« Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums. ° Portier Curtains, Lace Curtains and Draperies in exclusive styles and not to be found elsewhere i city. n the We are carrying at this season of the year a very complete stock at prices|| which appeal to the closest buyer. In Linoleums we show the largest line to be found and at prices that mean a genuine money-saving you. to R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. February te 20 Parlor and Reduced Do You Want $15, $22 $14, Parlor Cabinet, regular Cohinet, regular Parlor Cabinet, regular 3. Caliinet, regular Cabinet, regular § Cabinet regular ( ot, regular Cabinet, regs 0) Cabinet, regular $7 $ Pucker Cabinet, regular $5, price $3 Sale Carpets and Furnilure. Music Cabinets One? February February February February Vehruary vhruary «February Felwunry February February All Genuine Snaps Reductions on Whole Stock. Brussels, Fohruary prio Balmoral 80, bo yds at 78, Crimsom Carpets ark up 41 yids price Glo, Rugs, Curt nord Brussel price. " T. F. HARRISON UNDERTAKING, \ Sine "sad, wu fab fo rugs, regular 90c February A xminster ot hall Co ETC. 'PHONES --RA WE Ts, 01.92 oc2's Cotton Root Compound os: W.0C) Lind ies, Sate your druguist for Govk's Cotten pnd, Take no other, bs all Miztares, ft tatiana ate dangerous. Price, No, No, 8, )0 degrees stronger, 838 per oth stan 1eospatully used monthly effectual, Ladies ask over Root Com- villa and ha i inatied on eae! S861 price pdf Two S-eent Tho Ocak Uompany Windsor, Ons 1and # sold sud recommended by al weponsitis Druggists in Causds. No. 1 and 2 are sold in Klugeton by ol! responsible dreggieta A REMINDER. Now is the time to haw e your Waggons, Carriages repaired and painted and the' place to done is at LATURNEY'S. them wirere every thing is done his own supervision. 390 PRINCESS get under ST 'Telephone 152, Kingston Basinoss College. KINGSTON! Dominion Businoss- Collegs, TORONTO. The Kingston Rag & Metal Co, 389-301-303 Prisca Sl. Boe; i" SE EE pre 100 Hu Bots 48, aonts_exira allgwed if ih.. bri rs oho amd we il ahd us delivered PETERBORD WON THE MATCA. DEFEATED RB. M. C. BY FOUR GOALS TO TWO. Cadets Gave Their Opponents Many Hard Bumps--Carr-Har-- ris' Brilliant Rush--Peterboro Forwards Are Strong Shots. / Peterbofo hockey team defeated Roy al military college in the 0, H. A. in termediate series last night at the Kingston rink; by four goals to two Having von at bome by the extra ofdinary secre ol thirteen to one, Peterboro win the round hy fourteen goals. Last night's match was rough and uninteresting. It wasn't ping pong or parlor croquet that the Pet erbhoro team used to plaving on their tiny rink at home. The. cadets were much heavier than their oppon entd, who suffered verely by bumps and falls and somersaults. Had the KR. M. C. players paid more attention to the pac they might have won For rough tactics members of the howe team were ruled off many times Pusertioro played a miler and more ctive game, and the shooting of the tan line was good, Graham being particilarly noticeable. Carr Harris, cadets' point, was the bero of the game, and easily the best man on the ice, Hnd he been on the line, cadets woitld have won. Peterboro scored minutes play, 5 first, alter' fifteen Graham putting the puck past Deyell. That was the only score made in the first half, It fell to Carr-Hurris to give the cadets a lift, and this he did to the king's taste. Securing the puck in front of his goal he raced down the ice, hurdling feet and sticks, bumped Peterboro's point over the side of the rink, and carried the puck in front of the enemy's goal and slammed it in. It was a feat that in a hockey match, and "Klondyke" was cheered to the echo. That evened the until Waldron put in another, and cadet ahead, This lead they held before time, when a lively pace, and trong shooting, Graham evened the and R. Aripstrong gave Peter boro a lead of one. Then Graham put another in, making the four to two, Cadets tried hard to score again, and almost succeeded--but didn't Phe Peterboro team use the size of eordwood sticks as and have a decided advantage chopped much wood during night's gnatch, smashing over a dozen sticks. The match was not a good ex hibition of intermediate hockey, How- the better team won Peterboro.