i THE DaiLY e-- WH1G, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18. ANGIER'S PETROLEUM EMULSION 'HELPS DIGEST Wholesome FOOD HOUSANDS of people are "actually starving, not for want of fgod, but because they cannot digest and assimilate the food they eat, therefore, they de rive no nourishment from it. An- flea Petroleum Emulsion helps igest and assimilate wholesome food, cleanses the stomach bowels, and puts the digestive or- gans in a condition w perform the'r functions naturally. Ittones tip and invigorates the entire sys- tem, and a gain in weight, strength and color is a quick result, All drug sell ANGIER'S Pe troleum Emulsion. Two sizes, 0 cts. and $1.00 a bottle. Be sure you get ANGIERS. Asaizn Cazmicar COMPANY { begun in Never Missed Me says Mr. Harry Fawcett, of 128 Slater Street, Ottaws.-- 4 In its annual rounds I was surely :counted .in as one of its victims until I learned of, arid had used, that greatest of Grippe Killers-- Uwanta GRIPPE Capsule For the past three years I have used them with the most beneficial effects--the first year to cure a genuine case of Grippe, and the past two years as a preventive. --1 have proved the treat- ment effective--and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it.--I highly re- commend Uwanta Capsule for colds and Grippe. All druggists, or direct from UWANTA MIG CO. Lea, Ottawa, Ont. 25 cents a box. es Mn ep Se Budock arly medicine known, hence its effects are and lasting. It cures, without fail, such diseases as Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliowsness, Bad Sick Headache, Boils, Pimples, Tumors, Scrofula, Kidney Complaint, Jaundice, Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite and hs The fact that it is guar eS ------------r---------------------------------" A NEW LIVERY BUSINESS. HAVING PURCHASED THE LIVERY business and good will from R.N.F. MeFur lube, Mot of Princess street, I will endeavor Ao conduct ib on first class principles. Good mw, mood rigs, careful drivers in constant ") $10. R. E. Wilson, Prep. ticle pER CENT. DUCTION OFF TERS' TOOLS. ~~ STUDENTS OF QUEEN'S! HONG | Boil 04 G LEE "AN UNTRUTEFUL- REPORT. : | . : + yo 'A CRACK AT THE CROWS NEST COMPANY. Accused of Coal Monopoly--Un- true Articles Published fn Pa: pers--Suggestion That Lands Be Given to C.P.R. Rossland, - B.C., Feb. 18.<A story of alleged hardship, caused by the Crows Nest coal compagpy in refusing soal ahd coke to the people and the smelter of British Columbia, while sending the bist to the United States in profusion, has found circulation here and hereabout. The report, whose untruthiulness has been exposed and admitted, that J. J. Hill has secured 'eomtrel of the Crow's Nest company, kept in ecireulatiofi, and the ion 15 made by several Keote wapapers that a lot of the com pony's best lands in the Morrissey Creek district of the Crow's Nest basin ought to be handed over by the government to the C.P.R. or its friende The campaign appears to have been the Province newspaper of January i5th, which published a tole gram dated Fort Steele on the 17th, attacking coal monopoly in the Crow's Nest. A typewritten coppy, identical in cuntents with this was handed in February to the Inland Sentinel, 'of Kamloops, for publication and an ar manifolded and containing al most the same matter was published in the Nelson Tribune, and afterwards offend! to the Nelson Miner. Another article inculeating like views appeared later in the Provinee, and it in turn was copied by the Rossland Miner Thus a series of untrue or unfair alle gotions, combined with an adroit sag gestion that the government should deprive the wicked Crow's Nest com puny of a lot of its property, and hand it over to the patriotic C.P.R,, have gone the vounds of a group of vewspapers and been made to appear as "public opinion in the Kootenay country." Not only this but like stories have appeared in the press. A Toron- to paper printed a long despatch abus ing the Nest alleged poliey dnted Ottawa, January 7th, but has siice repudiated and apologised for it The last issue of the Mining Re view, of Ottawa, had an article of like tenor. It may be said, with truth; that people in this province who know what the Crow's Nest folks' arrange ments really are do not wish to them hampered by slanderous got up and circulated with a evident purpose in view, good is will sg nay 1 Crow's. see tales very ART EXHIBITION eiem---- Is Now In Progress At Kirkpat- ! rick's Gallery. The annual exhibition of framed paintings and skotchés in connection with the Kingston hranch of the wo man's art association of Canada was opened at Kirkpatrick's art gallery, Monday. Many artists from Canada and England eontiibste to the col legion of landscape colorings, por traie, sketches