KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1¥02. 4 Besson iv drawing to a ¢'ose, We mu § close out our ONELIES, pA MT INTRODUCE THE &H. (as rettington Bt. ssenseceseree Ri at a BES er Sissi The Dally Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. 14th sergeants meet, 8 pm. The son rises Thursday st 7:00 am. and sets at 5:27. South Froutenae Oranges Lodge, meets 1 pm, Thursday. Hotkey matoh, Bicycle olub vs. Fesblers, Kingston rink, § pm. Fvary one is jmlous of something or some Vody. Awd no owe is happy who Ww jealous People of bud breading snd worse taste will continue to be troublesome wotil the sod of Why too vier like o soldier? Becunes it is Hwtod and traived, bas ten deills and then shoots Tn whith profession fs ft hardest to make ® Hing ? The dentist's, lwcanss he lives from band to mouth. gt Did you ever potion Bow the bridi's at tendants always came from out of town, widle the groomwiwn ure home products Howe things don't woit the Women. A man may not thoroughly realize what a small fgure he cuts in the workl, but when Be in BO or 60 years old, he Begins to have suepioions that ure very oear the truth. This day in the world's history ~Plwmer stencks Boers ot Ramutss, in attempt to relieve Maleking, 1900; British wider = Gon. Franch sige Debiel's Drift, 1900: , disanicons Wodler wsplovion at Québee, 1891; Abrbaw Lincolw born, 1809; Sulten"of Turkey grants Amnesty to Armenian ingurgents' at Zeitown, 1896. : dg Fine Glassware. See the handsome pieces ofthese goods in our window. A line we always carry and can be matched at any time. ROBERTSON BROS. NEW GRAND °"*50use A. J. SMALL, Lesses and Manager. : THURSDAY, 1 3th ". FEBRUARY NY IN COMPANY A Depmutinstion of Winston Ohbrobill's la- (mous movel of the same mame. © PRICES Pricey, 28¢., CT n on sale at HANLEY'S. February 200, Eugenie bath 1 eee § 3 ' The Wreck Of, The Sloop Of War 4 ndor. GLE) sh 18. There is' no ope fof H.W. sloop of \ * which left Were on De- 'eomber 2nd fof © Hondlufu 'and "which bas not since Been reported. * The sur vey ship' Kgevin rotuinbd 10 port yes terday alterngon * from (a ip Along the west coast ' of ~ Vancouver Islan reports that at. Claydquot, g officers found wrec from the Con- dor which shows that the warship been smashed No. 0-H, P. | ith, G. & . son, skipy6. Brie. H. Youldon, T. Crystal fi | says THE TENT OF A TREATY Between Great Britain and Japan [T BAS CAUSED SURPRISE NO SUSPICION THAT ALLIANCE WAS PROPOSED, Newspaper Comment is Hurried And Superficial--It Will Cen duce to The Great Benefit of Trade--Actuated By Similar Views. London, Feb, 12.~The issuance, last night, of a parliamentary paper, giv- ing the text of a treaty between Great Britain and Japan, for the pre- servation of China and Corea, came as a complete surprise in every guar ter, there having been no suspicion that such an alliance was in contem- plation. The text was issued so late that thé newspaper comment is some- what superficial and hurried, The Morning Post: contends that the support of Great Britain and Japan onght to enable China to. feel securi- t¥. and therefore 1o order its internal aflairs so as to conduce to the great benefit of trade. The Standard is sure the agreement will be received with enthusihsm 3 Gms Britain. The Daily Telegra 4 convi that t ily will he most, acceptable to the British nation, apd will not be Wis shended by fqreign powers. ¢ Times endorses the treaty' hy formulating a nolicy which threatens nobody; It believes that the agree ment can tend only to promote a sat: isfactory understanding with Russia to whom it is unnecessary to impute ah aggressive intention which she has repeatedly repudiated. The Mail, approving of the treaty, says it is useless to disguise the fact that it is aimed primarily at Russia. In support of this view it asserts, up. on what it says is unquestionable au- thority, that the relations between Great Britain and Russia have be- come regrettably impaired in con sequence of Muscovite duplicity, "res. pecting the future of Manchuria. The Chronicle, liberal, savs that the treaty profoundly affects the British policy. British isolation, splendid or otherwise, is forsaken for a dual al- Jiance. The radical Daily News, calls the agreement sensational, and says it ends Great Britain's magnificent is- olation with a pretty sudden check. The parliamentary paper covers a despatch sent by lord Lansdowne, the secretary of state for foreign affairs, January 30th, to the British minister at Tokio, Sir Claude M. Macdonald, and comprises a signed copy of the agreement. lu explanation the paper "The agreement may be regard. 