Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Feb 1902, p. 3

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Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. SETTLERS' ONE-WAY] Excursions Canadian North-West To Mapijebn and TUESDAY during will lave Kingeton every MARCH and APUEIL, 2 Vaswengers {rawihisg shoukl take the train § 1150 am. Colonins slesper will be attached Stock Live ng at to edrh tras . Fob fall. perticulars and copy of "Settlers Coie," BPR ww F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR Gen. Pass. Agt Gen. Supt THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY | NEW SHORT LINE FUR Tweed, Napaties, Bessronto and all loca! pointe Trais loves City Ball Dipor at ¢ a. BR. J. WILSON, C.P.R. Telegraph OF Res, Olaretion Street. RAT atl K BRANCH TIME TABLE Trains will leave City Depot, Foot of Johnston street. GOING EAST. i P.M. 1.25 P.M. cevenie 1.08 P.M. WEST. 7.08 P.M. 3 ead 4 run dolly. No. § A , 6 7, 1, 13 ond City Passer. BER MUDA.. THE NOW VARFAMED BERMUDAS, WITH commtniestion and equable winter pot. dave winter CRUZ. re iH J FNIGUE. OFA. BARBADOES AND DE "aftord "eau ital ips of the Company Trou) New York For toa? Tos ouTEIBINR * oatway, New York: . . P.. GILDERSLEEVE, ; . Live 1 and Allan Lire Londonderxy. Réyal Mall Steamers. From 8t. John. From Halifex Fontan, 150 Fo [Tih Pen Tunidien, Tot March rd Cociathian, 8th March ... .. 10th 3 RATHS OF PASSAGE, Pires Cabin rates, $45 aid upwards; turn, $85 and | nn From Now York to Glasgow. No Dar oth Mareh. First Cabin, " ; Second C bin, 82.00, rid ros. " . P. Hanley, Pastonger De J shaston Ontario: streets, Vs P il mv Clarence street. 25 DOMINION LINE. Mall Steswehips. Liverpool Servive FROM PORTLAND. i March. Ist, April th. Carry pass fSioamets marked t do Hot sengers. RATES OF PASSAGE-Saloon, $50 and gt Single, $90 retdra: Second Saloon, Third Clase, $25. FROM MONTREAL. Vancou haa - . Dominion, "May 10h. FROM BOSTON, New England, . Murch Sth. Commonwealth... weoMarch 20th. NEW SERVICE "52. crrasvan: Cambroman; April Oth aad May 21st, Midehiv Sagan, ielectrio light, spesions ». : J. P. Hanley, J.P. Gildersleeve, O.T.R. Staton; Oo. 42 Clarence B0 Montreal od Portland. The Toronto General Trusts - Corporation Office and Safe Deposit Vaults, 9) YONGE ' ' Capital, 1 Reserve Fund $80,000: Oy a President 1 SOEN HOSKIN, §.0., LL.D. rE View-Presidents : C:WOUD, W.H. BEATTY, Beg STREET, TORONTO = ill" ThatCold or it may kill you, Tale 4 cold at this tifne of tiie year, and ninty-bine times in a hundred it will develop into Grippe--and Grippe stangs for a category of ailments that has baffled the best physicians. Kill that cold !--take a never-fail treatment (gaia! Uwanta "GRIPPE Capsule when you feel the first " shiver "'--when you feel the first flush of fever-- when you feel the first hint of an aching head--when you feel the first stab of pain in your back--these are all Grippe symptoms that this potent, powerful but pleasant 'medicine will knock out in one-two-three order--ma¥e you well and keep you well handy, t66-- carry them in your pocket. Your druggist should have' them--if he hasn't, mail 25 cents direct to UWANTA MTG CO., Lad. Ottawa, Ont, STRONG AND VIGOROUS. Every Organ of the Body Toned up and invigorated by CIT MY, MY, "MY, 'WHAT RELIEF, And 1 Have only used JAPANESE CA- TARRH CURE two or thee times. That's He vordict of wvery user of this grand Ca. torch Cure. It goes right to the spot, clears out the head and throst and. gradually but siitely hems and cures. 50c, at all Druggists or postpaid from The G. & M. Co. Limited, 121 Chureh St, Toroute. THE BANK OF FRANCE Celébrating The Centennial of Its Foundation. Paris, Feb. 20.--The centennial of the foundation: of the bank of France was celebrated to-day hy the distribution of medals comuemorating the estab fishment of the institution, which may be regarded as the most powerful creation of Napoleon Bonaparte, and as one of the institutions which" has most contributed to the power and prosperity of France. The medals were designed by M. Roly, the great French engraver, and were struck off at the mint. It is generally acknowledged that no French institution has more contribut- od to the development of industry and trade, and thereby, also, by the prosperity it has brought about and the civilization it has fostered, more aided in the development of science, aft and letters, than has the bank of France. It was Napoleon I. who, on the