from still life and of flowers. Miss E. Long, of the wo man's institute, London, England, ex hibits two beautiful pieces of colors, York Minster and Durham cathedral. Miss Maud Hurst, of the same club, shows a realistic scene of a storm gathe.ing, and Miss Clara Paunce fote, also of London, England, ex Fibits five miniatures, Two studies from life in black and white, most na piral in pose and expression, are ex hibited by Miss Madge Robertson, St John, B. The Montreal branch is represented by a fine collection of work. The Misser Stratton, of Ot tuwa, show several pretty pictures. In to Toronto group Mrs. Hempetead's water color "landscape," Miss F " [indsav's pictures of fruit, and still life, Miss Howson's "aster," and Mis¢ Bastedo's posteait of Col,- Shaw, at- tract a' great deal of attention. The sketches and paintings by mem lers of the Kingston branch eccupy one side of the room. Mrs. Powers' Lest exhibits are A. Path to the Or chard" and "A Virw From Mrs. Mae Miss Ella Fracer siastical pictures of Chalmers church tow the chancel of St. James' Her horse-head sketch is munch admired Of Miss Margaret King's four sketehes in black and white, "The Roman Peasant," is by far the best. Miss J. Drammond's views of the "Interior of Fort Honey" and "A Shady Corner' are exception ally noticeable among her colleetion. Miss Machar's "Gray Day Among the lands" is very good, as also is Miss Gibson's view of St. John's church, Portsmouth, Myre. Forster shows several oxcendingly interesting views from Portamounth, the best being St. John's church and "Old Village Street." Mrs Nash's "Lodge and Gate' at Portsmouth is verv natural her "Trees at Alwington." Miss Fairlie hag a very pretty view of ""Ok-'Wa-Ka," and Mrs. John Strange of "Cottages Winneroux, : Mics Poricous shows three scenes of foes! interest, the best thing being the furt and military college. shows local er and church. interest wo also Isobel. Fur the Whig The' stricken with grief Dear Isabel, "Taas by God's weering baad; Bui well thou knowest, vr Tsobel, Thy ecruse of oil, st His command Will or And wipe owt wos Ri fool amd Log hy heart cypamad, "ieor, every eve." Dear "Tsobel, ite wipeth sway the tear) Ayek hive will . wear Isobel, Wilh Mg rod dd fear--- ia anal & ve, iow ie fad hy y Will sue he sad Bearts, when thouw'rs near Eloise A. Skimings, Goderich. ------ ---- _ To Lay Cables. Londor, Feb. 18.-~The Telegraph says it u <derstands that Canada has dndinitely decided to lay a cable to Groat. Britain b t of the ex- sethng Atlantic Hues; and also a Pa cific cable. She would probably ac copt financial aid from the imperial government, byt will lay the cables wivhow, The Best Rubbers | Mads in Awerica af Aberathy's. Just to introduce our ready-to-wear department we are offering boys two piece suits, sizes from 23 to 29, at 35 pc. off. Livingston Bros. BEET SUGAR HISTORY. ------ Some Figures And Facts Relative to the Industry. New. York Tribune In the ten years pre imports of Sagar as U7 pounds: a year, and natural tendency ing purchases The the beet founded, under fr really more plate inddstry er ved rifi. The promise ten years '1 try would be supplying our demand and exporting a yeas that date, ports of sugar have creasing In the ten they have averaged 3.6854580677 pounds .a year, or nearly fifty per cent. more than in the preceding ter years. So that at the time a cording to the of {he beet Sugar men, we were 10 + sUpplying all our own demand and in addition exporting 1,000 000 a year were actually, importing about #0 tons a year, and the ambunt was steadily increasing The domestic product of beet sugar under at first a high bounty and lat er a protective tariff, increased from R00 tons in 1800 to less than 83, 0%) tons in 1900 a rate of increase nothing like equal to the rate of in crease of consumption. So that, in stead of abolishing imports and sup plying the domestic demand, as the tin-plate industry has done, this high lv protected beet sugar industry per mits and indeed makes necessary, the steady increase of imports of foreign sugar And this marked failure of promise has been effected at a heavy cost to the American people, Our consump tion of sugar for the first ten vears of this century will average 3,000,000 tons a year, and the duty is £19 a ton on crude and 839 a ton on refined sugar. At the former figure the cost to this country of giving to. the beet su gar industry a protection which it declares it not need will in ten vears amount to S570.000 000, or more than one-half of interest bearing national debt. ing JS our 2.4657,697, a general toward increas sugar industry was a bounty which gave tion than the tin under the ta prot was made th me the beet st mest G0 ton however, the im been steadily