Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Feb 1902, p. 3

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0 a a Yaprive in Ottawa at 5:00 pn; ofp ita = 1 Tak Of The Eown and The Country Around It Is SILVER'S Retiring --~FROM~-- Business It is the greatest money- saving opportunity ever of- fered in Kingston. Prices on all kinds of FURS AND CLOTH- ING and on our entire stock have not been mere'y slightly sliced. They have béen ham- mered down and sawed off until they have reached a pout where yowwill actually doing yourself and yont family and your purse a grave injustice if you fail to take advantage of its money- savin ortunities. N. BW Ve are determined to Nc: out to-morrow SH BOYS' SUIT AND REEF- ER we have, no matter what sacrifice we have to make on prices to accompli-h this feat b, SIVER ¢ (0 TRAVELLING. Kingston & Wombroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 11.80 a.m~For Ottawa, Montreal, Quobes Ot Joka, NB; Halifax, Boston, Toron Chicago, Denver, Reufrow, Sanit Bie. Mark Deolath, Se. Psal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Heat ls, Portland and San Francisco 8:00 pm-Looal for Sharbot Lale, ood oouting with CPR. suet and west 805 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fre tlays for Renlrew sod latermediate points Passengers leaving Kingston wt 11.50 am Yeterboro, +48 pom.; Toronto, 7:00 pay Boston, 8:00 wm: Be Joba, NB, 11:50 am F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. / Gon, Pa, Art. Gen Supt THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR Twed, Napanee, 'Deseronto and all local golds Train leaves City Hall Depot at 4 Le RJ. WILSON, CER, Telegraph Of Street. BRANCH TINE TABLE Trains will leave City Depot, Foot ¢f Johnston street. GUING EAST. 2.30 A.M. 1 P.M. 1.25 P.M. 7.05 P.M. No. 2 " 1.08 AM. 2.30 A.M. i 2.10 AM. . 12.30 Noon. 3.28 P.M, 7.08 P.M, 23 ond 4 rm nly R No. 3 Satis. . Nos. 6, 7, 1 Sally, shcups Sunday. Aesommoda tion, other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passr. Depot. ~ DOMINION LINE. Mall Steamships. Liverpool Service FROM PORTLAND, . Feb, 15th Fob, 22nd Maroh lst March Sch sai aes wen March 8th marked * do not carry passen- ere. RA PASSAGH--8aloon, $50 and a it, $90 return Second Saloom, ry SERVICE pe Tickets and . April Aol ih BOATON TO LIV ERPOOL. Lo Mareh Sth Jalectrls light, spaalous , Hanley, J. P. Gilderalseve, Bt 42 Clarence Si otras 5% Portion Twoluo Yen ars of Avitul Pile Pain. Brai ilo is, says ; BO Casson and Our { brug Co; Marshal Nervousness, S'eeplessness, Rate. vous Prostration, Loss of Ene Brain Fag, Faint and Dizzy Spells Loss of Memory, Melancholia, Listlessness, After Effects of La Grippe, Palpitation of the Heart, Anzmia, General Debility, and all troubles arising from a run- down system, They will build you up, make rich red blood and give you vim and energy. Price, s0cts: per box, or three boxes for $1.25, at drug- gists, or will be sent on receipt of price by The T, Mil- burn Co., Limited Toronto, Ont. - The Brand of Food That Dealers Sell Most of is the Kind- for You to Use. tion has disclosed largest re « than invest that some of om ory keep iy rent brands y evakfast grocers catering ta and fancies a varied that on ur. of y sellers wledge brands are gi Preakinst iz the with all classes of the attained by Mal Food in this country ha than eighteen st shrclny ve «sh, Malt satis position ceuired in less months Uhis lv that as Mreakfast Food 1s givin ion to old and voun The large Jetters of approval that the weturers receive monthly from y section of the dominion and tellin g of stronger ort n weight and impr healt b point to the fact Breakfast Food is a true health food, One trial makes isthe favorite break Ack vour pro for it proves a Drak t a entire improved di nerves, in ovement in that Malt Newfoundland fast djeh CLEAN COAL. You might as well have a clean coal for your grate fire--it's easy to get and costs no more than tue other kind. Our Cannel coal is clean coal--w splendid general purpose fuel and particularly good for wie in grates. FE RATHBUN (CO. AUCTION SALES or Household Furniture. ALLEN & BROWN HAVE CONDUCTED 4 suoorsaful Sales, without Sav} checkers TIN ORDER TO INTRODUCE THE B. & H. Moe We Will Sel 8 for $1 Cash For 10 Days Only, one fmaranteed high grade. a vers DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, |THE CREAT ELECTRIC LICHT SCHEME TO AVOID COLLISIONS | BETWEEN TRAINS, A CHARMING WOMAN. | Hops Open House For Interestin Americans. Americans are sure of a cor dial welcome is that of lady Stanle Lights Track For a Mile--A Novel | the wife of Sir Henry, the explore Feature That is Likely to Be) As Dorothy Tennant, the magnetism | and brilliancy of lady Stanley was a¢ Introduced Very Soon. { knowledged. With artistic and fiter Chicago, Feb, 15.