advice of the prudent Mollien, de: cided to establish the 'institution, At the end of the first year it was found that its productive operations: am- ounted to 110.000,000 francs. Nothing coull show more eloquently the ex- tent of the route traversed since then than to compare this figure with that realized at the end of 1599--namely, 17,882,000,000 framcs, or nearly 170 times the original amount, to which might be added a general movement 4 of nonproductive values for the bene fit of the treasury, amounting to six teen milliards, making a total 'of thirty-four millingds, "Don't Give In. 1i .you have tried various so-called remedies and obtained no teliel, don't ¥ RE gic 0 ¥ ARTIST 'FREDERICK REMING- | 5 TON SCORES GRIEVANCE. « | ! The Seining of Minnows--Mr, Rem- | ington Points Out Alleged Vi- olation of Game Laws Where | { { by Work of Government Fish | | Hatcheries is Put to Naunght. | Frederick Remiogton, the artist, who | spends the summer among the Thou sand islands, writes to the editor of Outing, concerning a grievance to do | with fishing in the 5t, Lawrence river. | He says rn hundieds of bostmen | there také out every year licenses io operate eighty foot scioes. Often they | tie these together. They bait a small | bay with bread crumbs and by beat ing the water and otherwise herding the minnows they comb the water ol everything living. The bait is sold | by them 10 the itinefant fishermen stopping at the hotels. Mr. Reming ton continues "These minnow catchers may say | that they take only chub and shiners. This is not so--they take maskinonge, hass, pickerel, pike and perch min- | nows alse in great quantities, as 1] have personally seen on many occa: sions. They sell them for profit { "The state gnaintains fizh hatcheries at great expense and to good® pur pose. The yucstion then is, why is it not bad law which allows a wet of men to neutralize the work of the state, for which all pay, ior their own henefit ? "It must be noted, as any man who has fished the St. Lawrence river be tween Cape Vincent and Ogdenshurg jor any long period knows, that the fabing pos, ibiities diminigh yearly notwithstanding state hatchérics. "My own idea that the state | should license proper persons to each | own. anid operate a twelvoiioot scine It is not possible to do much damage and yet any | 18 with a twelve-foot seine, two guide and sportsman, can seine bait enough to insure a day's fishing if they only have the energy to hustle a little. If the haven t they are not true sportsmer but merely idle people with money and no care for the real thing." persons End Of Coney Island Romance. New York, Feb. 20.---A romance brimful of gation culminates in a | wadding at Sheepshead Bay this even. ing, when Miss Roberta Menges be comes the bride of Halsey Corwin Young Mr. Corwin, whose father, 'a former comptroller of Brooklvn, left Fim about $1,000,000, spent a good part of the early winter at Coney fsland. There he met Miss Menges, the daughter of a traiver of race horses, and became so much attached to her that proceedings for abduction were begun against him in a Brook lyn police court. The case was drop ped when the announcement of the marriage of Mr. Corwin and Miss Menges wae made by the girl's father, The prospective bridegroom is author ity for the statement that the wed ding and the supper to follow will be the most brilliant functions of 'the kind ever seen in the city of churches -------- To Have Gigantic Works. London, Feb. 20.--The Hamburg cor: responaent of the Daily Mail learns that Cramp Bros. contemplate laying down a large shipbuilding yard close to Bremerhaven. In addition it is pro erect extensive machinery and locomotive and The construc at Kiel and a future posed to shops, foundry railway wageon works tion of similar yards Stettin is contemplated at date What A Blind Man Says. Picton Gazette. 