in years, [890.49 Since promises tons does our Fighting An Epidemic. London Letter We are in the midst of a had epi demic of small-pox, right here in Lon don, the best the British empire, mavbe, Mont real. This epidemic has been going on for three months, and naturally the medical authorities have been very eager to get people vaccinated Not one person who has been re-vaceinat ed since childhood has died of small pox during this epidemie. Well, in spite. of all facilities 'being afiorded, and in spite of the public being al most entreated to be vaccinated, free of charge, comparatively few people took the precaution for quite a while. But presently some one on the stock exchange introduced the prac tice of 'wearing a red ribbon around the vaccinated arm. as a warning to passersby not to jostle, The practice spread. Jt served as the bést adver tisement for vaccination," and from that time re-vaccination has had a hoom in. London, and ydéu will meet a thousand ribboned-armed men in a five-minute walk anywhere in the city governed except city in The World-Wide Theatre. In Weimar, where Goethe lived so long, they are to erect a Statue to Shakespeare. There is reason for this admiration, because in that the plays of the English bard are pro duced as frequently probably as in America. If the enforced country law ageiost standing up is in the New York theatre, will cause abundance Many 'admissions' are bought at a cheap rate, the purchaser, knowing hs will have to stand, but under the new order of things this system may have to be dispensed with and nothing but reserved seat tickets sold Charles Frohman talks of taking a company of American and players an a topr through France and Germany Very soon the number of the Ameri can invaders of England may be 'ir creased by Maude Adams, in 'Quality Street." A Rio Janeiro, Brazil, manager may bring a Spanish opera company to this country in the spring of annoyance English St. Andrew's "At Home." The Jadies of the home ation and the young women's guild of St Andrew's church invited the gation of St. Andrew's church to a congregational "At Home." last even ing in St. Andrew's Hall, following the anniversary services of the pre day A large number availed themselves of the inwitation: an ceedingly pleasant evening was result A reception econmmittee been formed which discharged agreeable duties to the satisfaction of il. Music of a high character was rendered and refreshments were serv od. The flourishing congregation of St. Andrew's is much to be congratu lated upon the fine social feeling which prevails mmong its members. The minister and Mrs. Mackie are holding as ever a high place in the affections of their people, congre vious "The Little Minister." The patrons of the Grand will be delighted to learn that arrangements have been completed whereby Charles Froham's authorized version of 'The Little Minister" will be seen av this theatre. The success attained by this play has cansed a sensation. The same story is told everywhere--theatres packed to the doors. The engagement will be for matinee and night, Satur- day, Febroaary 2nd, It should prove to be one of the big events of the sea son. It is a play that not ealy at tracts the regular theatre goers, but also. those who seldom patronize plays. : Appropriate Nanies. Neither ships, racehorses nor any- ling else are so aptly named as the i trains of the world--the Flying Scotchman, which is the Transinsalar Timited, of Great Britain: the Flying the ---- Do You Want or valise? Cali at Aber A trunk nethy's. DRIVES A THOUSAND NILES J 1% THE COUNTRY TO GET A DIVORCE. Chicago Man Flees to Denver to Escape His Wiie's Tongue--He Was Threatened By Her. Feb. 18.-To 'escape his «ay%, made him listen 3 the poin 1.000 mule ed at ff drove gv. Mr a sympathetic Mullin's « session Cluff secu Ure at Mre who keeps the candy store Fullerton ¢ {id not enter an apps Cluffs were mar Claflin his div as an inducement 10 then a widow, told him that she was worth 820.000. After they were marri « he said he found that she owned a andy store, and that was so heavily gaged that she was worth practi v nothing When he reproached her he said she lost her temper, and put live toads bits of melon in his bed, and he threatened to get a divospe drew a revolver, and told him she id kill him This revolver 12R0) enue, Chic The orce petition said that him his wile and when figured extensively in their domestic differences, according to his account. When, to escape her scolding, he wauld try to leave the house, she' would get the drop on him and make him hear her out Cluff was employed hy the Deering harvester company and drove about | in a buggy soliciting orders. One day about a vear ago a happy thought struck dim. He headed