. gHE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 wre plies mm -- M0 SPECAL_ PRVIEEES. of everybody the utmost personal care for the prevention of fives; and | THE POWER TO EXEMPT FROM | TAXATION : WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE. omah, Lovely Woman, Demands The Right To Vote. Washington, D.€, ich 12 Kgveral hundied woven filled the First Pres byterian church, to-day, at the open ing of the annual convention of the National American woman's suffrage DESO IRTION An interesting aspect ciien the gathering by the pre sconce oi deegates from Canada and se. eral of the countries of Europe. 'the ehures was not decorated to any extent, and toe only aoticsable em blem was what i< called the we nian's flag, which coutuins the usual number of stipes, but only three siars, one for each of the states: that have grant el the ight of sufirtage tu women. the convention was called to order by Mrs. Car ie Chapman Catt, of New York, me ident of the associa isn, and the session was given over to the reception and consideration of reports preseated by the sarisun offi- ce. 5. An interes ing programme hes been arranged ior w-mght, which has boen de ignated on the vomvention pro cramme us "Tionears' night." The speakers are to include such venerable agitators in the equal sullrage move met as Svsait H.-Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Julia Ward Howe, Mary A. |icermore Isabella Peecher Hooker. Lincoln Day At Chicago. Chicago, Fel. 12.-- Banks, the board of trade, the stock exchange, the courts aml' other public institutions were closed here tomy in honor of : Lincoln's birth anniversary. - Vari ous grand srmy posts, ax well' as other organizations, hela tommamora | tive meetings in various parts of the {city during the day and special exer were held also in "the public {1HE WHIG 68th YEAR. #5 PRRLY BR published every at 80 sad ¢ WHIG, 13 psi, ursdey morning st si i Xttached ts one of the hest Job Print- ing Offices in Canada: rapid, stylish and cheap work: dine pre ses. FW. J.B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. {IIE DAILY WHIG. sOpiter per Orbem Dicor.' (hee practical result is that calls upon cities of are comparatively few. Add to i the fmct that mercantile and | business houses and public built amd dwellings European cities are, the fire departments of the A France this : Mr. Pense Took Exception to Cer- tain Clauses--The Attorney- General Thinks a Change May Be Desirable For Large Cities. FToronto, Feb. -12.-1n the private bills committee of the legislature, on Tuesday; a bill to amend an act au theorizing stock yards at Toronto Junction was considered. The Western stock market company, the onginal ncorporators and beneticiaries of legis lative sanction. have sold out to a larger concern, the Union stock yards company, which now asks to enjarge its grounds froin thirty-five to one hundred acres, and to establish a beet root farm, which can 'be advan tageously used in connection with the cattle trade. This was extenang former honus privileges, of exemption from taxes, ele., from the smaller . to average | the greater area, besides giving one beet sugar factory exceptional privi leges, but not without protest. Clause eight authorized. the town council to give to manufacturers lands | acquired at tax sales, or otherwise a | practical direct bonus; and it also contained power to fix the assess | i ment of manuiactories at the town Insurance would council's will. Mr. Pense took strong Fawerption to the clause; sHntlar--to-one i which Toronto city was asking, cause it proposed an unfair diserithi- nation between cities, and was creat {ing no tittle apprehension. The - pro- tests of the city councils of Hamilton land Kingston were instanced, and it was shown by recent votes how diffi cult it was to continue exemption from taxation when the two thirds | vote required by law had to be schools, cured. In any large city sich a pro- | Tonight two notable banquets are position assuredly encountered defeat. | to be held in celebration