---A practical de {g », as well as those fashion monstration of the utiity o ew | ab her own, as naturally departure, which, talented daughter of a railway official: wi! eff v s | more than usually talented mother the solution in a large deg s extraordinary that she can find railway problem, was 1 y last aht | ti to do as much reading and yet on the Chicago, Milw t neglect her home and social du Paul raMroad near ber About the latter no one is more The device consists of an' exceeding; | punctilions. Happily for the women ly powerivl head t. which not only | housekeeping in England is not near perfectly illiuninates the track with an sO worrving as it is in America intensely brilliant shait of light for a Perhaps this ix because there is not distance of a mile, but also embraces | the necessity for them to stint the striking and nel feature of a in the matter of servants Leam of hight of almost equal brii { One at t is stumbled into at hiancy penetrating over seven hundreq every On Sunday afternoon feet, above, which: can be clearly seen | for Gust 8 driving up | ten miles Gi~tart. It i= thereby por to the Richmond gible for approaching trains to ab#o- | terrace, and here be it understood lutely locate each other hy this verti that it is not in any way a preten cal shaft of light, though miles apart. | (ious mansion, there is standing out and it is this feature which railroad | jde a man servant to help one out officials claim will eliminate the of the carriage or hackney and to sibility of eallizsion This ver pull the be 2 beam will, in hilly country, espeiially The door where « in the track are numey er, who precedes one ous, so positively fix the location of } and indicates the location of the that nothing but carelessness Here another part of enginemen will permit card and announc name of the at which as would the same themselves turning ace, when one J Stanley's hou in anoth stairs is then opened by IrVes up the trains frawing-room on the forward, takes ti a collision : es to lady Stanley the The apparatus consists of a power , > ful electri headlight, a dynamo, and steam power, all of which occupy the space of the locomotive usually de voted to the headlight. The dynamo which generates the current for this veritable searchlight occupies a space less than . fiftcen wide directly guests, and fetch him into the draw behind the head figh and is operated | Lo room, or else she would signify to by a motor hiv' hy steam compact | he pan servant on the spot that the on a turbine wheel. The current is} Cigieor was to be shown into her pre 6,000 candl which can be ve | jo0e duced to any degre of brilliancy al Such a retinue of man servants as the will of the engineer this would naturally mean ruination One of the heaviest POSSEngEr £0 1 to any in America but the most glues on the Chicago, Milwaukee & } (o ithy, while in England it is but =t i Pau 3 experimentally i the customary requirement for a sim with this bh ight, drew a special | 1 day at home lasting through the train a numl of Chi » whole and a practical de # working appara visitor Should the individual be a stranger with a letter of introduction, he would be shown into the small re éeption room while the letter is being read. Lady Stanley would then either go herself, if disengaged from other power, equipped wiles out of ! season em -------- OLD RESIDENT DEAD. cago last night monstration of the tus was given u the of Charles W, , formerly tant general Pennsylvania of hali a mile the t framework of the se phore ves resident sa. the slowly Be i one | mas Kennedy, eighty-two mile. Straight above the locomotive | © 88% has passed away. A i a shait of light as thick as a man's number of friends and neighbors fol body penetrated the darkness, and lowed his TeaIng to the church. Lersons posted ten miles away report where Rev. Fr. Spratuv delivered an : ha P s clearly disting isha interesting djseourse to a large con headlight illumination and railway th three sons ph nine + daughters nals. It - is further proposed "| to mourm William and Michael, on - cignals of divtress of other the homestead; Edward in Minnesota communi atic ns when trouble occurs Mrs John Foster, Toledo, Ont.; Mrs betwen telegraph points, by the us Bulger, Westport Mrs. Deginis Tass to color the vertical Brewer s Mills; Mrs. Henry : Fieming, Chafiey's Locks; Mrs James Lappen, Lansdowse.aMiss Aggie 1 nedy, Smith's Falls; and Eliza, Celia The Good Newspaper. and Anna at home. The family were Sions. City Journal i fread ul here at funeral, except Edward Phe good hewspaper 3} or a ""I'"'The deceased also leaves one brother ts readers news, as reliable as | oq three sisters: Edward and and intelligent} comment there | gr nnedy and Mrs refiort | Smith's Falls; and Mrs. Hart, New itscll | 1oro, Six of his grand-sons were the pall-bearers, John Baker health; he has house for some |UpBrvision An Advanced Age. person of Tho convey Rose Murphy, of eolored g ray «f Light to give can bi on. good "nawspper will but it will not pusy in making them The world is full of humbug, tréach erv, scheming, fraud. The use of the an auxiliary force is con Ihe wonder is not that newspapers arc #0 bail; the wo near Ottawa, where he has been mak der is that they are as good as thes ving cheese the past season. He will are, spend a few weeks at the Kingston dairy school, before going to is fac tory, near Gananoque for this season Patrick J. Downy will make cheese near Kingston, the coming season Israel Shuman will manipulate curd in the Plum Hollow factory this sea Steven Stevans will be master of sensations, in the best of confined to the Harley Elliott 18 not been newspaper as weeks stuntly sought The Old Flag Good Enough. Hamilton Spectator We cannot for the life of us stand this agitation for a new flag There's nothing wrong with the present flag It has been good ehough | son to hive under, 'to fight under, t ceremonies in the Philipsville cheese It has circled the world. 1t | factory for the next year. The revival is historic. It is | services in the Methodist church will British people in be continded the coming week. Little spent Saturday N under iritish 0 far, die under is handsome It good enough for the the Briush or in the col Bet it alone. An Appeal Miss Luceil Whitmore last with her grandfather, -L Philps, in Delta, it being their birthdays. Isles onies Blood-Curdling Names. pointed time baci A London newspaper once blood-thirsti s of the names of their towns and districts, Many of these rule added something to To Protect The Little Ones From | n Coughs and Colds That so Fre- Sountey a places are named "Kil" something or quently Lead to Consum- another-- "Kil" in Irish meaning ption in Later Years. church--such as Killarney. Killaloe Kildare, Kilkenny, Kilrush and Kil Tvis ; possible that you have been ac- | T ildery. customed to consider that every al his recalls the veértisement is for the benelit of the | man who went over advertiser only. In this you have been | sist an old college ; mistaken, as you will probably ad | standing in the unionist interest for a mit if you read about Dr. Chase's Sy- | constituency in the south of rup of Linseed and Ta fine, and | and who, in his ignorance of this geo have an opportunity of testing iis graphical nomenclature, was consid value in your family. artled on hearing at a rail Every mother is anxious to learn of following conversa effective means of combating the ils wild-looking pea which cause her children to suffer. | nants 2 : Many have learned how to conquer "I'm just alter bein croup, bronchitis, whooping cough, patrick, said one, sore throat, sever coughs and colds, An" 1 replied the other, by reading the advertisements of Dr. | the or being over to Kilmary, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen What mire ferers they are tine. Some mothers have even taken | the Englishman. "And to think they the trouble to write letters thanking talk of their assissinations so pub us for making known to the public the | licly ! merits of this great cough and cold "And where are medicine. They realized that to them | Jim?" 