--Goal, Wasson; point, Glover; cover-point, H. Armstrong; centres, Morgan, Whiteroit; 'wings, Graham and K. Armstrong. R. M. C.--Goal, Deyell; point, Carr Harris; cover-point, Ramsay; centres, Biggs, Trotter; wings, Waldron, Dun- lop Referee, Toronto is seldom # score, wore one till ten minutes Peterboro began score same Mell, Thev last ever, Sadler, of Osgoode Hall, Sport In General. Yale hockey team defeated Harvard four to three in a rough game in New York Lroquois Friday night, on series Morrisburg H. A. defeated in the O. hy five to four. leads and will in the likely Montreal tepm still Quebec hockey union, take the championship. Flavelle, of Lindsay, has been mak ing a record at the Winnipeg honspiel He beat Dunbar, the St. Paul skip Wellington hockey team are cham pions of Toronto, having defeated St. George's in a challenge "match, seven to three. In an international match at Win- nipeg, on Monday, between Canada and the United States, three rinks a side Canada won easily, 46 to 17. The annual tournament of the Dom inion of Canada trap shooting and game protective association takes piace in Hamilton, August 14th, 15th and 16th, The American lawn tennis associa tion has decided on a change in the size of the ball to conform to the hall used in the English championships ant - principal tournaments. The Pittsburg baseb&ll champions of 1901, showed their nerve by winning nine games in the ninth inning, and losing only two in the closing inning. No other team has anything like such a record, The Frontenac permission of the O.H.A. executive to play "Charlie" Clarke against Corn wall, but their request was refused on the ground that the ex-Queen's wing had been playing in the New York league, Toronto Mail-Ewmpire If prohibi tion comes into force in Ontario there will be no trouble filling the position of manager of the Toronto baschall club in the event of a vacancy, as nearly all the stockholders will have to get into some other business. The Toronto Mail-Empire remarks: Reports, 6 hockey matches indicate that the" players believe in a strenu- ous game. Down in Ottawa they have this style down to a nicety, and Me- Gill will probably concede that Queen's has not much to Jearn in this respect. On Friday the Capitals, a boys' hot. key niin, journey to Belleville, charge of G. Lockett. They play the high school hockey team of that town. The team will be made 3 os Goal, PF. Hewitt; point; cover, R. Birch; centres, ww ee nat R.' Hamilton; wings, J. Merrick, E. Oldrieve. Toronto Globe : The class of hockey shown in the senior series thiy oa son locally has been away ahead of former years. The Wellingtons, St. Georges and Varsity are a trio of preity evenly matched teams, capable of holding their own in any company. SLornwall hockey team will rim a big excursion to Morrisburg to wor row night for the match: with Fronte- nacs. The "looting" will mostly be for Cornwall, as Frontenacs will go without any bodyguard, However, what the Kingston team 'wants most is o fair referee, and Mr. Sehooley. of Toronto, has proved himself in that on Manager Bamow, of the Toronto hasehe club, has disoavered that the nw Teague," has Hsin he ith w i) tampering w hid players, hut all of them have re turned signed contracts, exeept Schaub, Carr and Downey. Mr. Bar row has gore right hash a at the "out- laws." im vigorous fashion. He is fighting them with their own weap { hockey club asked THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY is. "ons and is at present negotiating with versal of the stars of that associa- whom he hopes to land before tion, long in 'the return match with New South Wales, Maclaren's team was prevented i by rain from beating the recent total of 918 in first-class cricket, Their score of 760 is by the highest ¢ ob- tained by an English team in. Aus tralia, the nearest approach to it be ving in an eleven-side match, 621, by Shaw and Shrewsbury 's against Victoria at Melbourne, in 1857, New South Wales in a hopeless position, having only five wickets to fall, and wanting 25% runs to avert a single defeat. or far Jo cember, was inning DEATH OF P. ASSELSTINE. The End Came Suddenly--A Life- Long Xingstonian. death of Peter Asselstine, sion street, came very suddenly, twas a great shock 'to his family. " He { was apparently, in health on Friday, having only the after-effects of a severe and was around ab out