of the anni There was a feeling for greater leni- | versary, one at Kinsle¥'s, under the ency towards the 'amelioration of tax auspices of the Lincoln elub, and the ation, but action should be taken un second at the auditorium, under Mar der a general act by the attornev- iguette. club auspices Among the general. Mestre. Graham and Mathe- | prominent men to be heard are sena son followed © in the same line, the 'tor Thurston, of Nebraska, congress former instancing the case of the Deer. - men Foss and Prince, of Illinois ing works and the possibility of Charles Emory Smith, of Philadelphia; some place being given powers Brock- | sengtor McLaurin, of South Caralina; Iyille did not possess by which they | l.nfe Young, of Des Moines, and Cur could Le wooed away | tis Guild, jr., of Boston The attorney general felt that the | - : large cities were in a difficult position Road Reaches Hali Century Mark. owing to their inability to extend ex- Pittsburg. Pa., Feb, 12.~The loco isting agreements as to taxation be | motives of the Buffalo: & Allegheny cause a vote of two-thirds of the | division of the Pennsylvania railroad qualified ratepayers could not pos- | were decorated with flags and bunting i sibly be secured. A general revised | to-day in celebration of the fiftieth | regnlation scemed to be called for,-- | anniversary of the road The road perhaps giving the people the right | was one of the pioneer enterprises of {to Yote local exemption by-laws on a |its kind in this part of the country. majority vote. and has had an eventful career during My. Matheson advocated a return to |its hali century of existence. [It was the city council control by two- |eriginally chartered as the Pittsburg, | thirds vote, Kittanning & Warren railroad, and it My. Carscallen, Hamilton, led & more or | posed to any bonus, either once, t, and Mr. Ross | ca bh. 'or freedom from taxation. The The electors are | People would, in time, heartily en | dorse such a measure after practical fings more substantially Xs as a rule, much built than those either of fireproof or very slow-burn and explanation is af disasters from fire as San in American cilies, ing material, forded why such that visited upon Paterson on day are seldom known in Europe. The French law would work a revo It ey ery of MANY OF OUR SHOES: 4 ¢ ' The regular stamped price goods all RE DUCED. Everything cutin price at our ee -- -------------------------- OPPOSITION ORST RUCTIVENESS There was the Ross bv a special act, the work of a great owtery because at the provided for this that government, fast poessIOn, ¥ lution in the insurance business the completion of " the effect of meking there RED LETTER SALE. | PAGKARD'S $4.50 Men's Shoes $3.25 (Tan), s_ Shoes $2.50. PACKARD'S $3.50 Men (Tan), - ; UEEN TY $3. ies' Q EEN QUALITY $3 75 Ladies $2 7 THE SUTHERLAND'S 83 Ladies' $2 Shoes. - - - - - . year Alrvady are signs would have eareinl 'about the use is premises. Incendiarism it hut it coula not the opposition is going to prolong the | insurer more The budget its weary length yet fire upon b might not suppress. be expected that t premies the fire oceurred to it when he got nothing for The tendency of the Jessness, especially indefinitely dragging along Mr. Whitney has not spoken. He wanis to have ihe tL word, and his Thends are grieved he than, the to Y ; Tired of Moving. After wany experiaives, you will oume to he conclusion ibet wmoviel dust pay i yollf hone you wouldn't have to atid cumin, aad be We buve » sitting speech ie he man on whose coula be - wove last Modi prerahent and proposition te intorest yous D. A. CAYS 346 King Street. PLEASE uO for, IS FACT. | will be made the foundation for That we are fully prepared to sup | merous speeches, allegations and sean- od your avery. want as lar as pure {dals, 17 they ali go through the a and prone Fri di " w j days will pass, and there will be a ing is our forte We continually Aim i perfect deluge of talk. The to please our patrons in two great | house was expected to rise at