Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Feb 1902, p. 5

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HOUSE IN VAUGHN TERRACE, WITH kitchen and bath Ioom In -sitandien. 3 mu Ve bam Re HANDSOME STORE LATELY Rotel Bain 5 2 former] EUW. J. B. PENS prot, oocupied Robinson', *% "GilDEn ATRICK, Clareney THE SHOP WITH PLATE GLASS on Sydembas street, "Sar stroot, hitherto works, B® VE & KI street. FROM ni or HAY, 1902, Buick Louse, ydenbam t. west, next doo to J oweph raailia. Beautifully situa tod, with all modern cotveniguoes, BROW ofc Mre. Agnes Masher. Apply to a 17 Sydenham a ARCHITECTS. KM. STOREY, ARCHITECT, OFFICE 173 Welli stress. All plans, designs, ap guaranteed, o t Y 1? one, 506. WER SON, ARCHITECTS MERCH o ants' fk Building, corner Brock and #ireets. Phone 212. Wellington ARTTIUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE New Drill 1isll, sear corner of and Mostrenl Rie. | ; fits of MONEY AND BUSINESS. I LOAN IN LARGE OR wMALL rates of in MONEY TO mme; at low end farm ly. city county debent C. MeGILL, massager of snd _lovestment Society. the Post Office. Fire Ifisardnce Company. Avail In additics tw hn are hve for secur ity the teed of all the stock holders. FARM AND CITY PROVERTY insured od lowest rates. Before renewing ol or giving "new bbsiness get rates irom STRANGE & STRANGE, Agents BRITISH The Work is Better Done by Diamond Dycs And at a Much Smaller Cost. Some people still cling to the old but How exploded idea that garments and wool and cotton fabrics can only be well dyed when they are sent to the rvegillar dyehdnse in the city, Such people should at once give the Diamond Dyes a trial, and they wilt quickly find that these great howe col oring agenis give brighter and more enduring colors at onedourth the cost charged By the dyve-honse, Many letters have come irom ladies testifying to the fact that Diamond Dyes have done work that the profes sional dyer failed to do in proper manner. Try one package of Diamond Dyes, observing the simple directions, and you will be surprised with the Rapyy results, Sond your address to The Wells & Richardson Co., Limited, 200 Moun- tain 8t., Montreal, P.Q., ana you will receive free of cost this season's new designs for the making up of hand: some mais and rugs. A UNIQUE EVENT AT WHIG HALL LAST NIGHT. a Hard-Times Assembly Dinner Served in Pails and Coal Secuttles--An Amusing Event -- The Committee in Charge. The tribe of Fo-Mo Teckinghary, of the Oriental Order of Hmmility, held ite frst annual hard-time pow-wow in the Whig hall last evening. From half past seven until ten o'clock persons who were the street wondered where all the old clothes and painted fucks were coming from. Ai the hall the scene was one of continual lavghter. One could hardly imagine how so many different make ups could come together, and no two of them alike. The commitieemen were agreeably surprised at the great reel which both the ladies and gentle men displayed in arraying them. selves. Promptly at the appointed time the chief guide, led off the grand march, which was an entire new fea ture to Kingstonians, Just before midnight the grand high executioner rendered a cornet solo in excellent manner, and also responded to an encore. At twelve \o'cloek, in response to the ringing of a dinner bell, the "Moon Feast" began, which was a unique affair, The entire tribe retired to the supper room, and were seated at tables without coverings and with only cups and saucers. Then the committee passed each one a par cel with his supper in it. The parcels of baskets, dinner pails, valises, coal scuttles, red band kerchiefs and rat traps. The commit tee also passed coffee The venerable friar rendered a solo in good voice, after supper. The pho- tographerillissimo then took a flash- light photo of the whole group. The musicians were also in hard timé cos time, the violin being nailed in a herring box, The awarding of the priges cansed wmch laughter. The singing of the national anthem brought to a close one of the most enjovable evenings ever spent in Kingston, = The éommittees who in charge, and to whom the success of the whole affair was due, comprised : E. Spencer, J. Williams, A. Blomley, J. W. Hazlett, C A. 8. Da vis and A. Kennedy "Twas on consisted boxes, were Crozier, ASKED FOR EXTRADITION. Albert Gallagher Refuses To Vol- untarily Return To Canada. R. J. Vair and his counsel, T. J. Rigney, returned last evening from Watertown, N.Y., where they attended the preliminary hearing of Albert Gallagher, charged with stealing Mr, Vair's horse, which was brought home by its owner. Gallagher refuses to vtarn to Kingston voluntarily, and Mr. Vair has asked the United States government to grant extradition, and this is likely to be forthcoming with- vut delay, Mr. Vair, naturally, feels resontiul of the treatment accorded him by Kingston officials, "lf my wishes and instructions had been car fied out by Kingston police officials," said Mr. Vair, "Gallagher would have been apprehended at Cape Vincent and I would not have been put to so much expense and trouble. Why," he said, "they actually refused to send a telegram to Cape Vincent for me, and they refused to give me a warrant; when I reached Cape Vin: tent. the first thing 1 was asked for was a warrant, and there | was de layed until such tive cs 1 sent back to Kingston and had one prepared. Then to cap nll the trouble, the gov ernment refuses to ask for Gallagher's extradition; it seems that g citizen of this country eannot get protection here, but the United States officials will do evervthing possible for _ a Canadian in the interests of law and justice. I do not intend to allow this matter to drop and 1 will be heard from when the time comes." ------------ Would Be A Good Scheme. It is to be regretted that the mer chants have not vigorously taken up the proposed merchants' drive. This in the dull season of the year and a icature of that kind might give im petus to friendly relations among the dealers of the city. It can be recalled that a drive, about fifteon years ago, was an admirable conception and availed much in erecting a friendly spirit among the business men. The drive itsell, an those who witnessed it can revall, was a very big event, was e very hilarious event and culminated with a banquet at night, that went far to upset the dullness and to give wot and iuspirstion to business men kr many months to come. And a similar event at this time would cer tainly redound to the benefit of the merchants. The Wisdom Evidenced. The London Advertiser quotes the fact that in the provincial plebiscite of 1594, Kingston gave a majority for it of M48 in the dowinion plebiscite of 1898, Kingston gave a majority of {17 against it, to show the wisdom of premier Ross' course in not at- tempting to enact prohibitory legisla- tion on the showing of either of the plebiscites that have already been taken. The question is, What is the opinion of the people now ? or rather, Vehiat will it be next October in re gard to prohibitory legislation ? Are Exchanging Places. Camien East, Feb. 19.-R. 0. Coult- er Bas received a car of flour and feed from Vinnipeg. %}. Evens, Centreville, was in town last week making pre pavaticns for the storing of ice for the cumming sammer. Mr. Thomson, pro- srivtor of the Queen's hotel here, and Sr. Bear» are exchanging places. Miss Woodeook has tena] Dna after & visit to Toronto, William Wilson has ret rned from Winnipeg, Man., where he | as been for some time. Miss Way, Tamv orth, is at J. Hi ' 3 ---------- Kingston Dogs Win. "The Westminster kennel club dog show, at New York, op vesterday, nd il close on the . There are Regret Expressed At Powers Giv- en To Bishop. The canom of differences included in the bill respecting the Anglican synod of Niagara was read for a third time in the legislature yesterday, but not heford 'several members ou both sides had pxgwessed regret at the arbitrary powers il confers on the bishop. Var ut measures to amend the pumicipal the the assessment and eledtion acts. and city of Toronto's bill clanse regarding electric power, caused brief but somewhat spirited and in teresting discussions, the latter being regarded as the largest proposition vet advanced in municipal ownership was nade oun including Considerable the Mr the ing progress estimates Carscallen (Hamilton) moved third reading of his Lill respect the syr of the diocese of Ni Pense (Kingston) expressed dis approval of the bill. He pointed out that