DAILY "89TH YEAS. NO, 43. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDA * FEBRUARY 20, 1808. R. J. REID, mae UNDERTAKER, Leading 2 Doors Above the Opera House, TELEPHONE 877. ARR, Speeisl Viscount Sale. ard br 15 Prices. ALWAYS DELIGHT. One of these Couches will prove a delight in the home. They are Elegant enough to be welcomed anywhere, and Durable enough to be used every day. Best Values Cover from $5.50 to $25. See them--They are Bargains. R. J. REID. NEW GRAND °**55 HOUSE A. J. BMALL, Lessss and Mane THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH "SPECIALIVRGACE VERT EVIGENIE BLAIR Aod Company in Elaborate Production of Charles Read's Story of "PEG WOFFINGTON" Embracing ihe lending incidents in the life of this famous Fuglish actress. PRICES 2%. #0e., 75c., 81. Box Seats $1.50. Seats now on sele af HANLEY'S Next attraction, Baturday, Febroary 220d. Nalin snd night, "THE LITTLE MINIS LR." Kirkpatrick's ART STORE Was Never More Aftracive Tha At Present We have now the most ex tensive stock of BEAUTI. FUL PICTURES ever shown in the city. Call and see what we have before purchasing. TROUSERS. | You ought to have them .all- around your closet. Extra trous- ers are in demand, and we meét the demand by making them at low prices. You have a dark coat and a seasonable suit, but prob- ably need a pair or two of trous- ers that you can wear with either. J. R. Johnston. Army Service Corps. RECRUITS DESIRING. TO JOIN NO. 3 Company Army vise Corps, will kindly make application as one. TEs wT WOR WHITE, Captain Commmanding TO RENT. ¥ NEW BRICK HOUSE, WELLINGTON ST, nest to Oy Park. All mod improve ments. At to G. 8. Oldreive, Cor. Went And ington Strats LOST. A BLACK SLEIGH MORE FINDER WILL plesse weturn Ww 8. Aoylin & Co. BANK OF MONTREAL (SAVINGS) BANK pon book, 2.954, and sum of money bank notes folded taerein. © Return to Whig offies or Bank of Montreal. Reward A VALUABLE MOOSE ROBE FROM THE sleigh of Archie MeCallom, starch ards, lowes depot. A rewary ve for its meta to the owner the Relreshment room, lower 1 WANTED. A FEW SMART GIRLS. KINGSTON Hosiery Co. TWO SMAKT BOYS, AT ONCE. APILY TO river Co've ROOMS, WITH 1 BOAEDS Ta Bad at 24 Swart street; also table MEN AND WOMEN, 70 WORK AT Wri lasgow hg I HOME. Woollen AND HOU mn I A Comer of West Street. > CE A I | sinty. en mms HET CLOSING ROER The Daily Note Book For Readers to Post Themselves By. | = Clam: was mad Keypt 3000 B.C | The Enemy js Becoming | lian voce meio me bo crt | Throughly Frigweacd. | uw dd oF nagur' detonator j "Quarterly meeting women's ausitisry, | Warns Kruger To Seek Peace-- 81. Paul's school b £ pm Now is His Time to Act And It cught not te but difference of | The Opportunity May Never opinion often makes er sutmwies } (a What in the greatest insite A cannibal: | Come Again. ww on record Wheto a rash man ate a] Jondon, Feb. 208. A corr rosher | of the Times, writing from Bank k This day in the world's history: -- Canadian stern Tras sal, says the Boers at wriillery nnd mounted Fills bnve Halifax for | throughly x , and Bie mor South Alrviea al Russian at | than ever, ping for the me art Cracaw, 189% vr. 1604: duchess | bevond striking distance. Pri of Fils born, ab of M.A. Massey, | testify by their appearance and thew Toronto, 1896 | statements to the straits to which th | burghers are reduced by the slow extending blockhouse lives. The great | giflieulty with which the British had | to contend, namely, distance, is being The Boers are 'still | . Fine fro being cooped up, but prog Belgium | sy the Blosn hones Re riot ? { their movements, British mobility Crystal | is increased, There has now been run : | Glassware. from Ermelo a line to Bank Kop, which latter advanced depot is being See the handsome pieces | ofthese goods in our OVETtOme. ar 80 provisioned easily and securely fron Ermelo, and brings the columns twer three nearer the Boers re maining on the Swaziland border Signor Capponi, of Rome, writes an open letter to Kruger. Kruger he has borrowed bible his force and energy, and urges miles - from the exgmple of Vi and that of and can be matched at any | vised fo imitate the : | tor Emmanuel in 1845, time. other great men, and sue Jor peace / | Whatever Kruger does, Cap- poni, there will no longer be a Trans vaal except as a ge wraphical expres sion. Now is the moment to act; per { haps it wil never come again. ROBERTSON BROS. | savs ---------- i ---------- A Serious Disaster. | London, Feb. 20.