Easter. esventiale--quality and low prices. | It will 'remain beyond that, and will Sur Mack Rt Toilet preparations {run put the usual period for which it PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND | should have un But the Paine's Celery Compound in the toe government complete its pro dicine you shouid use when you lack | grams the country nerve energy, when the body is poorly | with a record its surished, when. you are weak, rim The people whe saw no ne: or despondent oF alespios. Paine's aces the nerves, and kidneys. and privy bis loss. man is towards car when he fects he is protected from fire | to a Certain extent. Would he not be this when he realized that misfortune ansing cate some minister other prefnier is said to be appainted follow him and dissect bis story, Then { all manner of returns are being moved and the presumption is that they nu and enred of - the accident and from it, in the way of fire, would be at FC pwnoexpense. be cheaper, of course, the watch against fire, it so far as since every one » would be on : and be protecteq from carviul planning could do it. small THE TRY- 8250 + "ati a E_TRY ME 82,50 Ladies $1.90. Every Shoe in Stock Reduced. Come Early. ; No approbation. All sales for cash. | J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. ---- HERE AND THERE. The Mail is concerned because James McMullen and William Gibsan, old members of the commons, have been called to the They are good | men and bound to add weight to the deliberations of the upper chamber existence. will ity i | CS and will go to ts which will ensure Kee senate. | SUCCESS, Celery Compodnd { ersgity for a bys-election in Kingstou sirengthons the liver cleanses the blood. HOAG, Drousist. Kingston, Ont. 4. REMINDER. Now is the time to have your Waggons, Carriages repaired and ~ painted and the place to get them done is at LATURNEY'S, where every thing is done under his own supervision. . 300 . PRINCESS ST. | necause the session was rushing to a idsh, will now see the error of their who commanded a in New York, in the during the days of Capt, Thomas, platoon of police tenderloin district, Tammany's triumphs, for way 'and repent of it. ---- A PUBLIC OFFICIAL'S FALL. The defulcation of the public librar- inn iu Hami'ton reveals such an ab- ence of business muthods thut the li has purchased a £160,000. Who n New York tenement house wouldn't be a policeman i city ? JUST WHAT WE EXPECTED. The Variety and Style of the New SPRIN WASH GouDs Caught the people's fancy and many a dollar [rary bousrd in resily responsible for The official was Ar expeit A better man for the place could not be had. hut be wes doing 'toe much. He not only ran the library, but the finances -- Only four of these with the late Alexander Mackenzie in the IS78 are now in public others have closed What mar fo any loss that follows. who voted in his business. commons in life, and most of their earthly pilgrimage. vellous changes a few years ¢ duce ! pro- sweol He made out the cheques and they were sigrel in dup icate, many { them, by the chairman of the hoard -- Had Mr. Whitney's friends been suc cessful in their plans, some years ago, there would have been no New One It was saved for and the chairman of the finance com: to the they mi tee. One was not expected counte sign any chejues ther was in the city, and yet less was ap in laod, while precarious exist part of the time in the hands of a receiver, until absorbed by the Pean sylvania company two Vvears ago, tario to exploit. the Mowat governmen see both signing right along, and in r was # member of it. vrefm ¢ ignorance that they were em: Telephone 152. m-- BAKIN POWDER Covering the librarian to 'raw salary twice. wen any check upon His work. 