Advises All Persons Suflor- ing from Lost Manhood 10 Send for This / Free Cure. WIS THE OFFICIAL ENDORSEuENT ' to every suffering i hall (this conf oo df you ave afflicted with Sexusi eakness or Nervous Debility, 1 want article and thén write 4 i le 1 medicine with which { \ of my friends and 5 2 ftten me for ft. 1 ; sot a ductor or a' sharfier, but a £5 Susinesy man, and 1 want every enk, ppointed and debiiftated man 20 write to me for a copy of the fod mula from which this wonderful medi- Pema {1 fo not ask you for t ; ._ Read following. by William Cole, WB Waaninion LC, published in the Uf Investigating Reports re- prescription from which ng Lost Manhood opared; -- During the examination of men for the Bg our resent war with Spain, our United States army physicians wore ahocked €o find so large a percentage of mea disquati Bed because, of nervous disorders. It is not of the pu; of these SATE of, Shaan, other than to say the he sufferer is seMom to blame. His cond! Bon is indeed deplorable; bis memory fails him, bis energy gone, his eyesight fumed his myles Jit and bis nervous dfamina ed 1s pit by those versed in nervous isorders, and repelled by those of both sex Who do not understand how dark the world in to FOAry ago the writer fave ats fention to the curs of nepyous dimopders, gnt nd that the late Dr. Wilson, Professor of reppris to enter into a istry and Practitioner of Wedloing 1 Balicvue Medical Col) of New York, hat ® formals of wonderfh] power fa restore '» men the fullness BE Shel physical and meh! Strength, Iu the year 18533 the celebrated Tw Wilson 'ated! and Biv formula has heen ob. by Li PF. Page, of 201 State Stree , MioRighn, wha prepares it accord: 4 prescription, and from our of the same, hy our. Foard of Inves we find Jt compored of pure mnt Ig, and that it is sold under the "hr, Wilson's Restorative Rome: © Our investigation was extended intn & great number of similar preparations, none 5 Were found cqual to the shove white: Were prepared hy these why khew Tittle ing about therapeution or materiy Mmadica. We herby cavtion the nillic againm the use of all unrertain remediss. apd a" nedd nerve fife bringing medicine we to 165s Dr Wilson's Restos: prepared and sold by IF Page, 201 8 Street, Marshall, Michigan, and unto the aforesald Dr. Wilson's Restora: tive Remadion wo extend the official snforse- Taunt of the United States lavestigating Ra- 0 avery one who writes in good falth send the full formuls of this This preséription sent free. Fave patre: you Lap buy and pare 'it privately yourself. One prescrip- & 4 new man of you. Ones enough to convince wou of marvellous power. those whose attention has Atiracted 'by this magnanimous 18 the Rev. J, 8. B. Crawford, of ynaville, N. C., a very prominent bahay OW vitality wits serious- ly Peng siek of paying to quacks and charlatans who " iy he was directed. With this result, he Was perfectly cured, and after several years of t of his newly given Sars, made the statement publicly every man in need of help should many Aihisters who GT Be willing to publicly -udorse . and recommend A cure of this kind, With "the statement that they them. selves had been eured by it, but the Rev. Crawford has in bim a great deal Sh ve geatitude and love of mankind. i Is shown in. a recent letter tn wi Be sys that he makes public ante'in order that others y receive the Same happy results." now and can look back . nitstakes you have made: but you recall the ivigor and fire oe springtime of robust man. % transgressions bave left thelr mark upon you. Your errors and excesses have ravaged your system 1d undermined ow nerve force, i ache, nervousness and debilitating drains and worn-out. shrunken o and organs are mak- ing your 8 miserable existence de. "ot You hesitate and 3 are. oot the Wan you once ft. Cast aside your 'litter 18 too important. manly decision. printed snd costs me and I give it free of de not 11, but if you 3 #0 you cin pay something hi ant to help every 4 quite ill with pletris The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario--What Peo- Plo Are Doing and What They Are Saying. Morven Musings. Morven, Pob. 17.