THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19. nb - After Snowshoeing, Skating or Tobog- anning will thoroughly warm the whole stem and will prevent COUGHS, COLDS AND INFLUENZA. MONEY AND BUSINESS. LUAN IN LARGE On SMALL low rates of interant ou city 4 property. Joes gravied om vy "eontity debentures, Apply to 8. CO, MGILL, manager of Frantenas Loan and Investment Soclety. Office opposite the Post Office. MONEY TO sums, nb ------------------------ TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN sins from sue thousand to ten thous an. aoiiars For poctivalars apply as GODWIN 8 INSURANCE EMPORIUM, over Fxpross Office, Market Square. . © ii ces Sl -------------------- Liverpool, London and Globe Fire Insurance Company. Avaiinlde nasets, $61,187,215. In addition to which w policy holders have for secur- fou the unlimited linbility of ail the stock © 3 FARM AND CITY PROPERTY insured ob raion Towent possibile Belore renewing oid or giving new business got ratis from : NTLANGE & STRANGE. Agents "CLEAN. COAL. You might as well have a clean coal for your grate fire--it's easy to get and costs no move than tue © other kind. Our Cannel ¢oal is clean cotl--w splendid general 'purpose fuel and particularly good for use in £ RATHBUN "CO, ORDER TO . (NTRODUGCE THE B.& H. Manties We Will Sell : for $1 Cash _For 10 Days Only. ome. guaranteed high nt) HER FATHER Herself to Cure tier Father of the Liquor Habit. STORY OF HER SUCCESS. portion of her lotter roads as follows: = My father had to stop drinkipg, than ever, Oneday, after a terrible spree he sald to us: 'It's no mse. drinking.' stone, and we decided to try Sarharis Presoription, which we had reac about in the pers. remedy, entirely without his knowledge, in' his ten, coffee, or food regularly, 6e- he was taking it, One package removed now distasteful to him appotite are also wonderfully improved, and ne one would know him man, tho change is for good. it to a friend." and pamphlet FREE SAMPLE all particulars, monials and price sent in plain seal pe. Correspondence ascredly eonfidential Address Toronto, © PLEASE Tie NRCT. That we are fully prepared to sup- ply your every want as far as pure druge and medicines are concerned. Careful and accurate family dispens- ing is our forte. We continually aim to please our 'patrons in two great essentiale-~quality and low' prices. Our stock of Toilet preparations will interest you. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. Paine's Celery Compound is the me dicine you should use when you lack nerve energy, when the body is poorly nourished, when you are weak, run- down, despondent or sleepless. Paine's Celery Compound broces the nerves, 4 the liver and kidneys, and cleanses the blood. : 5 WAS A DRUNKARD| A Plucky Young Lady Takes on often promised mother and would do so for a tine, but then returned -to it stronger 1 can't stop Our hearts secmed to turn to the Tasteless We gave him the cording to directions, and: he never knew all his desire for lguor, and he says iv is His heaith and r the same it is pow fifteen months since we gave it t¢ him and wo fod ware that tase send mo one of your little books, as I wand to give glvieg tenth Enclose stamp for feply. THE SAMARIA REMEDY CO. 28 Jordan Street, 'ansda. WHAT NEW YORK IS DOING | EVERYTHING IN GALA AT- | TIRE FOR PRINCE HENRY. { The People Distrust Croker's Statement--The Sherif Guden Election Scandal--Calve's New Jewelry Fad. | New York, Feb. 19. Everything is | in gala attire and everybody wears | an air of expectancy anticipatory wo the great plans arranged jor the en tertainment of admiral prince Henry, of Prussia. has been un | kin} enough to hint that with all the | royal surroundings and associations | the distinguished visitor will see | come sights that will wake his eyes {open wide, their magrh- { cence ann splendor; whether not | this is true the fact remains that no thing could be more gorgeous than i the entertainments prepared mn honor | of his royal highness. Although beyond the ealls custom- | ary upon such an occasion no receps ! yion bas beey given to rear admiral count Von Baudissin, owing to state | etiquette, which prevents anything of | the sort before prince Henry has been i entertained, the officers and crew of | the imperial yacht Hoheuzollern have | had a lly good time, and they will leave America feeling a greater friend- | ship for the country than ever be | fore. Strange. too, that among the many | sights which prince Henry will see will | be the steamship Melbourne, which is | being loaded with facilities intended lin a way to do away with certain | German interests in the Philippines. ! The Melbourne will carry to the cast | mineteen steam barges, or lighters, as | well a8 a complete machine shop, a { wrecking outfit, a dry-dock for