his duties as usual. On Saturday, however, he took seriously ill of cere meningitis, and on Sunday was removed the general hospital. Death ensued at three, o'clock on Monday afternoon. The deceased was a son of the late Henry Asselstine, who was of United Empire loyalist stock. He was born fidty-nine years ago within a few rods of his late home, on the the cele brated lot twenty dour, and lived in Kingston all his life. He was a car- penter-contractor for many vears past. Mr. Asselstine was connected with the I. 0. F. lodge, No. 59, and with the Chosen Friends, council No. 20. In re ligion he was a Methodist, member of Jrock street church since its establish ment, and being one of the builders of that edifice. He was also a member of its official board for years. Mr. As eltine was a staunch reformer, and one of the most active workers in Ri dean ward Mr. Asselstine Milne, sister as Milne, Divi and The good cold, bral to married Miss Jessie Alexander and Thom- this city. His wife died eral years ago. The family consists of : Thomas M., deputy sheriff, King ston; Alexander .M. and W. P., with the Rathbun company, Deseronto; Herbert, Mand, Gertrude and Laura at home. Four brothers and one sister also survive : Benjamin and Isaac of this city; Richard, Oswego, N.Y.; Leo nard, Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs, Abrams, Montana. The funeral will be private on Wed nesday morning at ten o'clock. Rev, Eber Crummy will officiate at the bur ial service. of Sey A Friendly Cross-Fire. When mayor Shaw informed the council that the city had to pay $30 for use of the old collegiate institute for recent registration purposes, ald eran Graham just reminded his. col leagues that Mr. Whitney had put the city to that expense: - he refused to aceept a late registration and insisted m a fresh one. Alderman King re- marked that the late speaker did not know what he was talking of. Where as it would be possible to use for an Ontario bye-election a registration made for a dominion general eleetion, it was not possible to use a registra tion for a dominion bye-election for an Omtario bye-election. Alderman Graham wanted to show that alder man King's point was not well taken by pointing out that the dominion rovermment acevepted the Ontario re gulations governing registration, and that therefore, the one registration would have sufficed, hut mayor Shaw would not permit the argument to vroceed and compelled alderman Gra ham to sit down. ---- Toll Lessee's Troubles. W. J. Blackley, lessece of toll gate No. 2, Kingston and DBath road, writes to the Whig with reference ' to the troubles between himself and Mr. Wartman, who was fined some time ago for refusing to pay toll, and who later summoned him to appear before magistrate Simpson on a charge unlawfully demanding and collecting toll from the complainant. The latter action. was decided in Mr. Blackley's favor, but he had . to pay the costs. He c¢kaims that the company should protect him in such cases. Mr. Wart man, he says has opened a road down the creek from the bay over other people's property to. his place, instead of taking the company 's road at the foot of the bay, which is the divect way to Kingston." © Strong Words By A New York Specialist.' "After years of testing and compar ison I have no hestitation in saying that Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is the. quickest, safest, and surest known to medical science. I use it in wy own practice, It relieves the most acute forms of heart ailment inside of thirty minutes and never fails." For sale by Henry Wade and E. C. Mit chell 35 While homing in the vicinity ' of Kingston Mills yesterday Alexander Tyo captured alive a splendid speci men of white owh Which Book Shall | Send ? Todas 1401 ma which book 1 ay sed to yo, of vo some sick friend. A posts] will bring it. Let me tell you a way that I hive found to pet well. \ bE have spent & bilecims on it. 1 have watched ib cure in Bopante of comes as iffioult as Physicians oer bave wad 1 will EE rilitt that a Sule. you. I will pay for your toestment wa the book 1 spd vou an order om dregiiat for ig bottles Restorative. 1 will authorise vou test i one math. Hit swooeeds, $3500. 