--A detachment of MALT BREAKFAST FOOD | the Scot Greys, one of Great Bri { tain's crack dragoon regiments, has { been eut up by the Boers at Klipdam. Major C. W. M. Feilden, and Capt. KE. Useher were severely wounded. Two The Choice of Royalty is Now Within Reach of All Classes. men were killed, six were wounded and | forty-six captured. The news was re Malt Preakinst Food is now a hreak- | : fast luxury with royally and the no- {evived to-day from lord Kitchener in | a. od fro Yeator eb bility of Britain. A food that has be | 2 despatch dated from Pretoria, Fel i ry 194 The Se rey Srme come the favorite of royalty can sure- | FU8YY 14 om The a at ¢ "H formed Iy be trusted by all classes of our po part oF The I iy bert amiton a pulation, and the price is within reach j Seema, e latter while moving on : | Niget, on February {8th, engaged a of ev . The ablest physicians and the best food experts say that Malt RBreakisst Food is far ahead of all other break- fast grain foods mow on the market for keeping well people strong and giv. ii to the weak and rundown digestive vigor and regular appetite. Breakiast commenced with Malt Breakfast Food means fortifsisg the | t body with true qFustalning and ener | Politeness Rewarded. gizing natriment that conduces to bod- | Chicago, Feb. 20.--Llewellyn Mason, ily and mental vigor and general good | 8 conductor on the Chicago and Alton health, Ask your grocer for it, railway, has just received assurance & that courtesy to the travelling public { sometimes has its reward When the | force of Bders at Klipdam. The Scot (Greys became detached, were surround od and were cut off. Gen. Hamilton was unable to dislodge the. Boers from their position he continued his | march towards Niget. The Boers re Meased the Scot Greys, who had been | made prisoners. i "0 | will of W. A. Tyler, a Bloomington | millionaire, was 'probated, it was } found to contain the following clause "To Llewellyn Mason I bequeath the sum of 81.000 as a recognition of the Kingston Reform Assoclation | over meter seems oe 2 { while travelling on the Alton road.' THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE KIN Mr. Mason is over sixty years of ston Reform Association for election of of oers and transaciios of be held in the WHIG HA age and has, been a conductor on the Alton road for nearly thirty years business will weuerad LL, ON THURSDAY | EVENING, 20th inet, at 8 o'cloc | le now runs a suburban train be Membueship tickets may be obtained from | {ween Chicago and Joliet. Mr. Tyler the secretaries. | was exceedingly curious when travel By order of the President, B RB { ling and was wont to ask many ques tions. In 1868 he happened to take a train on which young Mason was the conductor ann Mason spent all of his spare time on the run to Chicago C. DEAN. J. MoD. MOWAT, [Joint secretaries. COULD NOT LIE DOWN Hud this #0 bud. CLARKE'S KOLA | m COMPOUND cured her. Mrs. 1. Wise; fan- | talking to him. Three or four times a it. te Write aS axtimn 1e bed 1.1 cach year Mgson carried the rich man uot get better, Four bottles of Clarke's between Jacksonville and « Chicago, Kola Coumpound cured me. Do you wosxder | ana later between Bloomington and I am thankful. Dow's mar your lie by ne | Chicago, and he never once tired of glocting to use this wonderivl remedy Droggiste or The GO. & Co. Limited, | the old man's questions. | Chuceh St, Toronta, | "Mr. Tyler made bis last trip with | me four years ago, and had almost HAD A GOOD TIME. { passe from my mind," said Mason -- | yesterday. One Of The Papers Was By Dr. | Sparks. What Will Be Done. Toronto, on 20.