one clause gives the bishop of the diocese power to send a commit tee of three into any parish where there is a disagreement between a clergyman and his people, and wpon the report of two of the committee a clergyman may be removed pended. This canon, he understood had been unanimously approved of hy the synod. Nevertheless he felt hound to protest against it as some thing not fair, and as setting a bad precedent. He preferred the present system. It oftened happened that the congregation was in the wrong in these disagreements, but no provision was made as {o punishing them, He would have protested" against the menses ere this had he been a mem bir of the house ~Hon Mr. Harcourt defended the Lill, Mr. Gibson opposed it and Mr. Pense conchided by saying the measure was not one as to changes in church legis lation, but was a hill penalyying cler gvmen. When a clergyman was remoy ed or suspended from his charge under the measure it wonld greatly his chances of receiving a call to an other parish. As the synod had unani mously approved of the measure, he greed that it should not be rejected by the house, having been allowed.to go so far. The hill was given its third reading. The railway committee of the legis lature this morning granted a charter to the Petrolea rapid transit railway which to build a large tem in Lambton county or sus lessen proposes SVs Revolution In Assessment. Abalition of al property, tocks and machinery Substitution taxation of all including person mercantile manufacturing plant and therefor of a tax on the rental values of premises occupied by traders, manufacturer and mercantile 'houses, privat ers and brokers excepted Taxation of all other persons than those above mentioned, including pri vate bankers and brokers, by indirect method upon all income above $1,000 vearly. This taxation to be in propor tion to the rental value of the pre Mises occupied for the purposes their business, an exemption, how ever, to be granted equivalent to an income exemption of $1,000, In cases where the income of such parsons is more than 34,000 a year, a direct tax upon any income over that amount to be levied. Incomes from investment are taxed directly, subject to exemptions, The imposition of a honse tax upon all owners and occupiers of houses as dwellings, based - upon the rental value of the premises. This gve tem provides, in effeqt, for the lov Symi in future of an income tax, not "ai rectly upon income, but upon the rési dence of persons so assessed. Railway lands and buildings to be vajued in the same fashion as those of private 'individuals, Franchise-holding corporations, such as street railways, telephone and tele graph companies, and others making use of the highways in their business to be assessed for this right to use the land. This tax to take the place of taxes on gross receipts, and the right of use, as well as the struc tures on the public highways, that is, poles, rails, wires, ete. at the actual value, Appointment of a provincial of assessment for certain corporations. which shall "eollect thé taxation, and distribute it among the municipali ties affected. The above are the principal recom mendations contained in the final re port the Ontario assessment com mission, which was presented to the legislature last night. This is the re sult of an exhaustive inquiry, covering some gix weeks in the latter part of 1900, at which scores of expert wit nesses were examined, covering every phase of the subject. y financiers bank ol used public to be assessed board of RICH NICKEL DEPOSITS. Mine Discovered Near Enterprise-- A Valugple Find. Alexander M. Chisholm returned this morning from his mine, recently open ed near Enterprise. The richness of this deposit has been a great surprise It has been found to be rich in nickel, carrying that valnable mineral in pay ing quantities. An expert has declared that if the ore further down is as rich as that near the top, the deposit will outvalue the famous Sudbury nickel mines, The ore has been found to contain, 'also, a good percentage of molybdenite. So far the ore has been mined "toa depth of about ff teen feet, by forty feet wide, and it shows no end of dindinishing. It has heen traced over a space averaging ten