'The wrong was inexcusable and long soniinued: Not for a year had there his | not likely to forget this. application. ------ The clergymen of Toronto are wor: | rving a great deal too much about | the theatre and its influence. The preachers, by the way, who patronize ACROSS THE BORDER. He State. Notes Of Interest From New York Methodist Book Committee Meets. Cincinnati, 0., Feb, 12--Members of the book committee which has super- vision of the publishing interests of the Methodist Episcopal church 4n the United States, assembled in Cincin crossed the counter in exchange for some of the pretty things. If you want to secure for spring and summer what New York, Paris and London says is correct in WASH GOODS. You can save expen<e by buying them right in your own town. They're on sale at this store. : lid as he liked, and only after he had gone away, on the day of the annual On Saturday Jabez Stallwood, for i merly of England, and now of Belle { ville, N.Y., amd Heury Herbert Car | uegie, formerly of Canadas, and now of to nati to'day for their annual business meeting. The church conducts book depositories in New York, Cincinnatl Chicago, Kansas City, Boston and the drama are not in a position criticize their flocks very much when they go dait on shows. . ---- MAKES THE me ting, wes it apparent that be had Been misusing the library money and Al hE SWEETEST AND PLA [IE ie of Scotch "1a Canada road 18 due to the * Caledonia Water, «Sold Everywhere... "FOR SALE. Aion Sradah. ut the bank was $10,000 in place fone Go nag Bad gombiler, abd thet ke had. su 1 witer 1asé in "his difkeuativn for, wag ow she wir" oY 8 2 Good mien db" sont btims 8 asl Th py are "dul cannot remit it Arvo be pitied. fojrever, somctines to Their employers, blame shem awd presuming, and ies that all s right. should be a litle more business; uw little mone exacting. It pays: we ine ofthe Hamilton library, AND ; 109 | people have riagon to Jexpat i 5 their representatives. 4 iee-- "THE. LOSSES FROM FIRE. the State of Pennsylvania hes that, as a consequence, the overdraft $4,000: Angther finding was made -- Hcbrie a ednfiryied to" Temp fationThity When they fall they leaving too muth responsibility - with not know. Pulilic. hodies long ton JU'ds a profe tion ageing o sarcty of service well done which the dnrtakien to weeure insurers on avéount | Cape Vincent, were admitted Um States citizens. The Crescent club, of Clayton, N | guyeia bull on Friday aight. Th | were! DWE BHD 'couplew ui. Me | ob the gugty were trum 'Brookville « Ganshoywe. ~~ 5 yd : As Watertown oi Suttidhy the s af $6. 307,25 'was collected in taxes good: sowing. 1) Lrinele | 7 Fivemus Walker;* of Watertown, seridusin ifjired while, drivipg to fire "at - Campbell' & * Moulion's « goods store on Saturday. Ex-sherifi Abner: W. Peck, town, on Saturday; oelehrated eightioth birthday. The event market! by a' family reunion. Sainuel Hause, . of, 'Antwerp, N died on Sarirday. at the age of ni ty-onn vehrs, three months and tw ty"oue days. ~ Hedw'ds bom i Cana Standing room in the Metropolitan opera house, New York, on the occa: sion.of Prince : Peary's visit, on Fri ity' the 250% will cont #5. Orchasira chipivs, 'are? siifipl af $30 apiece. (1 | Maupicq. Gtaw, of Ices hoi "had 8 year of it at | thse, 'priced 'ha copld afford to go irfto rv. retirement, | je Reed -------- 3 A Toronto preacher proposes that a prAYY Jeeting should be, held pone year for eitorse 'é ecvors could thed pra 'Sion of 'the « evere punishment due deliagrent sie rivers and for enlijbiennight, of those in' sacred | e-- . "anads ja not Bn suppl gt, 'a Gory paper. : Neither fe it an pértiate beprgar."' It 'has put ih An attitude th receive favours. The | ; e iden, at present, is Ro] Bull by the neck and fe | ym him, 'and Jobn jis Jet any one hold him are, for A good » iden ! E gy. for a mitidas i to the like, of | rhe Sym | im- irmdl wd ron _ eridan Wheat. New York, Feb. 1. --CGerman imps ters 'of American evercised over, the all Manitobd whe. t from this country cynseryadiv take John sagd things: fre not the man to up. : Sune ite | government has placed arf import di renin are great! affeged shipment the Ape ian product. The Garmin ted X.. re A vd m a as a fry 1 of Watpr his was ¥. he 0 a. 1 ' H -y ip .EVADING GERMAN TARIFF 1 Fol py y A Manitaa Wheat Sent In Ay Ad ir pi ns y San Francisco, and' publishes a SeOre of weekly religious papers. The com mittee" may, during its session, which will last about ane week, discuss the matter of condolidating the (wo great publizhing houses located &t New York and Cipcinnati,~ + ------t . + Winnipeg: Bonspiel. : Windipeg, Man, "Feb. 12.