-Owing to Rev. W. T, Wicket attending a funeral at Mountain Grove, Rev. G. S. Whiie, Napanee, occupied the pulpit in the Brick. and White churches on Sunday, to the' satisisetion of all.-- Visitors . D. Purks and brother, Rossie, Sharp. ton, with their gunt, Mrs. D. R. Hicks; Wesley Raymond, Kingston, at Damond Garrison's. -- Parrott's Bay Personals. Parrots Bay. Feb, 17-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller/are + siting friends in Deseronto. The remains of the late Charles: Chapman arrived home on Tuesday. Mach sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. Perey Stover bas returned to Deseronto after spending a few days visiting driends around here. A load of yothg people drove out to Mes. Burk's, of Storny's Corners, « on Eriday. evening, Mr. and Mrs. Hin: ton and daughter, Gertie, of Stella, Then a couple 'of dayé at George ning's regently; -------- Lansdowne Notices. Lansdowne, © Fely.- 1 Mrs. David Shipman, seriously ill for some time, is much better, Mrs. Pennock and daughter, Proekville, visiting friends here. Misses Hannah and Cathegine Fairlie, Kingston, are visiting friends here. The S.0.T. have seeured Deane's hull where they now hold their meet: ings. | Mrs. John Redmond and daugh ter are visiting friends in Roekfigld. Rev. Mr. Leech entertained the choir at the parsonage one evening last week, Mrs. George Beatty and child ren, of Red Deer, Saskatchewan, are visiting 'relatives bere. Muny are busy getting in their Supply of ice. Twenty Years Absent. Wagarvile, Feb. 17.-Quarteriy ser- Vices were held in the Methodist church here last Sabbath. E. Peters has left tor work in the ines §t Long Lake. Draper Wagar has retuned of ter an absence of twenty years. A nusiiber from hers tended the meet ing of the council at Parham, on Sat. urday last. J. Wagar has returned home alter spending some time visit- ing friends at Enterprise and else where. GG. Scott, is all smiles; it is a girl. Visitors; Me. cand Mrs, BE. Van volkenberg, at 8. Cronk's; the Misses Grong at M. Cronk's; J. R. Wagar, at W. Wagar's. Busy In The Woods. Arden, Feb. 18.--The sléighing is now good. Farmers are Qusy getting out logs and fire wood, A I. Gillan, hotel-keeper, sick fot some Nweeks, is improving, and wuble to sit up. Elias Wood and wife, Tamworth, were vis iting friends here last week. William Boonthower, wife and family, visiting hore for some days, have gond back west again, Frederick Cole, west 68 a business trip, regiened last week, Sowe days ago, B, P. Detlor, Jost a valuable horse from inflammation. Mrs. W. H: Scott, is shout leaving for the west to join her oh. A sug ar' social, held at William Miller's last week, was well attended by the voung folks. Bl -- Folger Flashes. . Folger, Feb. 15.--Getrge Burnham has returned home to Glen Bull, -R, Wood, Snow Road, paid J. Wood a flving = visit. Miss' Mary Love, Clyde Forks, spent' Bunday ™ with' friends here. Alan Ferguson, and wife, are visiting: at Hugh 'Cameron's. The young people attended a party at William Mainons: last Thassdey even- ing, William Knight, working with George Knight, has returned home to Calabogie. One of the men working in P. W. Munroe's camp went home to Braeside, on Saturday, very sick. Freeman Lennox's child, oi~the sick list, iy recovering. Mrs, James Kirk: wood is seriously" ill. Henry Alberts lost one of his horses Tately. A Disastrous Fire. Hartington, Fels. 18,-- «-- XT. O'Rielly's dwelling house was burned to the ground on Saturday at wid- day, with most of its contents. The five originated. in the avtie, and was past control before noticed. His loss will 'ke heavy; insured in the London Mutual. The family will reside in Sy- Cenham for the remainder of win ter. While Kichard Caverly was help ing to saw wood on farm of Abraham, on Saturday, his hand came in contact with the saw. One finger bad to he amputated. 