acres, so that the supply seets to be limitless. Mr. Chisholm is a keen miner, who has done much to develop the mines and mining interests of Frontenac Besides the mine mentioned in the foregoing, he is opening two others, at Kaladar and Clarendon respective ly, each rich in hematite. : For Ten Days. we begin our an- nual tweed soit to order your choice of Seotch, English and Cana- dian tweeds for $16. Spot cash. Liv ingston. Bros, - Saturday, February 22nd. Speial sale of all our immense stock of boots, shoes, trunks and kali at cost for ome duy, only at Saturday » PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, The Spice of Every Day Life-- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At tention. Mise Rdith visiting friends wks, has returoed home Lrawlord, cutter purch Alexander Leader, Barrie stmeet, in Toronto for some Livings the bank O'Brien, tail or , has reed Nmmidian, anid Halifax, for at Moville teamer NEB, arrived on i hursiay A serious outbreak of small-pox has been located at hunber camps and In and on the shore reserves enst Winnipeg L. Burrage, aad Mrs Burrage, Newark, N.J., and Miss Sherwood, New York, arrived to-day the Sherwood-Sears wed dian of HS Robert to attend fing by hospitals Chamberlain, inspec of jails, and other institutions in as in the city toylay pay dag, visit to local instatu fintario, Ons It has been decided to hold a core nation service In Christ church cathe tral, Montreal, on June 206th, simul taneously with the great ceremony in London. C. H. Corbett leit this afternoon for: New York, Thence he goes to Ne wark, N.J,, to act as judge of beagles at the New Jersey kennel association bench show. An ying K., & P. train this morning met with a slight accident at Knight's siding, by reason of a brok en track. An auxiliary train reniedi ed the breakage To-morrow mn the bicvele clob hockey team the Na championship will go, o Picton of Dr. and will regret hear of of their little daughter resulted from diphtheria at ' Montreal. J. P'Reilly, burned out at Holle ond Saturday, has removed to He is the county license and communications his new address tton, son of Col, Cot in the city visiting just returned from Eritories, might Napanee wals can defeat Mrs to Holden, mn ford Sydenhal inspector? ent him { Mylex P Ottawa friends He the north west engaged in railrg Charles Endsor man committed smith mind astra ters. He will be pl J. J. O'Reilly, pector, whose can be ton, is where he is construction. the young English jail from, Harrow uoged insane, His mm religious mat has been went »d in the asylum unty license in ¢ at Holleford recently, hag dwe vas destroved by his face attempting hands bad! his books a and to save pers Halifax, the f dry the that in the It is expected by dock-yard Crescent February 27th. She will be ac ied from Bermuda by the or one of the other ships of the fle Mrs. John Henderson, who atriv esterday froin Jamaica, brought her. a specimen of the pig = grown on Mr. Smeeton's estate weighing fifteen and one half ix on exhibition in We, Hiscock's From this pinary bhetweon and four hundred are eut The wives' le social in artillery park ba evening The attendance wa and a sociable . evening wa spent. The programme farnished was an ine teresting one, These gatherings are held for the purpose of keeping th soldiers' wives' together At the residence of Me. Barrie, on Tuesday, his nig Annie V. Lawrence, wa marriage to W. E. Jar The ceremony was perfor I. Legette, of Kingston law of the groom. After they left on a trip to t Capt. Scott enchre on principle, among *'¢ their lack usually pla officials will dow, soldiers' 1 says 1 bu down town and wvsten We of the notices fit COMPAnY, don't hurt me,' vin "for vou know the thettity bov, who thinks he Kn all. 1 let him eling to his idol and ' A CHEST OF DRAWERS Which a Good Lady Wore To The Church. The death of Rev. Dr. Newman Hall, of London, England, recalls an incid in his early winistry which ha beén related to us by a Kingstonian, who had frequently heard the eminent Congregationalist In his early life, when a struggling pastor of a Lon Todd < ongregation, he early manifested the eccentricities for which he after wards became noted. Money in those days was guite scarce and