1 iv tails, 1 will pay BUSINESS OF THE COUNCIL. Faas THE ALDERMEN HAD TO CONSIDER. Petitions to the Ontario Legisla. ture--Sale of Fire Department Horses Agreed to--Reports Presented And Passed. night's regular meeting of council, when the roll was these members answered . to their names : © Mayor Shaw, Alds. Ab bott, Carson, Farrell, Graham, Hark ness, Hipson, Kent, King, Knapp, Mal- fen, McCammon, McFarlane, Mcleod, Sears, Tait, White, Dunlop. Ihe minutes of the last regular meeting were adopted on motion: of Alds. Craig and Harkness, At the cnty called, last Communications Considered. Edw. J. B. FP M.P.P., acknowl edging receipt of resolution protesting against special 'legislation being granted also receipt of anti prohibition Fyled. Mrs. Julia O'Brien, notifying eil of action for damages, for injuries peeeived by reasom of falling on slip pery sidewalk.--Board of works. Mother superior of Hotel Dieu, ing for increased grant to that titution.-- Finance committee, Mrs. Jane Snelling, asking for mission of taxes ofi dwelling used the Y.W.C.A.--Finance committee. W. J. Fair, asking for share of the city's fire insurance.~-- Finance commit tee. Samuel Conley, asking in salary as dog bailifi mittee. " J. W. Ed county clerk, notify- ing council of acti ion of county couneil in appointing committee to deal with Grand Trunk subway, and asking council to appoint. a committee to act in conjunction.--Dealt with els where Thomas ( nse, Toronto, resolution, coun: ask- in- res by for increase Finance com Awards, city solicitor, To city to protest clause in bills hefore legislature, permitting pro posed electric to connect with exi electric railway lines where both companies are agreeable, without consent of municipalities. --Moved by Alds. King and Mcleod that the 1 quired protest signed and forward ed. --~Carried. Thomas Caswell, city the city to petition legislative assembly To amend the election act and manhood frage registration act, so as to pro vide that the province as a whole shall bear the expenses of accommoda tion required for elections, registra tions, stationery, etc.-- Referred. to fin ance committee for a report. Mavor and council of Toronto, for warding petitions to be sent to house of commons, senate and 'governor-gen eral, protesting against allowing the ell telephone company power to in crease rates. ~--Referred to finance for report Ontario manufacturers' association, asking co-operation in securing legis lation permitting council of municipal ities to grant exemption to industries on a two-thirds vote of councils, in stead of vote of ratepayers, form erly --Fyled. 'aswell, asking the insertion of ronto against now lines To the On suf solicitor, ronto, asking tario is committee as Report Of Finance Committee. Ald. McFarlane presented {he of the commitiee mending payment of these Thomas Vanhorn, $5.19 Strange, $31.04; labor pay 22, Dr. Nicholas, 85; A. £20.91; Bell telephone company, 17; John. Corbett, 81.25; p son, 881.65; G.T.R. Jooth & Co., $4.50; 10; J. Greenwood, thy, § R C rawford, £55.52; 810.01; Lawrie & Allen, 24.50 "Your committee recommend taxes for 1901 on the property of J. Wilkinson, used by the religious. purposes, be refunded." Adopted motion of Alda, Farlane and White. Ald. McLeod presented the the board of works, 3 Adopted on motion and Craig. In the absence of Ald man. Ald. King presented of the committee on fire already published, Ald King and Farrell adoption of the report Ald. Mcleod was surprised that the horse question should again be intre duced. He thought that when the grey. team was purchased two years ago the animals would do their work satisfactorily for the supposed natural life a fire horse--five years. Fhe did not have 8350 or any to throw away on horses. He an expert veterinary should make a report as to the the fire horses, replied that a veterinary had already recommended the sale of three horses. The committee did not alone accept the report of the veteri- nary, but had appointed a sub-com- mittee of experts to examine the ani- mals, and their report upheld that of the veterinary to "the extent of recom mending the sale of two horses and the placing of the third horse as an extra one. The explanation was considered sat isfactory and the motion to adopt the report carried. ---------- City Should Not Bear Expense. Mayor Shaw informed the city eoun cil iaft wight that the last provincial election had cost the city $173, for