'el an outcome of the events of the past twp years. Throughout the Box- er troubles Great Britain and Japan had heen in close and uninterrupted communication, and actus by similar views." "We desire," says lord Lansdowne, 'that the integrity = And oh be ng disturhance of the terri tora) 'status 'quo whether in, China or the adjoining regions.". + hi TO: MOVE REPLY. ¥ ay -- So p-- ' * To Address From Throne In: The Cotawn, Feb. 12. -<Fenitor F. "L. Béique, of Montréal, will 'move the sd- dress in reply © the speach from the throne in: the senate, aml redator F. W. Thompson, of Fredericton; will se cond it. The writ for the election in Kam- ourashe is issral. The homination is on February 254k, and the Jeling, if o anny, on March Tth. It ia not kelp shat there will Le any opposi- $ion offered to Mr. Carroll's re-elec- vin. . : "Me. Tarte, in addition: to. making exter sive: changes in the parliament brildings, hes decided - to give the 3 tiern SYMMONS a new carpet. The ors somewhat from that which has been in use since confederation. . A letter from James 8. Cartwright, of Yokohama, Japan, a former Cana: dian, to the trade wad commerce de- torent, says no real attempt hes ett made to get a market thers for Canacisn flour and wheat, "10," he cave, 'you could put mé in touch with some biz Manitab# millers who cotld supply ve with the best quality of flour, 1 think' we could develop this line, and 1 presame the same people wonld be able to take ap the wheat bine & 106." °° Militia orders munoguee that officers of the active militia serving in South i be © >in their and of bi B is | iad intlepe {ance of he Chinese empire' should be ror el, and 3 that Share MARQUIS AT REST. An Able Diplomat Has Died At Clandeboye. MARQUIS OF DUFFERIN, London, Feb. 12.~The marquis of Dufferin, former: governor-general of Canada, died at 6:23 o'clock this morning. CHANCE FOR THE CHURCH. Minister Sees Converts In Coming Immigrants. Otrawa, Feb. 12~Rev. Mr, Jeflries, of Winnipeg, in an address' st the meting. of the Anglican cledieal guild here, said it was confidently expected in the. west, that there would ve an influx. next sonmer. of from 73,000 to 100,000 farmers feom the American to Canadian north-west. The American farmers bad sent agents to spy out the land, and the reports of these be i favorable, they were wreanging to take vp land. He nrged the Anglican chweeh to. make arrangements for ex {ending the scupe of its missions - 10 that the spiritual weliare of this num- ber udght be looked after. He also said that about hali the Galicians were Roman Catholics, and the other ball Greek Catholics. The former had priesta of their own religious persaa- sion, but the Greek Catholics were wishout priests and appeared to favor thie docti ine of the Church of England, for when in reed of spi itual advice, they called in Anglican clergymen. They coulil, he thought, be won over to the Anglican church in the course of a short time. ------------ Wreck Of A Steamer. Victoria, B.C., Feb. 12~The steam- er Bertha, of the Alaska commercial company, is a total wreck off Kwa- kume point, fifteen miles north of Hernld point, in Fitzhugh sound. She struck 'bow on' when bound from Seat tle to Gales, early Monday morning. Refore the engines could be st » the vessel harl pounded a hdle in starboard bow, through which a horse. and cart: sould be driven: The steamer Baa. a quantity of limber in her cergo and: a bridge was made to the rocks. The ssengers and. horses were quickly landed safely. The; purser. of the Berths 