-+Cyae cutlers from various parts of Mani toba and Ontario, together with re présentatives from across the border, are' taking part in the annual Winn pei bonspiel which opened to-day. The indications point to an uausually sue coustul meeting. The programme in clades mine events, as follows: New York life challenge cup; Alfred Dolge trophy, Walkerville tankard, Tuckett thophy," Royal - Caledonian tasked Galt cup, McMillan cup, Whyte «up and Grand Pomt competition. A Good Reputation. Brown's Bronchial Trochés have been before the public many years, and everywhere ackhowledged to, be the best remedy for all throat tion, bles, $ 9 8 *H..' Elliott, "Ridpéfield, Mrs. Conn., says ©] have never been w th Our salespeople are enthusiastic over the goods, Such value, such style, such color combinations. To miss seeing them is to miss ecing fa.hion's latest in Zephyrs, Lawns, Organdies, Dimities and Linehs, Hindoo's Embroidered Goads. : Come and' see them. We'll clip many a yard every day. STARR & SUTCLIFFE'S, 118 and 120 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont, ------------------ mE ---- TD PALAGIC SEALING, TESTS OF COINAGE. Canadian Vessels To Be Denied United States Assayers Made Care- Privileges Of Port. Seattle. Wash., Feb. 12-A special lespatch from Unalaska says that col tector ~~ Ivey, of Klaska, has notified his deputy at Unalaska, that British vessels, from Canadian ports, engdg: ol in pelagic sealing, about Behring Sea, and in ¢ habit of calling at Unalaska afd Dutch Harbor for pro 2 teation in bad weather, land the pur- ful Tests. ' Philadelphia, Pa, Feb. 12-The an- nual tests. of-the coinage commenced to-day. at the mint by the assay com: mission, Specimens of all the. different shiprgents bf goin wera examined, ane in every thousand in the onse of gud epins were cxamihed, and one in pyeirys two thousand in the came of of fire Hgainst loss by requiring ipsfnrance department to get' a mew guarantge of sotndness from the com- panies doing busifess 'in 'thet eom- fosnwealth. "The iflen is to demand 'a urbater aggregation of wealth on ithe pats of these companies, and perhaps 8 great perdentage of finds: on de posit in the government. Recent ex * | perience pointed to a heavier anhus! toss from fire. Following. this the fires in Paterson, in §t. Lodis, and New York, involved. ruinous resulta, The inbgratics compauies which are carry: ing the mweks may. weather the dist tors and they may not. Ref last conflagrations oceurred.. the ib | no, sugance _barporations were sufferers. ) to ia very large degree. The ings | of 'the year weve rome iii commeg {the capital wis very noch out "them for thé last thirty" vel rs. wilver coins, having been resepyed for Would as sdbn think, of living' with: "i ont breath 3 "They gu throat, and 25 cents. For sale everywhere, only in Boxes. C ------ 1 $2,000 AN HOUR. ain Prince Henry A AR That Rate. Chicago, Hl... Feb. 12.~Prince Hen- v's entertaihment hy Chicago will at: from $1,500 to £2000 an hod. | inclnding the six or. eight hours he Wo) : in sleep, The prince apd his suite will "bp in Chidage tweniv fc The cost of his brief visit will be not less than £35,000 to £35,000. i The members of the committee { y wealthy, and: they will 'wee to be | réising of -the money without ld or opening sul | has made | tists. ~The city government jatiom, and will make nope | 1 ! of al Engli-b and, tuondian products; | whi h ic twelie 'chuts per in whel in I aveess of the tari on. Awe jean im port. The thient ie minde that if the practice is not dis ontivred. orders froin Berlin: will aed be went to New York. * An official reply haw Peen rot hy the produce exchange that on ud efted Fohiubry 15th wheat grpwn ot | sie the United: States ill be cet til gd | onl ew bond. +t