~The Ontario den- | Winnipeg, Feb, 20.--W. B. Lanigan, fal society, in annual meeting here, | C.P.R. general freight agent, met the members of the grain exchange vester- day afternoon and informed them that the C.P.R. had made arrangements to borrow rolling stock, from the Great Northern, and was preparea to ship adopted a new constitution yesterday. This is practically the old constitution with a fo alterations for the better. A number of papers were, read, one by | R. E. Sparks, Kingston. Toronto was selected as the place of next year's | wheat to Duluth, and also would ae meeting, Pr. S Moyes, Galt, was | cept shipments for any points east of elected prosident; Dr. BE. H. Elder, | Fort William. Stratford, first vice-president; Dr. G. | To Protest Election. Bowmanville, Ont, Feb. 20.--The conservatives of West Durham have decided to' protest the election of Rob: ert Beith as liberal member of the fea eral house. Wallace Nesbitt; K€, has been employed, and the necessary pa- pers will be filed at once. The usual grounds will be alleged. G. Hume, Toronto, treasurer, and Dr. H. Eaton, Toronto, seerétary. A ban quet was held in the evening at which 135 fmembers were present. Among those who responded to toasts were Pr. A. H. Mavbes, Gananoque, repre senting the Eastern Outario society; Pr. F. N. Starf, Montreal, president of the Quebee dental bomrd, and Dr. G. E. 'Hanna, Kemptville, president of the board of directors of the Ontario so A Canadian Deported. Windsor, Ont, Feb. 20.~Thomas Brooks, a Windsor painter, was de ported from Detroit by inspector Mill er on the mod that if he were al lowed to Gl a contract for painting houses it woul! be a violation of the United States immigration act. Grand Trunk Changes. Montreal, Feb. 3.--J. E. Donnelly, ive foreman at the Grand Trunk railway shops, has resigned to cee a position with the promoters of the Nova Scotia South Shore rail ¥. . "Harry Ashton, connected in various capacities with the Grand Trunk shops Gold At Vancouver. Vancouver, B.C., Feb, Fifty thousand dollars worth of Yuken gold consigned to the bank of British North America arrived here vesterday on the steamer Amur and was handed over to ton, N the dominion assay office Five Years In Prison. Toronto, Fels. 20.-A negro named Fisher, living at 174 Victoria street; A Gift To Queen's. Jrdee Mackanan, Toronto has civen 1.0600 towards the new Grant convo: eation hall. He is chwrman of the board of trusgevs. The committees in charge anticipates no iveuhle in raise over la Montreal, revalence of crime, traceable lesire of children to get money to at WILL SHUT THEM OUT. ldren Not To Be Allowed In tend cheap theawres where sensational rormances are given, the police an horities have decided to make an of- Cotton was Sst raised in America in 1021 { ---- | Napanee "vs, Bicycle ciub, covered rink, tor | : : BES THE BLOCK ROUSE LINTS = The sun rises Friday 5 w., ad] { ! sits nt 5.38 pan { | Aesual meeting Kingston reform associa- | CAUSE AN INCREASE IN | | tiem, Whig hall, 8 pm i BRITISH MOBILITY. ' J Why is n cracker Nk: death? Berause it's | ! bn jeput Capponi tells |r window. | him also to borrow from history the | i | indication of his duty toward the A line we always CATTY | CCuntry he repre.ents. Kruger is ad fo th ing XWL00. the sam now desived. as SR.000 i promiged. ny, one be han from increasing its rates be- nd existing rates in 1802, 3 An important meeting of the board trae on, when tain Growing, Anxious London, Fel. 20 abducted missid leased Graphic prints. a des sent hy Maud, the American ¢ the rele Constantinople. and Dr the hey are growing delay in the release of They expected that she would leased erng the afiair, as the transaction Jip brigands was edge. Mr. Mand adds thea; and Mme Tsitka, her chug, now undoubtedly in LV! Bastol, | Foung megs