small | boats and much other cargo The | steamer and much of the vargo are | the property of the Philippioe trans | portation and construction company, { which intends to revolutionize the | methods of transportation in the har { hior of Manila. The pressnt systems are primitive and and moreover the harbor facilities are controlled - hy German, British and | Chinese merchant, "wo that American {commerce is under a disadvantage that: almost amounts to prohibition. [over since its arrival the Hohenzol lekn, the private yacht of the emperor of Germany, upon which prince Henry will entertain, has been the Mecca of the curious, but to-day the crowds will be something like multitudinous, he cause the people are at leisure w ho or dinatily would be at their various places of business. Some one because of inadequate, The members of the present boards of managers of the charitable and re formatory institutions are not enter taining the most cordial feeling - to- ward governor Odell, because of his determination to carey out his pro gramme for the reorganization of the state board of charities. The hill which has been drafted for the pur poe will be even more drastic than | the recommendations 1a his annual 'mossage, and that is say ing a great denl. Instead of twelve members the bill will provide for only five. oach of whom will serve for four vears, provision being made sé that the entire hoard shall not go out of office at the same time. All the pre sent boards will be abolished, and the state board of charities will have so preme power to regulate the affairs and appoint the superintendents and stewards of the different institutions. It seems strange that in spite of all his protestations of sincerity the pub generally seems to put little faith in the announcement that Richard Croker has retired permanently from politics, especially as they concern the management of Tammany Hall. Be cause of the rather general belief that he had placed Mv. Nixon at the head of Tammeny to do his hidding--a fact which has been of greatest an npvance to Mr, Croker and the new jender, Me. Nixon and that he in tended to return again to the helm as in 1897, it is aeported that the ex chieftain of Tammany has arrived at the determination for a number of vears in England, to show that his retirement was genuine and perman ent. 14- seems. as il. everyone whose good fortune it will be to appe - before the prince in any way, has invented some thing novel to attract his roval high- ness' attention. Calve, the famons op- org singdr, has introduced a new fad in owiry in thé form of a jeweled hand harness: This/ remarkable adorn ment grages the singer's left hand and consists of a bracelet composed of tarquoises, Jked by delicate gold chains 4 ise rings, one on each finger, wilh a separate ring on the thumb. "Hath ring is set with an im jnénse tieghoise, the central ove cov ering the eitive space between th knuckles, The harness looks so heavy that one wonders how Mme. Calve can use per hand with grace and free dom. The effect, however, is remark ably beautiful, and it is not unlikely that the fad will be folluwed by fas- hionahle New Yorkers, as it meets the requirements of elegance and ex travagance, two of the distinguish ing featuns of .the ultra-swell set this year. There are only four of the fourteen Brooklyn republicans appoin to investigate - the sheriff Guden election scandal who have not refnsed to wrve., Among those who declined to he associated with the mat ex wayor Schieren," wha 3s gunsistont and Foatepoken in his ation that what the peo is governor's 1 HE mity of Wall street been so disturbed as it is over the collateral tax deci sion of commissioner Yerkes, of the Juterital revenue, The ruling of the de- partment i= that any evidencing the delivery of stock ammse- surity for a loan © of the stock memorandum therein, seenritie disslosed of pledged the tax. A memorandum of delivery made on a continuing agreement i taxed, and so is either substitution" or stock withdrawn from one and to be placed on a new loan. Am: ong brokers the cODEEON op inion prevails that if this rul ing is strictly enforced, the effect will be serious 1t is believed, however, that the imjustice can be.made ap parent at' Washington that there will be a modification the ruling, or possibly repeal of that clause of the Jaw by congress, is Guic! NAPANEE NOTICES. Married To-Day--A Lively Game Of Hockey. Napanee, Feb, 19.