booths, ete. The council endorsed To. ronts's petition to the legislative as sembly that the whole cost of On- tario elections be borne by the pro vinee, instead of partly by municipal ties. The last Ontario registration cost the city ¥30 for rent of the old collegiate institute. ------ Wealth, Happiness, Health. A persoh may bave wealth and wis dom, vet feel most dejected because of Ancemia or general debility, = Health and piness are assured by using iron Toric Fils, which make new, rich blood, cleanse the svsiom and fone up the nerves. Fach box con 113i sevetitoen days' treatment. Price 2e, at Wade's drug store report on finance, recom accounts Dalton list, $72 Strachan, $27 Hutch: company, £1.03; John Bennett, 5 £12.36; A. Aberne E.--Wilson, £16; R McKelve & Birch, Co., $175; R W & that H. Jews for Mc on report of already published. of Alds. McLeod Bell, the and chair report light, moved the of council money condition of Ald King SOLEMNITY AND REJOICING. ° On the Occasion of Mr. Browett's Birthday. Mr Browett's { thanksgiving reception | tices day i more than | meation ity and quiet sg characte red the een in the past year Mr. Brox so low from the effcets of a tack grippe from i strength did not casily was not thought he to see this 'ac ate Shorily after three afternoon the dear Bev. Mr. Starr © anksivlog wets joined Then the fifty and Mr. and Mrs. Browett, retived corner of the room. In the quaint, gallant, old fashioned wa Me. Hrowett raised cach offered hand to his lips, thanking his welcome i itor Next day be remarked to a fried brightly and jocslarly = "Il my Ring friends are determined not to bury me before 1 am dead Notes of acee Anoe, and regrets, and gifts tines covered the yisno. Copsgicuovs mer for touching birthday Valen passing Trejo ten n St alms Solem of rally, "that would be i birthday o'clodk in of Ontario sducted 1 i the a ten min hoe, in with intense numbering SI feel guests ie sixty congratulated who sat inner drawing sitently fen ston congratulations and even valen the © these for sentiments ot afte tivh, ahd respect were those of Dr Garrett, Mis. Clarke Hamilton, the Misses McPherson and the Misses Mac avlay; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mills (of Mills & Couningham), Dre. Donald Maclean and Mrs. Maclean, Detroit Browett, St. Thomas; Mr. and McKenzie, Ma) Casswell, (Mr. PBroweit's friend for yoars, who also sent his photo medals and a long affectionate Mrs. Wallace and Mr. Tait Mr. Hague, Merchant's bank, Mes<rs. Dates, Paterson and Dowsley; Cart. and Mrs, Cochrane, Capt. and Mrs. Bogart, Rev Mi Mackie (who left his Lenediction), and Mrs. Mackie; Profs. McComb, Fowler, Fife Fowler, Goodwin Dupuis; Prof. Jordan and Mrs, (the latter went a box of smilax); Miss Gilder] y Mr. andd Mrs. R. Dobbs, Fraser and daughters, Mrs Maclean (who though unable, an account of ill-health, to Le present at ber son-in-la birthday eption, was 1epresented by several pretty and gifts, viz, able cutter, fruit self-made muflite s, Porteous and daughters, ex-M.P.P., Ham more, top of among ity with letter); 1 orontn; including and Jordan, and Ma Mrs carnations \ Miss char, Hugh Charles 1ouy re books, handsome ivory paper warship calendar, ctey, Mis Adam Brown, Fsq., ilton, and very many The ladies who poured tea and cof fee in the front drawing roo Mrs. Norman Fraser, Mrs Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Pense Waddell, while Miss Ross, Fowlay, Murray and Muckle sted bythe gentlamen pre ent, ed refreshments ¥ The birthday cake Ue dete 1817 in pink i ing decorations wera simple and appr we. A thick stretched across the the two drawing which was suspended in black and sion of Mr, Browett, Lord shall dwell smilux and in in were Merritt, and Mrs the Misses ston, - as pass hote The rope of evergreen, archway between from motto POSS a silver, rooms, favorite in the beloved of, the ' Evergreen the portr 4 "The in safoty surrounded Mrs. Browett and of Me Browett's mous cousin, Hon. John Bright the flags and bunting used for duke York were in evie had a gladsome effect. The he up the decorations for the alentine's' day oft rememt ered birth do not hasten to the "0 frie nds who had other engagements on that day may yet have an opp tunity of sedi them and offering their congratulations and its of Mr of lence remove m, To Cure a Cold