Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Feb 1902, p. 3

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DAILY BRITISH WHIC, MONDAY, FEMKUARY 17. i -------------- isin i-- 1 i '! poor in the large cities, where hunger § OF DICT I* | PUBLIC SENTIMENT NEEDED. ea - and starvation struts on every hand: 3 Lo me > a ¥ach one must do his share to help Prohibitory Laws Cannot. Be En- THIS ADVERTISEMENT CHANGES forced Without It. EVERY DAY. the afflicted brothel They owe to STRONG PLEA MADE BY REV. their families to be charitable and New York Evenine: Post : " Prohibitionists in the west, as well | Corner Princess wad Wellington Streets, Kingston, BONDLY, FERRVARY 10h, 1902. More News FR. BURNS. ' merciful. Today you might be bask | as in the east, are coming to perceive | Of Our Seven Days | ing in sunshine and wealth, but to and admit. that prohilitory laws can Graniteware ---- Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian i : ro --- morrow you might be. dead to the : i The First Annual Meeting of the | not be enforced ia any community | SALE. Pacific Railways. Annual Sérmon in Behalf of St. world, your children poor and striving : ---- Vincent de Paul Society-- With every neive to keep the wolf Billion-Dollar Steel Trust-- | (here public serftii no t does not sus TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON: For Tuesday, the third day, we have picked out some exceptionally good values such as these: i 3 _ from the door. Can you lie down 60,000 Stockholders--Total | tain the policy, and that it is worse Ba oil Splendid Singing By Miss Ly in vour peaceful bed when you Know Earnings Were About $110,- than useless to apply laws of that 80 am ~For Ostawe, trenl, Queiion 3 TIMED SPECIALS GRANITE MILK CANS WITH BAR - AND SIDE HANDLE On sale from 8:30 till 10}, "= 50, sale price... 3 ons And Miss Branif--A Large hui some poor child is going to Ie 000 Last Year sort in such a community. We quot Altendance. hungry and famishing, or some poor y as GR led the other day the striking sth mother is ving on Ler pallet suffering Hoboken, N.J., Feb, 17~There were | ony made by Rev. br. Isaac K aid and comfort ? Be} no outward. - signs about the edie Funk, the best known prohibitioni-t i . an ever \ building at 51 Newark street today | in this city, that "if | was king of Ver PABA . G charitable, No mau ever passad out ' " : " : ul wig Thiol we ons Bishop "Er of the world without leaving a va-- Ww indicate that within its walls were | New York, or bows, which is the same tt We ie island od £8 Burns, cant spot. (ne prayer sont to God | gathered dozens of America's leading thing, I would not make New York a Watertown, NY preached in behalf from one vow have relieved will be financiers who were engaged in dis- | prohibition city, even ii 1 could do it of the funds of St. Vincent de Paul greater to you than all the moru- | cussing the affairs of the greatest | by mandate; | don't believe that an society, Fr. Burns h commanding mente of men. Look on every human combine of capital the world bas ever attempt to enforce such a law should piety. . as 8 C > It was the first annual meet- | be made until the majority of the Two Quart, reg., Glo, sabe prio Ax Me only, hree Quart, reg. 3c, sale price... 3 ~ L % 7 GRANITE WASH ROWLS WITH RING 143 GRANITE _ JELLY CAKElC. TO HANG IV BY. PLATES, shallow Pattern, % and 10. J 00 24, veg, 0c, sale price Inch sizes, peewlar, Joo. sed 18¢, X30 No 20, rut Soe, sale price p, Bc No. 42, peg, 360, sale price a i-------------- No. 860, reg. 48¢, sale pris 22 .onlv. GRANITE. COVERES PAILS Straight pattern, "2 aed 3 quart sises regular 83c. and 40c, 8.30 sharp, 18¢ | S---- GREATEST CAPITAL COMBINE | EVER KNOWN. There was a large congregation at vespers in St. Mary's cathedral last for want of SRR "rtive in Ottawa ot 5:00 ro Terentor 100 pas Moston, 80% | appearance and is a flowery and elo- elag of @ brother. When you see a J inowi. fe i . oe : + of the United States steel corpora | people aie in favor of it. . wit speaker. Me comunenced by say- fellow man in need see in hith Jesus Jing © A p po D i ; ams Be. John, N.B., 11:00. am. Sue Fn Crord He sons, re to Christ. "I was hungry and you fed | Wien, familiarly known as the billion- | Equally striking are statements just F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. Wh . ot R 2 me, | was thirsty and you ve | dollar steel trust. The meeting was | made by one of the most prominent Gen. P A Gen. Supt. | ** As God Almighty and the Crea-¢ ™¢ y and ) gave me d ides in Kansas. himself an ones. op h Faas Ags. en [tor oi the universe were one, so there drink, 1 was naked and you clothed called to order at noon by president mea EE Ta n au I I RY 3 Pp " Er b % i ¥ » B « » 4 '4 <hould be a unity in the whole hu- me, | was a stranger and you took | Charles M. Schwab, who eut short | ponent of the liquor traffic, ex-gov- THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY { me in." his tour of Europe in order to be! ernor Morrill, that "there are many | man race, and they ought to form ME a 2 : 4 3 places in the state where public opin KN S RT LINE FOR one family. He made the products of The musical part of the service was present at the meeting. The offices of | 1 : I ay H EE Riffasan y ¥ ¢ op son' | the corporat. vere Billed over | ion does not sustain the . prohibitory | J the different climes for the whole very fine. A duet "Tantam Ergo' ] the corporation were ed to Micy. and that "the law cannot be Tweed, Napaties, Deseromto and oll dosal | = 0 0 Lo. lv man who made a (Marks), by Miss Lillie Lyons and } flowing, but even then those present J' ros u Mh oublic © © ini an 8 pointe Trails leaves Oty Hall Depot at 4 diversity among the nations, Com- Miss Bran was sweetly rendered, | iormed but a small percentage of the on avout ho KS » hiie Topeka Al fm RJ. WILSON, CPR. Telegraph OF |, 0 created tarifis. All men were their rich voices blending together in | total number of stockholders. It | ee the prohibition organ that A, Clarenve Stress given certain gifts so that . they periect harmony. The solos, "0 Sa- | would have been a physical impossi- a En "lei should draw ail men together. God Iatarus" (Verdi), hy Miss Braniff, was bility for all or even a majority of | = TL" al To inion against it, Vis only a voealist of the | those who hold stock in the eorpora- | © pu) ¥ 2 : wanted one family of the human race. grand, and a : ee 4 . 1 : : h i ¢ nore injurious to the morals of the 1 Fren among the birds and the ani highest ability could have rendered it }'tion to have attended the meeting iu sinte a whole than the Hconmed an A § | mals, there was unity. God impressed so charmingly, her trill being like the } person, for the total Winker wt stoek) loon; that it 'is a pretext in most | » it on the human heart. The philan- warble of a bird. holders is nearly 60,000, | communities for oa 3 - < : 3 or public officials to FIR AR LISAZAN squal to the population of Hoboken. odie" that "in many. countios | trophy of Pagan nations was as | BRANCH TIME TABLE, Trains will leave City Depot, Foot # of Johnston street. GOING EAST. No.2 .... "6 .. Nos. 1, 4. 8 and 4 . No. § daily, progh. a oe al, 12 and 17, Aosommodntion, Tickets and apply wo J. P, HANLEY, t, City Passr. Depot. "DOMINION LINE. Mall Steamships. Liverpool Service FROM PORTLAND. BO opward: Single, $90 return: $88: Third Clase, $25. NEW SERVICE "R50 aens. fo Gibraltar, Naples, ° BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. bn ein us. ser. DOPE 8th A los, "es "a," dns A sion, ®. TORRANCE & C0. LA ontreal and +BER MUDA.. THR NOW. PAR-FAMED BERMUDAS, WITH Sable com munitation and eutable winter covery and 100 Bile, ot vood rowds, head quarters of ish army and. navy, is Ea attract reached by first-class (row stoners 1DAD . or RIA in lortweight hours from New, York, Sailings every five days thle winter, wopiosl islands, including ST. THOMAS, A ORUZ," ST. KITTS, MARTINIQUE, BARBADOES AND DEMERARA beautiful Alexandria. rane sian APH Hl pean compared with the inexhaustible | ove that came from the beart of Jesus Christ, In the bible fram Genes- | is to the Revelations, the word "cha rity" runs through it like a golden | charm. The prophets of old spoke of and inguleated charity in the hearts of their followers, If you have much, give much; if you have little, give little. The lepers were driven out from the cities to die, but Jesus in His great love cleansed them, Women were willed away by 'their masters and were slaves to the whim of their owners. That was the condition of the world when Jesus came down and said "Love one another." He gave it. af