--leonard T. Parks, Hay Bay, wiil be marriod to day to Miss Roblin, Redns rsvitle. They will spend a month's honeymoon with relatives in Kansas City. Edgar J. Burleigh amd bride on Saturday for Winnipeg, where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pybus and Lendrick Saul leave to-motrow for Vancouver, B.C, AY. Harshaw is adjusting losses in Rat Portage this week. E. Hall, Montreal, spent and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hall, Piety Hill John 1. - Grapge and bride arrived home on Saturday from their honey moon. The happy couple are kept busy 'receiving x congratulations of their friends. A lively game of hockey 'was play- ed at the rink on Monday evening ke tween the employees of Madole & Wilson and the Robinson company. The former were the winners by score of five to three. : Mrs. (Major) Wood and two chil dren expect to leave about the first of March for their far-away Dawson, Yukon territory. vicit friends en route Dawson some time in June. Miss Alice Neilson bas accepted a position in Petérboro in a large mil linery establishment. Miss Anni» Haw ley has been quite seriously ill for the past two weeks. fire i. in will reach home They and will DAWSON CITY EXCITED. N------ The Threadgold Water Power Con- cessions. Toronto, Feb. 19.~A despatch from Dawson says the order-in-council pass ing the Tieadgold water power coswions was received in Dawson February 1lth, and has caused con- siderable excitement. The general feel ing of the community appears to be strongly against the concessions. At a special meeting of the liberal club stiyring resolutions were passed un animously asking the government to 1esvind the orders. The order gives A. N, C. Treadgold, Sir Thomas Tancred and other mem bers of the syndicate title in fee to all lapsed or vacant placer claims on Hunker, Pear and Bonanza Creeks, and all their tributaries. This in cludes El Dorado Creek, the richest in the world, This leaves of the paying cieeks only Dominion, Gold Run and Sulphur and Indian River that will remain open. con on KISSING PASTOR QUITS. Finds Men Object To His Spiritual Osculation. Liiboln, Neb., Feb, 19.--<A commo tion im local church circles has been precipitated by the resignation of the Rev. H. B. Jeflerson; rector ol st. James' Episcopal church, to take of fect March Ist. Adversé eriticism has been passed upon his practice of kiss ing the young women members of the congregation. His church attendance the fact is laid to the violent opposi tiun by the men members of the con gregation to the custom of the rector. Rev. Mp. Jefierson that he has kissed a number of the explaine that he did so merely in a favherly: or spiritual manner. His wije stands by*him, and says that the custom i= not unknown to the Episco pal church, 'The rector is about sixty years old. World-Famous Vin Mariani, This wos-famous «Vin Mariani is the mos cenble, effective and thor oughly reliable tonic, which builds, unites, braces and sustains the entire system. I is the most popularly institutions sines forty years. 1 your eyes look dull, your pale, sunken, wallow, you peed Mariani. Nothing élse will so imme diately and surely give color to your cheeks, make your ey sparkie, in duce appetite, and restiul sleep, en rich the hiood, aml give forceful en ergy and that activity and healthial ness you were meant to enjoy. At all druggists. Avoid substitute Lawrence A. Wilson Co., limited, Can- adian agents, Montreal. ---------------- Many New Smallpox Cases. Toronto, Feb. 19.--New* cares smallpox ate reported from Whitney, Moorlake station, near = Pembroke. Harwich, Ket county, and South: ampton. In Cambridge tow ip six Bowes . were infeotord, and in Castle cheeks A Lenan village thers have beon twenty one oases all old. Tn Brace township there have heen ten cases in two fami fies. and: in Kineardine, twenty-six cases in five familice. Brantford and Parry Sound are now free of the dis: Base. k ------------ - Just A Minute, Sis, w A saving on eve See our HE "ss and S10. y Bibkiy's.. ---------------- clearing the vic Brown's Bron: he + stam chin Troches clergy CORR ORELLY'S VIEWS. s for a stamp of | two cents for each $100 of par value | Al made on a promissory note calls for | | member loan | | HE THINKS M.P.'S NO BETTER memorandum | THAN JAILBIRDS. Would as Soon be in Prison as | With Certain Members of Com- mons--Just Out of Prison, Dublin, Feb. i%---Conor O'Kelly, of parliament for North Mayo, was released from Castle bar prison yesterday, O'Kelly addressed a mesting at Clare morris, when he said his views in re gard to grabbers: and grabbing were | | unchanged and described {| magistrates as "Pouch and Judy jus to the degree | of | | of their i class of people in { share it. tices. Some of his friends, Ohiected to going to association ail, sed with this feeling, but did Any man, sail O'Kelly, who On, with . Afterwards | resident | be remarked, | i hoeause | a rertain iio sympathi- | not | | had spent six months in the house of i { commons with | figmed in the divorcee ceurt, in {| Zealand, and | horse scandals, who gentlemen the meat and Austrian waz absolutely uncon had | New | | cerned with whatever brand of human | ¥ nature left NOT into contact. TO FORCE VACCINATION. | | Futile Attempt To Abolish *"" Con- | i was made Saturday | { tion' Clause. futiie scientious Objection Feb. 19.