himself and wife eked along as economically as As Easter approached one vehr, a quiet christian conflict arose between the pair as to the purchase of meeded articles. Mr. Newman strongly insisted upon purchase of a bureau, or, ad is known in Loudon, a thest of drawers, while his wife was as strongly in favor of a new bownet. After long debating the question the man--as is usually the case--submit- ted and {Hh bonnet was purchased, The following Sanday Mr. Hall began the service in his church and the com gregation: was about to rise to sing a hymn he had read, when Mrs. Hall appeared at the church door in her new headgear, AL the sight of thie Mr. Hall raised his hand. and said to his congregation, " Yon will please remain perfectly still: Mrs. Hall is now coming down the a with a chest ® drawers on head." OF course the listeners A ent possible and considerably however, was quiet laughing and ally a peal of it. After the singing o to be so long comtinmed, 4 re Newman found it necessary ---- the davan of biz mistifving ap the arrival of Mrs. Hall. J | expected that Mr. Hall on home sent a very unp of an howr, hecanse + vance to her seat was very fushed face. ! organ Philasdokia, Rev, Pawick J. KS the Roman Cathe Philadelphia, was th merons eongratualation occasion of his sevemts The anniversary was fol ed by the celebration of § of thanksgiving in the eal morning, Few persons, outside of the clerical circles, were. aware of archbishop's age, as be is hale : hearty and has not & gray hac | head. He was bora in 153, Thurles, Tipperary county, I aud attended a private school at n until he was sixtesh 0 then entered Carlow college, received his ecclesiastical Sean was ordained sub-deacon. In left Ireland for this eountey came connected with the areh of St. Louie. At the age of 2 one he was appointed professer of Ene whish literature at the Carondelet se: winary and ordained deacon with the | privilege of preaching in St. is cathedral. On September Sth, 15354, he was ordained priest and made ase mstant pastor of the cathedral, which position he filled until 1556, whi be! became its rector, 'In 1560, he was transferred to the - Annmelation church, St. Louis, where he remained for twelve years, acting also during the civil war as chaplain of a mils tary hospital and prison, He was ton- coadjutor bishop of St. in 1872, and while visiting Rome in 138, was given the honor ary title of "archbishop of Salamina™ by pope Leo XIII Op June Sth, 1884, archbishop Ryan was removed fram Louis to this city as sasoessorof the late archbishop Wood. secrated Louis St Moving From Glenvale. Glonvale, Feb, 15.8. H. Alport and David Smith have started to move, the former to Florida and the latter to Elginburg The parlor social at Mrs was well attended on Tuesday evening A number of 'our voung people attended the Hornerife meeting at Elginburg on Sunday even: ing. H. C. Orser and Joseph Ward, with pneumonia, are improving Visitor: Dr. Gordon, Cape , and Miss Gordon, Cataraqui, at J. Gordon's; Richard Ellerbed Harrowsmith, at J. D. Ellerbeg Harold Orser, Kingston, at hog Orser's il dowly \ Chaffey's Lock Loe Chafley's Locks, Feb. 18 d is confined to bed, Hl Simmons is recovering vere illness. "The atten ie very small. A nu funeral of Thoma ville, on Saturday Flaming, Foster's here, George BH ily rs 5 ng and J liver is very fhange of temperature, and ovVer-ddting, and '» € mote pains and aches than of the body. It is of the liver to filter from 4 the poisonous bile, which it} to the intestines to act as thartic. One of the first sluggish, congested liver Hoe tion, alternating with bowels and what ie bilionsmess. Bitter taste in the omplexion, a coated hegdaches, pain undex {ulness in right side, d jer, peevishness spirits are indication er. The remarkable Dr. Chase's Kidney L gulating the action of] neys and bowels . us a treaument fo these drgans. The who are not more bilibusness in the wore or less con end so rendered temperature. Meat ficial foods of wi make the liver slag inactive and the boo The prompiness | Chase's Kidney-Liver action of the 0 co quite on the qui vive over the maithed non-plussed; thes «a the first hymn, the merriment seemed Hi

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