8. Griffin met with a inful accident while splitting wood. sliver stench him in the face, ear the eye and with difficulty it was wnoved, J. 8,' Moors, 8. is serious: Iv iL Mes. T. Leonard & still con' fired to her bed. Ee # spending part with friends in. New York. we The was making his rounds x | and Mrs. Amey, at 1 Frag iar ¥ # DAILY spending. a few weoks in Webwood Aig omn Charlés ~~ Andress. - Lyman Pattison and Walter Seaman are painting the Methodist church. Miss Tora Tear baz returned howe from visiting friends at Gananoque. is siopary service was held in the Meth odist church Sunday morning. Visit ox : Delbert Megys, Gananoque, at E. Slate's; James Wakleon ollapd Wak a visitor at (heVPoOF Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Serviee, Alexan dria. Bay, at Z._Jeroy's; T. Edgley, Escott, at Mrs. Mary Seaman's; Mr and Mrs, Stephen Wileox, Poole's Re sort, at John Dickey's; Mr. and Mrs Charles Tennsnt, Caintown, spent Sanday at J. F. Fitzsimmon's; Mr and Mrs. 'Norris Andress, Poole's Re sort at Samuel Seaman's, Is Supplying The Timber. Point' Road, Feb. 1%---The road master, W. Ruttan, has his forees ou nearly edery day shovelling snow an chopping out pitch holes. Snow sho ing and tobogganing are all the go around here, as it is the only amuse Ment now to pass away the quie hours of the evening. J. Quinn is bus hanling home Tumber and shingles {0 the erection of a new undergroun barn, which he intends starting af soon as weather permits. © Messrs. W Milton, M. Bailey, J. Woods, M Mouk awd W. Ruttan have heen hus ily engaged hauling ioe to £1 thei icehowses. J. Doyle has thé contrac of furnishing the M. 7. eampany wif' timber for. the eonstruction of thre bouts. Mr. Hutton, the newly-ap pointed assessor, has paid 'us a visi omee nore. J. McFarlane, deputy reeve, is kept busy looking after th roads in this locality. Miss H. Dayis of the city. is the guest of her sistor Mys.ol. Baxter, A number of voun' people. attended the dance in Orange hall, on the * 10th ingt., and repor having a grand time. House And Contents Burned. Sydenham, Feb.' 185. _ 4g great amount of wood amd saw logs are be ing hauled into the village, The cav mills are very busy: ranning both da; and night. On Sunday af noon, while driving," Mr. Valior's horses rai away, causing severe damage to th cutter: The cause of the accident wa: the upsetting of the cutter. The oe cupahts, two young ladies, oscalo uninjured. Miss Loretta Wood onte tained a number of frionds one even ing last week, and all report a ver Pleastiut thue: John Geant wi'l take charge oi tho post office this week, i the absence of Mr. Young. The Sab bath school convention «ill ba hes he'e on Febraary 25th. The heuse and most of the contonts, bf J J. Oriley, *Holliford, were burned on Rat rday afternoon. Mr. Oriley and family will "make Sveleiham | their home for som time, having moved in with Mrs. Lahey. J.P Lacey, ill for rome time, is slowly recovering, Miss Comnolly, Yarker, is spending a few days with ber friend, Miss Lawsan Fdward Corkill, Queen's college, Fre' Day, Yarker, and Annie Collins, Hur tington, all spent Sunday at home The Orangemen oi central Frontenae will chold their celebration at Syden ham on July 12¢h, 1902. + Desmond Jottings. Desmond, Feb. 17.<A. P. Bell ix hauling 'logs to Colebrook saw-mill. Silas Johnston, of Moscow, is dead. At one time he was a resident of this neighborhood. Many of his old neigh bors: and friends paid him the last tribute of "respect by attending his funeral. on Friday last. Coleman Switzer has gone to Toronto, as dele gate of A.O.UW. this week: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stuart took trip to Kingston last week, also Mr. Nelson Switzer and son, Stanley. Mrs. Cole man Switzer is suffering from a se. vere cold. School is progréssing fav orably under the management of Miss A Amelia Bell. Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons, of Switzerville, was renew ing old axquaintances here last weeck. A jolly: aad of young people drove to the home of the Misses Grahain, Enterprise, on Thursday last, and spent a very enjoyable night. - Visit ors: James Denyes and daughter An- na, Napanee, at Fred. Johnston's ; Miss Amelia Bell, at P. Switzer's ; Miss - Maud Purcell and Emma Cars eallen, at Mes. J. W. Bell's: Frank Switzer. at Mrs. Lake's, Moscow: Mri. L. B. Switzer and Miss A. Irvine: Mr. and Mrs. A: M. Bell at H, FP. Bell's; Mr. and Mre. George Lee, Yarker, at Joshua Switzer's:. Miss McAlpine, Marysville, at Henry McKeown's, Back From Dakota, Ernesttown Station, Feb, 18.