-A in London, attempt | the house of lords on | Monday to obtain a hearing for a bill | the clauses in "eonsciéntious the. vaccination abolishing ohjec law, | bui even with a grave small pos epi Génie threatened, the determined. not to government retreat from 18 | its | | present position, intimating that the | | clause | time limit expires next year. | tious" will when It is 'conscien rate be abolished only fair to say that the ' clause did not origi the | with | i the lords, who were forced to take it | { up by the commons. | a | ticle in a well. known wyekly: But why should | { benedicts shiver on the | pose | off their modesty | posing were of proposals, . Lovers Who Won't Propose. This is the title of an gr Lovers who wont's propose. they ? Proposing ness, and one busi- that 15 a serious is not surprised But, there is Let them pro the tables and to launch away for the waiting ones. ! What! Turn let the fair ones propose ¥ Yes, cer tainly, they do it every day. It can be done too without taking the bloom Substlety, and in nocence, and love, too, may form a t effectual trinity, that shall rresistible in the hands of the twenty-three's. Some men ar yful, in extremis that if their pro not done them be done at all wa've had one in mind a long time for ladies and gen tlemen, too, married and single, both We propose that all sesure the best of health by taking Croskery's alm, the finest remedy for. the care $0 has for never wonld our l of coughs, colds, eroup, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. ---------------------- Plan Te Invade Milwaukee. Milwaukee, Wis, Feb. 19 and formidable opposition to the old line telephone companies is likely | resalt from the plans to be laid | the meeting of the Wisconsin Indepen , called for meeting dent this telephone compan city to-day. © The | act upon the quostion of establishing | consider | Transit people of towns of has fallen off considerably of late, and' | does not deny ! young women of his congregation, but | | can do for you. an independent exchange in this city The independent companies will also an alliance with the Rapid Minneapolis, are anxions to build a long metallic line into Wisconsin, company has already a line to Snper ior and Duluth apd has a contract for | building a toll ling to Eau Claire and La Crose. With the operation of the independent companies it is pro establish a the chief Wisconsin. e posed to stem would - embrace southern Don't Give In. If you have tried various so-called remedies. and obtained no relicl, dont gay that there is no curs for rheuma tism. The trouble is, you have taken the right medicine. What Hall's Rheumatic Cure has plished for thousands of 8. 0. Taylor, Charl cotte, Ont. with rheumatism in the back {lumbago) far four years; five bottles of Pr. Hall's Rheumati Cure completely cured him He has heen free from pain ever blood purifier it has no equal Dr sufferers guffered | preparation is put up in bottles con taining ten days' treatment | 50¢. at Wade's drug store. Weed in hospitals, publie amd religious | terriers, Yin 3a 1 of the ---------------------- New York Dog Show Opens. New York, Feb, 19~The yelping of collies; hounds, the heavy bay of the blood and the indiscriminate howl miscellaneous class of dogs brink and fear | hope | be | swont | it "Talking | Fasiern | Organized | to } will | whe | distance | This | that and | pot accom: | it] wince. As a | This | Price | the short, sharp bark of the | | were heard all day to-day in Madison | | Square i kennel club, 206 dogs ave exhibiting their mammers, | the public, which | | came in throngs to admire and pet its | The number of entries sets a | bench shows in this | | good and bad, { friends. Gardens The ever held wad argest bench show in progress, and 2 to new record for | pountry. i of | For Tennis Championship. New York, Feb, 19~That the game 4 by the Westitinster | of tennis still has its ardeat devotees | {is evidenced by the keen interest man ifested in the national tournament to decide the indoor championship, which conpnenced to-day in the Seventh re- | giment armories. The affair is the thicd annual event of this kind and as here. tofore, takes piace under the auspices | of the United States lawn fennis as sociation. The play continues through the remainder of the week. The pro. gramme provides for the usual singles and doubles for the championship titles, with first and runner up prizes in each. The contestants de a pupiber of the foremost tennis expert in the United States, » Wise Advice. | | Cough, Bronchitis, Catereh, | ainst he mi Grippe, Consumption, ness and sll trovhies