a commandment. He took little child- ren is His arms and said Suffer' little children to come unto Me, and for- bid them not, for of such is the King- dom of Heaven." He looked on the traitor Judas, and said, "Son, why has thou done this ¥"' While He hung on the cross in his terrible agony, with His sacred blood streaming from | every pore, He eried out, "Father, | forgive them for they know not what they do." Jesus' love for the human race was inexhaustible. Jesus went about doing good, comforting the sick and wiping away the tears of the sorrowful. He came down from heav- en to identify. Himself with men. Who | was poorer than Jesus ?! He was horn in a stable, so poor was He. There was no room in the inn for Mary and the child. He was poor, lone and for- saken, Who among them was so poor that they were born in a stable, with nothing to keep them warm but the animals of the field ? Once when Jesus was asked of His divinity; He said "Go, tell John, the blind see, the deaf hear and the poor have the gospel preached to them.' Christ in his charity proved His di vinity. . The charch says you are one in Christ and she, herself, is identified with the life of Jesus Christ. J ¥ suid "children, love one another." The pagans of Rome in the days of perse- ution, exélaimed "See how these christians love one another." Man de- | sires greatness and wealth and in his | pride forgets that he owes a duty to God. . You should distribute the riches you possess; that is a duty you owe to Jesus Christ. He shed His blood on the cross Tor the love of the human race. Anarchism was a living reality and there was only three meals a day between them and the downfall of society. Can the law stop them Lovers Who Won't Propose. This is the title of an gr- ticle in a well known weekly. Lovers who wont's propose. But why should they ? Proposing if a serious busi: ness, and one is not surprised that benedicts shiver on the brink and far to launch away. But, there is hope for the waiting ones. Let them pro: pose! What ! Turn the tables and let the fair ones propose ? Yes, cer tainly, they do it every day. It can be done too without taking the bloom off their modesty. Subsilety, and in nocence, and love, too, may form a sweet effectual trinity, that shall be irresistible in the hands of the sweat twenty-three's. Some men are so bashful, in extremis that if their pro posing were not done for them it never would be done at all. Talking of proposals, we've had one in our mind a long time for ladies and gen- tlemen, too, married and single, both We propose that all secure the best of beslth by taking Creskery"s Eastern Balm, the finest remedy for the cure of coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. A Good Thing. German Syrup is the special prescrip- tion of Dr. A. Boschee, a celebrated German physician, and is acknowledg ed to be one of the most fortunate dis coveries in medicine. It quickly cures ! coughs, colds and all lung troubles of the severest naiure, removing, as it ! does, the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. It is not an ex- perimental medicine, but has stood the t.st of years giving satisfaction in every case, which its rapidly increas ing sale every season confirms. Two million bottles sold annually. Bos- chee's German Syrup was introduced in the United States in 1868, and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world. Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough. Price 75¢c. For sale at Wade's drug store. A Great Bargain For $1.50. Prevost, Broek street, will offer fo sale the greatest bargain in ready made pants 'in the city, worth from 82.50 to $3 a pair, for $1.50 a pair. These goods are exhibited in his win dow. First come first served, as he has only a limited quantity. . "Billy West, the minstrel," died in (onsetjuently - there were more proxies than persons present when president | Schwab took the chair. It was not so much because of the importance "of the business to be transacted that made the gathering noteworthy, as because it was the ago, so those present were not sur prised at the citation of figures show- ing total earnings of approximately $110,000,000 for the first year of the | corporation's existence. Following the reading and acceptance of the an mial reports the = stockholders voted their