a8 Wodght thos | mess es HiT stop the & i wets col wetted of. There fa "no. Abubt that ' quite a'pumte of gril exfrorters have hate ben fenring', Mani whet alc os Ameritan, Dut Rn und in notiving Te Hote to purizh s siti ii t ail mal DIED A MAYOR AT 105. ines will be gik= | AL L 2 ards d hase of supplies and of enjoying the Shay" p 0 er Toleran : privileges af the port until the season a ution. The tok . at opens for them fo engage in the un-. and & half grains for silver. ind half '8 juwiul and barbarous extermihation of] gos ' : grains for gold. Tt is the important the fur seal herd in violation of the Wity of the commision to sew that Jaw of the Unitad States and the ind 4h, limite b on not been dnd ternational agreement with great Bric opp anibers a the commission frst tain, are to be refused the privileges examined the scales which: were to be of the port, water or fuel, and to be used hv them /in weighing the coins treated in all respects aa vessels on The standard weight used is 1he Troy gaged in illegal poaching. Any sucht nonsnd of 5,700 grains the-goverpment vessels which arrive in absolute dis (0 1, SORABRRLT of a duplicate "of tresstwill be allowed to obtain suc ey 4, y | de in Car in 1827 relief only as will enable her return to. aq, Tiplicate is kept with great for- her home port. mality in the dual charge of the dir 2 ector of the mints and the superin: tendetit of the Philadelphia mint. Richmond, Va., is thinking of giv. Fath official has s key to one of the ing the freedom of the city to actor twa locks of the box, making it im Richard Mansfield, Tostead of getting to open it unless both sot more liberty it looks at (imes as if in conjunction. Inswle thin box is will Richard should be held in, says the, sther one containing & third, in Montreal Sen. which the standard pound js weurely gis 13 ikly relieve coughs, sore hronchial ' affections Price and Will Entert A RELIABLE OFFER. +» Honest Help Free To Men. We . sre nuthorized to' state by Carl © Kumz, Sedo and: Brady sir ot, Davenport) lows, that any man who ib nervous and] delifitated or who is mafiacing from soy of cations trout ls resulting from over work; excesses 'or abuse, such as ner vous. debility, exhausted vitality, Toet igor, unntitural drive and Tose. Jok of de clopiment;' etc., can wrile to him in strict confidence nid recite FREE OF CHARGE, full instendoogs how to be thoroughly cured. Mr. Kunz himse{ was, for a Jorg time, 8 sufferer from above' trowbl &, trying in vein 'many. adver: jjes, became almost entire hopalxa. Fhow'ty an old clergyman, hovest advice enab- {led hima to speedily obtain a perfect snd permanent cure. Knowing to his wn sorrow that so many poor wai - frees. sre being imposed upon by ue serupulovs quacks, Mr Kunz od ers it his duty. as an honest mah, 0 etre his fellow amen the benef. of his éxpeticrion apd asist 10. @ cure. Hav ing nothing io ell, be _asks jor he , the hay whe & oe mes mp emma. JAPANESE CATARRH CURE Ee jt cures About The Theatre. " § An | Head Of French City Shaved Hink- i Campbell, the ress, serewed. strong ies After the comminsic: under i financial atmos ed that its means for of America. One of ber latest in t-class order the ukases was a manifesto against stand: the gold coins began and continued ing-roiin spectators und folks coming ; throighout the dey Samples of the to the theatre late and going out be- output from the Philadelphia, San tween arts A Franciveo znd New Orleans mints were Ree. Fr. Dorvey. of St Gabriel's. taken from carefully ses Chicago, does pot shire a dislike, said end weighed. To-morrose to be common among clergyyuen. tee on. sesnving will is stated, advises; fineness of the the young women of his parish to go coins, Jt ds expec on the stage if they have sufficient wil] enptinue until 8 talent to warrant fhe venture. He J J . sniln hed t, 1 agrhip of : work of testing Wr, of hiv school who ings fof wu career helind the Oye. anils from the'; ner orders th pros tights to gain a foothold in the pro: - Print, Va. Aller 5 3 abn RE Ha