of your respirs- tory orses, use Morin's Creso phates Wine which will not fail to cure you. Weak- | | : Stop Buying Millinery Velveteen for Skirt Binding. When you buy 34 of a yarll of velveteen to cut into strips for skirt binding, 10 times out of 11 a velveteen is sold youthat was never intended for skirt-edge wear. lt was woven for trimming hats, ete. S. H. &¢ M. Redfern--a bias corded velvet -- is If you do not find the letters made from xelveteen S-H-&M- manufactured expressly on the back of Bias Velveteen or Brash for skirt bindings, fast dved and. durable. Edge Skirt Bindings they are not the best, HOW I CURE WEAK, PUNY MEN. Cive me a man broken down from excesses, dissipation, hard work or worry, from any cause which has sapped his vitality. Let him follow my advice for three months and 1 will make him as vigorous in every respect as any man of his age, I can give back to any man what he has lost by. abuse nature. A man who is nervous, whose brain and body are weak, who sleeps badly, awakes more tired than when he went to bed, who is easily dis- couraged, inelined to brood over imaginary trowubles t ambition and energy to tackle hard. problems, las ks the animal electrivity which, the Dr, McLaughlin Electric Belt supplies The whole force of vitality in your body is deper mal electricity. When you lose that by draining ner my belt will replace it, and will eure you D. CRIBBSE, Guelph, Ont, sa¥s "As pegarde my exper! Now to he brief. it is a wonderin Belt. 1 have gained » and my back does not bother we now, | get ap In the ] give the Belt credit for it all, as I have not taken a but wear the Belt Letters like that tell a story which They sre beacon light to the man who has become disco less doctoring. I get such letters every day My Belt has a wonderful influence upon tired, weak nerves and invigorates them, and stirs up a great foree of energy in a man man or woman who will secure me can diave my Delt and PAY WHEN CURED. devoted every f the laws of who has Tos var and y Mans means a great deal to a sufferer. raged from use It braces Any I make the best electrical appliance in the world, having 3 ars to perfecting it. IT kn my trade. Cures after s failed are my best arguments twer body T. NX. BRO) given ap by Ded as Ww ood, Ont writes sf 'way ved complain HAW Hagw "Pofore using your Delt 1 wax crore od to 98 pounds nfined to my WHS BETvons re bay ren five months arted the use I have gulned with piing ir Lis Leck, a 'dull ache in his m weles ar pains in his shoulders, chest and side, Seiatioa in Belt will sign of » & aN and-go" his hip, 1 t y, Theumatism, or any ache or pain, snd my il of life into his aching body and drive out every the No pain can ex st where my belt is worn, joints, " pout prin. Ont. #yr : "1 have had no trouble My appetite Is good, and 1 can rest what J of RtratBoonn, lax on wearing the Belt with meh better They e every day from everyw Tiere. There in not a town or ham. let In the country which has not eures by Dr McLanghlin's Eleetrie Belt, Now. what does this mean to you dear reader | If you are not what ight to be a ask any better proof to make yon try itt Is a fEmed gs simple. as easy to use, As sure to cure, and as McLaughl Elect Belt ? 1 seen one You In instice to yourself, and to those who look to you for Act this minute. Such a matter ought co Ap as ic have not must try it their futore happiness, try it now not be delayed It's ax good for w omén as 'for me= Worn while you sleep, it cannes uble. You feel the pentle, glowing heat from it constzotly, but ne . a8 in vidatyle belts na tre sting, no burnis Consultation Free. r Binetric 3 you will eall L will y ol ow ansugh to call. do so 1.ot me show betwesn ny upto-datenp plisngs and old «iy to you why my Bell curps wi mn how it cures, ther fail i. » _ If you cant onli, write for my beautiful deseriptive baik shows Free Book. hos ng had} used. and giving hundreds of lotlers from pd peotle. Address, inclosing this Ad OR. M. K. McLAUCHLIN, 128 Yorss St. i ronan Fea 8 © yon a free text 10 whe OFIICE BOURS-0 a.m. te 830 p.m. Empire Soda BEST FOR BARING ¥ doesn't cost as much as other leavening agents which are not as pure, good and whole- some, It will help even an indif- ferent cook to get good results, Ask your grocer for Empire Soda, If he has'nt got it he can get it for you. Price 52. a packet, CHAIRS. | We Hove mode od o chinire, wesoried 1 Wideh exotle in quality, Sold Golder finish, beautiful embossed father sedts, omiy $1.25, regis prion, $2 Golden fisish, emwiitel embomed bacha, regular pries $i. cardond polished sate, only Tie, Golden fioisl, besutifal only Soe. Cobden Order Wofars they sre ofl sold el erdere prowplly" sttsoded to. Soich, Besstifel embossed back, & Parking roe: Anbalams 17, JATIES REID, Leading "Undertaker Wrightens i