'asked assassin No. 1. : the advertising was news of greas | I'm goin home to Kilmore," was value. Na, 2s reply. The Englishman's It almost seems like wasting space blued turdled. to well of Dr. Chase's Symp of Lin "Kilmore, is it?" said the seed and Turpentine. So many know "Faix, you'r bether be comin' about it, have tested ils virtues, and | © Rilumaule." souk its healing power whenever inf The story goes that the frightened need of treatment for throat and | Englishman went no further on his Jungs. Bit there are many rivals and | journey He waited at the station many imitations. Hosts of druggists | for the next train back to Dublin, and stand ready to offer a substitute if returned to England by the . first the buyer i# not firm in his demands | boat. for the geonime and reliable Dr. | Chase's Sirap of Linseed and Tur pentine, You cantiot afford to Jet vour child's | sale the greatest bargain in ready- cqld run on ami on, developing into | made tx in the city, worth from ghenic bronchitis, Sirians lung trou- | gg xy 3 or consnmption: You cannot ena ei, rt | Sik Si 2 I suggests he wrisdomh of dn of { has only a limited quantity. iin f. ( Ronen al the aad to protect the children, and grown story of an English to Ireland to as chum who was erably st way station the tion between two over to Kil "am al vou goin' now, other, wid me A Great Bargain For $1.50. Prevost, Brock street, will offer fon h Trousers, Trousers. , from the ills of oot | Take a look at them. We will wager | A bottle. Family : vou will want to iniy. Bear in mind | 4 sing, 60 conts. At all dealers, or no clerk in this store will ieee you to mason, Bates & b Cou Toronto, buy. Bibby's one price house. | Judge | Madame Cured of Asthama and General | Debility By That Great Blood | comes | | condition her Thomas Kennedy Passes Away At Philipsville, Feb. 17--.Another old years | A large | { the United States are afllicted aged | Mary | Pucpeth, of | has just retwned from South March, | both of aut in all seriousness some k { 0 of BIS that the "'natural savagery" of = the 8 Irish people in their struggle for home SARA Ireland, | £3 a pair, for 31.50 a pair, | FEBKXUARY 18. _|15 NOLAW ACAINST TEE ALT] 1 onl A RIGHT OF PEFUB- One of the many houses in London | LIC'S CITIZENS Arnold, of Philadelphia Makes a Curicus Ruling in Case of Attempt to Suicide Philadelphia, Feb. 18. Hert Wright, of this city, was arraing before judge Ar on the charg attempted suicide. In discharging thi prisoner the ¢ said he doubted there was such a se in this state or country as attemptec d suicide Ihe | law emanated from courts where they | were kings and emperc y rs who adop the theory that it was wrong man to kill himself is the number of a kir The judge added longed te himsel reduce man's life Creator that a i and his man | { that «died he time dead, and adv hurry would be a ised him no SAVED BY BROMA. Dolbert, of Montreal, and Nerve Restorer. lady of Montreal suffering from a# debility. Her sad of reco A very prominent Mrs. Dolhert, was thma and general poor prospect ering her strength, and the suffered daily rendered the very dark for her. The doctor who had preseribed many tonics, thought adapted to her case told her one day to try Broma, a powerful tonie for all throat and lung diseases adding that it was her anchor. Madame per the advice the same day Dolbert of her physician, that invaluable medi cine and a few bottles cuved her. Her asthma © was oothed and her pains and weakness disappeared. She had new blood in her strong, vigorous, with omplexion She never a favorable tunity to recommend DBroma. The leading physicians of the scribe Broma in from the blood and nerves, Sold evervhwere. fresh-colored loses oppor country pre Good Advice. The most miserable complaint, of the sia and Liver seventy-five per cent people in with these two diseases and their effects; such as sour stomach, | heart, heart burn, waterbrash, gnaw ing and' burning pains at the pit of the stomach, vellow skin, coated ton gue @nd disagreeable taste ip the | mouth, coming up of food after eat jing, low spirits, etc. Oo to your | druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 5c. Two doses will relieve { you. Try it. For sale at Wade's drug { store. Don't Give In. have trivd various =o ined no relief ay that there is no cure for rheuma trouble is, vou have | taken the right medicine What Hall's 1 Cure ha accom plished for Is of sufferers can do for you. 8. 