In One Day. I'ake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to E. W. Groves signature is on each box. 25c. Say ! Who's pant maker ? Did ever try finely tailored trous tailor on the premises to shorten, row Of Bibby's your vou our ers nar price press one hiotise. MUST HAVE IT. Properly Selected Food of Great Importance. Los of memory is a sure that the body is not taking up proper el ments from the food. Then is the time to feed especially selected foods or the person may demented A mother writes about her son it is inter My son, Albert, vears old and principal of the grad sign become and sting now twenty-five high school, graduated at university amd is a post the Columbia) Mo, When he began teathing car ago he had just completed his education and was badly broken down in health. He had only about two months vacation and spent it at Ex celsior Springs, but when he returned there was no improvement. We Shonghit he would get better af ter he Began his work, but instead of improving he became more weak and nervous, and finally, forgetiul in the schoolroom. He tried different physi cians and evervthing he ¢ould hear of and at last gave up school and came { home, after putting a tencher in his plage I cooked every delicacy I could think for kim but he: became very thin and we were greatly. worried about { him. One day a neighbor sent over a box of GrapeNats. He caught sight of the patkage aml afier reading the statement of what. the food was in tenddexl for, became much interested and began using it. | He liked it, and at the end of a week was very much sirengthened and improved. We were encouraged. He stick to Grape-Nuts and in five weoks was back in the school room. | HE is now teaching the second term in the same place, has rwoversd en tirely and gained wonderfully ia ficsh. He now weighs 183 pounds and is an expert football player. My daughter, Georgia, eight years old, was a weak little girl until after we found what efiect Grape-Nuts had an Albert, we put her on the food and now she is exceptionally stout and healthy. We wish to thank the com- pany for the great help the food has been to us." This Indy lives at Halls ville, Mo Naune given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. the Kansas unle university. about fn of spared | and | | which | INCIDENTS OF 5 0 THE BAY. PARAGRAPHS PICKED or BY | 0US BUSY REPORTERS, | The Spice of What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At tention. Austrian art 3 3 25¢. Bibby's petition Panic ANE, or others have to extend colle sand city oouncil hen street ght the firemen imney blaze the Athert stree following license commissioners appointed for Addington ber John Harrison and onnolly. 10 to 15 pe February from, street, extinguished house of E discount on wall A large as- at W. N suUCeess From , during to mS choose William ge Bros. quite, untrue timt change in the mana | S(ratheona in' Brockville My has a lease of the property lor rs and it is quite likely he will it his form. Mills, auctioneer, has sold at prices the household effects whose husband 'died sud last week, Mrs. Clancy has Napanee reside With rela tment Ammon s, there to smont of th is Crate five o H good Mrs denly Clancy, t to gone to tives Rev. A. L el the city to two vacant lots McCann, his agent, bohalf of his client, firnied the assessment A waman who is weak, has cold hands and like a well Toronto, ask lower assessment on he owns here Mr. failed to appear in council - pon- M acladden, SO and who fest, cannot feel and act } erso Carter's Iron the circulation, remove and g strength and re Fhete was a splendid the 14th regime ti at the armouries M: Gallow ha h advanced sleepless, 3 Nervousness, endance class of instruc last evemng members a know le nt's ay in ige the content New suits, nes now sults for spring in and look lon't have to At Bibi fo over huy one pra oa come has called the at works to the hydrant « flooding the and causing much mveniencs to residents King says committee $0 and of the fir it i proposed to sell. Two years ago one of the animals cost the city about Alderman Graham enti the board of practice of . flushing a Beverley thereby tv and sidewalk m of mn street sree in Alderman and light between the fir Oofered two that been for the department has S100 horses $200 MolLeod Little members the thought the