murder ¢ county, Vin pisy sentenced to tee' John, Wilson ¥™ . brothers $ years brothers, eighteel o Ars each; Walte and Joseph years each; as Ball, five years each; James uc kett, Heny ' Hess, a brother of Walter and Josey Hess, one year. ud urged the advisability of the Theatres, 4 Feb. 2. Owing to the to the , seeure legislation making it il for children under sixteen years to be admitted to such places jusement . r Cameron, Rat Portage, and a ation which has been in Ottawa «¢, came to this city to see mas Shaughnessy, of the C.P. building a hotel at that Thomas promised to visit in the near future and talk ter aver again, meil of the hoard of trade taken any action yet regard hee letter from the mayor of To , and the petition to parliament, we that any amendment 10 harter of the Bell telephone com- restrain the any made to to. take place this after a resolution bearing on For Brit partment the third hay boat lations of Canada and the yo 'will be disengsed, the ver country being to strengthen the hands of people in England who are carry « campaign for the imposition a Il duty on the imports from preference Canada 'his country should be allow: , preference of at least five per jor her products OT YET RELEASED. Over Tepgthened Delay. Miss Stone, yoary, has not bee The = Daily by her 'captors. papondent, its special cort bet, ONG ing that hr mmissioner ol 1 : 5 + te se of Miss Stone, hy, BO™ Dragoman the other n§. we still anxious Miss House commission, week ago. The Turkis de lines all responsilii a nt without .#'- is . 8 iF. ho , A ¢ Rs the an were each; CR J v brothers, sixteen Thoni- Hesky James, Green and five years, and John Murder Of Birchall's Guard. Woodstock, John ginald Birchall, while the latter wi awaiting. execution in Woodstock jut F near placed Traux who had worked with him o the railway was arrested, but evides sufficient to convict him could wo) secured the Hayes, the latter having desertad™fer. near her shanty that killed after a quarrel with Tr ¢ 15 a very fair one. Queenstown at 6:45 p.m. San St. Louis passed .the Lizard a.m. and the Kron Prinz Wil ed from pointed out that the efforts taing are supposed to be mak possibly result in the steame ing within the same hour. / Paria, Feb. ly queen of Madagasear. havi of her gilded captivity in Al titioned or to She offers to take an oath 4 attempt fo réturn to her nat replied to her request, Columbus, Lieut. Clarence M. Furay, of the se cond committed suicide, by shooting hiw- well, with a doen © Tow-offie- ery a few feet away. jority Feb. Entwhistle, 20 who Six years ag guarded Ki Benwell murder, was kil Mich., and his la railway track. A the Owosso, the on Now the police hope to necessary evidence from common law wife of Entwhist } Not Likely So. London, Feb. 20.--The story steamers » Kron to he based only upon the fag St. Lowi racing Campania, Prins Wilhelm are times of their departure tally arranged a handicap w view of their respective peric The Cam Cherbourg. at 9 pun Former Queen's Req 20. ~Lanavalo, the. government settle in the Unit or to communicate with her fori subjects in any manner, Xr French government has not yet n It Was A Love Affair. 0., Feb. 20.~Second infantry. disappointed in love, his fol Toombs Lost Deposit. Winnipeg, Feb. 3.--C. v TE 'omplete returns follows : Stewart, 3.305: Richardson, 2332. Toombs, 164% Stewart's ma | Richardson is 1,083; | oombe, conservative, lost his deposit, if isgar have been received as 'aver Guilty 'Of Murder: Edmonton, NW, Feb, 20.