his buggy to ward the Mississippi, and until he reached Denver stopped only for re freshment and rest for himself and his he went to work for the harvester company, Clufi 1259 Pearl street he said, *¢« CHRISTIAN VAUDEVILLE." Slums To Be Redeemed By Thea- trical Amusement. bicago Tribune Christian poe 1 wid billiard and bowling a! eys are the cure proposed by George secretary of the "For ward Movement," for the conditions that prevail in Chicago's slum and tenderloin districts. The immoral at mosphere in those places he charges directly to the saloons, which, he are an invading foree, but he has little sympathy with the methods employed by the WALT the prohibition party "The trouble with the W: C. T. U and other prohibitioniste," said Mr Gray, "is that they want to shake Fi bushels of apples from one tree, yd big a hurry to pliant Addressing a meeting of prohilition Evanston the leader of the | Forward Movement," said "In a canvass of a district in Chieaze, a ali mile square { found 300 saloons, vaudeville houses, rooms, Ww Liray, aye, and are in too more tres wis In | of mid-dgy, mn the dark 7 questionable places, with 1.7 trunates, and 130 wine pariors. On Sunday night I listrict 1,214, people in charche nissions; and approxima peopl in theatres, vaudeville and low places of amusement. "fF compiled these figures with a to providing a cure for the immorality of that district, continued Mr. Gray, "I had ondman mploved for weeks counting the num ber of people in the § ons and vaudeville gures for the Sunday night atténdance at places of amusement I obtained for the most part myself. My deduction 1 that the people, first of all, tertaimmnent "The plan for the the district which I have formed a: vhich will he pushed by the °F of three steps. The Fag found in house carefully view wine hose want en regeneration of 1 orward Movement' consists first is the use of =ocial means v life has been transferred to saloor should be social put to outside of the sa places fitted up where here forves ork have oon. I would ontinu entertamments by carried om pool and people had IS vaudeville artists have in addition and wher places 1 yafd hristian coulit be I would billiard Leen attracted to these vork for industrial prohibition." THE HEARING IS BAD. Mr. Lee Points Out a Legislature Deficiency. Toronto, Fel. I18~~The usnally Monday afternoon session of the islature tened by a bit gf pleasantry, mixed with truth, cerning the hearing facilities of the the Lad qualit of ere heralded by Mr. Lee of Kent disenszion on Mr ! the municipal councils 100 000 dull was hrigh chamber A Carseallen's bill mo: f 1 ' ~ than power public and park boards ed the ments opposition to that principle though the bills were referred to com mittee. Y Hon. Mr. Dryden's bill amending the agriculture. and arts act by some technical changes in regard to the poultry associations, and providing for the organization of women's in stitutes for the purpose of ieproving rural home life, was given a third reading estimates of govern Not Likely To Be Held. The committees of thy baard of edu cation are hard at work preparing the budget. It is not likely that a speci al meeting of the board will be beld this week as details are not yet com phate, A special meeting may be call ed for Monday or Thursday of next week. - br. W. G. Anglin, wife and ter, and Die: W. H Winnett, g ston, were the gusts of Rev, Mr. amd Mrs. Lancelsy at the Port Hope Me thodist parsonage, over Sunday. Capt. W. y Morgan, V.8., will reach the city tomorrow. after hay ing spent pearly a vear in South Ai' rica: He'is at present in New York, having "landed there yesterday. 68.4, W. CRASE'S . - GATAREH CURE en " 13 sent direct to tae @itensed the wicery clears the air Pres, SE EgeYIes i the ee an aint pereanonr iY which | wid TE Pew NOT A CITY MATTER. Merchints Ask For Abolition of County Toll Gates. At last conne 1 -Ald tion from t city od a pels merchants for the abol nicht's meeting of the Farnell po s Joeal retail n, asking I he contended that the peti to the county ve Jurisdiction counct over ground stock companies Wave Ire t < Ald. Meleod iwht the city, the eve being removed it of tolls fr , =hould wil by petition ty count support Lhe removing market should be referred favoring the i to)l gates, thought that i should not take any #et ted allowing the while ion, so sugpe to stand i of the Sears knew he the council now business community. the council ap a deputation to/ wait upon v council to lay the | the ory oESion WoO favored petition remons valent to matter | eg | county people the citaze ot poval of King interested mn than the are more road tolls that any more re in repair, for who city thre produc wd pointed out not yield venue than kept them the benefit