--L. L. Gallagher bad a bee to-day filling the ice house at Farmers' Friend cheese factory. 'Herbert Laidley is taking course at Kingston business calingo, Service was held at the Union chareh, Butiday last, the first in four weeks, owing to storing. Mr. and Mrs. Orton Amey, Brockville paid a flying visit to friends here a week ago. Mrs. Jo mims& Hartman is confined to her room, the result of a fall, a few davs ago. Miss a .. Portsmonth, was 'the guest of her brother, Joho mn, recently. Miss. Minnie Han Adélphusctown, at her aust's, Mre. ¥. Laid. Min Millie, Swit: servile, is visit or sister, Mrs Gr hmston; Ne. aml Mrs. Willed with, Morven, spent Sunday last at = otmuton's; John Huon Dako. a, bas been renew uaintanes here, alter an Ane of Mt. and Mrs. Geo ant Mr. and WM Thursday fast. | Mrs. y dav with her daughter, rard, Millhaven, who ix the bonse from un attack w t, at James estbrook, Feb. 17.-Chitken thie: ee made 4 amd furious onslaught fr bey BRITISH. WHIG, 'WEDNESDAY, , point, a drive of half a mile westward on the York road brought them to the roost of EK. Lafoutese, where a iwilar operation wes performed on the chickens. But they had 'an easier oh here, as the door was not Jocked. fieorge A. Babcock, who was driving home from church at Cataraqui, shout hall past ten o'clock, saw a horse and ut er tied to a telegraph pole, far from Mr. LafSntee's Lars. Thi is the only chie gs yet. The farmers e timate their Jose at 225 or 380. They are hot on the trail of the thieves, and will mike it interesting for them if they are caught. Battersea Items. Battersea, Feb. I8--The funeral ser vice of the late Gedrge Barmett, son: in-law of D. York, was conducted at the latter's residence, in the village on the Tth inst., hy the Rev, Mr. Da sey, Presbyterian minister of Sun- bury. The remains were alterwards conveyed to the Sand Hill vault, The lpceased contracted that dread . di sease consumption while employed at one of the New York hospitals about two years ago. The following summer he spent at the Gravenhurst sanita: rium, hoping to recover his health, but in this he was not successful. He was an exemplary character and ~~ a pptient sufferer, during his long and trying illness. A widow and one child wre feft to mown his taking away. Juarterly service was conducted the Methodist church on the 9th inst., and was quite well attended. Rov. Mr. Wood continues to preach very edify- | ing sermons. He is conduéting spegial services now four nights in the week. | An evangelist may be sécured shortly We minch regret the loss of our es teemed resident, John Hughes, removes to the city soon. He hay heen a thrifty and successful farmer, a man who has always stood for the right | inthe moral issues of life, and a de | vout member of the Methodist church. in politics the reform party here loses a stagpnch supporter. H. Keeler has digposed of his farm on the Uarrying Place to his brother Blanchley. former has leased the farm of J. L. Sears for three. years. The last named will move into his residence in the village. Charles Anglin and sister Nellie, visited at'the Rev. J. Law son's, Addison, last week. Miss Edith Lawson spent a shovi time previously here, at W. J. Anglin's. Other visitors here of late: F, "and R. Anglin, of Brewer's Mills; A. Merriman, Elgin; B. Sheldon, Portland. Helen Keller's First Earnings. There is a pretty story in connec tion with a series of Helen: Keller, wonderful blind girl, has written for the Ladies" Home Jovenal, telling about her own life {rom infaney to the present day. She always has shrunk from the publicity which follows siccessiul literary work, and it 'was with great difficulty that she was persutded to take up the task of preparing her autobiography. She had. however, sot' her heart on owning an island in Halifax harbor for a summer home, and in a spirit of fun "the editor of the Journal offer od to buy it" for her, or to provide the means tb buy it. When the work of writing appeared especially irksome Miss: Killer was reminded of her de sire to become a land-holder, and it spurred her on. Just before Christ mas she completed the first chapter of her marvellous story; and on Christ- mas morning she received frony her publishers