approval of the various acts, appointments and other proceedings of the several governing committees dur ing the last year, These included the agreements with J. P. Morgan & Co., syndicate managers, dated respectively March 1st, 1901, and January 3rd, 1902, the last being an agreement of | final settlement and release. Indepen dent 'auditors were selected to audit the books and accounts of the cor poration at the close.of the fiseal year. The meeting came to a close with the re-election of the retiring di- rectors. They are Marshall Field, Daniel GG. Reid, Clement Griscom, Ab- raham 8. Howitt, William E. Dodge, | Nathaniel Thayer, Alfred Clifford and John D. Rockefeller, jr. They = will continue to hold office for three vears. Scholars Saved $14,180. Geneva, N.Y., Feb. 17.--In nine years the children of the public schools here have saved $14,180.17. This is the re- port of the school savings bank which | was started in this city in 1803, There are five schools in which the children have savings banks and out | of 1,477 pupils registered 385 are de- | posi tors. The total amount withdrawn in the wn years is_ $1,313.13, leaving a bal- ance of 812,662.55. Se nn Pallor. General debility, chlorosis, pdinful mensus, "ete., all female diseases cured by the use of Dr. Ed. Morin's Cardinal | Pills, Try them with confidence. Rapid sale. Perfect success. Sir Wilirid Laurier and R. L. Bor: to the councilmen," and that "the effect is damaging to the future great- | ness of the state." It seems not unreasonable to expect | ] : | that Kansas will follow the example | first annual meeting since the forma- | i tion. of the great combine. The annual | report was made public several weeks | of lowa in substituting a system un- Home From The West. Northbrook, ¥eb. 14. Mr. Wheeler, an employee of the Rathbun com pany, is very busy looking after the interests of the company here, Mrs James Presley is home - again after spending a few days visiting her daughter, Mrs. Clark, Flinton. Our school has been re opened under the management of Miss Agnes Reid Much | sympathy is felt for the family of tobert Thompson, whose house was burned re'ently. Messrs. Willie Ab hott and G. Both, two very indus trious young men, formerly of . this place, but now of Rainy River, are | home on a visit. Their many friends | were glad to see them, also to know that they had been successful in es | tablishing homes in the west. Beware girls; they may want cooks. Norman | Ruttan has purchased a fine horse. M last week. Mr. Both, merchant, made a business trip to Harlow this week. Mr. Kirkpatrick, Cloyne, is spending | a few days here. Rolling Mills May Re-Open. Belleville, Feb. 17.--A favorable re sult is anticipated from the negotia- tions with Mr. Kirkwood, of Toronto, for the re-opening of the rolling mills kere. Fur-Lined Capes? Special low prices at our clearing | iste, Wellington street. Does Your Girl | Need a pair of good shoes? Get | them 'at Abernethy's. W. H. K. Redmond collected 85,000 on Sunday night in New York, for the Irish cause. 'Eczema's Itch blood money is exacted from tae joint | keeper by the county attorney down der which liquor may he legally sold | where public sentiment favors its sale. | GRANITE DINNER PAILS WITH TRAY AND CUP 3 art, reg., 700, sak price . 4 art, reg. 85¢., sale price GRANITE CULLPENDERS, Mn BREE REE SEE EE RSE ERE SERRE Re Ee eee VTULOVVOTVRV! DVB VBTELHVORIWS em WOODS' FAIR 28 SVT LVL LAVLLAVVAVVIRAN rp Rh nA "ONCE A YEAR 20 PER CENT. ON KITCHEN ENAMELLED THA) IS DURING OUR FEBRUARY SALE. Presley was visiting friends at Tweed | YOU CAN SAVE sale, George Mills & Co., fur special-. McK TEA AND COFEE POTS, Large Sines. Green, Grey, White and Blue, regular Bie. to $1.40, sale price, ] % ---------- ---- SINK STRAINERS, regular 30, mle price, 20s WOODS' FAIR Famous cooks always require the best of cooking utensils and our line of granite is a fine one and no mistake. 1f you want to delight Bridget or Eliza you could not go about it in a better way and at the same time not deplete the treasury, ELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. Anas iso reached | of | . desariptive pamphie sad da of sailing with shot and. blood ? God help the Chicago on Saturday of cancer, aged | den will attend the Lanquet of the | | P 1 Agents. 