'and a pum- het of passengers grrived here yester- day afternoon on the steamer Cottage City, Capt. sJohnaninsen and the other ngers remained with , the wreck. he purser: save 'the steamer struck without warning. The night was dark and "the officer: in charge must have allowed - the . vessel. to: get off her conrse. Hy v : . bears , His Ashes. At: Johns Hopkiss. Bdltimore, Md., Feb. 121¢ has just been Tuade: kitown that (the remain of the late Prof. Henry: Augustus Row- land, noted phynicist: of the «Johns Hopkins university, who died on Ap: #il 16th, 1901, had. been fremated and were in {ihe physical; laboratory of Johns. Hopkins, from whence emanat: ed miost of his scientific trinimphs. Mrs. ¢ Rowland acknowledged : that such a disposition had been made of Dr. Rowland's vémbine, and that. it was entirely in with = her husband's wishes. : gant Physician Dies Aged 108. 'Beranton," Pal, Feb. 13.~Dr. Henry Sorson, Forest City, has just died, aged 108 years: '14 is said that he wean the oldest pérson in: thewtate. He was horn near Camden, | Neb, on Match 15th, 794." He fiest practised modicing in Philadelphia and later at Forest City, all in this state, He con: tinued the practice' of medicine up to last October. Win The Championship. Earnia, Ont, Dec.' 12.-The Maple Leaf indoor. baschall club, of Sarnia, defeated the Victoria yacht club, of Hamilton, last night hére by a moore Lof twanty-seven 10 seven. The yacht eli wan composed of the pick of the Hamilton city league, hot wos ont haved © completely. This gives the ampionship of Canada to the Marle Leafs, who have defended the title suotessfully. throughout thy season. a | A Captain's Crazy Act. 84. Jena, Nido Feb. 12: Steamer Grand Manan | schooner, Prin. 4 mand. J dropped. Montrose, Hartford, Susquehanna and | tice. the separation revealed the fact that livers of twins were joined 1 THE LAD WAS A BRICK. An Episode Of laterest In New York. A BURGLAR BEHIND CRADLE. "HOLD IT UP, GREASE DRIPS," SAID MRS. ARROWSMITH. And The Man In The Mask Obeyed "He Also Soothed Crying Ba- by And Complimented 15-Year- Old Boy on Bravery--Booty, Three Rings With Diamonds. Orange, N.J., Feb. 12--"Hold that canule up straight. The grease is dripping ell over my carpet,' was the first exclamation of Mrs. W. H. Ar rowsmith, as two masked men, euch holding a revolver, entered her sloep- lag room in her residence, M Haw- thorse avenue, Kast Urunge The masked man with the candle started back, but obeyed the oum: Then he and his companion, holuying their revolvers in a threaten ing position, demanded to know where the valuables and money were kept. Mrs. Arrowsmith is. a widow with four. children. She kedps two domes tics, Bridget Leyden, a sook, and her sister, Margaret Leyden, a nurse. On Sst rday bridget compleined of a bad cold, apd Sunday morning when Mrs. Arrowsmith heard some one com- ing up the stairs she supposed it was Margaret, who had gone down for some mesicire for her sister. This impris ion, Mis. Arrowsmith said, was heightezed by the fact that she feard nothing more. As it developed later, the noise was made by the burglars, who went first to the servants' room, where the nurse, who was sleeping with, the cook because of the latter's | rickness, promptly crawled down under the bed: {lothing and did not emerge until the intrude 5 had left. The burglars, Mra. Arrowsmith said, were well dressed, and one of them was about five feet nine inches tall with light hair, and a black hander ¢hief over his face, His derby hat was pulled down over bi: eyes. The other was dark and wore a white handkerchief over his face. Mrs. Arrowsmith seid: "The tall man had scarcely warned me to keup qiriet and make no outery, but to tll him at once where I kept my valu ablks, when there was a cry from the adjoining. 