con committee has food fe into Alderman given council a the the 1 wil city " by fidkbnice taking of 1" finance I be found rate of taxation vear's financinl thinks HOCORSATY the this a in order requir ne to req ment trafhic mpany, de has been forced ral railway to Charlotte, H. Henrv, general agent of the R. & ON. « nies that the company by w Ye Ce wharves at an Thomas rk ag il of with the R &O Char ning opposition line troulile and the to call re is no raiiwayv hoats lotte. company will continue at PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. L. W. Murphy sailed Monday Halifax for London, Mabel Phippen N.W.T,, on Eng. has left where has from Miss Moosejaw, school Prof. Dupuis has been director of the Home Life an jusurance Concern J. GG. Chown and wil Francisco yesterday after months' vist in Kingston J. I Thompson left. « for Regina, N.W.T., to hter, who is ill Fdith Jones Belleville, she re-vl associat left for' San Mo; with n be laug has enhurst lady the gone to Gra superintendent of Capt. R. Carnegie, teamer America {or hus become citizen Adfeed Woods ilaw and the or recently a Babcock, Kingsto ile, NY., to ' ighter and Mrs roe Jackson Mis. Franklia Clow, Kiang »" called to the bedside I. 8S. Moore, Harlington, oth for some Katherine a Watert Saturday strect, of h tin aged | NA remains Lazier i wn, on The brought to Napanee for burial A.D. Millen, has left - Capn Vincent, N.Y... for leveland. Ohio, where he has a position with the Met calle wrecking and diving company Charles J. Chapman, died in Roches ter, N.Y., on Saturd.y He is © son of William Chapman, Colline Bay, and the remains will be on Thursday Jamies Johneton has concluded his sttirakioping at Tamworth. He saved R200 worth from the reeont fire and this he has disposed of. He returned to the city on Sauirday. Rev. GG. BH. PP. Grout ig about leave Newborn owing to fuilind) health He is going Debi the Catekill mountains (On Bunday 2% inst, he will preach' hie farewell sermon, Harry RB. Chariton, chic) of the vertising department of © the Trunk railway, has map of the sysiem suit the vest pocket, besind. Mics Hattie A. Glovd, for the Cleveland wood Company, Vivesnst, N.Y., for seven years, pe severed Ber connection with that es tablishenent and accepted a position with the W. Atlee Burpee seed come pany, Philadelphia, Pa The many friends of My H. Hughes, University avenue, sympathize with * them in affliction. Their bright little threes vear-odd child Jsabel. owing to a growth on othe of the syed, had to have {it ramoved verlerday. The operation suocesafally performed, but the of the child conwidlered Tow pital Capt to in ad Grand It is dedded and to iw leaiher will | was i ! condition i i i MTIOus. Every Day Life! nervous and nt buried he re | to ienued a handy™ steno Frode # and Mra W, their sad | > A -- | AW Winps AND te t-- | WET WEATHER cause the Colds that cause a Shiloh's Consumption Cure cures the cold, heals the lungs and makes you well. SHILOH cures Consumpti and all Lung and Throat Troubles; and Coughs and Colds in a day. Positively guaranteed. 25 cents. .% Write to 8. C. Wir1s 8 = Co. Toronto, Can, for a free trial ol battle. "Karts Clover Root Tea Cores Headache oti The Doctor" 14's for yon to decide what kird of doml you want, Swift's Scranton Coal Is the more than othr kinda, & JAMES SWIFT & G0. "Phone 135. C900000000000 Pills equalize | of | best and costs no HONEST COAL. full wo sell the eto Coal will give wou your is the only kind which money that evely y ou warmth and cot for kind in » all the way pay Coal slack bursers, and stoves of Wood and Kinde grates, ofl eve All kinds linge. Ty LL vT COAL wybora --'Phous °. Foot of A COSY BRIGHT oo FIRE Is dow and intense heat of our wy E] make fumed fois plrasure during sold weather. It's Jue nd to ooh] with, too Let ve Ali your bin with BOOTH'S COAL. 133 Fort od West ®inet Queen St Phemn Your Neighbor Says WALSH'S » SCRANTON COAL IS ALL RIGHT, Have you tried it ? Shall we send you a ton 2 'Bitter Oranges, Valencia Oranges, FOR Marmalade AT J. REES' L. Princess Street, SECON D-HA Bought Highest onsh price Suid. 108 4 'second ee nn fr at al al card aod we a iads. . I. ZACKS, 271 and 273 Princess Street] Beant do ion' Cause" aud axtablishament. he dhothing. pont's > A. A lurge stonk of new nighiogs. jewellery, sed . prions,