-Ch Bullosk wos foued guilty of m ing leote Sisinton, st Battle in Kool Dost, and wis wentesnd fe henge! at Fort Raskatebowan' Murch 20th. Tp aie i 3 The the Fe atch from Series Mr. to obtain Gargiulo the ¢/ cure a mar goods. It states that. those who would compete for the British trade must manufacture heavy two-wheeled rigs, egress. % A statement prepared by 4. A Ruddick, assistant dairy commigsion er. shows that the goverpment ereanm- A tries, thus giving Canada | eries in the north west territories, re- he other British colonies a pre- | ceived from their output of butter in the British market. The | from 19 to 20.53 cents a ound, while bre do commerce has adopted a | private ereameries secure only four- ion: suggesting that in view of {teen to nineteen cents. The better gives (reat | prices were lity of product and the command of a profitable market. © : s There are two vacancies - in the translators' stafi of the Hansard caused k "and the Teu. | ravily a railway i Tiament The 1 terday exeursie April cial fac roach t Pi _ oF R' a A 20 4h 'ere On » TET a ter i with th -- SENT ON BY HAY Boar. Third Contingent, Will Get to] PRICE OF BUTTER IN WEST: GOVERNMENT CREAMERIES |! LED IN THE FIGURES riage-Makers 1 Lord Strathcona Should Turn Out. Ottawa, Feb. 20--~The war granted a tained sick at Halifax, section sailed, on the tro torian. Thesd 'men will sail The départment ol merce has receiv lord Strathcona age manufac It is expected that when debates' committee meets Wilirid Ga® || .on and th con and W. 8S. Mackay, a brother in law of Mr. Dansercsu, will be tempo The T to Georgian bay. Wark, who is gratulating him upon having attain hig sinetyv-eighth birthday. The C.P.R. wilkisun special colo \ Melanch ¥ lon, On -- : dani Instructed By What They alficw Ys west from the militia de- wand fourteen men of who were de when the last phi Vio~ the first t. John, N.B, i trade and con ed an advice thro for Canadien carr: tugers who wish to se ket in England for their ish t contingent, leaving 8 secured through superior Montreal, and his com who aré un of stealing we.e to-day | The negro hack to the his case. In the St. frauds case f amined, in to show thaf wv the serious illness of Mr. Beau ppointed, ilsonburg; Lake Erie company is applyis for power to extend the Tin iberal senators in sofit a telegram go Hon, MN at Frofléricton, ©o m trang' during March y the northwest to afford ilities tor intending coloni heir destination, ------------------ ; DR. BUCKE KILLED J oly Accident r ed In London. 7 death of Mr. Tremblay he | & Pacific to par Ottawa yess © geron in px | votes were ¥ | cancidate. B | nesses who to come for 9 By Great Constan " yela, at il muck f ¥ i yy miles | this city an I¢iely - on ehakijkeni eiitirely un WJimiengher Thivty SO Grow 'sind' One hundred have been fiom a travely the matter over with to make any Eitement connected with E57, LAST EDITION - WEATHER PROBABILITIES, L aronto, Feb. 20 0 a.m.) --MNodrate ins. Boe aed a Witle milder. Friday feic, CE ------------------T---- D 0 " . or 30 | . 5 "on stock. | Pir 4 3 wo "$10,000. The Brown || Ur the many people who like to do , $1 ET their spring sewing early while the B a intused 8 a evenings are still long, we are already : De Wilh 3 Eh: showing a fine and comprehensive line fg $1508: insured aw) of wash eottons of various kinds to spposite side of the | which we invite your attention, We extone, W. W. Kis oom all sustained loss : of plate glass fron 1 BERGERON. -- Grows, If Wit- | thiul. . 30.Charles Savage Frankie Thomas, wi hee ong charge worth of jewelry at Portland, Oregon, nded for extradition. | OR, he is willing to ted' States and have but he refases Bmes 3 If of where division eldetion | fher witnesses wen ex ithe prosecution | y voted for Mr. Bex only four ptod for the defeated Ftotal number of wit sworn number seven fisecution have others | picoss of the new 1902 styles in ging- have on digplay a fall lee of India Linen, Persian Lawn, | Dimity, :|Cambric, :|Longcloth, | Ready for inspection also is oup | | usual handsome line of eambric, naine i sook and Swiss embroiderios, inser tions, galoons, and allover em broideries. . We are also showing three hundred { hams, 12jc. and 15¢. a yard 1000 picces new dress' musling, oles { gant designs, 10¢, 124e., Ibe, 2, 20¢. a yard LODO pieccs prints, every, pieca new Be. 10e., 12) Inspection invited 3 urkey the © wien gon of. are STACY 4 TES