39 Broadway, New York: 5 world if it was ngt for the christian forty-five years. He had been sick Canadian press association at Owtawa | 0 ure | LEY or Yedion AIERSLEEVE, charity of those wha work among the over two months. on February 28th. | ' > Quebec. an i ' ny * i Allan Line 'apes, se LIST OF OLD-TIME CANAL PROPELLORS. Londonderry. | . ------ at se A---- | ; THE KERN BURNERS, delayed in ship Fram $4, Johu.. From Haitian, THEIR NAMES, MASTERS, OWNERS, AND THE FATE THAT BEFEL | . : B3vad Pores i ave - 4 RATES OF PASSAGE. [ing humour; _ at times it bomen ol | for same we will dispose of our stock of AUER From New York ta QlAgeN, " a - | ting the itching, meither can you Alma Munro... .. oi *|Cantin & Co... .. ..{Montreal... .. .. [IN and instead of restful, d ba? x : N Ty. Laker, & oO ¥ al : [hed ean nneit's ventin rom wis meaiosio: | + Large, with Shade, 65c, DE, ve Formerly "Calabra," "Glenfinlis," burned. an, 18th Fab. 0 . 17th : Re : 3 1 . 0 Fad Pui. THEM, AS GIVEN BY CAPTAIN W. AUGUSTUS. Eczéma's itch is torture, the skin | ment, arc now to hand In order t make room 8 most unbearable, and in desperation First Cabin rates, and upwards; re Soriaaias, Sy oh on Man , Acadia. . .. > 2 iv aa wn arse [MEKAY.. +. os seo jiamilon.. .. .. Ashore, broken ". losp, for no : sooner doo the body Armenia. «. ov vant era vy a la an ivr eB is. is scratch, scratch, bing | Montreal... .. , | malady at any time. Of course vou | D veesiBrockville.. .. ....|Bur | salves, loti and medicated 'l {Beockville, . fess { hut like thousands of = others igri J WwW Ol DFIN 283 King . .«iTovonto.. .. .|Foundered. been disappointed and disgusted. { » - * Street. Royal Mail Steamers. to be an Effective "a ! seerus on fire with the burning, sting bh Mureh .. .. ow v From the Cardinal Tribune, Jan. 24th, 1902 Id tear- the skin to pisces You | urn, $85 and VESSEL. MASTER. OWNER. RESIDENCE. REMARKS, He al exercise for fear & aggrava- | L'GHTS A T COST. i 8 Africa... cio wre Paterson... LoL Kingston... .. ...|Buroed become warm than the trouble begins, | iy . nk omen fa reirabing | Pear Shape, 55c. Ararte. ia ww Taman Woods. . wo il Talo, + Montreal. . { wiliamilton ce verve { have tried nearly ail .-the washes, .. |Fairgreives.. .. ... Hamilton, eR lismiiton. [Sunk in' Sollision | Mes. Aun Melonald, _ Kingwits, | atten . » . nt., 8 : or {years 1 was a dreadful - sufierar from | Eczema. At times the patches of raw, | | Aaming flesh would extend from my waist to my peck, and from the knees | the . The intense itching al- | though 1 ut j= a ------ -------- CHAIRS. We have recddved a earlosd of dising chairs, assorusd. Wideh excels in quality, finish end prices Golden Buieh, beautiful embossed back with Mather sents, osly $1.25, venir pris, 80 Golden Sauish, beawiiful embossed backd, polished seats, only 75¢., regular pries SL - ' i ; Golden fish, beautiful embossed bake, «| Burned. ia i it | "only 306 ..|Blew up, transferred into sailing vessel, foun- i $ Golden finish, besutifal embossed buh, dered. i this i { 40e. +Burted. ; its soothing, beal- : Order before they. are all sold. n commission. i ¥ Mail orders promptly attended to, Buried, to the use Packing free. Ambulonss 147, rm {Burned at Hamilton. ~ ++. |Foundered, raised, renamed "City of | Sound," alse "Satara." «+ veon jAshore. "x C22 Sank in Collision. vei evs |Foundered. PA ROIG 'CLEAN COAL. fo You might as well have a clean ye a eon... inguin... ©, (Suk coal for your grate fire--it's easy : pe ey tate, ot [Remamed "Mard Ward" burned to get and costs no more than tue In commission. ge ek coulis ol Toronto. . .. . wi lin commission (new bos), mething.left of oid end! general purpose fuel A oles ap dn ns Fort William. -. .. Burned. ee " 'and particularly good for use im | Shickiuma.. rc os Dae Lae 35 Sek ntl, Burned. foundered with, six captaing on dosed Montreal i. il|Ne record i er vs sriaiNG record ed wonderfully through the loss of per i To Be The hese vessels. These : icati y : Ta oh ssa i A Se am sh Beat Guaranteed 3eina . | commission and should not be classed | changed ' Leathers. foundered | as old-time propeliors. ten. sunk | There is quite & history attached to dso | Thanking _yuu doe the space in a in : : ih" woo ert edi | or vcore. [Ba sie saa | DJ, McDermott, oie aiers

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