a cheque for a good round sum. Her delicht may be imagined, for thie was the first money of anv account which she had ever earned "It is a fairy tale come true," she said. Whether she will really carry out her plan te buy the island re mains to be seen. Emerson's Wild Spree. The Boston Herald is editorially respongible for an alleged tradition, that tells how Ralph Waldo Emerson. the sage of Concord, once went on a wild reckless' spree. Weary of Marcus Aurelius, Alcott and the serene heights of Coneord, he resolved to make a" plutige into the. vortex of crithe and folly in a great city to see vice and the vicious at close range and thus learn hy experience of the under world. He went straight to the saloon of one Brigham, in Boston, in thase days far famed among Harvard students as the aboriginal inventor of more fancy drinks than anyone kince the dave of father Bacchus. Pe wildered by the festive scene and the endless list' of beverages he had never heard of, he asked Brigham which one of the whole bibulons catalogue might be relied on to impart the large sum total of experience in the shortest pos- sible tine; to which devout inquiry genial Brighami-~who at once took in the situation--is said to have replied: "Oh! I guess a glass of lemonade would be the right' thing for you." The Officers Of The Y.W.C.A. The regular meting of the Y.W.C. A' was! held- on. Monday 'afternoon, when the officers of the year 1902 were elected : President, Mes: Care-Harris; [first vice-president, Mrs. R. 8S. Dobbs: se cond. vice-pre ddewt, Mrs. MoRossis; third vice-president, Mrs. Hart; treas. urer, Mrs. Neil; secretary, Mrs. Sneli- ing; wary. diseetoresses, Mrs. R. J. Chown, Mrs, A, Shortt, Mrs. Mo Callam, Mes. Marshall, Mrs. Cal. Smith, Mrs. Walter Pike. The Hoard of. management are, including the above ladies : e Rows, Mru.. A, Strachan, Mrs. G. Yonng, Mis. G. M. Macdonnell, ay Obigiov, Mrs. Deve, Mrs. Gill, Mes. E. Crowley; Mrs. MW Breck, Mes. A. T. Drummond, Mes, Horsed. Mrs, Carey, Mis. T. ¥. Hani son, Mis , Mis H. . Miss N. Fi .. Miss Dutton, Miss Crothers, iss J. Drommond; Mise Kidd, Mis» Anna Leslie, Mis Jina Paithie, Mist W. Hague, Mi's Juabel Ross, - Dav! not in | who | The | articles which | Ea FESXUARY 19. | BEAUTIFUL ONE FOR KING WHERE HE WILL PASS THE SPRING SEASON. Plants Are Always In Full Bloom --Groves of Clive Trees Plant- Was Prince of Wales. Paris, Feb. 18. --~Among the many es | tates offered him, king Fdward | finally fixed his choice om the | teat de Thoreno, at Cannes, for residence during his stay at the Rivi {era in March. It belongs to lord Ren: i del, 'and is considered the most beau: { tiful demesne on all the saure coast leaving in the shade even the great es. | tates of the grand dukes of Russia. { Lord Rendel has been in the board j of management of the famous Arm strong Grm, and has a fortune esti mated at over $30,000,000. From 1832 [to 1885 he was civil lord of the ad } miralty, i While | was several times a guest at Thore fo, A few vears ago it was pumored | in the English circles at Cannes taat | be had offered to buy the place, but | that Jord Rendel, refusing to take | noney and insisting on making a pe sent of it, the then prince had given { up the ides. The Id-agres park surrounding the j castle is entirely shut in by stone { walls clad in ivy and honeysuckle. The avenues and lanes aggregate twelve miles. When in Cha his England lord Rendel lives in another superb country place, | Hotehlands, at Guilford. He spends five or six months 'a year at Cannes, tand has another fine residence at Posilippo, near Naples, Lady Rendel has long been renown. ed for her exacting fastidiousness as | regards the keeping of her gardens | At Thareno she has twenty men do j ing nothing but looking after them, besides a head gardener, two fore. { men und a squad of experts for the { green house. The avenues alone pro | vide work for several hands every minate of the day--not a fallen leaf, burnt match or footprint is allowed | to remain on the sand As the park lies on a hillside, aged lady Rendel mever strolls | through it, drawn by two white donkeys, and two i P : | men with rakes follow at a distance | at | | to efiace the