and got drunk. That was a full Moon. When he became sober he had' twenty-five cents left. This was the last quarter. But when his moth- er-in-law met him at the door with a rolling pin there was a total eclipse on the in with several stars visi bie."' { Recovers Rapidly. Riverside, Cal, Press. The hosts of friends of Miss Eliza- beth Gordon Rose, will be much pleas- ed to know that she is rapidly re covering, Several weeks ago Miss Rose went to Tratt's senitarium, and there underwent a very serious surgi- cal opetation. Under the skilful treat ment of physicians and the best of nursing, her restoration to health hae been steady and sure. Miss Rose is now the guest of Mrs. W. G. Fras or, on Lemon street, where she has been since last Monday. ----------------s-------- Caused a Demonstration. Sofia, Bulgaria, Féb. 11.---The Mace donians uwhili the oecasion of the funcral to-day, of M. Kamtchefi, the minister of public instruction, sssas- sinated on Thursday last, hy making a political demonstration. They gath: ered in numbers and fired volar revolvers in all directions. So far as known ho One was wounded, but those who took part in the proces sion were thrown into digorder, he Seriously Injured His Eye. George - A MeGowan, cigar mavv- fecturer, is confined to his home «uf fering witha painful wound. A few days ago he stumbled over a packing cess, and, in falling, hit his oye ageinst a corner of the box. A had ent was inflict, and be narcowly es caped losing his eyeight. ---------------- Died At Storrington. Sp ag Ear Sr much to be regretied, hited, 20 Mountain St. Mogireal, P. HONSOON Is sold only Geta in Scaled Packets, from your grocer and try it. It i8 Welclous. ~~ "INDO-CEYLON TEA. KEPT BEES IN HIS PARLOR. | -- Clements Didn't Know It Until They Stung Him. Rochester, N.Y., Fei. 10.--For some time past bees have been annoying the family of Jawes R. Clements Every day or so a bee would crawl out of the opening made for one of the sliding doors between the sitting room and the parlor, Lazily poising itheli, the bee would fly about the room unhtil its career was cut short by a slap from the palm of Mr. Cle ments or somebody else in the house But another bee would come forth and take the place of the slaughtered one. It finally dawned upon Mr, Cle ments that he was keeping bees in his house. The discovery made no particular impression on him unt the other day when one of them stung him. * Hot water was thereupon procured, and the spot whence the bees issund was deluged with it, but hot water was a {ailure so far as concerns the extermination of the bees. So were other devices for circumventing insect marauders in the homes of men. While Mr. Clements was till. hot up on the trail of the bees, another mem ber of the family came into contact with -one of the small disturbers, and, after a brief struggle, although the bee was destroyed, a couple of pieces of furniture were sacrificed and the happiness of the family was disturhy ed. That night carpenters were sent for, and upon the day following there was a sound of loud hammering and rip ping and tearing ol wood. Mi, Cie ments, from another part, of the house, directed the attack. © The workmen tore away a couple of partitions and then discoverad that a whole swarm of bees had taken up its | abode there. Many had pecished, but still there was a large, active con tingent, and they resisted. the intru- | gion. But sweet were the fruits of | victory. "Honey; bushels of it 1"! whouted one of the carpenters, tearing into the | room where Mr. Clements was sitving Further investigation, after the | bees had hee driven away, showed the presence of thirty pounds of delicious honey. Tt cost Mr Clements $185 to put his house in repair. r---------------- Found A Kissing Bug. Apple Hill, Ont 1! While Mi: Haye:, he creamery hw was taking out ice Friday, he found heantital sf of the 'kissing bug, whl h wa lively when he took it it } He y it it on a cake of ¥ ishing his foad. and » examine it brought it to th to Mr. Johnson, who pow has il window. It is sen in this , Feb. owner of b in the cree mm Mr. John it hy putting water. It did pot come farge 'drop of green, poisononrelo ing stuff coved from its mouth, which Mi Johnson promptly threw out and then yinsed the basin with a solution of carbolic aeid. a ------ Trial Of Carter's Associates. Feb, 11.~The secs ro-day, of United it into a basin of to life, but o Savannah, * Ga. rion which began, States district court for th wthern district of Georgia, is to Le made no table by the tial" of Penjamin I Greane. John FE. Gayoor and WV. 1 Gaynor, who are under in jetment for conspiracy with former Capt. Oberlin M. Carter, to defraud the government of large sums of money on river and harbor contracts, 'The defendants, sided by immense wealth and wide so cial and political influence, have mide heroic efforts to. escape trial, but the impression is general that they have now reachett the end of their resources and that they will be compelled to appear in court in answer to the seri ous charges made against them. ---------------- Miss Roosevelt Comes Of Age. | Washington, D.C., Feb. 11. Mise | Alice Roosevelt, daughter of the pre | sident, 'became of age to-day, having | heen born February iith, 1584. Many | me saages of congratulation and well } wishing were received a¢ the White house from all parts of the country, | together with a large number of gifts and remembrances from relatives and friends. t-------- To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to eure. BE. W. Groves signature is on each box. 25¢. -------------------- At this season of the vear thous ands, of women sre delightiolly em ploved in the hooking of pretty mats aml wigs for the ortimentation of the living rooms. For this pleasant work the Diamond Dye Mat and Ray Peiterns are the best and most satis factory. These popular patterns ave richly. colored on the best quality of Sentech Hessian fwoortsd speeiaily for this work. I vour dealer cannot dsow you these Mat and Rug Patterns vondy for working, send your address tn The Wells & Richwroson Co. Lis Q.. and Pov will receive fron of cost full range of designs with sizes and prices. ! O - g My goodness, how a sprain does hurt! Agpd it isn't the pain alone that is to be dreaded, but the loss of time and wages. There is today many a person with a sprained wrist, elbow, hip, back, knee, or ankle whois unable to . work, and is losing many a dollar in wages. What a pity it is that these people won't get a bottle of . Omega Oil and cure them- * selves! Why don't they rub their sprains with this green<colored liniment, and get back: to their work again? - Maybe they'll try Omega Oil some of these days, and then theyll find out for sure that there's one liniment in the world which can be de- pended upom to cure sprains, bruises, strains, swellings, and all other bodily aches and pains. It is good for everything a lini» ment ought to be good for. Never take u fubstitote tor Omega Of), If your druggist persistently refuses to give what you ask for, ths . Omage Chemical Co., #57 Broaliway, New York, will mall you a botije, prepaid. for gol fo cash, money order or SIAMPE. T E KERN B ment. arc now to hand. NERS; delayed in ship In order to 'make room for same we will dispose of our. stock ol AUER I LIGHTS AT COST. Pear Shape, 55c. Large. with Shade, 65c. J. W. OLDFIN, WE 283 King Street. THOUGHT 1900 was a banner year with vs in Cook Stoves because we sold 131 "HAPPY THEUGHTS, But 1901 was still better,' in that we sold 132, Why This Large Sale ? If you require a New Cook Stove it will. pay you to | make enquities. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street, Telephone 35. "iron ovens. design, dureble, convenient and always ready for duty ELLIOTT BROS.