of the farmers, mivileged to come into the t their were times a week and sell like merchants: they were not city taxpayers and did pot contribute any thing towar of streets Ald. Knapp took the ground that it would be a sacrifice for the & repair greater county to purchase county re for the city Ii the markets not cost the into town, into the a regular r to throw off m et tol were made so that would farmers anythir to come more ild flow i: wer city nsance that the the juris vor Shaw took the view retition did not come under city - counci so ruled The Wounded In Battle. In the Franco-German war, the de had finished their merci at Mars-la when they we Gravelotte. After days they retorned they found tors not Work {our wanted at work at Gravelotte, Mars-la-Tour, still living in agony with f wounds, Others had ended a life hate ful beyond imagination with their own hands Among the many tragedies. shelter from the sun to or cornfield, who es earch of the ambulances, victims of war "In. the burning where list of mis there Those are who creep for some Cops the cape anxiot are the shadows oi crouched stones, while still vultures," without water help of man what to then mid-night, thistles--a prey Living 1 the feasting withe food, without 'a as 0 their torment eaning of gl found in a FIX the When n a such found, them could hope to of th wring th terrih and the the flames ------------ Lovers Who Won't Propose. This is' the title of ticle in a wellknown weekly who wont s ropes ut thev Proposing oss, and one is not enndicts shiver on t r the w ati What Tu inir inly, they be done too i to launch awa fe | lot, the ff their m a the half repeating it ¢ a powerful ved niu is now popularity imaginative story of doon to mumortality from erneifixion of Christ form the ever I'he foreefulness, A man the time of the and popular Jew For r ic and ance, and novel has Canada a new placed on the Bri Toronto book stores gives in another legend of drosnati pal religious fervor, true ro thrilling advent: thi seldom been equ In has heer market hy It is on sale edition in loca ai: American Bishops. Bishop Harwell, according to {atest mail advices from the Cape, bern preaching with great force to Puteh and English congregations in Wandering | { i William the | yds than | business | The toll | tering | heat | and | | Remedies Applied Externally Only Dry Up or Suppress Its External 'Manifestations and Throw it Back on the Sys- tem to Return When They are Discontinued or Find Vent at Some Other Point Perhaps in"More Important and Vital Parts, membrane, ply of " ne arvh 'y ted Woe wad ye a only i of these vote we tit. Cure t Uae corres bronchitis, ciutnreh of tarrhal (rows niend 0 drug . wm and you ard Frimnd, rr mega Oil RHEUMATISM The only thing that goes in where the roots of Rheumatism are locate ed is Omega Oil. The little Swiss green herb that they put into this liniment is the thing that does the work, The doc~ tors can't explain how or why Omega Oil cures Rheu- matism, but it does do jt as sure as you're born. Begin by taking a fice warm bath, Wipe yourself thoroughly dry with a towel. Then pour a little Omega Oilin your hand and rub the place that hurts like a good fellow. Keep up the rube bing until all the oil goes into the pores of the skin. 1f the pain -is stubborn, put some Omega Oil on ece of cotton and it on the sore spot r night. Insome Cases a cure will come in one treatment, but in real bad cascs you have to keep on doing this way quite a h while. Omega Oil is gond for everything a lini- ment otight to be good for. y | J an Omega 0) is for sale In most {rug sures. Any draggist can get pty of his wholesaler, | your Aces 1. | i. the Omess ¢ »r Proadwah wr mat ost pre v the has | Cape Colony on the moral aspects of | the war, taking the British side with almost passionate earnestness and ap | pealing to the Boer soldicrs, their heroic resivtance to be enough to acknowledge defeat and de cist from warfare which could not be justified on the grounds of expedisncy or necessity. The American bishop al wo boldly predicted the reunion of the warring races in South Africa almost an speedily as the north and south have hean drawn together after the civil war. Does Your Boy Want a pair of boots or rubbers. Call at Abervethy's. Three applications of Peck's Corn Salve will cure hard or soft corns. la big boxes, lbs., at Wade's dong stom, after | brave | t } 1 { | E Telephone 35. A Baker. Economical on fuel-- ; large sheet steel oven--will bake with from 25 to 50 per cent. less fuel than ordinary cast iron ovens. Elegant design, durable, conyenient and always ready for duty BROS CATARRH. What This Disease Is and how it May Be Cured, | Originating in the System it Can be Cured Only by Treating the Blood. :