'That is baby 1 remarked, and then the tall win osked me if 1 wanted the hab as he might arouse the other chil- dren. 1 told him to hring the baby in and he took Jack from y Pe crib and brought him inte other msn stood on guard in meantime." nusTy Jack,' Mrs. Arrowsmith said she told the burglars that she had no jewelry and that she was a widow and unproteet- el. Then her fiten-year-old son ick came and stood hefore the dresser, with his hands behind him. as ste cul ed the boy by name, the shorter of the two burglars speke up: + Whaett have dou got bekind you, Bick 220 0 i * Asclob," rgplind 'the' boy. "aleet drop it ow the floor," retdurn- od the burglar, as he pointed his re volver #t bik, 'and. the "Hrabty good protadiion,' vemarked the burglar, "youve got a brave boy there, madam, He enn take' care. of his mother, 4 guéss." "Have voit ne mother," asked Mra. Arrowsmith, "M }-bad, Fowouldn't be hee," re plivd the burglar. : There was some further vohverss tion and' then: the {all ~ man ssid: "Well, 'we had better ger out of here, madam; Ww have taken nothing' from your house. Let bick come down 'to the front door with us se he tan lock it afer we go." At the door the burglars shook hance with Dick and again declared that' they bad taken gothing. 'leant Lelieve you," replied Lick, *but good ight, anyway." rs. Arrowsmith foond that a ring composed a cir le of pine diamonds; & cluster ring contaiiing nine diamonds and her wedding riegs were miwing. The gold bam was marked "WRA to NA A purse containing a small sum of money was also ii wing. The thieves, however, had not looked into her dresser; where she bad # quantity of valuable jewelry. Mrs. Arrowsmith reported the bur glory to W. V, Snyder, jri, hor next door neighbor, who informed the po- Mr: - Arrowsmith thinks that te light burgiar was probably the man who eniled at her hoves on Thursday and esked who lived there, The burglars geived enleaoce by smashing a pane of gies in the kit chen, reaching through and unlocking the door. LIVERS WERE JOINED. The Saimé Words When . 12.---The tion Jor of 'the Hindoo twins 'the ether, meking my room. The the A# soon clab: 'was | BRAND NEW SHOOTS AT PORTEOUS. * Ex-Superintendent Of TIdentifica- tion Burean Arrested. ous, rormerly Superiptendent national bureau of identification, was arvested here, charged with. beating Mes. Kate Travers in ber home ax 138 Loomis street, while trying to get possession of two trunks belonging to his wile. In the struggle a lighted lamp and revolver figures. Mrs. Tra- vers is mow suffering with two broken ribs. She shot at Porteous" Mm, Travers said that Porteous attempted to set fire to her clothing with lighted lamp which he held while she was battling with him tent of her home, tically denies this, and says that Mes. Travers attempted to assault him with a club and that he was obliged to guard off the blow with the lamp Porteous was for a number of years superintendent of the national burean of identification, with headquarters in Chicago. About four months ago the bureau was removed to Washine- ton and he was ousted. Through his efforts the Bertillon system was estab lished in all the large cities. PATIENT COMMITS SUICIDE. Serhan Real Cause Of Death Is Discovered At Mor Hot Spring=, Arde, Feb. 12. It was committed suicide until his were stripped in the morgue. He had been under treatment for heart trou Fle. A nurse wes attending him ina room at the Catholic infrmary, when he very quirtly s'ipped a small pen kni'e into kis jugular vein. The profvsion of blood was accept. ed as a hemorrhage and the body wes removed to the morgve as having died from natural causes. At the morgue, when the wundertak:» stiippel. and washed the body, he dicovered the ini ion that was Inter proved to have been the eanse of his death. JOSEPH A. DOUGLAS KILLED. Was In Trial Im Which Lincoln Was Lawyer. Torekp, Kan, Feb, 12. «Joseph A Dougles was killed lost wight at his home in Lyndon by falling from a load of corn. Mr. Douglas was a wit res in the historical Armstrong mur der trial in Iliwois, when William Arms'rong wes cleared hy Abraham Lincoln. Douglas swore at the trial that he saw young Armstrong strike the fatal blow, saving that the moon was very bright at the time. Mg lin coln then produce an old almanac 'as hia only witness, hy which he proved that there was no moon on the night in question, AN EMPIRE FLAG. Great Britain To Be Properly Rep- resen London, Feb. 12.