traces of the wheels onee, Chateau de Thoreno niore than any thing else is the wonderful collection of exotic plants and flowers. In grounds the flower beds are never per mitted to contain anything but plants in full bloom. As soon as those which have been kept in reserve remote. fields or special forcing hous- es. From many lofty points the pro menader discovers enthralling § views of land and sea, Lord Rendel's daughter, Maud, mar vied Herbert Gladstone, and bésides sessen the robm the great Gladstone himself used to occupy there for al most a month every winter. In a par ticularly picturesque nook, facing the south and the sea, there is a clump of olive trees set out by the prince of Wales with his own hands move than fifteen years ago. They are doubtless the only trees he ever planted, and he shows an interest in their welfare and growth every time he returns. A MODERN RIP VAN WINKLE. Make Trouble. An ervor of a railroad in Montreal, and an overindulgence in spirituous liquors with plenty of ab- sinthe, made Samuel Horton a re correspondent of the Chicago Inter Ocean, writing from Kingston, R. I. Monday last former Lyman Messenger, of Providence, caine to this city, and as he was leaving the railroad station, he ran across a man, who was just arousing from deep sl p-The ws did not look indigendus to "Wingston There . was the "way back" and when, after rub in a bewildered way, he asked M: Messenger where he wae, that gentle man's interest was at once enlisted. "You are in Kingston, of course,' said Mr. Messenger, again, and then he grabbed Mr. Mes senger's hand and said : "For God's sake, don't rae ! Is this Kingston?' When informed that it was, the man staggered to his feet and groan ed over the stiffness of his joints, after the style of Joe Jefferson in his character of Rip. "God help me I" pitecusly moaned the man. 'I must have been asleep a hundred years. . Such changes could not have been made. in less tine. Where are the hills 7 Where ig the cof fin factory, and where is the fort, and whit has become of my house, that ought to be sapewhero around ? Last night, 1 took a drink. a big drink, and 1 remember lying down RE but heaven knows how many summers, or winters, or centuries, | have been sleeping. They said that one day King#ton would be a part of the Un ited States, and 1 sen the stars and stripes flying. Tell me, sir, how = is this 2" "Kingston has been a ract of the United States for 10 ves.s," replied Mr. M . "My poor family," , A "What can. they think of we being Atay all his time; but they that be dead; and 1 held inswrance on all their lives. All lost ! All Jost! When I went trifle with } ed by His Majesty When be | has | prince of Wales, king Edward | the | except in a tiny chaise, | What, has attracted the king to the | are oft the point of fading the whole ! hed is spaded. up during the night | and reset with flowers ahout to epen, | in| other curiosities, Thoréno castle pos: | Liquor And Wrong Railway Ticket | ticket agent | gular Rip Van Winkle, says a special | state senator | aj something about him that, suggested | bing his eyes and gazing about him | i The man's eyes swept the "landscape 5 se ff i . Granite Straight Sauce 8 Paas With Cover. a0 400 600 ste ve wale die. price Bde + sade price Wi $ sire weg. BO sive. fog S00 sive reg 784 GRANITE STOVE POTS, Same ox' the with Pit bottom, ft Ne § stove, regular 75¢., Wal Pr se ving Kettles Kppal Fe ine 49 39 Ty Granite a6, \ Kettles, Bo Impegiai quarts 8:30 § a dere regia harp 4 To cor Arauite by, 10} at thi BAVA AHAB T LVR VLV LLL FETAL LLL T TLE ESS Bite ehh fee thei inti hl defile ion i it of WOODS' FAIR. | ¢ . 1 'pred ing | de 0 Cor, Priaceas Kinsgten, A delighted lot of housekeepers have repi-oi-Bed ther bio hea asusds wilt tasty clean Gravifeware. Our 7 Days Granifhware. Sale Have thade it 5) that ail elvsvex can buy it. Dealars wili tell you that we bouvht it ght and are givivg you the benefits - | For THURSDAY, the 5th day of this Great Sale. the many values we are giving: = ge 3 IR i i i oldlasiioned ron. Pots! o regular Sf. ele ln, 54 Whe Get Them Between 8:30 and | Extra Specials in Graniteware for Lucky Shoppers In The Morning, 3 9. 