0. Taylor, Charl cotte, Ont., suffered with rheumatism in the back (lumbago) far four year | five bottles of Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure completely eured him He hes Loon free from pein ever since | blood puritier it has preparation i8 put up in be | taining ten days' treatmer 50c. at Wade's drug store {If you | remedies and obte | i | tism. The | Fur-Lined Capes. Special low prices at sale, George Mills & Co., iste, Wellington strect our clearing fur special It's a good thing to loth and sprinkle your aslie icy pavement Bricklayer's Backache. ------ wenr your It requires a! good strong | sturdy man to stand the strain of the hard work - that fallstothelot of a mason, Exposure to the hot sun Band the eut~ | 3 LE ting winds, } 4 8 bending ' over, inhal- ur the fine dust of the lime, brick x all these things are bound woner gr luter to tell on the kidneys ind put them out of working order, Fie . oA i poor old back begins to ache thought . § pain, the urine is scant and ulds when passing. Auy mason who finds. his back 1 g and his & wl Le put in fit shape for by a bottle or two of Dr. pains she | outlook { whick he | fast sheet | unhestitatingly, as | took | veins she was | all diseases ariding | sick headache, | | YOU CAN SAVE 20 PER CENT. ON KITCHEN ENAMELLED kidneys bothering | have these troubles re- | JAMES REID, Leading he ortaker. 2) CHET TLV LVVEVABTAVVR LVL ASVE DRS | ag VUE TVRLVVLLLLTLBTVTLTRLLTLVL ELBERT LRT TRGB LERD LLB EVILRA FLV LTLETRVBRITRBIRIDRBNS i beings in the | world are those suffering from dyspep | More than | - rN Ww --- | | i | | izeher's Backache Kidney Tablets. | ACTED LIKE A CHARM. Grane, Bouth Street, Aylmer, | and brickmason, well and vicinity, says; | years 1 have back and ki tiem ting to lift a very | gag myeslf, Lhave | s of | ¢ main and diffioulty | Ati Ng when | toss fom i and 1 saffered 50 | ire mason | Le ru. Fischer's Ba wl boweht a sap Thay sated like i + np dei, nye aod stiffness cat of he at | 12 f can now straighten us 2. yish case. The s all guns an 1 fol » Zrong and well.', & We a box, ab all ¢ sei Tus ln Zisa Process i> lowest or giving sew busivess get retes from or by | wy THIS ADVERTISEMENT CHANGES EVERY DAY. foraer Puintess and Weliiagton Streéty, Kingston, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1Mth, 1902. 1350 CUSTOMERS BOUGHT GRANITEWARE Saturday. Every ene was well pleased with their purchases. A numbezr of lines have been sold out and still we have abundance left for Wednesday d D es ar ay OF OUR SEVEN DAYS GRANITEWARE SALE. We present you with values not often heard of. Cin Our early morning sales, from 8:30 to 10 a.m, have been well attended. Have you "been to oae? If not come To-morrow Morning. Here are three inducements : Granite "Fish Boilers Lent. See] 8 S \ bya rey ow kat 9c. w in Buy in Granitew are, ¥ Thumb Scoops atiy Ohvst on Large Muy Spouns, De Cope y F arin ng ¢ Toilet ok - 5€. WOODS' FAIR. - TRV IT. SOCAL LLAATLRLT ALLA VLBR TVA VRARAITLSNSS ONCE EAR i i BE ese es -» VUVVTVVPT FPP PT RFRA AE THR HAA BBA RRS LSLSHTPRR TUR TL RR THR RS TBR IRIS S | AY WARE AND THA IS DURING OUR FEBRUARY SALE. Famous cooks always require the best of cooking utensils and our line of granite is a fine one and no mistake. If you want to delight could not go about it in a better Bridget or Eliza you way and at the same time not deplete the treasury. IMoKEL VEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. po JPA LLRALS VHA AVELILLVEVS ers vess For Tea Parties:-- Cream Bread, Milk Bread. Put up in fancy form. Especially suitable for sandwitches and teas. v ss rere TOYE'S, KING STREET, ULE BT HAVLLRLLBL VLE LE LA BABS IAW $ s $ : I : 3 $ $ CHAIRS. = fuish and prices, loing quality y $1.25, regular price, 32. beewtitul smbossed bucks, ec, regular price $1. ul embossed backs, embod bark, beantilal all wold pily sttended to Ambulanes 147, | Allan Line Lirerpesl asd Royal Mall Steamers, From £t. John. From Halifax 151th Fels % Feb. MONEY AND BSE = ame 6 LOAN WN LARGE on At | me, jow rotes of interest on city | ed farm propetty Loos granted om | city ail county debemtuces. Apply to 8 | C. Mell, re RATES OF PASSAGE. First Cabin rates, 345 snd spwesds; ro . $55 aad upwards ; lonian, TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND Doians INL wy wor Wutmmad. en thine | AD "Sufliiok x Pv mw York i as For COLMING | INBURANC a = over FEaprese Ofer, Market Souars. fol ER Liverpool, London aad Globe Fire Insurance Company. realists nosnts, PCIARTZIS. In addition winch the poly | ity the unlimited lability of FAHNM AND CITY PROPERTY insured of porsible rates lore rroewiog ole STHANGE & STRANGE, Agwie,

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