--~C. B. Bennett, the cousin of a distinguished colonial gov ernor, has 'heen authorized to design an empire flag, and has sunoceeded in sentation, without sacrificing the chief feature of liar, emblem' of 'England's »power every. quatier of the glebel ventana dani | y¥ liam © Gwe, familidrly khosen "Uncle Billy," died hers, Aped erick," Ireland. 'He came to in" 1953, landing as Chaeleston," 8.07, and coming to Chattancega in' 1664, When eighty Years old be fertod as ox press mesenger on' the Southern fal road betieen Chattanooga 'awd Bris tol: His hesrilg was périott to day of his death, apd he toyld pend without glasws up to two years slip, He maria, when fifty-five Jenrs oid, n girl of éightéen. 3 re ---------- - All Of Them Committed. police court: true hills ware; agaivet Thomas 'P. bookkeeper of Uh of 'Stiles, 'both Bookmakers. "Laurie" Marks, also implicated in the | 4 is supposed to. have committed Kui cide, Captures In The Philippines. Manila, Feb. 12.<A brother of Mal var, the insurgent leader, has captured, He was chief surgeon the Batangas insurgents suzgent post has to A strong in been captured nedr of rifles, machines Americans. Tt is believed that post formed Malvar's headquarters. Polgamy Among Mormons. Salt Lake, (Feb. 11.+The ministerial alliance of Salt Lake has unanimously setting © forth - that positive evidence can: be prodosed that polygamy. i mons af the present time ip open de fiance of the ldws of the Ph hy y, # A NEW oi SHIRT [SHIRT BANDS, stamped, re- 1ured 'to us, we will give a Baker 's Steam ry. . Rom Princess St. both practised and tanght by the Mor | Repairing | EE Chicago; Feb. 12. Georgia. M. Porte 1 of the! the : not di covered that Pennis Daly had | remains | giving colonial possessions full repre- | i the old flag--the cross of | Bt. George---which "ie in itdolf & fami | in | Dies At.Age Of 108: Fears, t . | * Ohattinooga, Toon; Feb. 12.-WH: | Bs | 10s | veyrs. Me was born in county ¥.n- | been | Calamba, Laguna province. A number | bolas and six typewriting fell into, the hands of the | this | { i WEATHER PROBABILITIES, 130i with 8 Peis Toronto, Out. pertherly winds, light Tournay, pd a now, fea | To-morrow, Tuesday, min whe base | | AD Following Days (tinghams, Sheetings, Pillow Cottocs, ele. 2th Steacy & Stesey bOKN. ING ELLA Regita. Ass. ls. 11, 1902, the wile of Willinm vugell, of & danger, MARRIED. MILTON-BARNER In Opoke's tuary. 1th, BA. Jobs A third duughier both of Pitsburg DIED. | GREENLESS Tu Storrington Feb. 1 1002, Joseph Nelwins Greases,' sae > years 4 * Toners! Thursday, 10 o'closk. Frias - an wagtinganom respectlyly viged to ok toni JOHNSON Entered into v 1002, ow beloved won a 6. Jotinsow, 10 months, 81 days Fupetal private, 5 - O'BRIEN ls Kingston, on Feb. 1hh. Gathe eine Kelios, | heloved wile of (Lawrencs OBrien, & {ules ® yw Funeral notion rE ; a, § i Pb. 134 and Mrs a Ha Amiority | NORTHMORE «At Cataragui, Febery 3100, Janoph | Sod: Louisa, : wife of the inte Northmors realy tw | Furmral private, Thunday oftbraoms orbs. at hrist church, as 2.30 o'clock No Bownrs, { the | | Nature's Remedy i Cnm------ LL ---- 5 a London, Feb. 12.~In the Old Bailey | redded heat found | s a be Goudie, formerly | Liverpool 'bask; and | ail the other. defendants impliented in | the frauds on that ipstitution.: The | include "Lick" Burge, the pugilist, and | F. iT. Kelly and a man. of the name | NOT MFDICINE BUT NATURAL FOOD. ------------------------" A -------- RELIEVES 'Indigestion; Constipation and Dyspegria. smi i SHREDDED WITEAT putrinest of the whole " oughly cooked, ready to eat. Can be prepared in thres minutes cotinine ail the whent, Ther brop & postal sard to J. WH. HEW- PO Box 311, Toromo, he will wad von u Book of Food Vile std Food Facts md bow to sock and roe 2 sevaral dob X a ------------" ------------------ SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT Por Sale by all Grocers. Watches, Clocks. Jewelry. ~~ Skilled Workmen, + Moderate Prices. A.C. JOHNSTON & BRO