1i Rellevillé's fair sex can't rival Kingston's in hockey---they can in heautv---and that's better. ------------ 10c., 15¢c., 20¢/, 2c. Soe the slippers in Abernethy's win dow 'at the above prices | f | eplebrate, | hevertheless | meneoment of the observance | following the | of his holiness | pope's vicar-general and president ! the + ihe "of the | which | her strength LEO'S SILVER JUBILEE. -------- i It Will Be Fittingly Celebrated on March 3rd. Rome, Feb. 20-11 was twenty-four veai® ago to-day that pape Leo XII | war odocted to the chair of St. Peter. The anniversary but it as was not formally is of espedinl note it marks the com of the twenty-fifth year of his sovereign pon tifieate The jabilée is to be celebrn ted the 3rd of next month, the day ninetv-second birthday The occasion will be made memorable by the presentation of a precious triregno (triple crown), made of gold, encrusted with dia monds and rubies, the valué of which will exceed $200,000. The presentation will he mace by cardinal Respighi, the of international committee for the jubilee festivities. The pope will 'wear this, crown on Easter Sunday during solemn ceremony of thanksgiving to he celebrated in St. Pater's. In an ticipation of the jubilee pilgrims from all parts of the Catholic world are al ready beginning to arrive in Rome. CHILD SAVED MOTHER'S LIFE, Threw Blanket Over Enraged Bull --Y Both Escape. Middletown, N.Y. Feb. 20. Because illness of her husband, Mrs fvan Pancoast for a' week has been compelled to cave for the stock om their farm. Last evening ao bull, had never before shown any dons of viciousness, became enraged tat a red dress she wore and attacked her when she entered the paddock. Mrs. Pancoast fought the bull off as best she could with a pitchfork, bus her blows only increased its fury. By ymping quickly from side to side he evaded the animal's rushes, but was almost exhausted #n help arrived in the pegon of r seven-year-old daughter, who iged a, horse blanket and threw it ww the bull's head before the ani theould free itself mother and child ron Rafely ott of the paddock. at 1 tr nt {ESSAGE FROM KRUGER. \nfident He Will Once Lead a Free People. York, Feb, 20.--The Rev. Dr. PBrodkhmizen, who was pastor of pre. side Kruger's church in' Pretoria, yevidgs to the breaking out of the wir, has just returned to New York from Holand, where be had a talk with Dom Pat President KMgger, told the clergy- man that he fp confident God would yet crown wilh success the cause of liberty in Softh Africa and that be, president Krug, would return to his native land A+ president of a free people 2 "Toll the American people," said Kruger, 'that we dd not start this war. It was forced upan us.' a----. Naw Jealous Rivals.) Cammot turn back the mand for Dr. Agnew's Ji marvel, Cheap to in guality--beagi tohgue, water, ing, sick hea erate pleasantly 25¢. For sale by Mitchell. --37. 0 de- A man's wile sl same, especially £2 if<she is weak and ne Carter's Tron Pills, she they make her "feel HAT a person," 'so they all say, husbands say so too! Ten Chinamen, who were into Buffalo from Canada, og were deported hack into Q The mayor of Buffalo the resignation of sll commissioners in tha See the new spr goods. Bibby's. The liquor Ont., are to be licen HY allow expensive, painal 3 ¥ treatment will cure? That the following unsolicited testimonials: - a New: York, Feb. 20.--Afll for thirty years over their only child "and go the miseries of Hihenlth, amd poor luck, Richard Se his whi Maria, tried ives hy turning on rooms. They were ative and 'wore taken where it was said they wo They left letters decluri tion of dving because friends. Schutler, who I vears oid, worked In a pene] up to two months ago, when he } his position. The old man betame de pondent and his wife did ak to Kel kiep the Home, Until s wick two weeks ago. The i up with all these troubles but the straw came when thieves entered home and stole pennies, nl dimes to the they had been putting hy for the rent. What further distrefised them wa that the thieves wantonly threw away mementos of their only child, who died thirty years ago in Germany. PROVED TO BE WHITE GIRL. Semin Wiped Of Her Color-Dyed Face 3 Morris, 1i., Feb. 20.-- = 5 Albert Meade, a mulatto, ih the Car. bon Hill mine, has revealed a ro mance. The widow, who for years} posed as a mulatto, has washed adye | from her face and hands, 'and proves to be & good looking young white woman, Three years ago Meade and his wile with their baby came to Carbon HHH. They "rented the best cottage i could find in the little mining town, furnished it lavishly and seemed bi py. A year afterward a stranger, whet A said his name was Wayne appesrsd. He was hunting Meade and declared J his intention of killing him on sight He said his daughter had elo] Meade from their pl fand, where Meade had *h as a coachman, He was told Meade mulatto, and half col was on the wrong cottage. Meade, of the man's lage jailor ed in jail the cotta The mg Mende. Me ool ia

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