9; A 28c. Granite WV ue rin hs ---- -- This advertisement chaages every day Sr-- d Welilagien Streets an wv oh es » ednesday, Feb. INE Weandia not evncider the post Here are un fow of GRANITE : FRY PAN. © As, Ae. sale price sule 400, 4 aula price Medd sale price #@5c. Water Pails, . sale prick 50 » $c, sale price Of RANITE MILA AND RICE BOILFR. shoe. rox, 81.10, sls priv: Ge site reg. 81.25, sale price 79 po B86. Mae ye Oam. Lipped auce Pans oily lirmnite Lipped oo 26, whe largest sive, reg 30 Sharp 25, sts ea Wash Bowl for 10. ing wi welt 62 apf Is ¥¢ 4 AWoa Res dha () ty B% 280 | Hw 0c, 8 hi] N 2%, Ravorpans, h h hoy 3 MN r Steel Snow Shovels, 19 enty dee, r large gular a3 4 fearing at' 2 { = iy TATA AVLT VB LVR B ABTA TBAT VLLBVVVB TVS TON the | 5% { { Compound Is The Fountain of New Life] .. for Aged Men and Woman, {It Is the Onl | Can Keep Them Happy and Well, | {t Feeds Nouii hes | Blool aud Begrintes Digestion | the Neves Men should remember that the of the of pains, old ma weakened nervous Oni most prominent medical writers the day ways: "The various { rheumnati otherwise, which people complain of, and which | terially trub their I from disordered snerves | feel old, whether eighty, ay it will build you up system or comfort; ' When are twenty di vou yon or ben and ine has the of assuredly The great m added years of peace, free from to tho sire | infimities of old age, HES Old people should bear in mind that Paine's Celery Compound purses the blood when it moves slowly and slug resoving rhetmatism, yeurule hear mipitatic nervous weak- leap less . and troubles with neys and st ch. In, a I, Paine's Celery ( ompound makes re w oid feel yout and vigorous DOMINION LINE. fall Steamships, Livérpeol Service wands gishly ' i w fi *Outoman .... 'Man tmen *Taretmaen ou Feb, 15k oo Feb, 2nd « March 1m Wirgtninn | . Mareh Ah Dominion, w . we March Suh 'Steamers marked * do not carry pases fers. - oy RATPS OF PARSAGE-Salion, $80 and Soward: Mingle, 390 returns Second Saloon Kis: Thied: Clams, $3) NEW SERVICE meetgago the o Clikeddiar, Naples, Teno, Alexandria. Canlroman .... . .. . ~ April 9% BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. New Fagland, .. .. «: March B(x Midebig saloon, slettrie | Bght, epusions womwnade decks. 7. P. Banley, J. P. Gildersleovy, by G.T.R.. Station, ' RRANCE & on Paine s Celery | a y Medicine That | the | : { and women advanced in years | infirmities | { and ailments of old age are due to a | result | use Pawme's Celery Compoand, | TRAVELLING TR SR RRR ER | ER Cora LER geton & Pembroke & Canadian { Pacific Railways. SETTLERS' ONE-WAY) Excursions To I Teave Muni Canschian North West KX oh every TUESDAY during RCH an sengers travelling without Live Riedk take the train leavieg Kingston at 150 am Cioning sleeper will bo aiteched 10 ouch tran and copy of "Bettiers' For full p AU FA WOLGER, JR a Akt Gon, Supt. { Gen | THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR fwend, Napuues, Deseronto and all loss) potate Traln leavée City Hall Depot at @ wa WJ. WILSON, O.PJk Telegraph OF [ten arenes Stoo riiculars { Guide, x 6 PF. A AY. Pass JY | BRANCH TINE 1ABLE, | Trains will leave City Depot, Foot : of Johnston street. GOING EAST. 2.30 A.M. i rn, No.2 .. "" 6 " 4 "3... ... GOING WEST. rs 1.08 AM, Mm, sop aA 7,08 P.M. 2% ant 4 ron daily. No 8 da Tontny Nos. 6, 7, 11, 12 snd 19, + eaoeph Senday. For Pullman Assommodotivs, Tickets and i} other loformauon, apply 19 J. P. HANLEY, A t, City Pasar. pot. v ~BERMUDA.. PEER NOW WA FP A MED BRM tis somwnieation asd A PROCLAMATION. Wo possess all the modern dud up to-date facilities for conducting a re fiablo 'and frstclass drug busines. When you: fever us with your doc tor's. preseription, our best edorts are put forth to. make the prescription what your physician intended it should be--professionally correct in the minvtewt details. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. This medicine ie giving marvellous casults to pick people over Can: nda, wonderiai i eertre and 100 3 ha qnrtors of 'the Br army and gn AR RETORIA tn trom York: wey five bv stenmnebive of hip Company oom, Kew Yor A . - LAUR OUTE PR ARTHUR Al apply io A. a Agusta. Han Live Allan me Liv Lon